APPLICATION FOR IFS FILES-ONLY DIRECTORY and SECURITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IVY INDIGO Directory Name: Password: (6 or more letters and/or digits and unpronounceable) Owner's Account Name: Project: Default protection: Owner World Group Group Group Create (access permitted to) Connect (access permitted to) Read (access permitted to) Write (access permitted to) Append (access permitted to) Security Acknowledgement: I acknowledge my responsibility to protect any information (processed and/or stored under the above directory) which is derived from classified or proprietary company information or should be so treated under corporate policy. I understand the protection features available for this purpose provided by the Maxc/Tenex system. In addition, I will protect the directory from any unauthorized disclosure or use and I will keep my password in strict confidence. Originator's Name: Date: Originator's Signature: Location: Phone: (635)\f5 104f0 49f1 55f0 265b25B Do not write below this linec Disk Limit: Person responsible for this directory if owner Project Group: terminates: Remarks: Date created: by: Authorizing Signature: Date: IVY USER ACCOUNT STATUS: Filet on [INDIGO]IvyIndigoFilesOnly.Press Active Inactive Terminated Date of Termination: Archive: Requested Complete Printed Killed (date: )\219f1 6i48f0I113f1 14f0