-- PilotCommUtil.mesa (last edited by: BLyon on: February 10, 1981 11:53 AM) -- Function: The implementation module for Pilot provided utilities. DIRECTORY CommunicationInternal USING [], CommUtilDefs USING [], DriverDefs USING [], PrincOpsUtils USING [COPY, LongCOPY], Process USING [MsecToTicks, SecondsToTicks, Ticks], PupDefs USING [], --EXPORTS Time Conversion stuff PupStream USING [Tocks], --EXPORTS Time Conversion stuff VM USING [ AddressToPageNumber, Allocate, Free, Interval, lowCore, PageNumberToAddress, Pin, WordsToPages]; PilotCommUtil: MONITOR IMPORTS PrincOpsUtils, Process, VM EXPORTS CommunicationInternal, CommUtilDefs, DriverDefs, PupDefs, PupStream = BEGIN -- Heap nodes. All these are currently resident, and in first 64K MixedIocbSize: ERROR = CODE; -- IOCB allocation. iocbSize: CARDINAL ← 0; IocbType: TYPE = RECORD[next: LONG POINTER TO IocbType, rest: SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL OF WORD]; freeIocb: LONG POINTER TO IocbType ← NIL; AllocateIocb: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [nwords: CARDINAL] RETURNS [i: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN IF iocbSize = 0 THEN iocbSize ← nwords; IF iocbSize # nwords THEN Glitch[MixedIocbSize]; IF freeIocb # NIL THEN { i ← freeIocb; freeIocb ← freeIocb.next } ELSE i ← VM.lowCore.NEW[IocbType[iocbSize-SIZE[IocbType[0]]]]; END; FreeIocb: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [iocbPtr: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN i: LONG POINTER TO IocbType = LOOPHOLE[iocbPtr]; i.next ← freeIocb; freeIocb ← i; END; -- Clumps of pages AllocateBuffers: PUBLIC PROC [nwords: CARDINAL] RETURNS [base: LONG POINTER] = BEGIN interval: VM.Interval = VM.Allocate[VM.WordsToPages[nwords]]; VM.Pin[interval]; base ← VM.PageNumberToAddress[interval.page]; END; FreeBuffers: PUBLIC PROC [base: LONG POINTER, nwords: CARDINAL] = BEGIN VM.Free[[page: VM.AddressToPageNumber[base], count: VM.WordsToPages[nwords]]]; END; -- Other goodies Zero: PUBLIC PROC [p: POINTER, l: CARDINAL] = BEGIN IF l = 0 THEN RETURN; p↑ ← 0; PrincOpsUtils.COPY[from: p, to: p + 1, nwords: l - 1]; END; -- TimeCoversion for Pup package -- implement with Process.Tick = Tock -- Code depends upon Process.MsecToTicks corectly -- rounding up the argument before caculating the result, -- and SecondsToTicks returning LAST[Ticks] for large seconds. TockConversionTroubles: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; SecondsToTocks: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [t: CARDINAL] RETURNS [PupStream.Tocks] = CHECKED BEGIN tks: Process.Ticks = Process.SecondsToTicks[t]; IF tks = LAST[Process.Ticks] THEN ERROR TockConversionTroubles; RETURN[[tks]]; END; -- this assumes that a tock is longer than an millisecond MsToTocks: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [t: CARDINAL] RETURNS [PupStream.Tocks] = CHECKED BEGIN IF t = 0 THEN ERROR TockConversionTroubles; RETURN[[Process.MsecToTicks[t]]]; END; -- Communication error handler errorHandler: PROC [ERROR] ← DefaultErrorHandler; CaptureErrors: PUBLIC PROC [proc: PROC [ERROR]] = {errorHandler ← proc}; DefaultErrorHandler: PROC [why: ERROR] = BEGIN SIGNAL LOOPHOLE[why, SIGNAL] END; Glitch: PUBLIC PROC [why: ERROR] = {DO errorHandler[why] ENDLOOP}; FriendOfCopyLong: PUBLIC PROC [from: LONG POINTER, nwords: CARDINAL, to: LONG POINTER] = {PrincOpsUtils.LongCOPY[from, nwords, to]}; END.... -- PilotCommUtil module LOG Time: June 18, 1979 2:13 PM By: Dalal Action: conversion to Pilot 3.0. Time: August 25, 1979 1:40 PM By: Dalal Action: made msPerTick a constant. Time: August 31, 1979 12:34 PM By: Dalal Action: deleted AllocateHeapNode. Time: August 11, 1980 4:53 PM By: BLyon Action: deleted ByteBlt*.