Computer Sciences Laboratory
October 13, 1976
(revised October 27, 1981)
(Filed on [Indigo]<Maxc>MakeDisks.Bravo)
For Xerox Internal Use Only

To:Ron Weaver

From:Chuck Geschke and Bob Sproull

Alto "Master" Disk(s) and Documentation Update Procedure


The standard Alto documentation is:
1. Alto Handbook (no Press files; printed and bound)
2. Alto Bcpl Reference Manual (
3. Alto Operating System Reference Manual (
4. Alto Subsystems Manual (
5. Alto Software Packages Manual (
6. Alto: A Personal Computer System Hardware Manual (

The standard Mesa 5.0 documentation is:

1. Mesa User’s Handbook
2. Mesa System Documentation
3. Mesa Debugger Documentaion
4. Mesa 5.0 Change Summary
5. Mesa Pup Package Functional
<Mesa>Doc>PupPackage.PressMESA 5.0 documents are
6. SoME SAmple Programs<Mesa>Doc>Samples.Pressstored on [IVY]<Mesa>Doc>.
7. Debugger: Extended Features
8. Control Transfer Counting Tool
9. Figure 1. PerfPackages Window<Mesa>Doc>PerfPicture1.Press
10. Figure 2. Sample Output
The standard Mesa 6.0 documentation is:
1. Mesa 6.0 Binder Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>Binder60.Press
Integrated Mesa Environment<AlphaMesa>Doc>CommandCentral.Press
3. Mesa 6.0 Compiler Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>Compiler60.Press
4. Mesa 6.0 Debugger Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>Debugger60.Press
5. Debugger Summary Ver. 6.0<AlphaMesa>Doc>DebugSum.Press
6. Debugger Interpreter Grammar<AlphaMesa>Doc>DISum.Press
7. 10.0 File Tool<AlphaMesa>Doc>FileTool.Press
8. Mesa 6.0 Change Summary<AlphaMesa>Doc>Mesa60.Press
9. Mesa 6.0u Change Summary<AlphaMesa>Doc>Mesa60u.Press
10. On the Harmonious Cooperation
of Mesa and User Microcode
11. Appendix F: RunMesa<AlphaMesa>Doc>MUHBF.Press
12. Mesa 6.0 Pre Alpha Test
Change Summary
13. Mesa 6.0 Pup and Ftp Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>PupFtp60.Press
14. Mesa 6.0 Change Summary<AlphaMesa>Doc>Summary60.Press
15. Mesa 6.0 System Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>System60.Press
16. Mesa 6.0 Utilities Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>Utilities60.Press
17. Mesa 6.0 XMesa Update<AlphaMesa>Doc>XMesa60.Press
18. Name Frame<AlphaMesa>Doc>NameFrame.Press
Printouts of these documents are made by using the PRESS command on Maxc or Iris. For example:
@Press <AltoDocs>Bcpl.Press,<cr>
@@Copies= 3
@@Host for printing: Clover

will produce 3 copies of the Alto Bcpl Reference Manual and print it on Clover.

very small stash (e.g. 3 of each) of these documents should be kept on hand so that visitors who want to "pick up" documentation can find it in a standard place in the MAXC room.

Four disks ("BcplProg.", "NonProg.", "ProofReader", and "MesaProg.") should be re-made weekly. They are all variants of the "MakeDisk" procedure described below.

In the directions below, there are statements of the form "Use FTP to retrieve the file <alto>xxx". This is how to proceed. First be sure you are talking to the Alto Executive (it types > about half way down the screen). Type "FTP" <carriage return>. When FTP comes up, type "MAXC" <carriage return>. Now type "RET <space>", followed by the file name, followed by 2 carriage returns. If FTP returns with a *, all is done fine. If you have not previously logged in (and specified a MAXC name and password), you may be asked for the name and password; eventually the transfer should be done and the * should appear. Now you may type another "RE <space>" etc. if you have more files to retrieve, or you may type "Q <carriage return>" to quit FTP.
The following steps comprise the "MakeDisk" procedure:

Step 0:
Insert the previous disk of the given type in the Alto and boot. If there is no previous disk of the given type, you may do one of the following:
-- insert any disk that is reasonably current and boot it; see also the comment at step 2.
-- boot the operating system over the ethernet by holding down the back-space key and the key immediately to its right while pushing the boot button. Keep the button and keys depressed until a flecked pattern appears in the cursor.
Step 1:
Type "Install" <carriage return> to the executive. When it asks "Do you want the long installation dialog?", respond "Y". When it asks "Do you want to ERASE a disk before installing?", respond "Y". When it asks you to "Type the name of a host from which I can get Alto programs:", respond MAXC. When it asks you to "Type the name of the directory where Alto programs are kept. If the host is an IFS or MAXC, this should probably be ’ALTO’. If the host is just another random Alto, type <cr>:", respond ’ALTO’. If it asks "Do you want to install the system for 2 model 31 disks?", respond "N". Be sure MAXC is in fact up!
Step 2:
The message "If you wish to change disks, please do so now. When the disk is ready, type OK to proceed, A to abort:" should appear. If you had to insert a disk in step 0 because no previous disk existed, now is the time to remove the disk and insert a brand new one obtained from the disk closet in the MAXC back room. Type "OK" when you are ready. After a bit, further messages will be printed.
Step 3:
The message "The disk is configured with the multi-version feature disabled." (or some variant of the message) will appear. Then you are asked "Do you want to change this setting?". Answer N or Y as indicated in the disk-specific instructions below. If you responded with Y, you will be prompted "How many versions of files do you normally wish to keep?" Respond either 0 or 2 depending on instructions below.
Step 4:
You will be asked "Do you want to change the error logging address (currently xxxx)?"; respond N. You will be asked "Do you want to disable parity error detection?"; respond N. You will be asked "Do you want to disable phantom parity error reporting?"; respond N. You will be asked "What is your name:"; respond NoName <cr>. Then you will be asked "Please give your disk a name: "; respond "BcplProg.BFS" "Non-Prog.BFS", "ProofReader.BFS" or "MesaProg.BFS" as appropriate, followed by <cr>. Then you will be asked "Do you wish to give the disk a password?" ; respond N. After a brief period, FTP should run and retrieve the Executive from MAXC (Note: You will need to supply a login name and password so that MAXC can be accessed.)
Step 5:
Use FTP to retrieve [MAXC]<Alto> Then type "@NewDisk" to the Alto Executive. FTP should run for a while; eventually the operating system will be installed again, and you will be asked some of the above questions again. (The user names and disk names will be defaulted to those given in Step 4. You confirm them with <cr>.) Change one response: answer "N" to "Do you want the long installation dialog?"
The following list gives disk-specific instructions for the current set of Master Disks. From time to time the list will grow (probably never shrink). Note that during step 2 in each set of directions below you will need to supply a login name and password so that MAXC can be accessed. Also, Bravo will be installed by the command file. At the end of the installation Bravo will do an automatic Quit and a confirming carriage-return, thus continuing the command file.
Programmer’s Disk.
1. Use MakeDisk procedure to get a disk initialized.
Respond "N" to changing the setting in Step 3.
Respond "BcplProg. BFS<cr>" to the disk name in Step 4.
2. Type "" to the Alto Executive.

Non-Programmer’s Disk.
1. Use MakeDisk procedure to get a disk initialized.
Respond "N" to changing the setting in Step 3.
Respond "Non-Prog. BFS<cr>" to the disk name in Step 4.
2. Type "" to the Alto Executive.

ProofReader’s Disk.
1. Use MakeDisk procedure to get a disk initialized.
Respond "N" to changing the setting in Step 3.
Respond "ProofReader BFS<cr>" to the disk name in Step 4.
2. Type "" to the Alto Executive.

Basic Mesa Disk.
1. Use MakeDisk procedure to get a disk initialized.
Respond "N" to changing the setting in Step 3.
Respond "MesaProg. BFS<cr>" to the disk name in Step 4.
2. Type "" to the Alto Executive.
When you have finished making a Master disk, write the date on the form on the bulletin board in the Maxc room. Then use CopyDisk to transfer the disk files to Indigo as follows:
Boot CopyDisk from the Net (BS ’ boot)
Copy from BFS<cr>
Type: Diablo, Cyl: 203, Hd: 2, Sec: 12
Copy to
To delete old alto disk files from Ivy:

Login on Indigo
Delete <BasicDisks>*,<cr>
Keep (# of versions) 1<cr>
Confirm (all deletes automatically)<cr>
Quit [Confirm] <cr>