DIRECTORY Commander USING [CommandProc, Register], IO USING [char, Error, GetChar, GetInt, int, PeekChar, PutF, PutFR, Reset, rope, SkipWhitespace, STREAM], Process USING [Detach], Rope USING [Cat, Equal, Fetch, Find, FromChar, Length, ROPE, Substr], UserCredentials USING [Get], ViewerIO USING [CreateViewerStreams]; SimpleExample: CEDAR MONITOR --(note 1.2) IMPORTS IO, Commander, Process, Rope, UserCredentials, ViewerIO = --(note 1.3) BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; --(note 1.4) windowCount: INT _ 0; -- a count of the number of calculators created ReverseName: Commander.CommandProc = BEGIN --(note 1.5) userName: ROPE _ UserCredentials.Get[ ].name; --(note 1.6) execStream: IO.STREAM _ cmd.out; -- cmd is an arg to ReverseName (note 1.7) backwordsName: ROPE _ NIL; dotPos: INT = userName.Find["."]; --(note 1.8) IF dotPos#-1 THEN userName _ userName.Substr[0, dotPos]; IF userName.Equal[s2: "Preas", case: FALSE] THEN execStream.PutF["Hi, Bryan\n"]; FOR i: INT DECREASING IN [0..userName.Length[ ]) DO backwordsName _ backwordsName.Cat[ Rope.FromChar[userName.Fetch[i]]] --[1.1] (note 1.9) ENDLOOP; execStream.PutF["Your user name backwards is: %g\n", IO.rope[backwordsName]]; --(note 1.10) END; MakeCalculator: ENTRY Commander.CommandProc = BEGIN --(note 1.11) title: ROPE; windowCount _ windowCount+1; title _ IO.PutFR["Adding machine number %g",[windowCount]]; --(note 1.12) TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK Calculate[title]];} --(note 1.13) END; Calculate: PROC[title: ROPE] = BEGIN opChar: CHAR; number: INT; answer: INT; in, out: IO.STREAM; [in: in, out: out] _ ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[title]; --(note 1.14) DO -- Read an expression, terminated by a CR: ENABLE IO.Error => --(note 1.15) IF ec=SyntaxError THEN { in.Reset[ ]; out.PutF["\nIncorrect input. Please retype the expression.\n\n"]; LOOP} ELSE EXIT; opChar _ '+; -- first integer is positive answer _ 0; -- initialize sum to zero out.PutF["Type one or more integers separated by + and - and terminate with CR to compute value:\n"]; DO -- Read an operator and an integer, skipping leading blanks, eg., NUL, CR, SP, etc. . number _ in.GetInt[! IO.Error => IF ec = Overflow THEN { out.PutF["\nInteger too large! Start again.\n\n"]; in.Reset[]; LOOP}]; SELECT opChar FROM '+ => answer _ answer + number; '- => answer _ answer - number; ENDCASE => { out.PutF["Illegal operator (%g). Please retype the expression.\n\n", IO.char[opChar]]; EXIT}; IF in.PeekChar[ ]='\n THEN GO TO NextLine; -- the normal way out []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; opChar _ in.GetChar[ ]; REPEAT NextLine => { [ ] _ in.GetChar[ ]; -- toss CR (note 1.16) out.PutF["\nThe answer is: %g.\n\n",[answer]] }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; Commander.Register[ --(note 1.17) key: "Calculate", proc: MakeCalculator, doc: "A simple adding machine"]; Commander.Register[ key: "ReverseName", proc: ReverseName, doc: "Reverses your user name"]; END. CHANGE LOG --(note 1.18) Created by Cattell on 21-Apr-82 13:55:09 Changed by Cattell on May 25, 1982 10:58 am Changed by Mitchell on August 11, 1982 5:00 pm jFile: SimpleExample.mesa (note 1.1) Last edited by: Mitchell on December 16, 1982 2:32 pm Last edited by SChen on May 1, 1984 3:53:45 pm PDT Last edited by Bob Hagmann on May 8, 1984 8:46:31 am PDT Last Edited by: Neil Gunther, February 1, 1985 10:42:54 am PST Reverses the user's login name and prints it out in the CommandTool window. Remove anything after the period in user name, e.g., ".PA", and check for user name Preas. Now reverse the name and concatenate them in reverse order Puts up a calculator window. Creates typescript window separate from CommandTool with given title. Uses IO procedures to read an integer expression from the typescript and print its value. Start code registers a Calculate and ReverseName command, which must be invoked for this program to do anything: added use of RegisterCommand to fire up a Calculator viewer instead of creating it when program first run. changed main loop of Calculate to correctly catch IO.Error when Destroy menu button invoked. Edited on December 16, 1982 2:22 pm, by Mitchell changes to: DIRECTORY IO, --CreateTTYStreams --> CreateViewerStreams, --, UserExec.RegisterCommand[moved out.PutF to NextLine exit of inner loop so it doesn't print out an answer when an incorrect operator is typed Edited on May 1, 1984 3:54:02 pm PDT, by SChen for Cedar5.1: UserExec.CommandProc-> Commander.CommandProc; UserExec.RegisterCommand-> Commander.Register; UserExec.GetNameAndPassword-> UserCredentials.Get; IO.Handle-> IO.STREAM; IO.CreateViewerStreams-> ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams; IO.SkipOver[IO.IDBreak]-> IO.SkipWhitespace, skip invisible chars (IO.NUL .. IO.SP); Rope.Upper -- omitted; exec.out-> cmd.out; Bob Taylor->Bryan Preas Edited on December 20, 1984 5:17:51 pm PST, by Neil Gunther for Cedar5.2: Modified GetInt call to catch Overflow signal, thereby avoiding a wedge in read loop if user entered integer > INT.LAST+1. สา– "Cedar" style˜J– "Cedar" stylešœฯa ™&J– "Cedar" stylešœ5™5J– "Cedar" stylešœ2™2J– "Cedar" stylešœ8™8J– "Cedar" stylešœ?™?unitšฯk ˜ Icodešœ žœ˜(LšžœžœYžœ˜iLšœžœ ˜Lšœžœ-žœ ˜ELšœžœ˜Lšœ žœ˜%—šœžœžœฯcะac ˜,Lšžœžœ8Ÿ  Ÿ˜P—Kšž˜LšžœžœžœŸ  ˜)Lšœ žœŸ/˜EKšœ%žœŸ  ˜:šœK™KLšœ žœ-Ÿ  ˜ILšœ žœžœ Ÿœ ˜KJšœžœžœ˜JšœZ™ZJšœžœ&Ÿ   ˜DJšžœ žœ'˜8Jšžœ#žœžœ ˜PJšœ:™:š žœžœž œžœž˜3JšœHŸ  Ÿ  ˜dJšžœ˜—Jšœ5žœ(Ÿ  ˜zJšžœ˜—KšœžœžœŸ  ˜Bšœ™Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ˜Jšœžœ#žœŸ  ˜SJšžœžœ"Ÿ  ˜NJšžœ˜—Kšฯn œžœžœž˜$JšœE™EšœY™YJšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ žœžœ˜Jšœ?Ÿ ˜LšžœŸ'ะckŸ˜.šžœžœŸ ˜1šžœžœ˜Jšœ ˜ JšœB˜BJšžœ˜—Jšžœžœ˜ —JšœŸ˜*Jšœ Ÿ˜&JšœLžœ˜ešžŸ<ข ŸขŸขŸ˜XJš œžœžœžœpžœ˜ตšžœž˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜šžœ˜ JšœFžœ˜WJšžœ˜——Jš žœžœžœžœ Ÿ˜@Jšœ˜Jšœ˜šž˜šœ ˜ JšœŸ˜4Jšœ%žœ˜7——Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Kšœp™pšœŸ  ˜0JšœH˜H—šœ˜JšœG˜G—Iprocšžœ˜KšžœžœŸ  ˜Kšœ(˜(Kšœ+˜+Lšœj™jKšœ.˜.Lšœ2žœ'™\™0Jšœ ฯr œฃœ(ฃœs™ึ—Jšœอžœ ž œžœ4žœ žœ žœ&žœE™ฒJšœบž œ™ฦJ™—…— พ๚