Appendix Maxc Operations8621.APPENDIX21.1. Files Comprising This DocumentThis document is comprised of the concatination of several files which are listed below:[Indigo]MaxcOps0.Press1[Indigo]MaxcOps11.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps1.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps12.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps2.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps13.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps3.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps14.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps4.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps15.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps5.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps16.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps6.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps17.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps7.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps18.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps8.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps19A.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps8.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps19B.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps9.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps20.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps10.Press[Indigo]MaxcOps21.PressIn addition, there are a number of figures which are a part of MaxcOps21.Press. The files used increating these figures are listed below:Figure 1:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure1.Press was created byPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure1.Press _ MaxcOpsText1.Press MaxcOpsFigure1Mat.Press2Figure 2:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure2.Press was created byPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure2.Press _ MaxcOpsText2.Press MaxcOpsFigure2Mat.PressFigure 3:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure3.Press = [Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure3.SilFigure 4:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure4.Press = [Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure4.SilFigure 5:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure5.Press was created byPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure5.Press _ MaxcOpsText5.Press MaxcOpsFigure5Mat.PressFigure 6:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure6.Press was created byPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure6.Press _ MaxcOpsText6.Press MaxcOpsFigure6Mat.Press3Figure 7:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure7.Press was created byPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure7.Press _ MaxcOpsText7.Press MaxcOpsFigure7Mat.PressFigure 8:[Indigo]MaxcOpsFigure8.Press was created byPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure8.Press _ MaxcOpsText8.Press MaxcOpsFigure8Mat.Press- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1The numbers in the file name correspond to the various sections of the document.2Textn.Press files have corresponding .Bravo files stored on [Indigo].3Load [Indigo]MaxcForms.Dm to change figures 6, 7 & 8.fq:pi $j_r( [X% X2sXTUMt2LTsR2LQ+2LO`2LM2LK2LJ2LH62LFk2LD2LB2LA 2L =b ;(28ststF$7M724^sXtstF2M2/sXtstFst2-sXtstF st2*+sXtstF(M2%sXtstF#M$2!6sXtstFM2sXtstFM ;  P utEs  t; 9. They are: MaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Dm,MaxcOperations0-20Press.Dm and MaxcOperations21.Dm. The numbers 0-20 and 21 refer tosections of the document. Contained in these dump files are all files necessary to update thisdocument, as well as command files to create the dump files and to print the document in twoparts; sections 0-20 and section 21. Below is a list of the contents of each command file andinformation concerning the amount of disk space required on an Alto to load the dump files andrun the command files associated with them.To make changes to sections 0-20, load dump file MaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Dm and make anynecessary changes to the bravo files contained therein. Create a press file for each bravo file that ischanged. When finished, run command file SaveMaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Cm to store thechanged files on Ivy. Now load the dump file MaxcOperations0-20Press.Dm (before starting theload delete unnecessary files to make room. You will need approximately 1500 - number of pagesused by the MaxcOpsX.Press files remaining from the pervious session). Skip [OldFile]s as theyoccur during the transfer. Run SaveMaxcOperations0-20Press.Cm to store the changed press fileson Ivy. Run PrintMaxcOperations0-20.Cm to print sections 0-20 and store the fileMaxcOperations0-20.Press on Ivy.Making changes to section 21 is a little different in that changes to the Figures requires the use ofPressEdit as described on page 85, and when running PrintMaxcOperations21.Cm you must useBravo to create MaxcOps21.Press, otherwise follow the procedure as described above using theappropriate command files.SaveMaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Cm(~600 Alto disk pages required to load MaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Dm)Ftp Indigo Connect Maxc Dump/C MaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Dm ^SaveMaxcOperations0-20Bravo.Cm MaxcOps0.Bravo MaxcOps1.Bravo ^MaxcOps2.Bravo MaxcOps3.Bravo MaxcOps4.Bravo MaxcOps5.Bravo ^MaxcOps6.Bravo MaxcOps7.Bravo MaxcOps8.Bravo MaxcOps9.Bravo ^MaxcOps10.Bravo MaxcOps11.Bravo MaxcOps12.Bravo ^MaxcOps13.Bravo MaxcOps14.Bravo MaxcOps15.Bravo ^MaxcOps16.Bravo MaxcOps17.Bravo MaxcOps18.Bravo ^MaxcOps19A.Bravo MaxcOps19B.Bravo MaxcOps20.Bravo SaveMaxcOperations0-20Press.Cm(~1500 Alto disk pages required to load MaxcOperations0-20Press.Dm and runPrintMaxcOperations0-20.Cm.)Ftp Indigo Connect Maxc Dump/C MaxcOperations0-20Press.Dm ^SaveMaxcOperations0-20Press.Cm MaxcOps0.Press ^MaxcOps1.Press MaxcOps2.Press MaxcOps3.Press ^MaxcOps4.Press MaxcOps5.Press MaxcOps6.Press ^MaxcOps7.Press MaxcOps8.Press MaxcOps9.Press ^MaxcOps10.Press MaxcOps11.Press MaxcOps12.Press ^MaxcOps13.Press MaxcOps14.Press MaxcOps15.Press ^MaxcOps16.Press MaxcOps17.Press MaxcOps18.Press ^MaxcOps19A.Press MaxcOps19B.Press MaxcOps20.Press ^PressMaxcOperations0-20.Cm fpi>qFp `rqrqr ]ns8 [7 Y$; X5' VDJ TyD R+ O=Q MrG! K  G I#: H0/ FH3, D}A Bi jE @ =vB# ;Y 9< 8 4:q" tFB0sX;.>-3=+i=)1'1& 1$>2 !6q" tFJt@sX;u/...K111 3  4 =]Appendix Maxc Operations88PressMaxcOperations0-20.Cm(~570 Alto disk pages required to create MaxcOperations0-20.Press)PressEdit MaxcOperations0-20.Press _ MaxcOps0.Press ^MaxcOps1.Press MaxcOps2.Press MaxcOps3.Press ^MaxcOps4.Press MaxcOps5.Press MaxcOps6.Press ^MaxcOps7.Press MaxcOps8.Press MaxcOps9.Press ^MaxcOps10.Press MaxcOps11.Press MaxcOps12.Press ^MaxcOps13.Press MaxcOps14.Press MaxcOps15.Press ^MaxcOps16.Press MaxcOps17.Press MaxcOps18.Press ^MaxcOps19A.Press MaxcOps19B.Press MaxcOps20.PressFtp Indigo Connect Maxc Store/C MaxcOperations0-20.PressSaveMaxcOperations21.Cm(~1100 Alto disk pages required to load MaxcOperations21.Dm and runPrintMaxcOperations21.Cm.Ftp Indigo Connect Maxc Dump/C MaxcOperations21.Dm ^SaveMaxcOperations21.Cm MaxcOps21.Bravo ^MaxcOpsFigure1.Press MaxcOpsFigure2.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure3.Press MaxcOpsFigure4.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure5.Press MaxcOpsFigure6.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure7.Press MaxcOpsFigure8.Press ^MaxcOpsText1.Bravo MaxcOpsText2.Bravo MaxcOpsText5.Bravo ^MaxcOpsText6.Bravo MaxcOpsText7.Bravo MaxcOpsText8.Bravo ^MaxcOpsFigure3.Sil MaxcOpsFigure4.Sil ^MaxcOpsText1.Press MaxcOpsText2.Press MaxcOpsText5.Press ^MaxcOpsText6.Press MaxcOpsText7.Press MaxcOpsText8.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure1Mat.Press MaxcOpsFigure2Mat.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure5Mat.Press MaxcOpsFigure6Mat.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure7Mat.Press MaxcOpsFigure8Mat.Press ^PrintMaxcOperations21.CmPrintMaxcOperations21.CmBravo/n MaxcOps21.Bravo (at this point use Bravo to produce MaxcOps21.Press)PressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure1.Press _ MaxcOpsText1.Press MaxcOpsFigure1Mat.PressPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure2.Press _ MaxcOpsText2.Press MaxcOpsFigure2Mat.PressSil/P MaxcOpsFigure3.SilDelete MaxcOpsFigure3.PressRename Sil.Press MaxcOpsFigure3.PressSil/P MaxcOpsFigure4.SilDelete MaxcOpsFigure4.PressRename Sil.Press MaxcOpsFigure4.PressPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure5.Press _ MaxcOpsText5.Press MaxcOpsFigure5Mat.PressPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure6.Press _ MaxcOpsText6.Press MaxcOpsFigure6Mat.PressPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure7.Press _ MaxcOpsText7.Press MaxcOpsFigure7Mat.PressPressEdit/M MaxcOpsFigure8.Press _ MaxcOpsText8.Press MaxcOpsFigure8Mat.PressPressEdit MaxcOperations21.Press _ MaxcOps21.Press ^(MaxcOperations21.Press =~567 disk pages)MaxcOpsFigure1.Press MaxcOpsFigure2.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure3.Press MaxcOpsFigure4.Press ^fq:pi  _qtFB[sX5Y/X.VD.Ty1R1P1O1MO8 JqtFCH|E sX4C@)Au+?+=+<+:K:8:6'4:3 :1U1/1-1+ (q%5s.qtF8#jsXM!M @%u%MKMMM 43guF) sX+ V+  <]Maxc OperationsAppendix89MaxcOpsFigure5.Press MaxcOpsFigure6.Press ^MaxcOpsFigure7.Press MaxcOpsFigure8.PressFtp Indigo Connect Maxc Store/C MaxcOperations21.PressEmpress MaxcOperations21.Press fpi>qFp_sX+]K)[6Y W7g(90AppendixMaxc Operations<==4000B & D 4000 - 577718 - 35 LH11 0 - 17 RH (36 - 53)12The P chips in A and C are two bits of18 - 35 RH (54 - 71)13parity for rows A and C.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The P chips in B and D are two bits ofIM 2000 - 3777 0 - 17 LH14parity for rows B and D. 6000 - 777718 - 35 LH15 0 - 17 RH (36 - 53)1618 - 35 RH (54 - 71)17Bit numbers for 82S10 storage chipsTop numbers for cards storing bits 0 - 17.Bottom numbers for cards storing bits 18 - 35. 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