Page Numbers: Yes First Page:5 X:315 Y:1" Roman
Margins: Binding: 13
October 1980
This handbook contains documentation for using all of the standard Mesa services intended for Mesa programmers as well as operational procedures for the Alto. In general, the sections are short and to the point, serving as a how-to guide rather than a reference document containing all of the details. This handbook assumes prior familiarity with the Mesa language as well as the Alto. All suggestions as to the form, correctness, and understandability of this document should be sent to your support group.
This documentation is divided into 4 parts. Section 1 describes the basics needed to get started, Section 2 lists the directories that are of interest to Mesa users, Section 3 lists various resources you should be aware of, and Appendices A through G give further details on the Compiler, Formatter, Binder, System, Debugger, Utilities, and RunMesa.
The style of this handbook is similar to that used in the Mesa Language Manual. All fine points are in this font, user input/debugger output and file names are in this font, and references to other documents are in this font.