Loading the Nova DiskMaxc Operations8220. LOADING THE NOVA DISKMaxc1 only. This procedure need be followed only if the "Maxc Nova" disk has been wiped outand must be reloaded from scratch.A.Get the current "10SYS" tape from the tape rack and mount it on unit 0.1 Note that the tapeunit above and to the left of the Nova should be selected as unit 0. Set the Nova console switchesto 100022. Make sure the tape drive is in remote and at the load point.B.Push "Reset" followed by "Program Load" on the Nova front panel. The Infoton should print out:FULL(0) or PARTIAL(1)?and you should type "0" which will clear the Nova disk directory, read-in a fresh copy of NovaDOS from magtape unit 0, and rewind the tape.C.Load files from the 10SYS tape by typing the following:LOAD/A/V MT0:n; INSTALL MAXCSYS.SY where n is the tape file containing all system files (usually 2; consult the label on the tape jacket).D.Now set the Nova's console switches to 100040. Subsequently, pressing "Reset" followed by"Program Load" will cause DOS to be re-booted from the disk, leaving the file system intact.E.If at some later time the Nova should fail to boot from disk (e.g., because the MAXCSYS.SYfile has been deleted or clobbered), it is possible to boot from tape. Mount the 10SYS tape on unit0, set the console switches to 100022, hit "Reset", then "Program Load". When the Infoton printsout:FULL(0) or PARTIAL(1)?type "1", which reads in DOS from tape but does not affect files on disk. You should now restoreDOS to the disk, as follows:XFER MT0:1 MAXCSYS.SYCHATR MAXCSYS.SY SPW; INSTALL MAXCSYS.SY------------------------------1It is customary to hang the tape jacket from the clip mounted on the door of the tape unit, and for novices to removethe write ring from tapes.)fqX;pi _rX \ws t> Z" W2@XUuWt VDF TH Q2X_Ni K>(6 I- F2X7Cc' @7?@7a = 2F ;\ 8]2K 6 W 5U W 30X -zI +(X'F( u 2 5@ D =\ TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN0j/J&MaxcOps20.bravoRWeaverNovember 25, 1980 1:35 PM