(FILECREATED " 1-SEP-83 16:15:02" {INDIGO}<LOOPS>TRUCKIN>MULTI>PLANNER.;8 48547 changes to: (FNS BuyGasPlanner) previous date: "26-JUL-83 16:56:23" {INDIGO}<LOOPS>TRUCKIN>MULTI>PLANNER.;4) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PLANNERCOMS) (RPAQQ PLANNERCOMS ((INSTANCES AtCurrentStopPlanner BuyGasPlanner BuyPlanner CarryOutGoalPlanner FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules GetClosePlanner GoToAlicePlanner GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules LeaveAlicePlanner PurchaseGasPlanner RateDumpsPlanner RateGasStationsPlannerRules SellGoodsPlannerRules SellPlanner SetGoalPlanner SitTightPlanner TakeTurnPlannerRules) (CLASSES Planner) (FNS AtCurrentStopPlanner BuyGasPlanner BuyPlanner CarryOutGoalPlanner FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules GetClosePlanner GoToAlicePlanner GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules LeaveAlicePlanner PurchaseGasPlanner RateDumpsPlanner RateGasStationsPlannerRules SellGoodsPlannerRules SellPlanner SetGoalPlanner SitTightPlanner TakeTurnPlannerRules))) (DEFINST RuleSet (AtCurrentStopPlanner "UVSC@EN@") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENF") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(AtCurrentStopPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules AtCurrentStopPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (realLocation numBuy)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 4) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (BuyGasPlanner "UVSC@ELu") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EM>")) (name #(BuyGasPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules BuyGasPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (tdest)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 3) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (BuyPlanner "UVSC@ELv") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EM?")) (name #(BuyPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules BuyPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (tdest)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 1) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (CarryOutGoalPlanner "UVSC@ENA") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENG")) (name #(CarryOutGoalPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules CarryOutGoalPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (numBuy)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 4) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules "UVSC@EMq") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENH") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (wStation gasStation)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 5) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (GetClosePlanner "UVSC@ELr") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EM@")) (name #(GetClosePlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules GetClosePlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars NIL) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 1) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (GoToAlicePlanner "UVSC@ELs") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMA")) (name #(GoToAlicePlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules GoToAlicePlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (tdest)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 1) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules "UVSC@EN=") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENI") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars NIL) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 3) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (LeaveAlicePlanner "UVSC@ELq") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMB")) (name #(LeaveAlicePlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules LeaveAlicePlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars NIL) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 1) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (PurchaseGasPlanner "UVSC@ENx") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EO?") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(PurchaseGasPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules PurchaseGasPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (spaceInTank fuelAffordable fuelAvailable qty)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 2) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (RateDumpsPlanner "UVSC@EL|") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMC") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(RateDumpsPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules RateDumpsPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args (roadStop)) (tempVars (rating cargo)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 5) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (RateGasStationsPlannerRules "UVSC@ENC") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENJ") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(RateGasStationsPlannerRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules RateGasStationsPlannerRules) (workSpace Planner) (args (rs)) (tempVars (rating)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 3) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (SellGoodsPlannerRules "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.210") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(SellGoodsPlannerRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules SellGoodsPlannerRules) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (cargo sellQty)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 6) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (SellPlanner "UVSC@ELx") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMD")) (name #(SellPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules SellPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (tdest has)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 2) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (SetGoalPlanner "UVSC@ELo") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EME") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(SetGoalPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules SetGoalPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars NIL) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 8) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (SitTightPlanner "UVSC@ELp") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMF")) (name #(SitTightPlanner NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules SitTightPlanner) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars NIL) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 1) (controlStructure DO1) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions NIL) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSet (TakeTurnPlannerRules "UVSC@ELg") (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMG") myViewName RuleSet) (name #(TakeTurnPlannerRules NIL RememberName)) (compiledRules TakeTurnPlannerRules) (workSpace Planner) (args NIL) (tempVars (possibleStops)) (taskVars NIL) (debugVars NIL) (numRules 4) (controlStructure DOALL) (whileCondition NIL) (compilerOptions (A)) (auditClass NIL) (metaAssignments NIL) (ruleClass NIL) (taskClass)) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@ENF") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN@") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@ENK"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EM>") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELu") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMH"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EM?") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELv") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMI"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@ENG") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENA") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@ENL"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@ENH") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EMq") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@ENM"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EM@") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELr") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMJ"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EMA") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELs") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMK"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@ENI") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN=") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@ENN"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EMB") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELq") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EML"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EO?") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENx") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EO@"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EMC") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EL|") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMM"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@ENJ") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENC") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@ENO"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.210") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187") Source #&(RuleSetSource "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.211"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EMD") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELx") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMN"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EME") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMO"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EMF") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELp") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMP"))) (DEFINST RuleSetNode ("UVSC@EMG") (perspectives ? RuleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELg") Source #&(RuleSetSource "UVSC@EMQ"))) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@ENK") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.212")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.213")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.214")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.191")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENF") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:34") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "26-JUL-83 16:22:13") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMH") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "SAS.0.5349.120.55117.1")) (#&(Rule "SAS.0.5349.120.55117.2")) (#&(Rule "SAS.0.5349.120.55117.3")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EM>")) (created "22-JUN-83 17:07:59") (creator MITTAL) (edited " 1-SEP-83 16:13:34") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMI") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.155")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EM?")) (created "22-JUN-83 17:15:22") (creator MITTAL) (edited "26-JUL-83 12:39:19") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@ENL") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.197")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.198")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.199")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.200")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENG")) (created "23-JUN-83 10:16:54") (creator MITTAL) (edited "25-JUL-83 10:20:15") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@ENM") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.156")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.157")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.158")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.159")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.160")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENH") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:23") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "26-JUL-83 13:27:18") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMJ") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.161")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EM@")) (created "22-JUN-83 16:47:34") (creator MITTAL) (edited "26-JUL-83 12:42:45") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMK") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.162")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMA")) (created "22-JUN-83 16:49:44") (creator MITTAL) (edited "26-JUL-83 12:43:07") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@ENN") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.215")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.216")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.217")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENI") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:34") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "26-JUL-83 16:43:55") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EML") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.208")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMB")) (created "22-JUN-83 16:41:38") (creator MITTAL) (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:03") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EO@") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.209")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.210")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EO?") myViewName Source) (created "27-JAN-83 00:31:21") (creator STEFIK) (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:12") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMM") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.211")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.212")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.213")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.214")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.215")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMC") myViewName Source) (created "18-FEB-83 22:45:14") (creator STEFIK) (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:31") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@ENO") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.216")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.217")) (#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.218")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@ENJ") myViewName Source) (created "19-MAY-83 17:26:44") (creator MITTAL) (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:40") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.211") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.218")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.219")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.220")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.221")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.222")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.223")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.210") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:40") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMN") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.163")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.164")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMD")) (created "22-JUN-83 17:30:30") (creator MITTAL) (edited "26-JUL-83 12:48:04") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMO") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.165")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.166")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.167")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.168")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.169")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.170")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.171")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.172")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EME") myViewName Source) (created "22-JUN-83 15:37:14") (creator MITTAL) (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMP") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.230")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMF")) (created "22-JUN-83 16:39:26") (creator MITTAL) (edited "25-JUL-83 10:22:13") (editor STEFIK)) (DEFINST RuleSetSource ("UVSC@EMQ") (indexedVars ((#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.224")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.225")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.226")) (#&(Rule "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.227")))) (perspectiveNode #&(RuleSetNode "UVSC@EMG") myViewName Source) (created " 1-FEB-83 14:25:51") (creator LOOPSCOURSE) (edited "26-JUL-83 16:34:06") (editor MITTAL)) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.212") (source "(* Take action at current stop) -> realLocation←truck:location;") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:22:13") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN@"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.213") (source "IF stoppingPlace realLocation~=stoppingPlace THEN (WriteGameStatus %"Oh! %" driver %" didnt reach stoppingPlace%");") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:22:13") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN@"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.214") (source "IF (ISA realLocation $GasStation) THEN .PurchaseGas;") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:22:13") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN@"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.191") (source "IF realLocation=destination THEN .CarryOutGoal destination←NIL;") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:22:13") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN@"))) (DEFINST Rule ("SAS.0.5349.120.55117.1") (source "IF tdest←(PickHiObj self 'RateGasStations (RoadStops $GasStation .Range)) THEN destination←tdest direction←(DirectionOf destination);") (edited " 1-SEP-83 16:13:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELu"))) (DEFINST Rule ("SAS.0.5349.120.55117.2") (source "IF (OR truck:cashBox > 400000 \Simulator:timeLeft < 240) THEN destination←truck:location direction←(DirectionOf destination);") (edited " 1-SEP-83 16:13:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELu"))) (DEFINST Rule ("SAS.0.5349.120.55117.3") (source "THEN destination←(AnyRoadStop $UnionHall) direction←(DirectionOf destination);") (edited " 1-SEP-83 16:13:34") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELu"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.155") (source "IF sellers←(Sellers $Commodity) tdest←(PickHiObj self 'RateProducers sellers) THEN destination←tdest direction←(DirectionOf destination);") (edited "26-JUL-83 12:39:19") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELv"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.197") (source "(* Carry out goal, revising them if needed) IF goal << '(LeaveAlice SitTight GetClose GoToAlice) THEN ;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:20:15") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.198") (source "IF goal='BuyGas THEN goal←NIL;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:20:15") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.199") (source "IF goal='Buy numBuy←(← self MaxPurchase truck:location) numBuy>= 1 THEN (← \PlayerInterface Buy self numBuy);") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:20:15") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.200") (source "IF goal='Sell truck:cargo THEN .SellGoods;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:20:15") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENA"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.156") (source "(* Returns a stopping place en route to a destination.) IF truck:fuel=0 THEN stoppingPlace←(AnyRoadStop $UnionHall);") (edited "26-JUL-83 13:27:18") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EMq"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.157") (source "(* Obey the law - stop at WeighStations.) IF wStation←(NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $WeighStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) (Distance wStation)<(Distance destination) THEN stoppingPlace←wStation;") (edited "26-JUL-83 13:27:18") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EMq"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.158") (source "IF (Distance destination)<=.Range1 (RoomToParkP destination) THEN stoppingPlace←destination;") (edited "26-JUL-83 13:27:18") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EMq"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.159") (source "IF gasStation←(FurthestRoadStop (RoadStops $GasStation .Range1 direction 'Room)) gasStation:qty>0 THEN stoppingPlace←gasStation;") (edited "26-JUL-83 13:27:18") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EMq"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.160") (source "THEN stoppingPlace←(NthRoadStop maxMove direction NIL 'Room);") (edited "26-JUL-83 13:27:18") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EMq"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.161") (source "-> alices←(NearestRoadStop(RoadStops $AlicesRestaurant )) destination←(PickHiObj self 'RateSpotsNearAlices (RoadStops)) direction← (DirectionOf destination);") (edited "26-JUL-83 12:42:45") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELr"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.162") (source "IF tdest← (NearestRoadStop(RoadStops $AlicesRestaurant NIL NIL T)) THEN destination←tdest direction ← (DirectionOf destination);") (edited "26-JUL-83 12:43:07") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELs"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.215") (source "(* Go to the stoppingPlace) IF stoppingPlace=truck:location THEN (WriteGameStatus %"Hm! %" driver %" already there%");") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:43:55") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN="))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.216") (source "IF stoppingPlace.BanditP THEN (WriteGameStatus driver %" Not moving because of bandits%");") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:43:55") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN="))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.217") (source "-> (← \PlayerInterface Move self stoppingPlace);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:43:55") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EN="))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.208") (source "-> destination← (NearestRoadStop (RoadStops $RoadStop NIL NIL T)) direction← (DirectionOf destination);") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:03") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELq"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.209") (source "(* Buy gasoline as limited by various constraints.) THEN spaceInTank←truck::MaxFuel-truck:fuel fuelAvailable←truck:location:qty fuelAffordable←truck:cashBox/(PricePerUnit truck:location) qty←(MIN spaceInTank fuelAffordable fuelAvailable);") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:12") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENx"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.210") (source "(* Now appropriate quantity has been computed) IF qty>0 THEN (← \PlayerInterface Buy self qty );") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:12") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENx"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.211") (source " (* Rate the suitability of a proposed Consumer.) -> cargo ← (CAR truck:cargo) rating←0;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:31") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EL|"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.212") (source "(* Need to be able to park) IF ~(RoomToParkP roadStop) THEN rating ← rating - 500;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:31") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EL|"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.213") (source "(* Exclude consumers that have full inventory.) IF roadStop:qty < 1 THEN rating ← rating - 1000;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:31") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EL|"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.214") (source "(* Favor high price ratios.) -> rating ← rating + 100 * roadStop:pr ;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:31") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EL|"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.215") (source "(* Favor close places.) -> rating ← rating - [truck::Gpm *(Distance roadStop truck:location)];") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:31") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@EL|"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.216") (source "(* rate gas stations within range) THEN rating ← 0;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:40") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.217") (source "IF rs:qty=0 THEN rating ← -2000;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:40") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.218") (source "IF ~(RoomToParkP rs) THEN rating ← rating - 200;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:21:40") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ENC"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.218") (source " -> cargo←(CAR truck:cargo);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.219") (source " IF ~(ISA cargo truck:location::Commodity) THEN (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'WrongKindOfBuyer);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.220") (source " (* Make sale as limited by cargo and consumer.) IF ~cargo:status (ISA truck:location $CityDump) THEN sellQty←(MIN truck:location:qty cargo:qty) (← \PlayerInterface Sell self cargo sellQty) (STOP T 'Sold 'AtCityDump);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.221") (source " IF truck:location:pr < 1.1 goal='Sell THEN (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'AvoidCheapSkates);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.222") (source " IF truck:location:pr < 0 THEN (STOP NIL 'NoSale 'NeverAtLoss);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.223") (source " IF cargo:status sellQty←(MIN truck:location:qty cargo:qty) sellQty>=1 THEN (← \PlayerInterface Sell self cargo sellQty);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:05:44") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.187"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.163") (source "IF has←(CAR truck:cargo) ~has:status tdest←(PickHiObj self 'RateDumps (RoadStops $CityDump)) THEN destination←tdest direction←(DirectionOf destination);") (edited "26-JUL-83 12:48:04") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELx"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.164") (source "IF has tdest←(PickHiObj self 'RateConsumers (Buyers has)) THEN destination←tdest direction←(DirectionOf destination);") (edited "26-JUL-83 12:48:04") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELx"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.165") (source "(* Sets the goal) IF (ISA truck:location $AlicesRestaurant) .TimeAtStop>=25 THEN goal←'LeaveAlice;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.166") (source "IF goal << '(SitTight BuyGas) THEN ;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.167") (source "IF goal='GoToAlice (ISA truck:location $AlicesRestaurant) THEN goal←'SitTight;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.168") (source "IF \Simulator:timeLeft <30 THEN goal←'GoToAlice higherGoal←'GoToAlice;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.169") (source "IF truck:fuel < .25 * truck::MaxFuel truck:cashBox > 0 THEN higherGoal←goal goal←'BuyGas;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 5) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.170") (source "IF \Simulator:timeLeft < 60 THEN goal←'GetClose higherGoal←'GoToAlice;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 6) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.171") (source "IF truck:cargo THEN goal←'Sell;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 7) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.172") (source "-> goal←'Buy;") (edited "26-JUL-83 14:07:39") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 8) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELo"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LYS.0.5349.124.36446.230") (source "-> destination←NIL;") (edited "25-JUL-83 10:22:13") (editor STEFIK) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELp"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.224") (source " (* Top-Level RuleSet for taking turns. Sets goal and destination.) -> .SetGoal;") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:34:06") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 1) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELg"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.225") (source "IF goal THEN (←! self goal);") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:34:06") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 2) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELg"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.226") (source "IF destination THEN .FindStoppingPlace;") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:34:06") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 3) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELg"))) (DEFINST Rule ("LZS.0.5349.129.33698.227") (source "IF destination stoppingPlace THEN .GoToStoppingPlace .AtCurrentStop;") (edited "26-JUL-83 16:34:06") (editor MITTAL) (ruleNumber 4) (ruleSet #&(RuleSet "UVSC@ELg"))) (DEFCLASSES Planner) [DEFCLASS Planner (MetaClass PlayerMeta Edited: (* sm: "23-JUN-83 12:40")) (Supers Peddler) (ClassVariables (CopyCV (Icon)) (Icon ?)) (InstanceVariables (goal Buy) (higherGoal Buy doc (* main goal if temporarily overridden)) (prevGoal NIL) (sellers NIL)) (Methods (RateDumps RateDumpsPlanner RuleSet RateDumpsPlanner) (Sell SellPlanner RuleSet SellPlanner) (Buy BuyPlanner RuleSet BuyPlanner) (BuyGas BuyGasPlanner RuleSet BuyGasPlanner) (GoToAlice GoToAlicePlanner RuleSet GoToAlicePlanner) (GetClose GetClosePlanner RuleSet GetClosePlanner) (LeaveAlice LeaveAlicePlanner RuleSet LeaveAlicePlanner) (SitTight SitTightPlanner RuleSet SitTightPlanner) (SetGoal SetGoalPlanner RuleSet SetGoalPlanner) (TakeTurn TakeTurnPlannerRules RuleSet TakeTurnPlannerRules) (FindStoppingPlace FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules RuleSet FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules doc (* RuleSet FindStoppingPlacePeddlerRules is installed as the selector FindStoppingPlace of the class Peddler) ) (GoToStoppingPlace GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules RuleSet GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules doc (* RuleSet GoToStoppingPlacePeddlerRules is installed as the selector GoToStoppingPlace of the class Peddler) ) (AtCurrentStop AtCurrentStopPlanner RuleSet AtCurrentStopPlanner) (CarryOutGoal CarryOutGoalPlanner RuleSet CarryOutGoalPlanner) (RateGasStations RateGasStationsPlannerRules RuleSet RateGasStationsPlannerRules) (PurchaseGas PurchaseGasPlanner RuleSet PurchaseGasPlanner) (SellGoods SellGoodsPlannerRules RuleSet SellGoodsPlannerRules doc (* RuleSet SellGoodsPeddlerRules is installed as the selector SellGoods of the class Peddler)) )] (DEFINEQ (AtCurrentStopPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value realLocation numBuy) [SETQ ↑value (SETQ realLocation (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location] [COND ([AND (GetValue self (QUOTE stoppingPlace)) (NEQ realLocation (GetValue self (QUOTE stoppingPlace] (SETQ ↑value (WriteGameStatus "Oh! " (GetValue self (QUOTE driver)) " didnt reach stoppingPlace"] [COND ((ISA realLocation ($ GasStation)) (SETQ ↑value (← self PurchaseGas] [COND ((EQ realLocation (GetValue self (QUOTE destination))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← ($ StandardAuditRecord) NewTemp)) (PutValue ↑auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "LZS.0.5349.129.33698.191"))) (← self CarryOutGoal) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE destination) NIL ↑auditRecord] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (BuyGasPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value tdest) [COND [[SETQ tdest (PickHiObj self (QUOTE RateGasStations) (RoadStops ($ GasStation) (← self Range] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) tdest) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] [(OR (GREATERP (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cashBox)) 400000) (LESSP (GetValue Simulator (QUOTE timeLeft)) 240)) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location))) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] (T (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) (AnyRoadStop ($ UnionHall))) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (BuyPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value tdest) [COND ([AND (PutValue self (QUOTE sellers) (Sellers ($ Commodity))) (SETQ tdest (PickHiObj self (QUOTE RateProducers) (GetValue self (QUOTE sellers] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) tdest) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (CarryOutGoalPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value numBuy) [COND ((FMEMB (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE (LeaveAlice SitTight GetClose GoToAlice))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN))) ((EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE BuyGas)) (SETQ ↑value (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) NIL))) ((AND (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE Buy)) [SETQ numBuy (← self MaxPurchase (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location] (GEQ numBuy 1)) (SETQ ↑value (← PlayerInterface Buy self numBuy))) ((AND (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE Sell)) (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cargo))) (SETQ ↑value (← self SellGoods] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value wStation gasStation) [COND [(EQ (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE fuel)) 0) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← ($ StandardAuditRecord) NewTemp)) (PutValue ↑auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.184"))) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE stoppingPlace) (AnyRoadStop ($ UnionHall)) ↑auditRecord] [[AND [SETQ wStation (NearestRoadStop (RoadStops ($ WeighStation) (← self Range1) (GetValue self (QUOTE direction)) (QUOTE Room] (LESSP (Distance wStation) (Distance (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← ($ StandardAuditRecord) NewTemp)) (PutValue ↑auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.185"))) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE stoppingPlace) wStation ↑auditRecord] [[AND (LEQ (Distance (GetValue self (QUOTE destination))) (← self Range1)) (RoomToParkP (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← ($ StandardAuditRecord) NewTemp)) (PutValue ↑auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.186"))) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE stoppingPlace) (GetValue self (QUOTE destination)) ↑auditRecord] [(AND [SETQ gasStation (FurthestRoadStop (RoadStops ($ GasStation) (← self Range1) (GetValue self (QUOTE direction)) (QUOTE Room] (GREATERP (GetValue gasStation (QUOTE qty)) 0)) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← ($ StandardAuditRecord) NewTemp)) (PutValue ↑auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.187"))) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE stoppingPlace) gasStation ↑auditRecord] (T (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PROGN (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit values.) (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← ($ StandardAuditRecord) NewTemp)) (PutValue ↑auditRecord (QUOTE rule) (GetObjFromUID "LYS.0.5349.124.36446.188"))) (PutAuditRec self (QUOTE stoppingPlace) (NthRoadStop (GetValue self (QUOTE maxMove)) (GetValue self (QUOTE direction)) NIL (QUOTE Room)) ↑auditRecord] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (GetClosePlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value) [COND (T (SETQ ↑value (PROGN [PutValue self (QUOTE alices) (NearestRoadStop (RoadStops ($ AlicesRestaurant] (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) (PickHiObj self (QUOTE RateSpotsNearAlices) (RoadStops))) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (GoToAlicePlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value tdest) [COND ((SETQ tdest (NearestRoadStop (RoadStops ($ AlicesRestaurant) NIL NIL T))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) tdest) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value) [COND ((EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE stoppingPlace)) (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location))) (SETQ ↑value (WriteGameStatus "Hm! " (GetValue self (QUOTE driver)) " already there"))) ((← (GetValue self (QUOTE stoppingPlace)) BanditP) (SETQ ↑value (WriteGameStatus (GetValue self (QUOTE driver)) " Not moving because of bandits"))) (T (SETQ ↑value (← PlayerInterface Move self (GetValue self (QUOTE stoppingPlace] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (LeaveAlicePlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value) [COND (T (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) (NearestRoadStop (RoadStops ($ RoadStop) NIL NIL T))) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (PurchaseGasPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value spaceInTank fuelAffordable fuelAvailable qty) [SETQ ↑value (PROGN [SETQ spaceInTank (DIFFERENCE (GetClassValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE MaxFuel)) (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE fuel] (SETQ fuelAvailable (GetValue (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) (QUOTE qty))) [SETQ fuelAffordable (QUOTIENT (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cashBox)) (PricePerUnit (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location] (SETQ qty (MIN spaceInTank fuelAffordable fuelAvailable] [COND ((GREATERP qty 0) (SETQ ↑value (← PlayerInterface Buy self qty] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (RateDumpsPlanner [LAMBDA (self roadStop) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value rating cargo) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN [SETQ cargo (CAR (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cargo] (SETQ rating 0))) [COND ((NOT (RoomToParkP roadStop)) (SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating (DIFFERENCE rating 500] [COND ((LESSP (GetValue roadStop (QUOTE qty)) 1) (SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating (DIFFERENCE rating 1000] [SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating (PLUS rating (TIMES 100 (GetValue roadStop (QUOTE pr] [SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating (DIFFERENCE rating (TIMES (GetClassValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE Gpm)) (Distance roadStop (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (RateGasStationsPlannerRules [LAMBDA (self rs) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value rating) (SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating 0)) [COND ((EQ (GetValue rs (QUOTE qty)) 0) (SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating (MINUS 2000] [COND ((NOT (RoomToParkP rs)) (SETQ ↑value (SETQ rating (DIFFERENCE rating 200] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (SellGoodsPlannerRules [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value cargo sellQty) [SETQ ↑value (SETQ cargo (CAR (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cargo] [COND ([NOT (ISA cargo (GetClassValue (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) (QUOTE Commodity] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (* ↑value set by RuleSetStop) (RuleSetStop NIL (QUOTE NoSale) (QUOTE WrongKindOfBuyer)) (GO QUIT] [COND ((AND (NOT (GetValue cargo (QUOTE status))) (ISA (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) ($ CityDump))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN [SETQ sellQty (MIN (GetValue (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) (QUOTE qty)) (GetValue cargo (QUOTE qty] (← PlayerInterface Sell self cargo sellQty) (PROGN (* ↑value set by RuleSetStop) (RuleSetStop T (QUOTE Sold) (QUOTE AtCityDump)) (GO QUIT] [COND ((AND (LESSP (GetValue (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) (QUOTE pr)) 1.1) (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE Sell))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (* ↑value set by RuleSetStop) (RuleSetStop NIL (QUOTE NoSale) (QUOTE AvoidCheapSkates)) (GO QUIT] [COND ((LESSP (GetValue (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) (QUOTE pr)) 0) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (* ↑value set by RuleSetStop) (RuleSetStop NIL (QUOTE NoSale) (QUOTE NeverAtLoss)) (GO QUIT] [COND ((AND (GetValue cargo (QUOTE status)) [SETQ sellQty (MIN (GetValue (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) (QUOTE qty)) (GetValue cargo (QUOTE qty] (GEQ sellQty 1)) (SETQ ↑value (← PlayerInterface Sell self cargo sellQty] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (SellPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value tdest has) [COND [[AND [SETQ has (CAR (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cargo] (NOT (GetValue has (QUOTE status))) (SETQ tdest (PickHiObj self (QUOTE RateDumps) (RoadStops ($ CityDump] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) tdest) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] ([AND has (SETQ tdest (PickHiObj self (QUOTE RateConsumers) (Buyers has] (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) tdest) (PutValue self (QUOTE direction) (DirectionOf (GetValue self (QUOTE destination] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (SetGoalPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value) [COND [(AND (ISA (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) ($ AlicesRestaurant)) (GEQ (← self TimeAtStop) 25)) (SETQ ↑value (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE LeaveAlice] ((FMEMB (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE (SitTight BuyGas))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN))) [(AND (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (QUOTE GoToAlice)) (ISA (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE location)) ($ AlicesRestaurant))) (SETQ ↑value (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE SitTight] [(LESSP (GetValue Simulator (QUOTE timeLeft)) 30) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE GoToAlice)) (PutValue self (QUOTE higherGoal) (QUOTE GoToAlice] [(AND [LESSP (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE fuel)) (TIMES .25 (GetClassValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE MaxFuel] (GREATERP (GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cashBox)) 0)) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE higherGoal) (GetValue self (QUOTE goal))) (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE BuyGas] [(LESSP (GetValue Simulator (QUOTE timeLeft)) 60) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE GetClose)) (PutValue self (QUOTE higherGoal) (QUOTE GoToAlice] [(GetValue (GetValue self (QUOTE truck)) (QUOTE cargo)) (SETQ ↑value (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE Sell] (T (SETQ ↑value (PutValue self (QUOTE goal) (QUOTE Buy] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (SitTightPlanner [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑value) [COND (T (SETQ ↑value (PutValue self (QUOTE destination) NIL] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) (TakeTurnPlannerRules [LAMBDA (self) (PROG (↑auditRecord ↑value possibleStops) (SETQ ↑value (← self SetGoal)) [COND ((GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) (SETQ ↑value (DoMethod self (GetValue self (QUOTE goal)) NIL] [COND ((GetValue self (QUOTE destination)) (SETQ ↑value (← self FindStoppingPlace] [COND ((AND (GetValue self (QUOTE destination)) (GetValue self (QUOTE stoppingPlace))) (SETQ ↑value (PROGN (← self GoToStoppingPlace) (← self AtCurrentStop] QUIT(RETURN ↑value]) ) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (33047 48525 (AtCurrentStopPlanner 33057 . 34112) (BuyGasPlanner 34114 . 35105) ( BuyPlanner 35107 . 35546) (CarryOutGoalPlanner 35548 . 36329) (FindStoppingPlacePlannerRules 36331 . 39321) (GetClosePlanner 39323 . 39754) (GoToAlicePlanner 39756 . 40127) (GoToStoppingPlacePlannerRules 40129 . 40733) (LeaveAlicePlanner 40735 . 41071) (PurchaseGasPlanner 41073 . 41944) (RateDumpsPlanner 41946 . 42812) (RateGasStationsPlannerRules 42814 . 43178) (SellGoodsPlannerRules 43180 . 45270) ( SellPlanner 45272 . 46041) (SetGoalPlanner 46043 . 47770) (SitTightPlanner 47772 . 47942) ( TakeTurnPlannerRules 47944 . 48523))))) STOP