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Even Heading:
MAXC Room Power Down Procedure
Odd Heading:
Power Up
4.Start Up Sequence:
Close only those circuit breakers on panels marked Maxc, Maxc-A, & Maxc-B, that were opened
during the initial powerdown sequence.
Twinkle(Should be started first for Date & Time source to other systems.)
Turn on AC Power and spin up disks

Type GATEWAY<cr>
(2 minutes to come on)
NOTE 5:Don’t bring anything else up until message "Gateway in operation" appears on
Twinkle screen, or 1 minute after screen turns blank, whichever occurs first.
Remaining machines can be started in any order (or simultaneously).
Set CKT breaker
Spin up disk


Turn on ALTOs
Spin up Diablo disks

Turn on Trident disk AC power

Spin up Trident Disks

Type @RunServer<cr>
Maxc1(Ref. Sections 3 & 5, Maxc Operations)
Turn on NOVA power (key switch)
Spin up disk and push red protection light

Set front panel NOVA switches to 100040

Toggle RESET


Turn on all Processor and Memory cabinet power supplies

On the Nova terminal (Infoton), issue the command:

Turn on Disk drive AC power (in rear) then front panel switches.
WARNING:Wait at least 10 seconds between spinning
up each drive to allow for the starting surge.
Normally the configuration is set up properly; just type MIDAS TENGO.
See Section 5 & 6 of
Maxc Operations for abnormal situations.
Turn on ALTO
Spin up ALTO disk

Turn on all Processor and Memory cabinet power supplies

Boot the Alto and run the Midas subsystem. With the left mouse button,

succesively select the menu items "Power On", "Both", and "Do-It".

Turn on Disk drive AC power (in rear) then front panel switches
WARNING:Wait at least 10 seconds between spinning
up each drive to allow for the starting surge.
Normally the configuration is set up properly; just type MIDAS TENGO.
See Section 5 & 6 of
Maxc Operations for abnormal situations.
After all disk drives are ready you may start AltIO and start Tenex by
selecting "Run-Prog", "Tengo" with the mouse.
Turn on ALTO
Spin up Diablo disk

Turn on Trident disks AC power

Spin up Trident Disks

Type IFS/F<cr>
NOTE 6:The /F is temporary - see Ivy operation instructions
(next to terminal) for current procedure.
Turn on Breakers (that’s all)
Should restart by itself. Call NCC to verify correct operation.
1.Edward R. Fiala, Charles M. Geschke, and Edward Taft, Maxc Operations, XEROX, January 30, l981.