Maxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts8924. CREATING AND DESTROYING MAXC ACCOUNTS24.1. Obtaining a Maxc AccountMaxc directories are requested via a directory-request form obtainable from Haychan Sargent. Thefollowing forms are available:Files-only directory application (Figure 7, Appendix)CSL, SSL, SDD application (Palo Alto employees only) (Figure 8, Appendix)Xerox non-Palo Alto or non-Xerox application (Figure 9, Appendix)The top part of a directory application is filled out by the applicant and his supervisor. The formthen migrates to Hal Murray (SDD), Larry Masinter or Ted Strollo (SSL), or Ron Weaver (other)who does the following:Verifies that the directory name is not in conflict with an existing directory and that the passwordis reasonably unguessable;Approves the directory request and fills in the directory parameters on the form;For ordinary cases, the account administrators fill out the form, sign it, create the directory, andsend the form to R. Weaver, who in turn signs the form, create the account, and passes the form onto Haychan Sargent, who is in charge of Maxc account files. A non-standard case is passed to E.Fiala for approval before the directory is created. Directory creation of requests is normally carriedout by Ron Weaver (), who may also create directories for the other accountadministrators.The various steps in creating a Maxc directory are discussed below. After the directory is created,the application form goes back to Haychan Sargent who files the form and passes the new directoryinformation to Kathi Anderson for updating message distribution list files and Lynn Harrington forupdating the phone lists.For PARC personnel, the Maxc directory application may also be used as an application for an IFSdirectory on IVY. The requestor checks the "MAXC Account" and/or "IVY Account" box torequest a Maxc and/or Ivy directory. Note that only one application is filed for a directory,regardless of whether that directory exists on only Maxc, only Ivy, or both.24.2. General Information About Maxc DirectoriesPasswordsInitial passwords are required to be unpronounceable and relatively unguessable. However, there isnothing to prevent the user from changing his password later, so we can't guarantee this. We donot permit passwords for "regular" directories (as opposed to message-only directories) to be knownto more than one person; this guards the system against unauthorized access. fpi,qXFp._r* X Ups6+ SP4X"r qsNi6r qsL.r qs I-_ Gb(5 EB%Xd@[>" "s++ N L rX1 t :sP o=# K L >\xCreating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations90Upper and lower case characters are equivalent for passwords, so it is not necessary to be carefulabout case while entering passwords.User groups and Directory groupsTenex file and directory protection distinguishes between three classes of access:self (someone logged into or connected to the directory);same group (someone logged into a directory in the same group);others.Putting a user's login directory into a User Group allows him to access other directories in thatgroup in the same group mode.Putting a directory into a Directory Group allows other users in that group access in the same groupmode.Directories are usually setup so that new files created in that directory will permit total owneraccess, read-only same-group access, and no access to others. Most new directories are assigned tothe Computer-research user group and directory group. There are many exceptions.A list of the current groups is supposed to be kept in GROUP-LIST.NUMBERSand was as follows on 4 October 1979:0Computer-research12Graphics1System13Pogos2Mesa14Nova3Secretaries15PARC4Lisp16XMS-users5Understander17User-Sciences6Bliss18ITG7Inter-Network19Mesa-users8Customer Programming20Reyes9University MPC21SSL Group Leaders and Secretaries10Alto22JDS11Parcpub23University GrantMost Xerox user directories are put in the Computer-research directory and in no other groups.File ProtectionThe file protection assigned a directory is the default protection of new files created in thatdirectory. The file protection is an 18-bit number divided into three 6-bit groups. This numberbreaks down into three fields, identical in format, each of which can be regarded as containing twooctal digits or six binary bits. The first 6-bits define owner protection, second same-groupprotection, and third general-public protection. The interpretation of the bits in a group is asfollows:)fqX%;pi  _s.4 ]K$ YtX VgsRRX9Q+?O` KK J# t s FZt Ds Aua ?(; =Q :n(+ 8%51&s)3g&s)1&s)/ &s).&s),< &s) *r&s)( &s) &X&s)% &s)!#G&s)!}&s)  ^ tX 's7( \,5 E ? 5, 2 =Z %Maxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts91B0Read contents of fileB1Write onto fileB2Execute program stored in fileB3Append to fileB4Access per page tableB5--Setting a bit to 1 permits the action; setting it 0 denies the action. Taking these six bits as a twodigit octal number, some common values are: 77, which permits full access; 52, which protects afile from modification but permits other functions; and 00, which denies everything. [Refer toFigure 6, Appendix for correct values corresponding to boxes on Files-only account request form.]Directory ProtectionIn addition to specifying the access allowed to file contents, Tenex allows directory contents to beprotected similarly. The directory protection word is composed of three 6-bit fields, one field eachfor "self", "group", and "others" similar to the file protection word. The bits have meaning asfollows:B0If off, completely prevents use of the directory in any wayB1Files may be opened subject to file protectionB2Owner functions permitted (including CONNECT) without passwordB3Files may be added to the directoryB4--B5--Directory protection can only be changed by someone with WHEEL status. Some common valuesof Directory protection are: 776060, which permits the owner to do everything, other users to read-write files according to file protection; 777760 permits the owner and same group to do everything,others to read-write according to protection (typically used for files-only directories); 777700 permitsowner and same group everything, general public nothing (typically used for files-only directoriesthat one doesn't want non-group people to see); 777060 permits owner everything, same groupconnect access (typically used for files-only directories in the Computer-research group, where youwant everyone to be able to connect but not to be able inadvertently to clobber files while notconnected). [Refer to Figure 6, Appendix for correct values corresponding to boxes on Files-onlyaccount request form.]Disk LimitPresently, message-only directories are assigned a disk limit of 50 which is enforced.Regular directories are assigned a disk limit that varies according to the organization: CSL, 1000pages; SSL, 750 pages; SDD, ASD, and other, 250 pages. This varies when special needs arepresent. Disk limits for regular directories are not "enforced", which means that file storage inthese directories can exceed allocation without difficulties (except an annoying "over allocation"message from Tenex) until total free storage in the system falls below 2000 disk pages. When freestorage is below this, attempts to write new files into directories over allocation are denied. fpi,qXFp_s]K[Y WV! RG PM O7( MOr qtsN ItX Fks40 D32 B00 A =X;;.:>89#6o4 12= /h+9 -03 +@( *Y (=D &s_ $1. " r qts7 ! tX /sV L H (W ]<& P _ p =Z$Creating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations92Project GroupThe project group assigned a directory classify it for the accounting software, which summarizesCPU utilization, file storage use, etc. according to these groups.The current project groups are CSL, CSL-Summer, CSL-Consultants, CSL-Files-only, Defunct, SSL-unknown, SSL, SSL-RI-PT-Contract-VS, SSL-Consultants, SSL-Files-Only, University-MPC, Lisp-Files-Only, ICL, SDD, Mesa, GSL, JDS, OSL, Administration-not-on-phone-list, Administration,SDD/LA, ADL, PARC, PD/LA, ED/LA, Xerox, Non-Xerox, Computer-Research, Tenex,ASD/PA, ASD/ES, Webster, EOS/Pasadena, Old-NonPARC and Versatec. Directories are attachedto these projects by editing the PROJECTLIST file.The PROJECTLIST file is used by the MAXC-ACCT subsystem discussed later. It is importantthat this file be updated correctly, but Tenex will run correctly even when this file is invalid orincomplete.The format of a group in the PROJECTLIST file is as follows:CSL:AIS, ALISP, ..., WINOGRAD, YEARY;i.e., the group name followed by a ":", the list of directory names in alphabetical order separated by"," and terminated by ";".Files-only DirectoriesFiles-only directories are created when needed, usually to hold files needed by a number ofdifferent users working on a common project. Tenex does not allow login to files-only directories.Each files-only directory is represented by a line in the ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXTfile of the form:OWNER,FILEDIRECTORYwhere OWNER is the login directory name of the person responsible for FILEDIRECTORY.ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT is needed by the archive system to direct messages aboutarchive traffic to OWNER. By convention, the entries in ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT are inalphabetical order by owner, and where there are several files-only directories for a single owner,these are also in alphabetical order.ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT is also used by the HOGS program, discussed below, toassociate disk usage of files-only directories with the login account for the person responsible for thestorage.Login DirectoriesEach login directory is represented by a line in the file UACHK.TXT. The standardentry in this file is as follows:ACCOUNTANT:1*,BACKGROUND)fqX%;pi  _tX [sD YB VgY TE R%7 QFG: O=2( Mr< JZ H6 U Fk BX<?=! :KR 8 5tX 1s? /I .(0 ,<( %X"2 #W !)- 03 .% 7 ` ' tX Cs&6 x!  >]LMaxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts93This line controls the pie slice scheduling groups accessible to the directory. The "1*" means thatthe default login pie slice is the numerically named account number 1; the ",BACKGROUND"means that after login, the user can change his pie slice to the low priority BACKGROUND slice.Nearly all directories are represented by a UACHK.TXT entry in the above format. However, afew directories for people who maintain the hardware or do other special stuff, may be allowed toaccess some other slices. For example:SYSTEM:1*,BACKGROUND,SERVICE,MAINT,ARPANET,220100This allows the directory to change its scheduling slice to BACKGROUND, SERVICE,MAINT, ARPANET, or 220100.The UACHK.TXT file is compiled into a big accounting matrix which is stored onUACHK.FILE during the procedure for creating or destroying directories.Message UserMessage-only users have very limited access to subsystems and have enforced disk limits. Thesubsystems accessible to message-only users are specified in, if it exists, or in SUBSYSTEMS.DEFAULT, if no special file exists for thedirectory. It is required that subsystem names in these files be in alphabetical order.SUBSYSTEMS.DEFAULT presently contains the following:EFTP.SAVARCVER.SAVDELVER.SAVMSG.SAVPLZFIX.SAVPRESS.SAVREADMAIL.SAVSEE.SAVSNDMSG.SAVXMS.SAVIf a special SUBSYSTEMS.directoryname file is created for a message-only directory, itwill generally contain all of these files plus the extra ones that are added for the directory.24.3. The EcCREATE and EcPRINT CommandsDirectories are created and destroyed using the Tenex Executive's EcCREATE command (i.e.,CREATE), which has subcommands that allow properties of the directory to bespecified. The various subcommands for EcCREATE are discussed here, and then examples wheredirectories are actually created and destroyed are given in the following sections. The currentproperties of any directory can be observed by using the EcPRINT command. User encryptedpassword is printed out as two octal numbers by using the "verbose" form of the ^E Printcommnad (that is, "^EPrint dirName Verbose"). This is useful in comparing Maxc1 and Maxc2 fpi,qXFp _sO ]K.* [M XF VDO Ty'Q1 M,- K HYRS0 FO CtX ?s+2 =9! <> :K/0G 8<5 3C1y/-,*N(&$ !}5) _ rX ~ ~ s+  ? )T $< ) D,, y"8 & 2>]Creating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations94passwords, or transferring a password from one system to the other, without knowing the clear-textversion of that password. You must have enabled your WHEEL or OPERATOR status to executeCREATE or PRINT.CREATE and its subcommands:!EcCREATE username [NEW] (password) password, [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESSThe default parameters of a new directory are as follows:DISK limit = 750 pages (not enforced)DEFAULT file protection = 775200PROTECTION of directory = 776060USER group number = 0 (Computer-Research)DIRECTORY group number = 0 (Computer-Research)NUMBER of directory = next unused numberno special capabilitieshas a mailbox (i.e., has a MESSAGE.TXT file)If the directory is not supposed to be in the Computer-Research user group or directorygroup, you will have to remove it from this group using the NOT DIRECTORY and/orNOT USER subcommands below.!!ABORT= Cc!!NUMBER dirnumberfor setting directory number. When creating a newdirectory on Maxc1, the directory number is defaultedto the next unused number. However, on Maxc2, thissubcommand is required to ensure identical directorynumbers on both Maxc1 and Maxc2. 1!!FILESmakes a files-only directory!!MESSAGEmakes a message-only directory!!MAINTENANCEa capability--subset of WHEEL/OPERATORcapabilities!!OPERATORa capability!!WHEELa capability------------------------------1 When you run out of directory numbers (highest possible = 1777), you can reset the last-used directorynumber, as follows:@enable!quit./1[ 0call mapdirxlstdno[ 10.^!This resets the last-used directory number to 10. Be sure to do this on both Maxc1 and Maxc2. Subsequently,new directories you create will re-use directory numbers of directories that once existed but have been deleted.)fqX%;pi  _sC ]K? [ XTU*TX.RO`9K%J#HYF)D.B(A.?d,;W:'P8]4'5x3 '/'1U"'/.'-'+!,u*+s'(`'& '&'$ # ' !6' u7:-A ]  g^ &J =]oMaxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts95!!DEFAULT (file) PROTECTION 6-char octal number sets the default fileprotection for directory!!DIRECTORY groupnumberargument is one of the directory group numbers givenearlier--repeat this subcommand for multiple directorygroups!!SECONDARY groupnumberargument is one of the directory group numbers givenearlier--repeat this subcommand for multiple directorygroups!!USER groupnumberargument is one of the directory group numbers givenearlier--repeat this command for multiple directorygroups!!DISK limitinpagessets disk limit!!ENFORCEcauses disk limit to be enforced!!PROTECTION (of directory) dirprotec sets directory protection!!LISTprints the status of the directory as EcPRINT woulddo if the CREATE command were terminated now!!NO MAILBOX1Prevents MESSAGE.TXT file from being created.This will be issued on either Maxc1 or Maxc2 forregular and message-only accounts. In other words, ifthe primary system for a user is on Maxc1, hismailbox will be on Maxc1; if the primary system isMaxc2, then his mailbox will be on Maxc2. WhenLaurel has been developed further, there will prob-ably be a number of user directories that do not havemailboxes on either system. The NO MAILBOXcommand is not required for files-only directoriesbecause the FILES subcommand automatically doesthis.!!NOT DIRECTORY groupnumremoves the directory from a directory group!!NOT SECONDARY groupnumremoves the directory from a secondary directorygroup!!NOT ENFORCEdon't enforce disk limit!!NOT FILESnot a files-only directory!!NOT MAINTENANCEturns off the MAINTENANCE capability!!NOT MESSAGEturns off the message-only restriction!!NOT OPERATORturns off the OPERATOR capability!!NOT USER groupnumremoves the directory from a user group!!NOT WHEELturns off the WHEEL capability!!PASSWORDfor changing password!!ENCRYPTED (password)Sets password, using encrypted form (two octalnumbers) as input.!!KILLkills or deletes the directory------------------------------1Only has effect when creating a new directory. Has no effect when used on an established directory. MSGFIX must be used onestablished directories to create or delete mailboxes. fpi,qXFp_s ^_^ W_ :']K['4'Y6'WV!'4'TV6'RP'4'N3'M,Ka'I'G zGuG8]E''FkE 'D,BI Bu'BIs-'@~0'>6'<.';2'9T/'73'55'3+'2)2'0_/'.,',*'0')4'i '% '#'$" '& ? '!t'' ' ''.'J' u gF| 6 <](Creating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations96Unused subcommands:!!ABSOLUTE!!ALPHANUMERIC!!MODE!!NAMEfor changing directory names--unimplemented!!REPEATobsolete!!RETENTIONunimplemented!!CONFIDENTIALa capability!!NETWIZARDa capability!!PRIVILEGES octalnumsetting capabilities in octal!!SPECIAL24.4. Creating a Maxc DirectoryYou have to be a WHEEL or OPERATOR to create or destroy a Maxc directory, change thepassword, or do other kinds of directory maintenance.1. Enable yourself and connect to the ACCOUNTS directory on Maxc1. Then do a WHO or LDand make sure that none of the other users who diddle with the accounting are at that time alsomodifying the accounting files. They would be connected to the ACCOUNTS or SYSTEMdirectory, if they were doing this.2. For login and message-only directories (as opposed to files-only directories) edit UACHK.TXTto contain the new directory name. For files-only directories edit ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT to contain the new directory name. For all directories edit -PROJECTLIST to contain the directory in the appropriate places. If you are creating a number ofdirectories, you can do the edits for all of the directories at once, which saves time.For some message-only directories, additional subsystems will be specified; these will require thecreation of a SUBSYSTEMS.username file which should include the contents ofSUBSYSTEMS.DEFAULT plus the additional subsystem names. We follow theconvention of preserving alphabetical ordering of the names in each section of these files.3. EcCREATE the directory on Maxc1 using one of the following examples as a prototype:Message-only directory:!EcCREATE username [NEW] password, (Don't omit the ",") [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!!MESSAGEMakes message-only directory!!DISK 50Sets the disk limit to 50 pages!!ENFORCEEnforce the disk limit!!LISTList the properties of the directory and make sure thatall the parameters are setup as desired!!Execute the CREATE with properties as setup [CONFIRM])fqX%;pi _sX[ Y XVD'+Ty'R ' P ' O ' MO'K Dr ARs9 ?5 <"6 :K R 8: 6# 3CY 1y#7 /0! -C ,W (V &4 % @ #G[ X bQ cts~:'\ ' ' ' '7'2' g'+  U=]Maxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts97Files-only account:!EcCREATE username [NEW] password, (Don't omit the ",") [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!!FILESMakes files-only directory!!LISTList the properties of the directory and make sure thatall the parameters are setup as desired!!Execute the CREATE with properties as setup [CONFIRM]Regular directory:!EcCREATE username [NEW] password, (Don't omit the ",") [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!DISK 1000Sets the disk limit to 1000 pages!!LISTList the properties of the directory and make sure thatall the parameters are setup as desired!!Execute the CREATE with properties as setup [CONFIRM]4. After creating the directory you should print the parameters of the directory and write down thedirectory number, which you will need shortly:!EcPRINT username [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESSDISK LIMIT 1000WHEELALPHANUMERIC ACCOUNTSDIRECTORY NUMBER 15Write down this number for laterDEFAULT FILE PROTECTION 500000775200DIRECTORY PROTECTION 500000776060USER GROUPS: 0, 1DIRECTORY GROUPS: 0, 15. If you are creating a number of directories at once, you should carry out a EcCREATE sequencefor each of them at this time.6. Next, you have to reinitialize the accounts on Maxc1 as shown below, and then copy theresulting stuff to Maxc2 where a similar but slightly different sequence is carried out:!RUNFIL UACHK.RUNFILReads UACHK.TXT and creates UACHK.FILE onthe connected directory (you are still connected to) [This step is necessary for message-only and regular directories but is not needed forfiles-only directories.]--Check for any error messages before continuing-- fpi,qXFp _t[s\1[:YX 'U '7'T'Q'+P LtI-sII-:GbE '!C '7'B'@7'+>m :+9 90.56K5X32)0_.,'t*s$)4!'i% "-C ""- b /+ &X' ' &''T.' X2 =[;Creating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations98!EcINITIALIZE ACCOUNTSRenames UACHK.FILE onto the directory and installs it as the current accountingmatrix [This step is necessary for message-only andregular directories but is not needed for files-onlydirectories.]!PUPFTP MAXC2*CONN ACCOUNTS*PRESERVE VERSION*STORE PROJECTLIST*STORE UACHK.FILEcopy UACHK.FILE on Maxc1 toUACHK.FILE on Maxc2. [This stepis necessary for message-only and regular directoriesbut is not needed for files-only directories.]*CONNECT SYSTEM*STORE ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXTYou only have to do this copy if you modifiedARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY.TXT. You alsohave to copy SUBSYSTEMS.username ifyou added or modified any of these files.*QUIT!DET--Chat to Maxc2--@ENABLE yourpassword!CONN ACCOUNTS!EcCREATE username [NEW] password, (Don't omit the ",") [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!!same subcommands as on Maxc1!!NO MAILBOXYou only create a mailbox, i.e., a MESSAGE.TXTfile, on one of the two Maxc systems. Normallythe mailbox is created on Maxc1 and you give theNO MAILBOX subcommand on Maxc2. However,for a primary user of Maxc2, the mailbox is put onMaxc2 and you would issue NO MAILBOX whenyou CREATEd the account on Maxc1.!!NUMBER directory-number (from EcPRINT above)!! [CONFIRM]If you are creating a number of directories, then you go ahead and create the others at this time,remembering to add the NO MAILBOX and DIRECTORY dirnumber subcommands in addition tothe stuff you did on Maxc1. Then when you have created all of them, you finish up with thefollowing:)fqX%;pi ^s_^'$'\'Z'Y)%'W^ USQP4NiL,J!'I #'G?%'Et )'C.A@-'>J-'<$':('8)75U 1.q,*+E*:('#%X' '#+#'!0''.'c)'!!8  >$ E ? D  =\Maxc OperationsCreating and Destroying Maxc Accounts99!EcINITIALIZE ACCOUNTSInitializes the accounts, renamingUACHK.FILE toUACHK.FILE [This step is necessary formessage and regular directories but not needed forfiles-only directories.]Note that if you have a number of Maxc directories to create at once, you can insert all the namesinto the UACHK.TXT, PROJECTLIST, and ARCHIVE-FILES-ONLY during the same edittingsession. Then you can EcCREATE all the directories. Then you do the RUNFIL, INITIALIZEACCOUNTS, and PUPFTP of the files just once. Then you Chat to Maxc2, CREATE all thedirectories there, and finally do the INITIALIZE ACCOUNTS just once on Maxc2.24.5. Editing the Grapevine Data BaseThe Grapevine data base must be edited to contain the correct directory name and password for allnew Maxc accounts. It must also be edited to delete the directory name for all Maxc accounts thatare destroyed. To do this you should have version 6T15 or later of Laurel so you can run programMaintain, the Grapevine Registration Server Maintenance Program.Run Laurel and bug "Run" in the lower command menue. Type Maintain and control willpass to the Grapevine Registration Server Maintenance Program. A typical session follows:Creating a Mailbox:Grapevine Registration Server Maintenance ProgramVersion unknownGV: Login [Confirm] Yes Your Name Please: Your Passoerd: password . . . Locating registration server . . . 3#14#51 . . . okGV: Create Individual : with password: password . . . done- -> Add Mailbox at server: Maxc for individual: . . . doneGV: Type Entry for R-Name: . . . done, type=individualConnect-site:Forwarding: nullMailbox-sites: maxcGV: Quit [Confirem] YesEnd of MessageDeleting a Mailbox:GV: Delete Individual: [Confirm] Yes . . . done- -> Remove All memberships in registry: pa for R-Name: Name.paMail Forwarding:GV: Add Mailbox at server: Maxc for individual: . . . 3#14#51 . . . doneGV: Remove Mailbox at server: Maxc from individual: . . . 3#14#51 . . . doneGV: Add Forwarding to: for individual: . . . 3#14#51 . . . doneGV: fpi,qXFp^s_^' '\'Z 'Y)'W^ SM R"P P4PP4# Ni= LM Er& Bls10 @G >2/ = @ 9 N 7Z 4rX)12uF1)/u),u,O,~,O,)+Ev*+E))u)&)v u:)((-((-i( (- (v u(s(-&(v u )'#.&'#vuv,_&'#u )%%k%7%k%v!%k%u)$a )#)!) w u\ )tv &rX)uFi o v u % )0u)"#0 * 0v r)uF___vu(_0v u)U U U Uvu+ Uv u)    N  @ 0 v u*  v u) p )=\Creating and Destroying Maxc AccountsMaxc Operations100Type "?" to see available commands.GV: ? Commands are:Add Forwarding, Add Friend, Add List of Members, Add Mailbox, Add Member, Add Owner, Create Group,Create Individual, Delete Group, Delete Individual, Initialize New Name, Login, Modify All Occurrences, Quit,Remove All Memberships, Remove Friend, Remove Forwarding, Remove Mailbox, Remove Member, RemoveOwner, Set Connect-site, Set Decimal Password, Set Password, Set Remark, Set Server, Type All Groups, TypeDetails, Type Entry, Type Members, Verify All Groups, Verify Group, Verify NameGV:Creating List of Mailboxes:GV: Type Entry for R-Name: . . . done, type = groupRemarks: Individuals.paMembers:,, - - -- - - etc.GV: Type Entry for R-Name: . . . done, type = groupRemarks: Individuals.esMembers:,, - - -- - - etc.GV: Quit [Confirm] YesNow PUT the Maintain.Typescript in some file (i.e. Individuals.GV) and use Bravo to hardcopy.24.6. Changing the Password and Other Modifications to DirectoriesThe EcCREATE command is also used to modify parameters for an existing directory. When usedin this way, directory parameters are initially defaulted to the current parameters of the directory, soonly those items being changed need be typed as subcommands.Note: It is illegal to change the directory number or the name of the directory in this way. To dothis it is necessary to destroy and recreate the directory and copy files manually.When using CREATE in this way you omit typing the password, so that you don't have to be toldthe password of the directory in order to change its parameters. For example:!EcCREATE olddirectoryname, (Don't omit the ",") [SUPERPASSWORD] GUESS!!NOT USER 0Remove from Computer-research user group!!USER 1Add to System group!!NOT DIRECTORY 0!!DIRECTORY 1!!PASSWORD xglot1Change the password!! [CONFIRM])fqX%;pi  _rX#)[uB[r[ )Z4.)Y)m)WA)VgY)UO)S PzrX)MOuFLMO7LMOLMO #LMOvu)Kv)Ju')I- )GGuG7GuGGu}G )Fk)E !)C )BIABI ABI)?dsX] 8rC 51s551@ 3g/9 1< .*B" ,_S (1, '#N#$>#X4! '(Q '''\  =R- TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN  !'.49?GMj/P NMaxcOps24A.BravoRWeaverJanuary 30, 1981 3:34 PM