Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Russ Atkinson, November 7, 1984 10:34:56 pm PST
Doug Wyatt, November 26, 1984 1:39:14 pm PST
CommandToolFix implements the Cedar5.3 version of many CommandTool commands. Various new commands have been added, and numerous old bugs have been fixed. CommandToolFix is provided as a means for gathering early commants about bugs, features, etc. To acquire and run these new commands, use:
bringover -p /Indigo/PostCedar5.2/Top/CommandToolFix.df
run CommandToolFix
The Open and Openr commands have been made much more like the Tioga Get button. The main difference is that openr will not get a local file, but will instead look in the version map for the proper long name. So the command
Openr OpenRCommandsImpl.OpenCommand
will open the released version of OpenRCommandsImpl.mesa and scroll to the definition of OpenCommand. Findr is like Openr, but reports all of the matches, rather than just opening the most recent named file.
KillExcessVersions can be used to prune back excess versions (more than 1) in the FS directory. For example:
KillExcessVersions *.mesa
will delete all but the highest version of *.mesa (relative to the current directory). No confirmation is required. The argument defaults to *.
CacheKillExcessVersions can be used to prune back excess versions (more than 1) in the FS cache. Although it can take a pattern as an argument, it is safe and effective enough to use without an argument (defaults to *), as in:
The Cdr command is like the cd command, but is relative to the root directory, so the following two commands are equivalent:
Cdr foo -- changes working dir to ///foo
Cd ///foo
The Pushr command is like the push command, but is relative to the root directory, so the following two commands are equivalent:
Pushr foo
Push ///foo
The List command has been completely rewritten. The distinction between * and ** has been eliminated. Here is the proposed documentation:
name List:, LS:
List {switch | pattern}*
Switches (case not important)
~ negates the sense of the following switch
A prints Attachments (← false)
B inhibits printing of size and create date (← false)
D sorts files by create Date (← no sort)
F forces Full file name printing (← false)
K prints Keep information (← false)
N forces Narrow printing (size and date on separate line) (← false)
O forces printing to One line where reasonable (← false)
P prints only Prefixes (directories) (← false)
R forces Remote checking (← false)
S sorts files by Size in bytes (← no sort)
U prints only Unattached files (← false)
X eXact level match (causes "*" to not match ">") (← false)
> causes sorting by most recent first for dates, largest first for sizes (default)
< causes sorting by least recent first for dates, smallest first for sizes
Switches can appear anywhere within a command line. Their effect is cumulative within the command.
List -U prints only those files which are not FS attachments and which consequently are not backed up anywhere. List -u ///* is a good way to get a list of all such files. List -u ///*!H is probably most helpful, since only the most recent files are of particular interest.
The user can tailor the default switches for List by the user profile. As an example, to default the F and R switches to true, use:
ListCommand.DefaultSwitches: fr
The list command prints names and possibly information about files in the FS directory system. It is a user interface for the FS.EnumerateForInfo and FS.EnumerateForNames calls.
List works for both local and remote patterns.
List works in the current working directory if a pattern is not a full path.
List works with both / and [ style filenames.
If a pattern given to List is a directory name, (ends with a '/ or '>) then a '* is appended.
% list ///Compiler.log
[]<>Compiler.log!212 237 11-Jul-84 20:39:07 PDT
-- 1 files, 237 total bytes
% list -f ///Compiler.*
[]<>Compiler.bcd!3 294400 16-May-84 19:47:10 PDT
[]<>Compiler.config!1 3064 25-Jan-84 12:49:23 PST
[]<>Compiler.df!6 17634 30-May-84 10:40:40 PDT
[]<>Compiler.load!2 78 21-Nov-83 14:55:08 PST
[]<>Compiler.log!212 237 11-Jul-84 20:39:07 PDT
-- 5 files, 315413 total bytes
% list -bfo ///Compiler.log
[]<>Compiler.bcd!3 []<>Compiler.config!1 []<>Compiler.df!7 []<>Compiler.load!2
-- 4 files
% list -n ///Compiler.* -d ///Compiler.*
Compiler.bcd!3 294400 16-May-84 19:47:10 PDT
Compiler.config!1 3064 25-Jan-84 12:49:23 PST
Compiler.df!6 17634 30-May-84 10:40:40 PDT
Compiler.load!2 78 21-Nov-83 14:55:08 PST
Compiler.log!212 237 11-Jul-84 20:39:07 PDT
Compiler.log!212 237 11-Jul-84 20:39:07 PDT
Compiler.df!6 17634 30-May-84 10:40:40 PDT
Compiler.bcd!3 294400 16-May-84 19:47:10 PDT
Compiler.config!1 3064 25-Jan-84 12:49:23 PST
Compiler.load!2 78 21-Nov-83 14:55:08 PST
-- 10 files, 630826 total bytes