(FILECREATED "26-Jun-84 14:11:09" {INDIGO}<LOOPS>SOURCES>LOOPSWINDOW.;26 28860 changes to: (FNS Window.Destroy LoopsIcon.FileBrowse) previous date: "21-Jun-84 23:44:49" {INDIGO}<LOOPS>SOURCES>LOOPSWINDOW.;25) (* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984 by Xerox Corporation) (PRETTYCOMPRINT LOOPSWINDOWCOMS) (RPAQQ LOOPSWINDOWCOMS ((CLASSES LoopsIcon Window) (METHODS LoopsIcon.BrowseObject LoopsIcon.FileBrowse LoopsIcon.NormalVideoRate LoopsIcon.PressScreen LoopsIcon.PressWindow LoopsIcon.PrintScreen LoopsIcon.PrintWindow LoopsIcon.Save LoopsIcon.SetUpDemo LoopsIcon.SetUpScreen LoopsIcon.TapeVideoRate LoopsIcon.UserExec Window.Blink Window.Bury Window.ButtonEventFn Window.CVItems Window.ChoiceMenu Window.Clear Window.ClearMenuCache Window.Close Window.CreateWindow Window.Destroy Window.GetProp Window.HasLispWindow Window.ItemMenu Window.LeftChoice Window.LeftSelection Window.MiddleChoice Window.MiddleSelection Window.Move Window.Open Window.Paint Window.Repaint Window.RightButtonFn Window.RightSelection Window.SetProp Window.SetRegion Window.Shape Window.Shape? Window.Shrink Window.Snap Window.TitleSelection Window.ToTop Window.Update Window.WhenMenuItemHeld) (FNS GetLispWindow InitLoopsWindow LoopsIconWindow PutLispWindow Window.WhenHeldFn WindowButtonEventFn WindowCloseFn WindowRightButtonFn))) (DEFCLASSES LoopsIcon Window) [DEFCLASS LoopsIcon (MetaClass Class Edited: (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 09:20")) (Supers Window) (ClassVariables (RightButtonItems (Move)) [MiddleButtonItems ((PrintScreen (PrintScreen (PrintScreen PressScreen)) " Print or Press Screen") (PrintWindow (PrintWindow (PrintWindow PressWindow))) (Browse (FileBrowse (FileBrowse BrowseObject] [LeftButtonItems ((UserExec UserExec "Add a new process running the user executive") (SetUpScreen (SetUpScreen (SetUpScreen SetUpDemo))) (VideoRate (NormalVideoRate (NormalVideoRate TapeVideoRate] (Prototype #&(LoopsIcon "ATT0.lVC1.←5@.27"))) (InstanceVariables (window #(NIL LoopsIconWindow NoUpdatePermitted) doc (* Creates the icon and put it in as window) ) (savedValue NIL doc (* value used by inspector on saving)))] [DEFCLASS Window (MetaClass Class Edited: (* dgb: " 5-May-84 05:43") doc (* A Loops object which represents a window) ) (Supers Object) (ClassVariables (TitleItems NIL doc (* special items to be done if in title part of window) ) (LeftButtonItems ((Update (QUOTE Update) "Update window to agree with object IVs")) doc (* Items to be done if Left button is selected in main window) ) (MiddleButtonItems NIL doc (* Items to be done if Middle button is selected in main window)) (RightButtonItems (Close Snap Paint Clear Bury Repaint Move Shape Shrink) doc (* Items to be done if Right button is selected) )) (InstanceVariables (left NIL doc (* left position of window)) (bottom NIL doc (* bottom position of window)) (width 12 doc (* inner width of window, not counting border) ) (height 12 doc (* inner height of window, not counting border) ) (window #(NIL GetLispWindow PutLispWindow) doc (* * Holds real window. Ensured to be window by GetLispWindow PutLispWindow) ) (title NIL doc (* If not NIL will be put in title of window) ) (menus T DontSave Any Title NIL LeftButtonItems NIL MiddleButtonItems NIL TitleItems NIL doc (* Cache For Saved Menus. Will Cache Menus only if value is T)))] [METH LoopsIcon BrowseObject NIL (* Put up a browser starting on selected object)] [METH LoopsIcon FileBrowse NIL (* Browse selected file)] [METH LoopsIcon NormalVideoRate NIL (* Set refresh rate to normal)] [METH LoopsIcon PressScreen NIL (* Save screen on file)] [METH LoopsIcon PressWindow NIL (* Send Window to requested Press File)] [METH LoopsIcon PrintScreen NIL (* Print full Screen on FullPress Printer)] [METH LoopsIcon PrintWindow (window file host scalefactor rotation) (* Print Selected Window)] [METH LoopsIcon Save (savedValue) (* save value)] [METH LoopsIcon SetUpDemo NIL NIL] [METH LoopsIcon SetUpScreen NIL (* Method to set up screen)] [METH LoopsIcon TapeVideoRate NIL (* Set screen rate for taping)] [METH LoopsIcon UserExec NIL (* Add a new process running the User Exec)] [METH Window Blink (numBlinks) (* Turn Window inverted, dismiss for 200, and return it to normal)] [METH Window Bury NIL (* Calls BURYW on window)] [METH Window ButtonEventFn NIL NIL] [METH Window CVItems (itemCV) (* Get item list for menu)] [METH Window ChoiceMenu (itemCV) NIL] [METH Window Clear NIL (* Calls CLEARW on window)] [METH Window ClearMenuCache NIL (* Delete Menus saved on menus)] [METH Window Close NIL (* Close the window)] [METH Window CreateWindow NIL (* Create the Lisp window for this window)] [METH Window Destroy NIL (* get property from window)] [METH Window GetProp (prop) (* get property from window)] [METH Window HasLispWindow NIL (* Checks if a Lisp window has ever been created for this Loops Window)] [METH Window ItemMenu NIL NIL] [METH Window LeftChoice NIL (* Get the choices from the LeftButtonItems)] [METH Window LeftSelection NIL (* Make choice for Left Button down)] [METH Window MiddleChoice NIL (* Make choice for Middle Button down)] [METH Window MiddleSelection NIL (* Do MiddleButtonItems on selection)] [METH Window Move (xOrPos y) (* Move the window)] [METH Window Open NIL (* Open the window)] [METH Window Paint NIL (* Calls paint on window)] [METH Window Repaint (reg alwaysFlg) (* Calls Update on window)] [METH Window RightButtonFn NIL NIL] [METH Window RightSelection NIL (* Do RightButtonItems on selection.)] [METH Window SetProp (prop value) (* set value in real window)] [METH Window SetRegion (region dontUpdateFlg) (* Make Loops Window have region parameters)] [METH Window Shape (newRegion) (* Shapes outside of region to specified shape. %.)] [METH Window Shape? NIL (* Returns the current region for window)] [METH Window Shrink (towhat iconPos expandFn) (* Calls SHRINKW on window)] [METH Window Snap NIL (* Takes snapshot of screen)] [METH Window TitleSelection NIL (* Do TitleItems if selected in title area)] [METH Window ToTop NIL (* Open window and then bring it to top)] [METH Window Update NIL (* make the IV window be a window with properties consistent with ivs)] [METH Window WhenMenuItemHeld (item menu key) (* What to do when the menu item is held)] (DEFINEQ (LoopsIcon.BrowseObject [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 09:59") (* Put up a browser starting on selected object) (PROG ((name (PromptRead "Please tell me the name of the root object"))) (COND (name (←New ($ ClassBrowser) Show name)) (T (PROMPT "No object name given"]) (LoopsIcon.FileBrowse [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-Jun-84 13:54") (* Browse selected file) (PROG [(fileName (MENU (create MENU ITEMS ←(CONS (QUOTE **newFile**) FILELST] [COND ((EQ fileName (QUOTE **newFile**)) (SETQ fileName (U-CASE (PromptRead "Please tell me the name of the file to browse"] (COND (fileName (←New ($ FileBrowser) File fileName T)) (T (PROMPT "No file given"]) (LoopsIcon.NormalVideoRate [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 07:48") (* Set refresh rate to normal) (VIDEORATE (QUOTE NORMAL]) (LoopsIcon.PressScreen [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:33") (* Save screen on file) (PROG ((file (PromptRead "Please tell me name of file for screen picture."))) (COND (file (HARDCOPYW (SCREENBITMAP) file)) (T (PROMPT "Not Saved"]) (LoopsIcon.PressWindow [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:32") (* Send Window to requested Press File) (PROG ((file (PromptRead "Please tell me name of file for window."))) (COND (file (HARDCOPYW (SELECTW) file)) (T (PROMPT "Not Saved"]) (LoopsIcon.PrintScreen [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:28") (* Print full Screen on FullPress Printer) (AND (← self FullPressPrinter) (HARDCOPYW (SCREENBITMAP]) (LoopsIcon.PrintWindow [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:25") (* Print Selected Window) (AND (← self FullPressPrinter) (HARDCOPYW (SELECTW]) (LoopsIcon.Save [LAMBDA (self savedValue) (* dgb: "16-May-84 20:33") (* save value) (←@ savedValue savedValue]) (LoopsIcon.SetUpDemo [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 23:51") (* Set up the demo screen if you can) (COND ((DEFINEDP (QUOTE SetUpDemo)) (SetUpDemo)) (T (RINGBELLS) (PROMPTPRINT "SetUpDemo Undefined -- Can't Set up Demo"]) (LoopsIcon.SetUpScreen [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 20:23") (* Method to set up screen) (SetUpScreen]) (LoopsIcon.TapeVideoRate [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:05") (* Set screen rate for taping) (VIDEORATE (QUOTE TAPE]) (LoopsIcon.UserExec [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:46") (* Add a new process running the User Exec) (DEL.PROCESS (QUOTE UserExec)) (ADD.PROCESS (QUOTE (USEREXEC)) (QUOTE RESTARTABLE) T (QUOTE NAME) (QUOTE UserExec]) (Window.Blink [LAMBDA (self numBlinks) (* dgb: "13-JUN-83 11:48") (* Turn Window inverted, dismiss for 200, and return it to normal) (for from 1 to numBlinks do (DISMISS 250) (BITBLT NIL NIL NIL (@ window) NIL NIL NIL NIL (QUOTE TEXTURE) (QUOTE INVERT) BLACKSHADE) (DISMISS 250) (BITBLT NIL NIL NIL (@ window) NIL NIL NIL NIL (QUOTE TEXTURE) (QUOTE INVERT) BLACKSHADE]) (Window.Bury [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-JAN-83 10:51") (* Calls BURYW on window) (BURYW (@ window]) (Window.ButtonEventFn [LAMBDA (self window) (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 08:40") (* Called when there is a button event in a Loops Window) (OR [ERSETQ (COND ((NULL (INSIDEP (DSPCLIPPINGREGION NIL window) (LASTMOUSEX window) (LASTMOUSEY window))) (← self TitleSelection)) ((MOUSESTATE LEFT) (← self LeftSelection)) ((MOUSESTATE MIDDLE) (← self MiddleSelection] (PROGN (RINGBELLS) (PROMPTPRINT "Error under Mouse Process"]) (Window.CVItems [LAMBDA (self itemCV) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 14:44") (* Get item list for menu) (GetClassValue self itemCV]) (Window.ChoiceMenu [LAMBDA (self itemCV) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 19:56") (* Create a menu which allows subitems to be displayed. Cache it in the menus field of the browser under the property name itemCV) (PROG (items (menu (GetValue self (QUOTE menus) itemCV))) (COND ((type? MENU menu) (RETURN menu)) ((NLISTP (SETQ items (← self CVItems itemCV))) (RETURN NIL))) (SETQ menu (create MENU ITEMS ← items WHENSELECTEDFN ←(QUOTE SubItemSelection) SUBITEMFN ←(QUOTE DualSubItems) WHENHELDFN ←(QUOTE Window.WhenHeldFn) CHANGEOFFSETFLG ← T)) (* Cache menu if menus is T) (AND (@ menus) (PutValue self (QUOTE menus) menu itemCV)) (RETURN menu]) (Window.Clear [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-JAN-83 10:51") (* Calls CLEARW on window) (CLEARW (@ window]) (Window.ClearMenuCache [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 19:43") (* Delete Menus saved on menus) (for prop in (← self List (QUOTE IVPROPS) (QUOTE menus)) do (PutValue self (QUOTE menus) NIL prop)) self]) (Window.Close [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "19-JAN-83 19:47") (* Close the window) (CLOSEW (@ window]) (Window.CreateWindow [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "21-Jun-84 23:11") (* Create the Lisp window for this window but don't open it) (CREATEW (CREATEREGION (OR (@ left) LASTMOUSEX) (OR (@ bottom) LASTMOUSEY) (OR (@ width) 9) (OR (@ height) 9)) (@ title) NIL T]) (Window.Destroy [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-Jun-84 13:18") (* Remove ButtonFns and close window on Destroying) (PROG [(w (GetIVHere self (QUOTE window] (COND (w (* there is a window) (SETQ w (@ window)) (WINDOWPROP w (QUOTE LoopsWindow) NIL) (WINDOWPROP w (QUOTE RightButtonFn) NIL) (WINDOWPROP w (QUOTE ButtonEventFn) NIL) (CLOSEW w))) (←Super self Destroy]) (Window.GetProp [LAMBDA (self prop) (* dgb: "19-JAN-83 19:48") (* get property from window) (WINDOWPROP (@ window) prop]) (Window.HasLispWindow [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "29-JUN-83 17:01") (* Checks if a Lisp window has ever been created for this Loops Window) (NEQ NotSetValue (GetIVHere self (QUOTE window]) (Window.ItemMenu [LAMBDA (self items title) (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 09:31") (* Create a simnple (one level) menu which will not overflow height of screen) (create MENU ITEMS ← items MENUCOLUMNS ←(ADD1 (IQUOTIENT (ITIMES (FONTHEIGHT MENUFONT) (LENGTH items)) 750)) TITLE ← title CHANGEOFFSETFLG ← T]) (Window.LeftChoice [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 14:59") (* Get the choices from the LeftButtonItems) (PROG [(menu (← self ChoiceMenu (QUOTE LeftButtonItems] (RETURN (AND menu (MENU menu]) (Window.LeftSelection [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 15:19") (* Make choice for Left Button down) (PROG ((choice (← self LeftChoice))) (RETURN (AND choice (←! self choice]) (Window.MiddleChoice [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 15:22") (* Make choice for Middle Button down) (PROG [(menu (← self ChoiceMenu (QUOTE MiddleButtonItems] (RETURN (AND menu (MENU menu]) (Window.MiddleSelection [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 15:23") (* Do MiddleButtonItems on selection) (PROG ((choice (← self MiddleChoice))) (RETURN (AND choice (←! self choice]) (Window.Move [LAMBDA (self xOrPos y) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 00:16") (* Move the window) (PROG ((oldRegion (WINDOWPROP (@ window) (QUOTE REGION))) (newPos (MOVEW (@ window) xOrPos y))) (←@ left (fetch XCOORD of newPos)) (←@ bottom (fetch YCOORD of newPos)) (* Update image if it started partly off screen) (OR (SUBREGIONP (CONSTANT (create REGION LEFT ← 0 BOTTOM ← 0 WIDTH ← SCREENWIDTH HEIGHT ← SCREENHEIGHT)) oldRegion) (← self Update)) (RETURN newPos]) (Window.Open [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-Apr-84 08:24") (* Open the window) (OR (ACTIVEWP (@ window)) (PROGN (← self Update) (OPENW (@ window]) (Window.Paint [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-JAN-83 10:50") (* Calls paint on window) (PAINTW (@ window]) (Window.Repaint [LAMBDA (self reg alwaysFlg) (* dgb: "26-JAN-83 23:46") (* Calls Update on window) (← self Update]) (Window.RightButtonFn [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 09:01") (* Call Right Selection for options) (← self RightSelection]) (Window.RightSelection [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 15:46") (* Do RightButtonItems on selection.) (PROG [choice (menu (← self ChoiceMenu (QUOTE RightButtonItems] (SETQ choice (AND menu (MENU menu))) (RETURN (AND choice (←! self choice]) (Window.SetProp [LAMBDA (self prop value) (* dgb: "12-Jun-84 09:58") (* set value in real window) (WINDOWPROP (@ window) prop value]) (Window.SetRegion [LAMBDA (self region dontUpdateFlg) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 19:40") (* Make Loops Window have region parameters) (←@ left (fetch LEFT of region)) (←@ bottom (fetch BOTTOM of region)) (←@ width (fetch WIDTH of region)) (←@ height (fetch HEIGHT of region)) (OR dontUpdateFlg (← self Update)) self]) (Window.Shape [LAMBDA (self newRegion) (* dgb: "28-JAN-83 12:11") (* Shapes outside of region to specified shape. %.) (PROG (d) (SHAPEW (@ window) newRegion) (SETQ d (WINDOWPROP (@ window) (QUOTE REGION))) (←@ left (fetch LEFT of d)) (←@ bottom (fetch BOTTOM of d)) (←@ width (WINDOWPROP (@ window) (QUOTE WIDTH))) (←@ height (WINDOWPROP (@ window) (QUOTE HEIGHT))) (← self Update) (RETURN d]) (Window.Shape? [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-JAN-83 11:21") (* Returns the current region for window) (WINDOWPROP (@ window) (QUOTE REGION]) (Window.Shrink [LAMBDA (self towhat iconPos expandFn) (* dgb: "26-JAN-83 10:53") (* Calls SHRINKW on window) (SHRINKW (@ window) towhat iconPos expandFn]) (Window.Snap [LAMBDA (self) (* sm: " 9-SEP-83 14:27") (* Takes snapshot of screen) (SNAPW]) (Window.TitleSelection [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 15:35") (* Do TitleItems if selected in title area) (PROG (menu choice) (SETQ choice (OR (AND (SETQ menu (← self ChoiceMenu (QUOTE TitleItems))) (MENU menu)) (RETURN NIL))) (RETURN (←! self choice]) (Window.ToTop [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "26-Apr-84 08:20") (* Open window and then bring it to top) (TOTOPW (@ window]) (Window.Update [LAMBDA (self) (* dgb: "13-OCT-83 22:06") (* make the IV window be a window with properties consistent with ivs) (PROG (region border (window (@ window))) (SETQ border (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE BORDER))) (* create a region if width and height known) (AND [NOT (EQUAL (@ title) (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE TITLE] (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE TITLE) (@ title))) [AND (@ width) (@ height) (SETQ region (create REGION LEFT ←(OR (@ left) (←@ left LASTMOUSEX)) BOTTOM ←(OR (@ bottom) (←@ bottom LASTMOUSEY)) WIDTH ←(WIDTHIFWINDOW (@ width) border) HEIGHT ←(HEIGHTIFWINDOW (@ height) (@ title) border] (AND region [NOT (EQUAL region (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE REGION] (SHAPEW window region]) (Window.WhenMenuItemHeld [LAMBDA (self item menu key) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 08:10") (* What to do when the menu item is held) (PROMPTPRINT (OR [COND ((NLISTP item) (* Get method documentation from object or browser) (GetMethod (Class self) item (QUOTE doc))) ((CDDR item) (CADDR item)) ((NLISTP (CADR item)) (GetMethod (Class self) (CADR item) (QUOTE doc))) ((GetMethod (Class self) (CAADR item) (QUOTE doc] "When released this item will be selected"]) ) (DEFINEQ (GetLispWindow [LAMBDA (self varName localSt propName activeVal type) (* dgb: "26-Apr-84 08:23") (* This is a getFn for Window to insure a window is a real Lisp window.) (COND ((NOT (WINDOWP localSt)) (* replace the local state with a window, associating this object with the window) (SETQ localSt (PutLocalState activeVal (InitLoopsWindow self (← self CreateWindow)) self varName propName type))) (T (* Ensure one is always using a Loops connected window) (WINDOWPROP localSt (QUOTE LoopsWindow) self))) localSt]) (InitLoopsWindow [LAMBDA (self window pos) (* dgb: "26-Apr-84 08:19") (* Initialize the Lisp window with correct EventFns) (AND pos (MOVEW window pos)) (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE LoopsWindow) self) (← self SetRegion (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE REGION)) (QUOTE DontUpdate)) (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE RIGHTBUTTONFN) (QUOTE WindowRightButtonFn)) (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE BUTTONEVENTFN) (QUOTE WindowButtonEventFn)) window]) (LoopsIconWindow [LAMBDA (self varName localSt propName activeVal type) (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 09:19") (* This is a getFn. The value of this getFn is returned as the value of the enclosing GetValue.) [OR (WINDOWP localSt) (PutValueOnly self varName (create activeValue localState ←(SETQ localSt (InitLoopsWindow self (ICONW BlackLoopsIconBM LoopsIconShadow loopsIconPosition))) getFn ←(QUOTE LoopsIconWindow) putFn ←(QUOTE NoUpdatePermitted] localSt]) (PutLispWindow [LAMBDA (self varName newValue propName activeVal type) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 15:04") (* Initializes the window with the correct button fns) (PutLocalState activeVal (InitLoopsWindow self (OR (WINDOWP newValue) (ERROR newValue "should be window"))) self varName propName type]) (Window.WhenHeldFn [LAMBDA (item menu key) (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 20:00") (* Send to window the message to respond to time out on menu) (← windowForMenu WhenMenuItemHeld item menu key]) (WindowButtonEventFn [LAMBDA (window) (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 08:41") (PROG [i itemName (windowForMenu (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE LoopsWindow] (DECLARE (SPECVARS windowForMenu)) (OR windowForMenu (RETURN)) (TOTOPW window) (RETURN (← windowForMenu ButtonEventFn window]) (WindowCloseFn [LAMBDA (window) (* dgb: "18-Apr-84 07:37") (* Remove link back to LoopsWindow) (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE LoopsWindow) NIL]) (WindowRightButtonFn [LAMBDA (window) (* dgb: "21-Apr-84 09:01") (PROG [i (windowForMenu (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE LoopsWindow] (DECLARE (SPECVARS windowForMenu)) (OR windowForMenu (RETURN)) (TOTOPW window) (← windowForMenu RightButtonFn]) ) (PUTPROPS LOOPSWINDOW COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1983 1984)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (7678 25118 (LoopsIcon.BrowseObject 7688 . 8113) (LoopsIcon.FileBrowse 8115 . 8679) ( LoopsIcon.NormalVideoRate 8681 . 8930) (LoopsIcon.PressScreen 8932 . 9319) (LoopsIcon.PressWindow 9321 . 9711) (LoopsIcon.PrintScreen 9713 . 10003) (LoopsIcon.PrintWindow 10005 . 10273) (LoopsIcon.Save 10275 . 10504) (LoopsIcon.SetUpDemo 10506 . 10868) (LoopsIcon.SetUpScreen 10870 . 11100) ( LoopsIcon.TapeVideoRate 11102 . 11347) (LoopsIcon.UserExec 11349 . 11709) (Window.Blink 11711 . 12266) (Window.Bury 12268 . 12490) (Window.ButtonEventFn 12492 . 13087) (Window.CVItems 13089 . 13325) ( Window.ChoiceMenu 13327 . 14250) (Window.Clear 14252 . 14477) (Window.ClearMenuCache 14479 . 14840) ( Window.Close 14842 . 15061) (Window.CreateWindow 15063 . 15524) (Window.Destroy 15526 . 16145) ( Window.GetProp 16147 . 16388) (Window.HasLispWindow 16390 . 16714) (Window.ItemMenu 16716 . 17177) ( Window.LeftChoice 17179 . 17504) (Window.LeftSelection 17506 . 17818) (Window.MiddleChoice 17820 . 18143) (Window.MiddleSelection 18145 . 18462) (Window.Move 18464 . 19198) (Window.Open 19200 . 19474) (Window.Paint 19476 . 19700) (Window.Repaint 19702 . 19926) (Window.RightButtonFn 19928 . 20176) ( Window.RightSelection 20178 . 20566) (Window.SetProp 20568 . 20815) (Window.SetRegion 20817 . 21328) ( Window.Shape 21330 . 22007) (Window.Shape? 22009 . 22271) (Window.Shrink 22273 . 22532) (Window.Snap 22534 . 22748) (Window.TitleSelection 22750 . 23164) (Window.ToTop 23166 . 23405) (Window.Update 23407 . 24428) (Window.WhenMenuItemHeld 24430 . 25116)) (25119 28773 (GetLispWindow 25129 . 25889) ( InitLoopsWindow 25891 . 26454) (LoopsIconWindow 26456 . 27092) (PutLispWindow 27094 . 27487) ( Window.WhenHeldFn 27489 . 27801) (WindowButtonEventFn 27803 . 28166) (WindowCloseFn 28168 . 28430) ( WindowRightButtonFn 28432 . 28771))))) STOP