Package: ImageFFT Filed on [Indigo]<PostCedar5.2>Documentation>ImageFFTDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Plass
Date: July 3, 1984 3:35:15 pm PDT
DF file: [Indigo]<PostCedar5.2>Top>ImageFFT.df
Purpose: Client package for 2 dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (forword and reverse), intended for image-processing applications. A simple commandTool user interface is also provided.
Public interface:
Executive commands:
ClipAIS output ← input <skipLines> <skipDots> <lineCount> <dotCount>
clips a sampled image to the specified dimensions. There are probably more user-friendly ways to do this. "output" and "input" are AIS file names (including extensions).
FFTFilter output ← input <params1> filter1 <params2> filter2 . . .
Applies the specified filters (see below) to the input AIS file to obtain the output AIS file.
FFTShow input <params1> filter1 <params2> filter2 . . .
Displays the log intensity of the FFT of the input AIS file on the color display (ignoring Viewers!), after the specified filters are applied.
The following spectral filters may be used with the commands above:
<size> SquareLowPass
a square-shaped low-pass filter
<x> <y> <radius> <m> Spot
scales fuzzy spot around [x, y] by the factor m
<innerRadius> <outerRadius> <edgeFuzz> <m> BandBoost
scales annulus centered on the origin by m
All the filters are applied symmetically in the four quadrants. The values in the frequency domain are in units such that half of the sampling frequency corresponds to a value of 1.0.
ClipAIS y.ais ← [pixel]<images>bighumber.ais 150 1060 256 256
FFTFilter yy.ais ← y.ais 0.5 0.5 0.05 0.05 Spot .9 20 .1 0 BandBoost .95 20 .1 0 BandBoost
The FFT program works on square images whose size (height & width) is a power of two. Images that do not conform to this are automatically padded out to the next larger legal size; note that this may result in a lot of wasted space. The largest size tested was 512 square, which takes several minutes. On a machine with four megawords of real memory it might be possible to go to 1024 square, but it would take awhile. It is advisable to experiment with a small patch of the image (say 128 square) to find the appropriate filter before doing the whole thing.