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Odd Heading:
Maxc OperationsLocal Memory Chip Charts
Even Heading:
Local Memory Chip ChartsMaxc Operations
The most common cause of hardware problems in Maxc is failure of the storage chips used in the processor’s local memories (LM, RM, IM, SM, DM, and MAP). Once the addresses and bit number(s) of the failures have been determined (by means of the micro-diagnostics DGRL or DGIML/DGIMH), the chips may be located by means of the information in this section.
The chips used in LM and RM are either Intel 3101A or TI 74S289, which are 16-word by 4-bit memories. They are located on the three ALUA boards, each one of which provides a 12-bit slice of the 36-bit Maxc ALU. In the following table, the top three rows show the card slot number as a function of the machine and bit number, and the main matrix below it yields the chip position on that card as a function of the memory name and address within the memory.
Memory &
LM 0-17442464
LM 20-37
RM 0-17
RM 20-37
Figures 1, 2 & 3 in the Appendix show the storage chip layouts for the old and new bipolar memory cards used in the microprocessor. Old bipolar cards are used in only the MAP slot; new bipolar cards are used in all other positions.
If it is necessary to replace an entire card, one should be aware that not all the bipolar cards are directly interchangeable. In particular, old bipolar cards in four of the IM slots have had pullup resistors removed and cannot be interchanged with cards in the other slots. New bipolar cards used in IM slots have different pullup resistor chips (680 ohms) than are used in SM/DM slots (330 ohms); these must be changed if cards are substituted.