changes to:  (METHODS Class.SpecializeMethod Object.MoveToFile)
		   (INSTANCES Class.SpecializeMethod Object.MoveToFile)
		   (FNS Class.EM! Class.SpecializeMethod Object.MoveToFile)

      previous date: "26-Jun-84 14:05:35" {INDIGO}<LOOPS>SOURCES>LOOPSKERNEL.;69)

(* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984 by Xerox Corporation)


			   1982 by Xerox Corporation)
	(* Metabraid of kernel classes in the system)
	(VARS (DumpMethodsInClass)
	      (DefaultObject ($ Object))
	      (OBJECT ($ Object)))
	(METHODS Class.CreateInstance Class.DefMethod Class.DefRSM Class.EM! Class.Edit Class.Edit! 
		 Class.EditMethod Class.EditMethodObject Class.FetchMethod Class.FileIn Class.FileOut 
		 Class.Fringe Class.IndexedInstances Class.Initialize Class.InstallEditSource 
		 Class.List Class.List! Class.MakeEditSource Class.MakeFileSource 
		 Class.MakeFullEditSource Class.New Class.NewClass Class.NewTemp Class.NewWithValues 
		 Class.Old Class.Rename Class.RenameMethod Class.ReplaceSupers Class.SetName 
		 Class.Specialize Class.SpecializeMethod Class.SubClasses Class.Subclass 
		 Class.UnSetName DestroyedClass.DestroyClass DestroyedClass.DestroyInstance 
		 DestroyedClass.SubClasses DestroyedObject.Destroy! MetaClass.CreateClass 
		 MetaClass.DestroyInstance MetaClass.New MetaClass.NewWithValues 
		 Method.ChangeClassName Method.ChangeName Method.EditMethod Method.FileOut 
		 Method.MakeFileSource Method.NewInstance Method.OldInstance Object.ChangeClass 
		 Object.Class Object.ClassName Object.DelFromFile Object.Destroy Object.Destroy! 
		 Object.DoMethod Object.Edit Object.FileOut Object.IVMissing Object.InstallEditSource 
		 Object.InstallFileSource Object.Instantiate Object.List Object.List! 
		 Object.MakeEditSource Object.MakeFileSource Object.MessageNotUnderstood 
		 Object.MoveToFile Object.NameString Object.NewInstance Object.NoObjectForMsg 
		 Object.OldInstance Object.Prototype Object.Rename Object.SaveInstance Object.SetName 
	(* * Functions called by kernel classses)
	(FNS MakeMethodMenu MethodMenuWhenSelectedFn)

(* Copyright (c) 1982 by Xerox Corporation)

(* Metabraid of kernel classes in the system)

(RPAQQ KERNELCLASSES (AbstractClass Class DestroyedClass DestroyedObject MetaClass Method Object))
(DEFCLASSES AbstractClass Class DestroyedClass DestroyedObject MetaClass Method Object)
[DEFCLASS AbstractClass
   (MetaClass MetaClass doc 

          (* * Abstract classes are placeholders in the inheritance network, which cannot themselves be instantiated.)

	      Edited:                                        (* mjs: "30-JUN-82 16:41")
   (Supers MetaClass)]

   (MetaClass MetaClass doc 

          (* * This is the default metaClass for all classes)

	      Edited:                                        (* dgb: "19-NOV-82 16:55")
   (Supers Object)]

[DEFCLASS DestroyedClass
   (MetaClass AbstractClass Edited:                          (* dgb: "26-NOV-82 19:24")
	      doc                                            (* Becomes the class for any destroyed class)
   (Supers DestroyedObject)]

[DEFCLASS DestroyedObject
   (MetaClass Class Edited:                                  (* sm: "12-SEP-83 16:25"))
   (Supers Object)]

   (MetaClass MetaClass Edited:                              (* mjs: "30-JUN-82 16:38"))
   (Supers Class)]

   (MetaClass Class doc                                      (* Connects class to function implementing method, plus 
	      Edited:                                        (* dgb: "18-OCT-83 15:25")
   (Supers Object)
   (ClassVariables (ivProperties (doc args)
				 doc                         (* names of IVs which should be made properties of the 
   (InstanceVariables (className NIL doc                     (* name of class in which this method appears)
		      (selector NIL doc                      (* An atom which is the selector for the method;)
		      (method NIL doc                        (* Atom name of unction which does the work other 
							     properties of this IV are properties of the method)
		      (args NIL doc                          (* arguments of the method))
		      (doc NIL doc                           (* documentation of the method)))]

   (MetaClass Class doc                                      (* Default behavior stored here)
	      Edited:                                        (* edited: "13-NOV-83 16:30")

(RPAQQ DumpMethodsInClass NIL)

(RPAQ DefaultObject ($ Object))

(RPAQ OBJECT ($ Object))
[METH Class  CreateInstance NIL
      (* Creates the data structure for an instance based on the class)]

[METH Class  DefMethod (selector args exp)
      (* Adds a method for selector to class. If args and expr are NIL, puts user into editor)]

[METH Class  DefRSM (selector ruleSetName)
      (* Installs a RuleSet as a method in the class. If ruleSetName is NIL, then DefRSM creates a 
	 RuleSet, invokes the RuleSet editor, compiles the RuleSet, and installs it as a method in 
	 the class. Also initializes the workspace instance variable.)]

[METH Class  EM! NIL
      (* provide a menu of all methods and allow editing of any, making method local if it is not 

[METH Class  Edit (commands)
      (* Use Interlisp editor on source of object)]

[METH Class  Edit! (commands)
      (* Use Interlisp editor on source of class including inherited values)]

[METH Class  EditMethod (selector commands)
      (* Called by Class.EditMethod. Finds the function associated with selector in class, and calls 
	 editor on it)]

[METH Class  EditMethodObject (selector)
      (* Edit the object corresponding to the method)]

[METH Class  FetchMethod (selector)
      (* Find the name of the function which implements this method in this class)]

[METH Class  FileIn (fileSource)
      (* Create an instance from expr, which was read from a file)]

[METH Class  FileOut NIL
      (* Print out a class definition to a file)]

[METH Class  Fringe NIL
      (* List classes which have now subclasses)]

[METH Class  IndexedInstances NIL
      (* Find IndexedInstances of this class)]

[METH Class  Initialize (self)
      (* Run initial expression for IVs with active value defaults with ls = INITIAL or gfn = 
	 AtCreation. In that case, makes a value which is the expression in GetFn. Other active 
	 values are copied to instance by PutValue)]

[METH Class  InstallEditSource NIL
      (* make class conform to new edited description)]

[METH Class  List (type name)
      (* Fn to list local parts of a class.)]

[METH Class  List! (type name verboseFlg)
      (* Recursive version of List message. Omits things inherited from Object and Class unless 
	 verboseFlg is T. Sets it to T for Class and Object)]

[METH Class  MakeEditSource NIL
      (* Make a source for editing the class)]

[METH Class  MakeFileSource NIL
      (* Make a source for editing the class)]

[METH Class  MakeFullEditSource NIL
      (* Make source including inherited values)]

[METH Class  New (name)
      (* Creates an instance of a particular class. The variable name if given is used to name the 
	 object. Called by (← class New)
	 %. NewEntity creates the Entity record and UID)]

[METH Class  NewClass (init1 init2 init3)
      (* Just returns newly created class)]

[METH Class  NewTemp NIL
      (* Patch to make it work. Same as New)]

[METH Class  NewWithValues (description)
      (* * Creates a new instance, substituting values given explicitly in description Does not 
	 initialize variables in the usual way.)
      (method NewWithValues)]

[METH Class  Old (fileSource)
      (* Find an old object or create a new one with this uid)]

[METH Class  Rename (newName environment)
      (* Same as SetName. Classes can have only one name)]

[METH Class  RenameMethod (oldSelector newSelector)
      (* Rename selector, and change function name)]

[METH Class  ReplaceSupers (supers)
      (* replace supers of class by new supers list)]

[METH Class  SetName (newClassName)
      (* Change the newClassName of the class, forgetting old name. Change the names of all methods 
	 which are of the form oldName.selector)]

[METH Class  Specialize (newName)
      (* Creates a class with name newName with self as its only super. If newName is NIL, then makes 
	 up an unused name consisting of current name followed by integer)]

[METH Class  SpecializeMethod (selector)
      (* Specialize method for selector given)]

[METH Class  SubClasses NIL
      (* Returns a list of immediate subclasses currently known for this class.)]

[METH Class  Subclass (super)

[METH Class  UnSetName (name)
      (* Unname class)]

[METH DestroyedClass  DestroyClass (classToDestroy)
      (* Destroy the class specified by smashing its contents)]

[METH DestroyedClass  DestroyInstance (class self)
      (* smash back pointer to entity rec, the list of vars and var descriptions)]

[METH DestroyedClass  SubClasses NIL
      (* Non subclasses)]

[METH DestroyedObject  Destroy! NIL
      (* Do nothing. I am already destroyed)]

[METH MetaClass  CreateClass (name supers)
      (* Create the data object for a class, checking the inputs)]

[METH MetaClass  DestroyInstance NIL
      (* Destroy the class specified by smashing its contents)]

[METH MetaClass  New (name supers)
      (* * New method for MetaClass. Since MetaClass is its own metaClass, this needs to work 
	 correctly whether the self is Class or MetaClass or a subClass of MetaClass. Work is done by 
	 DefineClass in LOOPS.)]

[METH MetaClass  NewWithValues (selector superFlg)
      (* * Invoked when a selector is not found for an object during a message sending operation. 
	 Attempts to do spelling correction on the selector. Causes an error if this fails.)
      (method MessageNotUnderstood)]

[METH Method  ChangeClassName (newClassName)
      (* Change name of class -- called when className is changed)]

[METH Method  ChangeName (oldMethName newMethName newSelector)
      (* Change the name of the method and update the file)]

[METH Method  EditMethod NIL
      (* Edit the method defintion)]

[METH Method  FileOut (file)
      (* Print out filesource for methods)]

[METH Method  MakeFileSource NIL

[METH Method  NewInstance NIL

[METH Method  OldInstance NIL
      (* Adds Method to those known in class.)]

[METH Object  ChangeClass (newClass)
      (* Change object to be new class, keeping old IVs)]

[METH Object  Class NIL
      (* Returns class of object)]

[METH Object  ClassName NIL
      (* Returns className of class of object)
      (method ClassName)]

[METH Object  DelFromFile NIL
      (* Remove object from any file it is on)]

[METH Object  Destroy NIL
      (* All the work is normally done by the class in DestroyInstance)]

[METH Object  Destroy! NIL
      (* Same as Object.Destroy except when self is a class)]

[METH Object  DoMethod (selector class arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10)
      (* Message form of DoMethod. Maximum of 10 arguments allowed)]

[METH Object  Edit (commands)
      (* Use Interlisp editor on source of object)]

[METH Object  FileOut (file)
      (* Print out file source on file so it can be reread)]

[METH Object  IVMissing (varName createDescrFlg)
      (* * Called from macro FetchIVDescr when there is no IV varName. If varName is an IV the class, 
	 or user requests, then Object.IVMisssing adds IV to the instance. Returns the IVDescr as 
	 needed for FetchIVDescr.)]

[METH Object  InstallEditSource (editedDescription)
      (* Blank instance and make it conform to new description)]

[METH Object  InstallFileSource (fileSource)
      (* Fill the given instance based on expression fileSource read from file, and name it)]

[METH Object  Instantiate NIL
      (* same as copyShallow)]

[METH Object  List (type name)
      (* For type= IVs, list the iv names in instance. For IVProps lists IV properties for name found 
	 in instance. Otherwise lists properties inherited from class)]

[METH Object  List! (type name verboseFlg)
      (* * Recursive form of List for objects. Omits things inherited from Object unless verboseFlg 
	 is T.)]

[METH Object  MakeEditSource NIL
      (* Get a lst showing all instance variables, values, and properties for Editing)]

[METH Object  MakeFileSource (file)
      (* create a list structure source to be dumped on a file)]

[METH Object  MessageNotUnderstood (selector superFlg)
      (* * Invoked when a selector is not found for an object during a message sending operation. 
	 Attempts to do spelling correction on the selector. Causes an error if this fails.)]

[METH Object  MoveToFile (file)
      (* Move this object to a file)]

[METH Object  NameString NIL

[METH Object  NewInstance (name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)
      (* This allows initialization by the classes of objects themselves, rather than going to a 

[METH Object  NoObjectForMsg (selector)
      (* Called from FethMethodOrHelp when self is not an object with a class. A specialized response 
	 to this can be tailored in a given LOOPS application by first reseting the global LISP 
	 variable DefaultObject to point to an object. This default object will field NoObjectForMsg 
	 messages from FetchMethodOrHelp. The method for NoObjectForMsg on DefaultObject should 
	 return a default value, usually dependent on the selector. This version of NoObjectForMsg 
	 just calls the user.)]

[METH Object  OldInstance NIL
      (* Allow fixup of object after reading in. Default is to do nothing)]

[METH Object  Prototype NIL
      (* * Find an instance of class on CV Prototype, or create an puts one there. Used to send 
	 messages for effect to a prototype object)]

[METH Object  Rename (newName)
      (* Remove an old name, and give it new name)]

[METH Object  SaveInstance (name arg1 arg2)
      (* Used to save the instance on a file. Justs marks it as changed as a default)]

[METH Object  SetName (name)
      (* Call on NameEntity)]

[METH Object  UnSetName (name)
      (* Unname entity)]


  [LAMBDA (self oldObject oldInstanceFlg)                    (* dgb: "13-OCT-83 22:06")

          (* Creates the data structure for an instance based on the class. If oldObject is given, then just makes it 
"blank". If oldInstanceFlg=T, then it does not mark the object as modified.)

    (BlankInstance self oldObject oldInstanceFlg])

  [LAMBDA (self selector args exp)                           (* dgb: "21-JUL-83 17:29")
                                                             (* Adds a method for selector to class.
							     If args and expr are NIL, puts user into editor)
          (OR selector (SETQ selector (PromptRead "Type the selector for the new method: "))
	      (RETURN (PrintStatus "No method defined.")))
          (RETURN (DefineMethod self selector args exp])

  [LAMBDA (self selector ruleSetName)                        (* dgb: " 9-NOV-83 11:20")

          (* Installs a RuleSet as a method in the class. If ruleSetName is NIL, then DefRSM creates a RuleSet, invokes the 
	  RuleSet editor, compiles the RuleSet, and installs it as a method in the class. Also initializes the workspace 
	  instance variable.)

    (DefRSM self selector ruleSetName])

  [LAMBDA (self selector)                                    (* dgb: " 2-Jul-84 23:44")
                                                             (* Edit in place, make local or specialize method)
    (PROG (items classForMethod)
          (OR selector [SETQ selector (MENU (create MENU
						    ITEMS ←[SETQ items (SORT (← self List!(QUOTE
          (SETQ classForMethod (← self WhereIs selector))
	    ((NULL classForMethod)
	      (RETURN (PROMPT "No class for method")))
	    ((NEQ self classForMethod)
	      (SELECTQ [MENU (MenuGetOrCreate MakeLocalMethodMenu (QUOTE (("Make method local"
									     (QUOTE MakeLocal)
							     "Copy method to this class and edit")
									   ("Edit Method in Place"
									     (QUOTE Edit)
							       "Edit method in class where found")
									   ("Specialize Method"
									     (QUOTE SpecializeMethod)
						  "Define a template for a method specialization"]
		       (MakeLocal (PROGN (PrintStatus "Making " selector " local method of " self)
					 (← self MakeLocalMethod selector))
				  (SETQ classForMethod self))
		       (Edit                                 (* Edit in classForMethod))
		       (SpecializeMethod (← self SpecializeMethod selector))
		       (RETURN NIL]
          (RETURN (← classForMethod EditMethod selector])

  [LAMBDA (self commands)                                    (* mjs: " 5-Jun-84 12:35")
                                                             (* Use Interlisp editor on source of class)
    (PROG ((editSource (← self MakeEditSource))
          (SETQ methodWindow (MakeMethodMenu self))
      LP  (COND
	    ((NULL (EDITE editSource commands self (QUOTE CLASSES)
			  (QUOTE ChangeEditedClass)))
	      (SETQ commands NIL)
	      (GO LP)))
          (CLOSEW methodWindow)
          (RETURN (SETQ LASTCLASS (ClassName self])

  [LAMBDA (self commands)                                    (* dgb: "31-OCT-83 09:11")
                                                             (* Use Interlisp editor on source of class including 
							     inherited values)
    (PROG ((editSource (← self MakeFullEditSource)))
      LP  (COND
	    ((NULL (EDITE editSource commands self (QUOTE CLASSES)
			  (QUOTE ChangeEditedClass)))
	      (SETQ commands NIL)
	      (GO LP)))
          (RETURN (SETQ LASTCLASS (ClassName self])

  [LAMBDA (class selector commands)                          (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 20:13")
                                                             (* Called by Class.EditMethod.
							     Finds the function associated with selector in class, 
							     and calls editor on it)
    (PROG (index method selectors ruleSet)
	    ((NULL selector)
		([NULL (SETQ selectors (SORT (← class List (QUOTE Selectors]
                                                             (* No selectors in class)
		  (RETURN NIL)))
	      (OR [SETQ selector (MENU (create MENU
					       ITEMS ← selectors
					       MENUCOLUMNS ←(IPLUS 1 (IQUOTIENT (FLENGTH selectors)
	      (GO TRYAGAIN))
	    ((SETQ method (FindLocalMethod class selector))
	      (GO OUT))
	    [(SETQ method (FetchMethod class selector))
		     (INTTY (CONCAT selector " is not a local method of " class 
				    ". Should I make it local for editing? ")
			    (QUOTE (YES NO))
			    "Type yes to edit locally defined copy of method"))
		  (SETQ method (← class MakeLocalMethod selector))
		  (GO OUT]
	    ((SETQ selector (FIXSPELL selector 60 (← class List!(QUOTE Selectors))
	      (GO TRYAGAIN)))                                (* If one falls through then nothing to be done)
          (PrintStatus selector " is not a selector of " class)
          (RETURN NIL)
		    ([NEQ NotSetValue (SETQ ruleSet (GetMethod class selector (QUOTE RuleSet]
                                                             (* Here if the method is implemented by a RuleSet.)
		      (← (GetObjectRec ruleSet)
		    ((NULL (GETDEF method))
		      (PrintStatus method " is not a known function."))
				     (CONS method commands))
			      (← class CommentMethods (LIST selector)

  [LAMBDA (self selector)                                    (* dgb: " 9-NOV-83 12:03")
                                                             (* Edit the object corresponding to the method)
          (OR selector [SETQ selector (MENU (create MENU
						    ITEMS ←(SORT (← self List (QUOTE Methods]
	      (RETURN NIL))
          (← (OR (GetMethodObj self selector)

  [LAMBDA (self selector)                                    (* dgb: "29-Feb-84 08:50")
                                                             (* Find the name of the function which implements this 
							     method in this class)
    (FetchMethod self selector])

  [LAMBDA (self fileSource)                                  (* dgb: " 4-OCT-83 11:41")
                                                             (* Create an instance from expr, which was read from a 
    (PROG ((obj (← self Old fileSource)))
          (← obj InstallFileSource fileSource)
          (RETURN (← obj OldInstance])

  [LAMBDA (self file)                                        (* dgb: " 5-OCT-83 11:00")
                                                             (* Print out a class definition to a file)
    (RESETVAR FIRSTCOL 16 (PROG ((source (← self MakeFileSource)))
				  ((NULL source)
				    (HELPCHECK className 
			    " is not defined as a class.
Type OK to ignore this class and go on.")
				    (RETURN NIL)))
			        (printout file "[DEFCLASS " .FONT LAMBDAFONT (CADR source)
					  "]" T T)))

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "30-DEC-83 11:32")
                                                             (* List classes which have now subclasses)
    (for C in (← self List!(QUOTE Subs)) when (NULL (← (GetClassRec C)
						       (QUOTE Subs)))
       collect C])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "16-May-84 19:56")
                                                             (* Find IndexedInstances of this class)
    (FindIndexedObjects (ClassName self])

  [LAMBDA (class self)                                       (* dgb: "18-JAN-83 17:25")

          (* Run initial expression for IVs with active value defaults with ls = INITIAL or gfn = AtCreation.
	  In that case, makes a value which is the expression in GetFn. Other active values are copied to instance by 

          (* Clean slow code (for varName value in (← self List (QUOTE IVs)) do (* * for all properties in IV, including NIL
	  for IV value, Fire initialization function which exist.) (for prop in (CONS NIL (← self List! 
	  (QUOTE IVPROPS) varName)) when (NEQ NotSetValue (SETQ value (FireInit self varName (GetValueOnly self varName 
	  prop)))) do (PutValueOnly self varName value prop))))

    (FastClassInitialize class self)

  [LAMBDA (self editedDescription)                           (* dgb: " 5-OCT-83 09:26")
                                                             (* make class conform to new edited description)
    (PROG ((className (ClassName self)))
	    ((CheckClassSource editedDescription className)
                                                             (* Dont't install the class if there are errors.
							     Bounce back to editor)
	      (RINGBELLS 1)
	      (PROMPTPRINT className " not defined  -- bad form " T)
	    (T (InstallClassSource className editedDescription)
	       (PutClass self (EDITDATE NIL INITIALS)
			 (QUOTE Edited:))
	       (MARKASCHANGED (ClassName self)
			      (QUOTE CLASSES])

  [LAMBDA (self type name)                                   (* dgb: "29-Feb-84 15:43")
                                                             (* Fn to list local parts of a class.)
    (SELECTQ (SETQ type (U-CASE type))
	     (IVS (APPEND (fetch (class localIVs) of self)))
	     (CVS (APPEND (fetch cvNames of self)))
	       (\ListFromBlock (fetch selectors of self)))
	     (FUNCTIONS (\ListFromBlock (fetch methods of self)))
	       (for x in (fetch localSupers of self) collect (ClassName x)))
	       (for sub in (fetch subClasses of self) collect (ClassName sub)))
	       (CONS (ClassName (fetch metaClass of self))
		     (APPEND (fetch otherClassDescription of self]
	     (PROG [(descr (SELECTQ type
				    ((IV IVPROPS NIL)
				      (FetchCIVDescr self name))
				    ((CV CVPROPS)
				      (FetchCVDescr self name))
				      (fetch otherClassDescription of self))
				      (FetchMethodDescr self name))
				    (LoopsHelp type "not recognized part of class"]
	           (RETURN (SELECTQ type
				    ((CLASS METHOD)
				      (ListPropNames descr))
				    (ListPropNames (CDR descr])

  [LAMBDA (class type name verboseFlg)                       (* dgb: "23-APR-83 16:18")

          (* Recursive version of List message. Omits things inherited from Object and Class unless verboseFlg is T.
	  Sets it to T for Class and Object)

      ((FMEMB (ClassName class)
	      (QUOTE (Class Object)))
	(SETQ verboseFlg T)))
    (SETQ type (U-CASE type))
    (SELECTQ type
	       (← class List type))
	     ((IVS NIL)
	       (APPEND (fetch ivNames of class)))
	       (PROG (name (nameList (CONS)))
		     (MapSupersForm (COND
				      ((NOT (FMEMB (SETQ name (ClassName class))
						   (CAR nameList)))
					(TCONC nameList name)))
		     (RETURN (CDAR nameList]
	     ((SUBS SUBCLASSES)                              (* List all subclasses of class)
	       (SubsTree class))
	     (PROG (attList)                                 (* Here if need to recur to collect items.)
	           (MapSupersUnlessBadList [COND
					     (verboseFlg NIL)
					     (T (QUOTE (Object Class]
					   (for item in (← class List type name)
					      do (pushnew attList item))
	           (RETURN (SELECTQ type
				    (CLASS (DREVERSE attList))

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "30-OCT-83 11:29")
                                                             (* Make a source for editing the class)
    (LIST (CONS (QUOTE MetaClass)
		(GetSourceMeta self))
	  (CONS (QUOTE Supers)
		(GetSourceSupers self))
	  (CONS (QUOTE ClassVariables)
		(GetSourceCVs self))
	  (CONS (QUOTE InstanceVariables)
		(GetSourceIVs self])

  [LAMBDA (self file)                                        (* dgb: " 7-DEC-83 09:21")
                                                             (* creates a list structure source of a class to be 
							     dumped on a file)
    (PROG (tail (cvs (GetSourceCVs self))
		(ivs (GetSourceIVs self)))
          [SETQ tail (NCONC [AND cvs (BQUOTE ((ClassVariables ,. cvs]
			    [AND ivs (BQUOTE ((InstanceVariables ,. ivs]
			    (AND DumpMethodsInClass (BQUOTE ((Methods ,. (GetSourceMethods self]
          (RETURN (BQUOTE (DEFCLASS , (ClassName self)
				    (MetaClass ,. (GetSourceMeta self))
				    (Supers ,. (GetSourceSupers self))
				    ,. tail])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "31-OCT-83 09:10")
                                                             (* Make source including inherited values)
    (NCONC (← self MakeEditSource)
	   (LIST (CONS (QUOTE IVsInherited)
		       (GetSourceInhIVs self))
		 (CONS (QUOTE CVsInherited)
		       (GetSourceInhCVs self])

  [LAMBDA (class name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)              (* dgb: "24-DEC-83 11:54")
                                                             (* Creates an instance of a particular class.
							     The variable name if given is used to name the object.)
    (← (← class CreateInstance)
       NewInstance name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5])

  [LAMBDA (self init1 init2 init3)                           (* dgb: "22-SEP-83 14:19")
                                                             (* Just returns newly created class)

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "27-OCT-83 10:49")
                                                             (* Patch to make it work. Same as New)
    (← self New])

  [LAMBDA (self fileSource)                                  (* dgb: "28-DEC-83 08:10")
                                                             (* Find an old object or create a new one with this uid)
    (PROG (uid (names (CAR fileSource)))
          [SETQ uid (COND
	      ((STRINGP names)
		(MKNAME names))
	      (T (MKNAME (CAR (LAST names]
          (RETURN (NewObject self uid])

  [LAMBDA (self newName environment)                         (* dgb: "12-JAN-83 14:19")
                                                             (* Same as SetName. Classes can have only one name)
      ((NULL newName)
"Can't rename a class without specifying name. Type
RETURN <newName>
to continue and rename class: "
    (← self SetName newName environment])

  [LAMBDA (self oldSelector newSelector)                     (* dgb: "18-MAR-83 16:30")
                                                             (* Rename selector, and change function name)
    (RenameMethod (ClassName self)
		  oldSelector newSelector])

  [LAMBDA (self supers)                                      (* dgb: "27-AUG-82 13:05")
                                                             (* replace supers of class by new supers list)
    (OR (EQ (QUOTE NoUpdateRequired)
	    (InstallSupers self supers))
	(ChangedClass self])

  [LAMBDA (self newClassName)                                (* dgb: "25-Apr-84 15:22")
                                                             (* Change the newClassName of the class, forgetting old 
							     name. Change the names of all methods which are of the 
							     form oldName.selector)
    (PROG (newFnName file fnFile namePair changeMsg (oldName (ClassName self)))
	    ((EQ oldName newClassName)
	      (RETURN NIL)))
          (DeleteObjectName self oldName)
          (NameEntity self newClassName)
          (replace className of self with newClassName)
          (ChangedClass self)
          (for selector in (← self List (QUOTE Selectors)) do (← ($! (MethName oldName selector))
								 ChangeClassName newClassName))
	    ([SETQ file (CAR (WHEREIS oldName (QUOTE CLASSES]
	      (ADDTOFILE newClassName (QUOTE CLASSES)
	      (SETQ changeMsg (CONCAT "Exit with OK to change
" oldName " to " newClassName ";
Exit with STOP to abort change."))
	      (EDITCALLERS oldName file (BQUOTE ((E (PROMPTPRINT , changeMsg))
						 TTY:(R , oldName , newClassName]
          (RETURN self])

  [LAMBDA (self newName)                                     (* mjs: "21-FEB-83 07:57")

          (* Creates a class with name newName with self as its only super. If newName is NIL, then makes up an unused name 
	  consisting of current name followed by integer)

    [OR newName (PROG ((N 0)
		       (myName (ClassName self)))
		  LP  (COND
			([GetObjectRec (SETQ newName (PACK* myName (SETQ N (ADD1 N]
			  (GO LP]
    (← (Class self)
       New newName (LIST (ClassName self])

  [LAMBDA (self selector)                                    (* dgb: " 2-Jul-84 23:43")
                                                             (* Specialize method for selector given)
    (PROG (fn items classForMethod)
          (OR selector [SETQ selector (MENU (create MENU
						    ITEMS ←[SETQ items (SORT (← self List!(QUOTE
          (OR (SETQ fn (FetchMethod self selector))
	      (RETURN (PROMPT "No method for selector")))
          [DM (ClassName self)
	      (ARGLIST fn)
	      (COPY (BQUOTE (                                (* Specialization)
			       self , selector ,. (CDR (ARGLIST fn]
          (← self EditMethod selector])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "28-SEP-82 14:34")
                                                             (* Returns a list of immediate subclasses currently 
							     known for this class.)
    (for c in (fetch subClasses of self) collect (OR (CAR (LISTP c))

  [LAMBDA (self super)                                       (* dgb: "23-APR-83 16:18")
    (MapSupersForm (COND
		     ((EQ class superClass)
		       (RETURN T)))
		   (superClass (GetClassRec super])

  [LAMBDA (self name)                                        (* dgb: "18-JAN-84 11:30")
                                                             (* Unname class)
    (PROG (files)
          (AND (DeleteObjectName self name)
		 (CurrentNameTable (Modified self T))
		 ((SETQ files (WHEREIS name (QUOTE CLASSES)))

  [LAMBDA (self classToDestroy)                              (* dgb: "26-DEC-83 15:22")
                                                             (* Destroy the class specified by smashing its contents)
    (PROG (super entity (uid (fetch OBJUID of classToDestroy)))
                                                             (* First delete from knowledge of file system)
          (DELDEF (ClassName classToDestroy)
		  (QUOTE CLASSES))                           (* Remove from subClasses lists of each super.)
          (for superName in (← classToDestroy List (QUOTE Supers)) when (SETQ super (GetClassRec
	     do (replace subClasses of super with (for sub in (fetch subClasses of super)
						     when (NEQ classToDestroy (COND
								 ((LISTP sub)
								   (CAR sub))
								 (T sub)))
						     collect sub)))
                                                             (* smash back pointer to entity rec, the list of vars 
							     and var descriptions)
          (replace otherClassDescription of classToDestroy with NIL)
          (replace OBJUID of classToDestroy with NIL)
          (replace VARNAMES of classToDestroy with NIL)
          (replace VARDESCRS of classToDestroy with NIL)     (* It is a classToDestroy so smash its list of subs and 
          (replace supers of classToDestroy with (LIST ($ DestroyedObject)))
          (replace metaClass of classToDestroy with ($ DestroyedClass))
          (DeleteObjectUID self)
          (RETURN (QUOTE DestroyedClass])

  [LAMBDA (self class self)                                  (* dgb: "26-DEC-83 15:23")
                                                             (* smash back pointer to entity rec, the list of vars 
							     and var descriptions)
    (replace class of self with ($ DestroyedObject))
    (replace VARNAMES of self with NIL)
    (replace VARDESCRS of self with NIL)
    (replace otherIVs of self with NIL)                      (* now smash the entity record)
    (replace OBJUID of self with NIL)
    (DeleteObjectUID self])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: " 5-OCT-83 07:56")
                                                             (* Non subclasses)

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "27-MAY-83 11:44")
                                                             (* Do nothing. I am already destroyed)

  [LAMBDA (self name supers)                                 (* dgb: "22-SEP-83 14:17")
                                                             (* Create the data object for a class, checking the 
    (DefineClass name supers self])

  [LAMBDA (classToDestroy)                                   (* dgb: "26-DEC-83 15:24")
                                                             (* Destroy the class specified by smashing its contents)
    (PROG (super entity (uid (fetch OBJUID of classToDestroy)))
                                                             (* First delete from knowledge of file system)
          (DELDEF (ClassName classToDestroy)
		  (QUOTE CLASSES))                           (* Remove from subClasses lists of each super.)
          (for superName in (← classToDestroy List (QUOTE Supers)) when (SETQ super (GetClassRec
	     do (replace subClasses of super with (for sub in (fetch subClasses of super)
						     when (NEQ classToDestroy (COND
								 ((LISTP sub)
								   (CAR sub))
								 (T sub)))
						     collect sub)))
                                                             (* smash back pointer to entity rec, the list of vars 
							     and var descriptions)
          (replace otherClassDescription of classToDestroy with NIL)
          (replace OBJUID of classToDestroy with NIL)
          (replace VARNAMES of classToDestroy with NIL)
          (replace VARDESCRS of classToDestroy with NIL)     (* It is a classToDestroy so smash its list of subs and 
          (replace supers of classToDestroy with (LIST ($ DestroyedObject)))
          (replace metaClass of classToDestroy with ($ DestroyedClass))
          (DeleteObjectUID classToDestroy)
          (RETURN (QUOTE DestroyedClass])

  [LAMBDA (self name supers init1 init2 init3)               (* dgb: "22-SEP-83 14:20")

          (* * New method for MetaClass. Since MetaClass is its own metaClass, this needs to work correctly whether the self
	  is Class or MetaClass or a subClass of MetaClass. Work is done by DefineClass in LOOPS.)

    (← (← self CreateClass name supers)
       NewClass init1 init2 init3])

  [LAMBDA (self newClassName)                                (* dgb: "17-JAN-84 15:54")
                                                             (* Change name of class -- called when className is 
    (PROG (newMethName (oldMethName (GetObjectName self))
		       (selector (@ selector)))
          (SETQ newMethName (MethName newClassName selector))
	    ((EQ oldMethName (@ method))
	      (COPYDEF oldMethName newMethName (QUOTE FNS))
		method newMethName)))
          (AddMethod (GetClassRec newClassName)
		     (@ method))
	    className newClassName)
          (← self ChangeName oldMethName newMethName)
          (RETURN newMethName])

  [LAMBDA (self oldMethName newMethName newSelector)         (* dgb: "17-JAN-84 15:54")
                                                             (* Change the name of the method and update the file)
    [PROG (file)
          (← self UnSetName oldMethName)
          (UNMARKASCHANGED oldMethName (QUOTE FNS))
          (← self SetName newMethName)
	    selector newSelector)
	    ([SETQ file (CAR (WHEREIS oldMethName (QUOTE METHODS]

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "27-NOV-83 16:28")
                                                             (* Edit the method defintion)
    (← ($! (@ className))
       (@ selector])

  [LAMBDA (self file)                                        (* dgb: "30-OCT-83 11:24")
                                                             (* Print out filesource for methods)
    (PROG (pos (source (← self MakeFileSource)))
          (printout file "[" .FONT DEFAULTFONT (CAR source)
          (SETQ pos (POSITION file))
          (printout file (CADR source)
		    .FONT LAMBDAFONT ,, (CADDR source)
		    (CADDDR source)
		    "]" T))

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: " 7-DEC-83 10:24")
                                                             (* Returns form (Method <className> <selector> <method> 
							     <args> <doc> . <otherProps>))
    (PROG (className source (name (GetObjectName self)))
          (AND (NEQ (SETQ className (← self ClassName))
		    (QUOTE Method))
		 method:,methodClass className))
          (SETQ source (IVSource self))
          (for iv in (QUOTE (className selector args doc)) do (SETQ source (DELASSOC iv source)))
	    ([AND (EQ name (@ method))
		  (NULL (CDDR (FASSOC (QUOTE method)
				      source]                (* Has default name and no properties)
	      (SETQ source (DELASSOC (QUOTE method)
			(NCONC (LIST (@ className)
				     (@ selector)
				     (@ args)
				     (@ doc))

  [LAMBDA (self name arg1 arg2)                              (* dgb: "17-OCT-83 14:41")
                                                             (* Mark as changed for file system)
      self NewInstance name arg1 arg2)
    (MARKASCHANGED (GetObjectName self)

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "25-Jun-84 14:28")
                                                             (* Adds Method to those known in class.)
    (PROG ((class (GetClassRec cName)))
          [OR class (AND (HELPCHECK (@ className)
 "not a currently defined class.
Cannot add method to class.  Type OK to create class and go on.")
			 (SETQ class (← ($ Class)
					(@ className]
          (AddMethod class (@ selector)
		     (@ method))
          (AND (SETQ methClass ($! (@ method:,methodClass)))
	       (NEQ (Class self)
	       (← self ChangeClass methClass])

  [LAMBDA (self newClass)                                    (* dgb: "16-May-84 20:16")
                                                             (* Change object to be new class, keeping old IVs)
    (PROG [(source (IVSource self))
	   (classRec (COND
		       ((type? class newClass)
		       (T (OR (GetClassRec newClass)
			      (ERROR newClass " not a class for ChangeClass"]
          (FillInst source (BlankInstance newClass self))
          (← self OldInstance))

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "27-AUG-82 13:07")
                                                             (* Returns class of object)
    (Class self])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "25-Apr-84 16:50")
                                                             (* Remove object from any file it is on)
    (PROG [(names (GetObjectNames self))
	   (type (COND
		   ((type? instance self)
          (for name in names do (DELFROMFILE name type])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "26-DEC-83 22:44")
                                                             (* All the work is normally done by the class in 
    (← (Class self)
       DestroyInstance self])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "28-APR-83 18:40")
                                                             (* Same as Object.Destroy except when self is a class)
      ((type? class self)
	(DoMethod self (QUOTE Destroy!)
		  (%$ Class)))
      (T (← self Destroy])

  [LAMBDA (self selector class arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10)
                                                             (* dgb: "28-APR-83 18:40")
                                                             (* Message form of DoMethod. Maximum of 10 arguments 
    (DoMethod self selector class arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10])

  [LAMBDA (self commands)                                    (* dgb: " 4-OCT-83 11:34")
                                                             (* Use Interlisp editor on source of object)
    (EDITE (← self MakeEditSource)
	   commands self (QUOTE INSTANCES)
	   (QUOTE ChangeEditedInstance))

  [LAMBDA (self file)                                        (* dgb: "30-OCT-83 11:25")
                                                             (* Print out file source on file so it can be reread)
    (PROG (pos (source (← self MakeFileSource)))

          (* * Always bold the third thing in the source. Assume first is a function to install instance e.g. DEFINST and 
	  second is a clasName The third is a critical identifier.)

          (printout file "[" .FONT DEFAULTFONT (CAR source)
          (SETQ pos (POSITION file))
          (printout file (CADR source)
		    .FONT LAMBDAFONT , .P2 (CADDR source)
		    "]" T))

  [LAMBDA (self varName createDescrFlg)                      (* dgb: " 9-DEC-82 16:25")

          (* * Called from macro FetchIVDescr when there is no IV varName. If varName is an IV the class, or user requests, 
	  then Object.IVMisssing adds IV to the instance. Returns the IVDescr as needed for FetchIVDescr.)

    (PROG (fixedName)
	    [(type? instance self)
		[(FIXP varName)
			    (createDescrFlg (FetchNthDescr! self varName))
			    (T (OR (FetchNthDescr self varName)
				   (ERROR varName (CONCAT "out of bounds for " self]
		[(FMEMB varName (← (Class self)
				   List!(QUOTE IVs)))
		    ((NUMBERP (fetch otherIVs of self))
		      (ReadLeafObj self))
		    (T (FillIVs self (Class self)
				(IVSource self)
		((SETQ fixedName (FIXSPELL varName 60 (← self List (QUOTE IVs))
		  (SETQ varName fixedName))
		(T (HELPCHECK varName " not an IV of " self "
Type OK to automatically add it.")
		   (AddIV self varName]
	    (T (ERROR varName (CONCAT " not an IV of " self]
          (RETURN (GetIVDescr self varName createDescrFlg])

  [LAMBDA (self editedDescription)                           (* dgb: " 4-OCT-83 11:33")
                                                             (* Blank instance and make it conform to new 
    (BlankInstance (Class self)
    (FillInst editedDescription self])

  [LAMBDA (self fileSource)                                  (* dgb: "13-OCT-83 22:06")
                                                             (* Fill the given instance based on expression 
							     fileSource read from file, and name it)
    (NameObject self (LISTP (CAR fileSource)
    (FillInst (CDR fileSource)

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "27-AUG-82 13:22")
                                                             (* same as copyShallow)
    (← self CopyShallow])

  [LAMBDA (self type name)                                   (* dgb: " 9-DEC-82 16:26")

          (* For type= IVs, list the iv names in instance. For IVProps lists IV properties for name found in instance.
	  Otherwise lists properties inherited from class)

    (SELECTQ (U-CASE type)
	       (ListPropNames (CDR (COND
				     ((FIXP name)
				       (FetchNthDescr self name))
				     (T (GetIVDescr self name]
	     [IVS (APPEND (fetch iNames of self)
			  (for vl in (fetch otherIVs of self) collect (CAR vl]
	     (← (Class self)
		List type name])

  [LAMBDA (self type name verboseFlg)                        (* mjs: "30-JUN-82 14:00")

          (* * Recursive form of List for objects. Omits things inherited from Object unless verboseFlg is T.)

    (SELECTQ (U-CASE type)
	     (IVS (← self List type name))
	       (UNION (← self List type name)
		      (← (Class self)
			 List! type name)))
	     (← (Class self)
		List! type name verboseFlg])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "13-OCT-83 22:06")
                                                             (* Get a lst showing all instance variables, values, and
							     properties for Editing)
    (IVSource self T])

  [LAMBDA (self file)                                        (* dgb: "13-OCT-83 22:06")
                                                             (* create a list structure source to be dumped on a 
	  (CONS (ClassName self)
		(CONS (GetObjectNames self)
		      (IVSource self T])

  [LAMBDA (self selector superFlg)                           (* mjs: " 7-OCT-82 09:26")

          (* * Invoked when a selector is not found for an object during a message sending operation.
	  Attempts to do spelling correction on the selector. Causes an error if this fails.)

                                                             (* dgb: "25-FEB-82 12:42")
      ((FIXSPELL selector 60 (← (Class self)
				(QUOTE verboseFlg))
			(superFlg (QUOTE ←Super))
			(T (QUOTE ←)))
		      self selector (QUOTE --))
		"not understood"])

  [LAMBDA (self file)                                        (* dgb: " 3-Jul-84 00:16")
                                                             (* Move this object to a file)
    (PROG (name)
          (OR file (SETQ file (PromptRead "Type in name of file to move to:"))
	      (RETURN "Nothing Moved!"))
          (SELECTQ (TYPENAME self)
		   (class (MOVEITEM file (ClassName self)
				    (QUOTE CLASSES)))
		   (instance (MOVEITEM file (COND
					 ((AND (SETQ name (GetObjectName self))
					       (WHEREIS name (QUOTE INSTANCES)))
					 (T (UID self)))
				       (QUOTE INSTANCES)))
		   (SHOULDNT "Bad item type for MoveToFile"])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "17-FEB-83 11:10")
    (PROG ((name (GetObjectName self)))
          (RETURN (COND
		    (name (CONCAT "$" name))
		    (T (CONCAT (ClassName self)
			       (CAR (LOC self))
			       (CDR (LOC self])

  [LAMBDA (self name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)               (* dgb: "25-Apr-84 15:28")
                                                             (* This allows initialization by the classes of objects 
							     themselves, rather than going to a metaClass)

          (* Run initial expression for IVs with active value defaults with ls = INITIAL or gfn = AtCreation.
	  In that case, makes a value which is the expression in GetFn. Other active values are copied to instance by 

          (* Clean slow code (for varName value in (← self List (QUOTE IVs)) do (* * for all properties in IV, including NIL
	  for IV value, Fire initialization function which exist.) (for prop in (CONS NIL (← self List! 
	  (QUOTE IVPROPS) varName)) when (NEQ NotSetValue (SETQ value (FireInit self varName (GetValueOnly self varName 
	  prop)))) do (PutValueOnly self varName value prop))))

    (AND name (← self SetName name))
    (FastClassInitialize (Class self)
    (← self SaveInstance name arg1 arg2)

  [LAMBDA (self selector)                                    (* dgb: "21-SEP-82 23:33")

          (* Called from FethMethodOrHelp when self is not an object with a class. A specialized response to this can be 
	  tailored in a given LOOPS application by first reseting the global LISP variable DefaultObject to point to an 
	  object. This default object will field NoObjectForMsg messages from FetchMethodOrHelp. The method for 
	  NoObjectForMsg on DefaultObject should return a default value, usually dependent on the selector.
	  This version of NoObjectForMsg just calls the user.)

      ((type? instance self)
	(replace CLASS of self with (%$ Object))
	(ERROR self "had no class.  Has been made an Object."))
      (T (ERROR self (CONCAT "has no class."])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: " 4-OCT-83 11:27")
                                                             (* Allow fixup of object after reading in.
							     Default is to do nothing)

  [LAMBDA (self newProtoFlg)                                 (* dgb: " 5-Apr-84 09:11")

          (* * Find an instance of class on CV Prototype, or create an puts one there. Used to send messages for effect to a
	  prototype object If newProtoFlg=T then make sure a new prototype is created)

    (PROG (proto)
	    ((← self HasCV (QUOTE Prototype))
	      (SETQ proto (GetClassValue self (QUOTE Prototype]
	    ((OR newProtoFlg (NEQ self (Class proto)))
	      (PutCVHere self (QUOTE Prototype)
			 (SETQ proto (← self New]
          (RETURN proto])

  [LAMBDA (self newName)                                     (* dgb: "24-DEC-83 12:43")
                                                             (* Remove an old name, and give it new name)
    (PROG ((oldName (GetObjectName self)))
	    (oldName (← self UnSetName oldName)))
          (← self SetName newName])

  [LAMBDA (self name arg1 arg2)                              (* dgb: "25-Apr-84 15:26")
                                                             (* Used to save the instance on a file.
							     Justs marks it as changed as a default)

  [LAMBDA (self name)                                        (* dgb: "26-DEC-83 15:01")
                                                             (* Call on NameEntity)
    [AND (NameEntity self name)
	   (CurrentNameTable (Modified self T))

  [LAMBDA (self name)                                        (* dgb: "18-JAN-84 11:31")
                                                             (* Unname entity)
    (PROG (files)
          (AND (DeleteObjectName self name)
		 (CurrentNameTable (Modified self T))
(* * Functions called by kernel classses)

(RPAQQ KERNELFNS (AddCIV AddCV AddIV AllSubClasses Class? ClassIVAddDelete ClassName CopyDeepDescr 
			 CopyInstance CopyLoopsStruc DeleteIV DumpInstanceFacts GetLastDefaultValue 
			 GetMethodObj IVSublis METHCOM MapIVs MapIVs! MessageNotUnderstood 
			 MessageValue NewWithValues SubsTree TypeInMethods WhoHas))

  [LAMBDA (class varName defaultValue otherProps)            (* dgb: "17-Apr-84 14:34")
                                                             (* Add an instance variable to the class, if needed, and
							     add properties of otherProps)
      ([AND (NULL varName)
	    (NULL (SETQ varName (PromptRead "Please type the name of the new IV: "]
      [(FMEMB varName (← class List (QUOTE IVs)))            (* Variable is local)
	(PutClassIV class varName defaultValue)
	(for p on otherProps by (CDDR p) do (PutClassIV class varName (CADR p)
							(CAR p]
      (T [InstallInstanceVariables class (NCONC1 (GetSourceIVs class)
						 (CONS varName (CONS defaultValue otherProps]
	 (OR (FMEMB (QUOTE doc)
		    (← class List!(QUOTE IVPROPS)
	     (PutClassIV class varName (BQUOTE               (* IV added by , (USERNAME NIL T)))
			 (QUOTE doc)))

  [LAMBDA (class varName newValue)                           (* dgb: "21-SEP-83 11:09")

          (* * Adds a class variable with given newValue. Returns NIL if variable already is in class -- though it does 
	  change the value to newValue. Returns varName if variable was added)

      ([AND (NULL varName)
	    (NULL (SETQ varName (PromptRead "Please type name of new CV: "]
      ((FMEMB varName (← class List (QUOTE CVs)))
	(AND newValue (PutClassValueOnly class varName newValue))
      (T (InstallClassVariables class (NCONC1 (GetSourceCVs class)
					      (LIST varName newValue)))
	 (OR (← class HasCV varName (QUOTE doc))
	     (PutClassValue class varName (BQUOTE            (* Undocumented CV added by , 
							     (USERNAME NIL T)))
			    (QUOTE doc)))

  [LAMBDA (self name value prop)                             (* dgb: "20-SEP-83 16:43")
                                                             (* Adds an IV to instance. If it is not in regular set, 
							     puts it in assoc List on otherIVs)
    (OR name (ERROR "A name must be given to add an IV"))
      ((← self HasIV name)
	(PutValueOnly self name value prop))
      (T (FillIVs self (Class self)
		  (NCONC1 (IVSource self)
			  (CONS name (COND
				  (prop (LIST NotSetValue prop value))
				  (T (LIST value]

  [LAMBDA (class currentSubs)                                (* mjs: "15-JUN-82 09:45")
                                                             (* Gets all subclasses recursively, making sure there 
							     are no duplicates. Called from Class.List!)
    (for SUB in (fetch subClasses of class) do [OR (FMEMB (SETQ SUB (OR (CAR (LISTP SUB))
						   (SETQ currentSubs (AllSubClasses SUB
										    (CONS SUB 
       finally (RETURN currentSubs])

  [LAMBDA (className object)                                 (* dgb: "19-Jun-84 21:25")

          (* * Returns T if object is of that class and NIL otherwise.)

    (← object InstOf! className])

  [LAMBDA (self datum window)                                (* dgb: "22-JUN-82 11:18")
                                                             (* Function called from the inspector to add or delete 
							     an instance variable from a class)
    (PROG [name (varName (AND (← self InstOf (QUOTE InspectorClassIVs))
			      (%@ iv]
          (SELECTQ [MENU (MenuGetOrCreate AddDeleteMenu (QUOTE (Add Delete]
		   [Add (SETQ name (INTTY "Type name to be added: " NIL NIL T))
			  (varName (PutValueOnly (%@ class)
						 varName NIL name))
			  (T (← (%@ class)
				(QUOTE IV)
				name NIL]
		   [Delete (SETQ name (INTTY "Type name to be deleted: " NIL NIL T))
			     (varName (← (%@ class)
					 (QUOTE IVProp)
					 varName name))
			     (T (← (%@ class)
				   (QUOTE IV)
          (INSPECTW.REDISPLAY window])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* dgb: "29-Feb-84 15:43")
                                                             (* Returns className of class of object)
      ((type? class self)
	(ffetch className of self))
      ((type? instance self)
	(ffetch className of (ffetch class of self)))
      (T (LoopsHelp self "has no class name"])

  [LAMBDA (descr)                                            (* dgb: "11-NOV-82 02:29")

          (* * Copies instances active vlues and lists, but bottoms out on anything else)

	     (instance (← descr CopyDeep))
	     [activeValue (create activeValue
				  localState ←(CopyDeepDescr (fetch localState of descr))
				  getFn ←(CopyDeepDescr (fetch getFn of descr))
				  putFn ←(CopyDeepDescr (fetch putFn of descr]
	     (LISTP (for val in descr collect (CopyDeepDescr val)))

  [LAMBDA (oldInstance newInstance)                          (* dgb: "24-DEC-83 12:40")
                                                             (* make a new instance with the same contents as self, 
							     or copy into an instance if given)
    [SETQ newInstance (FillIVs newInstance (Class oldInstance)
			       (MAPCAR (IVSource oldInstance)
				       (FUNCTION APPEND]     (* Copy IVSource down one layer of list structure.)
      ((AND (fetch OBJUID of oldInstance)
	    (NULL (fetch OBJUID of newInstance)))            (* Old one not temporary, but new one has non OBJUID 
	(UID newInstance)))

  [LAMBDA (desc)                                             (* dgb: "11-NOV-82 02:29")
	     (instance (← desc CopyDeep))
	     [LISTP (CONS (CopyLoopsStruc (CAR desc))
			  (CopyLoopsStruc (CDR desc]

  [LAMBDA (self varName propName)                            (* dgb: " 1-NOV-83 09:31")
                                                             (* Removes an IV from an Instance.
							     No longer shares IVName List with class.
							     Some programs which depend on IV may not work.)
      ((NULL (← self HasIV varName))
	(ERROR varName "Not instance variable in this instance"))
      [(NULL propName)
	(AND (← (Class self)
		HasIV varName)
	     (ERROR varName "in class. Cannot be deleted from instance"))
	(replace otherIVs of self with (DELASSOC varName (fetch otherIVs of self]
      (T (ObjRemProp (FetchIVDescr self varName)

  [LAMBDA (instanceRec fileHandle)                           (* DECLARATIONS: (RECORD fileInstance 
							     (cls . idesc)))
                                                             (* dgb: " 6-DEC-82 13:41")

          (* * This prints an expression on the file which specifies the contents of an instance record.
	  Called by (← object DumpFacts))

    (PROG ((filePos (GETFILEPTR fileHandle)))
          (PRIN1 (QUOTE i)
          (PRINT (create fileInstance
			 cls ←(fetch class of instanceRec)
			 idesc ←(NCONC
			   [for name exceptions descr in (fetch iNames of instanceRec) as i
			      from 0 when [NEQ (QUOTE Any)
					       (SETQ exceptions (GetValueOnly instanceRec name
									      (QUOTE DontSave]
			      collect (SETQ descr (GetVarNth instanceRec i)) 

          (* Collect a list of properties, omitting those on the list which is the value of the property DontSave.
	  Value should be on that list if the value is not to be dumped.)

				      (CONS name (COND
					      ((EQ NotSetValue exceptions)
					      ((NULL (CDR descr))
						  ((FMEMB (QUOTE Value)
						  (T descr)))
					      (T (CONS (COND
							 ((FMEMB (QUOTE Value)
                                                             (* value is to be omitted)
							 (T (CAR descr)))
						       (for pair on (CDR descr) by (CDDR pair)
							  when (NOT (FMEMB (CAR pair)
							  join (LIST (CAR pair)
								     (CADR pair]
			   (fetch otherIVs of instanceRec)))
          (RETURN filePos])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 2-AUG-82 17:03")

          (* * See FetchMethodOrHelp and Object.NoObjectForMsg. This hack allows users to pass back values for the 
	  application of methods to objects not known at the time of a SEND.)


  [LAMBDA (class selector createIfNotFoundFlg)               (* dgb: "17-OCT-83 13:35")
                                                             (* Method objects have names of form className.selector.
							     If not found, and createIfNotFoundFlg=T then create a 
							     new one, filling in className and selector)
    (PROG (obj (methName (PACK* (ClassName class)
				(QUOTE %.)
          (RETURN (OR (GetObjectRec methName)
		      (AND createIfNotFoundFlg (PROGN (SETQ obj (← ($ Method)
								   New methName))
							(ClassName class))
							\obj:selector selector)

  [LAMBDA (value alist)                                      (* dgb: "18-NOV-82 01:06")
                                                             (* Copy value putting in substitutions for items on 
							     alist. Called from Object.Sublis)
    (PROG ((pair (FASSOC value alist)))
          (RETURN (COND
		    (pair [COND
			    ((NULL (CDR pair))
				((type? instance value)      (* This will fix up alist as a side effect)
				  (← value Sublis alist))
				(T (RPLACD pair (LIST (IVSublis value alist]
			  (CADR pair))
		    [(LISTP value)
			((EQ (QUOTE *)
			     (CAR value))                    (* A comment)
			  (APPEND value))
			(T (CONS (IVSublis (CAR value)
				 (IVSublis (CDR value)
		    ((type? activeValue value)
		      (create activeValue
			      localState ←(IVSublis (fetch localState of value)
			      getFn ←(IVSublis (fetch getFn of value)
			      putFn ←(IVSublis (fetch putFn of value)
		    (T value])

  [NLAMBDA MS                                                (* dgb: "16-May-84 19:53")
                                                             (* Computes file package commands for METHODS)
		(for M in MS when (EQ M (@($! M)
		   collect M])

  [LAMBDA (self mapfn)                                       (* dgb: "24-NOV-82 15:22")
                                                             (* maps through self applying 
							     (mapfn self ivName propName) for all IVnames and all 
							     props, including NIL for the value itself)
    (for ivName in (← self List (QUOTE IVs)) do (for propName in (CONS NIL (← self List (QUOTE 
						   do (mapfn self ivName propName])

  [LAMBDA (self mapfn)                                       (* dgb: "24-NOV-82 15:23")

          (* maps through self applying (mapfn self ivName propName) for all IVnames and all props including inherited ones 
	  and NIL for the value itself)

    (for ivName in (← self List!(QUOTE IVs)) do (for propName in (CONS NIL (← self List!(QUOTE 
						   do (APPLY* mapfn self ivName propName])

  [LAMBDA (self selector superFlg)                           (* mjs: "30-JUN-82 14:04")

          (* * Invoked when a selector is not found for an object during a message sending operation.
	  Attempts to do spelling correction on the selector. Causes an error if this fails.)

                                                             (* dgb: "25-FEB-82 12:42")
      ((FIXSPELL selector 60 (← self List!(QUOTE METHODS)
				(QUOTE verboseFlg))
			(superFlg (QUOTE ←Super))
			(T (QUOTE ←)))
		      self selector (QUOTE --))
		"not understood"])

  [LAMBDA (value)                                            (* dgb: " 6-JUN-83 17:56")
                                                             (* Return from Object.MessageNotUnderstood so that value
							     is returned)
    (SETQ LastDefaultValue value)
    (RETFROM (QUOTE Object.MessageNotUnderstood)
	     (QUOTE ReturnDefaultValue])

  [LAMBDA (class description)                                (* dgb: "24-DEC-83 12:37")

          (* * Creates a new instance, substituting values given explicitly in description Does not initialize variables in 
	  the usual way.)

    (FillIVs NIL class description])

  [LAMBDA (class currentList)                                (* dgb: " 1-OCT-82 09:44")
                                                             (* Compute the SubsTree starting at class given, adding 
							     elements to currentList)
    [for cl in (← (GetClassRec class)
		  (QUOTE Subs))
       do (COND
	    ((NOT (FMEMB cl currentList))
	      (SubsTree cl (SETQ currentList (NCONC1 currentList cl]

  [LAMBDA (com name type)                                    (* dgb: "22-Jun-84 11:54")
    (PROG [(methList (COND
		       ((EQ (CADR com)
			    (QUOTE *))
			 (EVAL (CADDR com)))
		       (T (CDR com]
          (RETURN (SELECTQ type
			     (SELECTQ name
				      ((NIL T)
					((LITATOM name)
					  (FMEMB name methList))
					(T (INTERSECTION name methList]
			   [FNS (SELECTQ name
					 (NIL (for M in methList
						 when (AND ($! M)
							   (EQ M (@($! M)
						 collect M))
					 (T T)
					   [(LITATOM name)
					     (AND (FMEMB name methList)
						  ($! name)
						  (EQ name (@($! name)
					   (T (for M in methList
						 when (AND (FMEMB M name)
							   ($! M)
							   (EQ M (@($! M)
						 collect M]

  [LAMBDA (name type files editFlg)                          (* dgb: "19-Jun-84 15:16")
      ((NULL files)
	(SETQ files FILELST))
      ((LITATOM files)
	(SETQ files (LIST files]
    (for f in files join (for cl in (FILECOMSLST f (QUOTE CLASSES))
			    collect [COND
				      (editFlg (COND
						 ((FMEMB type (QUOTE (NIL Method METHOD)))
						   (← ($! cl)
						      EditMethod name))
						 (T (← ($! cl)
			    when (SELECTQ type
					  ((NIL Method METHOD)
					    (FindLocalMethod ($! cl)
					  (IV (← self HasIV name))
					  (CV (← self HasCV name))

  [LAMBDA (class)                                            (* mjs: " 5-Jun-84 12:27")
                                                             (* Puts up a menu for editing the selectors of a given 
      ((LITATOM class)
	(SETQ class ($! class]
    (PROG (selectors numColumns menu window xPos yPos)
          (SETQ selectors (← class List (QUOTE Methods)))
          (SETQ numColumns (MAX 1 (IQUOTIENT (FLENGTH selectors)
          [SETQ menu (create MENU
			     ITEMS ← selectors
			     MENUCOLUMNS ← numColumns
			     WHENSELECTEDFN ←(QUOTE MethodMenuWhenSelectedFn)
			     TITLE ←(CONCAT "Methods for " (ClassName class]
          (SETQ xPos (IDIFFERENCE 425 (fetch (MENU IMAGEWIDTH) of menu)))
          (SETQ yPos (IDIFFERENCE 794 (fetch (MENU IMAGEHEIGHT) of menu)))
          (SETQ window (ADDMENU menu NIL (create POSITION
						 XCOORD ← xPos
						 YCOORD ← yPos)))
          (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE Class)
          (RETURN window])

  [LAMBDA (selector menu key)                                (* dgb: " 5-Jun-84 14:36")
    (SELECTQ key
	     (LEFT (ApplyMethodInTtyProcess (WINDOWPROP (WFROMMENU menu)
							(QUOTE Class))
					    (QUOTE PPM)
					    (LIST selector)))
	     (MIDDLE (ApplyMethodInTtyProcess (WINDOWPROP (WFROMMENU menu)
							  (QUOTE Class))
					      (QUOTE EditMethod)
					      (LIST selector)))



(PUTPROPS LOOPSKERNEL COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1983 1984))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (15085 58414 (Class.CreateInstance 15095 . 15466) (Class.DefMethod 15468 . 15966) (
Class.DefRSM 15968 . 16395) (Class.EM! 16397 . 17905) (Class.Edit 17907 . 18486) (Class.Edit! 18488 . 
19011) (Class.EditMethod 19013 . 21062) (Class.EditMethodObject 21064 . 21524) (Class.FetchMethod 
21526 . 21832) (Class.FileIn 21834 . 22214) (Class.FileOut 22216 . 22821) (Class.Fringe 22823 . 23192)
 (Class.IndexedInstances 23194 . 23464) (Class.Initialize 23466 . 24290) (Class.InstallEditSource 
24292 . 25108) (Class.List 25110 . 26493) (Class.List! 26495 . 27813) (Class.MakeEditSource 27815 . 
28258) (Class.MakeFileSource 28260 . 28962) (Class.MakeFullEditSource 28964 . 29361) (Class.New 29363
 . 29735) (Class.NewClass 29737 . 29961) (Class.NewTemp 29963 . 30195) (Class.Old 30197 . 30610) (
Class.Rename 30612 . 31051) (Class.RenameMethod 31053 . 31344) (Class.ReplaceSupers 31346 . 31667) (
Class.SetName 31669 . 32993) (Class.Specialize 32995 . 33513) (Class.SpecializeMethod 33515 . 34362) (
Class.SubClasses 34364 . 34738) (Class.Subclass 34740 . 34976) (Class.UnSetName 34978 . 35387) (
DestroyedClass.DestroyClass 35389 . 37134) (DestroyedClass.DestroyInstance 37136 . 37778) (
DestroyedClass.SubClasses 37780 . 37996) (DestroyedObject.Destroy! 37998 . 38234) (
MetaClass.CreateClass 38236 . 38532) (MetaClass.DestroyInstance 38534 . 40287) (MetaClass.New 40289 . 
40703) (Method.ChangeClassName 40705 . 41475) (Method.ChangeName 41477 . 42216) (Method.EditMethod 
42218 . 42492) (Method.FileOut 42494 . 43061) (Method.MakeFileSource 43063 . 44050) (
Method.NewInstance 44052 . 44399) (Method.OldInstance 44401 . 45080) (Object.ChangeClass 45082 . 45617
) (Object.Class 45619 . 45839) (Object.DelFromFile 45841 . 46270) (Object.Destroy 46272 . 46581) (
Object.Destroy! 46583 . 46932) (Object.DoMethod 46934 . 47360) (Object.Edit 47362 . 47696) (
Object.FileOut 47698 . 48449) (Object.IVMissing 48451 . 49615) (Object.InstallEditSource 49617 . 49960
) (Object.InstallFileSource 49962 . 50365) (Object.Instantiate 50367 . 50597) (Object.List 50599 . 
51238) (Object.List! 51240 . 51693) (Object.MakeEditSource 51695 . 51998) (Object.MakeFileSource 52000
 . 52367) (Object.MessageNotUnderstood 52369 . 53033) (Object.MoveToFile 53035 . 53726) (
Object.NameString 53728 . 54122) (Object.NewInstance 54124 . 55223) (Object.NoObjectForMsg 55225 . 
56066) (Object.OldInstance 56068 . 56344) (Object.Prototype 56346 . 56965) (Object.Rename 56967 . 
57325) (Object.SaveInstance 57327 . 57657) (Object.SetName 57659 . 57995) (Object.UnSetName 57997 . 
58412)) (58782 74455 (AddCIV 58792 . 59740) (AddCV 59742 . 60572) (AddIV 60574 . 61145) (AllSubClasses
 61147 . 61729) (Class? 61731 . 61947) (ClassIVAddDelete 61949 . 62886) (ClassName 62888 . 63320) (
CopyDeepDescr 63322 . 63930) (CopyInstance 63932 . 64646) (CopyLoopsStruc 64648 . 64923) (DeleteIV 
64925 . 65660) (DumpInstanceFacts 65662 . 67448) (GetLastDefaultValue 67450 . 67787) (GetMethodObj 
67789 . 68497) (IVSublis 68499 . 69648) (METHCOM 69650 . 70009) (MapIVs 70011 . 70547) (MapIVs! 70549
 . 71037) (MessageNotUnderstood 71039 . 71684) (MessageValue 71686 . 72063) (NewWithValues 72065 . 
72367) (SubsTree 72369 . 72849) (TypeInMethods 72851 . 73770) (WhoHas 73772 . 74453)) (74456 75985 (
MakeMethodMenu 74466 . 75544) (MethodMenuWhenSelectedFn 75546 . 75983)))))