// PupNameServ.bcpl - Name lookup server // See also PupNameCore.bcpl, PupNameInit.bcpl PupNameServ.decl // Last modified March 19, 1980 12:26 AM by Boggs get "Pup0.decl" get "Pup1.decl" get "PupNameServ.decl" get "PupServEftp.decl" external [ // outgoing procedures NameServ; NameServCtx // incoming procedures NameLookup; LockNameServ; UnlockNameServ MoveBlock; Zero; Usc; DoubleIncrement Enqueue; Dequeue; Unqueue; Allocate; Free; Block InitializeContext; Dismiss; SetTimer; TimerHasExpired OpenLevel1Socket; CloseLevel1Socket; GetPBI; ReleasePBI CompletePup; ExchangePorts; PupServSend; PupServReceive // outgoing statics @ns // incoming statics lenPup; CtxRunning; @ms ] static @ns // NameServCtx is the main process for this module. // It runs forever and does the following things: // Probes for newer directories. // Destroys transient processes when they are done. // There are two types of transient processes: // Receivers probe for newer directory versions and receive them. // Senders send the directory to other name servers. // There are two module-wide locks: // InternalLock is set by LockNameServ() which also closes the file // and prevents further references to it first waiting for any // present activity to cease. // ExternalLock is set from GateControl and prevents any further server // activity (no lookups are done, no directories are sent or received // etc.), but the state of the file isn't altered. // NameServ is logically part of the miscellaneous services process, // handling the Name Lookup Protocol packet types. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let NameServ(pbi) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ExchangePorts(pbi) switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into [ case ptNetDirLookup: [ if ns>>NS.globalLocks eq 0 then [ NameLookup(pbi); return ] endcase ] case ptNetDirVersion: [ if ns>>NS.globalLocks eq 0 then switchon Usc(pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1, ns>>NS.header>>Hdr.version) into [ case -1: //tell him we have a later version [ pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 = ns>>NS.header>>Hdr.version CompletePup(pbi, ptNetDirVersion, pupOvBytes+2) return ] case 1: //he claims to have a later version [ CreateNameCtx(ReceiveNetDir, rcvrLock); endcase ] case 0: //our versions are the same endcase ] endcase ] case ptSendNetDir: [ if ns>>NS.globalLocks eq 0 then [ MoveBlock(lv ns>>NS.reqPort, lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1, lenPort) CreateNameCtx(SendNetDir, sendLock) ] endcase ] case ptNetDirStatsRequest: [ MoveBlock(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words, lv ns>>NS.stats, size Stats/16) CompletePup(pbi, ptNetDirStatsReply, pupOvBytes+size Stats/8) return ] case ptNetDirLockRequest: [ if Authenticate(pbi) then [ ns>>NS.externalLock = true CompletePup(pbi, ptNetDirLockReply, pupOvBytes) return ] endcase ] case ptNetDirUnlockRequest: [ if Authenticate(pbi) then [ ns>>NS.bcstTimer = 0 ns>>NS.externalLock = false CompletePup(pbi, ptNetDirUnlockReply, pupOvBytes) return ] endcase ] ] ReleasePBI(pbi) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Authenticate(pbi) = pbi>>PBI.pup.id^1 eq 27182 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and NameServCtx(ctx) be //a process //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Dismiss(500) // 5 seconds // destroy any contexts which are done compiletest nova ifso [ while ns>>NS.doneQ.head ne 0 do ReleasePBI(Dequeue(lv ns>>NS.doneQ)-offset PBI.pup/16) ] ifnot [ while ns>>NS.doneQ.head ne 0 do Free(ms>>MS.zone, Dequeue(lv ns>>NS.doneQ)) ] // only garbage collect transient processes if global lock is set if ns>>NS.globalLocks ne 0 loop if ns>>NS.bcstTimer gr 0 then ns>>NS.bcstTimer = ns>>NS.bcstTimer -1 if ns>>NS.bcstTimer eq 0 then CreateNameCtx(ReceiveNetDir, rcvrLock) ] repeat //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and CreateNameCtx(proc, lockMask) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ if ns>>NS.globalLocks ne 0 % (ns>>NS.localLocks & lockMask) ne 0 return ns>>NS.localLocks = ns>>NS.localLocks % lockMask let ctx = alto? Allocate(ms>>MS.zone, 1200, true), valof [ //nova case let pbi = GetPBI(ms>>MS.soc, true) resultis pbi eq 0? 0, lv pbi>>PBI.pup ] test ctx ne 0 ifso [ InitializeContext(ctx, (alto? 1200, lenPup), proc, NCTXextra) ctx>>NCTX.lockMask = lockMask Enqueue(ms>>MS.ctxQ, ctx) ] ifnot ns>>NS.localLocks = ns>>NS.localLocks & not lockMask ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and DestroyNameCtx(ctx) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This doesn't actually destroy it. It releases ctx's locks // and queues it for destruction by NameCtx. [ Unqueue(ms>>MS.ctxQ, ctx) Enqueue(lv ns>>NS.doneQ, ctx) ns>>NS.localLocks = ns>>NS.localLocks & not ctx>>NCTX.lockMask ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and SendNetDir(ctx) be // a context //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let eftp = vec lenEFTP; Zero(eftp, lenEFTP) eftp>>EFTP.frnPort = lv ns>>NS.reqPort eftp>>EFTP.fp = lv ns>>NS.fp eftp>>EFTP.realName = ns>>NS.name eftp>>EFTP.timeOut1 = 1000 eftp>>EFTP.timeOut2 = 1000 if PupServSend(eftp) then DoubleIncrement(lv ns>>NS.stats.dirReqs) DestroyNameCtx(ctx) // returning from a context does an implicit Block() ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and ReceiveNetDir(ctx) be // a context //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //probe all name servers on all directly connected networks //If we locate a newer version, get it. [ ns>>NS.bcstTimer = ns>>NS.bcstInterval let soc = vec lenPupSoc; OpenLevel1Socket(soc, 0, table [ 0; 0; psMiscServ ]) let pbi = GetPBI(soc) pbi>>PBI.allNets = true // broadcast request on all nets pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 = ns>>NS.header>>Hdr.version CompletePup(pbi, ptNetDirVersion, pupOvBytes+2) let bestSoFar = ns>>NS.header>>Hdr.version let timer = nil; SetTimer(lv timer, 1000) //10 seconds let frnPort = vec lenPort [ Block() until soc>>PupSoc.iQ.head eq 0 do [ let pbi = Dequeue(lv soc>>PupSoc.iQ) if pbi>>PBI.pup.type eq ptNetDirVersion & pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 - bestSoFar gr 0 then [ bestSoFar = pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 MoveBlock(frnPort, lv pbi>>PBI.pup.sPort, lenPort) ] ReleasePBI(pbi) ] ] repeatuntil TimerHasExpired(lv timer) CloseLevel1Socket(soc) if bestSoFar gr ns>>NS.header>>Hdr.version then [ let eftp = vec lenEFTP; Zero(eftp, lenEFTP) eftp>>EFTP.frnPort = frnPort eftp>>EFTP.fp = lv ns>>NS.fp eftp>>EFTP.realName = ns>>NS.name eftp>>EFTP.tempName = "TEMP.NS" eftp>>EFTP.timeOut1 = 100 eftp>>EFTP.timeOut2 = 3000 //20 seconds eftp>>EFTP.proc1 = NSStartProc eftp>>EFTP.proc2 = NSEndProc if PupServReceive(eftp) then UnlockNameServ() loop //notify world ] DestroyNameCtx(ctx) Block() ] repeat //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and NSStartProc(soc) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ let pbi = GetPBI(soc, true); if pbi ne 0 then [ MoveBlock(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words, lv soc>>PupSoc.lclPort, lenPort) CompletePup(pbi, ptSendNetDir, pupOvBytes + lenPort*2) ] ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and NSEndProc(stream) be LockNameServ(CtxRunning>>NCTX.lockMask) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is only called if the directory was correctly received. // ServEFTPReceive is about to delete the old version and rename the new // version. It will then return true and ReceiveNetDir will unlock it.