TESTING..    GetNthValue
TESTING..    GetObjectNames
     No test is currently available for..   GetObjectNames
Assuming it is OK
TESTING..    type?
TESTING..    Class function:
TESTING..    GetObjectRec
TESTING..    CalledFns
TESTING..    GetMethod: local selector
TESTING..    GetValueOnly
TESTING..    GetClassValue: for a class
TESTING..    the basic mechanisms for methods
TESTING..    List method in OBJECT: IVs
TESTING..    FetchMethod in CLASS: local
TESTING..    List method in CLASS:IVs
TESTING..    MapObjectNames
     No test is currently available for..   MapObjectNames
Assuming it is OK
TESTING..    PutNthValue
TESTING..    New method in METACLASS: Creating a class
TESTING..    Destroy method in OBJECT: named object
TESTING..    Destroy method in CLASS:
TESTING..    Add method: adding IV
TESTING..    Add method: CV
TESTING..    New method: creating an instance
TESTING..    Creating a new KB
TESTING..    Previously created KB
TESTING..    Unnamed objects in KB
TESTING..    Unreferenced unnamed objects are  saved on KB
TESTING..    PutValueOnly
TESTING..    NewWithValues: creating an instance
TESTING..    PutMethod: selector
TESTING..    Move Method across two classes
TESTING..    MoveMethod up the class hierarchy
****rewrote file map for {INDIGO}<LOOPS>SOURCES>LTCASES.;2
TESTING..    renaming of existing methods
TESTING..    GetMethod: newly added selector to super class
TESTING..    GetMethod: inherited selector
TESTING..    GetMethod: prop
TESTING..    GetMethod: local selector over inherited
TESTING..    PutMethod: inherited selector
TESTING..    PutMethod: inherited prop, local selector
TESTING..    PutMethod: local selector over inherited
TESTING..    PutMethod: prop
TESTING..    GetLocalState
TESTING..    GetClassValue: local over inherited
TESTING..    GetClassValue: inherit in class
TESTING..    GetClassValue: prop from a class
TESTING..    GetClassValue: for an instance
TESTING..    PutClassValue: in a class
TESTING..    Active Value: default GetFn
TESTING..    Delete method in CLASS: IV
TESTING..    GetValue works for a newly added IV to class
TESTING..    GetValue gets local over inherited
TESTING..    GetValue inherits value
TESTING..    GetValue a prop
TESTING..    GetInitialValue: instance has no values
TESTING..    Creation of an instance of Template
TESTING..    local method overrides inherited method
TESTING..    List in Class: Supers
TESTING..    Replace Supers method
TESTING..    Loading instances from a file

compiled on 21-SEP-83 11:47:31
FILE CREATED 21-SEP-83 11:47:24
(MKL redefined)
TESTING..    FetchMethod in CLASS: inherited
TESTING..    FetchMethod in CLASS: local over inherited
TESTING..    List method in CLASS: CVs
TESTING..    List in CLASS: Methods
TESTING..    List in CLASS: Functions
TESTING..    List in CLASS: IVProps
TESTING..    List in CLASS: CVProps
TESTING..    Rename a IV in a class
TESTING..    Move IV across classes
TESTING..    Summarize KB: single KB
TESTING..    Starting from a Community KB: new user KB
(FILECREATED "18-JAN-83 16:18:08" 
TESTING..    PutValue works for a newly added IV to class
TESTING..    Dumping instances to file
LTDUMP copyright owner: 
(MKL not printable)

FILE CREATED  3-Dec-84 17:11:35
TESTING..    Destroyed objects are deleted from KB
TESTING..    GetMethod: newly added prop to super class
TESTING..    GetMethod: local prop over inherited
TESTING..    GetMethod: local selector, inherited prop
TESTING..    GetMethod: inherited prop
TESTING..    PutMethod: local prop over inherited
TESTING..    GetLocalState: NotSetValue
TESTING..    PutLocalState
TESTING..    Active Val: Get using user fn
TESTING..    Embedded Active Val: Get using user fn
TESTING..    GetClassValue: local prop over inherited
TESTING..    GetClassValue: inherit prop in class
TESTING..    GetClassValue: prop in an instance
PutClassValue: in a inherited prop, but CV is local
TESTING..    PutClassValue: inherited CV in class
TESTING..    PutClassValue: local over inherited
TESTING..    PutClassValue: in an instance
TESTING..    PutClassValue: local prop
TESTING..    Add Method: CVProp
TESTING..    Active Value: Get prop using default fn
TESTING..    Active Value: Put using default fn
GetValue works for a newly added IVProp to class
GetValue inherits prop, though var has local value
TESTING..    GetValue inherits prop
TESTING..    Add Method: IVProp
TESTING..    PutValue a prop on an inherited IV
TESTING..    PutValue a prop on a local IV
GetInitialValue: instance has values different from initial ones
TESTING..    PutValue on an inherited IV
TESTING..    ←Super: Invoked directly
TESTING..    List in CLASS: Method props
TESTING..    Rename a CV in a class
TESTING..    MoveVariable up the hierarchy
TESTING..    if MoveVariable moves the props too
TESTING..    Delete in CLASS: Meta
     No test is currently available for..   
Delete in CLASS: Meta
Assuming it is OK
TESTING..    Delete in CLASS: Method
TESTING..    Delete in CLASS: IVProp
TESTING..    Delete in Class: CV
TESTING..    Adding another KB to a community KB
TESTING..    changes in KB do not affect community KB
TESTING..    PutValue: a prop on a newly added IV to class
TESTING..    Dumping instances to file and compiling file

compiled on 21-SEP-83 11:47:31
FILE CREATED 21-SEP-83 11:47:24
(MKL redefined)
LTDUMPC copyright owner: ...XEROX
(MKL not printable)

listing? F

compiled on  3-Dec-84 17:15:20
FILE CREATED  3-Dec-84 17:14:43
TESTING..    Active Value: Put using user fn
TESTING..    Embedded Active Val: Put using user fn
TESTING..    PutClassValue:in a prop inherited in a class
TESTING..    PutClassValue: local prop over inherited
TESTING..    PutClassValue: prop via an instance
TESTING..    Active Value: Put prop using default fn
TESTING..    Cascaded ←Super: Invoked directly
TESTING..    ←Super: invoked from the super of a class
TESTING..    if Move Variable moves props up the hierarchy
TESTING..    Delete in CLASS: prop of method
TESTING..    Delete in CLASS: CVProp
TESTING..    Cascaded ←Super: invoked indirectly

               Summary of LOOPS Test:

Congratulations!! You have a fully tested LOOPS System. Happy LOOPing