Report on file: 30-Oct-80 15:17:43 Numbe Originator Subsystem Status Subject r 6459 Alfvin Binder Eliding imports and exports when using named lists 6363 SHayes Compiler Garbage for local v. diplayed in catch phrase 6450 Morrison Compiler Storage overflow in Pass 5 6461 rovner Debugger Old source versions 6452 Karlton Other Formatter: implement /c switch 6460 Alfvin Other Mesa should be defined in terms of standard ASCII graphics 305 Ayers Binder Fixed Binder/cx failed when included was missing symbols 490 Murray Binder Fixed Compiler doesn't check Defs for unEXPORTED exports 602 Morrison Binder Fixed More detail on unbindable item foo in Mumble 650 Johnsson Binder Fixed Packed bit on MT Records not set 801 Murray Binder Fixed Unbound procedure vs. Binder /r 831 McJones Binder Fixed /o message in typescript 1027 Kusnick Binder Fixed Syntax nit 1081 Satterthwa Binder Fixed Interface IDs ite 1169 Wick Binder Fixed Configurations Specifying List of Control Modules 1221 Levy Binder Fixed Renamed Pre-Bound Config Will Not Bind 2039 Murray Binder Fixed Abort For ↑C After Error 2227 LNelson Binder Fixed Number of entry points not type-checked 2256 Knutsen Binder Fixed Fatal Binder error 2296 Gealy Binder Fixed PACK with single module 2602 Knutsen Binder Fixed /spg vs /sg 2740 Sweet Binder Fixed Storage Overflow 3128 Olmstead Binder Fixed Error messages re: different versions 3536 McJones Binder Fixed Importing multiple instances into config 3563 McJones Binder Fixed Exporting named instances from config 3615 Hamilton Binder Fixed Abolish or explain .code 4038 Evans Binder Fixed Lock released once too often when zap target bcd 4250 Knutsen Binder Fixed Issue Warning if two /c items 4326 Karlton Binder Fixed Procedure instead of Module in IMPORTS list bombs 4416 Murray Binder Fixed Which module can't be packed 4478 LNelson Binder Fixed Binder under Tajo 4502 BLyon Binder Fixed 'IMPORT' instead of 'IMPORTS' in a CONFIG blew the binder up 4514 Knutsen Binder Fixed Copying code to bcd w/ "code" gives "Ref'd in diff versions" 4593 Luniewski Binder Fixed Output files incorrectly chosen 4656 mbrown Binder Fixed switch syntax: "bind /c foo" vs. "bind foo/c" 4658 Johnsson Binder Fixed Command line '; eats next char 4671 mbrown Binder Fixed Doc: new semantics of "foo/c foo/s" 4676 LNelson Binder Fixed Binder patches for Star 4765 Newman Binder Fixed "" puts "" in 4766 Newman Binder Fixed "Foo.image/r" doesn't work 4924 Newman Binder Fixed Fails to pause after syntax error 4925 Newman Binder Fixed Did not look up unbound procedures in Defs on disk 4994 rovner Binder Fixed Doc: Change in the meaning of /s 5283 Newman Binder Fixed Doc: "old" vs "new" command lines 5392 Luniewski Binder Fixed Unimplemented command line args not detected 5393 Luniewski Binder Fixed Command line overriding of Directory statements 5727 LNelson Binder Fixed Fatal Binder Error: 1015B 5842 LNelson Binder Fixed LongBinder hung on config that standard binder handled OK 5885 Johnsson Binder Fixed Passing LINKS: CODE to pre-bound Config. 5887 Marzullo Binder Fixed binding packaged code with code copy 5950 Smokey Binder Fixed Fatal Binder ERROR 6038 Wyatt Binder Fixed Illegal command line syntax causes uncaught InvalidObject 6039 Wyatt Binder Fixed Doc: Binder command line syntax 6067 Levin Binder Fixed Spurious warning messages for required codelinks 6199 Hamilton Binder Fixed "Too few exports on right-hand side" 6240 Cattell Binder Fixed can't bind without symbols for all subconfigs 6261 kolling Binder Fixed Feeding an incorrect name to the binder vs. debugger 356 Benedict Compiler Fixed NEXT & PREVIOUS for enumerated types 372 Israel Compiler Fixed Couldn't reference External type when proc of same name defi 446 Murray Compiler Fixed Sparse Enumerated Types 478 Ayers Compiler Fixed Initialization of tag in discriminated variables 482 Jarvis Compiler Fixed Machine dependent records 506 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Extraction from RETURN records 509 Israel Compiler Fixed subrange of enumerated type as tag 513 Israel Compiler Fixed Packed ARRAYs of any density 527 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Keyword Array Constructors 553 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Sequences 555 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Directory statement ite 590 Crowther Compiler Fixed Problem RESUMing 2 implementations of a signal 607 Malasky Compiler Fixed Pass 4 error on ERROR RETURNS[type] 678 McGregor Compiler Fixed DO char IN ['0..'9] 788 Hayes Compiler Fixed Negative LONG INTEGERs 792 McJones Compiler Fixed Break Entry with DO as first statement 812 Schmidt Compiler Fixed ii ← -constant 874 Hayes Compiler Fixed Tag lost in variant 875 Baer Compiler Fixed Problem comparing bound variants 911 McJones Compiler Fixed Frames lost from UNWIND 957 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Importing self ite 1029 Hayes Compiler Fixed Program compiles only after successful compile 1034 Murray Compiler Fixed Help on interupt routines 1088 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Interface ID changes ite 1101 Farrand Compiler Fixed StackModelingError passing 0 length array 1104 McGregor Compiler Fixed OPEN for more than 1 level of dereferencing 1112 Shur Compiler Fixed OPEN for POINTER TO POINTER 1141 Howard Compiler Fixed Guaranteed value enumerated types 1209 Monahan Compiler Fixed Aborted Compilation 1227 Bishop Compiler Fixed Field of a packed array element 1238 Curry Compiler Fixed Program Modules Can Reference Each Other's Public Symbols 1242 Howard Compiler Fixed Id Declared As Enumerated Type In Exported Defs Module Gets 1248 Sheil Compiler Fixed Compiler Confuses Circularity 1969 Redell Compiler Fixed Bad Fine-grain Table 1977 Ayers Compiler Fixed INLINE PROCEDURE Requires IMPORT Of Everything It Does 1985 Gobbel Compiler Fixed Program name used inside as frame ptr 1997 Jarvis Compiler Fixed Get Rid Of FINISHED 2038 Murray Compiler Fixed Abort For ↑C After Error 2041 Murray Compiler Fixed ~slow AND FALSE 2043 Malasky Compiler Fixed Marking bcds Bad 2053 McJones Compiler Fixed Can't Get To Interface Varible In An INLINE 2054 Sheil Compiler Fixed Nested Default Specifications 2060 McJones Compiler Fixed Object For Const Record Constructor 2067 McJones Compiler Fixed Long addressed variant part constructor 2068 Murray Compiler Fixed Poor Code For a+b*c 2071 McJones Compiler Fixed /u Pass 3 Error 2082 Bishop Compiler Fixed extracting from long addressed record 2085 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Loopstmt has Declaration Series 2090 Maleson Compiler Fixed r: REAL, ABS[r] Doesn't Work 2097 McJones Compiler Fixed Long[pointer] Should Be Extensional 2099 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Tag Field Of Variant Records 2103 McGregor Compiler Fixed Nested Extractors 2106 Malasky Compiler Fixed Pass 5 ERROR In CrossJump 2108 Snow Compiler Fixed Type Mismatch Gets Strange Error Message 2128 Alfvin Compiler Fixed Doc: LoopStmt Has DeclarationSeries 2129 Johnsson Compiler Fixed REAL vs LONG UNSPECIFIED 2130 McJones Compiler Fixed Switch To Disallow All KFCBs 2136 Reed Compiler Fixed Variant Records: No Access Through Multiple Variant Arms 2150 Lynn Compiler Fixed f: Foo = ALL[mumble] 2158 Sandman Compiler Fixed Bad Code For ALL Construct 2159 Nikora Compiler Fixed Bad Code For ALL Construct 2164 Sweet Compiler Fixed All Parameters Omitted 2168 Howard Compiler Fixed Fatal Error, Imported Variable Initialized In Paramterlist o 2184 McJones Compiler Fixed 5.0.219 With IMPORT 2215 Malasky Compiler Fixed Code generated for Cursors 2221 Morrison Compiler Fixed ALL[x] returns 0 in last array element 2230 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed [expr] as default in type ite constructor should get error messa 2236 Ladner Compiler Fixed Open interval in FOR gives run-time stack err 2252 Karlton Compiler Fixed Allow "=" init for exported READONLY vars 2254 Lauer Compiler Fixed Warning on unexported SIGNALs 2258 Schwartz Compiler Fixed Tell WHY "can't open file..." 2271 McJones Compiler Fixed Fatal Comiler error from include of INLINE procedure 2276 Deutsch Compiler Fixed Delete Mesa.errlog after successful compile 2291 McJones Compiler Fixed Empty USING[] clause 2293 Myers Compiler Fixed Real = [0,0,0,0] in defs file 2294 Day Compiler Fixed INLINE passing SIZE of variant rec to another INLINE 2297 McJones Compiler Fixed "wrong type" msg from INLINE expansion 2298 McJones Compiler Fixed OPEN foo: LOOPHOLE[...] funnies 2308 Olmstead Compiler Fixed ALL for arrays > 4096 words 2324 Mitchell Compiler Fixed All [x] Returns 0 in Last Array Element 2343 LStewart Compiler Fixed Initialization via LONG Arithmetic in Defs Modules 2344 Gosper Compiler Fixed Nested INLINEs in Defs Modules 2346 Ayers Compiler Fixed Procedure as Default Value in Defs Module 2348 Johnsson Compiler Fixed Mumble.bcd Cannot be Opened 2351 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Fatal Error, Pass 3 2355 Hamilton Compiler Fixed Can't IMPORT Multi-word Record 2356 BLee Compiler Fixed Procedure as Default Value in Defs Module 2389 Newman Compiler Fixed Implied type of assignment expressions 2390 Newlin Compiler Fixed StackNotEmpty Bug 2399 LNelson Compiler Fixed Source version date in BCDs 2408 Dion Compiler Fixed Argument list >512 words gives PutAddressOnStack SIGNAL 2502 israel Compiler Fixed Infinite recursion in compiler pass 3 2510 Sapsford Compiler Fixed FATAL COMPILER ERROR caused by deleting unreferenced proc. 2588 BLee Compiler Fixed Default values for procedures and exported variables 2594 Selly Compiler Fixed OPEN Statement in INLINE Procedures 2603 Gosper Compiler Fixed INLINE calling an INLINE 2609 BLewis Compiler Fixed Funny DIRECTORY causes Pass 3 ERROR 2621 LSTEWART Compiler Fixed BASE[Foo[]] gets fatal compiler error Pass 5, 2411B 2622 Howard Compiler Fixed Fatal compiler error, Pass 5, 267601B 2636 Gealy Compiler Fixed the text field of a stringBody has the wrong type 2822 Deutsch Compiler Fixed Fatal compiler error: LONG array indices 2838 Deutsch Compiler Fixed Erroneous error message in LONG CARDINAL comparison 2858 Morrison Compiler Fixed Bad code generated for an INLINE (RXLPL) causes AddressFault 2890 Deutsch Compiler Fixed FATAL COMPILER ERROR: LONG constant folding 2899 Deutsch Compiler Fixed DESCRIPTOR[NIL, 0] not recognized as constant 2900 Deutsch Compiler Fixed Failure to recognize a constant 2912 newman Compiler Fixed Compiler warning messages should begin with "Warning:" 3085 Hamilton Compiler Fixed Doc: compiler limits 3123 Stiles Compiler Fixed Fatal compiler error: Syntactic error recovery 3236 MBrown Compiler Fixed bug in compiling LOOPHOLE 3267 Finkel Compiler Fixed Failure to Recognize Constant in Subrange Declaration 3316 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Variant Records vs. ite Conditional Expressions 3335 Newman Compiler Fixed Doc: Pitfalls in allocating bound variants from a heap 3336 Newman Compiler Fixed Loops with FINISHED statements compile incorrectly 3338 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Frame Size Overflow from ite String Literals 3343 rentsch Compiler Fixed FATAL compiler error comparing bound and unbound variants 3351 GCurry Compiler Fixed Error in default mechanism in param. lists 3362 Coleman Compiler Fixed Fatal Compiler Error: misplaced CONTINUE 3368 Karlton Compiler Fixed Message for incorrect type of imported variable 3406 Sweet Compiler Fixed Clobbered upper bound in FOR stmt 3435 Newman Compiler Fixed Semicolon not allowed before END of CatchSeries 3452 Sapsford Compiler Fixed INLINE expansion infinitely recurs if other errors 3509 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Incorrect expansion of INLINEs ite within Catch Phrases 3511 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Type mismatch with explicit ite LONG operations 3571 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Failure of length checking ite with UNSPECIFIED 3618 wyatt Compiler Fixed Extractors assigning to REALs 3622 Knutsen Compiler Fixed REJECT statement wanted 3645 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed INLINE procedures vs. ite complicated OPEN 3653 MBrown Compiler Fixed Error message for expressions in extractors 3660 Sweet Compiler Fixed bounds checking strings 3713 Satterthwa Compiler Fixed Procedures declared within ite discriminations 3797 Howard Compiler Fixed RETURN WITH ERROR in ENTRY INLINE does wrong thing 3919 Stiles Compiler Fixed Asmt expr referencing wrong-type proc in SELECT bombs 4041 Newman Compiler Fixed "Referenced in different versions" should be Warning 4125 Sturgis Compiler Fixed Discriminated variant bombs 4168 Newman Compiler Fixed INLINE in Defs vs. Variant Record Tags 4185 Newman Compiler Fixed Different variants in branches of IF or SELECT expression 4278 Knutsen Compiler Fixed Doc: Default Initialization of Monitor Locks 4314 Knutsen Compiler Fixed Fatal Compiler Error, pass 5, signal=17777B 4315 Swinehart Compiler Fixed Variant record selection expression fatal 4351 Guyton Compiler Fixed Short Pointer code generated from LONG DESCRIPTORS 4353 Guyton Compiler Fixed Unimplemented Construct setting BOOLEAN in RECORD from DESC 4363 Murray Compiler Fixed StackModelingError unlocking LOCK referenced via LONG PTR 4381 Luniewski Compiler Fixed Explicit qualifications are not bound through binder 4411 Hamilton Compiler Fixed Monitor calling routine referencing program bombs 4464 Tanaka.ES Compiler Fixed Subrange type in Defs gives bogus results 4501 Gobbel Compiler Fixed Order in text affects defaults 4513 LNelson Compiler Fixed ACStackUnderflow from OR compare of variant recs with BOOL 4529 McJones Compiler Fixed StackModelingError 4537 McJones Compiler Fixed Zero-size field in M.D. record with explicit field positions 4541 lnelson Compiler Fixed Bad code for bound variant records 4547 Levin Compiler Fixed Bad FGT entry 4608 Hamilton Compiler Fixed ALL[ALL bombs pass 5 4616 birrell Compiler Fixed Missing closing quote error message not very informative 4617 McJones Compiler Fixed Exported types as procedure parameters 4627 BLyon Compiler Fixed EXPORTED TYPES => INCORRECT TYPE errors in three or four 4628 BLee Compiler Fixed FATAL ERROR Pass 5, signal=24631B, message = 1201B VAR. RCRD 4632 MBrown Compiler Fixed LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF longDescriptorRec 4637 McJones Compiler Fixed Missing . in subrange constructor gives ERROR in Pass 3 4657 Schwartz Compiler Fixed Compiler hangs in pass 5 when null EXITS clauses 4670 McJones Compiler Fixed Wrong SIZE of M.D. record with explicit bit positions 4681 maxwell Compiler Fixed Crash in pass 5 4689 kolling Compiler Fixed foo: TYPE = RECORD[a: STRING ← [30], ...]; Now fails in 6.0 4704 Morrison Compiler Fixed USING [] should be ok 4710 Newman Compiler Fixed Incorrectly allows update of imported READONLY variable 4731 birrell Compiler Fixed Type mis-match on initialising to imported variable 4742 mitchell Compiler Fixed fatal, pass 5, variant record element compare w/nil checking 4760 Newman Compiler Fixed "" puts "" in 4774 ayers Compiler Fixed Error Messages' Construction 4780 ayers Compiler Fixed Catch phrase in imported INLINE gives pass 4 error 4899 Sweet Compiler Fixed Constant Table: zero length constants entered in the table 4941 Newman Compiler Fixed Doc: ABORTED totally undocumented 4956 McJones Compiler Fixed Extra FREE for large result record in FOR loop expression 4997 Swinehart Compiler Fixed Machine Dependent Records Bug 5033 Newman Compiler Fixed Semantics of "Foo: TYPE = CARDINAL ← ;" declaration 5112 AWells Compiler Fixed Bad code generation for array initialization 5114 AWells Compiler Fixed Internal stack overflow in recursive type declaration 5148 Luniewski Compiler Fixed Fatal compiler error pass 5 5151 Murray Compiler Fixed FOR Clause Problem - long variable and constant bounds 5172 Nelson Compiler Fixed Variant record defaults 5182 Knutsen Compiler Fixed Comparing expr to field of result of inline blows up 5215 Newman Compiler Fixed Type mismatches involving zone.NEW give poor error messages 5221 AWells Compiler Fixed Lack of defaults for declared return variables 5231 Wyatt Compiler Fixed Fatal from call on an INLINE procedure 5264 LStewart Compiler Fixed a, b: DESCRIPTOR ← [NIL,0] => "Multiple init w/ptr" 5276 Levin Compiler Fixed CV and ML addresses 5281 Newman Compiler Fixed Confused about compile-time constants & subrange types 5288 Newman Compiler Fixed Allowed invalid initialization expr for CONDITION 5294 schmidt Compiler Fixed NEW of extremely large arrays 5298 Artibee Compiler Fixed OptCatchPhrase on WaitStmt sometimes mandatory 5324 Newman Compiler Fixed Can't zone.NEW for objects with non-constant size 5337 AWells Compiler Fixed Compiler dropping into the debugger in pass 5 5343 Levin Compiler Fixed @constructor gives fatal error 5385 Ludolph Compiler Fixed LOOP in loopexitsclause of inner loop repeats inner loop 5405 AJM@MIT-ML Compiler Fixed Multi-module MONITOR 5415 Daniels Compiler Fixed Fatal compiler error after ill-formed DIRECTORY clause 5417 Marzullo Compiler Fixed The same temporary location is assigned twice in a loop. 5424 Fay Compiler Fixed StackModelling Error in long, zero-based IN tests 5488 Knutsen Compiler Fixed MachDepRec complains of gaps 5492 McJones Compiler Fixed Catch phrase should not be allowed on RETURN WITH ERROR 5546 LStewart Compiler Fixed Floating point compare to zero code generator 5614 Newman Compiler Fixed Mainline code local variables allocated in global frame 5622 Newman Compiler Fixed Type mismatch for PROC RETURNS [UNCOUNTED ZONE](or MDSZone) 5687 Newman Compiler Fixed Bad code for record constructor containing proc calls 5689 Forrest Compiler Fixed Long pointer to Packed ARRAY of >4K bits generates bad code 5703 Atkinson Compiler Fixed ERROR bugs 5710 Newman Compiler Fixed StackModelingError, pass 5 from LONG CARDINAL loop iteration 5720 Alfvin Compiler Fixed NIL as an acceptable ZONE value 5754 Daniels Compiler Fixed Fatal System Error (Punt) in Pass 5 5783 Swinehart Compiler Fixed Compiler loops in pass 5 with nil-checking on 5805 Swinehart Compiler Fixed Code generation bug -- long pointers 5846 Sweet Compiler Fixed [] ← ERROR SigReturnsValues; 5851 Inouye Compiler Fixed Fatal Compiler Error (another) 5985 mbrown Compiler Fixed examples of poor code produced 6020 Levin Compiler Fixed Generated code loses long return record in IF clause 6028 AWells Compiler Fixed Compiler dies in Pass 5 sending me to debugger with no displ 6043 Kiser Compiler Fixed Bad code for adding cardinal to long relative pointer. 6058 Newman Compiler Fixed Type/Length confusion on RELATIVE LONG POINTERs 6172 Newman Compiler Fixed ANY doesn't catch unnamed ERROR in same frame 6173 Newman Compiler Fixed ENABLE UNWIND fails to execute when unwinding unnamed ERROR 6186 Swinehart Compiler Fixed Fatal Pass 4 bug, using strange var. rec. arg. 6229 israel Compiler Fixed Compiler dies on RETURN [] in pass 4 335 Murray Debugger Fixed Debugger not showing tails of records 421 Murray Debugger Fixed Display stream dereferenced wrong when StreamDefs missing 545 Kusnick Debugger Fixed Debugger macros 749 Murray Debugger Fixed New subcommands for Display Stack 787 Shaw Debugger Fixed Improvements list 796 Redell Debugger Fixed CodeLinks displayed wrong 805 McJones Debugger Fixed Multiword constants displayed wrong 814 Israel Debugger Fixed Interpreter using mesa syntax 866 Morrison Debugger Fixed ↑x vs typescripts 870 Morrison Debugger Fixed Assigning enumerated values 948 McJones Debugger Fixed LONG INTEGER arithmetic 1082 McJones Debugger Fixed LONG POINTER type constructors 1084 Murray Debugger Fixed Signal name lost when inside BEGIN END block 1094 McJones Debugger Fixed Accessing fields of overlaid records 1108 Ayers Debugger Fixed p↑↑.field for interpreter 1160 Morrison Debugger Fixed Check for Correct Source File Before Use in Source-Line Mess 1161 Morrison Debugger Fixed Command to Redisplay Uncaught Signal Messages 1170 Kolling Debugger Fixed Debugger Forgets Procedure Variables When Alarm [XX] is Imbe 1173 Kolling Debugger Fixed Breakpoint Varibles List 1963 Evans Debugger Fixed Can't Break On Entry/Exit Of A Proc's Alias 1992 Israel Debugger Fixed FIND In Debug.log Window 2000 Murray Debugger Fixed Can't Print Procedure Name 2001 Murray Debugger Fixed -1,-1 From V 2005 Jarvis Debugger Fixed Derefernces NIL Pointer Without Warning 2009 Murray Debugger Fixed * From Display Global Frame 2010 Murray Debugger Fixed Check For NIL In Array Descriptor 2011 Murray Debugger Fixed Ctrl-DEL Have To Hold It Down 2013 Murray Debugger Fixed Coremap After BootFrom Doesn't Help Much 2031 Sandman Debugger Fixed Flushes Core Cache Before Calling Notification Procedures 2052 McJones Debugger Fixed Doc: Return Values vs Local Variables 2061 Ayers Debugger Fixed 5201 After Window Repaint Command 2074 McJones Debugger Fixed Interpreter Gives Wrong Value 2077 Cattell Debugger Fixed !file To Be !file is undefined 2089 Sandman Debugger Fixed XMesa: Installing XDebug.image And XMesa 2094 Karlton Debugger Fixed Login Command For Debugger 2111 Levin Debugger Fixed Produced Files 2151 Peterson Debugger Fixed Menu Set Break vs Tab 2153 Wyatt Debugger Fixed Interface Variable vs IMPORTing Modules 2155 Karlton Debugger Fixed Indirect Type-in For DebugWindow 2163 Morrison Debugger Fixed Variable Display By Interpreter Followed By Proceed Gets Int 2165 Morrison Debugger Fixed Display Of Overlaid Variant Records 2173 Clemons Debugger Fixed Interpreter's Idea Of BOOLEAN 2180 Stone Debugger Fixed XMesa And Debugger: Dereferencing Undefined Pointers 2191 Johnsson Debugger Fixed p%FileName$Type fails 2202 Murray Debugger Fixed Identify elements of data segments 2205 Newlin Debugger Fixed "Trace Entry" bug 2211 Knutsen Debugger Fixed Trailing spaces not ignored in module name 2216 Malasky Debugger Fixed ERROR from XCoremap 2222 Morrison Debugger Fixed Displaying catch frames with Display Stack 2232 Levin Debugger Fixed XMesa: setting breakpoints in XM, packed, unstarted module 2243 Gealy Debugger Fixed Can't say LongBasePtr[RelPtr] 2262 Alfvin Debugger Fixed Global variables inaccessible; give more feedback; WISK 2313 Ayers Debugger Fixed 23201 signal; "priv in foo" 2317 Lauer Debugger Fixed Identify symbols file needed 2334 Malasky Debugger Fixed InvalidFP from SourceWindow in XDebug 2335 Malasky Debugger Fixed Display of Nested Procedures 2336 Hamilton Debugger Fixed Can't Comment in Display Stack Mode 2391 GCurry Debugger Fixed interpret call froze the debugger cursor 2403 GCurry Debugger Fixed Debugger losing symbol tables 2406 Beard Debugger Fixed Debugger Source Window vs Bravo 8 2407 Nikora Debugger Fixed Set-Breakpoint Bug 2431 Schwartz Debugger Fixed Doc: One dash (rather than two) defines a comment. 2432 Schwartz Debugger Fixed Doc: Cursor actions on tiny windows need documenting 2434 Schwartz Debugger Fixed Doc: Difference between Breaks and Traces needs documenting. 2455 Schwartz Debugger Fixed Doc: >> prompt not documented 2460 Schwartz Debugger Fixed Doc: Some finepoints 2531 malasky Debugger Fixed Doc: Find Variable vs Search Context 2542 Malasky Debugger Fixed Pointer to frame vs interpreter 2573 Sweet Debugger Fixed UserProc wish: Setup/Takedown procedures 2595 Selly Debugger Fixed Interpreter vs. 1011B (Insufficient VM) 2598 Selly Debugger Fixed Doc: Set Octal Context examples;Frame$var 2599 Selly Debugger Fixed Interpreter vs Insufficient VM 2600 Selly Debugger Fixed Debugger dies after return from Userscreeen 2601 Selly Debugger Fixed Interpret call causes debugger to die 2606 Kolling Debugger Fixed Cursor in Window for type-in 2607 BLee Debugger Fixed Source file/source Window funnies - fatal flavor 2608 Hayes Debugger Fixed Source file/source window funnies - annoying flavor 2610 Guyton Debugger Fixed Interpreter and MOD 2613 Sapsford Debugger Fixed Display Module >v not looking at ControlDELTyped 2618 CharlieLev Debugger Fixed Display Stack source listing y in error 2723 Malasky Debugger Fixed Array of OVERLAID variant records displayed wrong 2767 Purvy Debugger Fixed Doc: Reporting debugger problems 2891 Clemons Debugger Fixed Can't access menu when Debug.log window is small 2910 charnley Debugger Fixed can't break at entry 2958 olmstead Debugger Fixed Debug.Log not always truncated at end of session 2967 olmstead Debugger Fixed Debugger won't set break at EXIT 3042 Sweet Debugger Fixed UserProc with NIL menu 3043 Sweet Debugger Fixed UserProc with no log, logState 3044 Sweet Debugger Fixed UserProc with no log, BoundaryMenu 3045 Sweet Debugger Fixed UserProc, PostMessage 3047 beard Debugger Fixed Debugger's unawareness of new source file 3091 Sweet Debugger Fixed UserProc, flushing logs on Kill Session 3182 olmstead Debugger Fixed Doc: conditional breakpoints 3366 Kabcenell Debugger Fixed Relative pointers 3401 Murray Debugger Fixed Lost breakpoints 3410 Sandman Debugger Fixed PerfMonitor and XferCounter trap handlers and NOOPs 3442 charlielev Debugger Fixed string too long! for variable y names 3448 Newman Debugger Fixed Interpreter should understand type SIGNAL 3456 Murray Debugger Fixed -1,-1 from Trace All Xits 3457 Murray Debugger Fixed UserProcDefs.PostMessage 3484 Murray Debugger Fixed PutDefs.PutChar 3519 teitelman Debugger Fixed Exported variables displayed incorrectly 3610 Andrew Debugger Fixed Doc: Going into Swat and Birrell overwriting Swatee 3648 Levin Debugger Fixed Attach Image to use current loadstate 3662 Birrell Debugger Fixed Attach Image to use current load state 3663 Birrell Debugger Fixed Doc: Ascii read increments start address wrong 4020 Newman Debugger Fixed Doc: Some variables print out followed by "↑R" 4160 LNelson Debugger Fixed Condition breaks vs subranges 4256 Karlton Debugger Fixed Interpreter vs. Enumerateds out of range 4260 Swinehart Debugger Fixed Named scalar constants 4275 Newman Debugger Fixed Unbound uncaught SIGNALs break the debugger 4349 Sapsford Debugger Fixed TextSource.Error[isBad] from TextSourcesA.MarkDisk 4356 Murray Debugger Fixed Wrong default base when reading number 4370 Murray Debugger Fixed Source window repaint funny 4419 Murray Debugger Fixed ARRAY [0..1000) OF WORD 4421 Murray Debugger Fixed very long STRING printout 4437 Murray Debugger Fixed process not bound 4438 Murray Debugger Fixed Display frame vs SIGNAL 4445 Levin Debugger Fixed Debugger frame trouble 4518 Hamilton Debugger Fixed Leaves Display Stack mode unasked 4523 Hamilton Debugger Fixed Interpretting as SIGNAL or PROC breaks debugger 4525 Freier Debugger Fixed Display of variable of type PROCESS 4530 McJones Debugger Fixed Printing value of exported type 4531 McJones Debugger Fixed Printing "msg=..." on parameterless uncaught signal 4536 Levin Debugger Fixed Uncaught signal ERROR 4546 Levin Debugger Fixed Interpreter bug two LONG CARDINAL arguments garbaged 4564 Kayashima Debugger Fixed Xdebug Hangs when Move or Grow sized window 4575 mbrown Debugger Fixed infinite chain of uncaught SIGNAL 10601B, msg=177777B 4576 Sweet Debugger Fixed Nested blocks in main body 4581 birrell Debugger Fixed printing imported variables 4598 Hamilton Debugger Fixed Doc: Attach Symbols 4614 Kayashima Debugger Fixed Stripping Bravo Trailers 4624 Sapsford Debugger Fixed LIst Proceses caches non-alive processes 4633 mbrown Debugger Fixed Confusion about contexts 4655 mbrown Debugger Fixed Attach Mesa Source command 4672 Gobbel Debugger Fixed Debugger bitmap goes away sometimes if Edit is used. 4680 morris Debugger Fixed Debugger crash 4684 rovner Debugger Fixed UnknownVariant[...]; 4732 birrell Debugger Fixed Incorrect handling of multiple instances of modules 4739 Levin Debugger Fixed Internal debugger won't install 4741 Wyatt Debugger Fixed COremap bug 4743 Levin Debugger Fixed Lockup while repainting windows 4745 Murray Debugger Fixed Can't install Internal Debugger 4757 Newman Debugger Fixed Displaying arguments of Signaller.ErrorList goes to // mode 4758 Newman Debugger Fixed "ATtach TtachSymbols" 4759 Newman Debugger Fixed Fails to find symbols in files retrieved with FileTool 4761 Newman Debugger Fixed Misleading error message from Display Frame 4764 Newman Debugger Fixed Spurious " not a valid field selector" 4776 Murray Debugger Fixed 1001 while trying to Kill 4777 Murray Debugger Fixed context mixup 4781 ayers Debugger Fixed missing source during DisplayStack 4783 ayers Debugger Fixed Debuggers erxtra-memory bitmap space 4789 ayers Debugger Fixed <alphamesa>temp>xdebug.image Intall problems 4791 Murray Debugger Fixed Bound OVERLAID variants 4796 Levin Debugger Fixed Bootloading vs. memory configuration 4804 Levin Debugger Fixed Debugger bootloading: NIL PuntInfo gives PointerFault 4808 Levin Debugger Fixed Imported LONG DESCRIPTOR 4824 Newman Debugger Fixed Interpreter doesn't know size of UNSPECIFIED 4825 Newman Debugger Fixed Interpeting "array[Type[value]] gives uncaught signal 4827 Newman Debugger Fixed Enumerated values not found 4839 birrell Debugger Fixed Clear All Traces missing 4843 Newman Debugger Fixed List Breaks says nothing if no breaks set 4844 Newman Debugger Fixed ATtach Conditon command rejected 4851 Cattell Debugger Fixed Doc: No [non-wizard] way to get debugger to redisplay SIGNAL 4858 McGregor Debugger Fixed Debugger Inline eval bug 4864 Cattell Debugger Fixed NotRelocated SIGNAL from debugger on call to user routine 4869 Johnsson Debugger Fixed CL? doesn't list all options 4872 Malasky Debugger Fixed Prohibit conditional breaks on pointers and arrays 4873 Johnsson Debugger Fixed ? for unknown PROCEDURE 4874 Karlton Debugger Fixed Will not display Ascii.NULs 4875 Sweet Debugger Fixed Clear Break # 4877 Sweet Debugger Fixed Display Break # 4880 Malasky Debugger Fixed ↑Nvalidate cache command 4884 Cattell Debugger Fixed What to do about edited windows when exit debugger 4887 Newman Debugger Fixed Missing command "CLear Module" ?? 4889 Newman Debugger Fixed ATtach Expression to nonexistent break => no error msg 4890 Newman Debugger Fixed LIst Breaks doesn't display attached expressions... 4894 MBrown Debugger Fixed breakpoint set on "BEGIN" of proc body smashes entry break? 4916 Newman Debugger Fixed "Break ?" shows invalid options 4918 Newman Debugger Fixed "CLear ?" leaves some options out 4950 Hayes Debugger Fixed FileTool, PupAndFTP won't install manually in Int. Debugger 4963 Newman Debugger Fixed DisplayStack-source: clobbers editable window 4966 Newman Debugger Fixed "Trace ?" displays invalid options 4979 Frankel Debugger Fixed Symbol table reset infinite loop 4983 Newman Debugger Fixed Set process context to self => "nnn is not a valid frame!" 5014 Newman Debugger Fixed DisplayStack + "?" leaves some options out 5026 Newman Debugger Fixed Sometimes you don't get "nnnnnn is not started!" message 5027 Newman Debugger Fixed Initial position of windows shouldn't be overlaid 5028 Newman Debugger Fixed Interpreter won't display variables of type MDSZone 5046 Murray Debugger Fixed Octal Read hangs 5110 morris Debugger Fixed Debugger printed out a wrong variant 5119 Sapsford Debugger Fixed ARRAY[interval] does not account for bias 5120 birrell Debugger Fixed Re-setting breaks 5131 MBrown Debugger Fixed Doc: what does output of the interpreter's ? operator mean? 5143 kolling Debugger Fixed Doc: Resetting symbol table 5153 Murray Debugger Fixed Silence from V or G subcommands of display stack 5176 JEllis Debugger Fixed Resetting Symbol Table vs Find Variable 5222 Murray Debugger Fixed CoreMap: SerialNumbers: print out high half also 5225 MBrown Debugger Fixed Display Module loses track of who is in the window 5228 Murray Debugger Fixed AScii Read should check Ctl-DEL 5229 Murray Debugger Fixed Garbage PC gives last PROCEDURE 5232 kolling Debugger Fixed source window selections, breakpoints, etc. 5244 Newman Debugger Fixed Named return values vs. exit breaks 5251 Murray Debugger Fixed PC to PROC mixup 5284 Newman Debugger Fixed "size mismatch" for Display Queue of CONDITION variable 5285 Newman Debugger Fixed Display Queue of MONITORLOCK => "100000B is invalid Process" 5286 Newman Debugger Fixed Display Queue of octal number fails 5299 Newman.ES Debugger Fixed Interpreter: subrange assignment error 5301 Murray Debugger Fixed PC mixup after clearing break 5302 Murray Debugger Fixed 47201 from Set Module Context (ambigious) 5315 Murray Debugger Fixed SourceWindow: context mixup 5328 Murray Debugger Fixed Display GlobalFrameTable 5340 JEllis Debugger Fixed Can't print a module variable w/o setting Module context 5364 JEllis Debugger Fixed No response to <module name>$<variable name> 5365 JEllis Debugger Fixed Interpreted relational expression produces Uncaught Signal 5384 Daniels Debugger Fixed Falling into // mode from Interpreter 5386 Murray Debugger Fixed SIGNAL declared in a catch phrase 5389 morris Debugger Fixed Breakpoint not found. 5470 Daniels Debugger Fixed Proc[]↑ gives ERROR 5484 Daniels Debugger Fixed Incorrect printing of variant records 5695 McJones Debugger Fixed Spurious question mark for value of large cardinal subrange 5738 Newman Debugger Fixed Interpreter: false overflow from multiplying LONG CARDINALs 5742 Cattell Debugger Fixed allows attaching condition to non-existent breakpoint 5750 Cattell Debugger Fixed ATtach Condition goes into infinite loop in several cases 5863 Israel Debugger Fixed Relative string 5864 LNelson Debugger Fixed Intrepreter treats CARDINALs > 32767 as negative INTEGERs 5883 Stewart Debugger Fixed PACKED ARRAY printing 5910 israel Debugger Fixed Relative array descriptors. 5926 kolling Debugger Fixed Doc: What is "wory" mode? 5960 Levin Debugger Fixed Attach Image or Loadstate of Run file fails 5962 Levin Debugger Fixed Can't carry Swatee to another machine and bootload 5965 Newman Debugger Fixed Doc: Interpreter can print out a TYPE 6016 Levin Debugger Fixed Reading code after bootloading 6017 Levin Debugger Fixed Debugger shouldn't read machine number from client 6061 mbrown Debugger Fixed Debugger displays imported variables incorrectly 6062 Debugger Fixed Certain TYPEs print out as "PUBLIC TYPE = <blank space>" 6069 Sweet Debugger Fixed Base RELATIVE LONG POINTER TO Foo 6071 McJones Debugger Fixed Incorrect "! Incorrect tag " message 6139 Cattell Debugger Fixed Display Break Lied about location of breaks 6241 israel Debugger Fixed Degugger doesn't understand relativa array descriptors. 6242 israel Debugger Fixed Can't FTP debug log 6269 Malasky Debugger Fixed printing interval of array[0..0) 6294 Malasky Debugger Fixed Can't qualify records for Entry conditional break 6391 birrell Debugger Fixed LOOPHOLE[1025B,SIGNAL] vs. SIGNAL [2051B] in Directory 840 McJones Ether Fixed Fetch: Feedback from delete 1080 Murray Ether Fixed Fetch: FTP: DiskFull fetch problems 1823 Hamilton Ether Fixed FTPtool: no filstats 2025 Israel Ether Fixed Pup Dies When First Call Is To SetLocalOnly 2027 Karlton Ether Fixed * File Expansions 2057 Israel Ether Fixed Pup: localOnly=TRUE, checkit=TRUE Doesn't Work 2092 Malasky Ether Fixed ChatTool: Should Attach Or Log In 2093 Sapsford Ether Fixed Chat Tool: No Blinking Cursor 2095 Murray Ether Fixed FatPup: Doesn't Setup Debugging Pointer To Ethernet Output Q 2096 Murray Ether Fixed FTP Recovery From Server Abort 2101 Murray Ether Fixed RenameFile Won't Preserve Creation Date 2102 Murray Ether Fixed FTPSysMail/OpenFile Incompatibility 2104 Israel Ether Fixed GetClumpOfPupBuffers/Invalid QueueObject Address 2126 Karlton Ether Fixed FTPIdentifyNextRejectedRecipie nt 2162 Ayers Ether Fixed GetPupPackageUserCount Not Exported By TinyPup.bcd 2234 Schwartz Ether Fixed Uncaught 3015B on unSizing Fetch 2284 Israel Ether Fixed FTP connection reject displays nothing 2285 Israel Ether Fixed PupErrors.BuildErrorPup should not assume is fille 2288 Birrell Ether Fixed Determining nearest mail server 2290 Israel Ether Fixed Monitor lockup in PupPktHot.Get 2341 Ladner Ether Fixed Brownie: Error Msg. Misspelling 2397 Murray Ether Fixed FTP dump/load clobbers a byte 2438 Schwartz Ether Fixed FileTool: behaves strangely when opened a second time. 2464 Murray Ether Fixed FatPup vs Bounds check 2535 Murray Ether Fixed 2 second delays in PupByteStream 2558 LNelson Ether Fixed FileTool: close connection logic is defective. 2620 Murray Ether Fixed Pup (Byte Streams) crash if packet from wrong source 2766 Hamilton Ether Fixed FTPtool: "IFS full" funnies 2848 Sapsford Ether Fixed GetMyName (actually net address) procedure 2880 Clemons Ether Fixed FileTool: Closes connection unnecessarily 2906 israel Ether Fixed Pup: FTP: Slow on Dorado 2998 Murray Ether Fixed Error strings in NameConversion 3257 Hamilton Ether Fixed FTPtool: missing upper left corner 3311 Murray Ether Fixed Pup ByteStream close 3341 Levin Ether Fixed Trivial bug in PupTypes 3584 Murray Ether Fixed FTP vs IFS 1.23 3626 Murray Ether Fixed FTP: sending mail 3664 Birrell Ether Fixed MTP user: require sender property on SendMessage 3708 Murray Ether Fixed PupNameLookup+PupAddressLookup PupGlitch 3863 Murray.PA Ether Fixed Fetch: Make it more like FTPtool 3900 Murray Ether Fixed FTP: UNWIND from FTPEnumerate/retrieve 3987 Sapsford Ether Fixed FTP: TimeExtras.PackedTimeFromStrin g vs StringBoundsFault 4131 Levin Ether Fixed FTP: FTPServers.config 4174 Hamilton Ether Fixed FileTool: deletion fails 4214 Hamilton Ether Fixed FTPtool: Add OLY (and Igor) to host menu 4335 Murray Ether Fixed FTPUtilities.TransferBytes 4339 Karlton Ether Fixed FTP: EnumerateDirectoryMasked unbound in PupAndFTP 4344 Karlton Ether Fixed FTP: FTPAltoFile.EnumerateFiles and info.byteCount 4352 Karlton Ether Fixed FTP: FTPAltoFile.PreProcessFile does a blind ReleaseFile 4444 Schmidt.PA Ether Fixed FTP: FTPInventoryDumpFile needs create date parameter 4456 Birrell Ether Fixed Pup: FTP: Recompile packages to fix long return record bug 4499 Murray Ether Fixed FTP: FTPTransferFile doesn't pass through the creation date 4544 birrell Ether Fixed FTP: FTPRetrieve hangs until timeout on a "no" mark 4550 Levin Ether Fixed FileTool: "delete" bugs 4552 Birrell Ether Fixed Pup: ByteStream timeout 4590 birrell Ether Fixed FileTool: returns slowly if the client stops an enumeration 4612 Hamilton Ether Fixed FileTool: shift col.2 left; move "verify" 4763 Newman Ether Fixed FTP: Forgetting to call IdNxtRejRecip => disaster 4767 Cattell Ether Fixed FileTool: filename "." doesn't work 4809 Levin Ether Fixed FileTool: Local Delete: error message is misleading 4904 Levin Ether Fixed FileTool: fails to restore command buttons 5005 birrell Ether Fixed Pup: 2 sec delay creating Byte Streams 5062 kolling Ether Fixed Pup: DriverDefs.debugPointer 5093 Murray Ether Fixed Pup: NameLookup vs dying nets 5098 Murray Ether Fixed Pup: EthernetDriver priority 5132 MBrown Ether Fixed FileTool: does not set creation date properly 5152 Murray Ether Fixed FTP: TimeExtras: zone screwup 5195 birrell Ether Fixed FileTool: window size 5198 birrell Ether Fixed FTP: make single config available with everything 5207 Birrell Ether Fixed FileTool: retrieve NIL file causes StringBoundsFault 5214 Hamilton Ether Fixed FileTool: Clear message window 5236 Newman Ether Fixed FileTool: obsolete free page count 5266 Hamilton Ether Fixed ChatTool: needs to Yield 5433 Lauer Ether Fixed CoPilot leaves me 'logged in' in new session 5527 Newman Ether Fixed FIleTool: treat empty "source" field as "*" 5697 Freier Ether Fixed FileTool: hangs after "insufficient space" message 5939 Murray Ether Fixed Pup: EFTPAbortReceiving sends extra characters 5942 Murray Ether Fixed FTP: Can't retrieve mail from connected directory. 5945 Freier Ether Fixed FileTool takes too long to determine "insufficient space" 6010 Malasky Ether Fixed Brownie: Enumerate with !h or ;0 6011 Malasky Ether Fixed Brownie: Validate passwords immediately 6012 Malasky Ether Fixed Brownie: Rename update in addition to rename everything 6013 Malasky Ether Fixed Brownie: Use PupChecksums microcode 6076 Murray Ether Fixed Pup+FTP: a few constructors smashing LOCKs or CONDITIONs 6108 Ether Fixed FTP "no" code of 0: ProtocolError vs. UnidentifiedError 6110 Ether Fixed BSP "interrupt" sending doesn't handle lost packets 6174 Newman Ether Fixed Deactivate ListOptions, then FileTool => locks up 6257 Kabcenell Ether Fixed File Tool doesn't reset context. 6332 Hamilton Ether Fixed FileTool: shouldn't create local file when access denied 6359 Newman Ether Fixed FileTool: RemoteList! from Alto gets AddressFault, page 0 6360 Newman Ether Fixed FileTool: Closes connection erratically 6376 Newman Ether Fixed FileTool/STP: Store when not logged in =>ERROR StreamClosing 6384 Newman Ether Fixed FileTool: got Stream.TimeOut... 740 White Other Fixed Unbound procedure checker 1176 Kolling Other Fixed Contiguous Core Search 1230 Judd Other Fixed DOC: Examples 1672 LNelson Other Fixed StartPilot vs Xmesa 1994 Murray Other Fixed RunMesa: Addition To XMesa Microcode 2063 Ayers Other Fixed Perf. Monitor: Improved Handling Of Node String Printout 2078 Levin Other Fixed RunMesa Loader Placement 2079 Levin Other Fixed Microcode Policy 2123 Johnsson Other Fixed Microcode: BNDCK 2135 Malasky Other Fixed Two CursorProcesses In Put After NewSession 2186 McJones Other Fixed Lister: Code Listings To Show Global Frame Size 2242 Johnsson Other Fixed IncludeChecker vs. Compiler switches 2253 Otto Other Fixed IncludeChecker chokes on STAR 2255 Karlton Other Fixed IncludeChecker should specify compilation as late as possibl 2339 Wick Other Fixed Copyright Notice on Mesa Source Files 2392 Ladner Other Fixed XFER Tool Enhancements 3303 Newman Other Fixed IncludeChecker: bug fixes 3744 Johnsson Other Fixed RunMesa 34.8 lies about widebody non XMesa machines 4166 Levin Other Fixed RunMesa: optionally restricting memory use 4183 Knutsen Other Fixed Lister: show who exports what 4503 olmstead Other Fixed Doc: Mesa 6.0 Utilities Update: "weeding OUR extraneous" 4647 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: Crashes if errors while processing 4650 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: /l produces both .list and .map files 4651 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: Fatal error: Unbound procedure 4659 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: /m option - More information requested 4663 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: /m option produces fatal error 4683 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: Missing file does not produce error message 4707 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: multiple module instances 4737 Evans Other Fixed Formatter: Doesn't DO x←SELECT..1=>n,ENDCASE=>ERROR; 4863 Luniewski Other Fixed Packager: Can't process compiler bcd's 4865 Gobbel Other Fixed Formatter spaces too wide 4903 Sandman Other Fixed In Statistics and Version, FastDir gets InsufficientVM 4939 Levin Other Fixed CommandCentral selection glitch 5058 forrest Other Fixed Formatter adds extra blank lines 5082 BLewis Other Fixed Formatter: Improper treatment of "~=" operator 5084 BLewis Other Fixed Formatter: Improper treatment of "~(a OR b)" 5250 Gobbel Other Fixed Formatter should use small font for predeclared identifiers. 5311 Sapsford Other Fixed Formatter: Extraneous CR 5313 Mitchell Other Fixed Formatter: Use of tabs and spaces 5325 Nelson Other Fixed Formatter handles string contants wrong 5327 Morris Other Fixed Formatter problem 5344 Levin Other Fixed Formatter: comments on END procedure lines 5434 Daniels Other Fixed Statistics: InsufficientVM raised upon initialization 5480 Johnsson Other Fixed Formatter: Overlaid variant records 5635 McKeeman Other Fixed Formatter 5636 McKeeman Other Fixed Formatter 5767 Artibee Other Fixed Lister xref cant process long proc names 5908 Sapsford Other Fixed Lister: Cut back BcdLinks to BcdVersions 5916 Knutsen Other Fixed Formatter: preserve blank lines 5934 Sapsford Other Fixed Formatter: moving up comment on a following line if it fits 6029 Stewart Other Fixed formatter, MACHINE CODE done wrong 6031 stewart Other Fixed formatter dies on press file output 6068 alfvin Other Fixed Formatter changes source create date even with -t switch 6143 McJones Other Fixed Formatter: Missing semicolon before FINISHED mishandled 6336 Daniels Other Fixed Formatter loses source text. 431 Kierr System Fixed Feedback from compiler and binder 435 Wick System Fixed Dangling FileObjects in Wart and MakeImage 687 Murray System Fixed StreamDefs export FileNameError 725 White System Fixed Pause primitive 968 Schroeder System Fixed Punt during MakeImage 1019 Murray System Fixed Way to lose characters from typescript 1942 McJones System Fixed Drop Enable, Disable Scheduling From ProcessOps 1988 Sapsford System Fixed Doc: Extra Time Zone 1995 Murray System Fixed MakeImage Doesn't Reset Mesa.Typescript 1999 Murray System Fixed MakeImage Dies If Code Locked 2007 Murray System Fixed Image Files Poisoned With Bad FP 2035 Lauer System Fixed SplitNode Doesn't Shorten Split Node 2040 McJones System Fixed AltoLoader: SIGNAL BadCode Rather Than ERROR 2064 Levin System Fixed Performance vs Duplicate GFT Enumeration 2086 McGregor System Fixed Mesa Tracking Of BCPL Fast Directories 2110 Malasky System Fixed MakeImage vs Loadstate 2112 Johnsson System Fixed DisplayDefs.StopCursor 2118 Brotz System Fixed InLineDefs.HighByte Returns 0 (XMesa) 2119 Brotz System Fixed Death Of MakeImage (XMesa) 2120 Brotz System Fixed MakeUnmergedImage: Invalid Segment Size Size (XMesa) 2121 Brotz System Fixed MakeImage: Poor Return Speed Performance (XMesa) 2125 Karlton System Fixed ImageDefs.BcdTime Returns Wrong Time 2131 Sonderegge System Fixed Laurel vs. Mesa Run Time r 2149 Morrison System Fixed Long Division And MOD Failures 2161 Murray System Fixed Swapper/Disk IO Difficulties 2170 Boggs System Fixed BFS 2218 Murray System Fixed vs. ImageTime 2224 Ayers System Fixed ERROR in MakeCheckPoint 2225 Karlton System Fixed Doc: p.42 SecondsToTicks errors 2229 Satterthwa System Fixed Doc: p.65 add ] after ite StreamObject before semicolon 2241 Howard System Fixed GetDefaultDisplayStream.clearC har doesn't erase typescript 2268 Birrell System Fixed Cursor boundary restriction undesirable 2272 Johnsson System Fixed (control)shift-swat vs. disk 2299 Evans System Fixed UnNewConfig generates InvalidObject 2301 Johnsson System Fixed BootPageTable at wrong time 2303 Kolling System Fixed XMesa: pgm hangs on memory full 2345 Evans System Fixed InsufficientVM on Call to LoaderOps.Load 2352 Laaser System Fixed Packing/Unpacking Time 2537 Evans System Fixed AltoLoader.WriteLongControlLin k inverts parms 2570 Jarvis System Fixed Doc: NewByteStream 2611 JOHNSSON System Fixed MakeImage vs. OS17 2612 Taft System Fixed Suggested changes to DiskIO 2623 Howard System Fixed [Ivy]<Xmesa>temp>Xmesa.image bad 2646 Guyton System Fixed Doc: BLTL 2769 Malasky System Fixed CheckPoint vs Debugger 2893 Lauer System Fixed Free Storage Package problem: zone too large 2961 Levin System Fixed XMesa Swapper bug in TryCodeSwapping (pageRover) 3061 israel System Fixed Nil and bounds checking 3082 Johnsson System Fixed Don't allow interrupts 'til after starting Process 3106 MBrown System Fixed Disk streams - SetIndex failure 3116 Guyton System Fixed Local frame freed too soon by StartTrace 3129 Olmstead System Fixed Request for info 3159 Murray System Fixed Even/Quad 3164 No Name System Fixed Bug in SystemDefs.DisplayOff 3166 Johnsson System Fixed Doc: ReadBlock clobbers buffer, returns 0 3168 kolling System Fixed Doc: manual suggestions 3183 ayers System Fixed Doc:Time Package 3185 Sweet System Fixed InlineDefs.Low(High)Half 3218 Satterthwa System Fixed Loader Problem: importing an ite exported interface 3250 Murray System Fixed Process 3309 Johnsson System Fixed Don't count free pages twice 3404 Murray System Fixed Frame traps on D0 3451 BLee System Fixed Doc: GetFont advertised in wrong Defs module 3554 McJones System Fixed Mesa doesn't like my disk packs 3556 Karlton System Fixed procedure to return file times 3619 Levin System Fixed Bootmesa hack 3661 Birrell System Fixed Aborting process in ReadChar leaves keyboard monitor locked 3668 Birrell System Fixed XMesa Nucleus: determining memory size 3751 Wyatt System Fixed re: MakeImage problem (see previous AR) 4108 Levin System Fixed More processes and GFT slots in Mesa.image 4218 Levin System Fixed RunConfig: Return global frame of the control module loaded 4224 Hamilton System Fixed Doc: p.17: "FontDefs defines the following..." 4234 Low.HENR System Fixed Doc: IODefs.ReadLine always echoes terminating character 4244 Levin System Fixed Loader Bug 4245 Levin System Fixed UnNewConfig bug 4267 Levin System Fixed UnNewConfig bugs: FindNLinks bugs 4397 Murray System Fixed Loading garbage: Uncaught BadFile 4405 Schmidt.PA System Fixed Reading leader pages: don't change read-date 4410 Schmidt.PA System Fixed GetFileTimes should use ActOnPages 4441 Murray System Fixed ABORTED#ProcessDefs.Aborted 4459 Murray System Fixed Lightning causes DIskError 4574 Newman System Fixed RESUMEing a PointerFault=>uncaught SIGNAL InvalidGlobalFrame 4604 Newman System Fixed FrameDefs.[New/Run]Config should return a GlobalFrameHandle 4662 McGregor System Fixed Allocating Space in Specific Banks 4784 ayers System Fixed Doc: Unknown Signal from MakeDataSegment 4786 mitchell System Fixed Incorrectly raised InsufficientVM error 4847 AWells System Fixed Bug in turning off echos in ReadLine (IODefs) 4932 Levin System Fixed Bug in AltoLoader.Load 4933 Sandman System Fixed BcdOps.ProcessSpaces lacks *SIZE[SpaceID] 4938 Levin System Fixed CommandCentral: Expand @file1 @file2 fails 4958 Levin System Fixed Bug in Wart: InitLoadState was changed 4970 Evans System Fixed Debugger looses bitmap when client makes checkpoint 4985 Newman System Fixed Loader doesn't link up imported POINTER TO FRAME 5003 Evans System Fixed MakeImage: Disk Descriptor not swapped in when needed 5038 schmidt System Fixed Doc: Question about ZONES in Mesa 6.0u 5057 kolling System Fixed Doc: Where is the stuff that used to be in bootdefs? 5065 McGregor System Fixed Preserving /k when coming back from a MakeCheckpoint 5094 Murray System Fixed MakeImage dies 5108 Karlton System Fixed Time: add Time.Packed to ease compatibility problems 5147 Levin System Fixed Nasty FSP bug...again! 5154 Murray System Fixed TimeConvert.PackDT off by an hour 5184 Levin System Fixed HyperRegion bug: rover not in bounds 5185 Levin System Fixed AllocVM: specific allocation too restrictive 5190 McJones System Fixed CommandCentral should parse the options window fields 5191 McJones System Fixed Uncaught signal when CommandCentral can't find compiler 5296 Hayes System Fixed Memory Competition Tajo vs. Debugger 5342 schmidt System Fixed GetID vs. GetId in CharIO.mesa 5416 Levin System Fixed Debugger smashes HyperRegion 5449 Levin System Fixed Missing Start Traps 5479 kolling System Fixed where is debugnub.bcd/mesa? 5545 Levin System Fixed UnNewConfig frees frame too early 5626 Levin System Fixed LoadConfig returns ControlModule, not GlobalFrame 5627 Levin System Fixed Killing off the Interrupt process 6153 Levin System Fixed UnNewConfig fails to delete packed code segment 6396 Levin System Fixed UnNewConfig vs. AR 6153. Broken again. 1193 Levy Compiler New Doc: Part-word Machine Dependent Records 5004 kolling Compiler New Fatal compiler error 5006 kolling Compiler New erroneous error message and (perhaps) erroneous code generat 5813 Inouye Compiler New FATAL ERROR Pass = 5, signal = 31201B, message = 177777B 4579 birrell Debugger New Contexts. Set Root Config then Display Stack => confused 4928 Murray Debugger New Debugger vs smashed heap 5749 Cattell Debugger New ATtach Condition doesn't work on break #2 ??! 6182 Forrest Debugger New Preserve information when generating compressed symbols 6247 israel Debugger New Invalid address attempting to call procedure. 2244 Israel Ether New FTP: mail server hangs 3824 Birrell Ether New FTP: Alto Server 5199 birrell Ether New FTP: MTP server out of date 5451 schmidt Ether New FTP: Enumerate purpose unspecified doesn't work 6100 kolling Ether New File Tool loses ability to find a name lookup server. 5921 Knutsen Other New Formatter: Braces handled inconsistently 353 Wick Binder Open Binder doesn't support multiple instances or nested configs 1179 Levin Binder Open Puzzling Fatal Error Message 1941 Murray Binder Open Syntax Error Fix-Up - Binder Prints Grabage String 2231 Smokey Binder Open External & internal implementations of same interface 2330 Kolling Binder Open Code Links with Packing Statements 2332 LNelson Binder Open Multi-level Binding vs Copied Code 3809 Greenspan. Binder Open Nondetection of multiple ES versions of a defs module 3820 Newman Binder Open Binder bugs: 1) Fatal error; 2) Garbage .bcd produced 3856 Newman Binder Open Named IMPORTS don't work 4018 Newman Binder Open Binder dies in recursive loop 4019 Newman Binder Open Binder thinks imported interface is module instance 4429 Pugh.ES Binder Open Fatal Error Signal: 1005B Msg: 165004B 4468 Kolling Binder Open Modules with same names in two subsystems crash Binder 5219 Maleson Binder Open Foo vs. Foo.bcd 5307 Murray Binder Open More checking on CODE links where mult instances of a module 5371 Murray Binder Open Multiple control modules: module can be in only one list 5713 schmidt Binder Open /r option to Binder screws up 5734 Sapsford Binder Open Poor error diagnosis when same name configs 6235 kolling Binder Open Binder Code links message 411 Murray Compiler Open CARDINAL subrange problem 503 Wick Compiler Open Public tag in Private variant 587 Kusnick Compiler Open Circularity with bound variants 654 McJones Compiler Open Misleading error message without explicit type for LOOPHOLE 1865 Malasky Compiler Open OPEN vs Where Control Variable Is Calculated 1895 McJones Compiler Open Array Pointer Types Need Explicit Index Types 2014 Gobbel Compiler Open INLINE PROCEDURE vs. UNSPECIFIED 2032 Schwartz Compiler Open Variant Record: Unimplemented Construct 2036 Mitchell Compiler Open Doc: Global Variables 2075 Cattell Compiler Open Doc: Array Descriptors 2081 Schwartz Compiler Open Doc: NIL Is Illegal For RELATIVE POINTER 2141 McJones Compiler Open UNWIND vs Deleting INLINE 2146 Morrison Compiler Open Signed/Unsigned vs INLINE 2174 Ayers Compiler Open Fine Grain Misalignment 2187 Bishop Compiler Open Fatal Compiler Error, Pass 5, 24431B 2188 Nelson Compiler Open Doc: READONLY POINTER Treatment 2195 MBrown Compiler Open Doc: index MOD on p.12, not p.5 2199 Bishop Compiler Open USING problem 2206 Lynn Compiler Open Doc: syntax errors & clarif., Appendix F 2248 Tou Compiler Open Don't start new context at ENABLE 2257 Schwartz Compiler Open Doc: index EnableClause on p.137; typo p.140 2259 Padgett Compiler Open Bug in cvt rel array desc to abs desc 2266 Mitchell Compiler Open Doc: what good is free conformance? 2270 Morrison Compiler Open Doc: info on INLINE procs in an interface 2281 Lynn Compiler Open Doc: Mesa grammar corrections 2306 Ladner Compiler Open Doc: p.132 text missing 2312 Ayers Compiler Open Fatal error with record with [0..0) array 2323 Greenspan Compiler Open IMPORTed LONG BASE POINTER/Local RELATIVE POINTER 2402 LNelson Compiler Open Doc: START bugs 2480 Beeley Compiler Open Fatal Error in XCompiler Pass 5, 177777B 2483 Otto Compiler Open Fatal Error Pass 5, 26411B 2559 sturgis Compiler Open Doc: Caution on Variant Constructors 2585 Deutsch Compiler Open DOC: Discrimination on RETURNed variant record 2713 olmstead Compiler Open Doc: Mesa language manual typos 2718 olmstead Compiler Open Doc: Language manual 2812 ayers Compiler Open FATAL COMPILER ERROR 2873 Monahan Compiler Open ALL in Definitions Module 2920 Deutsch Compiler Open Implementation dependency in overlapping record copy 3124 Sweet Compiler Open DOC: order of evaluation in assignment stmt 3127 LNelson Compiler Open Failure of unitialized variable checking option 3132 Clemons Compiler Open Doc: What does ABS[foo] return 3314 Malasky Compiler Open Doc: Appendix B in Language manual 3728 MBrown Compiler Open Doc: treatment of LOOPHOLE in manual 3804 Newman Compiler Open Can't find types & constants in included PROGRAM 3816 Monahan Compiler Open FATAL ERROR: empty brackets in stringBody constructor 3927 Kabcenell Compiler Open Use of pointers to bound variant records. 4162 Newman Compiler Open Doc: Why catchphrases on STOP, JOIN, FORK ? 4307 Knutsen Compiler Open Loses track of subrange type of constant 4442 Murray Compiler Open DOC: PACKED ARRAY [0..1) OF Byte 4493 Hamilton Compiler Open Compiler.bcd 4496 Hamilton Compiler Open Doc: Compiler Update: Dynamic Storage Allocation 4534 McJones Compiler Open Loopholing constant ARRAY into constant RECORD bombs 4594 Schwartz Compiler Open No diagnostic for Compiler/-A-P 4673 McJones Compiler Open Exported types: concrete type inconsistencies 4690 Newman Compiler Open Doc: Mesa 5 manual denies existence of LONG CARDINAL 4705 Morrison Compiler Open Long range-assertions don't work 4724 trigoboff Compiler Open Doc: Mesa Manual 4728 Kolling Compiler Open Erroneous unsigned comparison 4860 trigoboff Compiler Open Doc: Mesa Manual: CatchTail vs. CatchItem 4913 Woods Compiler Open LONG CARDINAL division treated as LONG INTEGER division 4960 Newman Compiler Open Fatal Error -1,-1 from calling imported RECORD[PROCEDURE] 4977 Frankel Compiler Open Bounds checking signals incorrect error 4984 Newman Compiler Open Doc: REJECTing signal after assigning to signal's arguments 4992 schmidt Compiler Open warning msg about uninitialized variable LENGTH[x] 5019 Newman Compiler Open Importing POINTER TO FRAME loses all defaults 5032 Newman Compiler Open Doc: Automatic initialization of CONDITIONs and MONITORLOCKs 5063 McJones Compiler Open Unwanted warning message when using renaming in DIRECTORY 5085 Murray Compiler Open Confused FineGrainTable 5122 Frankel Compiler Open Multiple assignments get incorrect warning with u switch 5224 Fisher & Compiler Open Incorrect code comparing Newman UNSPECIFIED >= CRDINAL (CONSTANT) 5248 Newman Compiler Open Doc: components of CONDITION variables 5267 Newman Compiler Open EXPORTing READONLY things initialized with "=" 5426 JEllis Compiler Open TYPE passed to LONG UNSPECIFIED accepted by compiler 5437 Trigoboff Compiler Open Doc: Mesa Manual Bug: index entry for NIL incorrect 5456 kolling Compiler Open erroneous code when /nb used. 5466 Morrison Compiler Open Doc: Error messages are in a different radix 5481 Murray,Swe Compiler Open Breakpoint off by one et 5482 Freier Compiler Open Assigning values to LONG DESCRIPTOR with IF expression 5586 McJones Compiler Open NOTIFY should automatically dereference its argument 5593 Newman Compiler Open Doc: DESCRIPTOR FOR PACKED ARRAY problems 5621 Newman Compiler Open Type mismatch comparing concrete and opaque types with =, # 5745 lynn Compiler Open passing UNSPECIFIED to INLINE is fatal 5759 Kabcenell Compiler Open Compatibility of Exported Types 5761 Newman Compiler Open DEFINITIONS EXPORTS construct for INLINEs & opaque types 5773 Newman Compiler Open Unwanted warning: "multiple initialization w/ pointer" 5833 Newman Compiler Open Doc: ARRAY OF Type allowed -- no Index for array 5838 Newman Compiler Open Doc: STRING a reserved word? 5891 Wyatt Compiler Open Empty record type causes FATAL COMPILER ERROR 5893 Morris,Pet Compiler Open Doc: Order of evaluation in it record assignments. 5914 Ludolph Compiler Open ABS[LONG INTEGER] in FOR range 5933 israel Compiler Open Compiler loops in Pass 5 (in PutBackJunk) 5949 Chapman Compiler Open Error in calculating offset into PACKED ARRAY OF CHARACTER 5984 mbrown Compiler Open fatal error due to poor loophole 5996 gwilliams Compiler Open False Error 6001 Alfvin Compiler Open Spurious warning for MAX[0, ...] 6022 gwilliams Compiler Open compiler error 6063 Newman Compiler Open Doc: what's a NAT ? 6086 Morrison Compiler Open Misleading error message "nullID exported with wrong type" 6102 Freier Compiler Open Compiler consumes trees for multiword compile time constants 6125 Newman Compiler Open ENABLE clause missed for "Fault" SIGNALs; deleting INLINE 6136 kolling Compiler Open Fatal compiler error in Pass 4 6142 McJones Compiler Open Doc: optional semicolon before FINISHED 6146 McJones Compiler Open Doc: NAT not documented 6160 Sapsford Compiler Open Compiler ate MAX[element] without warning 6176 Newman Compiler Open UNWIND skipped if "fault" SIGNAL raised 6191 Knutsen Compiler Open Doc: Locks/Conditions in local frame are initialized 6198 israel Compiler Open Spurious warning for CARDINAL ← MAX[CARDINAL, . . .] 6267 israel Compiler Open SELECT...FROM ENDCASE=>ERROR Xxx vs. fatal system error 6286 Newman Compiler Open no nil-checking on zone.NEW, zone.FREE 6312 Hamilton Compiler Open LONG CARDINAL ← neg. constant accepted 6333 Nelson Compiler Open Variant Record Bug? No compile vs. default & spurious errors 6345 Sweet Compiler Open Compiler presses on after fragmented storage 6356 malasky Compiler Open StackModelingError 6362 Wyatt Compiler Open Doc: change in meaning of Compiler /l switch 6406 McJones Compiler Open Frame leak in P[]↑ ← BigResultRecord[] 6409 McJones Compiler Open Frame leak: NilCk, BndCk vs. large result record 6451 Hamilton Compiler Open Type mismatch from a←@b; TYPEs from Defs 1151 Ayers Debugger Open Debugger Stuck in "\\" Level 4828 Newman Debugger Open procedure%(CARDINAL) gives incorrect value for constants 4856 McGregor Debugger Open Dropping Characters 4922 Newman Debugger Open Displaying unbound or NIL SIGNALs 5067 Murray Debugger Open 1001 from debugger loading a big config 5223 Murray Debugger Open Displaying SIGNAL variables w/o bcd 5252 Murray Debugger Open garbage PROC variable gets uncaught 51211 5726 Hayes Debugger Open "string" to interpreter references memory (prints garbage) 5988 Daniels Debugger Open Debugger lost Breakpoints in nested procedures 6066 mbrown Debugger Open Set Root fails if configuration has name different from file 6158 Levin Debugger Open Incorrect context set when multiple instances exist 6201 Levin Debugger Open 2nd bootload doesn't cause new session. 6209 Kabcenell Debugger Open Interpreter looks up in wrong scope. 6248 Newlin Debugger Open UnLabeledVariant: Interpreter won't display body field label 6268 Malasky Debugger Open Array[enumsubrange!5] doesn't work 6369 kolling Debugger Open clear break # syntax check 1822 Hamilton Ether Open FTP: FTPtool: doesn't timeout 2509 malasky Ether Open Brownie: Error message from closed connection 3665 Birrell Ether Open FTP: MTP server does not allow access to Sender property 3691 Monahan Ether Open FTP: Store won't overwrite last version 4163 Halsema Ether Open Pup: PupByteStream 4443 Schmidt.PA Ether Open FTP: FTPEndRetrievalOfMessages w/o deleting mailbox 5827 Newman Ether Open FTP: noRouteToNetwork not raised during Open 6109 Ether Open Pup termination protocol doesn't implement second EndReply 6340 birrell Ether Open omitted acks in PUP BSP 6392 birrell Ether Open BSP: retransmitTicks 6419 Newman Ether Open Fetch:"Please open a connection!" message doesn't make sense 2267 Ladner Other Open Doc: MUHB Appendix E 2354 Malasky Other Open StripExtension vs . 2556 Murray Other Open Garbage from IncludeChecker 3621 Knutsen Other Open Doc: Clarification on Rejecting a SIGNAL 3815 Clemons Other Open Doc: MUHB CR.log doesn't exist anymore... 4156 Knutsen Other Open IncludeChecker: compilation command for local source only 4167 Evans Other Open Typing DEL to Statistics.bcd when in Exec blows up 4172 Newman Other Open Lister Xref: doesn't understand ARRAY [0..0) 4173 Newman Other Open Lister Interface: skips over exported variables in Defs 4175 Levin Other Open Commander: fails when not first on command line 4177 Newman Other Open Lister Xref:ignores last item in file list if no trailing CR 4180 Otto Other Open Includechecker dies over truncated bcd 4591 Sapsford Other Open PGS: Bad error reporting 4625 Knutsen Other Open Lister: code listing should show number of links 4648 Luniewski Other Open Lister: Incorrect alphabetization 4736 Luniewski Other Open Lister: XrefByCallee: machine code inlines 4835 Otto Other Open Doc: BCDSignals say "Need bcd, and symbols" 4892 Newman Other Open Doc: Lister: UnboundExports undocumented 4946 willie-sue Other Open ARSubmit.boot falls into swat on a Dorado 5001 nelson Other Open Lister: change subrange arm in routine PrintType 5254 Nelson Other Open Lister bugs: REL PTRs, neg. subrgs, ZONEs, exp. TYPEs 5304 Murray Other Open SignalLister: "(problems encountered)" 5407 Luniewski Other Open Lister: packaged compiler output bcd's 5425 JELLIS Other Open Control Fault, Lister 5491 Fay Other Open BcdSignals can't find available symbols 5633 Forrest Other Open Tablecompiler has -a switch backwards 5849 LNelson Other Open IncludeChecker should mention sources that don't match bcds 5919 Knutsen Other Open Formatter: put blank line before and after each procedure 6042 Johnsson Other Open SignalLister: catch SwapError, report symbols not found. 6059 Other Open Lister Xref: "Send message to SDSUPPORT" for some types 6064 Newman Other Open Lister Xref: constants of subrange type displayed wrong 6065 Newman Other Open Lister symbols: garbage output 6084 McJones Other Open Lister CodeInConfig "File not found" filename desired 6162 Daniels Other Open Fatal System error (Punt) in Foramtter 6224 stewart Other Open Lister codelistings, MISC opcodes 6225 stewart Other Open Lister Code listings too long (>65K) 6337 Murray.PA Other Open Complicated start lists 6439 McJones Other Open Formatter handling of nested bound variant types 336 Murray System Open Version checking of code segments not done by runtime 361 Murray System Open Swapper interruptable by control-swat; cleanup missing 1167 Levin System Open Degraded Swapper Recovery After Theoretically Legal Interrup 2037 Lauer System Open READONLY Exported Variable As Default Parameter 2066 Lauer System Open Conditional Breakpoint vs CARDINAL 2196 MBrown System Open Transient garbage on Mesa.typescript display 2400 Wyatt System Open Character constant can change value 3135 Newman System Open Doc: TrapDefs.SendMsgSignal is useful but undocumented. 3270 Sapsford System Open DestroyFile and subdirectory support 3317 McKeeman System Open Bug in display package 3476 Reed System Open Stimulus Level remains active during UserScreen 3541 ayers System Open Doc: String Package 3637 Hamilton System Open Doc: DiskKDDefs.CountFreeDiskPages 4346 Knutsen System Open Princops.EntryVectorItem.initi alpc should be WordPC 4460 Birrell System Open ImageMaker/MesaNub: uncaught 5205B in SegmentsA 4461 Knutsen System Open PrincOps.mesa: should have less LOOPHOLEs 4585 birrell System Open directory lookup bounds error for lonnng string 4688 Hayes System Open >>Quit fails to return to level one 4930 birrell System Open CommandCentral (RunImage) vs. large initial load 4940 Newman System Open Can't detach PROCESS which returns values? 4942 Newman System Open ProcessDefs.Aborted: should be ERROR, not SIGNAL 4987 Newman System Open Doc: Raising signal in unstarted module doesn't start it 5008 cattell System Open Debugger dies when CommandCentral does Run on SmallTajo 5069 Levin System Open Directory scanning bug 5075 schmidt System Open Command Central and 5086 Levin System Open Unbound entries in SD 5413 Evans System Open FR5 should no longer be synonomous with SWAT 5628 Levin System Open Better swapper performance while interrupts are disabled 5637 Levin System Open Signaller recursion 5646 Hamilton System Open Doc: StringDefs.StringToLongNumber 5807 katsiroumb System Open DestroyFile Funny as 5897 kolling System Open Punt doesn't "work"?? 6005 Newman System Open START UnboundProgram => NIL dereferenced 6056 Murray System Open Time.defaultTime 6090 Wyatt System Open StreamScan.Init should take DESCRIPTOR 6137 Levin System Open Further info on HyperRegion.ImmovableSegmentIn XM 6236 stewart System Open typescript not visible from debugger