-- FTPPrivateDefs.mesa,  Edited by: HGM July 31, 1980  12:07 AM  

-- Copyright  Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980

  Ascii USING [CR];

  -- share list

-- **********************!  System Generation Parameters  !***********************

-- maximum string length (in characters)
maxStringLength:		CARDINAL = 128;
maxDateLength:		CARDINAL = 22;  -- dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss zzz

-- default buffer size (in pages)
defaultBufferSize:		CARDINAL = 4;

-- timeout intervals (in seconds)
responseFromServerSeconds:	CARDINAL = LAST[CARDINAL];
responseFromUserSeconds:	CARDINAL = 180;

-- trace characters
outgoingTraceIndicator:		CHARACTER = '>;
incomingTraceIndicator:		CHARACTER = '<;
traceByteLeftDelimiter:		CHARACTER = '{;
traceByteRightDelimiter:		CHARACTER = '};

-- miscellaneous characters
insigniaSeparator:		CHARACTER = Ascii.CR;
majorMinorSeparator:		CHARACTER = '.;
spooledPropertyTerminator:	CHARACTER = ');

-- **********************!  Protocol Parameters  !***********************

-- protocol version numbers
ftpVersion:  Byte = 1;
mtpVersion: Byte = 1;

-- well known socket numbers
ftpSocket:  CARDINAL = 3;
mtpSocket: CARDINAL = 7;

-- mark byte commands
markMinimum:	Byte =  1B;
markRetrieve:	Byte =  1B;
markStore:		Byte =  2B;
markYes:		Byte =  3B;
markNo:		Byte =  4B;
markHereIsFile:	Byte =  5B;
markEndOfCommand:	Byte =  6B;
markComment:	Byte =  7B;
markIAmVersion:	Byte = 10B;
markNewStore:	Byte = 11B;
markDirectory:	Byte = 12B;
markHereIsPropertyList:	Byte = 13B;
markYouAreUser:	Byte = 14B;
markAbort:		Byte = 15B;
markDelete:		Byte = 16B;
markRename:	Byte = 17B;
markStoreMail:	Byte = 20B;
markRetrieveMail:	Byte = 21B;
markFlushMailbox:	Byte = 22B;
markMailboxException:	Byte = 23B;
markMaximum:	Byte = 23B;

-- no reply codes
codeMinimum:		Byte =   1B;
codeCommandUndefined:	Byte =   1B;
codeMissingUserName:		Byte =   2B;
codeCommandIllegal:		Byte =   3B;
codeMalformedPropertyList:	Byte =  10B;
codeIllegalServerFilename:	Byte =  11B;
codeIllegalDirectory:		Byte =  12B;
codeIllegalNameBody:		Byte =  13B;
codeIllegalVersion:		Byte =  14B;
codeIllegalType:		Byte =  15B;
codeIllegalByteSize:		Byte =  16B;
codeIllegalEndOfLineConvention:	Byte =  17B;
codeIllegalUserName:		Byte =  20B;
codeBadUserPassword:		Byte =  21B;
codeBadUserAccount:		Byte =  22B;
codeIllegalConnectName:		Byte =  23B;
codeBadConnectPassword:	Byte =  24B;
codeIllegalCreationDate:		Byte =  25B;
codeIllegalWriteDate:		Byte =  26B;
codeIllegalReadDate:		Byte =  27B;
codeIllegalAuthor:		Byte =  30B;
codeIllegalDevice:		Byte =  31B;
codeNoValidMailbox:		Byte =  40B;
codeIllegalMailbox:		Byte =  41B;
codeFileNotFound:		Byte = 100B;
codeRequestedAccessDenied:	Byte = 101B;
codeTransferParametersInconsistent:	Byte = 102B;
codeFileDataError:		Byte = 103B;
codeStorageExhausted:		Byte = 104B;
codeDontSendFile:		Byte = 105B;
codeStoreNotCompleted:		Byte = 106B;
codeUnidentifiedTransientError:	Byte = 107B;
codeUnidentifiedPermanentError:	Byte = 110B;
codeFileBusy:		Byte = 111B;
codeFileAlreadyExists:		Byte = 112B;
codeMaximum:		Byte = 112B;

-- mailbox exception codes
excpMinimum:		Byte = 0B;
excpUnspecifiedFailure:		Byte = 0B;
excpCannotLocateMailbox:	Byte = 1B;
excpNoForwardingProvided:	Byte = 2B;
excpTransientError:		Byte = 3B;
excpPermanentError:		Byte = 4B; 
excpMaximum:		Byte = 4B; 

-- property list delimiters
propertyListLeftDelimiter:		CHARACTER = '(;
propertyListRightDelimiter:	CHARACTER = ');
propertyLeftDelimiter:		CHARACTER = '(;
propertyNameValueSeparator:	CHARACTER = ' ;
propertyRightDelimiter:		CHARACTER = ');
propertyEscape:		CHARACTER = '';

-- dump file block types
blockDate:			Byte = 373B;
blockEnd:			Byte = 374B;
blockError:			Byte = 375B;
blockData:			Byte = 376B;
blockName:			Byte = 377B;

-- miscellaneous
minimumDumpBlockSize:		CARDINAL = 2;
maximumDumpBlockSize:		CARDINAL = 256;
mailboxExceptionIndexTerminator:	CHARACTER = ' ;

-- **********************!  Internal State  !***********************

-- system state information
FTPSystem: TYPE = POINTER TO FTPSystemObject;
FTPSystemObject: TYPE = RECORD [
  propertyNames: ARRAY Property OF STRING,
  userFilesLoaded, userMailLoaded, serverFilesLoaded, serverMailLoaded,
    accessoriesLoaded: BOOLEAN,
  bufferSize: CARDINAL,
  catchUnidentifiedErrors: BOOLEAN];

-- server state information
FTPServer: TYPE = POINTER TO FTPServerObject;
FTPServerObject: TYPE = RECORD [
  ftplistener: FTPListener,
  serverQueueElementObject: ElementObject,
  purpose: Purpose,
  fileSystem: FileSystem,
  mailSystem: MailSystem,
  forwardingProvided, enqueued: BOOLEAN,
  ftper: FTPer,
  propertyList: PropertyList];

-- dump state information
DumpState: TYPE = POINTER TO DumpStateObject;
DumpStateObject: TYPE = RECORD [
  bufferAddress: POINTER,
  bufferLength: CARDINAL,
  ftper: FTPer,
  blockType: Byte];

-- checksum state information
ChecksumState: TYPE = POINTER TO ChecksumStateObject;
ChecksumStateObject: TYPE = RECORD [
  checksum: CARDINAL,
  anyExcessByte: BOOLEAN,
  excessByte: Byte];

-- event state information
Event: TYPE = POINTER TO EventObject;
  fact: BOOLEAN,
  hint: CONDITION];

-- word    
Word: TYPE = POINTER TO WordObject;
WordObject: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [lhByte, rhByte: Byte];

-- **********************!  User Procedures  !***********************

-- common
VerifyPurposeAndState: PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser,
  expectedPurpose: Purpose, expectedState: UserState];

-- files
UserFilesLoaded: PROCEDURE;
FinishMultiFileOperation: PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser];

-- dump
SendHeaderBlock: PROCEDURE [dumpState: DumpState, fileName, creation : STRING];
DumpBlock: PROCEDURE [
  dumpState: DumpState, source: POINTER, byteCount: CARDINAL];
LoadBlock: PROCEDURE [
  dumpState: DumpState, destination: POINTER, maxWordCount: CARDINAL]
  RETURNS [actualByteCount: CARDINAL];

-- mail
UserMailLoaded: PROCEDURE;

-- **********************!  Server Procedures  !***********************

-- files
ServerFilesLoaded: PROCEDURE;
PTFDirectory: PROCEDURE [ftpserver: FTPServer];
PTFStore:      PROCEDURE [ftpserver: FTPServer, mark: Byte];
PTFRename:    PROCEDURE [ftpserver: FTPServer];

-- mail
ServerMailLoaded: PROCEDURE;
PTFRetrieveMail: PROCEDURE [ftpserver: FTPServer];

-- **********************!  Utilities  !***********************

-- system foothold procedure

-- transmission primitives
CreateFTPer: PROCEDURE [communicationPrimitives: CommunicationPrimitives,
  communicationSystem: CommunicationSystem] RETURNS [ftper: FTPer];
DestroyFTPer: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer];
SendBlock: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, source: POINTER, byteCount: CARDINAL];
ReceiveBlock: PROCEDURE [
  ftper: FTPer, destination: POINTER, maxWordCount: CARDINAL]
  RETURNS [actualByteCount: CARDINAL];
ReceiveBytes: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, bytePointer: BytePointer];
SendWord: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, word: WORD];
ReceiveWord: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [word: WORD];
SendByte: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, byte: Byte];
ReceiveByte: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [byte: Byte];

-- byte primitives
TransferBytes: PROCEDURE [srcBytePointer, dstBytePointer: BytePointer];
AdvanceBytePointer: PROCEDURE [bytePointer: BytePointer, byteCount: CARDINAL];

-- queue primitives
InitializeQueue: PROCEDURE [queue: Queue, identifiersCoincide: IdentifiersCoincide];
FinalizeQueue: PROCEDURE [queue: Queue];
EnQueue: PROCEDURE [queue: Queue, element: Element, identifier: UNSPECIFIED]
  RETURNS [enqueuedElement: Element];
DeQueue: PROCEDURE [queue: Queue, element: Element];
LockQueue: PROCEDURE [queue: Queue, element: Element, exclusive: BOOLEAN];
UnlockQueue: PROCEDURE [queue: Queue, element: Element];
EnumerateQueue: PROCEDURE [
  queue: Queue, processElement: PROCEDURE [Element] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]]
  RETURNS [element: Element];

-- parallel processing primitives
ForkTransferPair: PROCEDURE [
  fileSystem: FileSystem,
  readFile: PROCEDURE [FileSystem, FileHandle,
  srcFileHandle: FileHandle,
  writeFile: PROCEDURE [FileSystem, FileHandle,
  dstFileHandle: FileHandle];
ForkProcessPair: PROCEDURE [
  process: PROCEDURE [UNSPECIFIED], parameter1, parameter2: UNSPECIFIED];

-- error primitives
Abort: PROCEDURE [ftpError: FtpError];
AbortWithExplanation: PROCEDURE [ftpError: FtpError, message: STRING];
-- **********************!  Protocol Procedures  !***********************

-- command/response shorthands
PutGetVersion: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, version: Byte];
GetAnswerAndEOC: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [answer: BOOLEAN];
GetYesAndEOC: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer];
GetSpecificCommand: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, specificMark: Byte];
PutCommandAndEOC: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, mark, code: Byte];
GetCommandAndEOC: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [mark, code: Byte];
GetEOC: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer];

-- command/response primitives
PutCommand: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, mark, code: Byte];
GetCommand: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [mark, code: Byte];
GetPropertyList: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, propertyList: PropertyList];
PutString: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, string: STRING];
GetString: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, string: STRING, terminator: UNSPECIFIED];

-- property list primitives
CreatePropertyList: PROCEDURE RETURNS [propertyList: PropertyList];
DestroyPropertyList: PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList];
CopyPropertyList: PROCEDURE [srcPropertyList, dstPropertyList: PropertyList];
ResetPropertyList: PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList];
WriteProperty: PROCEDURE [
  propertyList: PropertyList, property: Property, value: STRING];
EncodeBooleanProperty: PROCEDURE [boolean: BOOLEAN, property: STRING];
DecodeBooleanProperty: PROCEDURE [property: STRING] RETURNS [boolean: BOOLEAN];

-- filename primitives
WriteFilename: PROCEDURE [file: STRING, propertyList: PropertyList,
  filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, fileSystem: FileSystem,
  userPropertyList: PropertyList];
ReadFilename: PROCEDURE [file: STRING, propertyList: PropertyList,
  filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, fileSystem: FileSystem];
WriteVirtualFilename: PROCEDURE [virtualFilename: VirtualFilename,
  propertyList: PropertyList, skipNullComponents: BOOLEAN];
ReadVirtualFilename: PROCEDURE [
  virtualFilename: VirtualFilename, propertyList: PropertyList];

-- file attribute primitives
ExamineCredentials: PROCEDURE [
  propertyList: PropertyList, filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, fileSystem: FileSystem];
ReadFileInfo: PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList, fileInfo: FileInfo];
EncodeFileType: PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList, fileType: FileType];
DecodeFileType: PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList] RETURNS [fileType: FileType];

-- error primitives
SignalToCode: PROCEDURE [ftpError: FtpError] RETURNS [code: Byte];
CodeToSignal: PROCEDURE [code: Byte] RETURNS [ftpError: FtpError];
RecipientErrorToExceptionCode: PROCEDURE [recipientError: RecipientError]
  RETURNS [exceptionCode: Byte];
ExceptionCodeToRecipientError: PROCEDURE [exceptionCode: Byte]
  RETURNS [recipientError: RecipientError];

-- event primitives
AwaitEvent: PROCEDURE [event: Event];

-- **********************!  Tracing  !***********************

TraceOut: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, mark: Byte];
TraceIn: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer];
TraceString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, string: STRING];
TraceCharacter: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, character: CHARACTER];

-- **********************!  Accessories  !***********************

AccessoriesLoaded: PROCEDURE;
VerbalizeFtpError: PROCEDURE [ftpError: FtpError, message: STRING];
VerbalizeRecipientError: PROCEDURE [recipientError: RecipientError, message: STRING];

-- **********************!  Environment  !***********************

bytesPerWord: CARDINAL = 2;
wordsPerPage: CARDINAL = 256;

-- **********************!  Runtime Procedures  !***********************

ReadCredentials: PROCEDURE [user, password: STRING];
DisableDisplay: PROCEDURE;
ConfirmProcedure: PROCEDURE [procedure: PROCEDURE] RETURNS [present: BOOLEAN];
  RETURNS [present: BOOLEAN, result: UNSPECIFIED];
HaltConfiguration: PROCEDURE;

END. -- of FTPPrivateDefs