// mdocument.bravo--external procedures and statics of Midas
Nmidas// Main program
PutField// PutField(Bit1, NBits, DVec, Field) will copy NBits
// from Field (right adjusted word) to a position in
// DVec, starting with Bit number Bit1, where the bits
// are numbered starting from 0, and from high order bit
// to low order bit. NBits must be le 16.
GetField// GetField(Bit1, NBits, DVec) returns the contents of the
// named field. (will be right justified).
StartTimer// Put -time in TimeStart to begin interval timing
ElapsedTime// (Initialization only) Allocate storage for timer and
// record elapsed time since TimeStart.
MidasFinish// Routine invoked by bcpl finish and by Run-Program command
// prior to RestoreState
StorageInit// StorageInit(FirstStatic,LastStatic,sysZoneSize,
// init storage area, rebuild sysZone after Junta,
// Allocate the StateBlock for subsequent use of BeginSave
// and SaveState. FirstStatic and LastStatic delimit
// the static area as given in the Layout vector passed to
// Nmidas by CallSubsys.
SaveStatics// Called with up to 20 args. The args are pointers to
// page zero statics or other program locations which
// must be saved/restored by SaveState/RestoreState.
BeginSave// All storage allocated by GetStorage after BeginSave
// is preserved by SaveState and restored by RestoreState.
GetStorage // GetStorage(Size) returns pointer to permanent block of
// size Size, or calls Swat if not enough space.
GetEvenStorage // GetEvenStorage(Size) returns pointer to block of size
// Size which starts on an even address
StorageLeft// returns the amount of free storage left for GetStorage.
SaveState// SaveState(S,Label) writes the program "state" on the
// stream S. Label in the caller’s frame is the location
// which is resumed to by RestoreState (should be right
// after call to SaveState).
RestoreState// RestoreState(S,reinitFlag) restores "state" from the
// stream S. reinitFlag is true when RestoreState is
// called as part of program initialization, false when
// call is to reinitialize for Run-Program.
//MASMHand-coded procedures
DummyCall// DummyCall(lv Proc,NA,A1,A2,...,An) calls Proc with NA
//args so that the overlay machinery can intercept the
//call and return.
ErrorProtect// ErrorProtect(lv Proced, A1, A2, ... An) will result in
// a call on Proced with the n params, A1, ... An.
// Subsequently, DisplayError causes a return from this
// call. If the overlay machinery was invoked, the
// overlays are killed.
Mag// Mag(X) is the magnitude of X.
Max// Max(X,Y) is the maximum of X and Y.
Min// Min(X,Y) is the minimum of X and Y.
StrSize// StrSize(StrPtr) is the length of the string in words.
SearchBlock// SearchBlock(Block,Boffset,Bname,Addr,MemX) is a
// subroutine which searches Block for the symbol
// in MemX whose value is the largest less than or equal to
// Addr (see MSYM).
MoveUp// MoveUp(To,From,Count) moves the block of words of length
// Count with last location at From to the block whose last
// location is at To (i.e. like MoveBlock but starting at the
// last location of the block).
VertIntCode// Vertical interrupt routine initialized in MDISP
// ClearAndScanConvert(BitBuffer,TextVec) used by MDISP
SymbKeyComp// SymbKeyComp(Str1,Str2) compares the two strings
// returning 0 on equal, positive on Str1 >= Str2,
// negative on Str1 < Str2.
BinScan// BinScan(Block,Key) returns the index of the greatest
// record in Block with key le Key.
GetBodySize// Another subroutine for MSYM.
FindBlock// Another subroutine for MSYM.
PaintLine// PaintLine(L, TV) scan converts textvec TV onto
// screen line L, used only by PaintScreen in mrgn
GetMouseAndCursor// GetMouseAndCursor() places the current values of
//Mouse Buttons, Cursor, line index, and cursor char index
//into NewMB, NewLx, and NewCx
FinishDisplay// FinishDisplay() should be called before returning to
// operating system, if InitDisplay has been previously
// called
Blink// Blink() will blink the entire display once
SetDisplay// SetDisplay(Flag) turns off the display if Flag is true,
// turns it on if Flag is false.
// MakeDispZoneAvail(FirstLine, NWords) blackens some
// of screen (FirstLine to FirstLine + NLines - 1),
// where NLines is computed to make at least NWords
// available, and
// returns a Zone constructed from the bit buffers
// of that portion of the screen. Used only by
// Moverlay.bcpl.
ReUseDispSpace// ReUseDispSpace() reverses the effect of
// MakeDispSpaceAvail. Used only by ReUseScreenSpace
// of mrgn.bcpl and by moverlay.bcpl after init.
PrepareCharInv// PrepareCharInv(charlocinfont) is called by
// ClearAndScanConvert in MASM it invert black for
// white
DriverLoop// DirverLoop() is called by Midas. This is the main
// loop of midas. It returns only for exit from midas.
// It is also called by StartCmdOverlay in MCMD to
// put up alternate command menus.
MarkRgnDispDirty// MarkRgnDispDirty(R) indicates that region R
// should paint during next display loop
ModifyRgnLine// ModifyRgnLine(rlx, rcx, TV) is used by a regions
// Paint routine to place text vec TV at relative location
// rlx, rcx. Modifies chars rcx to rcx + TV!0 - 1
// Regions paint routine is at R>>Rgn.pPaint
// and is called by DisplayLoop
PaintRgnLine// PaintRgnLine(rlx, TV) is used like ModifyRgnLine,
// except paints the whole line within the region.
// TV is placed at rlc to rlc + TV!0 - 1, blanks follow
UpdateDisplay// UpdateDisplay() causes the screen to be recomputed.
// It is called by DriverLoop and by actions which want
// the display updated before returing to DriverLoop.
BeginError// BeginError(Rgn) will start error processing. The only
// region which will be active is Rgn. This routine
// should only be called when mouse buttons are 0,
// else unpredictable results will occur.
EndError// EndError(P) will terminate error processing.
// P will be returned as a result of the original call
// on BeginError.
// AddToEveryTimeList(Proc, Arg) assuures that a call
// will be made to "Proc(Arg)" once every time
// around the main driver loop. AddTO... returns
// as result a pointer which can be used as an argument
// to RemoveFromEveryTimeList.
// RemoveFromEveryTimeList(Entry) will stop the calls
// resulting from an earlier call on AddToEveryTimeList,
// where that earlier call returned Entry.
// StreamFromTextName(Act, TV, DotExt, ksType, ItemSize)
// returns a stream. First, a string name for the file
// is computed. It is a string constructed from
// TextVec TV, or such a string with DotExt appended
// to it. (DotExt is a string). DotExt will be appended
// if no Periods appear in TV. Finally, the stream is
// obtained by Act(Name, ksType, ItemSize)
ParseAddress// ParseAddress(TV,lvX,PV,lvY)
ParseTextList// ParseTextList(TV,lvX,Pv,lvY)
MTexttoData// MTexttoData(MemX,TV,DVec) and
RTexttoData// RTexttoData(RegX,TV,DVec) accept a memory or register
// index, a TextVec TV (one char/word
//TV!1, TV!2, . . . TV!(TV!0), and a DataVec
// They convert the TextVec into a DataVec for the selected
// register or memory
// SimpleTexttoDVec(TV,Nbits,DVec) converts an octal
// TextVec into a DataVec of size Nbits. Blanks are
// flushed. If characters other than octal chars and
// blanks are in TV, then the text is treated as an
// an address and offset which is evaluated.
MDatatoStream// MDatatoStream(Stream,MemX,DVec) and
RDatatoStream// RDatatoStream(Stream,RegX,DVec) format data in DVec
// and output the text to Stream under control of a
// formatting table pointed at by MEMFORMS!MemX or by
// SimpleDVectoStream(Stream,NBits,DVec,flush0,LastFlag)
// converts NBits of DVec to an octal string output to
// Stream. If flush0 eq 0 then leading zeroes in the
// output are suppressed. If flush0 eq $0 then leading
// zeroes are printed. If the entire result is 0,
// then LastFlag eq true will print the final 0, else not.
// Used by LPD’s overlay package. Constructs OverlayZone
// from the display bit buffers using MakeDispZoneAvail.
// This zone is used for the overlay.
KillOverlays// KillOverlays() will cause all overlays to be flushed.
SwappedOut// Dummy routine needed by BLDR.
EvalAText// EvalAText(TV, lvX, AVal, ifExpectMore) will return
// true if the text starting at TV!(rv lvX) has the form
// of an address, and unless ifExpectMore, is not
// followed by more text. In the case of a true return,
// AVal is filled with information describing the address.
// See later for the structure of AVal. rv lvX is
// adjuested to point to the next field, after being
// stepped over one char, assumed to be a comma.
SearchBlocks// SearchBlocks(S,MemX,AVec,Addr) searches all symbol blocks
// for the address symbol in MemX whose value is the largest
// le AVec. Optional fourth arg Addr causes ".-3" to ".+3"
// to be printed if no symbol exactly equals AVec and if
// AVec!1 is within 3 of Addr. Otherwise, the symbol is
// printed on the stream S followed by the displacement "+n".
UpdateRcd// UpdateRcd(Key, Body, BodySize)
// either inserts a new or updates an existing record.
SaveRcdFile// SaveRcdFile(Stream,Block,Npages) writes out dirty
// symbol blocks on Midas.SymTab.
RestoreRcdFile// RestoreRcdFile(Stream,Block,Npages) restores it
FindInTable// FindInTable(Key, Body, lv BodySize) attempts
// to find a table entry. Returns true if succeeded.
// Key is a pointer to a bcpl string.
// Body is place where result record will be placed.
// BodySize will contain actualsize of body.
TVtoString// TVtoString(TV) returns a sstring with same contents
// as the textvec TV. Only one such string may exist
// at a time. (They are stored in a fixed vector)
// useful for making entries in symbol table.
ClearInText// ClearInText() flags input text buffer to go to empty
// if any new chars are typed.
TxtBNewChar// TxtBNewChar(Char) puts Char into the command line input
// buffer
CreateAction// CreateAction(Name, lv Proc, Arg, lv MCProc, Char)
// creates an action for use in a menu item.
// (See above for Marks, in description of .) Name is a
// text name for the action. Proc is a procedure.
// (lv is used so if the contents of the static changes,
// e.g. during swapout, the action will use the changed value
// of the static.) Arg will be supplied as Arg2 in the call to
// Proc. (again, see above description.) Storage is
// obtained from a resident table and the name string
// is not copied, so it must be resident also. If lv MCProc
// is given and non zero, that procedure will be
// called each time the mouse buttons change and this action
// is in the selected menu item. Char is a character which
// invokes the action from the keyboard when ";" precedes
// it (and "=" and ":" not preceded by ";"
ForgetTemporaryActions// Deletes actions created during command overlay.
DoTextAction// DoTextAction(String) exectutes the action named String
// in the "CMD" menu
// ExecuteTextCmdStream(Stream) is used by Cmd to
// read commands from a text
// stream, of the form created by the write cmd
// stream action.
MarkMenus// MarkMenus(Proc) is called to mark the last text output
// to ItemStream as a menu item such that Proc gets
// called when that text is bugged. Marks as a null
// menu item if Proc is 0.
FormMenu// FormMenu(MDFS,Proc,Arg) rebuilds a menu by initializing
// and then calling Proc(ItemStream,Arg).
InitMPDispRegions// InitMPDispRegions() define the address and value
// actions for the register area of the display.
MPDSwitchPhase// MPDSwitchPhase() must be called whenever the register
// display has changed, so that it gets updated
DoubleNeg// DoubleNeg(N) negates the double-precision integer
// pointed to by N
ShowBadAddr// ShowBadAddr([Str]) prints "Bad address" on
// CmdCommentStream if arg omitted else Str.
ShowAddr// ShowAddr(AVal) gives the alternate printout of an
// address or register on the command comment line. This
// is both memory and offset and symbol and offset for
// addresses or is register and offset for registers.
InitCmd// InitCmd(Father, rlx, rcx, H, W) initializes the
// command menu region.
WssCSS// WssCSS(str) prints string on command comment line.
WsMarkA// WsMarkA(Action) puts up the name of Action in the
// command menu followed by a blank.
ConfirmAct// ConfirmAct(Str,TV) temporarily turns on display (if off)
// and prints on the command comment line first Str, then TV,
// and finally "[Confirm]". Returns false if not confirmed
// else true if confirmed, display restored to original state.
DisplayError// DisplayError(S1, S2) should only be called
// by routines running in response to a MouseButton
// going to zero, and only after at least one previous
// call to SetCmdAbortLabel.
// S1 is a string explaining the error. S2 is an
// optional string which will be a selectable item
// to allow continuation. The only other selectable
// item aborts.
QuickOpenFile// QuickOpenFile(Name,ksType,Item) first searches table
// of fp’s for Name. If found, opens file quickly with fp,
// else opens with OpenFile.
QuitCmdOverlay// QuitCmdOverlay() is called by an overlay which
// has been called by a cmd menu item using
// StartCmdOverlay.
CmdAbort// Routine used to abort command overlays invoked by
// control-C.
FormCmdmenuText// Procedure arg for FormMenu when a command overlay
// is rebuilding command menu.
Wss,Wns,Wos// These routines defined--stripped version of OSUTILS.
//MXResident hardware interface procedures
// Procedures below accept arguments of the
// following types:
//DVecMicroprocessor data, multi word,
//packed left justified, as in Micro
//AVeca double precision memory address vector
PutMemData// PutMemData(MemX,AVec,DVec) stores DVec in
// memory MemX address AVec
MPutMemData// PutMemData(...), dirty display, and restore incidentally
// clobbered registers.
GetMemData// GetMemData(MemX,AVec,DVec) fetches data from AVec in
// MemX, stores the result in DVec
MGetMemData// GetMemData(...) and restore incidentally clobbered
// registers.
PutRegData// PutRegData(RegX,DVec) stores DVec into register RegX
MPutRegData// PutRegData(...), dirty display, and restore incidentally
// clobbered registers.
GetRegData// GetRegData(RegX,DVec) fetches register RegX into DVec
MGetRegData// GetRegData(...), restore incidentally clobbered
// registers, and dirty display.
ReadAllRegs()// Reads and saves much of machine state. Called after
// changing registers and after halting.
RestoreAfterLoad()// Restores registers clobbered incidentally during
// loading of memories from .MB files by PutMemData.
InsertBreak(Addr)// Inserts breakpoint at IM address Addr
RemoveBreak(Addr)// Removes breakpoint at IM address Addr (at IMA
// if no argument)
SingleStepM(Addr)// Single-step microprocessor at Addr (at IMA-NPC
// if no argument passed).
StartM(Addr)// Start microprocessor at IMA = Addr, NPC = Addr+1 (at
// current IMA-NPC if no argument passed). Returns a
// command menu procedure.
ProcOnTest()// Returns true if hardware cannot be loaded (e.g., power
// off) else true--called from mload.bcpl
InitHardware()// Initialize hardware after other Midas initialization
FinishHardware()// Routine called before Midas exit to OS.
//MINIT0PostJunta first init. Includes MINIT0, MDI, OVERLAYSINIT,
//Flushed after execution.
Init0// Rebuilds sysZone, loads special Alto microcode,
// initializes allocator, checks auxiliary
// Midas files creating or giving errors for ones that don’t
// exist. If Midas/I does full init, else RestoreState.
// Code for Init0 is flushed later in init.
//MINIT1PostJunta second init (only called on Midas/I)
Init1// Continues initialization begun by Init0.
NewRegion// NewRegion(blocksize, father, rlx, rcx, Height, Width,
//pPaint, PSelect, PMchange, PdeSelect)
// returns a new region, with the basic regions
// parameters initialized. its father will be as
// specified, and the new region will be spliced at the
// end of the brother chain of sons. blocksize is for
// the total region including the basic region. Space is
// obtained using GetStorage.
MakeMenuRegion// MakeMenuRegion(Letter,LineN, rlx, rcx, H, W, MaxH, MaxW,
//MaxNItems, Arg, PdeSelect)
// creates a menu region, where:
//Letter = letter part of menu name for comfiles
//LineN = line number part of menu name for comfiles
//rlx, rcx, H, W give initial shape to the region
//MaxH, MaxWlimits max future values
//MaxNItemsmaximum num menu items
//PFormText should be proceded by:
//Resets(S, Father, rlx, rcx, H, W)
//Wss(S, ...); Marks(S, Act1)
//Wss(S, text2); Marks(S, Act2)
//where Texti is the text of item i
//and Acti is the result of a previous
//call to CreateAction. The procedure
//named in Acti will be called if itemi is
//"bugged". rlx, rcx, H, W should be new
//values for these properties of the
//menu region, or old values.
//If P1 is the procedure in Acti, then
//Pi will be called (when bugged) as
// Pi(S, Argi, MBUnion, Arg2)
//S is the stream of the menu
//Arg1 is the original argument
// in the call that created
// the menu.
//Arg2 is the arg in the call
// which created Acti.
//Acti = 0 is allowed, and the
//item will never be selected.
//Wss can be any thing that
//results in a series of Puts calls.
//PSelect(S, Arg) will be called when the menu
//region is selected.
//PdeSelect(S, Arg) will be called when the menu
//region is deselected.
//these last two routines may call Reset(S)
//to restructure the menu. In this case,
//PFormText will be called.
// Space is obtained using GetStorage, using Zone as a
// parameter. If zone not supplied, then 0 is used in
// call to GetStorage.
DefineMemory// DefineMemory(String,MemX,BitWidth,Hsize,Size)
// defines a memory. String is the bcpl string name of
// the memory. MemX is the internal memory number,
// used in the hardware interface to the microprocessor.
// BitWidth is the width of a single word in bits. Size
// is the number of words (of size BitWidth) in the
// memory. Hsize is the high part of Size (0 unless
// more than 64K words in memory).
DefineRegister// DefineRegister(String,RegX,BitWidth)
// defines a register. String is the bcpl string name
// of the register. RegX is the internal register
// number, used in the hardware interface to the
// microprocessor. BitWidth is the number of bits
// in the register.
NewMPDispBlock// NewMPDispBlock(L,C,Cnm,W) must be called to initialize
// each register display block (see InitMPInterface later)
InitMPInterface// InitMPInterface(), called by Init1,
// is expected to perform following calls:
// for each register to be defined:
// for each Memory to be defined:
// for each display block to be placed on the screen:
//NewMPDispBlock(L, C, Cnm, W)
//*INIT2* overlay
//MINIT2PostJunta second init loaded into the normal overlay zone
//constructed from the display bit buffers.
Init2// Init2() completes Midas initialization.
//*INIT3* overlay
Init3// Does final display and region initialization, then
// parses Com.CM in preparation for doing a Read-Cmds.
// It returns true if Read-Cmds should be done.
//*LOADER overlay*
InitLoad// InitLoad(lvProc) brings in loader overlay and
// invokes lvProc (= LoadMB, LoadSyms, DumpMB, or
// MBCompare) after initialization.
LoadMB// Loads files specified by input text
LoadSyms// Loads symbols only
DumpMB// Dumps microprocessor state on .MB file specified
// by input text under control of .MB files used for
// previous MBLoad or MBSyms.
MBCompare// Compares microprocessor state against .MB file
// where .MB file must have been created by MBDump
//*MICTST overlay* not documented here
//*POWER overlay*
MicGo// MicGo() called from Cmd for power on
MicStop// MicStop() called from Cmd for power off
// external statics of Midas
InitializingZone // non-zero during Init1 only--the zone where the
// Init1 overlay is put.
AbortLabel// Statics used by ErrorProtect and DisplayError
@NewMB//Mouse buttons left by GetMouseAndCursor
@NewLx//Cursor line index
@NewCx//Cursor character index
VertIntFlag// Referenced in MASM
ScreenTextLines// vector of textvecs for each line,
// used by GetMouseAndCursor in mdisp
FinishFlag// any routine can force a finish at end of main loop
// by setting this flag = true
InputTextBuffer// a text vec containing typed in text
InputTxtRgn// Display region for input text
OverlayZone// Zone from which overlay space was obtained, can
// be used for space by the overlay code, so long as
// all use terminated when overlay flushed
OverlayBusy// True if an overlay is loaded else false.
CmdCommentStream// a stream in which to write comments
// for display on screen
TextCmdOutStream// if non zero, a stream on which menu should
// write logical actions
ShowActionForm// if true, then menu should commment the
// current logical action
SavedLoadText// 73 word vector retaining file names of last load
// for use by subsequent Dump
LoadDone// True to enable the "Dump" action (after a previous load)
ProgramStream// One text-line stream between the register display and
// the command comment line on which the name of the
// last program loaded is displayed.
CmdAltMenuP// Non-zero if an alternate command menu is up (needed by
// TxtBNewChar to check for whether or not type-ahead is
// legal.
MidasFP// FP for Midas.run (Needed by overlay package)
BlockStoreFP// FP for Midas.SymTab (Alphabetically sorted symbol table)
MidasRFP// FP for Midas.Resume (state of Midas after init)
mdsInitFP// FP for Midas.Midas
AltIOFP// FP for AltIO.run
FixUpFP// FP for Midas.Fixups (temporary file during loading)
ErrsFP// FP for Midas.Errors (output of Compare action)
ScreenHeight// Number of lines in display (Due to bug it is two
// lines greater than that at present.)
ScreenWidth// Number of characters per screen line