Written by Darlene Plebon on June 24, 1983 11:14 am
Last Edited by: Stone, April 9, 1985 5:31:27 pm PST
Last Edited by: Beach, April 1, 1984 6:00:29 pm PST
Buttons USING [Button, ButtonProc, Create],
ChoiceButtons USING [BuildEnumTypeSelection, ButtonList, EnumTypeRef, GetSelectedButton, SelectionNotifierProc, UpdateChoiceButtons],
CNSColor USING [CSLToCNS, CNSToCSL, CSLChroma, CSLLightness, CSLSaturation, CSLToHSL, HSLToCSL, medium, red, vivid],
ColorMap USING [GetIndex, SetRGBColor],
Containers USING [Container, Create],
Convert USING [RealFromRope],
Graphics USING [Box, Context, DrawBox, GetBounds, SetColor],
GraphicsBasic USING [Color],
GraphicsColor USING [RGBToColor, red, green, blue],
IO USING [PutFR, real],
Menus USING [Menu],
MessageWindow USING [Append],
Rope USING [Equal, ROPE],
Sliders USING [Create, SetContents, SliderProc, sliderGray],
Commander USING [CommandProc, Register],
VFonts USING [CharWidth],
ViewerClasses USING [Column, PaintProc, Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec, DestroyProc],
ViewerOps USING [CreateViewer, PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass, SetOpenHeight ],
ViewerTools USING [MakeNewTextViewer, GetContents, SetContents],
WindowManager USING [colorDisplayOn, ScreenPos, StartColorViewers, StopColorViewers];
ColorToolViewerImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS Buttons, ChoiceButtons, CIEViewer, CNSColor, ColorMap, Commander, Containers, Convert, Graphics, GraphicsColor, IO, MessageWindow, CGColorWithCIE, Rope, Sliders, UserProfile, VFonts, ViewerOps, ViewerTools, WindowManager
EXPORTS ColorToolViewer =
entryHeight: CARDINAL = 15;  -- how tall to make each line of text items
entryVSpace: CARDINAL = 8;   -- vertical leading space between lines
entryHSpace: CARDINAL = 10;   -- horizontal space between items in a line
columnSpacing: INTEGER = 20; -- space between columns
sliderWidth: CARDINAL = 20;  -- width of all sliders in color tool
sliderHeight: CARDINAL = 102;  -- height of all sliders in color tool
initialRed: REAL = 0.75;    -- initial color values for color patch
initialGreen: REAL = 0.75;
initialBlue: REAL = 0.2;
SixViewers: TYPE=RECORD[text1, text2, text3, slider1, slider2, slider3: ViewerClasses.Viewer];
--hack to avoid an unsafe return
lastHandle: Handle ← NIL;  --so the viewer can be manipulated by a program
Handle: TYPE = REF ColorToolRec;
ColorToolRec: TYPE = RECORD [
outer: Containers.Container ← NIL, -- handle for the enclosing container
height: CARDINAL ← 0,     -- height measured from the top of the container
height2: CARDINAL ← 0,    -- height of second column from top of the container
rgb: RGBViewer,      -- the RGB viewer's state
hsv: HSVViewer,      -- the HSV viewer's state
hsl: HSLViewer,       -- the HSL viewer's state
cns: CNSViewer,       -- the CNS viewer's state
colorPatch: ColorPatchViewer,   -- the color patch viewer's state
cie: CIEViewer.Viewer     -- the CIE Viewer (a REF not a RECORD)
GetRGBValue: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [red,green,blue: REAL] = {
data: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
RETURN[red: data.rgbR, green: data.rgbG, blue: data.rgbB];
GetCSLValue: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[cslChroma: CNSColor.CSLChroma, cslSaturation: CNSColor.CSLSaturation, cslLightness: CNSColor.CSLLightness] = {
data: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
RETURN[cslChroma: data.cslC, cslSaturation: data.cslS, cslLightness: data.cslL];
SetRGBValue: PUBLIC PROC [red,green,blue: REAL] = {
UpdateColorViewers[handle: lastHandle, color: [rgb[red,green,blue]]];
SetCSLValue: PUBLIC PROC [cslChroma: CNSColor.CSLChroma, cslSaturation: CNSColor.CSLSaturation, cslLightness: CNSColor.CSLLightness] = {
UpdateColorViewers[handle: lastHandle, color: [csl[cslChroma, cslSaturation, cslLightness]]];
MakeColorTool: Commander.CommandProc = {
my: Handle ← NEW[ColorToolRec];
column: ViewerClasses.Column ← color;
IF WindowManager.colorDisplayOn = FALSE THEN column ← left;
my.outer ← Containers.Create[ [
name: "Color Tool",
iconic: FALSE,
column: column,
scrollable: FALSE ] ];
ViewerOps.SetOpenHeight[my.outer, my.height];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: my, color: [rgb[initialRed, initialGreen, initialBlue]]];
lastHandle ← my;
ComputeFromCIE: CIEViewer.CIEProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [cie[x,y,Y]]];
MakeCIEViewer: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
handle.cie ← CIEViewer.Create[
info: [name: "ColorToolCIE"],
sliderWidth: sliderWidth,
sliderHeight: 2*sliderHeight,
clientData: handle,
proc: ComputeFromCIE,
maxY: 1,
initR: initialRed,
initG: initialGreen,
initB: initialBlue ];
redText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
greenText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
blueText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
redSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
greenSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
blueSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL
MakeRGB: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
[handle.rgb.redText, handle.rgb.greenText, handle.rgb.blueText, handle.rgb.redSlider, handle.rgb.greenSlider, handle.rgb.blueSlider] ← MakeColorSchemeViewer[
handle: handle,
name: "RGB",
buttonProc: ComputeFromRGB,
sliderProc1: RedSliderUpdate,
sliderProc2: GreenSliderUpdate,
sliderProc3: BlueSliderUpdate,
hueText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
saturationText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
valueText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
hueSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
saturationSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
valueSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL
MakeHSV: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
[handle.hsv.hueText, handle.hsv.saturationText, handle.hsv.valueText, handle.hsv.hueSlider, handle.hsv.saturationSlider, handle.hsv.valueSlider] ← MakeColorSchemeViewer[
handle: handle,
name: "HSV",
buttonProc: ComputeFromHSV,
sliderProc1: HueSliderUpdate,
sliderProc2: SaturationSliderUpdate,
sliderProc3: ValueSliderUpdate
hueText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
saturationText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
lightnessText: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
hueSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
saturationSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
lightnessSlider: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL
MakeHSL: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
[handle.hsl.hueText, handle.hsl.saturationText, handle.hsl.lightnessText, handle.hsl.hueSlider, handle.hsl.saturationSlider, handle.hsl.lightnessSlider] ← MakeColorSchemeViewer[
handle: handle,
name: "HSL",
buttonProc: ComputeFromHSL,
sliderProc1: HSLHueSliderUpdate,
sliderProc2: HSLSaturationSliderUpdate,
sliderProc3: HSLLightnessSliderUpdate
MakeColorSchemeViewer: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, name: Rope.ROPE, buttonProc: Buttons.ButtonProc, sliderProc1, sliderProc2, sliderProc3: Sliders.SliderProc, color1, color2, color3: GraphicsBasic.Color ← Sliders.sliderGray] RETURNS [ret: REF SixViewers] = {
valueEntryWidth: CARDINAL = 8 * VFonts.CharWidth['0]; -- eight digits worth of width
button: Buttons.Button;
ret ← NEW[SixViewers];
handle.height ← handle.height + entryVSpace;
button ← Buttons.Create[
info: [
name: name,
wy: handle.height,
wh: entryHeight,
parent: handle.outer,
border: TRUE ],
clientData: handle,
proc: buttonProc ];
ret.text1 ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[ [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: button.wx + button.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height+2,
ww: valueEntryWidth,
wh: entryHeight,
data: " ",
scrollable: FALSE,
border: FALSE ] ];
ret.text2 ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[ [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: ret.text1.wx + ret.text1.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height+2,
ww: valueEntryWidth,
wh: entryHeight,
data: " ",
scrollable: FALSE,
border: FALSE ] ];
ret.text3 ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[ [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: ret.text2.wx + ret.text2.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height+2,
ww: valueEntryWidth,
wh: entryHeight,
data: " ",
scrollable: FALSE,
border: FALSE ] ];
handle.height ← handle.height + entryHeight + entryVSpace;
ret.slider1 ← Sliders.Create[
info: [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: button.wx + button.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height,
ww: sliderWidth,
wh: sliderHeight
foreground: color1,
clientData: handle,
sliderProc: sliderProc1
ret.slider2 ← Sliders.Create[
info: [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: ret.text1.wx + ret.text1.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height,
ww: sliderWidth,
wh: sliderHeight
foreground: color2,
clientData: handle,
sliderProc: sliderProc2
ret.slider3 ← Sliders.Create[
info: [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: ret.text2.wx + ret.text2.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height,
ww: sliderWidth,
wh: sliderHeight
foreground: color3,
clientData: handle,
sliderProc: sliderProc3
handle.height ← handle.height + sliderHeight + entryVSpace;
The color naming scheme.
CNSHues: ChoiceButtons.ButtonList ← LIST[
"Red", "OrangishRed", "RedOrange", "ReddishOrange",
"Orange", "YellowishOrange", "OrangeYellow", "OrangishYellow",
"Yellow", "GreenishYellow", "YellowGreen", "YellowishGreen",
"Green", "BluishGreen", "GreenBlue", "GreenishBlue",
"Blue", "PurplishBlue", "BluePurple", "BluishPurple",
"Purple", "ReddishPurple", "PurpleRed", "PurplishRed",
"BrownishRed", "RedBrown", "ReddishBrown",
"Brown", "YellowishBrown", "BrownYellow", "BrownishYellow",
"Black", "Gray", "White"
CNSLightnesses: ChoiceButtons.ButtonList ← LIST[
"VeryDark", "Dark", "Medium", "Light", "VeryLight"
CNSSaturations: ChoiceButtons.ButtonList ← LIST[
"Grayish", "Moderate", "Strong", "Vivid"
saturationChoices: ChoiceButtons.EnumTypeRef,
lightnessChoices: ChoiceButtons.EnumTypeRef,
hueChoices: ChoiceButtons.EnumTypeRef
MakeCNS: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
maxWidth: CARDINAL = 625;
button: Buttons.Button;
handle.height2 ← handle.height2 + entryVSpace;
button ← Buttons.Create[
info: [
name: "CNS",
wx: handle.rgb.blueText.wx + handle.rgb.blueText.ww + columnSpacing,
wy: handle.height2,
wh: entryHeight,
parent: handle.outer,
border: TRUE ],
clientData: handle,
proc: ComputeFromCNS ];
handle.cns.saturationChoices ← ChoiceButtons.BuildEnumTypeSelection[
viewer: handle.outer,
x: button.wx + button.ww + entryHSpace,
y: handle.height2,
title: "Saturation:",
buttonNames: CNSSaturations,
default: "Vivid",
borderOnButtons: FALSE,
notifyClientProc: CNSSaturationUpdate,
clientdata: handle,
style: menuSelection,
allInOneRow: TRUE ];
handle.height2 ← handle.height2 + entryHeight;
handle.cns.lightnessChoices ← ChoiceButtons.BuildEnumTypeSelection[
viewer: handle.outer,
x: button.wx + button.ww + entryHSpace,
y: handle.height2,
title: "Lightness:",
buttonNames: CNSLightnesses,
default: "Medium",
borderOnButtons: FALSE,
notifyClientProc: CNSLightnessUpdate,
clientdata: handle,
style: menuSelection,
allInOneRow: TRUE ];
handle.height2 ← handle.height2 + entryHeight;
handle.cns.hueChoices ← ChoiceButtons.BuildEnumTypeSelection[
viewer: handle.outer,
x: button.wx + button.ww + entryHSpace,
y: handle.height2,
title: "Hue:",
buttonNames: CNSHues,
borderOnButtons: FALSE,
notifyClientProc: CNSHueUpdate,
clientdata: handle,
style: menuSelection,
allInOneRow: FALSE,
maxWidth: maxWidth ];
handle.height2 ← handle.height2 + 8*entryHeight + entryVSpace;
The color patch reflecting the currently selected color.
ColorPatchViewer: TYPE = RECORD [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL];
ColorPatchData: TYPE = REF ColorPatchDataRec;
ColorPatchDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [
index: CARDINAL ← 51,  -- color map index
hasWrongIndex: BOOLEANTRUE,
rgbR: REAL ← 1.0,
rgbG: REAL ← 1.0,
rgbB: REAL ← 0.0,
hsvH: REAL ← 0.0,
hsvS: REAL ← 0.0,
hsvV: REAL ← 0.0,
hslH: REAL ← 0.0,
hslS: REAL ← 0.0,
hslL: REAL ← 0.0,
xCIE: REAL ← 0.0,
yCIE: REAL ← 0.0,
cslC: CNSColor.CSLChroma ←,
cslS: CNSColor.CSLSaturation ← CNSColor.vivid,
cslL: CNSColor.CSLLightness ← CNSColor.medium
MakeColorPatch: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
height: INTEGER = 50;
width: INTEGER ← 400;
instanceData: ColorPatchData ← NEW[ColorPatchDataRec];
handle.height2 ← handle.height2 + entryVSpace;
handle.colorPatch.viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[
flavor: $ColorPatch,
info: [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: handle.rgb.blueText.wx + handle.rgb.blueText.ww + columnSpacing,
wy: handle.height2,
ww: width,
wh: height,
data: instanceData,
scrollable: FALSE]
handle.height2 ← handle.height2 + height + entryVSpace;
PaintColorPatch: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = {
box: Graphics.Box ← Graphics.GetBounds[context];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
color: GraphicsBasic.Color ← GraphicsColor.RGBToColor[r: patchData.rgbR, g: patchData.rgbG, b: patchData.rgbB];
ColorMap.SetRGBColor[index: patchData.index, r: patchData.rgbR, g: patchData.rgbG, b: patchData.rgbB];
Repaint the color patch only if Viewers cleared it or
last time we had the wrong color map index
IF clear OR patchData.hasWrongIndex THEN {
patchData.hasWrongIndex ←
ColorMap.GetIndex[r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b] # patchData.index;
Graphics.SetColor[context, color];
Graphics.DrawBox[context, box];
DestroyColorPatch: ViewerClasses.DestroyProc = {};
MakeOnOffButtons: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] = {
onButton, offButton: Buttons.Button;
handle.height ← handle.height + entryVSpace;
onButton ← Buttons.Create[
info: [
name: "Color On",
wy: handle.height,
wh: entryHeight,
parent: handle.outer,
border: TRUE ],
clientData: handle,
proc: TurnOnColorDisplay ];
offButton ← Buttons.Create[
info: [
name: "Color Off",
wy: handle.height,
wx: onButton.wx + onButton.ww + entryHSpace,
wh: entryHeight,
parent: handle.outer,
border: TRUE ],
clientData: handle,
proc: TurnOffColorDisplay ];
handle.height ← handle.height + entryHeight + entryVSpace;
TurnOnColorDisplay: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
IF WindowManager.colorDisplayOn = FALSE THEN {
sideToken: Rope.ROPE ~ UserProfile.Token["ColorDisplay.Side", "left"];
bppToken: Rope.ROPE ~ UserProfile.Token["ColorDisplay.BitsPerPoint", "8"];
sideToken.Equal["left"] => left,
sideToken.Equal["right"] => right,
ENDCASE => left,
bppToken.Equal["1"] => 1,
bppToken.Equal["2"] => 2,
bppToken.Equal["4"] => 4,
bppToken.Equal["8"] => 8,
bppToken.Equal["24"] => 24,
ENDCASE => 8];
ColorMap.SetRGBColor[index: 1, r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0]
TurnOffColorDisplay: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
ComputeFromRGB: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
redValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.rgb.redText]];
greenValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.rgb.greenText]];
blueValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.rgb.blueText]];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [rgb[redValue, greenValue, blueValue]]];
RedSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [rgb[value, patchData.rgbG, patchData.rgbB]]];
GreenSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [rgb[patchData.rgbR, value, patchData.rgbB]]];
BlueSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [rgb[patchData.rgbR, patchData.rgbG, value]]];
ComputeFromHSV: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
hueContents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.hsv.hueText];
saturationContents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.hsv.saturationText];
valueContents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.hsv.valueText];
hueValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[hueContents];
saturationValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[saturationContents];
valueValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[valueContents];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsv[hueValue, saturationValue, valueValue]]];
HueSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsv[value, patchData.hsvS, patchData.hsvV]]];
SaturationSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsv[patchData.hsvH, value, patchData.hsvV]]];
ValueSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsv[patchData.hsvH, patchData.hsvS, value]]];
ComputeFromHSL: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
hueContents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.hsl.hueText];
saturationContents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.hsl.saturationText];
lightnessContents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.hsl.lightnessText];
hueValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[hueContents];
saturationValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[saturationContents];
lightnessValue: REAL ← GetColorValue[lightnessContents];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsv[hueValue, saturationValue, lightnessValue]]];
HSLHueSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsl[value, patchData.hslS, patchData.hslL]]];
HSLSaturationSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsl[patchData.hslH, value, patchData.hslL]]];
HSLLightnessSliderUpdate: Sliders.SliderProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [hsl[patchData.hslH, patchData.hslS, value]]];
GetColorValue: PROCEDURE [rope: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [value: REAL] = {
value ← Convert.RealFromRope[rope];
IF value > 1.0 OR value < 0.0 THEN {
MessageWindow.Append[message: "Invalid value ", clearFirst: TRUE];
MessageWindow.Append[message: rope, clearFirst: FALSE];
value ← 1.0;
ComputeFromCNS: Buttons.ButtonProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData];
c: CNSColor.CSLChroma;
s: CNSColor.CSLSaturation;
l: CNSColor.CSLLightness;
hue: Rope.ROPE ← ChoiceButtons.GetSelectedButton[handle.cns.hueChoices];
saturation: Rope.ROPE ← ChoiceButtons.GetSelectedButton[handle.cns.saturationChoices];
lightness: Rope.ROPE ← ChoiceButtons.GetSelectedButton[handle.cns.lightnessChoices];
[c, s, l] ← CNSColor.CNSToCSL[hue, saturation, lightness];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [csl[c, s, l]]];
CNSHueUpdate: ChoiceButtons.SelectionNotifierProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientdata];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
hue, saturation, lightness: Rope.ROPE;
c: CNSColor.CSLChroma;
s: CNSColor.CSLSaturation;
l: CNSColor.CSLLightness;
[hue, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.CSLToCNS[patchData.cslC, patchData.cslS, patchData.cslL];
[c, s, l] ← CNSColor.CNSToCSL[ name, saturation, lightness];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [csl[c, s, l]]];
CNSSaturationUpdate: ChoiceButtons.SelectionNotifierProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientdata];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
hue, saturation, lightness: Rope.ROPE;
c: CNSColor.CSLChroma;
s: CNSColor.CSLSaturation;
l: CNSColor.CSLLightness;
[hue, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.CSLToCNS[patchData.cslC, patchData.cslS, patchData.cslL];
[c, s, l] ← CNSColor.CNSToCSL[ hue, name, lightness];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [csl[c, s, l]]];
CNSLightnessUpdate: ChoiceButtons.SelectionNotifierProc = {
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientdata];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
hue, saturation, lightness: Rope.ROPE;
c: CNSColor.CSLChroma;
s: CNSColor.CSLSaturation;
l: CNSColor.CSLLightness;
[hue, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.CSLToCNS[patchData.cslC, patchData.cslS, patchData.cslL];
[c, s, l] ← CNSColor.CNSToCSL[ hue, saturation, name];
UpdateColorViewers[handle: handle, color: [csl[c, s, l]]];
ColorSpecification: TYPE = RECORD [
color: SELECT type: ColorType FROM
hsv => [h, s, v: REAL],
hsl => [h, s, l: REAL],
rgb => [r, g, b: REAL],
cie => [x, y, Y: REAL],
csl => [c: CNSColor.CSLChroma, s: CNSColor.CSLSaturation, l: CNSColor.CSLLightness],
ColorType: TYPE = {hsv, rgb, csl, hsl, cie};
UpdateColorViewers: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, color: ColorSpecification] RETURNS [] = {
UpdateColorValue: PROCEDURE [oldValue, newValue: REAL, textViewer, sliderViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer] RETURNS [new: REAL] = {
IF newValue=CGColorWithCIE.undefined THEN RETURN[oldValue];
IF newValue # oldValue THEN {
ViewerTools.SetContents[viewer: textViewer, contents: IO.PutFR["%-5f", IO.real[newValue]]];
Sliders.SetContents[slider: sliderViewer, contents: newValue];
patchData: ColorPatchData ← NARROW[];
h, s, v: REAL;
r, g, b: REAL;
hl,sl,l: REAL;
chroma: CNSColor.CSLChroma;
saturation: CNSColor.CSLSaturation;
lightness: CNSColor.CSLLightness;
cnsHue, cnsSaturation, cnsLightness: Rope.ROPE;
hsv => {
h ← col.h; s ← col.s; v ← col.v;
[r, g, b] ← CGColorWithCIE.HSVToRGB[h, s, v];
[hl, sl, l] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSL[r, g, b];
[chroma, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.HSLToCSL[hl, sl, l];
hsl => {
hl ← col.h; sl ← col.s; l ← col.l;
[r, g, b] ← CGColorWithCIE.HSLToRGB[hl, sl, l];
[h, s, v] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSV[r, g, b];
[chroma, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.HSLToCSL[hl, sl, l];
rgb => {
r ← col.r; g ← col.g; b ← col.b;
[h, s, v] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSV[ r, g, b ];
[hl, sl, l] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSL[r, g, b];
[chroma, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.HSLToCSL[hl, sl, l];
cie => {
[r,g,b] ← CGColorWithCIE.CIEToRGB[col.x,col.y,col.Y];
r ← MIN[r,1]; g ← MIN[g,1]; b ← MIN[b,1]; --control precision problems
r ← MAX[r,0]; g ← MAX[g,0]; b ← MAX[b,0];
[h, s, v] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSV[ r, g, b ];
[hl, sl, l] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSL[r, g, b];
[chroma, saturation, lightness] ← CNSColor.HSLToCSL[hl, sl, l];
csl => {
chroma ← col.c; saturation ← col.s; lightness ← col.l;
[hl, sl, l] ← CNSColor.CSLToHSL[ chroma, saturation, lightness];
[r, g, b] ← CGColorWithCIE.HSLToRGB[hl, sl, l];
[h, s, v] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToHSV[r, g, b];
patchData.rgbR ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.rgbR, newValue: r,
textViewer: handle.rgb.redText, sliderViewer: handle.rgb.redSlider];
patchData.rgbG ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.rgbG, newValue: g,
textViewer: handle.rgb.greenText, sliderViewer: handle.rgb.greenSlider];
patchData.rgbB ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.rgbB, newValue: b,
textViewer: handle.rgb.blueText, sliderViewer: handle.rgb.blueSlider];
patchData.hsvH ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.hsvH, newValue: h,
textViewer: handle.hsv.hueText, sliderViewer: handle.hsv.hueSlider];
patchData.hsvS ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.hsvS, newValue: s,
textViewer: handle.hsv.saturationText, sliderViewer: handle.hsv.saturationSlider];
patchData.hsvV ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.hsvV, newValue: v,
textViewer: handle.hsv.valueText, sliderViewer: handle.hsv.valueSlider];
patchData.hslH ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.hslH, newValue: hl,
textViewer: handle.hsl.hueText, sliderViewer: handle.hsl.hueSlider];
patchData.hslS ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.hslS, newValue: sl,
textViewer: handle.hsl.saturationText, sliderViewer: handle.hsl.saturationSlider];
patchData.hslL ← UpdateColorValue[oldValue: patchData.hslL, newValue: l,
textViewer: handle.hsl.lightnessText, sliderViewer: handle.hsl.lightnessSlider];
[cnsHue, cnsSaturation, cnsLightness] ← CNSColor.CSLToCNS[chroma, saturation, lightness];
IF patchData.cslC # chroma AND ~Rope.Equal[cnsHue, ""] THEN {
patchData.cslC ← chroma;
ChoiceButtons.UpdateChoiceButtons[viewer: handle.outer, enumTypeInfo: handle.cns.hueChoices, newName: cnsHue];
IF patchData.cslS # saturation AND ~Rope.Equal[cnsSaturation, ""] THEN {
patchData.cslS ← saturation;
ChoiceButtons.UpdateChoiceButtons[viewer: handle.outer, enumTypeInfo: handle.cns.saturationChoices, newName: cnsSaturation];
IF patchData.cslL # lightness AND ~Rope.Equal[cnsLightness, ""] THEN {
patchData.cslL ← lightness;
ChoiceButtons.UpdateChoiceButtons[viewer: handle.outer, enumTypeInfo: handle.cns.lightnessChoices, newName: cnsLightness];
IF color.type#cie THEN {
x,y,Y: REAL;
[x,y,Y] ← CGColorWithCIE.RGBToCIE[r,g,b];
CIEViewer.SetContents[handle.cie, x,y,Y];
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: handle.colorPatch.viewer, hint: client, clearClient: FALSE];
colorPatchClass is a record containing the procedures and data common to all ColorPatch viewer instances (class record).
colorPatchClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass ←
NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec ← [paint: PaintColorPatch, destroy: DestroyColorPatch]];
Register a command that will create an instance of this tool.
Commander.Register[key: "ColorTool", proc: MakeColorTool, doc: "Create a color tool"];
Register the ColorPatch class of viewer with the Window Manager
ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$ColorPatch, colorPatchClass];
Edited on April 1, 1984 6:00:30 pm PST, by Beach
changes to: ColorPatchDataRec to add hasWrongIndex field, PaintColorPatch to repaint the color patch with the graphics package only when it was cleared by Viewers or when it previously had been painted with the wrong color map index value, DIRECTORY, TurnOnColorDisplay, END