-- StreamsA.Mesa Edited by Sandman on July 1, 1980 11:14 AM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY AltoDefs USING [CharsPerPage, CharsPerWord, PageCount, PageNumber, PageSize], AltoFileDefs USING [eofDA, FA, fillinDA, FP, vDA], BFSDefs USING [ActOnPages, GetNextDA, WritePages], DiskDefs USING [DiskRequest], InlineDefs USING [BITAND, BITSHIFT, COPY], MiscDefs USING [Zero], NucleusOps USING [], SegmentDefs USING [UpdateFileLength], StreamDefs USING [DiskHandle, StreamErrorCode, StreamHandle], Storage USING [Node, Free]; StreamsA: PROGRAM IMPORTS BFSDefs, InlineDefs, MiscDefs, SegmentDefs, Storage EXPORTS StreamDefs, NucleusOps SHARES StreamDefs, SegmentDefs = BEGIN OPEN AltoDefs, AltoFileDefs; DiskHandle: TYPE = StreamDefs.DiskHandle; StreamHandle: TYPE = StreamDefs.StreamHandle; StreamErrorCode: TYPE = StreamDefs.StreamErrorCode; StreamError: PUBLIC SIGNAL [stream: StreamHandle, error: StreamErrorCode] = CODE; -- block mode transfers direction: TYPE = {in, out}; -- the fast stream overflow handler; should only be called -- from the fast stream get, put, and endof routines. It -- always supplies a new count (which may be zero, in which -- case get and/or put is replaced with an error routine). -- Cleanup makes the disk look like the stream, unless the -- current page is not full and you didn't ask for a flush. Fixup: PROCEDURE [stream: StreamHandle] = BEGIN pos: CARDINAL; WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => BEGIN Cleanup[@s, FALSE]; -- don't flush IF (pos ← Pos[@s]) >= s.char THEN BEGIN SetEnd[@s, TRUE]; -- ran into eof Setup[@s, pos, CharsPerPage]; END; END; ENDCASE => SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; RETURN END; Cleanup: PROCEDURE [s: DiskHandle, flush: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN pos: CARDINAL; IF (pos ← Pos[s]) > s.char THEN PositionByte[s, pos, FALSE]; IF pos = CharsPerPage OR (s.char = CharsPerPage AND s.dirty AND s.das[next] = eofDA) THEN BEGIN -- write current page, read (maybe create) next one IF s.dirty THEN [] ← TransferPages[s, NIL, 1, out, FALSE] -- donothing with current page, read next one ELSE [] ← TransferPages[s, NIL, 1, in, TRUE]; IF pos # CharsPerPage THEN BEGIN [] ← TransferPages[s, NIL, -1, in, FALSE]; PositionByte[s, pos, FALSE]; END; END ELSE IF s.dirty AND flush THEN BEGIN -- write current page w/ new numChars [] ← TransferPages[s, NIL, 0, out, TRUE]; PositionByte[s, pos, FALSE]; END; RETURN END; ReadBlock: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ stream: StreamHandle, address: POINTER, words: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN done: CARDINAL ← 0; WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => IF s.read THEN done ← TransferBlock[@s, address, words, in]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; RETURN[done] END; WriteBlock: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ stream: StreamHandle, address: POINTER, words: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN done: CARDINAL ← 0; WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => IF (~s.write AND ~s.append) OR (~s.write AND s.append AND ~EndOf[@s]) OR (s.write AND ~s.append AND EndOf[@s]) THEN NULL ELSE done ← TransferBlock[@s, address, words, out]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; RETURN[done] END; TransferBlock: PROCEDURE [s: DiskHandle, a: POINTER, n: CARDINAL, d: direction] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN OPEN InlineDefs; np: PageCount; done: CARDINAL ← 0; left, pos, words: CARDINAL; IF BITAND[Pos[s], CharsPerWord - 1] # 0 THEN ERROR StreamError[s, StreamPosition]; WHILE done # n DO left ← n - done; pos ← Pos[s]/CharsPerWord; words ← (IF d = out AND s.append THEN PageSize ELSE (s.char + CharsPerWord - 1)/CharsPerWord) - pos; words ← IF left > words THEN words ELSE left; IF words # 0 THEN BEGIN PositionByte[s, (pos + words)*CharsPerWord, d = in]; SELECT d FROM in => COPY[from: s.buffer.word + pos, to: a, nwords: words]; out => BEGIN COPY[from: a, to: s.buffer.word + pos, nwords: words]; s.dirty ← TRUE; END; ENDCASE; END; IF s.char # CharsPerPage AND s.endof[s] AND (d = in OR ~s.append) THEN RETURN[done + words]; np ← LOOPHOLE[left - words, CARDINAL]/PageSize; IF left - words # 0 THEN words ← TransferPages[s, a + words, np, d, FALSE]*PageSize + words; a ← a + words; done ← done + words; ENDLOOP; RETURN[done] END; -- Transfers np pages (or fewer if the file runs out while reading/updating), -- starting at address a and the current page of the file (the one in -- the buffer). It leaves the next page in the buffer, with the stream -- set up at the first character. Note that if writing, the next page -- is read, not written; if the file is extended, the buffer is cleared. -- Returns the number of pages transferred, not counting the next one -- that was read into the buffer. It's only legal to call TransferPages -- when the buffer is full or empty; use TransferBlock otherwise. -- Some special uses: -- a=0 All transfers are into buffer (useful for positioning). -- np=0 The current page is transfered (useful for Cleanup). -- np=-1 Backup one page (useful for positioning). -- The last argument is for very special uses (described below), do -- not supply it unless you know what you are doing! If special is -- true, the following funny things happen, depending on direction: -- direction=in: action is made DoNothing (np should be one) -- Used by Cleanup to skip the current page and read next one. -- direction=out: lastAction is replaced by WriteD, and last- -- Bytes is replaced by the numChars from the stream (np should -- be zero). Used by Cleanup to flush with new buffer length. TransferPages: PROCEDURE [ s: DiskHandle, a: POINTER, np: INTEGER, d: direction, special: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [PageCount] = BEGIN OPEN DiskDefs; backup: BOOLEAN; arg: DiskRequest; i, fp, lp: PageNumber; dobuffer: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; DAs: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF vDA; CAs: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF POINTER; caa: ARRAY [0..4) OF POINTER; daa: ARRAY [0..4) OF vDA; f: POINTER TO FP ← @s.file.fp; -- flush the buffer if the transfer won't IF d = in THEN IF s.dirty THEN Cleanup[s, TRUE] ELSE NULL; -- should mark written -- include the buffer if the transfer doesn't IF a # NIL AND Pos[s] = CharsPerPage THEN BEGIN -- the stream is at [page n, byte 0], but the -- buffer is at [page n-1, byte CharsPerPage]; -- transfer the buffer, too, even if not dirty. dobuffer ← TRUE; np ← np + 1; a ← a - PageSize; -- fixed below END; fp ← s.page; PositionByte[s, 0, d = in]; IF backup ← (np = -1) THEN BEGIN fp ← fp - 1; np ← 0 END; lp ← fp + np; CAs ← LOOPHOLE[(IF np <= 1 THEN @caa ELSE Storage.Node[np + 3]) - (fp - 1)]; DAs ← LOOPHOLE[(IF np <= 1 THEN @daa ELSE Storage.Node[np + 3]) - (fp - 1)]; FOR i IN [fp..lp] DO CAs[i] ← IF a = NIL THEN s.buffer.word ELSE a + (i - fp)*PageSize; DAs[i] ← fillinDA; ENDLOOP; DAs[fp - 1] ← DAs[lp + 1] ← fillinDA; CAs[lp] ← s.buffer.word; IF dobuffer THEN CAs[fp] ← s.buffer.word; InlineDefs.COPY[ from: @s.das, to: @DAs[IF backup THEN fp ELSE fp - 1], nwords: IF backup THEN LENGTH[s.das] - 1 ELSE LENGTH[s.das]]; arg ← DiskRequest[ @CAs[0], @DAs[0], fp, lp, f, FALSE, WriteD, ReadD, FALSE, update[ BFSDefs.GetNextDA]]; IF d = in OR (d = out AND ~special AND ~s.append) THEN BEGIN IF d = in THEN arg.action ← ReadD; IF special THEN arg.action ← DoNothing; [i, s.char] ← BFSDefs.ActOnPages[LOOPHOLE[@arg]]; IF i # lp AND s.char > 0 AND CAs[i] # s.buffer.word THEN InlineDefs.COPY[from: CAs[i], to: s.buffer.word, nwords: PageSize]; END ELSE BEGIN arg.lastBytes ← IF special THEN s.char ELSE 0; arg.lastAction ← IF special THEN WriteD ELSE ReadD; [i, s.char] ← BFSDefs.WritePages[LOOPHOLE[@arg]]; END; s.page ← i; IF s.char = 0 THEN MiscDefs.Zero[s.buffer.word, PageSize]; InlineDefs.COPY[from: @DAs[i - 1], to: @s.das, nwords: LENGTH[s.das]]; IF s.das[next] = eofDA THEN BEGIN OPEN s; fa: FA ← FA[das[current], page, char]; SegmentDefs.UpdateFileLength[file, @fa]; END; IF np > 1 THEN Storage.Free[CAs + fp - 1]; IF np > 1 THEN Storage.Free[DAs + fp - 1]; Setup[s, 0, s.char]; SetEnd[s, s.index = s.size]; s.dirty ← FALSE; RETURN[i - fp - (IF dobuffer THEN 1 ELSE 0)] END; PositionByte: PROCEDURE [s: DiskHandle, b: CARDINAL, reading: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN s; pos: CARDINAL; IF das[next] = eofDA THEN BEGIN IF (pos ← Pos[s]) > char AND append AND dirty THEN char ← pos; IF b > char THEN IF ~append OR reading THEN b ← char ELSE BEGIN char ← b; dirty ← TRUE END; END; Setup[s, b, char]; SetEnd[s, s.index = s.size AND char # CharsPerPage]; RETURN END; -- F A S T S T R E A M S -- the counts and positions should be optimized for -- the instruction set (as in the bcpl implementation). Setup: PROCEDURE [s: DiskHandle, pos, end: CARDINAL] = BEGIN OPEN InlineDefs; mask: WORD = -s.unit; shift: INTEGER = s.unit - 1; -- both pos and end are rounded s.size ← BITSHIFT[BITAND[end + LOOPHOLE[shift, CARDINAL], mask], -shift]; s.index ← BITSHIFT[BITAND[pos + LOOPHOLE[shift, CARDINAL], mask], -shift]; RETURN END; Pos: PROCEDURE [s: DiskHandle] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN[InlineDefs.BITSHIFT[s.index, s.unit - 1]] END; SetEnd: PROCEDURE [s: DiskHandle, b: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN g: PROCEDURE [StreamHandle] RETURNS [UNSPECIFIED]; p: PROCEDURE [StreamHandle, UNSPECIFIED]; IF s.eof # b THEN BEGIN s.eof ← b; g ← s.get; s.get ← s.savedGet; s.savedGet ← g; p ← s.put; s.put ← s.savedPut; s.savedPut ← p; END; RETURN END; ReadByte: PROCEDURE [stream: StreamHandle] RETURNS [item: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => BEGIN IF s.index = s.size THEN BEGIN s.getOverflow[@s]; RETURN[s.get[@s]]; END; item ← s.buffer.byte[s.index]; s.index ← s.index + 1; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; item ← 0; END; RETURN END; ReadWord: PROCEDURE [stream: StreamHandle] RETURNS [item: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => BEGIN IF s.index = s.size THEN BEGIN s.getOverflow[@s]; RETURN[s.get[@s]]; END; item ← s.buffer.word[s.index]; s.index ← s.index + 1; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; item ← 0; END; RETURN END; WriteByte: PROCEDURE [stream: StreamHandle, item: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => BEGIN IF s.index = s.size THEN BEGIN s.putOverflow[@s]; s.put[@s, item]; RETURN; END; s.buffer.byte[s.index] ← item; s.index ← s.index + 1; s.dirty ← TRUE; END; ENDCASE => SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; RETURN END; WriteWord: PROCEDURE [stream: StreamHandle, item: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => BEGIN IF s.index = s.size THEN BEGIN s.putOverflow[@s]; s.put[@s, item]; RETURN; END; s.buffer.word[s.index] ← item; s.index ← s.index + 1; s.dirty ← TRUE; END; ENDCASE => SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; RETURN END; EndOf: PROCEDURE [stream: StreamHandle] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN WITH s: stream SELECT FROM Disk => BEGIN IF s.eof THEN RETURN[TRUE]; IF s.index # s.size THEN RETURN[FALSE]; s.getOverflow[@s]; RETURN[s.endof[@s]]; END; ENDCASE => SIGNAL StreamError[@s, StreamType]; RETURN[FALSE] END; END.