(StandardDemo.jam Last Edited by Rick Beach, February 14, 1984 8:52:16 pm PST by Michael Plass, March 23, 1984 4:17:55 pm PST) = % once this is loaded, you can do the following % showshow to run through an entire demo. Start on the black and white display % cameodemo to do the little girl in an ellipse % all of the arrow/border pattern demos % The slides in Slides.jam (graphics.jam) .run (color8.bcd).loadbcd (Color8Impl).callinit (setup){ .false .keepgl .false .dorefresh (circlepatches.jam) .run (parc.jam) .run (arrowdemo.jam) .run (slides.jam) .run (griffin.jam) .run }.cvx .def (reset){ .initdc e }.cvx .def (dtouch){ .touch .touch }.cvx .def (showcable){ (cablecar.jam) .run }.cvx .def (showcameo){ .pushdc (std.tab) LoadMap brown 0 0 1000 1000 .drawbox (dtouch for ellipse clipping region) = dtouch .6 .6 .scale 250 150 .translate 390 500 elipse .cliparea gray 0 0 1000 1000 .drawbox (dtouch for the color image) = dtouch 0 0 .setcp (ygn-std.ais) ShowRawImage .popdc (dtouch for spiral border pattern) = dtouch (borderpattern) (spiral) .load .def (color1){.97 .6 .8 .hsvcolor}.cvx .def 20 80 cameoborder (dtouch for caption) = dtouch showcaption {(dtouch to fiddle with the color map) = dtouch RotateColors }.pop (dtouch to restore the color map) = dtouch reset RestoreMap griffinmap }.cvx .def (showcaption){ .initdc (Helveticad24.ks) .setfont goldencream 80 60 .setcp (Xerox Imaging Research) .drawtext }.cvx .def (showeggs){ .graymap -1 -15 .setcp (EggsStriped.ais) .drawimage black 315 0 321 1200 .drawbox 320 -15 .setcp (EggsChecked.ais) .drawimage }.cvx .def (showfox){ (TimesRoman18.ks) .setfont .touch .setcp fox .drawtext .touch .setcp fox .drawtext .pushdc .touch .setcp 30 .rotate fox .drawtext .popdc .pushdc .touch .setcp 2 2 .scale fox .drawtext .popdc .pushdc .touch .setcp 1 2 .scale fox .drawtext .popdc }.cvx .def (showlogo){ .pushdc 50 50 .translate 0 0 .setcp 80 3. .div .dup .scale parc .popdc .pushdc 50 350 .translate 0 0 .setcp 80 3. .div .dup .scale .75 .5 .scale parc .popdc }.cvx .def (showmonk){ .initdc .pushdc .6 .6 .scale white (monk.ais) .drawimage .popdc }.cvx .def (showParcInFullColor)( .initdc .erase .blue 0 0 1200 1200 .drawbox .pushdc 50 120 .translate 80 3 .div .dup .scale parcInFullColor .popdc ).cvx .def (showrmonk){ .initdc .pushdc .3 .3 .scale 25 .rotate .touch .translate 0 0 .setcp white (monk.ais) .drawimage .popdc }.cvx .def (start) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (back) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (startAtLogo) { (back) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtMonk}.cvx .def (dtouch to show PARC logo) = dtouch showlogo (Parc logo finished) = cont }.cvx .def (startAtMonk) { (back) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtMonk}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtTriangle}.cvx .def (dtouch to show monk) = dtouch reset /clr showmonk (Monk finished..touch near his ear for a rotated monk) = showrmonk (Monk finished..).print cont }.cvx .def (startAtTriangle) { (back) {startAtMonk}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtTriangle}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtCableCar}.cvx .def (Touch 3 points in a triangle) = showtriangle (Triangle finished..Touch 5 points in a star) = .white 5 area .black (Star finished..).print cont }.cvx .def (startAtCableCar) { (back) {startAtTriangle}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtCableCar}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtFoxes}.cvx .def (dtouch for San Francisco cable car) = dtouch reset /clr showcable (Cable car finished..).print cont }.cvx .def (startAtFoxes) { (back) {startAtCableCar}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtFoxes}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtColor}.cvx .def (dtouch to erase, then 5 touches for foxes) = dtouch reset /clr showfox (Foxes finished..).print cont }.cvx .def (startAtColor) { (back) {startAtFoxes}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtColor}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtColorMonk}.cvx .def (..move JaMGraphics viewer to color display.) = 8 .turnoncolor griffinmap (dTouch to start colordemo) = dtouch cont }.cvx .def (startAtColorMonk) { (back) {startAtColor}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtColorMonk}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtColorCableCar}.cvx .def reset /clr darkGreen 0 0 1000 1000 .drawbox .initdc .pushdc .4 .4 .scale 400 230 .translate 0 0 .setcp white (monk.ais) .drawimage .popdc (Monk finished..Touch 3 points in a triangle) = showtriangle (Monk finished..).print cont }.cvx .def (startAtColorCableCar) { (back) {startAtColorMonk}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtColorCableCar}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtPathSlide}.cvx .def (dtouch for San Francisco cable car, in color this time) = dtouch reset /clr .pushdc 100 0 .translate .6 .6 .scale showcable .popdc (Cable car finished..).print cont }.cvx .def (startAtPathSlide) { (back) {startAtColorCableCar}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtPathSlide}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtCameo}.cvx .def (dtouch for path slide) = dtouch reset /clr showslide cont }.cvx .def (startAtCameo) { (back) {startAtPathSlide}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtCameo}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtEggs}.cvx .def (dTouch to start cameodemo) = dtouch e showcameo cont }.cvx .def (startAtEggs) { (back) {startAtCameo}.cvx .def (resume) {startAtEggs}.cvx .def (cont) {startAtLogo}.cvx .def (dTouch to show new texturing techniques) = dtouch e showeggs (dTouch to restore the colormap) = dtouch e .standardmap }.cvx .def (showshow){ start }.cvx .def (showslide){ (text18out){ .pushdc white (TimesRoman18) .setfont white .translate 0 0 .setcp .drawtext .popdc }.cvx .def (text12out){ .pushdc white (TimesRoman12) .setfont white .translate 0 0 .setcp .drawtext .popdc }.cvx .def (dot){ 2 .copy 3 .add .exch 3 .add .exch .drawbox }.cvx .def griffinmap (slideBlue) {.6 .75 .6 .hsvcolor}.cvx .def 128 .6 .75 .6 .sethsvmap .pushdc 0 -30 .translate slideBlue 0 0 1200 1200 .drawbox orange 185 149 .moveto 343 338 .lineto 385 153 .lineto 270 129 186 242 240 310 .curveto 427 257 .lineto .drawarea white 185 149 dot 343 338 dot 385 153 dot 270 129 dot 186 242 dot 240 310 dot 427 257 dot (moveto (1)) 165 132 text12out (lineto (2)) 352 333 text12out (lineto (3)) 393 147 text12out (4) 278 123 text12out (5) 194 238 text12out (curveto (6)) 226 317 text12out (lineto (7)) 436 252 text12out .popdc (Specification of a Path) 230 360 text18out }.cvx .def (showstar){ .black 5 area }.cvx .def (showtriangle){ .blue 3 area }.cvx .def setup