DIRECTORY Ascii USING [Lower], BasicTime USING [FromPupTime, nullGMT], BcdDefs USING [ Base, BcdBase, CTHandle, CTIndex, CTNull, FTHandle, FTIndex, FTNull, FTSelf, MTHandle, MTIndex, NameRecord, NameString, NullName, NullVersion, VersionID, VersionStamp], BcdOps USING [ProcessConfigs, ProcessFiles, ProcessModules], DFInternal USING [ AbortDF, CheckAbort, Client, ClientDescriptor, DefaultInteractionProc, GetFileInfo, LocalFile, LocalFileInfo, RemoteFileInfo, ReportFSError, RetryFSOperation, SimpleInteraction], DFOperations USING [AbortInteraction, DFInfoInteraction, InfoInteraction, InteractionProc], DFUtilities USING [ Date, DateToRope, DirectoryItem, FileItem, Filter, ImportsItem, IncludeItem, ParseFromStream, ProcessItemProc, RemoveVersionNumber, SyntaxError], FS USING [Close, Error, GetInfo, Open, OpenFile, PagesForBytes, Read, StreamOpen], List USING [CompareProc, UniqueSort], IO USING [card, Close, GetIndex, PutFR, rope, STREAM], Rope USING [Compare, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, FromProc, Index, Length, ROPE, Substr], VM USING [AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, Free, Interval, nullInterval, PageCount]; VerifyImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Ascii, BasicTime, BcdOps, DFInternal, DFUtilities, FS, List, IO, Rope, VM EXPORTS DFOperations = BEGIN OPEN Int: DFInternal, Ops: DFOperations, Utils: DFUtilities; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; FileDesc: TYPE = RECORD [ shortName: ROPE _ NIL, path: ROPE _ NIL, importedFrom: REF FileDesc _ NIL, -- highest level Imports with Using containing 'shortName' parent: ROPE _ NIL, -- DF file containing defining occurrence of 'shortName' date: Utils.Date _ [], version: BcdDefs.VersionStamp _ BcdDefs.NullVersion, bcd: BOOL _ FALSE, needed: Needed _ $no ]; Needed: TYPE = {no, yes, wrongVersion}; htSize: NAT = 97; HashIndex: TYPE = [0..htSize); HashTable: TYPE = REF HashTableArray; HashTableArray: TYPE = ARRAY HashIndex OF LIST OF REF FileDesc; cacheSize: NAT = 10; Omission: TYPE = RECORD [ missing: ROPE, neededBy: ROPE ]; Verify: PUBLIC PROC [ dfFile: ROPE, interact: Ops.InteractionProc _ NIL, clientData: REF ANY _ NIL, log: IO.STREAM _ NIL] RETURNS [errors, warnings, filesActedUpon: INT _ 0] = { client: Int.Client = NEW[Int.ClientDescriptor _ [interact, clientData, log]]; rootList: LIST OF REF FileDesc _ NIL; hashTable: HashTable = NEW[HashTableArray _ ALL[NIL]]; bcdCache: BcdCache = CreateBcdCache[cacheSize]; omissions: LIST OF --REF Omission--REF ANY _ NIL; Hash: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [HashIndex] = { x: NAT _ name.Length[]; FOR i: INT IN [0..x) DO x _ x + (Ascii.Lower[name.Fetch[i]] - 0C); ENDLOOP; RETURN[x MOD htSize] }; EnterInHashTable: PROC [desc: REF FileDesc] RETURNS [BOOL _ TRUE] = { hi: HashIndex = Hash[desc.shortName]; FOR l: LIST OF REF FileDesc _ hashTable[hi], UNTIL l = NIL DO IF desc.shortName.Equal[l.first.shortName, FALSE] THEN { IF ~= THEN { warnings _ warnings.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $warning, message: IO.PutFR["'%g' appears more than once (via '%g' and '%g').", IO.rope[desc.shortName], IO.rope[ IF l.first.importedFrom = NIL THEN l.first.parent ELSE FullName[l.first.importedFrom] ], IO.rope[ IF desc.importedFrom = NIL THEN desc.parent ELSE FullName[desc.importedFrom] ] ] ]] ]; }; RETURN[FALSE] }; ENDLOOP; hashTable[hi] _ CONS[desc, hashTable[hi]]; filesActedUpon _ filesActedUpon.SUCC; }; LookupInHashTable: PROC [shortName: ROPE] RETURNS [desc: REF FileDesc _ NIL] = { FOR l: LIST OF REF FileDesc _ hashTable[Hash[shortName]], UNTIL l = NIL DO IF shortName.Equal[l.first.shortName, FALSE] THEN RETURN[l.first]; ENDLOOP; }; EnumerateHashTable: PROC [proc: PROC [REF FileDesc]] = { FOR hi: HashIndex IN HashIndex DO FOR l: LIST OF REF FileDesc _ hashTable[hi], UNTIL l = NIL DO proc[l.first]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; }; WorthRemembering: PROC [desc: REF FileDesc] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = { ext: ROPE = desc.shortName.Substr[start: desc.shortName.Index[s2: "."]]; exts: ARRAY [0..3) OF ROPE = [".bcd", ".mesa", ".config"]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..exts.LENGTH) DO IF ext.Equal[exts[i], FALSE] THEN {desc.bcd _ i = 0; RETURN[TRUE]}; ENDLOOP; }; Extant: PROC [desc: REF FileDesc] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE { RETURN[ ~= BasicTime.nullGMT] }; importedFrom: REF FileDesc _ NIL; VerifyInner: PROC [dfFile: ROPE, date: Utils.Date, filter: Utils.Filter] RETURNS [finished: BOOL _ FALSE] = { directoryPath: ROPE _ NIL; DoOneItem: Utils.ProcessItemProc = { Int.CheckAbort[client]; WITH item SELECT FROM directory: REF Utils.DirectoryItem => directoryPath _ directory.path1; file: REF Utils.FileItem => { desc: REF FileDesc = NEW[FileDesc _ [ shortName: Utils.RemoveVersionNumber[], path: directoryPath, parent: dfFile, importedFrom: importedFrom ]]; remoteInfo: REF Int.RemoteFileInfo = NEW[Int.RemoteFileInfo _ [ name: FullName[desc], date: ]]; Int.GetFileInfo[info: remoteInfo, client: client, errorLevel: $warning ! FS.Error => CONTINUE ]; _; IF (filter.list ~= NIL OR WorthRemembering[desc]) AND EnterInHashTable[desc] AND file.verifyRoot AND importedFrom = NIL THEN rootList _ CONS[desc, rootList]; }; imports: REF Utils.ImportsItem => IF imports.form ~= $list AND filter.list = NIL THEN { warnings _ warnings.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $warning, message: IO.PutFR["'%g' appears in an Imports statement (in '%g') without a Using list; it will be ignored.", IO.rope[imports.path1], IO.rope[dfFile] ] ]] ]; } ELSE { outerMostImports: BOOL = (filter.list = NIL); newFilter: Utils.Filter = [ comments: filter.comments, -- comments processing is unaffected by imports filterA: filter.filterA, -- source/derived distinction is unaffected by imports filterB: IF imports.form = $exports THEN $public ELSE filter.filterB, filterC: $all, -- if the top level passes imports, they can come from anywhere list: IF imports.form = $list THEN imports.list ELSE filter.list ]; IF outerMostImports THEN importedFrom _ NEW[FileDesc _ [ path: imports.path1, -- hack: shortName is NIL, but only CheckIfNeeded cares. date:, parent: dfFile ]]; IF VerifyInner[imports.path1,, newFilter] AND outerMostImports THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0..imports.list.nEntries) DO desc: REF FileDesc = LookupInHashTable[imports.list.u[i].name]; SELECT TRUE FROM desc = NIL => { warnings _ warnings.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $warning, message: IO.PutFR[ "'%g' could not be found inside '%g' (or any nested DF file).", IO.rope[imports.list.u[i].name], IO.rope[imports.path1] ] ]] ]; }; imports.list.u[i].verifyRoot => rootList _ CONS[desc, rootList]; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; importedFrom _ NIL; }; }; include: REF Utils.IncludeItem => [] _ VerifyInner[include.path1,, filter]; ENDCASE; }; dfInfo: REF Int.RemoteFileInfo = NEW[Int.RemoteFileInfo _ [name: dfFile, date: date]]; dfStream: IO.STREAM; Int.GetFileInfo[info: dfInfo, client: client ! FS.Error => {errors _ errors.SUCC; GO TO skip}]; dfStream _ FS.StreamOpen[fileName: ! FS.Error => {errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.ReportFSError[error, dfInfo, client]; GO TO skip} ]; _ Utils.RemoveVersionNumber[]; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.DFInfoInteraction _ [action: $start, dfFile:]] ]; Utils.ParseFromStream[dfStream, DoOneItem, filter ! Utils.SyntaxError -- [reason: ROPE]-- => { errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $error, message: IO.PutFR[ "Syntax error in '%g'[%d]: %g\NProcessing of this DF file aborted.", IO.rope[], IO.card[dfStream.GetIndex[]], IO.rope[reason] ] ]] ]; CONTINUE }; Int.AbortDF => dfStream.Close[]; ]; dfStream.Close[]; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.DFInfoInteraction _ [action: $end, dfFile:]] ]; RETURN[TRUE]; EXITS skip => NULL; }; VerifyDependencies: PROC = { VerifyDependenciesInner: PROC [parent: REF FileDesc] = { parentBcd: BcdDefs.BcdBase _ NIL; parentFileTable: BcdDefs.Base; parentSource: REF FileDesc _ NIL; parentFileName: ROPE _ NIL; RopeForNameRecord: PROC [bcd: BcdDefs.BcdBase, name: BcdDefs.NameRecord] RETURNS [r: ROPE] = TRUSTED { ssb: BcdDefs.NameString = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; len: NAT; i: INT _ name; GetFromNameString: SAFE PROC RETURNS [char: CHAR] = TRUSTED { char _ ssb.string[i]; i _ i + 1}; r _ Rope.FromProc[ssb.size[name], GetFromNameString]; len _ r.Length[]; IF len > 0 AND r.Fetch[len-1] = '. THEN r _ r.Substr[len: len-1]; }; CheckDependentFile: PROC [fth: BcdDefs.FTHandle, recur: BOOL _ TRUE] = TRUSTED { file: ROPE _ RopeForNameRecord[parentBcd,]; child: REF FileDesc; Int.CheckAbort[client]; IF file.Find["."] < 0 THEN file _ file.Concat[".bcd"]; IF (child _ LookupInHashTable[file]) = NIL THEN omissions _ CONS[ NEW[Omission _ [missing: file, neededBy: parentFileName]], omissions] ELSE IF Extant[child] THEN { SELECT child.needed FROM $no => { IF child.version = BcdDefs.NullVersion THEN { childBcd: BcdDefs.BcdBase; childBcd _ GetBcd[bcdCache, child ! FS.Error => IF Int.RetryFSOperation[error, client] THEN RETRY ELSE { errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.ReportFSError[ error, NEW[Int.RemoteFileInfo _ [name: parentFileName, date:]], client ]; GO TO proceedWithoutBCD } ]; IF childBcd.versionIdent = BcdDefs.VersionID THEN child.version _ childBcd.version; ReleaseBcd[bcdCache, childBcd]; }; IF fth.version = child.version THEN { child.needed _ $yes; IF child.importedFrom ~= NIL AND child.importedFrom.needed = $no THEN child.importedFrom.needed _ $yes; IF recur THEN VerifyDependenciesInner[child]; RETURN }; }; $yes => IF fth.version = child.version THEN RETURN; $wrongVersion => RETURN; ENDCASE; child.needed _ $wrongVersion; errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $error, message: IO.PutFR[ "'%g' {%g} depends on '%g'; '%g' {%g} is the wrong version.", IO.rope[parentFileName], IO.rope[Utils.DateToRope[]], IO.rope[file], IO.rope[FullName[child]], IO.rope[Utils.DateToRope[]] ] ]] ]; EXITS proceedWithoutBCD => NULL; }; }; parentSourceName: BcdDefs.NameRecord _ BcdDefs.NullName; parentSourceVersion: BcdDefs.VersionStamp; IF ~parent.bcd OR parent.importedFrom ~= NIL THEN RETURN; parentFileName _ FullName[parent]; parentBcd _ GetBcd[bcdCache, parent ! FS.Error => IF Int.RetryFSOperation[error, client] THEN RETRY ELSE { errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.ReportFSError[ error, NEW[Int.RemoteFileInfo _ [name: parentFileName, date:]], client ]; GO TO skipThisBCD } ]; TRUSTED{ parentSourceName _ parentBcd.source; parentSourceVersion _ parentBcd.sourceVersion; parentFileTable _ LOOPHOLE[parentBcd + parentBcd.ftOffset]; }; IF parentSourceName = BcdDefs.NullName THEN { warnings _ warnings.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $warning, message: IO.PutFR[ "'%g' {%g} does not specify a source file.", IO.rope[parentFileName], IO.rope[Utils.DateToRope[]] ] ]] ]; } ELSE { sourceFileName: ROPE = RopeForNameRecord[parentBcd, parentSourceName]; IF (parentSource _ LookupInHashTable[sourceFileName]) = NIL THEN omissions _ CONS[ NEW[Omission _ [ missing: sourceFileName, neededBy: parentFileName ]], omissions] ELSE IF Extant[parentSource] AND parentSource.needed ~= $wrongVersion THEN { sourceDate: Utils.Date = [$explicit, BasicTime.FromPupTime[LOOPHOLE[parentSourceVersion.time]]]; IF sourceDate = THEN parentSource.needed _ $yes ELSE { parentSource.needed _ $wrongVersion; errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $error, message: IO.PutFR[ "'%g' {%g} expects source of {%g}, but DF file specifies '%g' {%g}.", IO.rope[parentFileName], IO.rope[Utils.DateToRope[]], IO.rope[Utils.DateToRope[sourceDate]], IO.rope[FullName[parentSource]], IO.rope[Utils.DateToRope[]] ] ]] ]; }; }; }; TRUSTED { IF parentBcd.nConfigs > 0 THEN { remoteSubConfig: BOOL _ FALSE; ctb: BcdDefs.Base = LOOPHOLE[parentBcd + parentBcd.ctOffset]; sgb: BcdDefs.Base = LOOPHOLE[parentBcd + parentBcd.sgOffset]; DoOneModule: PROC [mth: BcdDefs.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = TRUSTED { cti: BcdDefs.CTIndex _ mth.config; UNTIL cti = BcdDefs.CTNull DO cth: BcdDefs.CTHandle = @ctb[cti]; IF cth.file ~= BcdDefs.FTSelf THEN {remoteSubConfig _ TRUE; RETURN}; cti _ cth.config; ENDLOOP; IF mth.file ~= BcdDefs.FTSelf AND mth.file ~= BcdDefs.FTNull THEN CheckDependentFile[@parentFileTable[mth.file]]; }; DoOneConfig: PROC [cth: BcdDefs.CTHandle, cti: BcdDefs.CTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = TRUSTED { IF cth.file ~= BcdDefs.FTSelf THEN { outerCti: BcdDefs.CTIndex _ cth.config; UNTIL outerCti = BcdDefs.CTNull DO outerCth: BcdDefs.CTHandle = @ctb[outerCti]; IF outerCth.file ~= BcdDefs.FTSelf THEN RETURN; outerCti _ outerCth.config; ENDLOOP; CheckDependentFile[@parentFileTable[cth.file]]; }; }; [] _ BcdOps.ProcessModules[parentBcd, DoOneModule]; IF remoteSubConfig THEN [] _ BcdOps.ProcessConfigs[parentBcd, DoOneConfig]; } ELSE { DoOneFile: PROC [fth: BcdDefs.FTHandle, fti: BcdDefs.FTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL _ FALSE] = TRUSTED { CheckDependentFile[fth]; }; [] _ BcdOps.ProcessFiles[parentBcd, DoOneFile]; }; }; ReleaseBcd[bcdCache, parentBcd]; EXITS skipThisBCD => NULL; }; IF rootList = NIL THEN { warnings _ warnings.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $warning, message: IO.PutFR["No files in '%g' are marked with '+'.", IO.rope[dfFile]] ]] ]; } ELSE FOR l: LIST OF REF FileDesc _ rootList, UNTIL l = NIL DO rootDesc: REF FileDesc = l.first; IF rootDesc.needed = $no THEN { rootDesc.needed _ $yes; IF rootDesc.importedFrom ~= NIL AND rootDesc.importedFrom.needed = $no THEN rootDesc.importedFrom.needed _ $yes; IF Extant[rootDesc] THEN VerifyDependenciesInner[rootDesc ! Int.AbortDF => FlushBcdCache[bcdCache]]; }; ENDLOOP; FlushBcdCache[bcdCache]; }; ReportOmissions: PROC = { Compare: List.CompareProc = { RETURN[Rope.Compare[ NARROW[ref1, REF Omission].missing, NARROW[ref2, REF Omission].missing] ] }; nFiles: NAT _ 0; msg: ROPE _ "The following should appear in the DF input:\N"; IF omissions = NIL THEN RETURN; FOR omissions _ List.UniqueSort[omissions, Compare], UNTIL omissions = NIL DO omission: REF Omission = NARROW[omissions.first]; msg _ msg.Concat[ IO.PutFR[" '%g', needed by '%g'\N", IO.rope[omission.missing], IO.rope[omission.neededBy] ] ]; nFiles _ nFiles.SUCC; ENDLOOP; errors _ errors + nFiles; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $error, message: msg ]] ]; }; CheckIfNeeded: PROC [desc: REF FileDesc] = { IF desc.needed ~= $no OR ~WorthRemembering[desc] THEN RETURN; IF desc.importedFrom ~= NIL THEN IF desc.importedFrom.needed = $no THEN (desc _ desc.importedFrom).needed _ $yes ELSE RETURN; warnings _ warnings.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $warning, message: IO.PutFR[ "'%g' (%g) is superfluous.", IO.rope[IF desc.shortName = NIL THEN desc.path ELSE desc.shortName], IO.rope[ IF desc.importedFrom = NIL THEN IO.PutFR["in '%g'", IO.rope[desc.parent]] ELSE IO.PutFR["via '%g'", IO.rope[FullName[desc.importedFrom]]] ] ] ]] ]; }; IF interact = NIL THEN interact _ Int.DefaultInteractionProc; IF Int.LocalFile[dfFile] THEN { dfInfo: REF Int.LocalFileInfo = NEW[Int.LocalFileInfo _ [name: dfFile]]; Int.GetFileInfo[info: dfInfo, client: client, errorLevel: $abort]; IF (dfFile _ dfInfo.attachedTo) = NIL THEN Int.SimpleInteraction[ client, NEW[Ops.InfoInteraction _ [ class: $abort, message: IO.PutFR[ "'%g' isn't a remote file and therefore can't be verified.", IO.rope[] ] ]] ]; }; BEGIN ENABLE BEGIN ABORTED => { Int.SimpleInteraction[client, NEW[Ops.AbortInteraction _ [TRUE]]]; }; Int.AbortDF => { errors _ errors.SUCC; Int.SimpleInteraction[client, NEW[Ops.DFInfoInteraction _ [action: $abort, dfFile: dfFile]]]; CONTINUE }; END; IF VerifyInner[dfFile, [format: $explicit], []] THEN { VerifyDependencies[]; ReportOmissions[]; EnumerateHashTable[CheckIfNeeded]; }; END; }; BcdCache: TYPE = REF BcdCacheObject; BcdCacheObject: TYPE = RECORD [ locked: CachedBcdList _ NIL, -- linear list available: CachedBcdList _ NIL, -- circularly chained size: NAT _ 0, replacementSize: NAT ]; CachedBcdList: TYPE = LIST OF CachedBcd; CachedBcd: TYPE = REF CachedBcdEntry; CachedBcdEntry: TYPE = RECORD [ buffer: VM.Interval _ VM.nullInterval, desc: REF FileDesc _ NIL ]; initialVM: VM.PageCount = 10; CreateBcdCache: PROC [replacementSize: NAT] RETURNS [bcdCache: BcdCache] = { RETURN[NEW[BcdCacheObject _ [replacementSize: replacementSize]]] }; GetBcd: PROC [bcdCache: BcdCache, desc: REF FileDesc] RETURNS [bcd: BcdDefs.BcdBase _ NIL] = { prev: CachedBcdList _ bcdCache.available; new: CachedBcd _ NIL; list: CachedBcdList _ NIL; NewEntry: PROC RETURNS [CachedBcdList] = { bcdCache.size _ bcdCache.size.SUCC; RETURN[CONS[NEW[CachedBcdEntry _ []], NIL]] }; SELECT TRUE FROM prev = NIL => list _ NewEntry[]; prev = => { list _ bcdCache.available; bcdCache.available _ NIL; IF list.first.desc ~= desc THEN list.first.desc _ NIL; }; ENDCASE => { list _; DO IF list.first.desc = desc THEN GO TO dequeue; -- 'list.first' is a cache hit prev _ list; IF (list _ = THEN { IF bcdCache.size < bcdCache.replacementSize THEN {list _ NewEntry[]; EXIT} ELSE {list.first.desc _ NIL; GO TO dequeue}; }; REPEAT dequeue => { _; IF bcdCache.available = list THEN bcdCache.available _; }; ENDLOOP; }; _ bcdCache.locked; bcdCache.locked _ list; IF (new _ list.first).desc = NIL THEN { ENABLE UNWIND => { bcdCache.locked _; bcdCache.size _ bcdCache.size.PRED; }; name: ROPE = FullName[desc]; file: FS.OpenFile; nPages: INT; file _ FS.Open[name: name, wantedCreatedTime:]; IF new.buffer.count = 0 THEN new.buffer _ VM.Allocate[initialVM]; nPages _ MIN[FS.PagesForBytes[FS.GetInfo[file].bytes], new.buffer.count]; TRUSTED { bcd _ VM.AddressForPageNumber[]; FS.Read[file: file, from: 0, nPages: nPages, to: bcd]; IF bcd.nPages > nPages THEN { nPages _ bcd.nPages; VM.Free[new.buffer]; new.buffer _ VM.Allocate[nPages]; bcd _ VM.AddressForPageNumber[]; FS.Read[file: file, from: 0, nPages: nPages, to: bcd]; }; }; FS.Close[file]; new.desc _ desc; } ELSE TRUSTED {bcd _ VM.AddressForPageNumber[]}; }; ReleaseBcd: PROC [bcdCache: BcdCache, bcd: BcdDefs.BcdBase] = { list: CachedBcdList _ bcdCache.locked; prev: CachedBcdList _ NIL; UNTIL list = NIL DO TRUSTED {IF VM.AddressForPageNumber[] = bcd THEN EXIT}; prev _ list; list _; REPEAT FINISHED => ERROR; ENDLOOP; IF prev = NIL THEN bcdCache.locked _ ELSE _; IF bcdCache.available = NIL THEN _ list ELSE { _; _ list}; bcdCache.available _ list; }; FlushBcdCache: PROC [bcdCache: BcdCache] = { list: CachedBcdList; FOR list _ bcdCache.locked, UNTIL list = NIL DO TRUSTED {VM.Free[list.first.buffer]}; ENDLOOP; bcdCache.locked _ NIL; IF bcdCache.available = NIL THEN RETURN; list _; -- head of 'available' list _ NIL; -- break circular chain bcdCache.available _ NIL; UNTIL list = NIL DO TRUSTED {VM.Free[list.first.buffer]}; list _; ENDLOOP; }; FullName: PROC [desc: REF FileDesc] RETURNS [ROPE] = INLINE { RETURN[desc.path.Concat[desc.shortName]] }; END. pVerifyImpl.mesa last edited by Levin on November 23, 1983 1:24 am duplicate short file name with different file creation dates This procedure checks for consistency and completeness of the DF input with respect to the file identified by its parameter. There are essentially two cases. (1) If the parameter file is not a BCD or if it is a BCD that was imported, the file is a leaf of the dependency tree. It sufficies, therefore, to check that the file exists, which was already done in the course of building the hash table. Therefore, VerifyDependenciesInner does nothing for non-BCDs. (2) If the parameter is a BCD, the file table is enumerated and, for each file, the DF input is checked to see that (a) there exists a file with the same short name, (b) that the file is extant, and (c) that the BCD version stamp matches the stamp in the file table entry. If (a) fails, a necessary file has been omitted from the input and its (short) name is placed on a list for future printing. If (b) fails, the file appeared in the DF input but doesn't exist on the server. This error was reported during hash table construction, so no further action is required here. If (c) fails, the file specified in the DF input exists, but is the wrong version. An error is reported (unless it was already reported.) After the file table enumeration is complete, the source file for 'parent' is checked to be sure it exists. This module belongs the configuration directly defined by parentBcd's source. This config is a remote one. If all of its enclosing configs are local, we treat it as a dependency. The entire imports item is superfluous. We print the warning here, then flag the 'importedFrom' descriptor as 'needed' to prevent repeated messages, either for the imports item or anything in its Using list. We would like to RESUME at this point, but until ABORTED is redeclared as a SIGNAL, it won't work. The following is a terrible cheat, since the date is technically illegal. However, the (desired!) effect is to treat a version number on 'dfFile' as truth (i.e., it won't be stripped off by Int.GetFileInfo.) The hash table has now been constructed. Process the roots list. Report any omitted names. All inconsistencies have been reported. Pick up extra entries and report them. Internal procedures A bcd cache is managed as two singly-linked lists of cache entries. The 'available' list consists of cached bcd's that are eligible for replacement. The 'locked' list consists of cached bcd's that are actually being touched; they cannot be replaced until they are moved to the 'available' list. The maximum size of the two lists is (almost) bounded by a creation-time parameter; however, if the 'available' list is empty when a new entry is needed, the entry will be created regardless of the size bound. Cache replacement occurs in the 'available' list in LRU order. New cache entries appear at the tail of the list; victims are taken from the head. BcdCache.available points at the logical tail of the list, that is, the MRU entry, and points at the logical head, the LRU entry. 'available' list is empty. Create a new cache entry regardless of present cache size. 'available' list has precisely one entry, which may or may not be the file of interest. 'available' list has at least two entries. assert: list = cache miss. 'list' is a single element list (although may be garbage) containing the CachedBcd to be (re)used. We link it on the 'locked' list. We now have a cache entry, which either is empty or has the desired file. buffer too small; grow it. dequeue from 'locked' list. enqueue on 'available' list. flush 'locked' list. ÊÓ˜Jšœ™Jšœ1™1J˜šÏk ˜ Jšœœ ˜Jšœ œ˜'šœœ˜Jšœ¨˜¨—Jšœœ0˜<šœ œ˜Jšœ²˜²—Jšœ œI˜[šœ œ˜Jšœ‘˜‘—JšœœJ˜RJšœœ˜%Jšœœ&œ˜6Jšœœ@œ ˜XJšœœK˜S—J˜šœ œ˜Jšœ4œœ˜QJšœ˜—J˜Jš˜J˜Jšœ8˜J˜—J˜šŸ œœ/˜?Jšœ&˜&Jšœœ˜šœœ˜Jš œœœ4œœ˜MJ˜ Jšœ˜š˜Jšœœ˜—Jšœ˜—Jšœ™Jšœœœœ˜JJšœ™Jšœœœ˜1JšœG˜KJ˜J˜—J˜šŸ œœ˜,Jšœ˜Jšœ™šœ#œœ˜9Jšœœ˜%Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜Jšœœœœ˜(Jšœ!ž˜