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Odd Heading:
Maxc OperationsStopping Tenex
Even Heading:
Stopping TenexMaxc Operations
2.Manually run the Micro-Exec memory test (so that Tenex will be informed of solidly failing regions of memory that it shouldn’t use):
*Test.Memory.Fast <cr> (T M F)
3.Read in Tenex without starting it:
*Read.Tenex.From.Area 0 <cr> (R T F A 0)
4.Enter Exec DDT, turn on the "Checkdsk bypass" switch, and start Tenex:
*EDDT <cr>
CHKBYP/ 0 1 <cr>
In order to give users adequate notice and to protect files on disk, Tenex should ordinarily be stopped in the following manner.
As long as possible before the scheduled downtime (preferably 24 hours or more), notify users by (optionally) putting a notice in the login message, setting the system downtime cell, and recording a telephone message. Make sure you do these things on the correct Maxc system!
A.To put a notice in the login message,1 login as yourself and:
@SNDMSG <cr>
To: SYSTEM <cr>
cc: <cr>
Subject: Scheduled downtime <cr>
(An appropriate message giving date, time, and reason)
Q,S,?,carriage-return: <cr>
SYSTEM -- ok
1Do this only if the downtime is of unusual nature or duration. You must be a member of the "System" group to send messages to SYSTEM.
B.To set the system downtime cell, you must be a wheel or a maintenance person:
@ENABLE <cr> (only if you are a wheel)
!HALT, <cr> (do not omit the comma)
[Superpassword:] GUESS <cr>
!!AT mm/dd/yy hh:mm <cr> (date&time system going down)
!!UNTIL mm/dd/yy hh:mm <cr> (date&time coming back up)
!!DUE (TO REASON) reason (type ? for list) <cr>
C.To record a telephone message, go to the recording telephone (next to the Imp in the back room) and follow the instructions posted there. Make sure you specify Maxc1 or Maxc2 in the message.
The system will automatically start notifying users of the impending downtime beginning one hour before it is to occur. When the zero hour arrives, all jobs will be forcibly logged out except any job logged in on the Maxc controlling terminal, new logins will be prevented, and "Shutdown Complete" will type out on the Maxc console. If there are now no jobs logged in, Tenex will shortly hit a BUGCHK (EDDT breakpoint) at SWHLT1, at which point Tenex is properly halted.
If there is a job logged in on the Maxc controlling terminal, it will be necessary to halt Tenex manually. To do this (for which you must be a wheel):
@ENABLE <cr>
!QUIT <cr>
.Halt Tenex.
Wait for the EDDT breakpoint at SWHLT1. A message such as "$8B>>CHKADR BUGCHK/ SWHLT1" should be printed out. At this point it is safe to un-protect the NVIO/AltIO console ("3301P") and return control to Midas ("M").