DIRECTORY Rope USING [ROPE]; BigCardinals: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN BigCARD: TYPE = RECORD [size: CARDINAL _ 0, contents: REF BigCARDRec _ NIL]; BigCARDRec: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE max: CARDINAL OF CARDINAL]; BigFail: ERROR [subclass: ATOM _ $Unspecified]; BigAdd: PROC [in1, in2: BigCARD] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigSubtract: PROC [large, small: BigCARD, reuse: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigMultiply: PROC [in1, in2: BigCARD] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigDivMod: PROC [num, den: BigCARD, reuse: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS [quo, rem: BigCARD]; BigFromDecimalRope: PROC [in: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigToDecimalRope: PROC [in: BigCARD, reuse: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE]; BigFromRope: PROC[in: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [out: BigCARD]; BigToRope: PROC [in: BigCARD] RETURNS [out: Rope.ROPE]; BigFromSmall: PROC [in: CARDINAL] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigToSmall: PROC [in: BigCARD] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; BigCopy: PROC [in: BigCARD] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigCompare: PROC [in1, in2: BigCARD] RETURNS [BigRelation]; BigRelation: TYPE = {bigLess, bigEqual, bigGreater}; BigZero: PROC [in: BigCARD] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; BigOdd: PROC [in: BigCARD] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; BigRandom: PROC [length: CARDINAL _ 0, max, min: BigCARD _ [0,NIL]] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigExponentiate: PROC [base, exponent, modulus: BigCARD, reuse: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS [BigCARD]; BigGCD: PROC [in1, in2: BigCARD] RETURNS [out: BigCARD]; BigInverse: PROC [in, modulus: BigCARD] RETURNS [out: BigCARD]; BigPrimeTest: PROC [prime: BigCARD, accuracy: CARDINAL _ 20] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; END. pBigCardinals.mesa Dan Greene, March March 6, 1984 4:35:06 pm Last Edited by: Feigenbaum, May 19, 1984 3:29:40 pm PDT ***** Data Structure ***** Big cardinals are represented in a radix of 2^16. The digits are stored as a sequence of cardinals, with the low order digit at contents[0]. Zero is represented with size = 0. Notice that the assignment of two big cardinals, a _ b, will result in their sharing a sequence of digits. Normally the procedures below treat the sequences at immutable objects, so this will never create problems, however, the `reuse' flag allows procedures to modify sequences. The proper use of the `reuse' flag can be a headache, and since garbage collection is cheap, clients are discouraged from changing the `reuse' defaults. The sublass is one of $NegativeResult, $DivideByZero, or $TooLarge, as explained below. ***** Basic Arithmetic ***** If `reuse' is true, `large' is used for the output. BigSubtract can raise a BigFail ERROR with $NegativeResult if `large' is not larger than `small'. If `reuse' is TRUE then `num' is used for `quo', and `den' is used for scratch operations. BigDivMod will raise a BigFail ERROR with argument $DivideByZero when den = 0. ***** Conversion Routines ***** There are two kinds of conversion routines between Ropes and BigCardinals. If the word Decimal appears in the name then the Ropes involved are human readable strings of the digits 0..9, that is, the standard base 10 representation of a BigCardinal. The second kind of conversion is a bijective mapping between BigCardinals and Ropes that uses the full character set of the Rope, and so is considerably more compact, but not particularly human readable (it is used in cryptographic routines). Special care must be taken to encode Null characters in the Rope that would become leading zeros of the BigCardinal. Details can be found in the implementation. This procedure can raise a BigFail ERROR with argument $TooLarge if `in' will not fit in a single cardinal. ***** Copy and Comparison ***** The input is copied into a sequence with maximum size 2 larger than current size. Unless the client sets `reuse' TRUE in some other procedure, or modifies sequences directly, there should be no need for this procedure. Two frequently used tests: ***** Exotic Functions ***** BigRandom returns a random number in a range that is specified by one of two means: 1) If `length' is nonzero than the result has `length' digits of radix 2^16 2) If `length' is zero than the result is in the range [min, max] This procedure computes base ^ exponent MOD modulus. When reuse is TRUE the base is destroyed. If `in' and `modulus' are relatively prime then out * in = 1 MOD modulus. In general, out * in = GCD( in, modulus ) MOD modulus. If BigPrimeTest returns FALSE then `prime' is not a prime. If BigPrimeTest returns TRUE there is a very slight chance, less than 2 ^ accuracy, that the procedure is wrong. ʘJšœ™J™*J™7J˜JšÏk œœœ˜J˜Jšœœ œ˜!Jš˜J˜JšÏcœ°™ËJ˜Jš œ œœœœœ˜LJš œ œœœœœœ˜?˜J™°—J˜J˜šœ œ œ˜/J™W—J˜J™J˜JšÏnœœœ ˜3J˜š Ÿ œœ œœœ ˜TJ™3J™a—J˜JšŸ œœœ ˜8J˜š Ÿ œœœœœ˜XJ™ZJ™N—J˜J˜J™šJ˜JšŸœœ œœ ˜;J˜Jš Ÿœœœœœœ˜QJ˜J™•J˜JšŸ œœ œœ˜8J˜JšŸ œœœ œ˜7J˜JšŸ œœœœ ˜4J˜šŸ œœœœ˜2J™k—J˜J˜J™J˜šŸœœœ ˜.J™QJ™ˆ—J˜J˜JšŸ œœœ˜;J˜Jšœ œ$˜5J˜J˜J™JšŸœœœœ˜.J˜JšŸœœœœ˜-J˜J˜J™J˜š Ÿ œœ œœœ ˜VJ™SJ™KJ™A—J˜š Ÿœœ+œœœ ˜cJ™5J™)—J˜JšŸœœœ˜8J˜šŸ œœœ˜?J™JJ™7—J˜š Ÿ œœœœœ˜OJ™«—J˜Jšœ˜—…—2³