previous date: " 9-JUN-83 13:48:30" {IVY}<STEFIK>LISP>LOOPSRULESC.;11)


			   1982 by Xerox Corporation)
			(* Written in August 1982 by Mark Stefik, Alan Bell, and Danny Bobrow)
			(* Fns for compiling LOOPS RuleSets.)

(* Copyright (c) 1982 by Xerox Corporation)

(* Written in August 1982 by Mark Stefik, Alan Bell, and Danny Bobrow)

(* Fns for compiling LOOPS RuleSets.)

(RPAQQ RULECOMPILEFNS (AuditRecordCodeGen BreakLHSCodeGen BreakRHSCodeGen CheckVariableNameConflict 
					  CompileAssnStmnt CompileComment CompileCompositeGetTerm 
					  CompileCompositePutTerm CompileExpr CompileGetTerm 
					  CompileLHS CompileOpPrecedenceExpr CompileParenExpr 
					  CompilePopStmnt CompilePopTerms CompilePropGetTerm 
					  CompilePropPutTerm CompilePushStmnt CompilePushTerm 
					  CompilePutTerm CompileQuotedConstant CompileRHS CompileRule 
					  CompileRule1 CompileRuleList CompileRuleOrLabel ExprCodeGen 
					  FPrecedence GPrecedence GetRuleStrings OSSetCode OSTestCode 
					  TraceLHSCodeGen TraceRHSCodeGen))

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:07")

          (* * Subroutine of CompileRHS. Generates LISP code for creating an audit record for the current rule.)

    (PROG [auditVars setStatements allSpecifications code metaVal
		     (auditTemplate (CONSTANT (QUOTE (PROGN 
                                                             (* Make an audit record for this rule and set its audit 
							    (SETQ ↑auditRecord (← (%$ ↑auditClassName)
          (SETQ allSpecifications (APPEND ruleAuditSpecification auditSpecification))
          (for assnVar in allSpecifications unless (FMEMB (CAR assnVar)
	     do (SETQ auditVars (CONS (CAR assnVar)
          [SETQ setStatements (for assnVar in auditVars
				 collect [SETQ metaVal (CompileGetTerm (CDR (ASSOC assnVar 
					 (LIST (QUOTE PutValue)
					       (QUOTE ↑auditRecord)
					       (KWOTE assnVar)
						 ((Object? metaVal)
						   (LIST (QUOTE GetObjFromUID)
							 (UID ruleObject)))
						 (T metaVal]
          (SETQ code (SUBST (ClassName rsAuditClass)
			    (QUOTE ↑auditClassName)
          (SETQ code (LSUBST setStatements (QUOTE ↑setStatements)
          (RETURN code])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 15:31")

          (* * Generates varCode for tracing variables and breaking when the LHS of a rule is tested.)

    (PROG (varCode traceCode ruleCode code)

          (* * Compute the parts of the break code.)

	    (debugVars (SETQ varCode (CONS (QUOTE WRITETTY)
					   (for var in debugVars join (LIST " " (CONCAT (UnParseTerm
									    (CompileGetTerm var]
          (SETQ ruleCode (LIST (QUOTE ←)
			       (LIST (QUOTE GetObjFromUID)
				     (UID ruleObject))
			       (QUOTE Print)))
          (SETQ traceCode (LIST (QUOTE TraceLHS)
				(KWOTE rsName)
				(KWOTE ruleLabel)

          (* * Splice the code together.)

          [SETQ code (LIST (LIST (QUOTE RE]
	    (varCode (SETQ code (CONS varCode code]
	    (ruleCode (SETQ code (CONS ruleCode code]
          [SETQ code (CONS (QUOTE PROGN)
			   (CONS (QUOTE (* Rule Breaking and Tracing Code))
				 (CONS traceCode code]
          (RETURN code])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:10")

          (* * Generates varCode for tracing variables and breaking when the RHS of a rule is executed.)

    (PROG (varCode traceCode ruleCode code)

          (* * Compute the parts of the break code.)

	    (debugVars (SETQ varCode (CONS (QUOTE WRITETTY)
					   (for var in debugVars join (LIST " " (CONCAT (UnParseTerm
									    (CompileGetTerm var]
	    ((EQ rsBreakFlg (QUOTE B))                       (* If B options, generate code to print rule.
							     Skip if BT since LHS trace already prints the rule.)
	      (SETQ ruleCode (LIST (QUOTE ←)
				   (LIST (QUOTE GetObjFromUID)
					 (UID ruleObject))
				   (QUOTE Print]
          (SETQ traceCode (LIST (QUOTE TraceRHS)
				(KWOTE rsName)
				(KWOTE ruleLabel)

          (* * Splice the code together.)

          [SETQ code (LIST (LIST (QUOTE RE]
	    (varCode (SETQ code (CONS varCode code]
	    (ruleCode (SETQ code (CONS ruleCode code]
          [SETQ code (CONS (QUOTE PROGN)
			   (CONS (QUOTE (* Rule Breaking and Tracing Code))
				 (CONS traceCode code]
          (RETURN code])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "10-FEB-83 16:03")
                                                             (* Checks that the names of variables in different 
							     categories are unique.)
    (PROG [badVars (varLists (CONSTANT (QUOTE (wsClassVars wsVars taskVars tempVars lispVars]
          (for vl1 in varLists do (for vl2 in varLists unless (OR badVars (EQ vl1 vl2))
				     do (COND
					  ((SETQ badVars (INTERSECTION (EVALV vl1)
								       (EVALV vl2)))
					    (SETQ parseErrorFlg T)
					    (FlushRule "Variable name conflict for " badVars])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "22-JAN-83 09:26")

          (* * Parse an assignment statement in a rule. Subroutine of Expr. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG (assnVar assnVal)

          (* * Get the assignment variable.)

          (SETQ assnVar (pop ruleSetTokens))

          (* * Pop the ←)

          (pop ruleSetTokens)

          (* * Parse the assignment value.)

          (SETQ assnVal (CompileExpr))

          (* * Parse the assignment variable.)

          (RETURN (CompilePutTerm assnVar assnVal])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "22-JAN-83 09:26")

          (* * Parse a comment. Subroutine of ParseRuleList. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

                                                             (* Collect all ruleSetTokens until reaching the closing 
							     right parenthesis.)
    (PROG (token doneFlg commentCode)
          (pop ruleSetTokens)
          [repeatuntil doneFlg
	     do (SETQ token (pop ruleSetTokens))
		  ((EQ token lpar)                           (* Recur for embedded parens.)
		    (push commentCode (CompileComment)))
		  ((EQ token rpar)                           (* quit after right paren.)
		    (SETQ doneFlg T)
		    (SETQ token asterisk))
		  (T                                         (* otherwise collect the token.)
		     (push commentCode token]
          (SETQ commentCode (DREVERSE commentCode))
          (SELECTQ controlType
		   ((DO1 CYCLE1)                             (* For cycle1 and do1, embed the comments in NO-OP 
							     clauses for the COND statement.)
		     (SETQ commentCode (LIST NIL commentCode NIL)))
          (RETURN commentCode])

  [LAMBDA (term)                                             (* mjs: " 8-JUN-83 10:51")

          (* * Compile Composite Get forms of an expression in a rule. Sub of CompileGetTerm.)

    (SELECTQ (CAR term)
	     (%.                                             (* A.B = (← A B))
		 (LIST leftArrow (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		       (CADDR term)))
	     (\                                              (* Lisp variables.)
		(CADDR term))
	     [.! (LIST (QUOTE DoMethod)
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
	     [(: :!)                                         (* a:b and a:!b)
	       (LIST (QUOTE GetValue)
		     (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		       ((EQ (CAR term)
			 (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		       ((EQ (CAR term)
			 (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
	     [(:: ::!)                                       (* a::b and a::!b)
	       (LIST (QUOTE GetClassValue)
		     (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		       ((EQ (CAR term)
			 (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		       ((EQ (CAR term)
			 (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
	     [..                                             (* A..B = (RunRS A B))
		       [KWOTE (CADR (CompileGetTerm (CADR term]
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
	     (.,                                             (* A.,B = (← (%$ Task) New A B ↑rs))
		 (LIST leftArrow (QUOTE (%$ Task))
		       (QUOTE New)
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term))
		       (QUOTE ↑rs)))
	     [..*                                            (* A..*B is transfer call for A..B)
		  (LIST (QUOTE RuleSetTransfer)
			      (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
			      (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term))
			      (QUOTE ↑rs]
	     ((:, :,!)                                       (* property values.)
	       (CompilePropGetTerm term))
	     (%$                                             (* Loops term.)
	     (FlushRule "Bad Term " term])

  [LAMBDA (term assnVal)                                     (* mjs: " 8-JUN-83 11:33")

          (* * Subroutine of CompilePutTerm. Handles cases of composite term.)

      ((EQ (CAR term)
	   backSlash)                                        (* lisp vars.)
	      (CADDR term)
      [(FMEMB (CAR term)
	      (CONSTANT (LIST colon colonBang)))             (* a:b and a:!b)
	  ((AND ruleAuditFlg ruleRHSFlg)
	    (SETQ ruleNeedsAuditFlg T)
	    (LIST (QUOTE PutAuditRec)
		  (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		    ((EQ (CAR term)
		      (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		    ((EQ (CAR term)
		      (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
		  (QUOTE ↑auditRecord)))
	  (T (LIST (QUOTE PutValue)
		   (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		     ((EQ (CAR term)
		       (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		     ((EQ (CAR term)
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
      [(FMEMB (CAR term)
	      (CONSTANT (LIST coloncolon colonColonBang)))   (* a::b and a::!b)
	  ((AND ruleAuditFlg ruleRHSFlg)
	    (SETQ ruleNeedsAuditFlg T)
	    (LIST (QUOTE PutClassAuditRec)
		  (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		    ((EQ (CAR term)
		      (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		    ((EQ (CAR term)
		      (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
		  (QUOTE ↑auditRecord)))
	  (T (LIST (QUOTE PutClassValue)
		   (CompileGetTerm (CADR term))
		     ((EQ (CAR term)
		       (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		     ((EQ (CAR term)
		       (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
      ((FMEMB (CAR term)
	      (CONSTANT (LIST colonComma colonCommaBang)))   (* property values.)
	(CompilePropPutTerm term assnVal))
      (T (FlushRule "Bad Term on left in Assignment Statement:" term)

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "27-JAN-83 00:50")

          (* * Parse an expression in a rule. Subroutine of ParseLHS and ParseRHS. Input is in the global variable 
	  ruleSetTokens. The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code 
	  as its value.)

      (parseErrorFlg (SkipRule))
      ((AND (EQ (CADR ruleSetTokens)
	    (NEQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		 lpar))                                      (* Here for Assignment Statements.)
      ((EQ (CADR ruleSetTokens)
	   push)                                             (* Here for Push Statements.)
      ((EQ (CADR ruleSetTokens)
	   pop)                                              (* Here for Pop Statements.)
      ((EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
	   quoteSign)                                        (* Here for Quoted Constants.)
      ((OR (EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
	   (FMEMB (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		  thenSpellings))                            (* Error.)
	(FlushRule "Unexpected " (CAR ruleSetTokens)))
      (T                                                     (* Here for operator precedence part of expression 

  [LAMBDA (term)                                             (* mjs: " 9-JUN-83 13:24")

          (* * Compile the Get form of a term in an expression in a rule. Subroutine of ParseTerm, and recursive subroutine 
	  of CompileGetTerm and ParsePutTerm. Input is in argument term. The subroutine is expected to return LISP code as 
	  its value. Generates code to Get the value of a term.)

      ((NUMBERP term)                                        (* number = number)
      ((STRINGP term)                                        (* Just return strings)
      [(LITATOM term)
	  ((OR (FMEMB term tempVars)
	       (FMEMB term lispConstants)
	       (FMEMB term reservedRuleWords)
	       (FMEMB term rsArgs))                          (* tempVars and lispVars and lispConstants and reserved 
							     words = term)
	  ((FMEMB term taskVars)                             (* taskVars = (GetValue ↑task 
							     (QUOTE term)))
	    (LIST (QUOTE GetValue)
		  (QUOTE ↑task)
		  (KWOTE term)))
	  ((FMEMB term compileTimeVars)                      (* Compile-time vars get evaluated now.)
	    (EVALV term))
	  ((NOT (LetterP term))
	    (FlushRule "Unrecognized term:" term))
	  ((FMEMB term wsVars)
	    (LIST (QUOTE GetValue)
		  (QUOTE self)
		  (KWOTE term)))
	  (T (FlushRule "Unrecognized IV or term:" term]
      ((NLISTP term)                                         (* Error if not list.)
	(FlushRule "Unrecognized Term:" term))
      (T                                                     (* Here for composite terms.)
	 (CompileCompositeGetTerm term])

  [LAMBDA (augmentedFlg newFlg specialFlg)                   (* mjs: "12-FEB-83 12:45")

          (* * Parse the LHS of a rule. Subroutine of ParseRule. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.
	  The variable augmentedFlg is T if this rule has only implicit conditions added by the compiler.
	  The variable newFlg means to always recompile the lhs -- even if code already exists for it.
	  specialFlg is set if this is being called to compile an expression that is not really a LHS of a rule -- e.g., a 
	  while condition.)

    (PROG (exprCode)
          (SETQ ruleRHSFlg NIL)

          (* * Collect the code from each of the exprs of the LHS.)

	    ((NULL augmentedFlg)                             (* Parse up to THEN, unless this is an augmented LHS)
	      (SETQ exprCode (collect (CompileExpr) until (OR parseErrorFlg
								((EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
								  (FlushRule "Missing" "THEN" 
									     "in rule")
								  (SETQ parseErrorFlg T)))
							      (FMEMB (CAR ruleSetTokens)
	    ((NOT specialFlg)
		[oneShotBangFlg                              (* Add two extra LHS clauses if this is a one-shot-bang 
				(SETQ exprCode (CONS (OSTestCode)
						     (CONS (OSSetCode)
		(oneShotFlg                                  (* Add extra LHS clause if this is a one-shot rule.)
			    (SETQ exprCode (CONS (OSTestCode)
		((EQ ruleTraceFlg (QUOTE TT))                (* Add extra LHS clause if Rule Tracing is requested on 
		  (SETQ exprCode (CONS (TraceLHSCodeGen)
		((EQ ruleBreakFlg (QUOTE BT))                (* Add extra LHS clause if Rule Test Breaking is 
		  (SETQ exprCode (CONS (BreakLHSCodeGen)

          (* * Return the LHS code.)

          [SETQ exprCode (COND
	      (parseErrorFlg                                 (* NIL on parsing error.)
	      ((EQP (FLENGTH exprCode)
		    1)                                       (* One expr = <expr>)
		(CAR exprCode))
	      (T                                             (* Several expressions = (AND <expr> <expr> ...))
          (RETURN exprCode])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "17-MAR-83 14:15")

          (* * Parse the operator precedence part expression in a rule. Subroutine of ParseExpr. Input is in the global 
	  variable ruleSetTokens. The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return 
	  LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG [nextToken prevType term oprStack argStack (endTokens (CONSTANT (LIST semicolon rightArrow))
		     (specOprs (CONSTANT (LIST unaryMinus notSign lbracket)))
		     (operators (CONSTANT (LIST lbracket rbracket plus minus plusplus minusminus 
						unaryMinus asterisk slash lessSign greaterSign 
						lessEqSign greaterEqSign eqSign eqeqSign notSign 
						neqSign membSign leftArrow endExpr]
                                                             (* Initialize stacks for operators and operands.)
          (SETQ oprStack (LIST endExpr))
          (SETQ nextToken (CAR ruleSetTokens))
	    (parseErrorFlg (GO QUIT)))
	    ((OR (FMEMB nextToken endTokens)
		 (FMEMB nextToken thenSpellings))
	      (GO LastReduceLoop))
	    ((NOT (FMEMB nextToken operators))               (* Here for operand.)
		((EQ prevType (QUOTE operand))               (* Two sequential operands -> end of expr.)
		  (GO LastReduceLoop))
		((EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		     quoteSign)                              (* Here for quoted constant.)
		  (SETQ term (CompileQuotedConstant))
		  (push argStack term)
		  (SETQQ prevType operand)
		  (GO NextToken))
		((EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		     lpar)                                   (* Here for Fn Call etc.)
		  (SETQ term (CompileParenExpr))
		  (push argStack term)
		  (SETQQ prevType operand)
		  (GO NextToken))
		(T                                           (* Here for term.)
		   (SETQ term (CompileGetTerm (pop ruleSetTokens)))
		   (push argStack term)
		   (SETQQ prevType operand)
		   (GO NextToken]                            (* Here for operator)
	    ((AND (FMEMB nextToken specOprs)
		  (EQ prevType (QUOTE operand)))             (* operand followed by unary opr or bracket expression 
							     -> end of expr.)
	      (GO LastReduceLoop)))
          (SETQ prevType (QUOTE operator))
	    ((ILESSP (FPrecedence (CAR oprStack))
		     (GPrecedence nextToken))                (* Shift!)
	      (push oprStack (pop ruleSetTokens)))
	    (T                                               (* Reduce!)
          (GO NextToken)

          (* * Here if no more ruleSetTokens in the expression.)

	    (parseErrorFlg (GO QUIT)))
	    ((AND (NULL (CADR oprStack))
		  (NULL (CADR argStack)))                    (* Normal Finish)
	      (GO QUIT)))
          (GO LastReduceLoop)
      QUIT(RETURN (CAR argStack])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 8-FEB-83 16:05")

          (* * Parse a parenthesized clause -- either a LISP function call or a LOOPS SEND message statement or a STOP 
	  statement -- in a rule. Subroutine of Expr. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG (fnName object selector args)

          (* * Pop the left parenthesis and get the function name.)

          (pop ruleSetTokens)
          (SETQ fnName (pop ruleSetTokens))

          (* * Collect the function name or SEND preface.)

	    ((FMEMB fnName sendSpellings)                    (* msg.)
	      (SETQ object (CompileExpr))
	      (SETQ selector (COND
		  ((EQ fnName leftArrowBang)                 (* For ←! msg evaluate the selector.)
		  (T                                         (* For ← msg do not eval selector.)
		     (pop ruleSetTokens]

          (* * Collect the Arguments.)

          (SETQ args (while (AND ruleSetTokens (NEQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
				 (NEQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
			collect (CompileExpr)))

          (* * pop the right parenthesis.)

	    ((NEQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
	      (FlushRule "Missing right parenthesis"))
	    (T (pop ruleSetTokens)))

          (* * Return the Function, STOP statement, or Msg expression.)

          (RETURN (COND
		    [(EQ fnName leftArrowBang)               (* ←! msg.)
		      (CONS (QUOTE DoMethod)
			    (CONS object (CONS selector (CONS NIL args]
		    [(FMEMB fnName sendSpellings)            (* ← msg)
		      (CONS leftArrow (CONS object (CONS selector args]
		    [(FMEMB fnName stopSpellings)            (* STOP statement)
			    (QUOTE (* ↑value set by RuleSetStop))
			    (CONS (QUOTE RuleSetStop)
			    (LIST (QUOTE GO)
				  (QUOTE QUIT]
		    (T                                       (* LISP fn)
			 ((NOT (FNTYP fnName))
			   (printout NIL T "*** Warning Unrecognized LISP fn " .FONT BOLDFONT fnName 
		       (CONS fnName args])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "22-JAN-83 09:26")

          (* * Parse a pop statement in a rule. Subroutine of Expr. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG (assnVar stackVar)                                 (* Get the assignment variable.)
          (SETQ assnVar (pop ruleSetTokens))                 (* Pop the ←- token.)
          (pop ruleSetTokens)                                (* Get the pop value.)
          (SETQ stackVar (pop ruleSetTokens))                (* Compile it.)
          (RETURN (CompilePopTerms assnVar stackVar])

  [LAMBDA (assnVar stackVar)                                 (* mjs: "26-OCT-82 11:17")

          (* * Parse the terms in a pop statement. The subroutine is expected to return LISP code as its value.
	  Generates code to Pop the first item of the list stored as the value of stackVar, update the stack, and return the

    (PROG [getStackCode putStackCode putItemCode (popTemplate (CONSTANT (QUOTE (PROG (↑item ↑stack)
                                                             (* Pop Statement. ↑assnVar ←- ↑stackVar)
										     (SETQ ↑stack 
										     (SETQ ↑item
										       (CAR ↑stack))
										     (SETQ ↑stack
										       (CDR ↑stack))
										     (RETURN ↑item]

          (* * Generate code for getting the stack, storing the revised stack, and storing the item.)

          (SETQ getStackCode (CompileGetTerm stackVar))
          (SETQ putStackCode (CompilePutTerm stackVar (QUOTE ↑stack)))
          (SETQ putItemCode (CompilePutTerm assnVar (QUOTE ↑item)))

          (* * Substitute the code into the pop template.)

          (SETQ popTemplate (SUBST getStackCode (QUOTE ↑getStackCode)
          (DSUBST putStackCode (QUOTE ↑putStackCode)
          (DSUBST putItemCode (QUOTE ↑putItemCode)
          (DSUBST assnVar (QUOTE ↑assnVar)
          (DSUBST stackVar (QUOTE ↑stackVar)

          (* * Return the instantiated template for the pop statement.)

          (RETURN popTemplate])

  [LAMBDA (term)                                             (* mjs: " 8-JUN-83 10:49")

          (* * Subroutine of CompileCompositeGetTerm. Handles the property values cases for a:,b a:b:,c etc.)

      [(LISTP (CADR term))
	(PROG (term1)
	      (SETQ term1 (CADR term))
	      (RETURN (COND
			((FMEMB (CAR term1)
				(CONSTANT (LIST colon colonBang coloncolon colonColonBang)))
                                                             (* colon/coloncolon combinations)
			  (LIST (COND
				  ((FMEMB (CAR term1)
					  (CONSTANT (LIST coloncolon colonColonBang)))
				    (QUOTE GetClassValue))
				  (T (QUOTE GetValue)))
				(CompileGetTerm (CADR term1))
				  ((FMEMB (CAR term1)
					  (CONSTANT (LIST colon coloncolon)))
				    (KWOTE (CADDR term1)))
				  (T (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term1]
				  ((EQ colonComma (CAR term))
				    (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
				  ((EQ colonCommaBang (CAR term))
				    (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
      ((OR (FMEMB (CADR term)
	   (FMEMB (CADR term)
		  compileTimeVars))                          (* Bad property request.)
	(FlushRule "Illegal to fetch property of this var: " term))
      (T                                                     (* A:,B = (GetValue self (QUOTE A) 
							     (QUOTE B)))
	 (LIST (QUOTE GetValue)
	       (QUOTE self)
	       (KWOTE (CADR term))
		 ((EQ (CAR term)
		      colonComma)                            (* a:,b)
		   (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		 ((EQ (CAR term)
		      colonCommaBang)                        (* a:,!b)
		   (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term])

  [LAMBDA (term assnVal)                                     (* mjs: " 8-JUN-83 10:49")

          (* * Subroutine of CompilePutTerm. Handles the cases for assignment to property values as in a:,b etc.)

      [(LISTP (CADR term))
	(PROG (term1)
	      (SETQ term1 (CADR term))
	      (RETURN (COND
			[(FMEMB (CAR term1)
				(CONSTANT (LIST colon colonBang coloncolon colonColonBang)))
                                                             (* a:b:,c and a:!b:,c and a:b:,!c and a:!b:,!c)
			  (LIST (COND
				  ((FMEMB (CAR term1)
					  (CONSTANT (LIST coloncolon colonColonBang)))
				    (QUOTE PutClassValue))
				  (T (QUOTE PutValue)))
				(CompileGetTerm (CADR term1))
				  ((FMEMB (CAR term1)
					  (CONSTANT (LIST colon coloncolon)))
				    (KWOTE (CADDR term1)))
				  ((EQ (CAR term1)
				    (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term1]
				  ((EQ (CAR term)
				    (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
				  ((EQ (CAR term)
				    (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term]
			(T (FlushRule "Invalid property access term" term]
      ((OR (FMEMB (CADR term)
		  ruleVars))                                 (* Errors.)
	(FlushRule "Illegal to store property of RuleVar:" term))
      (T                                                     (* a:,b and a:,!b)
	 (LIST (QUOTE PutValue)
	       (QUOTE self)
	       (KWOTE (CADR term))
		 ((EQ (CAR term)
		   (KWOTE (CADDR term)))
		 ((EQ (CAR term)
		   (CompileGetTerm (CADDR term])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "22-JAN-83 09:26")

          (* * Parse a push statement in a rule. Subroutine of Expr. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG (assnVal stackVar)                                 (* Get the assignment variable.)
          (SETQ stackVar (pop ruleSetTokens))                (* Pop the ←+)
          (pop ruleSetTokens)                                (* Parse the push value.)
          (SETQ assnVal (CompileExpr))                       (* Parse the push variable.)
          (RETURN (CompilePushTerm stackVar assnVal])

  [LAMBDA (stackVar assnVal)                                 (* mjs: "26-OCT-82 11:44")

          (* * Parse the terms in a push statement. The subroutine is expected to return LISP code as its value.
	  Generates code to Push the assnVal onto the list stored as the value of stackVar and return the item.)

    (PROG [getStackCode putStackCode putItemCode (pushTemplate (CONSTANT
								 (QUOTE (PROG (↑stack ↑item)
                                                             (* Push Statement.)
									      (SETQ ↑item ↑assnVal)
									      (SETQ ↑stack
										(CONS ↑item 
									      (RETURN ↑item]

          (* * Generate code for getting the stack, storing the revised stack, and storing the item.)

          (SETQ getStackCode (CompileGetTerm stackVar))
          (SETQ putStackCode (CompilePutTerm stackVar (QUOTE ↑stack)))

          (* * Substitute the code into the push template.)

          (SETQ pushTemplate (SUBST getStackCode (QUOTE ↑getStackCode)
          (DSUBST putStackCode (QUOTE ↑putStackCode)
          (DSUBST assnVal (QUOTE ↑assnVal)

          (* * Return the instantiated template for the pop statement.)

          (RETURN pushTemplate])

  [LAMBDA (term assnVal)                                     (* mjs: " 9-JUN-83 13:30")

          (* * Compile the Put form of a term in an expression in a rule. Input is in the argument term.
	  The subroutine is expected to return LISP code as its value. Generates code to Put the value of assnVal into 

      ((NUMBERP term)                                        (* number = error)
	(FlushRule "Unexpected Number on left in Assignment Statement:" term))
      [(LITATOM term)
	  ((OR (FMEMB term tempVars)
	       (FMEMB term rsArgs))                          (* tempVars)
		  term assnVal))
	  ((FMEMB term taskVars)                             (* taskVars)
	    (LIST (QUOTE PutValue)
		  (QUOTE ↑task)
		  (KWOTE term)
	  ((OR (FMEMB term compileTimeVars)
	       (FMEMB term reservedRuleWords))
	    (FlushRule "Unexpected constant on left in Assignment Statement:" term))
	  ((NOT (LetterP term))
	    (FlushRule "Unexpected " term))
	  ((NOT (FMEMB term wsVars))
	    (FlushRule "Unrecognized IV:" term))
	  ((AND ruleAuditFlg ruleRHSFlg)                     (* work space variable audited)
	    (SETQ ruleNeedsAuditFlg T)
	    (LIST (QUOTE PutAuditRec)
		  (QUOTE self)
		  (KWOTE term)
		  (QUOTE ↑auditRecord)))
	  (T                                                 (* work space variable.)
	     (LIST (QUOTE PutValue)
		   (QUOTE self)
		   (KWOTE term)
      ((NLISTP term)                                         (* Error if not list.)
	(FlushRule "Bad Term on left in Assignment Statement" term))
      (T                                                     (* Composite put term.)
	 (CompileCompositePutTerm term assnVal])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "22-JAN-83 10:46")

          (* * Parse a quoted constant in a rule. Subroutine of Expr. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG [token qTokens doneFlg (qEndTokens (CONSTANT (LIST rpar semicolon]
                                                             (* Discard the quoteSign)
          (pop ruleSetTokens)                                (* Get the first token of the quoted constant.)
          (SETQ token (pop ruleSetTokens))
	    ((NEQ token lpar)                                (* ... ' NL ... -> (QUOTE NL))
	      (RETURN (KWOTE token)))
	    (T                                               (* ... ' (A1 A2 A3 ...) ... -> 
							     (QUOTE (A1 A2 A3 ...)))
	       (SETQ qTokens (eachtime (SETQ token (pop ruleSetTokens)) until (FMEMB token qEndTokens)
				collect token))
		 ((EQ token semicolon)
		   (FlushRule "Unexpected" "semicolon" "in quoted constant")))
	       (RETURN (KWOTE qTokens])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:16")

          (* * Parse the RHS of a rule. Subroutine of ParseRule. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.)

    (PROG (token exprCode)
          (SETQ ruleRHSFlg T)

          (* * Here to compile RHS)

	    ((FMEMB (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		    thenSpellings)                           (* Pop the THEN.)
	      (pop ruleSetTokens)))

          (* * Collect the code from each of the exprs of the RHS.)

          [SETQ exprCode (collect (CompileExpr) until (OR parseErrorFlg (EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
	    ((AND oneShotFlg (NULL oneShotBangFlg))          (* Add extra RHS clause if this is a one-shot rule but 
							     not a one-shot-bang rule.)
	      (SETQ exprCode (CONS (OSSetCode)
	    (ruleTraceFlg                                    (* Here to trace a rule.)
			  (SETQ exprCode (CONS (TraceRHSCodeGen)
	    (ruleTraceFlg                                    (* Here to trace if rule is tested.)
			  (SETQ exprCode (CONS (LIST (QUOTE TraceRHS)
						     (KWOTE ruleLabel)
	    (ruleBreakFlg                                    (* Add extra RHS clause if rule tracing is requested.)
			  (SETQ exprCode (CONS (BreakRHSCodeGen)
	    (ruleNeedsAuditFlg                               (* Add extra RHS clause if rule needs audit record.)
			       (SETQ exprCode (CONS (AuditRecordCodeGen)

          (* * Return the RHS code.)

          [SETQ exprCode (COND
	      ((EQP (FLENGTH exprCode)
		    1)                                       (* One expr = (SETQ ↑value <expr>))
		      (CONS (QUOTE ↑value)
	      (T                                             (* Several expressions = (SETQ ↑value 
							     (PROGN <expr> <expr> ...)))
		       (CONS (QUOTE ↑value)
					 exprCode]           (* Save the compiled code in the rule object.)
          (RETURN exprCode])

  [LAMBDA (self ruleSetSource)                               (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:14")

          (* * Parse a rule. Subroutine of CompileRuleList. Input is in the global variable ruleSetTokens.
	  The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code as its value.
	  Most of the work is done in CompileRule1. Variable self is the current RuleSet.)

    (PROG (ruleOldSource)

          (* * Increment rule number.)

          (SETQ ruleNumber (ADD1 ruleNumber))
          (SPACES 1)
          (PRIN1 ruleNumber)

          (* * Fetch old rule object, if any.)

          (SETQ ruleObject (CAR (NTH rsRuleObjects ruleNumber)))
          (RETURN (CompileRule1])

  [LAMBDA (specialFlg)                                       (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:17")

          (* * Subroutine of CompileRule and of the RuleExec. Argument specialFlg is T if not compiling a rule in a RuleSet 
	  -- that is, if called by RuleExec.)

    (PROG ((ruleBndry (CONSTANT (LIST semicolon)))
	   ruleForm ruleCode)                                (* Interpret any meta information.)
          [SETQ ruleForm (COND
	      ((FMEMB (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		      ifSpellings)                           (* IF ... = IfThen)
		(pop ruleSetTokens)
		(QUOTE IfThen))
	      ((FMEMB (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		      thenSpellings)                         (* -> ... = OnlyThen)
		(pop ruleSetTokens)
		(QUOTE OnlyThen))
	      ((ScanFor thenSpellings ruleBndry)             (* ... -> ... ; = IfThen)
		(QUOTE IfThen))
	      (T                                             (* ... ; = OnlyThen)
		 (QUOTE OnlyThen]
	    ((AND (EQ ruleForm (QUOTE OnlyThen))
		  (OR ruleBreakFlg ruleTraceFlg oneShotFlg))
                                                             (* Augment an OnlyThen rule if OneShot, or Tracing or 
	      (SETQ ruleForm (QUOTE AugmentedOnlyThen]

          (* * Frame the rule code depending on the controlType.)

          (SETQ ruleCode (SELECTQ controlType
				  ((DO1 WHILE1)
				    (SELECTQ ruleForm
					     (IfThen (LIST (CompileLHS NIL NIL specialFlg)
					     (OnlyThen (LIST T (CompileRHS)))
					     (AugmentedOnlyThen (LIST (CompileLHS (QUOTE Augmented)
										  NIL specialFlg)
					     (FlushRule "Unrecognized Rule Syntax")))
				    (SELECTQ ruleForm
					     [IfThen (LIST (QUOTE COND)
							   (LIST (CompileLHS NIL NIL specialFlg)
					     (OnlyThen (CompileRHS))
					     [AugmentedOnlyThen (LIST (QUOTE COND)
								      (LIST (CompileLHS (QUOTE 
					     (FlushRule "Unrecognized Rule Syntax")))
				    (SELECTQ ruleForm
					     [IfThen (LIST ruleNumber
							   (LIST (QUOTE COND)
								 (LIST (CompileLHS NIL NIL specialFlg)
					     (OnlyThen (LIST ruleNumber (CompileRHS)))
					     [AugmentedOnlyThen (LIST (QUOTE COND)
								      (LIST (CompileLHS (QUOTE 
					     (FlushRule "Unrecognized Rule Syntax")))
				  (FlushRule "Unrecognized controlType: " controlType)))
	    ((EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
		 semicolon)                                  (* Pop the semicolon.)
	      (pop ruleSetTokens)))
          (RETURN ruleCode])

  [LAMBDA (self ruleSetSource)                               (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:15")

          (* * Subroutine of RuleSet.CompileRules. Argument self is the RuleSet. Input ruleSetTokens are in the global 
	  variable ruleSetTokens. An instantiated codeTemplate for executing the RuleList is returned as value of this 

    (PROG (codeTemplate whileTemplate rules progVars)
	    ((NULL wsClass)
	      (FlushRule "No " " workSpace " "set yet.  ")
	      (RETURN NIL)))
          (SETQ ruleNumber 0)

          (* * Parse the Rules and substitute them into the code template.)

          [SETQ rules (while (AND (ILEQ ruleNumber rsNumRules)
				  (NOT parseErrorFlg))
			 unless (COND
				  ((OR (EQ (CAR ruleSetTokens)
				       (NULL (CAR ruleSetTokens)))
				    (pop ruleSetTokens)))
			 collect (PROGN (SETQ parseErrorFlg NIL)
					(CompileRuleOrLabel self ruleSetSource]
	    ((AND rsRuleAppliedFlg (EQ controlType (QUOTE WHILE1)))
                                                             (* Add extra rule for WHILE1.)
	      (SETQ rules (NCONC1 rules (QUOTE (T            (* Here if no rules were executed.)
						  (SETQ ↑ruleApplied NIL]

          (* * Determine the codeTemplate for the RuleSet.)

          (SETQ codeTemplate (GetRuleSetTemplate))

          (* * Compute the vars for the PROG of the RuleSet.)

          (SETQ progVars (GetProgVars))
          (SETQ codeTemplate (SUBST progVars (QUOTE ↑progVars)
          (SETQ codeTemplate (LSUBST rules (QUOTE ↑rules)
	    taskVars taskVars)

          (* * Compile and Substitute the While Condition.)

	    ((FMEMB controlType cyclicControlStructures)
		((NULL rsWhileCondition)
		  (FlushRule "No While Condition specified for " controlType ". Assuming T.")
		  (SETQ rsWhileCondition T)))
	      (SETQ ruleSetTokens (NCONC1 rsWhileCondition rightArrow))
	      (SETQ whileTemplate (CompileLHS NIL (QUOTE New)
					      (QUOTE Special)))
	      (SETQ codeTemplate (DSUBST whileTemplate (QUOTE ↑whileCondition)
          (RETURN codeTemplate])

  [LAMBDA (self ruleSetSource)                               (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:20")

          (* * Parse a rule, a label, or a comment. Subroutine of CompileRuleList. Input is in the global variable 
	  ruleSetTokens. The subroutine is expected to remove the ruleSetTokens that it recognizes, and to return LISP code 
	  as its value.)

    (SETQ ruleLabel NIL)
      ((EQ (CADR ruleSetTokens)
	   colon)                                            (* <label>: ... Return ↑ruleLabel and discard colon.)
	(SETQ ruleLabel (pop ruleSetTokens))
	(pop ruleSetTokens)
	ruleLabel))                                          (* Discard any comments.)
    (FlushComment?)                                          (* Compile the Rule.)
    (CompileRule self ruleSetSource])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "17-MAR-83 14:08")

          (* * Code generation function for expression parsing called from ParseOpPrecedenceExpr. Operates by side effect on
	  implicitly passed variables oprStack, argStack, and nextToken.)

    (PROG [operator arg1 arg2 (noPops (CONSTANT (LIST lbracket rbracket)))
		    (unaryOprs (CONSTANT (LIST unaryMinus notSign]
          (SETQ operator (pop oprStack))
	    ((FMEMB operator unaryOprs)                      (* pop 1 arg for unary oprs.)
	      (SETQ arg1 (pop argStack)))
	    ((FMEMB operator noPops)                         (* Skip popping for noPops)
	    (T                                               (* pop 2 args for binary oprs.)
	       (SETQ arg2 (pop argStack))
	       (SETQ arg1 (pop argStack]

          (* * Reduce the operator.)

          (SETQ reducedArg (SELECTQ operator
				    [%[ (COND
					  ((EQ nextToken rbracket)
					    (pop ruleSetTokens)
					    (SETQ nextToken (CAR ruleSetTokens))
					    (SETQ prevType (QUOTE operand))
					  (T (FlushRule "Bracket error in expression"]
				    (%] (FlushRule "Bracket error in expression"))
				    (+ (LIST (QUOTE PLUS)
					     arg1 arg2))
					     arg1 arg2))
				    (-1- (LIST (QUOTE MINUS)
				    (++ (LIST (QUOTE PLUSPLUS)
					      arg1 arg2))
					      arg1 arg2))
				    (* (LIST (QUOTE TIMES)
					     arg1 arg2))
					     arg1 arg2))
				    (< (LIST (QUOTE LESSP)
					     arg1 arg2))
				    (<= (LIST (QUOTE LEQ)
					      arg1 arg2))
					     arg1 arg2))
				    (>= (LIST (QUOTE GEQ)
					      arg1 arg2))
				    (= (LIST (QUOTE EQ)
					     arg1 arg2))
				    (== (LIST (QUOTE EQUALS)
					      arg1 arg2))
				    (~= (LIST (QUOTE NEQ)
					      arg1 arg2))
				    (<< (LIST (QUOTE FMEMB)
					      arg1 arg2))
				    (~ (LIST (QUOTE NOT)
				    (← (CompilePutTerm arg1 arg2))
				    (FlushRule "Unrecognized operator " operator)))

          (* * Push reduced arg on Opr Stack.)

          (push argStack reducedArg])

  [LAMBDA (operator)                                         (* mjs: "17-MAR-83 14:04")

          (* * F-Precedence function for expression parsing. Called by ParseExpr.)

    (SELECTQ operator
	     (%[ -1)
	     (%] 6)
	     (+ 3)
	     (- 3)
	     (-1- 3)
	     (++ 3)
	     (-- 3)
	     (* 5)
	     (/ 5)
	     (< 1)
	     (<= 1)
	     (> 1)
	     (>= 1)
	     (= 1)
	     (== 1)
	     (~= 1)
	     (<< 1)
	     (← 2)
	     (~ 5)
	     (endExpr -2)
	     (FlushRule "Unrecognized operator" operator])

  [LAMBDA (operator)                                         (* mjs: "17-MAR-83 14:05")

          (* * G-Precedence function for expression parsing. Called by ParseExpr.)

    (SELECTQ operator
	     (%[ 6)
	     (%] -1)
	     (+ 2)
	     (- 2)
	     (-1- 2)
	     (++ 2)
	     (-- 2)
	     (* 4)
	     (/ 4)
	     (< 1)
	     (<= 1)
	     (> 1)
	     (>= 1)
	     (= 1)
	     (== 1)
	     (<< 1)
	     (~= 1)
	     (← 2)
	     (~ 4)
	     (endExpr -2)
	     (FlushRule "Unrecognized operator" operator])

  [LAMBDA (sourceRules)                                      (* mjs: "11-NOV-82 09:59")

          (* * Partitions the sourceRules into a list of strings into individual statements (rules and declarations) -
	  ending in semicolons. Called by RuleSetSource.EditRules to create rsOldRuleStrings and rsRuleStrings.
	  These lists are compared during RuleSet compilation. Rule objects are created to describe only those rules that 
	  have been changed.)

    (PROG (startPos stopPos ruleStrings)
          (SETQ stopPos 0)
          (SETQ ruleStrings (while (PROGN (SETQ startPos (ADD1 stopPos))
					  (SETQ stopPos (STRPOS semicolon sourceRules startPos)))
			       collect (SUBSTRING sourceRules startPos stopPos)))
          (RETURN ruleStrings])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "11-OCT-82 15:42")

          (* * Generate the Set Code for a one-shot rule. E.G. ←%@ (↑task triedRule7) ←T)

      (rsTaskFlg                                             (* If tasking, set Task var.)
		 (LIST (QUOTE ←%@)
		       (QUOTE ↑task)
		       oneShotFlg T))
      (T                                                     (* If not tasking, set Rule var.)
	       oneShotFlg T])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: "11-OCT-82 13:26")

          (* * Generate the Test Code for a one-shot rule. E.G., (NOT %@ (↑task triedRule7)))

      (rsTaskFlg                                             (* Use Task Var if RuleSet to be used in a Task.)
		       (LIST (QUOTE %@)
			     (QUOTE ↑task)
      (T                                                     (* Use Rule Var RuleSet not to be used in a task.)

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:11")

          (* * Generates varCode for tracing variables when the LHS of a rule is tested.)

    (PROG (varCode traceCode ruleCode code)

          (* * Compute the parts of the trace code.)

	    (debugVars (SETQ varCode (CONS (QUOTE WRITETTY)
					   (for var in debugVars join (LIST " " (CONCAT (UnParseTerm
									    (CompileGetTerm var]
          (SETQ ruleCode (LIST (QUOTE ←)
			       (LIST (QUOTE GetObjFromUID)
				     (UID ruleObject))
			       (QUOTE Print)))
          (SETQ traceCode (LIST (QUOTE TraceLHS)
				(KWOTE rsName)
				(KWOTE ruleLabel)

          (* * Splice the code together.)

          (SETQ code (LIST))
	    (varCode (SETQ code (CONS varCode code]
	    (ruleCode (SETQ code (CONS ruleCode code]
          [SETQ code (CONS (QUOTE PROGN)
			   (CONS (QUOTE (* Rule Tracing Code))
				 (CONS traceCode code]
          (RETURN code])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* mjs: " 7-JUN-83 11:12")

          (* * Generates varCode for tracing variables when the RHS of a rule is satisfied.)

    (PROG (varCode traceCode ruleCode code)

          (* * Compute the parts of the trace code.)

	    (debugVars (SETQ varCode (CONS (QUOTE WRITETTY)
					   (for var in debugVars join (LIST " " (CONCAT (UnParseTerm
									    (CompileGetTerm var]
          (SETQ ruleCode (LIST (QUOTE ←)
			       (LIST (QUOTE GetObjFromUID)
				     (UID ruleObject))
			       (QUOTE Print)))
          (SETQ traceCode (LIST (QUOTE TraceRHS)
				(KWOTE rsName)
				(KWOTE ruleLabel)

          (* * Splice the code together.)

          (SETQ code (LIST))
	    (varCode (SETQ code (CONS varCode code]
	    (ruleCode (SETQ code (CONS ruleCode code]
          [SETQ code (CONS (QUOTE PROGN)
			   (CONS (QUOTE (* Rule Tracing Code))
				 (CONS traceCode code]
          (RETURN code])
  (FILEMAP (NIL (1249 51236 (AuditRecordCodeGen 1259 . 2714) (BreakLHSCodeGen 2716 . 3869) (
BreakRHSCodeGen 3871 . 5201) (CheckVariableNameConflict 5203 . 5879) (CompileAssnStmnt 5881 . 6645) (
CompileComment 6647 . 8031) (CompileCompositeGetTerm 8033 . 10221) (CompileCompositePutTerm 10223 . 
12175) (CompileExpr 12177 . 13596) (CompileGetTerm 13598 . 15282) (CompileLHS 15284 . 17897) (
CompileOpPrecedenceExpr 17899 . 20968) (CompileParenExpr 20970 . 23336) (CompilePopStmnt 23338 . 24117
) (CompilePopTerms 24119 . 25799) (CompilePropGetTerm 25801 . 27470) (CompilePropPutTerm 27472 . 29132
) (CompilePushStmnt 29134 . 29924) (CompilePushTerm 29926 . 31289) (CompilePutTerm 31291 . 33094) (
CompileQuotedConstant 33096 . 34326) (CompileRHS 34328 . 36755) (CompileRule 36757 . 37512) (
CompileRule1 37514 . 40471) (CompileRuleList 40473 . 42824) (CompileRuleOrLabel 42826 . 43667) (
ExprCodeGen 43669 . 46041) (FPrecedence 46043 . 46574) (GPrecedence 46576 . 47107) (GetRuleStrings 
47109 . 47907) (OSSetCode 47909 . 48428) (OSTestCode 48430 . 49011) (TraceLHSCodeGen 49013 . 50121) (
TraceRHSCodeGen 50123 . 51234)))))