-- FileListsImpl.Mesa -- Last edited by Sandman on July 8, 1980 9:14 AM -- Last edited by Sweet on August 28, 1980 10:01 AM -- Last edited by Lewis on October 7, 1980 6:21 PM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY AltoDefs USING [PageSize], AltoFileDefs USING [FilenameChars], BcdDefs USING [VersionStamp], ImageDefs USING [StopMesa], InlineDefs USING [BITAND, BITXOR], IODefs USING [WriteLine], FileLists, SegmentDefs USING [ Append, DefaultBase, DefaultVersion, DeleteFileSegment, DestroyFile, FileHandle, FileSegmentAddress, FileSegmentHandle, LockFile, MoveFileSegment, NewFile, NewFileSegment, PageCount, Read, SegmentFault, SetEndOfFile, SwapIn, SwapOut, Unlock, UnlockFile, Write], String USING [AppendChar, AppendString, EquivalentString], Table USING [ Allocate, AddNotify, Base, Create, Destroy, DropNotify, Notifier, Overflow, Selector]; FileListsImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS IODefs, ImageDefs, InlineDefs, SegmentDefs, String, Table EXPORTS FileLists = BEGIN OPEN FileLists; -- MANAGEMENT OF DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED TABLES userListType: Table.Selector = 0; fileEntryType: Table.Selector = 1; includeFileType: Table.Selector = 2; incFileDescType: Table.Selector = 3; ulb, feb, ifb, ifdb: PUBLIC Table.Base; Tables: TYPE = Table.Selector[userListType..incFileDescType]; Weights: ARRAY Tables OF CARDINAL ← [2, 4, 11, 3]; -- rough estimates tablesPages: PUBLIC SegmentDefs.PageCount; TablesPageStart: SegmentDefs.PageCount = 25; TablesPageStep: SegmentDefs.PageCount = 10; TablesPageLimit: SegmentDefs.PageCount = 175; tablesFile: SegmentDefs.FileHandle; tablesSegment: SegmentDefs.FileSegmentHandle; tablesOrigin: Table.Base; tablesSize: CARDINAL; EnlargingTables: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE; DoneEnlargingTables: PUBLIC SIGNAL = CODE; EnlargeTables: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; neededPages: SegmentDefs.PageCount; neededPages ← IF tablesPages = 0 THEN TablesPageStart ELSE (tablesPages + TablesPageStep); IF neededPages > TablesPageLimit THEN {IODefs.WriteLine["Storage Overflow!"]; ImageDefs.StopMesa[]} ELSE BEGIN SIGNAL EnlargingTables; IF tablesPages # 0 THEN BEGIN Unlock[tablesSegment]; SwapOut[tablesSegment]; END; MoveFileSegment[tablesSegment, tablesSegment.base, neededPages]; tablesPages ← neededPages; SwapIn[ tablesSegment ! SegmentFault => BEGIN SetEndOfFile[tablesSegment.file, tablesSegment.base + neededPages, 0]; RETRY; END]; tablesOrigin ← LOOPHOLE[FileSegmentAddress[tablesSegment]]; tablesSize ← tablesPages*AltoDefs.PageSize; SIGNAL DoneEnlargingTables; END; END; UpdateTableBases: Table.Notifier = BEGIN ulb ← base[userListType]; feb ← base[fileEntryType]; ifb ← base[includeFileType]; ifdb ← base[incFileDescType]; END; -- HASHING HVSize: CARDINAL = 71; ulHashVec: ARRAY [0..HVSize) OF UserListPtr; feHashVec: ARRAY [0..HVSize) OF FE; ifdHashVec: ARRAY [0..HVSize) OF IncFileDesc; HashFn: PROC [s: STRING] RETURNS [[0..HVSize)] = BEGIN CharBits: PROC [CHARACTER, WORD] RETURNS [WORD] = LOOPHOLE[InlineDefs.BITAND]; Mask: WORD = 337B; n: CARDINAL = s.length; v: WORD; v ← CharBits[s[0], Mask]*177B + CharBits[s[n - 1], Mask]; RETURN[InlineDefs.BITXOR[v, n*17B] MOD HVSize] END; CompareString: PROC [a, b: STRING] RETURNS [{less, equal, greater}] = BEGIN l: CARDINAL = MIN[a.length, b.length]; i: CARDINAL; ca, cb: CHARACTER; CharAnd: PROC [CHARACTER, WORD] RETURNS [CHARACTER] = InlineDefs.BITAND; FOR i IN [0..l) DO ca ← a[i]; cb ← b[i]; IF ca IN ['a..'z] THEN ca ← CharAnd[ca, 137B]; -- ignore case shifts IF cb IN ['a..'z] THEN cb ← CharAnd[cb, 137B]; IF ca < cb THEN RETURN[less]; IF ca > cb THEN RETURN[greater]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[ SELECT a.length FROM < b.length => less, = b.length => equal, ENDCASE => greater] END; -- INITIALIZATION AND FINALIZATION Initialize: PUBLIC PROC [debugging: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; i: CARDINAL; tablesFile ← NewFile[ (IF debugging THEN "IncludeChecker.scratch$" ELSE "Swatee"), Read + Write + Append, DefaultVersion]; LockFile[tablesFile]; tablesSegment ← NewFileSegment[ file: tablesFile, base: DefaultBase, pages: 1, access: Read + Write]; tablesPages ← 0; EnlargeTables[]; Table.Create[ [origin: tablesOrigin, size: tablesSize], DESCRIPTOR[Weights]]; Table.AddNotify[UpdateTableBases]; FOR i IN [0..HVSize) DO ulHashVec[i] ← ULnil; feHashVec[i] ← FEnil; ifdHashVec[i] ← IFDnil; ENDLOOP; END; Finalize: PUBLIC PROC [debugging: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN SegmentDefs; Table.DropNotify[UpdateTableBases]; Table.Destroy[]; Unlock[tablesSegment]; DeleteFileSegment[tablesSegment]; UnlockFile[tablesFile]; IF debugging THEN DestroyFile[tablesFile]; END; -- USER-SPECIFIED FILE NAME LIST anyUserSpecifiedNames: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; InsertInUserList: PUBLIC PROC [fileName: STRING] = BEGIN mainPart: STRING ← [AltoFileDefs.FilenameChars + 1]; i: CARDINAL; hash: [0..HVSize); pUL: UserListPtr; anyUserSpecifiedNames ← TRUE; FOR i IN [0..fileName.length) DO IF fileName[i] = '. THEN EXIT; String.AppendChar[mainPart, fileName[i]]; ENDLOOP; hash ← HashFn[mainPart]; pUL ← ulHashVec[hash]; WHILE pUL # ULnil DO IF String.EquivalentString[mainPart, @ulb[pUL].name] THEN RETURN; pUL ← ulb[pUL].next; ENDLOOP; ulHashVec[hash] ← NewUserListItem[mainPart, ulHashVec[hash]]; END; NewUserListItem: PROC [ name: STRING, next: UserListPtr] RETURNS [pUL: UserListPtr] = BEGIN pUL ← Table.Allocate[ userListType, (SIZE[UserListItem] + (name.length + 1)/2) ! Table.Overflow => BEGIN EnlargeTables[]; RESUME [[origin: tablesOrigin, size: tablesSize]]; END]; ulb[pUL] ← UserListItem[ next: next, name: [length: 0, maxlength: name.length, text:]]; String.AppendString[@ulb[pUL].name, name]; RETURN[pUL]; END; IsInUserList: PUBLIC PROC [fileName: STRING] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF ~anyUserSpecifiedNames THEN RETURN[TRUE]; -- process all bcds on disk RETURN[ScanUserList[fileName].found]; END; ScanUserList: PROC [ fileName: STRING] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, userListName: STRING] = BEGIN hash: [0..HVSize); pUL: UserListPtr; hash ← HashFn[fileName]; FOR pUL ← ulHashVec[hash], ulb[pUL].next WHILE pUL # ULnil DO IF String.EquivalentString[fileName, @ulb[pUL].name] THEN RETURN[TRUE, @ulb[pUL].name]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE, NIL]; END; -- FILE LIST fileList: PUBLIC FE ← FEnil; InsertInFileList: PUBLIC PROC [name: STRING] RETURNS [fe: FE] = BEGIN found: BOOLEAN; userListName: STRING; i: [0..HVSize) ← HashFn[name]; FOR fe ← feHashVec[i], feb[fe].next WHILE fe # FEnil DO IF String.EquivalentString[name, @feb[fe].name] THEN RETURN[fe]; ENDLOOP; [found, userListName] ← ScanUserList[name]; -- use user's name if possible IF found THEN BEGIN userNameCopy: STRING ← [AltoFileDefs.FilenameChars + 1]; String.AppendString[to: userNameCopy, from: userListName]; fe ← feHashVec[i] ← NewFE[userNameCopy, feHashVec[i]]; END ELSE fe ← feHashVec[i] ← NewFE[name, feHashVec[i]]; RETURN[fe]; END; NewFE: PROC [name: STRING, next: FE] RETURNS [fe: FE] = BEGIN last: FE ← FEnil; -- follows fe FOR fe ← fileList, feb[fe].link UNTIL fe = FEnil DO SELECT CompareString[@feb[fe].name, name] FROM less => last ← fe; equal => ERROR; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; fe ← Table.Allocate[ fileEntryType, (SIZE[FileEntry] + (name.length + 1)/2) ! Table.Overflow => BEGIN EnlargeTables[]; RESUME [[origin: tablesOrigin, size: tablesSize]]; END]; IF last = FEnil THEN BEGIN feb[fe] ← FileEntry[ next: next, link: fileList, name: StringBody[length: 0, maxlength: name.length, text:]]; fileList ← fe; END ELSE BEGIN feb[fe] ← FileEntry[ next: next, link: feb[last].link, name: [length: 0, maxlength: name.length, text:]]; feb[last].link ← fe; END; String.AppendString[@feb[fe].name, name]; RETURN[fe]; END; -- INCLUDES/INCLUDED BY LISTS InsertIncludeFileItem: PUBLIC PROC [ incList: IncFile, fe: FE, feName: STRING, stamp: BcdDefs.VersionStamp, fileOpenedByCompiler: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [IncFile] = BEGIN p: IncFile; incListLast: IncFile ← IFnil; incListFile: FE; FOR p ← incList, ifb[p].link UNTIL p = IFnil DO incListFile ← ifdb[ifb[p].includeFileDesc].file; SELECT CompareString[@feb[incListFile].name, feName] FROM less => incListLast ← p; equal => RETURN[incList]; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; p ← Table.Allocate[ includeFileType, SIZE[IncludeFileItem] ! Table.Overflow => -- enlarge space for tables BEGIN EnlargeTables[]; RESUME [[origin: tablesOrigin, size: tablesSize]]; END]; IF incListLast = IFnil THEN BEGIN ifb[p] ← IncludeFileItem[ link: incList, includeFileDesc: AddIFD[fe, feName, stamp], fileOpenedByCompiler: fileOpenedByCompiler]; incList ← p; END ELSE BEGIN ifb[p] ← IncludeFileItem[ link: ifb[incListLast].link, includeFileDesc: AddIFD[fe, feName, stamp], fileOpenedByCompiler: fileOpenedByCompiler]; ifb[incListLast].link ← p; END; RETURN[incList]; END; -- INCLUDED FILE DESCRIPTORS (avoid duplication of data in inc/inc by lists) AddIFD: PROC [ fe: FE, feName: STRING, stamp: BcdDefs.VersionStamp] RETURNS [d: IncFileDesc] = BEGIN i: [0..HVSize) ← HashFn[feName]; incFile: FE; d ← ifdHashVec[i]; WHILE d # IFDnil DO incFile ← ifdb[d].file; IF String.EquivalentString[feName, @feb[incFile].name] AND stamp = ifdb[d].stamp THEN RETURN[d]; d ← ifdb[d].next; ENDLOOP; d ← ifdHashVec[i] ← NewIFD[fe, stamp, ifdHashVec[i]]; -- get new ifd RETURN[d]; END; NewIFD: PROC [ fe: FE, stamp: BcdDefs.VersionStamp, next: IncFileDesc] RETURNS [d: IncFileDesc] = BEGIN d ← Table.Allocate[ incFileDescType, SIZE[IncFileDescItem] ! Table.Overflow => BEGIN EnlargeTables[]; RESUME [[origin: tablesOrigin, size: tablesSize]]; END]; ifdb[d] ← IncFileDescItem[next: next, file: fe, stamp: stamp]; RETURN[d]; END; END.