(FILECREATED "15-JUL-83 15:05:01" ("compiled on " {IVY}BENSON>TEAMSTER.;6) "28-JUN-83 18:54:59" tcompl'd in LOOPSDEMO.SYSOUT dated "13-JUL-83 21:51:39") (FILECREATED "15-JUL-83 15:02:09" {IVY}BENSON>TEAMSTER.;6 76632 changes to: (FNS FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules RateProducersTeamsterRules GetPriceRatio Teamster.SelectPr MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules RateConsumersTeamsterRules SellGoodsTeamsterRules TakeTurnTeamsterRules TakeTurnBigMacRules) ( INSTANCES GetPriceRatio FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules RateProducersTeamsterRules RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules RateConsumersTeamsterRules SellGoodsTeamsterRules TakeTurnTeamsterRules) (VARS TEAMSTERCOMS) (CLASSES Teamster) previous date: "15-JUL-83 13:07:47" {IVY}BENSON>TEAMSTER.;5) FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules D1 (P 3 gasStation P 2 wStation P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 0 self) P@g g j6g ]g MkLXgo @gg H @g g@g g @g g om@g g j\g @_g OkN@g g [3g _g _OkOXgo @gKH g @_g _OkO@g g Zg@g @_g _OkO@g {g _"g _ O"kO Xgo @g@g H  @g g _g _OkOXgo @gJH g _&g _$O&kO$Xgo @g@g @g hg H (776Q PutAuditRec 772Q NthRoadStop 763Q GetValue 754Q GetValue 740Q PutValue 735Q GetObjFromUID 710Q FetchMethodOrHelp 700Q GetObjectRec 671Q PutAuditRec 657Q PutValue 654Q GetObjFromUID 627Q FetchMethodOrHelp 617Q GetObjectRec 605Q Distance 602Q GetValue 573Q Distance 567Q PutAuditRec 563Q GetValue 547Q PutValue 544Q GetObjFromUID 517Q FetchMethodOrHelp 507Q GetObjectRec 477Q RoomToParkP 474Q GetValue 446Q FetchMethodOrHelp 435Q Distance 432Q GetValue 420Q NearestRoadStop 415Q RoadStops 407Q GetValue 366Q FetchMethodOrHelp 355Q GetObjectRec 346Q PutAuditRec 334Q PutValue 331Q GetObjFromUID 304Q FetchMethodOrHelp 274Q GetObjectRec 263Q NearestRoadStop 260Q RoadStops 252Q GetValue 234Q FetchMethodOrHelp 223Q GetObjectRec 211Q GetValue 203Q GetValue 163Q GetClassValue 155Q GetValue 146Q GetValue 140Q GetValue 121Q GetValue 111Q PutAuditRec 105Q AnyRoadStop 102Q GetObjectRec 67Q PutValue 64Q GetObjFromUID 43Q FetchMethodOrHelp 34Q GetObjectRec 22Q GetValue 14Q GetValue) (767Q Room 760Q direction 751Q maxMove 745Q stoppingPlace 726Q rule 705Q NewTemp 675Q StandardAuditRecord 664Q stoppingPlace 645Q rule 624Q NewTemp 614Q StandardAuditRecord 577Q destination 560Q destination 554Q stoppingPlace 535Q rule 514Q NewTemp 504Q StandardAuditRecord 471Q destination 443Q Range1 427Q destination 412Q Room 404Q direction 363Q Range1 352Q WeighStation 341Q stoppingPlace 322Q rule 301Q NewTemp 271Q StandardAuditRecord 255Q Room 247Q direction 231Q Range1 220Q GasStation 206Q cashBox 200Q truck 160Q MaxFuel 152Q truck 143Q fuel 135Q truck 124Q SitTight 116Q goal 77Q UnionHall 74Q stoppingPlace 55Q rule 40Q NewTemp 31Q StandardAuditRecord 17Q fuel 11Q truck) (732Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.75" 651Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.73" 541Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.74" 326Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.72" 167Q .25 61Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.71") GetPriceRatio D1 (P 1 priceRatio P 0 ^value I 1 roadStop I 0 self)  Ag (11Q GetValue) (6 pr) NIL GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules D1 (P 3 numBuy P 2 realLocation P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 0 self F 24Q PlayerInterface) Pg ]g MkLXgo @g@g H @g g Z@_g OkNb@g @g g K@g _g _OkO0W(_g _O@dg lO@g g ZYJ@g o@g o Jg @_g _OkOJg [Jg O@g gBJ@g 7@_g _OJlO[kKW(_"g _ O"@KlO Jg %@g g @_&g _$O&kO$I(602Q FetchMethodOrHelp 567Q GetValue 561Q GetValue 550Q ISA 545Q GetObjectRec 520Q FetchMethodOrHelp 462Q FetchMethodOrHelp 446Q GetValue 430Q GetValue 417Q ISA 414Q GetObjectRec 403Q ISA 400Q GetObjectRec 356Q FetchMethodOrHelp 343Q ISA 340Q GetObjectRec 330Q WriteGameStatus 321Q GetValue 303Q GetValue 270Q GetValue 262Q GetValue 244Q GetValue 227Q FetchMethodOrHelp 201Q FetchMethodOrHelp 171Q GetValue 157Q GetValue 151Q GetValue 142Q GetValue 122Q FetchMethodOrHelp 107Q GetValue 101Q GetValue 71Q PutAuditRec 65Q DirectionOf 62Q GetValue 46Q PutValue 43Q GetObjFromUID 22Q FetchMethodOrHelp 13Q GetObjectRec) (577Q SellGoods 564Q cargo 556Q truck 542Q Consumer 515Q Buy 457Q MaxPurchase 443Q destination 433Q Peddle 425Q goal 411Q GasStation 375Q Producer 353Q BuyGas 335Q GasStation 316Q driver 300Q stoppingPlace 265Q location 257Q truck 241Q stoppingPlace 224Q Move 176Q BanditP 166Q stoppingPlace 154Q location 146Q truck 137Q stoppingPlace 117Q FindStoppingPlace 104Q location 76Q truck 57Q destination 53Q direction 34Q rule 17Q NewTemp 10Q StandardAuditRecord) (325Q " Didnt reach stoppingPlace" 312Q "Oh!! " 40Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.59") MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules D1 (P 11Q cashCapacity P 10Q numBuy P 7 producerLimit P 6 cashLimit P 5 weightLimit P 4 volumeLimit P 3 weightCapacity P 2 volumeCapacity P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 1 roadStop I 0 self)  @g g @g g պ@g g @g g ջj@g g @g _JAg g ׼KAg g ׽OA ׾Ag _LMNO (220Q MIN 205Q GetValue 174Q PricePerUnit 164Q GetClassValue 156Q GetClassValue 144Q GetClassValue 136Q GetClassValue 123Q MAX 117Q GetValue 110Q GetValue 102Q GetValue 70Q GetValue 62Q GetValue 53Q GetClassValue 45Q GetValue 34Q GetValue 26Q GetValue 17Q GetClassValue 11Q GetValue) (202Q qty 161Q WtPerQty 153Q Commodity 141Q VolPerQty 133Q Commodity 114Q cashReserve 105Q cashBox 77Q truck 65Q weight 57Q truck 50Q MaxWeight 42Q truck 31Q volume 23Q truck 14Q MaxVolume 6 truck) NIL RateConsumersTeamsterRules D1 (P 3 cargo P 2 rating P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 1 roadStop I 0 self) @@g g jZKg Ag ngg vKg hgg bKAg JnZA JnZkAg JnZYJAg ldZY@g g A@g g YI(247Q Distance 244Q GetValue 236Q GetValue 226Q GetClassValue 220Q GetValue 203Q GetValue 161Q GetValue 141Q RoomToParkP 125Q ISA 122Q GetClassValue 110Q RuleSetStop 75Q GetValue 64Q RuleSetStop 47Q ISA 44Q GetObjectRec 33Q GetValue 17Q GetValue 11Q GetValue) (241Q location 233Q truck 223Q Gpm 215Q truck 200Q pr 156Q qty 117Q Commodity 105Q CannotSell 102Q SpoiltGoods 72Q status 61Q LookNoMore 56Q CityDump 41Q CityDump 30Q status 14Q cargo 6 truck) NIL RateProducersTeamsterRules D1 (P 5 expProfit P 4 expPr P 3 possibleConsumer P 2 maxBuy P 1 rating P 0 ^value I 1 roadStop I 0 self) jYA n YAg g nP YAg o YkAg o YAg g IAg g nYAg [ @_g OAlNZKg \$I@g g A@g g Ag Ag g J]IMYX(336Q GetClassValue 330Q GetClassValue 320Q GetValue 306Q Distance 303Q GetValue 275Q GetValue 265Q GetClassValue 257Q GetValue 244Q GetValue 222Q FetchMethodOrHelp 206Q NearestRoadStop 203Q Buyers 200Q GetClassValue 162Q GetClassValue 154Q GetClassValue 142Q SUBCLASS 137Q GetObjectRec 131Q GetClassValue 120Q MINUS 107Q GetValue 75Q MINUS 65Q ISA 62Q GetObjectRec 51Q MINUS 42Q SUBCLASS 37Q GetObjectRec 31Q GetClassValue 20Q MINUS 11Q RoomToParkP) (333Q AvgPrice 325Q Commodity 315Q pr 300Q location 272Q truck 262Q Gpm 254Q truck 241Q pr 217Q MaxPurchase 175Q Commodity 157Q FragilityLevel 151Q Commodity 134Q FragileCommodity 126Q Commodity 104Q qty 57Q GasStation 34Q PerishableCommodity 26Q Commodity) (115Q 303240Q 72Q 303240Q) RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules D1 (P 2 cargo P 1 rating P 0 ^value I 1 roadStop I 0 self) 0@g g ZldA@g lYA n YAg n YAg n YJ4Ag (JAg Ag jAg kIlH(205Q GetValue 173Q GetValue 162Q ISA 157Q GetClassValue 145Q ISA 142Q GetObjectRec 126Q MINUS 117Q ISA 114Q GetObjectRec 103Q MINUS 74Q ISA 71Q GetObjectRec 60Q MINUS 51Q RoomToParkP 37Q Distance 34Q GetValue 17Q GetValue 11Q GetValue) (202Q pr 170Q qty 154Q Commodity 137Q Consumer 111Q AlicesRestaurant 66Q UnionHall 31Q alices 14Q cargo 6 truck) NIL SellGoodsTeamsterRules D1 (P 3 sellQty P 2 cargo P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 0 self F 10Q PlayerInterface) &@g g ZY@g g g hggo@g g g @g ghgg{j@g g g hgg\Jg X@g g g @@g g g Jg W]g M@JKlLigg IJg @g g g Jg [kKW_g O@JKlN(430Q FetchMethodOrHelp 406Q MIN 403Q GetValue 374Q GetValue 366Q GetValue 360Q GetValue 347Q GetValue 336Q RuleSetStop 311Q FetchMethodOrHelp 277Q MIN 274Q GetValue 265Q GetValue 257Q GetValue 251Q GetValue 240Q ISA 235Q GetObjectRec 227Q GetValue 221Q GetValue 210Q GetValue 166Q GetValue 160Q GetValue 152Q GetValue 124Q GetValue 112Q GetValue 104Q GetValue 76Q GetValue 50Q ISA 45Q GetClassValue 37Q GetValue 31Q GetValue 17Q GetValue 11Q GetValue) (425Q Sell 400Q qty 371Q qty 363Q location 355Q truck 344Q status 333Q AtCityDump 330Q Sold 306Q Sell 271Q qty 262Q qty 254Q location 246Q truck 232Q CityDump 224Q location 216Q truck 205Q status 177Q NeverSellAtLoss 174Q NoSale 163Q pr 155Q location 147Q truck 140Q AvoidCheapSkates 135Q NoSale 127Q Peddle 121Q goal 107Q pr 101Q location 73Q truck 60Q WrongKindOfBuyer 55Q NoSale 42Q Commodity 34Q location 26Q truck 14Q cargo 6 truck) (67Q 1.1) TakeTurnBigMacRules D1 (P 2 temp P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 0 self) @@g Bg \g LkKXgo @gg H @ggH @g ;g ^g NkMXgo @gg H gZ@g @g Cg _g _OkOXgo @g@g H @gJH @g g _g _Og lO@g _g _OkOXgo @gg H gZ@g g _g _Og lO@g _ g _O kOXgo @gg H gZ@_$g _"O$kO"(667Q FetchMethodOrHelp 650Q PutAuditRec 644Q AnyRoadStop 641Q GetObjectRec 626Q PutValue 623Q GetObjFromUID 576Q FetchMethodOrHelp 566Q GetObjectRec 550Q GetObjectRec 535Q FetchMethodOrHelp 525Q GetValue 517Q GetValue 502Q PutAuditRec 476Q AnyRoadStop 473Q GetObjectRec 460Q PutValue 455Q GetObjFromUID 430Q FetchMethodOrHelp 420Q GetObjectRec 402Q GetObjectRec 367Q FetchMethodOrHelp 357Q GetValue 351Q GetValue 341Q PutAuditRec 327Q PutAuditRec 323Q GetValue 307Q PutValue 304Q GetObjFromUID 257Q FetchMethodOrHelp 247Q GetObjectRec 236Q GetValue 227Q GetValue 212Q PutAuditRec 206Q AnyRoadStop 203Q GetObjectRec 170Q PutValue 165Q GetObjFromUID 144Q FetchMethodOrHelp 135Q GetObjectRec 125Q GetValue 115Q PutAuditRec 101Q PutAuditRec 75Q AnyRoadStop 72Q GetObjectRec 57Q PutValue 54Q GetObjFromUID 33Q FetchMethodOrHelp 24Q GetObjectRec 14Q GetValue) (664Q GoToStoppingPlace 654Q Backward 636Q UnionHall 633Q nextDestination 614Q rule 573Q NewTemp 563Q StandardAuditRecord 545Q AlicesRestaurant 532Q InstOf 522Q location 514Q truck 506Q Forward 470Q AlicesRestaurant 465Q nextDestination 446Q rule 425Q NewTemp 415Q StandardAuditRecord 377Q UnionHall 364Q InstOf 354Q location 346Q truck 334Q direction 320Q nextDestination 314Q destination 275Q rule 254Q NewTemp 244Q StandardAuditRecord 233Q destination 224Q stoppingPlace 216Q Backward 200Q UnionHall 175Q nextDestination 156Q rule 141Q NewTemp 132Q StandardAuditRecord 122Q nextDestination 111Q Forward 106Q direction 67Q AlicesRestaurant 64Q destination 45Q rule 30Q NewTemp 21Q StandardAuditRecord 11Q destination) (620Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.44" 452Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.43" 301Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.42" 162Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.41" 51Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.40") TakeTurnTeamsterRules D1 (P 2 possibleStops P 1 ^value P 0 ^auditRecord I 0 self F 25Q Simulator) *`@g 0g \g LkKXgo @ggH @g g N@g gAg Z5g ^g NkMXgo @g@gJ H @g g S@g gFg Z:g _g _OkOXgo @g@gJ H @g gL@g g @g 5g _g _OkOXgo @ggH @g g @g @_g _OkOlj@g g]g _g _OkOXgo @gg H @g@g H @ggH l2W*g }@g dgdgdgih]g _ g _O kOXgo @gg H @g@g H @ggH lW*g b@g g g Jg _$g _"O$kO"Xgo @gg H @ggH @g g?@g g@g g @g l@_(g _&O(kO&I(1433Q FetchMethodOrHelp 1415Q Distance 1412Q GetValue 1403Q GetValue 1375Q GetValue 1360Q GetValue 1343Q GetValue 1333Q PutAuditRec 1317Q PutAuditRec 1313Q NearestRoadStop 1310Q RoadStops 1305Q GetObjectRec 1272Q PutValue 1267Q GetObjFromUID 1242Q FetchMethodOrHelp 1232Q GetObjectRec 1222Q ISA 1217Q GetObjectRec 1211Q GetValue 1203Q GetValue 1171Q GetValue 1156Q PutAuditRec 1142Q PutAuditRec 1136Q PickHiObj 1133Q RoadStops 1117Q PutAuditRec 1113Q NearestRoadStop 1110Q RoadStops 1105Q GetObjectRec 1072Q PutValue 1067Q GetObjFromUID 1042Q FetchMethodOrHelp 1032Q GetObjectRec 773Q GetValue 761Q GetValue 746Q PutAuditRec 732Q PutAuditRec 726Q PickHiObj 723Q RoadStops 707Q PutAuditRec 703Q NearestRoadStop 700Q RoadStops 675Q GetObjectRec 662Q PutValue 657Q GetObjFromUID 632Q FetchMethodOrHelp 622Q GetObjectRec 606Q GetValue 560Q FetchMethodOrHelp 542Q GetValue 533Q GetValue 525Q GetValue 515Q PutAuditRec 501Q PutValue 476Q GetObjFromUID 451Q FetchMethodOrHelp 441Q GetObjectRec 430Q GetValue 421Q GetValue 413Q GetValue 376Q GetValue 366Q PutAuditRec 362Q PickHiObj 345Q PutValue 342Q GetObjFromUID 315Q FetchMethodOrHelp 305Q GetObjectRec 274Q RoadStops 271Q GetObjectRec 255Q GetValue 244Q GetValue 236Q GetValue 226Q PutAuditRec 222Q PickHiObj 205Q PutValue 202Q GetObjFromUID 161Q FetchMethodOrHelp 152Q GetObjectRec 141Q RoadStops 136Q GetObjectRec 122Q GetValue 111Q GetValue 103Q GetValue 73Q PutAuditRec 57Q PutValue 54Q GetObjFromUID 33Q FetchMethodOrHelp 24Q GetObjectRec 14Q GetValue) (1430Q GoToStoppingPlace 1407Q alices 1400Q location 1372Q truck 1363Q GetClose 1355Q goal 1346Q SitTight 1340Q goal 1327Q GoToAlices 1324Q goal 1302Q AlicesRestaurant 1277Q destination 1260Q rule 1237Q NewTemp 1227Q StandardAuditRecord 1214Q AlicesRestaurant 1206Q location 1200Q truck 1166Q timeLeft 1152Q GetClose 1147Q goal 1130Q RateSpotsNearAlices 1124Q destination 1102Q AlicesRestaurant 1077Q alices 1060Q rule 1037Q NewTemp 1027Q StandardAuditRecord 1013Q GoToAlices 1005Q GetClose 777Q SitTight 770Q goal 756Q timeLeft 742Q GetClose 737Q goal 720Q RateSpotsNearAlices 714Q destination 672Q AlicesRestaurant 667Q alices 650Q rule 627Q NewTemp 617Q StandardAuditRecord 611Q SitTight 603Q goal 555Q TimeAtStop 537Q alices 530Q location 522Q truck 511Q SitTight 506Q goal 467Q rule 446Q NewTemp 436Q StandardAuditRecord 425Q alices 416Q location 410Q truck 401Q GoToAlices 373Q goal 356Q RateProducers 352Q destination 333Q rule 312Q NewTemp 302Q StandardAuditRecord 266Q Producer 260Q Peddle 252Q goal 241Q cargo 233Q truck 216Q RateConsumers 212Q destination 173Q rule 156Q NewTemp 147Q StandardAuditRecord 133Q Consumer 125Q Peddle 117Q goal 106Q cargo 100Q truck 67Q Peddle 64Q goal 45Q rule 30Q NewTemp 21Q StandardAuditRecord 11Q goal) (1264Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.55" 1064Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.54" 654Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.53" 473Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.52" 337Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.51" 177Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.50" 51Q "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.49") Teamster.SelectPr D1 (I 1 roadStop I 0 self) Ag (6 GetValue) (3 pr) NIL (PRETTYCOMPRINT TEAMSTERCOMS) (RPAQQ TEAMSTERCOMS ((CLASSES Teamster) (INSTANCES FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules GetPriceRatio GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules RateConsumersTeamsterRules RateProducersTeamsterRules RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules SellGoodsTeamsterRules TakeTurnTeamsterRules) (FNS FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules GetPriceRatio GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules RateConsumersTeamsterRules RateProducersTeamsterRules RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules SellGoodsTeamsterRules TakeTurnBigMacRules TakeTurnTeamsterRules Teamster.SelectPr))) (DEFCLASSES Teamster) (DEFCLASS Teamster (MetaClass PlayerMeta Edited: (* edited: "15-JUL-83 10:46")) (Supers Peddler) ( ClassVariables (CopyCV (Icon InitializeIVs)) (InitializeIVs ?) (Icon ?)) (InstanceVariables ( cashReserve 2000)) (Methods (TakeTurn TakeTurnTeamsterRules RuleSet TakeTurnTeamsterRules args NIL doc (* RuleSet TakeTurnPeddlerRules is installed as the selector TakeTurn of the class Peddler)) ( SellGoods SellGoodsTeamsterRules RuleSet SellGoodsTeamsterRules doc (* RuleSet SellGoodsPeddlerRules is installed as the selector SellGoods of the class Peddler)) (RateConsumers RateConsumersTeamsterRules RuleSet RateConsumersTeamsterRules doc (* RuleSet PeddlerRateConsumers is installed as the selector RateConsumers of the class Peddler)) (GoToStoppingPlace GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules RuleSet GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules doc (* RuleSet GoToStoppingPlacePeddlerRules is installed as the selector GoToStoppingPlace of the class Peddler)) ( RateSpotsNearAlices RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules RuleSet RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules) ( RateProducers RateProducersTeamsterRules RuleSet RateProducersTeamsterRules) (MaxPurchase MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules RuleSet MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules) (FindStoppingPlace FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules RuleSet FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules doc (* RuleSet FindStoppingPlacePeddlerRules is installed as the selector FindStoppingPlace of the class Peddler)) ( SelectPr Teamster.SelectPr args (roadStop) doc (* Select a price ratio and return it)))) (DEFINST RuleSet (FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63") (perspectiveNode #&( RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.153") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules FindStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args NIL) (tempVars (wStation gasStation)) ( taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 5) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (GetPriceRatio "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.117") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.154")) (name #(GetPriceRatio NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules GetPriceRatio) ( workSpace Teamster) (args (roadStop)) (tempVars (priceRatio)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 1) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) ( metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.58") (perspectiveNode #&( RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.155") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules GoToStoppingPlaceTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args NIL) (tempVars (realLocation numBuy)) ( taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 7) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.62") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.156") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) ( compiledRules MaxPurchaseTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args (roadStop)) (tempVars ( volumeCapacity weightCapacity volumeLimit weightLimit cashLimit producerLimit numBuy cashCapacity)) ( taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 3) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (RateConsumersTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.57") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.157") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(RateConsumersTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules RateConsumersTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args (roadStop)) (tempVars (rating cargo)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 8) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (RateProducersTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.158") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(RateProducersTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules RateProducersTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args (roadStop)) (tempVars (rating maxBuy possibleConsumer expPr expProfit)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars (maxBuy rating expPr expProfit)) ( numRules 8) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) ( metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.60") (perspectiveNode #&( RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.159") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules RateSpotsNearAlicesTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args (roadStop)) (tempVars (rating cargo)) ( taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 6) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (SellGoodsTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.56") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.160") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(SellGoodsTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) ( compiledRules SellGoodsTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args NIL) (tempVars (cargo sellQty)) ( taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 6) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (TakeTurnTeamsterRules "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.48") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.161") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(TakeTurnTeamsterRules NIL RememberName)) ( compiledRules TakeTurnTeamsterRules) (workSpace Teamster) (args NIL) (tempVars (possibleStops)) ( taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 8) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) ( compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.153") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.162"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.154") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.117") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.163"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.155") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.58") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.164"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.156") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.62") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.165"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.157") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.57") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.166"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.158") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.167"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.159") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.60") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.168"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.160") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.56") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.169"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.161") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.48") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.170"))) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.162") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.71")) ( #&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.72")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.73")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.74")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.75")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BJ")) (#&(Rule "FAS@@&Lp")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.153") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:23") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "15-JUL-83 08:56:27") (editor BENSON)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.163") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.171"))) ) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.154")) (created "15-JUL-83 10:50:42") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "15-JUL-83 10:55:13") (editor BENSON)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.164") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LESC@8B")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BK")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BL")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BM")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BN")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BO")) ( #&(Rule "LESC@8BP")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.155") myViewName Source) ( created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:34") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.165") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "UISC@AMT")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMU")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMV")) (#&(Rule "UISC@<{l")) (#&(Rule "FBS@@A?V")))) (perspectiveNode #&( RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.156") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:11") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:34:09") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.166") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "UISC@AMW")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMX")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMY")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMZ")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AM[")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AM\")) ( #&(Rule "UISC@AM]")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AM^")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.157" ) myViewName Source) (created "18-FEB-83 22:45:14") (creator STEFIK) (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") ( editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.167") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.172")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.173")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.174")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.175")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.176")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.177")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.178")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.179")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.180")) (#&(Rule "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.181")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMi")) (#&(Rule "FYSC@}d")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.158") myViewName Source) (created "18-FEB-83 22:45:14") (creator STEFIK) (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.168") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "UISC@AMj")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMk")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMl")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMm")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMn")) (#&(Rule "UISC@AMo")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.159") myViewName Source) (created "18-FEB-83 20:41:23") (creator STEFIK) (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.169") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LESC@8BQ")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BR")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BS")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BT")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BU")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BV")) ( #&(Rule "FBS@@A?b")) (#&(Rule "FBS@@A?c")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.160" ) myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:40") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52" ) (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.170") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LESC@8B>")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8B?")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8B@")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BA")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BB")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BC")) ( #&(Rule "LESC@8BD")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BW")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.161" ) myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:51") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:00:00" ) (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.71") (source "(* Returns a stopping place en route to a destination.) IF truck:fuel=0 THEN stoppingPlace_(AnyRoadStop $UnionHall);") (edited "15-JUL-83 08:56:27") (editor BENSON) ( ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.72") (source "(* Dont run out of gas.) IF goal~='SitTight truck:fuel < .25 * truck::MaxFuel truck:cashBox>0 gasStation_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $GasStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) THEN stoppingPlace_gasStation;") (edited "15-JUL-83 08:56:27") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.73") (source "(* Obey the law - stop at WeighStations.) IF wStation_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $WeighStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) (Distance wStation)<(Distance destination) THEN stoppingPlace_wStation;") (edited "15-JUL-83 08:56:27") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.74") (source "IF (Distance destination)<=.Range1 (RoomToParkP destination) THEN stoppingPlace_destination;") (edited "15-JUL-83 08:56:27") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 4) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.75") (source "THEN stoppingPlace_(NthRoadStop maxMove direction NIL 'Room);") (edited "15-JUL-83 08:56:27") ( editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.63"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BJ") (source "THEN stoppingPlace_(NthRoadStop maxMove direction NIL 'Room);") ( edited " 5-JUL-83 12:01:40") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Oz"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FAS@@&Lp") (source NIL) (edited " 1-FEB-83 14:25:33") (editor "LOOPSCOURSE") ( ruleNumber 7) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li")) (lhs (AND)) (rhs (SETQ ^value (PROGN (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceRHS NIL 7) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FAS@@&Lp") Print)) (NthRoadStop maxMove (GetValue self (QUOTE direction))))))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.171") (source "(* Get the priceRatio from a roadstop) -> priceRatio _ roadStop:pr;") (edited "15-JUL-83 10:55:13") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.117"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8B") (source " -> direction_(DirectionOf destination);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BK") (source " -> realLocation_truck:location;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BL") (source " IF .FindStoppingPlace stoppingPlace~=truck:location ~stoppingPlace.BanditP THEN (_ \PlayerInterface Move self stoppingPlace) realLocation_truck:location;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) ( ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BM") (source " IF realLocation~=stoppingPlace THEN (WriteGameStatus %"Oh!! %" driver %" Didnt reach stoppingPlace%");") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BN") (source " IF (ISA realLocation $GasStation) THEN .BuyGas;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BO") (source " IF (ISA realLocation $Producer) ~(ISA realLocation $GasStation) goal='Peddle realLocation=destination numBuy_(_ self MaxPurchase realLocation) numBuy>=1 THEN (_ \PlayerInterface Buy self numBuy);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) ( ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BP") (source " IF (ISA realLocation $Consumer) truck:cargo THEN .SellGoods;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:58:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 7) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMT") (source " (* Rules for deciding how much the Peddler could buy at a Producer.) (* Sale can be limited by volume, weight, cash, or availability.) -> volumeCapacity _ truck::MaxVolume-truck:volume weightCapacity _ truck::MaxWeight-truck:weight cashCapacity _ (MAX 0 truck:cashBox-cashReserve);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:34:09") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$TR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMU") (source " -> volumeLimit _ volumeCapacity / roadStop::Commodity::VolPerQty weightLimit _ weightCapacity / roadStop::Commodity::WtPerQty cashLimit _ cashCapacity / (PricePerUnit roadStop) producerLimit _ roadStop:qty;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:34:09") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$TR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMV") (source "-> numBuy _ (MIN volumeLimit weightLimit cashLimit producerLimit);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:34:09") ( editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$TR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@<{l") (source "-> numBuy _ (MIN volumeLimit weightLimit cashLimit producerLimit);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 17:59:43") ( editor BOBROW) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$TR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FBS@@A?V") (source NIL) (edited " 2-FEB-83 14:52:17") (editor "LOOPSCOURSE") ( ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lh")) (lhs (GREATERP qtyLimit 0)) (rhs (SETQ ^value (PROGN ( PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ^auditRecord (_ ( GetObjFromUID "FAS@@<\") NewTemp)) (PutValue ^auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?V"))) (_ gameMaster Buy qtyLimit) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE Sell) ^auditRecord) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE destination) (NearestRoadStop (Buyers commodity)) ^auditRecord) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination))) ^auditRecord))))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMW") (source " (* Rate the suitability of a proposed Consumer.) -> cargo _ (CAR truck:cargo) rating_0;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMX") (source "(* if spoiled go to CityDump) IF ~cargo:status (ISA roadStop $CityDump) THEN (STOP 5000 'CityDump 'LookNoMore);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMY") (source "IF ~cargo:status THEN (STOP NIL 'SpoiltGoods 'CannotSell);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMZ") (source "(* Consumer must want current cargo.) IF ~(ISA cargo roadStop::Commodity) THEN rating _ rating - 5000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AM[") (source "(* Need to be able to park) IF ~(RoomToParkP roadStop) THEN rating _ rating - 500;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AM\") (source "(* Exclude consumers that have full inventory.) IF roadStop:qty < 1 THEN rating _ rating - 1000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AM]") (source "(* Favor high price ratios.) -> rating _ rating + 100 * roadStop:pr ;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 7) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AM^") (source "(* Favor close places.) -> rating _ rating - [truck::Gpm *(Distance roadStop truck:location)];") (edited " 9-JUN-83 21:28:08") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 8) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$RX"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.172") (source " (* Rate the suitability of a proposed Producer.) -> rating _ 0;") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.173") (source "(* Need to be able to park) IF ~(RoomToParkP roadStop) THEN rating _ -500;") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.174") (source "(* Exclude perishables.) IF (SUBCLASS roadStop::Commodity $PerishableCommodity) THEN rating _ -50000;") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.175") (source "(* Exclude gas stations.) IF (ISA roadStop $GasStation) THEN rating _ -100000;") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.176") (source "(* Exclude producers that are sold out.) IF roadStop:qty < 1 THEN rating _ -100000;") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.177") (source "(* Exclude excessively fragile goods.) IF (SUBCLASS roadStop::Commodity $FragileCommodity) THEN rating _ rating - [500 * roadStop::Commodity::FragilityLevel];") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.178") (source "(* Favor high expected profit) IF possibleConsumer_(NearestRoadStop (Buyers roadStop::Commodity)) maxBuy _ (_ self MaxPurchase roadStop) expPr _ possibleConsumer:pr expProfit _ [expPr - roadStop:pr] * roadStop::Commodity::AvgPrice * maxBuy THEN rating _ rating + expProfit;") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 7) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.179") (source "(* Favor close places) -> rating _ rating - [truck::Gpm * (Distance roadStop truck:location)];") (edited "15-JUL-83 12:47:38" ) (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 8) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.180") (source "(* Favor high expected profit) IF possibleConsumers_(Buyers roadStop::Commodity) expPr _ (PickHiObj self 'SelectPr possibleConsumers) expProfit _ [expPr - roadStop:pr] * roadStop::Commodity::AvgPrice * maxBuy THEN rating _ rating + expProfit;") (edited "15-JUL-83 09:47:06") (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 9) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LNS.0.5349.46.57775.181") (source "(* Favor close places) -> rating _ rating - [truck::Gpm * (Distance roadStop truck:location)];") (edited "15-JUL-83 09:47:06" ) (editor BENSON) (ruleNumber 10) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LNS.0.5349.46.57775.61"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMi") (source "(* Favor close places.) -> rating _ rating - [truck::Gpm * (Distance roadStop truck:location)];") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 11) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FYSC@}d") (source "(* Favor close places.) -> rating _ rating - [currentPlayer:truck::Gpm * (Distance self currentPlayer:truck:location)];") ( edited "25-FEB-83 10:39:58") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMj") (source "(* Rating RuleSet for spots near Alices. Returns a number for spots.) -> cargo _ (CAR truck:cargo);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMk") (source " (* Favor places closer to Alices.) -> rating _ 100 - 4 * (Distance roadStop alices);") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK) ( ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMl") (source "IF ~(RoomToParkP roadStop) THEN rating _ -1000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$PR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMm") (source "IF (ISA roadStop $UnionHall) THEN rating _ -1000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$PR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMn") (source "IF (ISA roadStop $AlicesRestaurant) THEN rating _ -500;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$PR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMo") (source "IF cargo (ISA roadStop $Consumer) (ISA cargo roadStop::Commodity) roadStop:qty>0 roadStop:pr>1 THEN rating _ rating + 20;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:03:23") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #& (RuleSet "FRSC@$PR"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BQ") (source " -> cargo_(CAR truck:cargo);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52") ( editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BR") (source " IF ~(ISA cargo truck:location::Commodity) THEN (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'WrongKindOfBuyer);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52") (editor MITTAL) ( ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BS") (source " IF truck:location:pr < 1.1 goal='Peddle THEN (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'AvoidCheapSkates);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52") (editor MITTAL) ( ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BT") (source " IF truck:location:pr < 0 THEN (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'NeverSellAtLoss);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BU") (source "(* Make sale as limited by cargo and consumer.) IF ~cargo:status (ISA truck:location $CityDump) THEN sellQty_(MIN truck:location:qty cargo:qty) (_ \PlayerInterface Sell self cargo sellQty) (STOP T 'Sold 'AtCityDump);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BV") (source " IF cargo:status sellQty_(MIN truck:location:qty cargo:qty) sellQty>=1 THEN (_ \PlayerInterface Sell self cargo sellQty);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 11:57:52") (editor MITTAL) ( ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$PC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FBS@@A?b") (source NIL) (edited " 2-FEB-83 14:52:20") (editor "LOOPSCOURSE") ( ruleNumber 7) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr")) (lhs (AND (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceLHS NIL 7) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?b") Print)) (EQ cQty sellQty))) (rhs (SETQ ^value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ^auditRecord (_ (GetObjFromUID "FAS@@<\") NewTemp)) (PutValue ^auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?b"))) (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code ) (TraceRHS NIL 7) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?b") Print)) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE Buy) ^auditRecord) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE destination) NIL ^auditRecord))))) (DEFINST Rule ("FBS@@A?c") (source NIL) (edited " 2-FEB-83 14:52:20") (editor "LOOPSCOURSE") ( ruleNumber 8) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr")) (lhs (AND (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceLHS NIL 8) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?c") Print)) (LESSP sellQty cQty))) (rhs (SETQ ^value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ^auditRecord (_ (GetObjFromUID "FAS@@<\") NewTemp)) (PutValue ^auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?c"))) (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceRHS NIL 8) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?c") Print)) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE destination) (NearestRoadStop (Buyers cargo1)) ^auditRecord) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE direction) ( DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination))) ^auditRecord))))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8B>") (source " (* Top-Level RuleSet for taking turns. Sets goal and destination.) IF ~goal THEN goal_'Peddle;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:00:00") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "YQSC@ 25 goal='SitTight THEN alices_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $AlicesRestaurant)) destination_ (PickHiObj self 'RateSpotsNearAlices (RoadStops)) goal_'GetClose;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:00:00") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "YQSC@")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8B?")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8B@")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BA")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BB")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BC")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BD")) (#&(Rule "LESC@8BW")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "YQSC@<@I") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:51") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:00:00") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BE") (source "(* Returns a stopping place en route to a destination.) IF truck:fuel=0 THEN stoppingPlace_(AnyRoadStop $UnionHall);") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:01:40") (editor MITTAL) ( ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Oz"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BF") (source "(* Dont run out of gas.) IF goal~='SitTight truck:fuel < .25 * truck::MaxFuel truck:cashBox>0 gasStation_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $GasStation .Range1 NIL 'Room)) THEN stoppingPlace_gasStation;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:01:40") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Oz"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BG") (source "(* Obey the law - stop at WeighStations.) IF wStation_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $WeighStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) (Distance wStation)<(Distance destination) THEN stoppingPlace_wStation;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:01:40") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Oz"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BH") (source "IF (Distance destination)<=.Range1 (RoomToParkP destination) THEN stoppingPlace_destination;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:01:40") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Oz"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LESC@8BI") (source "IF gasStation_(FurthestRoadStop (RoadStops $GasStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) gasStation:qty>0 THEN stoppingPlace_gasStation;") (edited " 5-JUL-83 12:01:40") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Oz"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Lw") (source "(* Returns a stopping place en route to a destination.) IF truck:fuel=0 THEN (AnyRoadStop $UnionHall);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:44:17") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Lx") (source "(* Dont run out if gas.) IF truck:fuel < .25 * truck::MaxFuel truck:cashBox>0 gasStation_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $GasStation .Range1 NIL 'Room)) THEN gasStation;") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:44:17") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Ly") (source "(* Obey the law - stop at WeighStations.) IF wStation_(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $WeighStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) (Distance wStation)<(Distance destination) THEN wStation;") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:44:17") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Lz") (source "IF (Distance destination)<=.Range1 THEN destination;") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:44:17") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$L{") (source "IF gasStation_(FurthestRoadStop (RoadStops $GasStation .Range1 direction)) THEN gasStation;") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:44:17") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$L|") (source "THEN (NthRoadStop maxMove direction);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:44:17") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Li"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Ls") (source " (* Rules for deciding what and how much to buy.) -> commodity _ truck:location::Commodity;") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:59:42") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lh"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Lt") (source "IF ~(ISA commodity $LuxuryGoods) THEN (STOP NIL 'NoBuy 'NotLuxury);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:59:42") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lh"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Lu") (source "(* Sale can be limited by volume, weight, cash, or availability.) -> volumeCapacity _ truck::MaxVolume-truck:volume weightCapacity _ truck::MaxWeight-truck:weight volumeLimit _ volumeCapacity / commodity::VolPerQty weightLimit _ weightCapacity / commodity::WtPerQty cashLimit _ truck:cashBox / (PricePerUnit truck:location) producerLimit _ truck:location:qty numBuy _ (MIN volumeLimit weightLimit cashLimit producerLimit);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:59:42") ( editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lh"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$Lv") (source "(* Buy as much as possible, then decide to sell it.) IF numBuy>0 THEN (_ gameMaster Buy numBuy) goal_'Sell destination_(NearestRoadStop (Buyers commodity));") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:59:42") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lh"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AM_") (source " (* Rate the suitability of a proposed Producer.) -> rating _ 0;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AM`") (source "(* Need to be able to park) IF ~(RoomToParkP roadStop) THEN rating _ -500;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMa") (source "(* Exclude perishables.) IF (SUBCLASS roadStop::Commodity $PerishableCommodity) THEN rating _ -50000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMb") (source "(* Exclude gas stations.) IF (ISA roadStop $GasStation) THEN rating _ -100000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMc") (source "(* Exclude producers that are sold out.) IF roadStop:qty < 1 THEN rating _ -100000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&( RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMd") (source "(* Exclude excessively fragile goods.) IF (SUBCLASS roadStop::Commodity $FragileCommodity) THEN rating _ rating - [500 * roadStop::Commodity::FragilityLevel];") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMe") (source "(* Penalize producers for which can buy < 2 items.) IF maxBuy_(_ self MaxPurchase roadStop) maxBuy < 1 THEN rating _ rating - 10000;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 7) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMf") (source "(* favor LuxuryGoods) IF (SUBCLASS roadStop::Commodity $LuxuryGoods) THEN rating _ rating + 200;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 8) (ruleSet #& (RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMg") (source "(* favor higher qty) -> rating _ rating + 10 * maxBuy;") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 9) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("UISC@AMh") (source "(* Favor low price ratios.) -> rating _ rating + 100 * [2 - roadStop:pr];") (edited " 9-JUN-83 22:37:28") (editor STEFIK) ( ruleNumber 10) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FRSC@$Qy"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$MD") (source " -> cargo_(CAR truck:cargo);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:26:24") ( editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$ME") (source "(* Abort sale if cargo has disappeared.) IF ~cargo THEN destination_NIL (WriteGameStatus %"Yipes! My cargo is gone!%") (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'NoCargo);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:26:24") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #& (RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$MF") (source "(* Make sale as limited by cargo and consumer.) IF sellQty_(MIN truck:location:qty cargo:qty) sellQty>0 THEN (_ gameMaster Sell cargo sellQty);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:26:24") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FPSC@$MG") (source "(* Find another buyer if all not sold.) IF cargo_(CAR truck:cargo) cargo:qty>0 THEN destination_(NearestRoadStop (Buyers truck:cargo)) direction_(DirectionOf destination) (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'CantSell);") (edited "16-FEB-83 14:26:24") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber) ( ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr"))) (DEFINST Rule ("FBS@@A?`") (source NIL) (edited " 2-FEB-83 14:52:20") (editor "LOOPSCOURSE") ( ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr")) (lhs (AND (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceLHS NIL 5) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?`") Print)) (OR (EQ sellQty 0) (NOT (ISA cargo1 commodity))))) (rhs (SETQ ^value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ^auditRecord (_ (GetObjFromUID "FAS@@<\") NewTemp)) (PutValue ^auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?`"))) (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceRHS NIL 5) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?`") Print)) ( PutAuditRec self (QUOTE destination) (NearestRoadStop (Buyers cargo1)) ^auditRecord) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination))) ^auditRecord) (PROGN (* ^value set by RuleSetStop) (RuleSetStop self) (GO QUIT)))))) (DEFINST Rule ("FBS@@A?a") (source NIL) (edited " 2-FEB-83 14:52:20") (editor "LOOPSCOURSE") ( ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "FAS@@&Lr")) (lhs (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceLHS NIL 6) (_ ( GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?a") Print))) (rhs (SETQ ^value (PROGN (PROGN (* Rule Tracing Code) (TraceRHS NIL 6) (_ (GetObjFromUID "FBS@@A?a") Print)) (_ gameMaster Sell cargo1 sellQty))))) NIL