-- CGenDebugCommands.mesa Edited by Bruce, October 14, 1980 4:24 PM DIRECTORY Ascii USING [CR, SP, TAB], CGenDebugCommandDefs USING [ParamIndex], CGenDebugDefs USING [ CCCur, CCFirst, GoFwd, PrintNextLine, PrintPrevLine, PutAsCC, PutAsComponent, PutAsFopcode, PutAsLabelInfoIndex, PutAsStack, PutAsVar, PutCurrentBody, PutCurrentExpr, PutCurrentSource, PutCurrentStmt, PutLabelState, PutNextCC, PutPrevCC, PutRecentCC, PutStackDown, PutStackState, PutStackUp, PutTempState, StackTop], FormSW USING [ProcType], Inline USING [LongNumber], MsgSW USING [Clear, Post], Put USING [Char, Text], RESOut USING [PCr, POctal, PString, WindowsHandle], Selection USING [LongNumber], STDebugDefs USING [ NextSe, PutAsBti, PutAsCti, PutAsHti, PutAsMdi, PutAsMopcode, PutAsSei, PutAsTree, PutAsVariousRep], String USING [InvalidNumber], UserInput USING [ResetUserAbort, userAbort]; CGenDebugCommands: PROGRAM IMPORTS CGenDebugDefs, MsgSW, Put, RESOut, Selection, STDebugDefs, String, UserInput EXPORTS CGenDebugDefs, RESOut = BEGIN OPEN CGenDebugDefs, STDebugDefs; handle: PUBLIC RESOut.WindowsHandle ← NIL; cancelAction: PUBLIC ERROR [endLine: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = CODE; ParamNotify: PUBLIC FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN OPEN CGenDebugCommandDefs; ENABLE cancelAction => BEGIN IF endLine THEN Put.Text[handle.fileSW, " XXX"L]; GO TO done; END; Complain[""L]; UserInput.ResetUserAbort[]; SELECT LOOPHOLE[index, ParamIndex] FROM tree => PutAsTree[GetSelectionValue[]]; asCC => PutAsCC[GetSelectionValue[]]; var => BEGIN RESOut.PCr[]; PutAsVar[GetSelectionValue[]]; END; vcomp => BEGIN OPEN RESOut; val: UNSPECIFIED ← GetSelectionValue[]; PCr[]; POctal[val]; PString["↑ = "L]; PutAsComponent[val]; END; first => PutAsCC[CCFirst[]]; cur => PutAsCC[CCCur[]]; next => PutNextCC[]; prev => PutPrevCC[]; fwd => GoFwd[GetSelectionValue[]]; rcnt => PutRecentCC[GetSelectionValue[]]; temp => PutTempState[]; allStack => PutStackState[]; stack => PutAsStack[GetSelectionValue[]]; tos => PutAsStack[StackTop[]]; down => PutStackDown[]; up => PutStackUp[]; lbl => PutLabelState[]; lii => PutAsLabelInfoIndex[GetSelectionValue[]]; sei => PutAsSei[GetSelectionValue[]]; nextse => NextSe[]; hti => PutAsHti[GetSelectionValue[]]; cti => PutAsCti[GetSelectionValue[]]; bti => PutAsBti[GetSelectionValue[]]; mdi => PutAsMdi[GetSelectionValue[]]; mop => PutAsMopcode[GetSelectionValue[]]; fop => PutAsFopcode[GetSelectionValue[]]; rep => PutAsVariousRep[GetSelectionValue[]]; body => PutCurrentBody[]; stmt => PutCurrentStmt[]; expr => PutCurrentExpr[]; source => PutCurrentSource[]; srcbk => PrintPrevLine[]; srcfwd => PrintNextLine[]; ENDCASE; EXITS done => NULL; END; GetSelectionValue: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [val: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN num: Inline.LongNumber; num.lc ← GetLongSelectionValue[]; SELECT num.highbits FROM 0, 177777B => NULL; ENDCASE => {Complain["number too big"L]; ERROR cancelAction}; RETURN[num.lowbits]; END; GetLongSelectionValue: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [val: LONG UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN val ← Selection.LongNumber[radix: 10 ! String.InvalidNumber => GO TO noNumber]; RETURN; EXITS noNumber => BEGIN Complain["Select a number first"L]; ERROR cancelAction; END; END; Complain: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [msg: STRING, clear: BOOLEAN ← TRUE] = BEGIN IF handle.msgSW = NIL THEN RETURN; IF clear THEN MsgSW.Clear[handle.msgSW]; MsgSW.Post[sw: handle.msgSW, string: msg, prefix: FALSE, endOfMsg: FALSE]; END; -- log writing procedures charsOnLine: CARDINAL ← 0; PChar: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [c: CHARACTER] = BEGIN IF UserInput.userAbort THEN ERROR cancelAction[TRUE]; Put.Char[handle.fileSW, c]; charsOnLine ← SELECT c FROM Ascii.TAB => ((charsOnLine+8)/8)*8, Ascii.CR => 0, ENDCASE => charsOnLine + 1; END; MakeRoom: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [chars, indent: CARDINAL] RETURNS [was: BOOLEAN]= BEGIN charsPerLine: CARDINAL = handle.fileSW.box.dims.w/7-4; IF charsOnLine + chars <= charsPerLine THEN RETURN [TRUE]; PChar[Ascii.CR]; THROUGH [0..indent/8) DO PChar[Ascii.TAB]; ENDLOOP; THROUGH [0..indent MOD 8) DO PChar[Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; END; END.