(FILECREATED " 3-Jul-84 15:08:23" ("compiled on " {INDIGO}SOURCES>LOOPSBROWSE.;68) " 8-Jun-84 11:17:20" recompiled exprs: LatticeBrowser.Recompute LatticeBrowser.Show in WORK dated " 3-Jul-84 10:56:30") (FILECREATED " 3-Jul-84 15:06:41" {INDIGO}SOURCES>LOOPSBROWSE.;68 79130 changes to: (FNS LatticeBrowser.Show LatticeBrowser.Recompute) previous date: " 3-Jul-84 00:44:40" {INDIGO}SOURCES>LOOPSBROWSE.;67) ClassBrowser.AddNewCV D1 (P 4 P P 1 cvForm P 0 cvName I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) o 1HdsA[g KglJBoH hHggggggi hhYdhBg YAII IdAILL h(167Q PutClassValue 146Q AddCV 134Q DEDITE 107Q USERNAME 56Q PROMPTPRINT 44Q RINGBELLS 25Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 PromptRead) (131Q CLASSES 103Q by 100Q added 75Q CV 72Q * 67Q doc 64Q **DefaultValue 32Q CVs 22Q List) ( 52Q "already has " 3 "Please tell me the name of the CV.") ClassBrowser.AddNewIVA0002 D1 (NAME ERRORSET L (2 ERRORSET.W 1 ERRORSET.V 0 ERRORSET.U) F 0 ivForm F 1 object) QPPP i(13Q AddCIV) NIL () ClassBrowser.AddNewIV D1 (P 1 ivForm P 0 ivName I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) ho 1H[A[g KHlJBoH hHgggggghi hhIhBg oi h(142Q ClassBrowser.AddNewIVA0002 131Q DEDITE 104Q USERNAME 52Q PROMPTPRINT 40Q RINGBELLS 24Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 PromptRead) (126Q CLASSES 77Q by 74Q added 71Q IV 66Q * 63Q doc 60Q **DefaultValue 21Q HasIV) ( 136Q (DUMMY.FOR.ERRORSET) 46Q "already has " 3 "Please tell me the name of the IV.") ClassBrowser.AddSuper D1 (P 0 superName I 2 objName I 1 obj I 0 self) Co H o  `Ho HA Ho AHA  (100Q InstallSupers 74Q GetSourceSupers 65Q PROMPT 53Q GetSourceSupers 45Q PROMPT 27Q $! 23Q PROMPT 6 PromptRead) (33Q classTYPE#) ( 62Q " is already super of class." 42Q " not a class, nothing added" 20Q "Nothing Added" 3 "Type in name of new super") ClassBrowser.BoxNode D1 (I 1 object I 0 self) @Hg HAilI(12Q GetSuperMethod) (7 BoxNode) () ClassBrowser.CVDoc D1 (P 4 menu P 3 choice P 2 vbls I 2 className I 1 class I 0 self F 7 PPDefault) AHg HglIAJl oB @^g NJBo lM\L [hW W BW oW KW oW AKg W (205Q PRIN1 200Q GetClassValue 167Q PRIN1 155Q PRIN1 146Q PRIN1 134Q PRIN1 125Q TERPRI 117Q TERPRI 106Q MENU 73Q CONCAT 60Q FetchMethodOrHelp 47Q PROMPT 37Q CHARACTER 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (175Q doc 55Q ItemMenu 17Q CVS 7 List!) ( 162Q ": " 141Q "::" 70Q " ClassVars" 43Q " No Class Variables found for ") ClassBrowser.ClassDoc D1 (P 0 doc I 2 objname I 1 object I 0 self F 1 PPDefault) CAg HgQ BQ oQ BQ oQ HQ Q h(77Q TERPRI 72Q PRIN1 64Q PRIN1 53Q PRIN1 45Q TERPRI 32Q PRIN1 24Q TERPRI 6 GetClassHere) (15Q ? 3 doc) ( 60Q ": " 37Q " has no documentation.") ClassBrowser.CopyTo D1 (P 4 flg P 3 items P 2 value P 1 type P 0 name I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) p0@g l o h`dodg dgjdndhdM Yhi@_g _OK A oI lO XIdg"A_g _OH@g lOg A_g _OH@g lOdIdg^A@g 3A_g _OH@g o o %lOA_"g _ O"H@g HlO IoHo@g A_g OIlN[Ll BoI h(554Q PrintStatus 543Q CHARACTER 516Q FetchMethodOrHelp 504Q PrintStatus 500Q GetValue 447Q GetValue 432Q FetchMethodOrHelp 406Q PROMPT 375Q PromptRead 366Q GetValue 351Q FetchMethodOrHelp 335Q GetValue 304Q GetValue 267Q FetchMethodOrHelp 237Q GetValue 222Q FetchMethodOrHelp 171Q MENU 160Q CONCAT 150Q ClassName 144Q SORT 133Q FetchMethodOrHelp 111Q MENU 31Q PrintStatus 22Q CHARACTER 14Q GetValue) (513Q List 475Q boxedNode 444Q boxedNode 427Q CopyMethod 363Q boxedNode 346Q CopyMethod 332Q boxedNode 321Q Methods 301Q boxedNode 264Q CopyCV 253Q CVS 234Q boxedNode 217Q CopyIV 205Q IVS 130Q ItemMenu 62Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 53Q CLRPROMPT 36Q MENUTYPE# 11Q boxedNode) ( 550Q " has no " 471Q " has been copied to " 464Q " " 403Q "Not copied" 372Q "Tell me new selector name" 154Q " " 44Q (IVS CVS Methods) 26Q "First Box the node which is target for move.") ClassBrowser.DefineSubclass D1 (P 0 className I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) CPo Xd5ll Ho AZg JHlI@\g LkKh(71Q FetchMethodOrHelp 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 37Q PROMPT 27Q CHARACTER 11Q PromptRead) (66Q Recompute 45Q Specialize) ( 34Q "should be an atom to name a class" 6 "Type in the name of the new class, or NIL for none.") ClassBrowser.DeleteCV D1 (I 2 objName I 1 obj I 0 self) @Hg HABglI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (21Q CVs 7 DeleteClassItem) () ClassBrowser.DeleteClass D1 (I 2 objName I 1 obj I 0 self) @Hg HABglI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (21Q Class 7 DeleteClassItem) () ClassBrowser.DeleteClassItem D1 (P 1 choices P 0 choice I 3 type I 2 className I 1 class I 0 self F 20Q ClassChoiceMenu) jCPg `W 8g`didodg dgjdndhdJ bhA\g LClKYoBoCo Cg@]g MABlN@_g _OIA oC lO XCdgA_g _OgHlOgA_g _OgHlOeCdgVA_g _OgH`dododg dgjdndh_dO lOo h(546Q LoopsHelp 527Q MENU 425Q FetchMethodOrHelp 361Q FetchMethodOrHelp 317Q FetchMethodOrHelp 272Q MENU 261Q CONCAT 251Q ClassName 237Q FetchMethodOrHelp 214Q FetchMethodOrHelp 173Q PROMPT 136Q FetchMethodOrHelp 121Q MENU 116Q SETTOPVAL 16Q GETTOPVAL) (475Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 466Q CLRPROMPT 441Q MENUTYPE# 435Q Method 422Q Delete 410Q Methods 371Q CV 356Q Delete 345Q CVs 327Q IV 314Q Delete 302Q IVs 234Q ItemMenu 211Q DestroyAndRecompute 201Q Class 133Q List 67Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 60Q CLRPROMPT 36Q MENUTYPE# 33Q ClassChoiceMenu 22Q MENUTYPE# 13Q ClassChoiceMenu) ( 543Q " wrong in DeleteClassItem." 457Q (("Delete as Method Only" NIL "Remove method from class") ("Delete Method and Function" T "Also delete function definition") ("Abort" (ERROR!) "Don't delete anything")) 447Q "Select Deletion Operation" 255Q " " 167Q ". " 162Q " of type " 155Q " No items for " 51Q (IVs CVs Methods Class)) ClassBrowser.DeleteFromBrowser D1 (I 2 objname I 1 obj I 0 self) #@gA@g  @Hg HkI(32Q FetchMethodOrHelp 17Q PutValue 13Q GetValue) (27Q Recompute 10Q badList 3 badList) () ClassBrowser.DeleteIV D1 (I 2 objName I 1 obj I 0 self) @Hg HABglI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (21Q IVs 7 DeleteClassItem) () ClassBrowser.DeleteMethod D1 (I 2 objName I 1 obj I 0 self) @Hg HABglI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (21Q Methods 7 DeleteClassItem) () ClassBrowser.DestroyAndRecompute D1 (I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) l`dgoB hHdIdg dgjdndhHdI  %AHg HkI@Hg HkI(143Q FetchMethodOrHelp 121Q FetchMethodOrHelp 104Q MENU 22Q CONCAT) (140Q Recompute 116Q Destroy 51Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 42Q CLRPROMPT 7 Confirm 2 MENUTYPE#) ( 16Q "Destroy ") ClassBrowser.FindWhere D1 (P 3 menu P 2 items P 1 value P 0 name I 3 type I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self)  C5`dodg dgjdndhdL bhA^g NClMZl BoC h@_g _OJ lO[K XA_g _OHClO@_g _OIlOCoHoIo (273Q PrintStatus 233Q FetchMethodOrHelp 204Q FetchMethodOrHelp 170Q MENU 154Q SORT 143Q FetchMethodOrHelp 130Q PrintStatus 117Q CHARACTER 100Q FetchMethodOrHelp 63Q MENU) (230Q FlashNode 201Q WhereIs 140Q ItemMenu 75Q List! 34Q DEFAULTMENUHELDFN 25Q CLRPROMPT 10Q MENUTYPE#) ( 267Q " " 262Q " is in " 255Q " " 124Q " has no " 16Q (IVS CVS Methods)) ClassBrowser.GetMethodDoc D1 (P 3 selector P 2 selectors I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) KAHg HglIQJ/@]g MJolL [A_g OKlNh(76Q FetchMethodOrHelp 62Q MENU 43Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (73Q MethodDoc 40Q ItemMenu 17Q Methods 7 List!) ( 52Q "All methods") ClassBrowser.GetSubs D1 (P 5 C I 2 objName I 1 obj I 0 self) YPA\g LkK:d@g M@g M @g M hXI HZYJ YH(122Q LAST 74Q GetObjectRec 65Q GetValue 56Q GetObjectRec 50Q GetValue 36Q GetValue 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (62Q goodList 45Q goodList 33Q goodList 7 SubClasses) () ClassBrowser.IVDoc D1 (P 4 menu P 3 choice P 2 vbls I 2 className I 1 class I 0 self F 7 PPDefault) AHg HglIAJl oB @^g NJBo lM\L [hW W BW oW KW oW AKg W (205Q PRIN1 200Q GetClassIV 167Q PRIN1 155Q PRIN1 146Q PRIN1 134Q PRIN1 125Q TERPRI 117Q TERPRI 106Q MENU 73Q CONCAT 60Q FetchMethodOrHelp 47Q PROMPT 37Q CHARACTER 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (175Q doc 55Q ItemMenu 17Q IVS 7 List!) ( 162Q ": " 141Q ":" 70Q " Instance Vars" 43Q " No Instance Variables found for ") ClassBrowser.LeftShiftSelect D1 (I 2 objname I 1 object I 0 self) AHg HkI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (7 PrintSummary) () ClassBrowser.MoveTo D1 (P 4 flg P 3 items P 2 value P 1 type P 0 name I 2 objName I 1 object I 0 self) 0`dodg dgjdndhdM Yd/A_g _OIlO[Ll BoI h@g l o A@g l o i@_g _OIgKK A oI lO XCIdg")) doc (* Items for menu of selections in title of window))) (InstanceVariables (subIV NIL doc (* Name of instance variable which provides names and/or pointers to subobjects)))) (DEFCLASS LatticeBrowser (MetaClass Class Edited: (* dgb: "28-May-84 15:24")) (Supers Window) ( ClassVariables (LocalCommands (EditObject BoxNode Recompute AddStartingItem) doc (* messages that should be sent to browser when item seleted in menu, even if object does understand them)) (TitleItems ((Recompute Recompute "Recompute lattice from starting objects") (ShapeToHold ShapeToHold "Make window large or small enough to just hold graph") (AddRoot AddRoot "Add named item to startingList for browser") (ChangeFontSize ChangeFontSize "Choose a new size Font") (Lattice/Tree ChangeFormat "Change format between lattice and tree") (SaveValue SaveInIT "(SavedValue)_ thisBrowser")) doc (* Items for menu of selections in title of window)) ( LeftButtonItems ((BoxNode BoxNode "Draw box around selected node. Unboxed by another BoxNode") (PP PP "Prettyprint selected item")) doc (* Menu items for LeftButton seletion -- Value sent as message to object or browser -- see LocalCommands)) (MiddleButtonItems (( Inspect Inspect "Inspect selected item") (Edit EditObject "Edit selected item")) doc (* Menu items for MiddleButton seletion -- Value sent as message to object or browser -- see LocalCommands))) ( InstanceVariables (topAlign NIL doc (* Flg used to indicate whether graph should be aligned with the top or bottom of the window)) (title "Browser Window" doc (* Title passed to GRAPHER package)) ( startingList NIL doc (* list of objects used to compute this browser)) (goodList NIL doc (* limit choices to this set)) (badList NIL doc (* Don't put in any items on this set)) (lastSelectedObject NIL doc (* last object selected) DontSave Any) (browseFont #((FONTCREATE (QUOTE (HELVETICA 10 BOLD))) FirstFetch ReplaceMe) FontFamily HELVETICA FontSize 10 FontFace BOLD DontSave (Value)) (boxedNode NIL doc (* last item Boxed, if any)) ( graphFormat (LATTICE) choices ((HORIZONTAL/LATTICE (QUOTE (LATTICE))) (VERTICAL/LATTICE (QUOTE ( VERTICAL LATTICE))) (HORIZONTAL/TREE (QUOTE (COPIES/ONLY))) (VERTICAL/TREE (QUOTE (VERTICAL COPIES/ONLY)))) doc (* Controls format for laying out graph for GRAPHER)))) (DEFCLASS PathBrowser (MetaClass Class doc (* A mixin which shows paths and their locl context in a browser) Edited: (* dgb: " 7-FEB-84 17:52")) (Supers LatticeBrowser) (InstanceVariables (pathObjects NIL doc (* objects which have been put on the path)))) (DEFCLASS SupersBrowser (MetaClass Class Edited: (* edited: "13-NOV-83 17:17") doc (* Browses upwards from a class to all of its supers.)) (Supers ClassBrowser) (InstanceVariables (title "Supers Lattice" doc (* Title passed to GRAPHER package)))) (DEFCLASS MetaBrowser (MetaClass Class doc (* Runs through the meta classes of a class) Edited: (* dgb: "22-JUL-83 15:39")) (Supers ClassBrowser)) (METH ClassBrowser AddNewCV (object objName) (* Add a new IV or edit an old one)) (METH ClassBrowser AddNewIV NIL NIL) (METH ClassBrowser AddSuper (obj objName) (* Add a super as first)) (METH ClassBrowser BoxNode NIL (* Box selected node and unbox previous)) (METH ClassBrowser CVDoc (class className) NIL) (METH ClassBrowser ClassDoc (object objname) (* Print out class documentation if there is any)) (METH ClassBrowser CopyTo (object objName) (* Ask user whether to copy CVs IVs or Methods and then find which ones)) (METH ClassBrowser DefineSubclass (object objName) NIL) (METH ClassBrowser DeleteCV (obj objName) (* Delete selected CV)) (METH ClassBrowser DeleteClass (obj objName) (* Delete Class)) (METH ClassBrowser DeleteClassItem (class className type) (* Delete an item from a class, or the class itself)) (METH ClassBrowser DeleteFromBrowser NIL NIL) (METH ClassBrowser DeleteIV (obj objName) (* Delete selected IV)) (METH ClassBrowser DeleteMethod (obj objName) (* Delete selected Method)) (METH ClassBrowser DestroyAndRecompute (object objName) (* Destroy class and recompute lattice.)) (METH ClassBrowser FindWhere (object objName type) NIL) (METH ClassBrowser GetMethodDoc (object objName) (* Find the method requested and then ask the class)) (METH ClassBrowser GetSubs (obj objName) (* Returns subclasses of a class on goodlist if any)) (METH ClassBrowser IVDoc (class className) (* Show menu of classVariables and give documentation for each)) (METH ClassBrowser LeftShiftSelect (object objName) (* Ask user whether to move CVs IVs or Methodsand then find which ones)) (METH ClassBrowser MoveTo (object objName) (* Ask user whether to move CVs IVs or Methodsand then find which ones.)) (METH ClassBrowser NewItem (name) (* Either add named class, or create a class by that Name)) (METH ClassBrowser Recompute (reshapeFlg) (* Recompute graph, and rebox bosedNode)) (METH ClassBrowser RenameCV (object objName) (* Rename CV if one is given)) (METH ClassBrowser RenameClass (object objName) (* Read in a new name for the class, and rename it)) (METH ClassBrowser RenameIV (object objName) (* Rename an IV if one is given)) (METH ClassBrowser RenameMeth (object objName) (* Rename selected method)) (METH ClassBrowser RenamePart (object objName) NIL) (METH ClassBrowser SetItNew (class) (* Set self to instance of selected class)) (METH ClassBrowser WhereIsCV (obj objName) (* Whereis CV)) (METH ClassBrowser WhereIsIV (obj objName) (* Find class containing IV description)) (METH ClassBrowser WhereIsMethod (obj objName) NIL) (METH FileBrowser DefineSubclass (object objName) NIL) (METH FileBrowser EditComs NIL (* Edit the coms for file)) (METH FileBrowser EditFns NIL (* Choose a Function and Edit it)) (METH FileBrowser EditInstances NIL (* Select from the set of instances)) (METH FileBrowser EditVars NIL (* Edit a selected variable)) (METH FileBrowser File (fileName) (* Browse classes contained on the file)) (METH FileBrowser NewItem (name) (* Either add named class, or create a class by that Name)) (METH FileBrowser Recompute (dontReshapeFlg) (* Recompute what the classes are on the file)) (METH FileBrowser SaveFile NIL (* Save file for file browser)) (METH FileBrowser SetItNew (obj objName) NIL) (METH InstanceBrowser GetSubs NIL (* Gets a set of subs from an object for browsing.)) (METH InstanceBrowser NewPath (subName) (* Changes the name of the sub by which the lattice is computed, changes the title, and recomputes the graph)) (METH LatticeBrowser AddRoot (newItem) NIL) (METH LatticeBrowser BoxNode (object unboxPrevious) NIL) (METH LatticeBrowser BrowserObjects NIL (* Return a list of all the objects shown in the browser)) (METH LatticeBrowser ChangeFontSize (size) (* Change the font size from whatever it is to size)) (METH LatticeBrowser ChangeFormat (format) (* Change format between Lattice and Tree)) (METH LatticeBrowser Clear NIL (* Clear out nodes of graph)) (METH LatticeBrowser DoSelectedCommand (command obj objName) (* does the selected command or forwards it to the object)) (METH LatticeBrowser EEObject (object objName) (* Call editor with EE on object)) (METH LatticeBrowser EditObject (object objName args) (* Call editor with commands args)) (METH LatticeBrowser FlashNode (node N flashTime) (* Flip node N times)) (METH LatticeBrowser FlipNode (object) (* Inverts the video around the node in the graph representing the object)) (METH LatticeBrowser GetLabel (object) (* Get a label for an object to be displayed in the browser.)) (METH LatticeBrowser GetNodeList (browseList goodList) NIL) (METH LatticeBrowser GetSubs (object) (* Gets a set of subs from an object for browsing)) (METH LatticeBrowser HasObject (object) (* Check object in grapher nodes, and return if it is one of them)) (METH LatticeBrowser LeftSelection NIL (* * Move object if CTRL down. Do LeftShiftSelect if SHIFT down. Else choose from LeftButtonItems)) (METH LatticeBrowser LeftShiftSelect (object objname) (* Called when item is selected with left key and LSHIFT is down)) (METH LatticeBrowser ListObjects (object) (* return a list of the objects that are being displayed in the browser)) (METH LatticeBrowser MiddleSelection NIL (* This function called from the GRAPHER package when a node is selected with the middle mouse button. If no node is selected then just returns.)) (METH LatticeBrowser MiddleShiftSelect (object objname) (* Called when item is selected with middle key and LSHIFT is down SendInTtyProcess is so this is done in the TTY process)) (METH LatticeBrowser NewItem (newItem) (* Return named Object)) (METH LatticeBrowser ObjNamePair (objOrName) NIL) (METH LatticeBrowser Recompute (dontReshapeFlg) (* Recompute the browseGraph in the same window)) (METH LatticeBrowser SaveInIT NIL (* save value in IT)) (METH LatticeBrowser ShapeToHold (margin) (* Shape the browse window to just hold the nodes with (OR margin Browsemargin) to spare)) (METH LatticeBrowser Show (browseList windowOrTitle goodList) (* * Show the items and their subs on a browse window.)) (METH LatticeBrowser SubBrowser (obj objName) (* Create a subbrowser on selected object)) (METH LatticeBrowser TitleSelection NIL (* Do TitleItems if selected in title area. Replaces TitleSelection in Window because this one does evaluation in TTY process, and saves events on history) ) (METH LatticeBrowser Unread (object objName) (* Unread name into system buffer)) (METH MetaBrowser GetSubs (elt) (* Subs for meta browser is the meta class of the class.)) (METH PathBrowser AddAndBox (obj objName) (* Add selected object to path, and box it)) (METH PathBrowser AddToPath (object) (* Add a new object to the path)) (METH PathBrowser Clear NIL (* Empty PathBrowser)) (METH PathBrowser GetSubs (obj) (* Only get subs for elements on the path)) (METH PathBrowser LeftShiftSelect (obj objName) (* Add selected object to path, and box it)) (METH PathBrowser Recompute (dontReshapeFlg) (* Flip nodes which are on path)) (METH SupersBrowser GetSubs (object objName) (* Returns metaclass plus local supers)) (RPAQQ BrowserMargin 20) (RPAQQ MaxLatticeHeight 750) (RPAQQ MaxLatticeWidth 900) (RPAQQ NestedMenuFlg T) (PUTPROPS LOOPSBROWSE COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1983 1984)) NIL