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MAXC Room Power Down Procedure
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Power Down
MAXC Room Power Down/Up Procedure
by Ron Weaver
(Revised February 24, 1981)
Filed on [IVY]<Maxc>MaxcPowerDown.Bravo
Abstract: This procedure itemizes the chronological steps necessary to systematically shut down the power in the Maxc room when a known power outage is scheduled.
EMERGENCY shutdown procedure (for fire or smoke) may be found in Appendix A.
A version of this procedure will appear in the Maxc Operations manual.
3333 Coyote Hill Road / Palo Alto / California 94304
1. Prior to Shutdown
In order to give users adequate notice and to protect files on disk, Tenex should ordinarily be stopped in the following manner.
Forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled power outage send a message to the NCC Coordinator and the Arpanet liaison at SCI via their Arpanet mailboxes CONTROL@BBNC and Green@SCI-ICS stating the period the power will be off and that the IMP will be affected. If the scheduled power outage is to take place in less than 48 hours then the NCC Coordinator may be reached direct by phone: (617) 661-0100. The controller may wish you to call him just prior to taking the system down so you can set some switches on the IMP panel.

As long as possible before the scheduled downtime (preferably 24 hours or more), notify users by (optionally) putting a notice in the login message, setting the system downtime cell and recording a telephone message. Make sure you do these things on the correct Maxc system!
A.To put a notice in the login message, login as yourself and:
Scheduled downtime<cr>
(An appropriate message giving date, time, and reason)

SYSTEM -- ok

B.To set the system downtime cell, you must be a wheel or a maintenance person:
@ENABLE<cr>(only if you are a wheel)
HALT,<cr>(do not omit the comma)
AT mm/dd/yy/ hh:mm<cr>(date & time system going down)
UNTIL mm/dd/yy hh:mm<cr>(date & time coming back up)
DUE (TO REASON) reason (type ? for list)<cr>
C.To record a telephone message, go to the recording telephone (next to the Imp in the back room) and follow the instructions posted there. Make sure you specify Maxc1 or Maxc2 in the message.
2. System Shutdown
General Methodology:
(1) Shut down software systems cleanly
(2) Safeguard rotary storage by spinning down all disk drives
(3) Get all other power off in the simplest manner possible so that restart can be accomplished
without an excessive current surge.
Maxc 1 & 2
The systems will automatically start notifying users of the impending downtime beginning one hour before it is to occur. When the zero hour arrives, all jobs will be forcibly logged out except any job logged in on the Maxc controlling terminal, new logins will be prevented, and "Shutdown Complete" will type out on the Maxc console. If there are now no jobs logged in, Tenex will shortly hit a BUGCHK (EDDT breakpoint) at SWHLT1, at which point Tenex is properly halted.
If there is a job logged in on the Maxc controlling terminal, it will be necesary to halt Tenex manually. To do this (for which you must be a wheel):
Halt Tenex.
Wait for the EDDT preakpoint at SWHLT1. A message such as "$8B>>CHKADR BUGCHK/ SWHLT1" should be printed out.
Once Maxc1 and Maxc2 systems have halted you may proceed by stopping the rest of the systems in the Maxc room.
From an Alto or DLS terminal:
Chat Ivy<cr>
NOTE 1:You must be an Ivy wheel.
Ctrl-Shift-D(to turn on display)
Position cursor over "gateway" window, press down middle button, select "gateway" menu, let up button.
Press down middle button, select "quit" item, let up button.
Shift Swat
3. Removing System Power
Maxc1 & Maxc2 Disk Drives
Turn off Front switch first, then the switch in the rear.
NOTE 2:An alternate procedure, (which is not advised due to the fact that some
circuit breakers may be in the off state prior to shutdown for some reason,
and the difficulty in correctly identifying all of them may lead to errors
when restoring power) instead of turning off the switch in the rear of each
disk drive, is to wait until everything else in this section has been done and
then throw all the circuit breakers on the Maxc, Maxc-A and Maxc-B Circuit
Breaker Panels, noting carefully the ones which are already off.
Maxc1 NOVA
Crtl A

Power Off<cr>

NOTE 3:At present the processor power on Maxc1 cannot be turned ON or OFF
under program control. Throw the main breaker on the front pannel.
Spin down NOVA disk
Throw CKT breaker on front of Processor

Throw CKT breakers on all power supplies (front).

Turn off NOVA with key
Press middle blank button then type
With the left mouse button successively select the menu items "Power Off" and

NOTE 4:(The message "Processor locked on" will appear. Just shut off the
processor power supply manually. The automatic power-offcircuitry is missing.)
Spin down ALTO disk
Throw CKT breaker on front of Processor

Throw CKT breakers on all power supplies (front).

Pull 20 amp CKT breaker on panel above ALTO.
Stop Twinkle
Spin down disks (wait until they stop)
Pull out upper blower drawer and turn off switch inside top left.
Spin down disks (ALTO & six Trident disks)
Turn off ALTO power switch

Turn off T80 & T300 disk power switches (in rear, or see
NOTE 2 on page 3)
Spin down disk and (after it stops) pull 15 amp CKT breaker above.
Spin down disks (ALTOs & four Trident disks)
Turn off ALTO power switch

Turn off T80 & T300 disk power switches (in rear, or see
NOTE 2 on page 3)
Don’t worry about it unless NCC has asked you from an earlier phone call to call
just before removing power.
NCC likes to be called two days before scheduled shutdowns.
For each Dorado, if it is not already powered off (green light 5 flash) find its terminal and press boot button four times in quick succession to shut down.
Wait until green lights are flashing fives before throwing CKT breakers.