Mesa 6.0 Compiler Update
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Copyright c Xerox Corporation 1980
Inter-Office Memorandum
ToMesa UsersDateOctober 27, 1980
FromEd SatterthwaiteLocationPalo Alto
SubjectMesa 6.0 Compiler UpdateOrganizationPARC/CSL
Filed on: [Iris]<Mesa>Doc>Compiler60c.bravo, Compiler60d.bravo, and Compiler60.press
This memo describes changes to the Mesa language and compiler that have been made since the release of Mesa 5.0 (April 9, 1979).
Definitions of syntactic phrase classes used but not defined in this document come from the Mesa Language Manual, Version 5.0, Appendix F.
Because of changes in symbol table and BCD formats, you must recompile all existing Mesa programs after obtaining recompiled versions of the interfaces and packages that they depend upon.
Language Changes
Our goal for language compatibility has been to accept any valid Mesa 5 source program as a valid Mesa 6 source program. We are aware of the following incompatibilities:
There are some new reserved words, as follows:
Some of the quoted file names that appear in DIRECTORY clauses have different interpretations. Text inside angle brackets is no longer ignored; it is treated as the name of a local subdirectory (but we do not recommend using local subdirectories for Mesa programs at the present time).
The orders of evaluating the items in constructors (including argument lists) and the operands of infix operators (except AND and OR) have changed somewhat. In particular, programs that assumed a left-to-right order of procedure calls in these contexts (e.g., Divide[Pop[], Pop[]]) are unlikely to work correctly.
The assignment operation is no longer available for updating objects containing MONITORLOCK or CONDITION values; updating of such objects must be done component-by-component.
The granularity of packed arrays has changed. If the components of a packed array can be stored in four or less bits, the storage structures defined by the declaration of that array will differ between Mesa 5 and Mesa 6. This is a potential problem in reading files created by earlier versions of Mesa. Also, the DESCRIPTOR operator cannot be applied to packed arrays occupying less than a word.
If you have been using type REAL, check with the supplier of your floating point package to determine the effect of Mesa 6 changes in that area.
Bug Fixes
A large number of Mesa 5 bugs have been fixed. The most notable of these involve
expansion of inline procedures that are defined in DEFINITIONS modules,
expansion of inline procedures when an argument is itself an expanded inline,
proper retention of the tag of a variant record within an arm of a discriminating selection,
proper identification of object files that have been renamed.
Because of certain bug fixes, the compiler may reject previously acceptable programs or may issue new warning messages.
As usual, the list of compiler-related change requests closed by Mesa 6.0 will appear separately as part of the Software Release Description.
Language Rationalization
Mesa 6 attempts to remove certain minor anomalies and to add some obvious generalizations to the existing language.
Syntactic Glitches Removed
List Punctuation: For most lists that are explicitly bracketed by symbols other than [ and ], the allowable forms are described by the following meta-BNF:
list ::= empty | item | item separator list
In other words, the list may be empty or may be a sequence of items separated by, and optionally terminated by, a separator. This rule now applies to the following constructs:
form separator notes
CatchSeries;ANY must come last
When the bracketing symbols are [ and ] or when the length of a list is significant, a trailing separator is not allowed unless it is semantically meaningful (as in constructors and extractors), but empty lists are allowed. This change affects the following syntactic entities:
UsingClause: The form USING [ ] is now permitted (e.g., to emphasize that an interface is only being exported).
VariantFieldList: In the declaration of a variant record, the form [ ] (empty brackets) may be used instead of NULL (and is recommended).
FieldList: The form [ ] is permitted in the declaration of a ParameterList or ReturnsClause (it is equivalent to omitting the list or clause).
Directory: The form DIRECTORY ; may be used in place of an empty directory.
ImportsList (ExportsList): The form IMPORTS (EXPORTS) may be used when the corresponding list is empty.
The last two items reflect the view that DIRECTORY, IMPORTS and EXPORTS introduce formal parameter lists, even though their punctuation omits [ and ].
Declarations in Loop Bodies: A declaration series can now appear between DO and ENDLOOP (after the OPEN and ENABLE clauses, if any); no additional bracketing is required. Its scope is limited to the DeclarationSeries and StatementSeries in the loop body.
A Bit Less Verbiage
PROC: PROC is accepted as a short form of PROCEDURE.
Statement Brackets: The bracket pair { } can be used any place the bracket pair BEGIN END can be used (but not conversely).
Semantic Glitches Removed
LONG Arithmetic: Compile-time evaluation of expressions with constant operands now works for 32-bit quantities just as it does for 16-bit quantities.
Dereferencing with OPEN: A pointer expression following OPEN or WITH will be dereferenced an arbitrary number of times (not just once) to obtain an expression designating a record.
Renaming with OPEN: An OPEN clause may give an alternative local name to an interface that it opens (formerly, only to a record).
Nested Extractors: An ExtractItem may itself be an Extractor. This allows extraction from records embedded within records. In particular, this form is useful in situations where a single-component record is not automatically converted to its single component, e.g., extraction from a record that is the only component of a return record.
Extractor Expressions: An assignment with an Extractor as its left side may be used as an expression. This allows, among other things, multiple extraction. The value of such an assignment is the value of its right side.
Interface Aliases: An interface module may have multiple identifiers (preceding ": DEFINITIONS"). In the DIRECTORY clause of another module, you can reference that interface using any one of the identifiers. A type obtained from such an interface is equivalent to the same type obtained through a naming path that uses any other identifier of the interface.
New Language Features
Extended Defaults
You can associate a default initial value with a type (not just with a field of a record). If a type is constructed from other types using one of Mesa’s type operators (e.g., RECORD), the default value for that type is determined by the default values of the component types and by rules associated with each operator. When you declare a named type, you have the option of explicitly specifying a default for that type.
With this extension, you will find that uses of defaults in Mesa generally fall into two classes. Default values for fields of records make the corresponding constructors more concise and more convenient to use. On the other hand, the usual reason for associating a default initial value with a type is to ensure that storage allocated for that type is well-formed, i.e., that any variable of such a type always has a meaningful value. There is some interaction between these uses; the default value of a record type is partly determined by any default values specified for its fields, and a record field may inherit its default value from the type of that field. The details appear below.
The rules for inheritance of defaults are designed to provide the following property (currently not quite preserved by sequence or variant record types): if a type T has been given a non-NULL default value, any type derived from T will have a defined and non-NULL default value for any embedded component of type T. Because of the potential cascading effect implied by this, you should carefully consider the relative costs and benefits of specifying a default, especially one that does not include NULL as an alternative.
Defaults are ignored in determining equivalence and conformance of types. Thus it is possible to have two compatible types with different default initializations.
Specification of Default Initialization
None of the built-in types (INTEGER, CARDINAL, BOOLEAN, CHARACTER, STRING and REAL) has a default initial value.
The following rules determine the default initial value of a type designated by an expression involving a type operator:
The default initial value for a type constructed using RECORD (or ARRAY) is defined field-by-field (or element-by-element). For each field (element), it is the default value for that field if there is one; otherwise, it is the default initial value for the type of that field (element) or is undefined if there is no such default.
The default initial value for any port type, constructed using PORT, is NIL (see below).
Types constructed using other operators have no implied default initialization.
The default initial value of a type designated by a declared type identifier T depends upon the form of the declaration of T, as follows:
T: TYPE = TypeExpr;
T receives all the attributes of TypeExpr including any default.
T: TYPE = TypeExpre;
T receives all the attributes of TypeExpr except that its default initial value is e.
Rec1: TYPE = RECORD [f: Flag];-- default value is [f: FALSE]
Rec2: TYPE = RECORD [f: Flag] ← [ ];-- ditto (the field defaults)
TYPE = RECORD [f: Flag] ← [TRUE];-- explicit default
Rec4: TYPE = Rec3;-- default value is [f: TRUE]
Rec5: TYPE = Rec3 ← [f: FALSE];-- default value is [f: FALSE]
Any DefaultSpecification is acceptable in a type declaration (see Mesa Language Manual, Version 5.0, page 37). A declaration giving a type T a NULL default cannot, however, equate T to a type with a default that does not include NULL. A default appearing in a type definition within a DEFINITIONS module must be either NULL or an expression with a compile-time constant value.
Default values associated with types are used
to initialize local variables of procedures and programs, in the absence of explicit initialization,
to initialize variables that are dynamically allocated using NEW, in the absence of explicit initialization (see below),
to construct records (except argument and result records), in the absence of an explicit value for a field in the constructor and of a default value for that field in the record declaration,
to construct arrays, in the absence of an explicit value for an element (see below).
Defaults in Argument and Result Records
You may specify default values for the fields of argument and result records. Such default values must be constructed from constants or variables that are declared outside of the procedure type definition. In particular, you cannot use a value of another field of the same record or, in the case of a result record, a value from the associated argument record to define such a default.
You may omit a field in the constructor of an argument or result record only if the definition of that record specifies an explicit default value for the field; default initial values associated with the types of such fields are not inherited (for example, this protects you from assigning a value to a return variable and then forgetting to mention it in a RETURN statement, causing the default for its type to be returned). On the other hand, protection against ill-formed storage is inherited; you may not void or elide a field unless the type of that field allows a NULL initialization.
Any defaults that you specify in the declaration of a result record serve two purposes. Since the fields of such a record can be used as local variables within the procedure body, a default specification affects the initialization of those variables; in addition, it allows abbreviation in the constructors of the corresponding return records. The precise rules are the following:
Upon entry to a procedure, each field of the result record is initialized with the default value specified for that field, if any; otherwise, with the default initial value for the type of that field, if there is one; otherwise, its initial value is undefined.
If a RETURN is followed by an explicit constructor, the default specifications appearing in the declaration of the result record control the values of any omitted or elided fields, even if other assignments have been made to the result variables within the procedure body. If the RETURN stands by itself, without such a constructor, or if the RETURN is implicit, the return record is constructed using the current values of the result variables.
Proc1: PROC [i: INTEGER ← 0, j: T];
Proc2: PROC RETURNS [m: T, n: INTEGER ← 2] = {
-- m initialized to 1 (from T), n to 2
Proc1[j: 3];-- Proc1[i:0, j:3];
Proc1[i: 3];-- illegal (j does not default to 1)
m ← 4; n ← 5;
RETURN;-- returns [4, 5]
RETURN [m, n];-- also returns [4, 5]
RETURN [m];-- returns [4, 2]
RETURN [NULL, n];-- illegal (declaration of T disallows voiding of m)
RETURN [, n];-- ditto (m does not default to 1 or 4)
RETURN [6, 7];-- returns [6, 7]
... };
-- implicitly returns [4, 5]
Defaults and Variant Records
You may specify a default for the entire variant part in the declaration of a variant record type. In the absence of such a specification, the default value of that part, including the tag, is undefined with respect to the undiscriminated record type.
The default initial value of a discriminated variant record type has a tag value corresponding to the discriminating adjective, and defaults for the other fields of the variant part are those implied by the fields selected by that tag. In particular, the declaration or allocation of a variable with discriminated record type sets the tag correctly.
common: INTEGER ← 0,
variant: SELECT tag: * FROM
red => [r1: BOOLEANFALSE],
green => [g1: INTEGER ← 0]
v: VRec;-- initial value is [common: 0, variant: red[r1: TRUE]]
v1: VRec ← [common: 10];-- initial value is [common: 10, variant: red[r1: TRUE]]
v2: VRec ← [variant: NULL];-- tag and variant part are undefined, v2.common = 0
v3: VRecNULL;-- illegal (declaration of common does not allow NULL)
rv: red VRec;-- initial value is [common: 0, variant: red[r1: FALSE]]
gv: green VRec;-- initial value is [common: 0, variant: green[g1: 0]]
Defaulted Array Elements
Elements in an array constructor may be voided or elided. Omission of elements is permitted in a keyword constructor (see below) but not in a positional constructor. The empty constructor ([ ]) is a keyword constructor with all items omitted. An elided or omitted element receives the default value for the type of the components of the array (if any); the value of a voided element is undefined.
ALL abbreviates a positional constructor of the appropriate length; thus ALL[ ] elides all elements (defaulting if possible) and ALL[NULL] voids all positions.
Keyword Array Constructors
You can use keyword array constructors when the index type of the array is an enumeration or subrange thereof. The acceptable keywords are the constants appearing in the enumeration. In the case of a subrange, the endpoints must be defined by expressions involving only those constants, the operators FIRST, LAST, SUCC and PRED, and identifiers equated by declaration to such expressions. If the component type of the array has a defined default value (including NULL), keyword items can be omitted; the corresponding elements receive the default value.
Packed Arrays
If you specify the PACKED attribute for an array type, the granularity of packing is 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16n bits and is determined by the component type of the array (formerly just 8 or 16n bits).
The value of the construct SIZE[T, n] is the size, in words, of the storage required by a packed array of n items of type T. (SIZE[T] continues to yield the number of words occupied by a single item of type T.)
AllBits: BitSet = ALL[TRUE];
threeBits: BitSet ← [yellow: TRUE, red: TRUE, blue: TRUE];
Successor and Predecessor Operations
The operators SUCC and PRED operate upon values of any ordered type except REAL. For numeric and character types, SUCC[x] and PRED[x] are equivalent to x+1 and x1 respectively. For enumerated types, the values are the successor and predecessor of x in the enumeration; a bounds fault occurs if there is no such element and you requested bounds checking.
You can now override the association established by the DIRECTORY clause between the names of included modules and the names of the files containing those modules. Any file names implied by convention can be omitted entirely; they will be computed from the interface identifiers.
|IncludeList , IncludeItem
IncludeItem::=identifier UsingClause
|identifier : FROM FileName UsingClause
|identifier : TYPE UsingClause
|identifier : TYPE identifier UsingClause
UsingClause::=empty | USING [ IdList ] | USING [ ]
The (initial) identifier in an IncludeItem names a module. If you specify the name of the file containing that module when you invoke the compiler (as a keyword parameter with keyword identifier, see below), that name is used, even if a FileName appears in the IncludeItem. Otherwise, if such a FileName appears, it is used. If you supply neither a compile-time argument nor a FileName, the name identifier.bcd is used.
One approach to describing systems built from collections of Mesa modules views the DIRECTORY clause as the declaration of (compile-time) formal parameters of type TYPE. Mesa 6 provides the final two forms of IncludeItem primarily for compatibility with this view. The identifier preceding the colon names the formal parameter; it is also used to derive a file name as described above. The identifier following TYPE constrains the set of acceptable actual parameters; it must match the ModuleName used in the definition of the module that you intend to include (see the Mesa Language Manual, Version 5.0, Section 7.2).
You can use the final form to change the name by which one module is known within another, notably to avoid duplicate names in a DIRECTORY clause. For example, you might need to reference two different versions or parameterizations of an interface Defs within a single program. The IncludeItems
LongDefs: TYPE Defs,
declare LongDefs and ShortDefs as identifiers within that program of possibly different modules, each with the ModuleId Defs. As IncludeItems, the forms
identifier: TYPE
each abbreviate
identifer: TYPE identifier
and the name in the DIRECTORY must be identical to the ModuleId if you use one of these forms.
Implicitly Imported Interfaces
An implicitly imported interface is one from which imported values are required for binding the free variables of another, explicitly imported interface. For example, interface D1 might import interface D2 to gain access to a procedure or exported variable supplied by the latter. D2 is then implicitly imported by any program module M that imports D1 (see the Mesa Language Manual, Version 5.0, Section 7.4.4).
In Mesa 6, the free variables of D2 that are used by D1 are bound to the principal instance of D2 in M. An import is a principal instance if it is the only instance of that interface imported by a module or if it is unnamed. Furthermore, if M imports no instances of D2, a principal instance will be created automatically. If module M has no other reason to mention D2, D2 then need not appear in either the DIRECTORY or the IMPORTS list of M. Explicitly importing a principal instance of D2 in such a situation is not an error, and you must do so if
you plan to use positional notation to specify the imports of M in a C/Mesa configuration description, since the positions of automatically created interface instances are not defined, or
you already import more than one instance of D2, each of which is named.
In a C/Mesa configuration, principal instances of interfaces are not supplied automatically; you must import them explicitly if they cross (sub)configuration boundaries.
Real Numbers
Mesa 6 has adopted the proposed IEEE standard for floating-point arithmetic (see, e.g., Coonen, An implementation guide to a proposed standard for floating-point arithmetic, Computer, January 1980, pp. 68-79). In support of this, the language provides floating-point literals and the compiler performs a limited number of operations upon floating-point constants.
primary::=... | realLiteral
|unscaledReal scaleFactor
|wholeNumber scaleFactor
unscaledReal::=wholeNumber fraction
| fraction
fraction::=. wholeNumber
scaleFactor::=E optSign wholeNumber | e optSign wholeNumber
optSign::=empty | + |
wholeNumber::=digit | wholeNumber digit
An unscaledReal has its usual interpretation as a decimal number. The scaleFactor, if present, indicates the power of 10 by which the unscaledReal or wholeNumber is to be multiplied to obtain the value of the literal.
Mesa 6 represents REAL numbers by 32 bit approximations as defined in the IEEE standard. The rounding mode used to convert literals is "round-to-nearest." A literal that overflows the internal representation is an error; one that underflows is replaced by its so-called "denormalized" approximation. In Mesa 6, the value of the unscaledReal in a literal must be a valid LONG INTEGER when the decimal point is deleted.
No spaces are allowed within a realLiteral. Note that such a literal can begin, but not end, with a decimal point. Thus the interpretation of [0...1) is unambiguous (but perhaps surprising; use [0 .. .1) or [0.0..0.1) instead).
The compiler performs the following operations involving floating-point constants:
Unary negation (with 0 = 0)
Fixed-to-Float (in "round-to-nearest" mode).
Other operations are deferred until runtime, even if all their operands are constant, so that the programmer can control the treatment of rounding and exceptions (see the proposed standard).
Unless you specify the compilation option -f (see below), the compiler generates instructions for floating-point operations that require hardware or microcode support. If you are in doubt about the state of your machine or its microcode, see a local floating-point expert.
Machine Dependent Enumerations
Sometimes a programmer can enumerate the values of some type but requires control of the encoding of each value or of the number of bits used to represent the type (usually for future expansion). Mesa 6 provides machine-dependent enumerations for such applications.
EnumerationTC::=MachineDependent { ElementList }
MachineDependent::=empty | MACHINE DEPENDENT
ElementList::=Element | ElementList , Element
|identifier ( Expression )
|( Expression )
Status: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {off(0), ready(1), busy(2), finished(4), broken(7)}
Color: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {red, blue, green, (255)}-- reserve 8 bits
Each Expression in an EnumerationTC must denote a compile-time constant, the value of which is an unsigned integer.
In an enumerated type with the MACHINE DEPENDENT attribute, the values used to represent the enumeration constants are assigned according to the following rules. If a parenthesized expression follows the element identifier, the value of that expression is used; otherwise, the representation of an element is one greater than the representation of the preceding element. If you specify only a representation, the corresponding element (normally a place holder) is anonymous. If the representation of the initial element is not given, the value zero is used.
You cannot explicitly specify the representation of any element unless the attribute MACHINE DEPENDENT appears in the type constructor. Two element identifiers cannot be represented by the same value (either given explicitly or determined implicitly as described above). The ordering of elements determined by position in the ElementList must agree with the ordering determined by the (unsigned) arithmetic ordering of the representations.
Sparse Enumerations
A machine-dependent enumerated type is sparse if there are gaps within the set of values used to represent the constants of that type or if the smallest such value is not zero. Mesa 6 takes the following position on gaps: they are filled by valid but anonymous elements of the enumerated type. These elements can be generated only by the operators FIRST, SUCC and PRED (or by the iteration forms that implicitly use these operators).
If you use a sparse enumerated type as the index type of an array, the array itself will have components for all elements of the enumeration, including the anonymous ones. The latter are awkward to access (except through ALL) and may cause problems in constructors, comparison operations, etc., as well as wasted space. (For example, ARRAY Color OF INTEGER would occupy 256 words.)
Machine Dependent Records
Machine-dependent records are provided for situations in which the exact position of each field is important. In Mesa 6, you can explicitly specify word- and bit-positions in the declaration of the record type. This form provides better documentation and usually is easier to use than the previous, purely positional form. You should use it in preference to the old form, which remains for compatiblity.
VariantFieldList::=CommonPart FieldId : Access VariantPart
CommonPart::=NamedFieldList , | empty
NamedFieldList::=NamedField | NamedFieldList , NamedField
NamedField::=FieldIdList :
Access TypeSpecification DefaultOption
FieldIdList::=FieldId | FieldIdList , FieldId
FieldId::=identifier | identifier ( FieldPosition )
Tag::=FieldId | ...
FieldPosition::=Expression : Expression .. Expression
channel (0: 8..10): [0..nChannels),-- nChannels <= 8
device (0: 0..7): DeviceNumber,
stopCode (0: 11..15): MACHINE DEPENDENT {finishedOK(0), errorStop(1), powerOff(3)},
command (1: 0..31): ChannelCommand];
type (0: 0..15): TypeIndex,
rator (1: 0..13): OpName,
rands (1: 14..47): SELECT valence (1: 14..15): * FROM
nonary => [],
unary => [left (1: 16..31): POINTER TO Node],
binary => [left (1: 16..31), right (1: 32..47): POINTER TO Node]
An identifier with an explicitly specified FieldPosition can occur only in the declaration of a field of a record defined to have the MACHINE DEPENDENT attribute. If the position of any field of a record is specified, the positions of all must be. Each Expression in a FieldPosition must denote a compile-time constant, the value of which is an unsigned integer.
The first expression appearing in a FieldPosition specifies the (zero-origin) record-relative index of the word containing the start of the field; the second and third specify the indices (zero-origin) of the first and last bits of the field with respect to that word. The second and third expressions may specify a bit offset greater than the word size if the word offset is adjusted accordingly. Similarly, the difference between the second and third expressions may exceed the word size. If the bit positions are not specified, a specification of 0..n*WordSize-1 is assumed, where n is the minimum number of words required by the type of the field.
Each field must be at least wide enough to store any value of the corresponding type. Values are stored right-justified within the fields. The current implementation of Mesa imposes the following additional restrictions on the sizes and alignment of fields:
A field smaller than a word (16 bits) cannot cross a word boundary.
Any field occupying a word or more must begin at bit zero of a word and have a size that is a multiple of the word size.
A variant part may begin at any bit position (as determined by its tag field).
If the sizes of all variants of a record type are less then a word, those sizes must be equal; otherwise, the size of each variant of the type must be a multiple of the word length.
In the definition of a machine-dependent record type, explicitly specified field positions must not overlap. For a variant record type, this requirement applies to the variant part (including the tag) considered in conjunction with the fields of the common part; the tag and fields particular to each variant must lie entirely within the variant part.
The order of fields in a record type declaration need not agree with the order of those fields in the representation of the record; however, no gaps are permitted. For variant records, the fields of at least one variant (including the tag field) must fill the position specified for the variant part.
Dynamic Storage Allocation
In Mesa 6, you can use special constructs to describe the dynamic allocation and deallocation of variables. You are still responsible for managing the storage and guarding against dangling pointers; the new features handle certain routine aspects of allocation and deallocation (such as computing sizes), provide proper default initialization of newly allocated variables, and reduce the total number of LOOPHOLEs required to deal with an allocator.
Allocation and deallocation are done with respect to zones. A zone need not be associated with any specific storage area; it is just an object characterized by procedures for allocation and deallocation as described below. The storage managed by a zone in Mesa 6 is said to be uncounted. In such zones, object management is the responsibility of the programmer, who must explicitly program the deallocation.
To use an uncounted zone, you must provide the procedures that manage the zone and implement the required set of operations. Many users will be able to import a suitable implementation from a standard package; the details of writing such packages are discussed below.
A zone object has a value and a type. You will normally obtain a zone value by calling a procedure exported by some package implementing zones. Typically, such a procedure constructs a zone (and perhaps an initial storage pool) according to user-supplied parameters.
The type of a zone value must belong to a new class of types, called zone types. Mesa 6 provides two such types, UNCOUNTED ZONE and MDSZone. Transactions with objects having these types are generally in terms of LONG POINTER and POINTER values respectively (see below).
Syntactically, UNCOUNTED ZONE is a type constructor. MDSZone is a predeclared identifier; you may think of it as a synonym for MDS RELATIVE UNCOUNTED ZONE (which you currently cannot write directly).
You may declare variables having zone types (for which fixed initialization is recommended). Zone types may also be used to construct other types. In particular, you may choose to deal with pointers to zones; the NEW and FREE constructs described below provide automatic dereferencing.
Allocating Storage
The operator NEW allocates new storage of a specified type, initializes it appropriately, and returns a pointer to that storage. The NEW operation is considered an attribute of a zone, which must be specified explicitly.
|Variable . NEW [ TypeSpecification Initialization OptCatch ]
|( Expression ) . NEW [ TypeSpecification Initialization OptCatch ]
Initialization::=empty | ← InitExpr | = InitExpr
OptCatch::=empty | ! CatchSeries
The value of the Variable or Expression identifies the zone to be used, either directly or after an arbitrary number of dereferencing operations. The TypeSpecification determines the type of the allocated object. If an InitExpr is provided, it must conform to the specified type and its value is used to initialize the new object; otherwise, the default value associated with that type (if any) is used. Only signals raised or propagated by the allocation procedure activate a CatchSeries attached to NEW.
The value of the Primary is a pointer to the newly allocated object. The type of that pointer depends upon the type of the zone and the form of the Initialization. If the argument of NEW is some type T, the type of the result is
LONG POINTER TO T, if the type of the zone is equivalent to UNCOUNTED ZONE
POINTER TO T, if the type of the zone is equivalent to MDSZone.
If you specify fixed (=) initialization, the result is a read-only pointer with type LONG POINTER TO READONLY T or POINTER TO READONLY T respectively.
The InitExpr cannot be the special form for string body initialization ([ Expression ]). You can, however, allocate string bodies with dynamically computed sizes by using a new form of TypeSpecification (see below). If you do so, the Initialization must be empty.
Releasing Storage
Uncounted zones have FREE operations. When applied to an object, this operation releases the storage allocated for that object.
|Variable . FREE [ Expression OptCatch ]
|( Expression ) . FREE [ Expression OptCatch ]
The zone used in a FREE operation is determined as described for NEW; it should be the zone from which the variable was originally allocated. The argument of FREE is the address of a pointer to the variable to be deallocated; FREE sets the pointer to NIL and deallocates the storage for the variable.
Only signals raised or propagated by the deallocation procedure activate a CatchSeries on a FREE.
Implementing Uncounted Zones
This section describes the assumptions currently made by the compiler about the user-supplied implementations of uncounted zones. These assumptions are compatible with the style of "object-oriented" programming that has proven successful in a number of applications. You need to read this section only if you are designing the interface between a storage management package and the zone features of the language.
An uncounted zone dealing with LONG POINTER values is represented by a two word value, which the compiler assumes to be a long pointer compatible with the following skeletal structure:
alloc (0): PROC [zone: UncountedZoneRep, size: CARDINAL] RETURNS [LONG POINTER],
dealloc (1): PROC [zone: UncountedZoneRep, object: LONG POINTER]
-- possibly followed by other fields-- ],
data (2:0..31): LONG POINTER-- optional, see below
-- possibly followed by other fields-- ];
If z is an uncounted zone, the code generated for pz.NEW[T] is equivalent to
pz↑.procs↑.alloc[z, SIZE[T]]
and the code generated by z.FREE[@p] is equivalent to
{temp: LONG POINTERp; pNIL; z↑.procs↑.dealloc[z, temp]}.
Within this framework, you may design a representation of zone objects appropriate for your storage manager. In general, you should create an instance of a finger (the record with fields procs and data) for each instance of a zone. The record designated by the procs pointer can be shared by all zones with the same implementation. The data pointer normally designates a particular zone and/or the state information characterizing that zone. Note that the compiler makes no assumptions about the designated object and does not generate any code referencing the data field. The extra level of indirection provided by that field is not obligatory; you may replace it with state information contained directly in the finger (but following the procs field).
The compiler assumes a similar (but single word) representation for an MDSZone value; the skeletal structure is as follows:
alloc (0): PROC [zone: MDSZoneRep, size: CARDINAL] RETURNS [POINTER],
dealloc (1): PROC [zone: MDSZoneRep, object: POINTER]
-- possibly followed by other fields-- ],
data (1:0..15): POINTER-- optional
-- possibly followed by other fields-- ];