Maxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts10124.7. Destroying a Maxc AccountMaxc directories are destroyed after either an explicit request from a Maxc directory owner (rare),after the sign out procedure that occurs when someone leaves PARC, or when we find out by someother means that a directory is dead. Ron Weaver is notified when someone leaves PARC, and heeither destroys the Maxc directory (most desirable) or converts it to files-only (less desirable buthard to avoid if there are too many still-useful files archived out of the directory). Directories forusers outside PARC may become dead, but we have no convenient method of automatic discovery.Prior to destruction, the directory owner should delete unnecessary files and rename useful onesinto the directory of a coworker. Users are sometimes sloppy about cleaning up their directories, sothe person who is going to kill the directory should, as a safety measure, delete obsolete versions offiles and archive current versions as follows:!CONNECT olddirectory!DELVER!ARCHIVE FILE *.*;*---prints out what is going to be archived---!DELETE *.*;*---deletes archived files, but not those about to be archived---Note: If files exist on Maxc2, get someone to clean up the directory or move them to Maxc1 for archiving.Then wait for the weekly or twice-weekly archiving run to take place. After that, all informationabout files will be contained in the archive directory, and you can continue with the proceduresdiscussed below. If the directory does not have an archive directory, this safety procedure cannotbe followed.The person who is about to destroy the directory should list one copy of the archive directory beforedestruction, as follows:!CONNECT olddirectory!INTERROGATE *.*;*,!!EVERYTHING!!LPT!!This copy is stapled to the original directory application and filed in the CSL dead directory file.When a directory is destroyed, any files remaining in it will be deleted. It is less automatic toretrieve archived files belonging to a deleted directory. We have avoided reusing directory numbersfor defunct directories so that, if we have to, we can then recreate the directory to retrieve filesfrom the archive. We expect to continue this policy until we run out of directory numbers(probably in 1980). Retaining a listing of the archive directory is a new practice, so directoriesdestroyed before 19 April 1978 can readily be accessed only by recreating the directory.The procedure for destroying a directory involves retrieving the original directory request form fromour files (Haychan Sargent), marking it as destroyed, and refiling. For PARC directories, the formshould also be considered for destroying IVY IFS directories for the person who is departing, if thatis appropriate. fpi,qXF&p _r [sS ZfR X=! W^E UC$ TVD Q+T ON N#Z L.I-XGb EC-B@7@) directory. Do a LD orWHO to verify that none of the other account maintainers are possibly modifying the accountinformation at that time.2. Edit the accounting files to remove the directory being destroyed. PROJECTLIST has to beeditted for all directories, UACHK.TXT for login directories, and ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT for files-only directories. SUBSYSTEMS.old-directory (if it exists) has tobe archived for message-only directories.3. After removing the appropriate entries from these files, destroy the directory with the followingdialog:!EcCREATE olddirectory, (Don't omit the ",") [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!!KILL!! [CONFIRM]If you have a number of directories to destroy, you can delete all of them at this time, and then dothe stuff below just once for all of them.!RUNFIL COMMANDS FROM : UACHK.RUNFIL!EcINITIALIZE ACCOUNTS!PUPFTP MAXC2*CONNECT ACCOUNTS*PRESERVE VERSION*STORE PROJECTLIST *STORE UACHK.FILE*CONNECT SYSTEM*STORE ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT*Q!DETChat to Maxc2@ENABLE yourpassword!CONN ACCOUNTS!EcCREATE old-directory, [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!!KILL!! [CONFIRM]If you have a number of directories to destroy, you can delete all of them at this time, and then do)fqX%;pi  _sX0 [ M YA X T] R< Q P O=) KD! JFGFX/DB A.?d ;R :'*6X-45T4212/h-+*'(=!&s$-"!  /Xdvv L R =\xMaxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts103the stuff below just once for all of them. If you deleted any SUBSYSTEMS.dirname files onMaxc1, then delete them on Maxc2 as well.!EcINITIALIZE ACCOUNTS!For each directory destroyed, a history of the directory is left in DELETED-USER-PARAMETERS.directoryname(directorynumber), and if it has any archived files, the archivedirectory is moved to DELETED-ARCHIVE-DIRECTORY.directoryname(directory-number). Also, don't forget to edit the Grapevine Data Base (Section 24.5.)24.8. Operations on MESSAGE.TXT FilesIt is sometimes necessary to create a mailbox in a directory that doesn't have one, to delete amailbox, or to move a mailbox from Maxc1 to Maxc2, or vice versa. Since MESSAGE.TXT fileshave a funny "permanent" attribute that can't be set or cleared by any Exec commands, you have tocreate and destroy mailboxes using the MSGFIX subsystem, which requires that you enableyourself. It has commands for creating and deleting mailboxes (i.e., MESSAGE.TXT files). Whena mailbox is deleted, its contents are copies into a file called OLDMESSAGE.TXT. The commandsequences to MSGFIX are as follows:!MSGFIX*Create MESSAGE.TXT for directory: DIRNAME *Q!to create a mailbox, or:!MSGFIX*Delete MESSAGE.TXT in directory: DIRNAME *Q!to delete a mailbox.It sometimes happens that a MESSAGE.TXT file has an excessive number of pages because the filehas not been truncated for some reason. This can be remedied by using the following safe andsimple procedure:!CONN dirname!RENAME MESSAGE.TXT FOO!APPEND FOO MESSAGE.TXT!DELETE FOOIn the case of a race occurring, the order of the old and new messages gets reversed, but nomessages are lost. Note that MESSAGE.TXT files acquire extra pages only when manipulated byMSG, so only MSG users (never Laurel users) should suffer this problem.When a MESSAGE.TXT file suffers a disk error, the recovery procedure is:!CONN dirname!RENAME MESSAGE.TXT BADMESSAGE.TXT fpi,qXF&p _sW ]K)YZfYXX T< R4 $ Q@ O=L Kr& HYs%: F(2 D?" B-* A.Z ?dT =#:K8X/65U 3 1/h.-, ) &s,2 $> "kX  *2 )3 G H X V& =]Creating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations104!TECO*;YInput File: BADMESSAGE.TXT(unexpected daya error interrupt)*;UOutput File: BADMESSAGE.TXT*Then tell the user that BADMESSAGE.TXT may be retrieved for examination with Bravo orwhatever. The bad data should NOT be put back into MESSAGE.TXT, as that might cause theinternal structure of MESSAGE.TXT to be ruined.24.9. Reinstantiating a Destroyed DirectorySometimes a person whose Maxc directory has been killed needs to have that directory recreated.This could be done by creating a brand new directory, but it is usually more convenient to recreatethe directory from the information that was saved when it was previously destroyed.The way to do this is to retrieve DELETED-USER-PARAMETERS.DIRNAME-(DIRNUMBER) and DELETED-ARCHIVE-DIRECTORY.DIRNAME(DIRNUM-BER) from archival storage (i.e., they will usually have been archived by the time that you want torecreate the directory); in some cases the DELETED-ARCHIVE-DIRECTORY file won't exist.Then recreate the directory from these two files, as follows:!EcRECREATE DIRNAME[SUPERPASSWORD] GUESSThis recreation procedure only works if the directory number has not been reassigned to some newdirectory in the interim. If it has been reassigned then you must treat the creation as if it were anew directory. Some special things must be done to the Archive-Directory if one existed before.(See Ed Taft for details.)This reinstates the directory on Maxc1. Then add DIRNAME to PROJECTLIST and eitherUACHK.TXT or ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT just as though a brand new directorywere being created, and carry out the other procedures associated with creating a new directory onMaxc1. Then copy DELETED-USER-PARAMETERS.DIRNAME(DIRNUMBER)to Maxc2, RECREATE the directory on Maxc2, etc.If the directory should have a MESSAGE.TXT file, then you should create the MESSAGE.TXT filewith MSGFIX as discussed in the previous section.24.10. Retrieving Archived Files for Defunct DirectoriesThe easiest way to do this is to recreate the directory as discussed in the previous section, and thenretrieve the files from archival storage in the normal way.)fqX%;pi _s]K[XY!WV!TV P&/ O%3 MO/ FrX, Cs'8 AR9* ?S < ? :K4 8F 6I 4=1y21yX/ ,<+5 *rL (7) & #j9 !3 Q  5 @/ K 1 CrX9 s7/ ; >]LMaxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts105An alternative method of retrieving archived files from defunct directories is to find out on whattape the file is archived, and use the BSYS "Single File" command to copy it from the tape to adisk file in some existing directory. Unless the archive directory for the deleted directory was listedprior to destruction, the tape containing a particular archived file will generally be unknown.Directories destroyed after 19 April 1978 have a listing of the archive directory on file in the CSLdead directory file.24.11. Printing Accounting InformationRunning USERAC.SAV will produce a printout of all the information on all thedirectories (requires enabled wheel status). The various options for this subsystem will be revealedwhen you type "H" as a subcommand.The accounting printout periodically posted on the CSL bulletin board is obtained by connecting tothe directory and running MAXC-ACCT, which renames thefact files from the directory into and churns through all the fact filesover the time period selected.RUNFIL HOGS.RUN will produce an output file named HOGS.DATE that showsthe disk storage in use and the storage tied up by obsolete versions of files or files unreferenced in90 days. fpi,qXF&p _sQ ]KQ [W Y_ WO V! O`rX' Ks= J#E HY" D_ C= AR@ ? <&* :KV 8& 89>/ TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN $   sj/)MaxcOps24B.BravoRWeaverJanuary 30, 1981 3:35 PM