// GateConServ.bcpl -- Gateway control server

// Last modified March 7, 1979  4:11 PM by Boggs

get "PupEFTP.decl"
get "PupServFtp.decl"
get "GateConServ.decl"

// outgoing procedures
GateConServCtx; HaltGateway

// incoming procedures
LockNameServ; UnlockNameServ; GetTime
LockBootServ; UnlockBootServ; StringCompare
GatewayFinish; Chatr; PupServReceive; PupServSend
InitializeContext; Block
Allocate; Free; MoveBlock; Zero
Enqueue; Dequeue; Unqueue; QueueLength
SetTimer; TimerHasExpired
GetPBI; ReleasePBI; CompletePup; SetPupID
ExchangePorts; AppendStringToPup

// outgoing statics

// incoming statics
sysZone; ctxQ; versionText; CtxRunning
pbiTQ; pbiFreeQ; gatewayGoingDown; lenPup

static @gcs

// DOS .ertn codes
quit = 12345
restart = 1000

structure GCTX:		// GateControl CTX
blank word 3
pbi word
manifest GCTXextra = size GCTX/16 -3

let HaltGateway() be
gcs>>GCS.quitCode = quit
gatewayGoingDown = true
// Dally for 15 seconds while we broadcast routing tables that say we are
// a terrible route to everywhere so that people can find ways around us.
SetTimer(lv gcs>>GCS.restartTimer, 1500)
and GateConServCtx() be
   [  // idle loop
   if gcs>>GCS.stats.startTime↑0 eq 0 then
      GetTime(lv gcs>>GCS.stats.startTime)
   if gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx ne 0 & gcs>>GCS.stats.ftpStatus ne statusBusy then
      compiletest nova
         ifso [ ReleasePBI(gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx-offset PBI.pup/16) ]
         ifnot [ Free(sysZone, gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx) ]
      gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx = 0
   if gcs>>GCS.quitCode ne 0 & gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx eq 0 &
    TimerHasExpired(lv gcs>>GCS.restartTimer) then
   ] repeatuntil gcs>>GCS.soc>>PupSoc.iQ.head ne 0

let pbi = Dequeue(lv gcs>>GCS.soc>>PupSoc.iQ)
if pbi>>PBI.pup.dPort.host eq 0 % pbi>>PBI.pup.id↑1 ne gcPassword then
   [ ReleasePBI(pbi); loop ]
ExchangePorts(pbi)  //do this here rather than in each case

switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
   case ptExamine:
      //examine a block of words whose starting address
      //and length are given in the first 2 words of the
      //request Pup.  return the block starting in word 3.
      MoveBlock(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑3, pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑1,
      CompletePup(pbi, ptAck, pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑2 lshift 1 + pupOvBytes+4)
   case ptDeposit:
      //deposit a block of words whose starting address
      //and length are given in the first 2 words of the
      //request Pup.  the data starts at word 3.
      MoveBlock(pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑1, lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑3,
      CompletePup(pbi, ptAck, pupOvBytes)
   case ptHalt:
      //halt the gateway program
      CompletePup(pbi, ptAck, pupOvBytes)
   case ptRestart:
      //restart the Gateway program
      gcs>>GCS.quitCode = restart
      SetTimer(lv gcs>>GCS.restartTimer, 500)  // dally for 5 seconds
      CompletePup(pbi, ptAck, pupOvBytes)
// GateConServ (cont'd)

   case ptStore:
      //Store a file on the gateway disk whose name is given
      // in the Pup contents.  The server responds with an ack
      // containing the port to which the file should be EFTP'ed.
   case ptRetrieve:
      //Retrieve a file from the gateway disk whose name is given
      // in the Pup contents.  The server generates no ack: it just starts
      // EFTPing the file to the source port of the incoming packet.
      if gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx eq 0 & gcs>>GCS.quitCode eq 0 then
         let ctx = alto? Allocate(sysZone, 1200, true), valof
            let pbi = GetPBI(gcs>>GCS.soc, true)
            resultis pbi eq 0? 0, lv pbi>>PBI.pup
         if ctx ne 0 then
            gcs>>GCS.ftpCtx = ctx
            gcs>>GCS.stats.ftpStatus = statusBusy
            ctx>>GCTX.pbi = pbi
            for i = pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes to 1 by -1 do
               pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑(i+1) = pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i
            pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑1 = pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes
            Enqueue(ctxQ, InitializeContext(ctx, (alto? 1200, lenPup),
             (pbi>>PBI.pup.type eq ptStore? GCSStore, GCSRetrieve),
   case ptStats:
      let stats = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words
      MoveBlock(stats, lv gcs>>GCS.stats, lenStats)
      stats>>Stats.freePBIs = QueueLength(pbiFreeQ)
      let lenVersionText = versionText>>String.length rshift 1 +1
      MoveBlock(lv stats>>Stats.versionText, versionText, lenVersionText)
      CompletePup(pbi, ptAck, pupOvBytes+(lenStats+lenVersionText)*2)
] repeat
and GCSStore(ctx) be
// A separate context that does the file transfer.
// It signals that it is done by changing gcs>>GCS.stats.ftpStatus
//  to anything other than statusBusy.
let pbi = ctx>>GCTX.pbi
let ftp = vec lenFTP; Zero(ftp, lenFTP)
ftp>>FTP.frnPort = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.dPort
Zero(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.sPort.socket, 2)  //let OpenLevel1Socket pick the socket
ftp>>FTP.lclPort = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.sPort  //but use net,host in request pup
ftp>>FTP.realName = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes
ftp>>FTP.tempName = "TEMP.GC"
ftp>>FTP.timeOut1 = 100
ftp>>FTP.timeOut2 = 2000  //20 seconds
ftp>>FTP.proc1 = GateConStart
ftp>>FTP.proc2 = GateConEnd

let status = PupServReceive(ftp)? statusYes, statusNo
if status eq statusYes then
   UnlockBootServ(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes)

Unqueue(ctxQ, ctx)
gcs>>GCS.stats.ftpStatus = status  //signal that we are done
// returning from a context causes an implicit Block()

and GateConStart(soc) be
// This is where the ack containing the EFTP port gets generated.
let pbi = GetPBI(soc, true); if pbi ne 0 then
   SetPupID(pbi, lv CtxRunning>>GCTX.pbi>>PBI.pup.id)
   MoveBlock(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words, lv soc>>PupSoc.lclPort, lenPort)
   CompletePup(pbi, ptAck, pupOvBytes+lenPort*2)

and GateConEnd(stream) be
compileif nova then
   let fn = lv CtxRunning>>GCTX.pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes
   if StringCompare(fn, ".SV", fn>>String.length-2) eq 0 then
      Chatr(stream, 20000b)  // set "S" attribute for .SV file

and GCSRetrieve(ctx) be
// A separate context that does the file transfer.
// It signals that it is done by changing gcs>>GCS.stats.ftpStatus
//  to anything other than statusBusy.
let pbi = ctx>>GCTX.pbi
let ftp = vec lenFTP; Zero(ftp, lenFTP)
ftp>>FTP.frnPort = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.dPort
Zero(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.sPort.socket, 2)  //let OpenLevel1Socket pick the socket
ftp>>FTP.lclPort = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.sPort  //but use net,host in request pup
ftp>>FTP.realName = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes
ftp>>FTP.timeOut1 = 500   //5 seconds
ftp>>FTP.timeOut2 = 2000  //20 seconds

let status = PupServSend(ftp)? statusYes, statusNo

Unqueue(ctxQ, ctx)
gcs>>GCS.stats.ftpStatus = status  //signal that we are done
// returning from a context causes an implicit Block()