(FNS StructuredInstanceObject.GetSubs StructuredInstanceObject.GetSupers 
			StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers 
			StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs! StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers! 
			InstanceBrowser.AddRoot InstanceBrowser.RemoveInstanceFromRelation 
			StructuredInstanceMeta.BrowseInstances InstanceBrowser.LinkDown 
			InstanceBrowser.LinkUp InstanceBrowser.MoveInstance InstanceBrowser.Spawn 
			InstanceBrowser.UnLinkDown StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceBrowser 
			InstanceBrowser.InitializeWithAll InstanceBrowser.MoveSubTree 
			InstanceBrowser.UnLinkUp StructuredInstanceObject.LinkDown 
			StructuredInstanceObject.LinkUp StructuredInstanceObject.MoveSubLattice 
			StructuredInstanceObject.Rename StructuredInstanceObject.SpliceIn 
			StructuredInstanceObject.SpliceOut StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkDown 
			StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkUp ssi)
		   (CLASSES StructuredInstanceObject InstanceBrowser StructuredInstanceMeta)

      previous date: " 1-AUG-83 14:25:40" {IVY}<STICKLEN>LISP>STRUCTUREDINSTANCESYSTEM.;12)


					      StructuredInstanceMeta StructuredInstanceObject 
	(FNS ShowStructuredInstanceObjects StructuredInstanceMeta.AddInstanceName 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.AddLink StructuredInstanceMeta.AddLocalIV 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.CloseInstanceBrowser StructuredInstanceMeta.DeleteInstanceName 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.Destroy StructuredInstanceMeta.DestroyRelation 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchDefaultLinks StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceBrowser 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceNames StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchLinks 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchRoot StructuredInstanceMeta.New 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.Specialize StructuredInstanceMeta.UpDateAppropriateBrowser 
	     StructuredInstanceMeta.UpDateBrowserList StructuredInstanceObject.Destroy 
	     StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs! 
	     StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers! 
	     StructuredInstanceObject.LinkDown StructuredInstanceObject.LinkUp 
	     StructuredInstanceObject.Rename StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkDown 
	     StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkUp StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.AddInstanceLink 
	     StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveInstancesOnly! InstanceBrowser.AddRoot 
	     InstanceBrowser.DefineSubclass InstanceBrowser.DestroyThisRelation 
	     InstanceBrowser.GatherBoxedNodes InstanceBrowser.GetIV InstanceBrowser.GetSubs 
	     InstanceBrowser.InitializeWithAll InstanceBrowser.LeftSelection InstanceBrowser.LinkDown 
	     InstanceBrowser.LinkUp InstanceBrowser.MiddleSelection InstanceBrowser.MoveInstance 
	     InstanceBrowser.MoveSubTree InstanceBrowser.Recompute 
	     InstanceBrowser.RemoveInstanceFromRelation InstanceBrowser.Rename InstanceBrowser.SetIV 
	     InstanceBrowser.SetIVofInterest InstanceBrowser.Show InstanceBrowser.Spawn 
	     InstanceBrowser.Specialize InstanceBrowser.SpecializeInstance 
	     InstanceBrowser.SpliceNewInstance InstanceBrowser.TotallyDestroyInstance 
	     InstanceBrowser.UnLinkDown InstanceBrowser.UnLinkUp InstanceBrowser.Unread PromptRead 
	     PromptWindowBlink ssi)
	(VARS *NoBrowserUpdates*)))
(DEFCLASSES StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser StructuredInstanceMeta StructuredInstanceObject 
[DEFCLASS StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser
   (MetaClass Class Edited:                                  (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:30"))
   (Supers ClassBrowser)
   (ClassVariables (MiddleButtonItems ((EM*(EditMethod ((EM (QUOTE EditMethod))
							(EM!(QUOTE EM!)
				   "Edit method selected from Menu, making it local if necessary"))
						       "Edit method of class selected from Menu"))
				       (Add*(DefMethod ((Specialize (QUOTE DefineSubclass)
								    "Define a specialized subclass")
							DefMethod DefRSM AddIV AddCV
							(New (QUOTE SetItNew)
						     "Set IT to a new instance of selected class")))
	      "Add a new method, a specialized class, IV or CV to class, or make a new instance.")
				       (Delete DeleteClassItem 
					      "Delete one of Methods IVs CVs
or the class itself")
				       (Move*(MoveTo (MoveTo CopyTo))
					 "Move or copy")
				       (BoxNode (QUOTE BoxNode)
						"Draw a box around selected node")
				       (Rename*(QUOTE RenamePart)
					 "Rename some part of the class")
				       (Edit*(EditObject (EditObject (EditIVs (QUOTE (EditObject
										       -2 DE))
									      "Edit IVs of class")
								     (EditCVs (QUOTE (EditObject
										       -3 DE))
									      "Edit CVs of class")
								     (Inspect (QUOTE Inspect)
									 "Inspect selected class")))
					 "Edit class"))
				      doc                    (* Undocumented CV added by STICKLEN)
		   (LocalCommands (CopyTo BoxNode ClassDoc CVDoc DefineSubclass DeleteClassItem 
					  EditObject FindWhere FlipNode IVDoc MoveTo Recompute 
					  RenamePart Unread BrowseInstances AddInstanceLink 
					  SaveClassOnly SaveClassOnly! SaveInstancesOnly 
					  SaveInstancesOnly! SaveClassAndInsatnces 
					  SaveClassAndInstances! CreateNewInstance)
				  doc                        (* Undocumented CV added by STICKLEN)
		   (LeftButtonItems ((Print*(PrintSummary (PP PP! PPV!(PPM (QUOTE PPMethod)
								    "Prettyprint selected method")
				       "PrintSummary of class")
				     (Doc*(ClassDoc (ClassDoc MethodDoc IVDoc CVDoc))
				"Documentation for Class, Methods, IVs and CVs
	Class is default")
				     (WhereIs (QUOTE FindWhere)
					      "Find location of method, iv, or cv")
				     (Unread (QUOTE Unread)
					     "Put class name in typein buffer")
				     (BrowseInstances (QUOTE BrowseInstances)
		     "Create an instance browser. Only applicable for StructuredInstanceObjects.")
				     (AddNewInstanceLink (QUOTE AddInstanceLink)

"Create a new super/sub link pair for some StructuredInstanceObject. Only applicable for StructuredInstanceObject."
				     (Save*(SaveClassOnly ((SaveClassOnly (QUOTE SaveClassOnly)
		     "Saves the current class on a file with the name reflecting the class name.")
							   (SaveClassOnly!(QUOTE SaveClassOnly!)
	     "Saves the current class and recursively defined subs files with descriptive names.")
							   (SaveInstancesOnly (QUOTE 
					 "Saves all instances on a file with a descriptive name.")
  "Saves all instances here and in all recursively defined subs on files with descriptive names.")
							   (SaveClassAndInstances (QUOTE 
			   "Saves the class and all instances in a file with a descriptive name.")

"Saves this class and all its instances, then all the recursively defined subs also, on files with descriptive names."
							  "Save the current class on a file."))
				     (CreateNewInstance (QUOTE CreateNewInstance)
							"Create a new instance of the class."))
				    doc                      (* Undocumented CV added by STICKLEN)
   (InstanceVariables (title "StructuredInstanceObject Class Inheritance Lattice" doc 
                                                             (* Undocumented InstanceVariable added by STICKLEN)
   (Methods (AddInstanceLink StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.AddInstanceLink args (object 
			     doc                             (* method to add a new super/sub link pair for a 
	    (BrowseInstances StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.BrowseInstances args (object 
			     doc                             (* method to create an instance browser for any 
	    (CreateNewInstance StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.CreateNewInstance args
			       (object objectName)
			       doc                           (* a slight modification to the New method used for 
							     StructuredInstanceObjects. Prompts the user for a name 
							     for the new instance.)
	    (SaveClassAndInstances StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassAndInstances args
				   (object objectName)
				   doc                       (* method to save a class and instances.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
	    (SaveClassAndInstances! StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassAndInstances! args
				    (object objectName)
				    doc                      (* method to save recursively defined class and 
							     instances. Note checking is done to make sure the object
							     is a StructuredInstanceObject.)
	    (SaveClassOnly StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassOnly args (object objectName)
			   doc                               (* method to save a class only.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
	    (SaveClassOnly! StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassOnly! args (object 
			    doc                              (* method to save a recursively defined class only.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
	    (SaveInstancesOnly StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveInstancesOnly args
			       (object objectName)
			       doc                           (* method to save class instances only.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
	    (SaveInstancesOnly! StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveInstancesOnly! args
				(object objectName)
				doc                          (* method to save the recursively definned instances 
							     only. Note checking is done to make sure the object is a

[DEFCLASS StructuredInstanceMeta
   (MetaClass MetaClass Edited:                              (* js: "29-JUL-83 15:11"))
   (Supers Class)
   (InstanceVariables (Links (super sub)
			     doc                             (* default link pair)
   (Methods (AddLink StructuredInstanceMeta.AddLink args (linkPair)
		     doc                                     (* method to add the name of a link pair)
	    (FetchLinks StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchLinks args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to fetch the current links))
	    (New StructuredInstanceMeta.New args (name)

          (* creates an instance of some class that is a StructuredInstanceObject. The name parm must be specified or else 
	  the function will do nothing and generate an error. Note that the new instance is made a root in the default link 

	    (FetchRoot StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchRoot args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to fetch the current instance root.)
	    (FetchInstanceNames StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceNames args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to fetch the names of all instances.)
	    (AddInstanceName StructuredInstanceMeta.AddInstanceName args (newInstanceName)
			     doc                             (* adds the names of a newly created instances to the 
							     list in the IV InstanceNames)
	    (AddLocalIV StructuredInstanceMeta.AddLocalIV args (IVname IVvalue)
			doc                                  (* method to add a locally defined IV for a class that 
							     is a StructuredInstanceObject)
	    (BrowseInstances StructuredInstanceMeta.BrowseInstances args (StartingList linkPair)
			     doc                             (* New method template)
	    (Specialize StructuredInstanceMeta.Specialize doc 
                                                             (* a slight addition to the normal Specialize method: 
							     each new class is initialized with StoargeFileName, 
							     FilePackageComs, Root, InstanceName, and Links IV's.)
	    (SaveClassOnly! StructuredInstanceMeta.SaveClassOnly! args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to store on the currently connected direcotry 
							     a file containing the class and all recursively defined 
	    (SaveInstancesOnly StructuredInstanceMeta.SaveInstancesOnly args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to store on the currently connected direcotry 
							     a file containing all currently defined instances)
	    (SaveInstancesOnly! StructuredInstanceMeta.SaveInstancesOnly! args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to store on the currently connected direcotry 
							     a file containing all currently defined instances and 
							     all instances of recursively defined subs)
	    (SaveClassAndInstances StructuredInstanceMeta.SaveClassAndInstances args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to store on the currently connected direcotry 
							     a file containing the class and all currently defined 
	    (SaveClassAndInstances! StructuredInstanceMeta.SaveClassAndInstances! args NIL doc 

          (* method to store on the currently connected direcotry a file containing the class and all currently defined 
	  instances both for self and for all subs of self)

	    (SaveClassOnly StructuredInstanceMeta.SaveClassOnly args NIL doc 
                                                             (* method to store on the currently connected direcotry 
							     a file containing the class))
	    (Destroy StructuredInstanceMeta.Destroy doc      (* this is a patch so that when the class is killed, the
							     instances will be appropriately killed too.)
	    (DestroyRelation StructuredInstanceMeta.DestroyRelation args (superLink subLink)

          (* method used to remove one link pair from the class, smash all instances that participate in that relation and 
	  no others, and close the current window for the browser along this relation, if there is one.)

	    (UpDateBrowserList StructuredInstanceMeta.UpDateBrowserList args (linkPair newValue)
			       doc                           (* method to change the browser for the given relation.
							     Note this closes the old browser if it is active.)
	    (UpDateAppropriateBrowser StructuredInstanceMeta.UpDateAppropriateBrowser args (linkPair)
				      doc                    (* method that looks to see if there is a browser for a 
							     specified link and updates it if there is.)
	    (DeleteInstanceName StructuredInstanceMeta.DeleteInstanceName args (oldName)
				doc                          (* method to remove one instance name from the CV)
	    (FetchDefaultLinks StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchDefaultLinks args NIL doc 
                                                             (* fetches the current default links from 
	    (FetchInstanceBrowser StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceBrowser args (linkPair)
				  doc                        (* method to fetch the current Browser for a given 
	    (CloseInstanceBrowser StructuredInstanceMeta.CloseInstanceBrowser args (linkPair)
				  doc                        (* method to close a given instance browser window)
	    (CalculateBrowserStartingList StructuredInstanceMeta.CalculateBrowserStartingList args 
					  NIL doc            (* New method template)))]

[DEFCLASS StructuredInstanceObject
   (MetaClass StructuredInstanceMeta Edited:                 (* js: "29-JUL-83 22:43")
	      doc                                            (* all classes which have named structured instances 
							     should have this class on their supers list)
   (Supers NamedObject)
   (ClassVariables (CurrentBrowsers NIL doc                  (* variable to hold an A-List of form 
							     ((linkPair browserForLinkPair) ...)))
		   (Links ((super sub))
			  doc                                (* CV to hold all current linkPairs known in the class)
		   (Root NIL doc                             (* CV to hold the current root for all instances for all
							     relations in the class.))
		   (InstanceNames (A0012 A0011 A0010 A0022 A0021 A0020)
				  doc                        (* all the names of objects that are instantiated from 
							     this class.)
   (InstanceVariables (super NIL doc                         (* default slot for instance supers))
		      (sub NIL doc                           (* default slot for instance subs)))
   (Methods (LinkUp StructuredInstanceObject.LinkUp args (linkPair superObjectName)

          (* method to link to an already defined super along some superLink Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

	    (UnLinkUp StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkUp args (linkPair superObjectName)

          (* method to link to an already defined super along some superLink Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

	    (LinkDown StructuredInstanceObject.LinkDown args (linkPair subObjectName)

          (* method to link to an already defined sub along some sublink. Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

	    (UnLinkDown StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkDown args (linkPair subObjectName)

          (* method to unlink to an already defined sub along some sublink. Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

	    (Rename StructuredInstanceObject.Rename args (newName linkPair)

          (* this method renames self by changing all superObject/subLink names, all subObject/superLink names, the instance
	  IV InstanceNames at the class level, and by changing the name IV in self.)

	    (Destroy StructuredInstanceObject.Destroy doc 

          (* method to augment the standard Destroy from Object. Added is the removal of the object name from InstanceNames 
	  and the splicing out of the object from all relations that it participates in.)

	    (FetchSubs StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs args (linkPair)
		       doc                                   (* method to retreive all the subs of an instance along 
							     a given relation)
	    (FetchSupers StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers args (linkPair)

          (* method to fetch all the supers of self along the specified relation. Note that the root instance, if it is an 
	  immediate super to self, will be returned as a member of the list.)

	    (FetchSubs! StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs! args (linkPair)
			doc                                  (* New method template)
	    (FetchSupers! StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers! args (linkPair)

          (* method to recursively fetch all the supers of self along a specified Note that the root instance will be 
	  returned as a member of list.)


[DEFCLASS InstanceBrowser
   (MetaClass Class Edited:                                  (* js: " 2-AUG-83 03:30")
	      doc                                            (* a browser to look at the instances of some class 
							     along a link set in the instance variable 
   (Supers LatticeBrowser)
   (ClassVariables (TitleItems ((DestroyThisRelation (QUOTE DestroyThisRelation)
			       "Destroy the current relation and remove the link from the class.")
				(AddRoot (QUOTE AddRoot)
			  "Add named item as a root in current relation AND in default relation.")
				(Recompute (QUOTE Recompute)
					   "Recompute lattice from starting objects")
				(SetIVofInterset (QUOTE SetIVofInterest)
				   "Sets the IV to use in SetIV and FetchIV (left button items).")
				(InitializeWithAll (QUOTE InitializeWithAll)
      "Set every instance in the class to a root in this relation. Best used for initialization."))
			       doc                           (* Items for menu of selections in title of window)
		   (MiddleButtonItems ((LinkUp (QUOTE LinkUp)

"Link the current node to the currently boxed node following the supers link. You must box a node first."
				       (UnLinkUp (QUOTE UnLinkUp)
"Unlinks the current node from the boxed node following the supers link. You must box a node first.")
				       (LinkDown (QUOTE LinkDown)

"Unlink the current node from the currently boxed node following the subs link. You must box a node first."
				       (UnLinkDown (QUOTE UnLinkDown)

"Unlink the current node from the currently boxed node following the subs link. You must box a node first."
				       (MoveInstance (QUOTE MoveInstance)

"Moves an instance from one place in the lattice to another, leaving the subs where they were. The exact target location is pinpointed interactively."
				       (MoveSubTree (QUOTE MoveSubTree)
						    "Moves an entire subtree to a new location."))
				      doc                    (* Menu items for MiddleButton seletion -- Value sent as
							     message to object or browser -- see LocalCommands)
		   (LocalCommands (EditObject BoxNode Recompute AddRoot SpecializeInstance Unread 
					      Rename LinkUp LinkDown UnLinkUp UnLinkDown MoveInstance 
					      MoveSubTree RemoveInstanceFromRelation 
					      TotallyDestroyInstance GetIV SetIV DestroyThisRelation 
				  doc                        (* messages that should be sent to browser when item 
							     seleted in menu, even if object does understand them)
		   (LeftButtonItems ((CreateSubInstance (QUOTE SpecializeInstance)

"Create a new Instance (if necessary) and link it properly to the indicated instance along the current FollowLink."
				     (RemoveInstance (QUOTE RemoveInstanceFromRelation)

"Removes the current instance from the current relation, but leaves it alive throughout the rest of the class."
				     (TotallyDestroyInstance (QUOTE TotallyDestroyInstance)
"Removes the current instance from the current relation, and also totally removes it from the class.")
				     (Rename (QUOTE Rename)
					     "Rename the instance for use in the ENTIRE class.")
				     (Edit (QUOTE EditObject)
					   "Edit selected item")
				     (Inspect (QUOTE Inspect)
					      "'Inspect selected item")
				     (PP (QUOTE PP)
					 "Prettyprint selected item")
				     (Unread (QUOTE Unread)
					     "Unread the name of the instance into the system buffer")
				     (BoxInstance (QUOTE BoxNode)
						  "Draw box around selected node")
				     (GetIV (QUOTE GetIV)
	    "Gets the IV set with the Title function SetIVofInterest from the selected instance.")
				     (SetIV (QUOTE SetIV)
	    "Sets the IV set with the Title function SetIVofInterest from the selected instance.")
				     (SpawnNewBrowser (QUOTE Spawn)

"Creates a new instance browser for the class with the current instance as the root. User determines the relation shown in the new browser."
				    doc                      (* Menu items for LeftButton seletion -- Value sent as 
							     message to object or browser -- see LocalCommands)
   (InstanceVariables (FollowLink NIL doc                    (* IV holding the current link that is chased in the 
							     browser. This is some subLink for the 
							     StructuredInstanceObject whose instances are being 
		      (ReverseFollowLink NIL doc             (* the backlink corresonding to the FollowLink.
							     This is some superLink for the StructuredInstanceObject 
							     whose instances are being browsed.))
		      (BrowsingClass NIL doc                 (* contains the Loops name of the class being browsed)
		      (startingList NIL doc                  (* a list of the nodes from which the Browser sprouts.)
		      (SpecialButtonActionMode NIL doc 

          (* this IV contains a value to indicate what actions the right and middle mouse buttons will currently have in the
	  browser. A NIL value means that normal action will procede with the MiddleSelection and RightSelection messages 
	  going on normally to the supers. If this IV is equal to (QUOTE GatherBoxedNodes,) then the left mouse button will 
	  add a node to the list maintained in GatheredBoxedNodeList, and the middle mouse button will remove a node from 

		      (GatheredBoxedNodeList NIL doc         (* contains a list of nodes that are selected during the
							     operation of the method GatherBoxedNodes)
		      (IVofInterest NIL doc                  (* name of the IV used in GetIV and SetIV.
							     Value is set in SetIVofInterest.))
		      (SupersObjectList NIL doc              (* Undocumented InstanceVariable added by STICKLEN)
   (Methods (GetSubs InstanceBrowser.GetSubs args (elt)

          (* returns the list of objects which are "subs" of "elt" using the value of IV "subLinks" in the browser to 
	  determine the links to be used)

	    (Show InstanceBrowser.Show args (browseList windowOrTitle goodList)

          (* * Show the items and their subs on a browse window.)

	    (SpecializeInstance InstanceBrowser.SpecializeInstance args (object objectName)

          (* method to LinkUp some instance to the instance that has been buttoned along the FollowLink.
	  If the name of the LinkUp instance is not known, a new instance is created.)

	    (AddRoot InstanceBrowser.AddRoot args NIL doc 

          (* method to add a new root to the InstanceBrowser. Note that this method add a root both for the current relation
	  AND for the default relation if the instance is new to the class. If it is not new to the class, then only added 
	  for the current relation.)

	    (Unread InstanceBrowser.Unread args (object objName)
		    doc                                      (* Unread name into system buffer)
	    (Rename InstanceBrowser.Rename args (object objectName)

          (* method to rename an instance. The instance name is interactively entered, and once changed, is altered for use 
	  no matter where in the class.)

	    (LinkUp InstanceBrowser.LinkUp args (object objectName)
		    doc                                      (* links object to the current boxed node along the 
							     current supersLink)
	    (UnLinkUp InstanceBrowser.UnLinkUp args (object objectName)
		      doc                                    (* unlinks the current object to a list of interactively
							     determined other instances along the current supersLink)
	    (LinkDown InstanceBrowser.LinkDown args (object objectName)
		      doc                                    (* links the current object to a list of interactively 
							     determined other instances along the current subsLink.)
	    (UnLinkDown InstanceBrowser.UnLinkDown args (object objectName)
			doc                                  (* unlinks the current object to a list of interactively
							     determined other instances along the current subsLink.)
	    (MoveInstance InstanceBrowser.MoveInstance args (object objectName)

          (* method to move an instance from one place in the lattice to another. After removing from one location, the old 
	  supers and subs are spliced together. The new splice in location is found by interactively boxing two nodes that 
	  are currently dirrectly linked. If no node is boxed for the super, the old instance becomes a new root.
	  If no node is boxed for the sub, the old instance becomes a simple subinstance of the boxed super.)

	    (GatherBoxedNodes InstanceBrowser.GatherBoxedNodes args (promptString)

          (* this method allows the user to interactively choose a set of nodes for some operation. The IV 
	  SpecialButtonActionMode is set to GatherBoxedNodes to indicate special action for both left button and middle 
	  button. In this mode, the left button adds nodes to the list, the middle button deletes nodes from the list.)

	    (MoveSubTree InstanceBrowser.MoveSubTree args (object objectName)
			 doc                                 (* method which moves an entire subtree to a new 
							     location in the lattice.)
	    (MiddleSelection InstanceBrowser.MiddleSelection doc 

          (* this method allows special use of the left and middle mouse buttons. The action taken depends on the value of 
	  the IV SpecialButtonActionMode. If NIL, then normal mouse functions are in operation. If equal to 
	  GatherBoxedNodeList, then opertions is: left button = add item to list maintained in IV GatheredBoxedNodeList, 
	  middle button = delete item from that list.)

	    (LeftSelection InstanceBrowser.LeftSelection doc 

          (* this method allows special use of the left and middle mouse buttons. The action taken depends on the value of 
	  the IV SpecialButtonActionMode. If NIL, then normal mouse functions are in operation. If equal to 
	  GatherBoxedNodeList, then opertions is: left button = add item to list maintained in IV GatheredBoxedNodeList, 
	  middle button = delete item from that list.)

	    (RemoveInstanceFromRelation InstanceBrowser.RemoveInstanceFromRelation args (object
					doc                  (* method to kill an instance.
							     The instance is destroyed only in relation to the 
							     displayed link, it is still alive in the class.)
	    (TotallyDestroyInstance InstanceBrowser.TotallyDestroyInstance args (object objectName)
				    doc                      (* method to kill an instance.
							     The instance is destroyed only in relation to the 
							     displayed link, it is still alive in the class.)
	    (SetIVofInterest InstanceBrowser.SetIVofInterest args NIL doc 
                                                             (* title function to set the InstanceBrowser IV, 
							     IVofInterest. It is used in the left button methods 
							     SetIV and GetIV.))
	    (SetIV InstanceBrowser.SetIV args (object objectName)
		   doc                                       (* sets an IV in the selected instance that is the IV 
							     named in IVofInterest.)
	    (GetIV InstanceBrowser.GetIV args (object objectName)
		   doc                                       (* gets an IV in the selected instance that is the IV 
							     named in IVofInterest.)
	    (InitializeWithAll InstanceBrowser.InitializeWithAll args NIL doc 

          (* this method sets every instance in the class that is in the super/sub relation (or whatever is currently the 
	  default link as set in StructuredInstanceMeta) to a root in the current browser. If instance is already in the 
	  browser, it will not be added.)

	    (DestroyThisRelation InstanceBrowser.DestroyThisRelation args NIL doc 

          (* method to destroy the current relation, remove the link from the class, and destroy any instances that take 
	  part in this relation and no others)

	    (Recompute InstanceBrowser.Recompute doc         (* inherits Recompute from Super if there is a non-null 
							     starting list.)
		       args NIL)
	    (Spawn InstanceBrowser.Spawn args (object objectName)
		   doc                                       (* creates a new browser with the current object as its 
							     root. User determines the relation followed in the new 


  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* js: "27-JUL-83 16:50")
      $StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser Show (QUOTE (StructuredInstanceObject])

  [LAMBDA (self newInstanceName)                             (* js: "29-JUL-83 18:42")
                                                             (* adds the names of a newly created instances to the 
							     list in the IV InstanceNames)
    (PutClassValue self (QUOTE InstanceNames)
		   (CONS newInstanceName (GetClassValue self (QUOTE InstanceNames])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: "29-JUL-83 20:12")
                                                             (* method to add the name of a link pair)
    (PROG (currentLinks super sub)
          (SETQ currentLinks (GetClassValue self (QUOTE Links)))
          (SETQ super (CAR linkPair))
          (SETQ sub (CADR linkPair))
	    ((OR (NULL super)
		 (NULL sub))
	      (ERROR "Bidirectional links must be specified, you entered only one."))
	    ((MEMBER linkPair currentLinks)
	      (ERROR (CONCAT "The link pair specified is already known for " self ".")))
	    (T (PutClassValue self (QUOTE Links)
			      (CONS linkPair currentLinks))
	       (SEND self AddLocalIV super)
	       (SEND self AddLocalIV sub])

  [LAMBDA (self IVname IVvalue)                              (* js: "21-JUL-83 18:32")
                                                             (* method to add a locally defined IV for a class that 
							     is a StructuredInstanceObject)
    (InstallInstanceVariables self (CONS (LIST IVname IVvalue)
					 (GetSourceIVs self])

  [LAMBDA (self StartingList linkPair)                       (* js: " 2-AUG-83 18:55")
                                                             (* New method template)
    (PROG (instanceBrowser ReverseFollowLink FollowLink interactiveFollow subSelectionMenu allLinks 
			   defaultLinks root rootObject supersObjectList)
          (PRINT (QUOTE p1))
	    ([AND (NOT (NULL StartingList))
		  (PRINT (for oneStrtingObject in (MKLIST StartingList) bind (answer)
			    do (COND
				 ((NOT (EQ self (Class oneStartingInstance)))
				   (SETQ answer T)))
			    finally (RETURN answer]
	      (PRINT (QUOTE shouldprint))
	      (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but the object " oneStartingObject 
				   " on your startingList is not in the class "
				   self ". Hence I cannot make the browser for you."))
          (PRINT (QUOTE p2))
          (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND self FetchDefaultLinks))
          (SETQ allLinks (SEND self FetchLinks))
          (SETQ ReverseFollowLink (CAR linkPair))
          (SETQ FollowLink (CADR linkPair))
          (SETQ root (SEND self FetchRoot))
          (SETQ rootObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
				  (LIST root)))
	    ([AND (NOT (ATOM StartingList))
		  (NOT (NULL (CDR StartingList]
	      (PROMPTPRINT "Sorry, but an instance browser can be made only from one root.")
	    [(NULL linkPair)
	      [SETQ subSelectionMenu (create MENU
					     ITEMS ←(for onePair in allLinks collect (CADR onePair]
	      (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Choose the chase sub you want. Current default is "
				   (CADR (SEND self FetchDefaultLinks))
	      (SETQ interactiveFollow (MENU subSelectionMenu))
		[interactiveFollow (SETQ FollowLink interactiveFollow)
				   (SETQ ReverseFollowLink (for onePair in allLinks bind (answer)
							      do (SETQ answer (CAR onePair))
							      when (EQ (CADR onePair)
							      finally (RETURN answer]
		(T (SETQ FollowLink (CADR defaultLinks))
		   (SETQ ReverseFollowLink (CAR defaultLinks]
	    ((NOT (MEMBER linkPair allLinks))
	      (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Trying to browse instances of " self 
				   " along the undefined linkPair "
				   linkPair "."))
	    ((NULL ReverseFollowLink)
	      (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT FollowLink " is not a valid SUBS link for the class " self)))
	    (T [COND
		 ((NULL StartingList)
		   (SETQ StartingList (GetValue rootObject FollowLink))
		   (SETQ supersObjectList (CONS root)))
		 (T (SETQ supersObjectList (for oneObject in (MKLIST StartingList)
					      join (GetValue (APPLY (QUOTE $)
								    (LIST oneObject))
		 ((AND (NOT (NULL StartingList))
		       (NULL (GetValue (APPLY (QUOTE $)
					      (MKLIST StartingList))
		   (PROMPTPRINT "Sorry, but that root object is not in the " (LIST ReverseFollowLink 
				" relation.")
	       (SETQ instanceBrowser (SEND ($ InstanceBrowser)
	       (PutValue instanceBrowser (QUOTE SupersObjectList)
	       (PutValue instanceBrowser (QUOTE FollowLink)
	       (PutValue instanceBrowser (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)
	       (PutValue instanceBrowser (QUOTE BrowsingClass)
	       (SEND instanceBrowser Show (MKLIST StartingList))
	       (SEND self UpDateBrowserList (LIST ReverseFollowLink FollowLink)
	       (RETURN instanceBrowser])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: "31-JUL-83 19:55")
                                                             (* method to recalculate a browser startingList and 
							     store it.)
    (PROG (currentBrowser rootName rootObject subLink)
          (SETQ linkPair (OR linkPair (SEND self FetchDefaultLinks)))
          (SETQ currentBrowser (SEND self FetchInstanceBrowser linkPair))
          (SETQ rootName (SEND self FetchRoot))
          (SETQ rootObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
				  (LIST rootName)))
          (SETQ subLink (CADR linkPair))
          (PutValue currentBrowser (QUOTE startingList)
		    (GetValue rootObject subLink])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: "29-JUL-83 19:59")
                                                             (* method to close a given instance browser window)
    (PROG (currentBrowser)
          (SETQ currentBrowser (SEND self FetchInstanceBrowser linkPair))
          (SEND self UpDateBrowserList linkPair NIL])

  [LAMBDA (self oldName)                                     (* js: "29-JUL-83 19:03")
                                                             (* method to remove one instance name from the CV)
    (PutClassValue self (QUOTE InstanceNames)
		   (REMOVE oldName (GetClassValue self (QUOTE InstanceNames])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "31-JUL-83 15:24")
                                                             (* this is a patch so that when the class is killed, the
							     instances will be appropriately killed too.)
    (PROG (allInstances)
          [SETQ allInstances (for oneInstanceName in (SEND self FetchInstanceNames)
				collect (APPLY (QUOTE $)
					       (LIST oneInstanceName]
          (for oneLinkPair in (SEND self FetchLinks) do (SEND self UpDateBrowserList oneLinkPair NIL))
          (for oneInstance in allInstances do (DoMethod oneInstance (QUOTE Destroy)
							($ NamedObject)))
          (SENDSUPER self Destroy])

  [LAMBDA (self superLink subLink)                           (* js: "28-JUL-83 14:43")

          (* method used to remove one link pair from the class, smash all instances that participate in that relation and 
	  no others, and close the current window for the browser along this relation, if there is one.)

    (PROG ((allInstances (GetValue self (QUOTE InstanceNames)))
	   (LinkBrowserForRelation (SEND self GetInstanceBrowser (LIST superLink subLink)))
	   (allLinks (GetValue self (QUOTE Links])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "29-JUL-83 20:18")
                                                             (* fetches the current default links from 
    (GetValue ($ StructuredInstanceMeta)
	      (QUOTE Links])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: " 1-AUG-83 22:08")
                                                             (* method to fetch the current Browser for a given 
    (PROG (browser)
          [SETQ browser (CADR (SASSOC linkPair (GetClassValue self (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers]
	    ([AND browser (ACTIVEWP (GetValue browser (QUOTE window]
	      (RETURN browser])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "29-JUL-83 19:16")
                                                             (* method to fetch the names of all instances.)
    (GetClassValue self (QUOTE InstanceNames])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "29-JUL-83 19:17")
                                                             (* method to fetch the current links)
    (GetClassValue self (QUOTE Links])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "29-JUL-83 19:36")
                                                             (* method to fetch the current instance root.)
    (GetClassValue self (QUOTE Root])

  [LAMBDA (class name)                                       (* js: " 1-AUG-83 22:12")

          (* creates an instance of some class that is a StructuredInstanceObject. The name parm must be specified or else 
	  the function will do nothing and generate an error. Note that the new instance is made a root in the default link 

      ((NULL name)
	(ERROR "An instance of StructuredInstance must be given a name."))
      ((MEMBER name (SEND class FetchInstanceNames))
      (T (PROG (self defaultLinks)
	       (SETQ self (BlankInstance class))
	       (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND class FetchDefaultLinks))
                                                             (* Needed to add UID for all instances 
							     (NewEntity self))
	       (SEND class Initialize self)                  (* Install IV description)
	       (SEND self SetName name)
	       (SEND class AddInstanceName name)
	       (SEND self LinkUp)
	       (RETURN self])

  [LAMBDA (self newName)                                     (* js: "31-JUL-83 12:57")
                                                             (* a slight addition to the normal Specialize method: 
							     each new class is initialized with StoargeFileName, 
							     FilePackageComs, Root, InstanceName, and Links IV's.)
    (PROG (newClass newRootName newRootObject linksFromMeta superFromMeta subFromMeta)
          (SETQ linksFromMeta (GetValue ($ StructuredInstanceMeta)
					(QUOTE Links)))
          (SETQ newRootName (GENSYM))
          (SETQ newClass (SENDSUPER self Specialize newName))
          (SETQ superFromMeta (CAR linksFromMeta))
          (SETQ subFromMeta (CADR linksFromMeta))
          [InstallClassVariables newClass (CONS (LIST (QUOTE InstanceNames)
						(CONS (LIST (QUOTE Root)
						      (CONS (LIST (QUOTE Links)
								  (CONS linksFromMeta))
							    (CONS (LIST (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers)
								  (GetSourceCVs newClass]
          [InstallInstanceVariables newClass (CONS (LIST superFromMeta NIL)
						   (CONS (LIST subFromMeta NIL)
							 (GetSourceIVs newClass]
          (SETQ newRootObject (BlankInstance newClass))
          (SEND newClass Initialize newRootObject)
          (SEND newRootObject SetName newRootName)
          (SEND newClass AddInstanceName newRootName)
          (RETURN newClass])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: "31-JUL-83 16:38")
                                                             (* method that looks to see if there is a browser for a 
							     specified link and updates it if there is.)
    (PROG (browser)
          (SETQ browser (SEND self FetchInstanceBrowser linkPair))
	    (browser (SEND browser Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair newValue)                           (* js: "31-JUL-83 16:52")
                                                             (* method to change the browser for the given relation.
							     Note this closes the old browser if it is active.)
    (PROG (allLinks currentEntry currentBrowser allBrowsers)
          (SETQ allBrowsers (GetClassValue self (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers)))
          (SETQ currentEntry (SASSOC linkPair allBrowsers))
          (SETQ allLinks (SEND self FetchLinks))
          (SETQ currentBrowser (CADR currentEntry))
	    ((NOT (MEMBER linkPair allLinks))                (* check to make sure linkPair is valid)
	     "The linkPair you specified for adding a New Browser does not exsist for the class."))
	    ([AND newValue (NOT (EQ (GetObjectName (Class newValue))
				    (QUOTE InstanceBrowser]
                                                             (* check to make sure the new value is an 
		   "The browser you specified for adding a New Browser is a not a valid browser."))
	    ((AND newValue currentBrowser)                   (* if there is both a new browser to add and an old one 
							     to get rid of)
	      (PutClassValue self (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers)
			     (CONS (LIST linkPair newValue)
				   (REMOVE (LIST linkPair currentBrowser)
	      (SEND currentBrowser Close))
	    (newValue                                        (* if there is a new browser to add, but no old one to 
		      (PutClassValue self (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers)
				     (CONS (LIST linkPair newValue)
	    (currentBrowser                                  (* if there is an old browser, but no new entry)
			    (PutClassValue self (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers)
					   (REMOVE (LIST linkPair currentBrowser)
			    (SEND currentBrowser Close))
	    (T                                               (* if there is neither a new browser nor an old browser)

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "29-JUL-83 21:50")

          (* method to augment the standard Destroy from Object. Added is the removal of the object name from InstanceNames 
	  and the splicing out of the object from all relations that it participates in.)

    (PROG (allLinksUsed classSelf)
          (SETQ classSelf (Class self))
          (SETQ allLinksUsed (SEND classSelf FetchLinks))
          (for oneLinkPair in allLinksUsed do (SEND self SpliceOut oneLinkPair))
          (SEND classSelf RemoveInstanceName (GetValue self (QUOTE name)))
          (SENDSUPER self Destroy])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: " 2-AUG-83 12:13")
                                                             (* method to retreive all the subs of an instance along 
							     a given relation)
      ((MEMBER linkPair (SEND (Class self)
	(GetValue self (CADR linkPair])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: " 2-AUG-83 13:01")
                                                             (* New method template)
      ((MEMBER linkPair (SEND (Class self)
	(bind ([currentObjectList ←(CONS (GetValue self (QUOTE name]
	       (answer ← NIL)
	       (currentSubLink ←(CADR linkPair))
	       (currentSubNames ← NIL))
	   while currentObjectList do [for oneCurrentObject in currentObjectList
					 do (SETQ currentSubNames (GetValue (APPLY (QUOTE $)
					    (SETQ currentObjectList (REMOVE oneCurrentObject 
					    (for oneCurrentSubName in currentSubNames
					       do (COND
						    ((NOT (MEMBER oneCurrentSubName answer))
						      (SETQ answer (CONS oneCurrentSubName answer))
						      (SETQ currentObjectList (CONS oneCurrentSubName 
	   finally (RETURN answer])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: " 2-AUG-83 13:28")

          (* method to fetch all the supers of self along the specified relation. Note that the root instance, if it is an 
	  immediate super to self, will be returned as a member of the list.)

      ((MEMBER linkPair (SEND (Class self)
	(GetValue self (CAR linkPair])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair)                                    (* js: " 2-AUG-83 13:26")

          (* method to recursively fetch all the supers of self along a specified Note that the root instance will be 
	  returned as a member of list.)

      ((MEMBER linkPair (SEND (Class self)
	(bind ([currentObjectList ←(CONS (GetValue self (QUOTE name]
	       (answer ← NIL)
	       (currentSuperLink ←(CAR linkPair))
	       (currentSuperNames ← NIL))
	   while currentObjectList do [for oneCurrentObject in currentObjectList
					 do (SETQ currentSuperNames (GetValue (APPLY (QUOTE $)
					    (SETQ currentObjectList (REMOVE oneCurrentObject 
					    (for oneCurrentSuperName in currentSuperNames
					       do (COND
						    ((NOT (MEMBER oneCurrentSuperName answer))
						      (SETQ answer (CONS oneCurrentSuperName answer))
						      (SETQ currentObjectList (CONS 
	   finally (RETURN answer])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair subObjectName)                      (* js: " 1-AUG-83 21:46")

          (* method to link to an already defined sub along some sublink. Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

    (PROG (selfName allLinks allInstanceNames superLink subLink subObject defaultLinks classSelf)
	    (subObjectName (SETQ classSelf (Class self))
			   (SETQ allInstanceNames (SEND classSelf FetchInstanceNames))
			   (SETQ allLinks (SEND classSelf FetchLinks))
			   (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND classSelf FetchDefaultLinks))
			   (SETQ selfName (GetValue self (QUOTE name)))
			     ((NULL linkPair)
			       (SETQ superLink (CAR defaultLinks))
			       (SETQ subLink (CADR defaultLinks)))
			     (T (SETQ superLink (CAR linkPair))
				(SETQ subLink (CADR linkPair]
			     ((OR [NULL (SETQ subObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
							       (LIST subObjectName]
				  (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE name))
				  (NOT (MEMBER subObjectName allInstanceNames)))
			       (ERROR "Botch up in LinkDown.")))
			     ((NOT (EQ selfName subObjectName))
			       [PutValue subObject superLink (CONS selfName (REMOVE selfName
			       (PutValue self subLink (CONS subObjectName (REMOVE subObjectName
										  (GetValue self 

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair superObjectName)                    (* js: " 1-AUG-83 21:47")

          (* method to link to an already defined super along some superLink Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

    (PROG (selfName allLinks allInstanceNames superLink subLink superObject defaultLinks classSelf 
          (SETQ classSelf (Class self))
          (SETQ allInstanceNames (SEND classSelf FetchInstanceNames))
          (SETQ allLinks (SEND classSelf FetchLinks))
          (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND classSelf FetchDefaultLinks))
          (SETQ selfName (GetValue self (QUOTE name)))
          (SETQ instanceRoot (SEND classSelf FetchRoot))
	    ((NULL linkPair)
	      (SETQ superLink (CAR defaultLinks))
	      (SETQ subLink (CADR defaultLinks)))
	    (T (SETQ superLink (CAR linkPair))
	       (SETQ subLink (CADR linkPair]
	    ((NULL superObjectName)
	      (SETQ superObjectName instanceRoot)))
	    ((OR [NULL (SETQ superObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
						(LIST superObjectName]
		 (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE name))
		 (NOT (MEMBER superObjectName allInstanceNames)))
	      (ERROR "Botch up in LinkUp.")))
	    ((NOT (EQ superObjectName selfName))
	      [PutValue superObject subLink (CONS selfName (REMOVE selfName (GetValue superObject 
	      (PutValue self superLink (CONS superObjectName (REMOVE superObjectName
								     (GetValue self superLink])

  [LAMBDA (self newName linkPair)                            (* js: " 1-AUG-83 21:51")

          (* this method renames self by changing all superObject/subLink names, all subObject/superLink names, the instance
	  IV InstanceNames at the class level, and by changing the name IV in self.)

    (PROG (selfName classSelf)
          (SETQ classSelf (Class self))
          (selfName (GetValue self (QUOTE name)))
          [for oneLinkPair in (SEND classSelf FetchLinks)
	     do (PROG (allSupers allSubs superLink subLink)
		      (SETQ subLink (CADR oneLinkPair))
		      (SETQ superLink (CAR oneLinkPair))
		      (SETQ allSupers (GetValue self superLink))
		      (SETQ allSubs (GetValue self subLink))
		      [for oneSubName in allSubs do (PROG (loopsNameOneSub)
						          (SETQ loopsNameOneSub (APPLY (QUOTE $)
						          (PutValue loopsNameOneSub superLink
								    (CONS newName
									  (REMOVE selfName
		      (for oneSuperName in allSupers
			 do (PROG (loopsNameOneSuper)
			          (SETQ loopsNameOneSuper (APPLY (QUOTE $)
								 (LIST oneSuperName)))
			          (PutValue loopsNameOneSuper subLink (CONS newName
									    (REMOVE selfName
          (SEND classSelf AddInstanceName newName)
          (SEND classSelf DeleteInstanceName selfName)
          (PutValue self (QUOTE name)

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair subObjectName)                      (* js: " 1-AUG-83 21:53")

          (* method to unlink to an already defined sub along some sublink. Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

    (PROG (selfName allLinks allInstanceNames superLink subLink subObject defaultLinks classSelf)
	    (subObjectName (SETQ classSelf (Class self))
			   (SETQ allInstanceNames (SEND classSelf FetchInstanceNames))
			   (SETQ allLinks (SEND classSelf FetchLinks))
			   (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND classSelf FetchDefaultLinks))
			   (SETQ selfName (GetValue self (QUOTE name)))
			     ((NULL linkPair)
			       (SETQ superLink (CAR defaultLinks))
			       (SETQ subLink (CADR defaultLinks)))
			     (T (SETQ superLink (CAR linkPair))
				(SETQ subLink (CADR linkPair]
			     ((OR [NULL (SETQ subObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
							       (LIST subObjectName]
				  (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE name))
				  (NOT (MEMBER subObjectName allInstanceNames)))
			       (ERROR "Botch up in UnLinkDown.")))
			   (PutValue subObject superLink (REMOVE selfName (GetValue subObject 
			   (PutValue self subLink (REMOVE subObjectName (GetValue self subLink])

  [LAMBDA (self linkPair superObjectName)                    (* js: " 1-AUG-83 21:53")

          (* method to link to an already defined super along some superLink Also makes the upward backlink.
	  If the argument subLink is NIL, a default is taken from the IV Links in StructuredInstanceMeta.)

    (PROG (selfName allLinks allInstanceNames superLink subLink superObject defaultLinks classSelf)
          (SETQ classSelf (Class self))
          (SETQ allInstanceNames (SEND classSelf FetchInstanceNames))
          (SETQ allLinks (SEND classSelf FetchLinks))
          (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND classSelf FetchDefaultLinks))
          (SETQ selfName (GetValue self (QUOTE name)))
	    ((NULL linkPair)
	      (SETQ superLink (CAR defaultLinks))
	      (SETQ subLink (CADR defaultLinks)))
	    (T (SETQ superLink (CAR linkPair))
	       (SETQ subLink (CADR linkPair]
	    ((NULL superObjectName)
	      (SETQ superObjectName (SEND classSelf FetchRoot]
	    ((OR [NULL (SETQ superObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
						(LIST superObjectName]
		 (EQ (GetValue self (QUOTE name))
		 (NOT (MEMBER superObjectName allInstanceNames)))
	      (ERROR "Botch up in UnLinkUp.")))
          (PutValue superObject subLink (REMOVE selfName (GetValue superObject subLink)))
          (PutValue self superLink (REMOVE superObjectName (GetValue self superLink])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "29-JUL-83 21:10")
                                                             (* method to add a new super/sub link pair for a 
      ((MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
	       (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers)))
	(PROG (newSuperLinkName newSubLinkName)
	      (SETQ newSuperLinkName (PromptRead 
					   "What is the name of the super for the new link pair?"))
	      (SETQ newSubLinkName (PromptRead "what is the name of the sub for the new Link pair?"))
	      (SEND object AddLink (LIST newSuperLinkName newSubLinkName))
	      (PROMPTPRINT "OK. All done adding the new instance.")))
      (T (CLRPROMPT)
	 (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but " objectName 
			    " is not a StructuredInstanceObject. I cannot add link pairs for it."])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 1-AUG-83 13:53")
                                                             (* method to create an instance browser for any 
      [(MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
	       (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers)))
	(PROG (interactiveStartingObject)
	      (SETQ interactiveStartingObject (PromptRead 
			       "Enter the starting Object you want, ] for browsing from the top."))
		([AND (NOT (ATOM interactiveStartingObject))
		      (NOT (NULL (CDR interactiveStartingObject]
		  (PROMPTPRINT "Sorry, but you can only browse from one root.")
		(T (SEND object BrowseInstances interactiveStartingObject]
      (T (CLRPROMPT)
	 (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but " objectName 
		  " is not a StructuredInstanceObject. I cannot make an instance browser for it."])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 01:10")
                                                             (* a slight modification to the New method used for 
							     StructuredInstanceObjects. Prompts the user for a name 
							     for the new instance.)
      [(MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
	       (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers)))
	(PROG (newInstanceName)
	      (SETQ newInstanceName (PromptRead "What is the name of the new instance?"))
		[newInstanceName (SEND object New newInstanceName)
				 (PROMPTPRINT "OK. I'm done")
				 (PROG (browser defaultLinks)
				       (SETQ defaultLinks (SEND object FetchDefaultLinks))
				       (SETQ browser (SEND object FetchInstanceBrowser defaultLinks))
					 ([AND browser (EQUAL (GetValue browser (QUOTE 
							      (CONS (SEND object FetchRoot]
					   [PutValue browser (QUOTE startingList)
						     (CONS newInstanceName (GetValue browser
					   (SEND browser Recompute]
		     "Sorry, but an instance of a StructuredInstanceObject must be given a name."]
      (T (SEND object New)
	 (PROMPPRINT "OK. I'm done"])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:43")
                                                             (* method to save a class and instances.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
      ([NOT (MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
		    (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers]
	(PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but since " objectName 
			     " is not a StrucutredInstanceObject, I don't know how to store it.")))
      (T (SEND object SaveClassAndInstances])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:43")
                                                             (* method to save recursively defined class and 
							     instances. Note checking is done to make sure the object
							     is a StructuredInstanceObject.)
      ([NOT (MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
		    (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers]
	(PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but since " objectName 
			     " is not a StrucutredInstanceObject, I don't know how to store it.")))
      (T (SEND object SaveClassAndInstances!])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:43")
                                                             (* method to save a class only.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
      ([NOT (MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
		    (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers]
	(PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but since " objectName 
			     " is not a StrucutredInstanceObject, I don't know how to store it.")))
      (T (SEND object SaveClassOnly])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:43")
                                                             (* method to save a recursively defined class only.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
      ([NOT (MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
		    (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers]
	(PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but since " objectName 
			     " is not a StrucutredInstanceObject, I don't know how to store it.")))
      (T (SEND object SaveClassOnly!])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:44")
                                                             (* method to save class instances only.
							     Note checking is done to make sure the object is a 
      ([NOT (MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
		    (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers]
	(PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but since " objectName 
			     " is not a StrucutredInstanceObject, I don't know how to store it.")))
      (T (SEND object SaveInstancesOnly])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 14:44")
                                                             (* method to save the recursively definned instances 
							     only. Note checking is done to make sure the object is a
      ([NOT (MEMBER (QUOTE StructuredInstanceObject)
		    (SEND object List!(QUOTE supers]
	(PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but since " objectName 
			     " is not a StrucutredInstanceObject, I don't know how to store it.")))
      (T (SEND object SaveInsatncesOnly!])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: " 2-AUG-83 00:36")

          (* method to add a new root to the InstanceBrowser. Note that this method add a root both for the current relation
	  AND for the default relation if the instance is new to the class. If it is not new to the class, then only added 
	  for the current relation.)

    (PROG (currentSuperLink currentSubLink currentLinkPair browsingClass rootName rootObject 
			    startingList supersObjectList)
          (SETQ currentSuperLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ currentSubLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ currentLinkPair (LIST currentSuperLink currentSubLink))
          (SETQ browsingClass (GetValue self (QUOTE BrowsingClass)))
	    ((EQUAL currentLinkPair (SEND browsingClass FetchDefaultLinks))
	  "If you want to add a root in the default relation, then do it from the class command.")
          (SETQ rootName (PromptRead "enter the name of the root"))
          [SETQ rootObject (OR (SEND browsingClass New rootName)
			       (APPLY (QUOTE $)
				      (LIST rootName]
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
	    ((NOT (NULL (GetValue rootObject currentSuperLink)))
	      (PROMPTPRINT "The root you want to add is already in this relation."))
	    (T (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND rootObject LinkUp currentLinkPair oneSuper))
	       (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			 (CONS rootName startingList))
	       (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objName)                              (* js: "13-JUL-83 13:46")
                                                             (* Define a new subclass, giving it a name typed in by 
    (PROG (newInstanceName)
	      (SETQ newInstanceName (PromptRead "Enter the name of the new Instance."))
	      (← object Specialize className)
	      (← self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "27-JUL-83 23:39")

          (* method to destroy the current relation, remove the link from the class, and destroy any instances that take 
	  part in this relation and no others)


  [LAMBDA (self promptString)                                (* js: "28-JUL-83 14:27")

          (* this method allows the user to interactively choose a set of nodes for some operation. The IV 
	  SpecialButtonActionMode is set to GatherBoxedNodes to indicate special action for both left button and middle 
	  button. In this mode, the left button adds nodes to the list, the middle button deletes nodes from the list.)

          (PutValue self (QUOTE SpecialButtonActionMode)
		    (QUOTE GatherBoxedNodeList))
          (PutValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList)
          (PromptRead (CONCAT promptString 
		       " Left Button adds items; Middle Button deletes items. Press ] when done."))
          (PutValue self (QUOTE SpecialButtonActionMode)
          (RETURN (for oneObject in (GetValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList))
		     collect (SEND self FlipNode oneObject)
			     (GetValue oneObject (QUOTE name))
		     WHEN oneObject])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "25-JUL-83 23:50")
                                                             (* gets an IV in the selected instance that is the IV 
							     named in IVofInterest.)
    (PROG ((IVofInterest (GetValue self (QUOTE IVofInterest)))
	    ((NULL IVofInterest)
		  "You must first set the IVofInterest by using the title function of that name."))
	    (T (SETQ value (GetValue object IVofInterest))
	       (printout NIL T T "The current value for " IVofInterest " from " objectName " is " 
			 value "." T T])

  [LAMBDA (self elt)                                         (* edited: "11-JUL-83 22:56")

          (* returns the list of objects which are "subs" of "elt" using the value of IV "subLinks" in the browser to 
	  determine the links to be used)

    (PROG (Subs)
          (SETQ elt (GetObjectRec elt))
          (for x in (MKLIST (@ FollowLink)) do (SETQ Subs (APPEND (GetValue elt x)
					      (GetObjectRec X])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: " 2-AUG-83 00:58")

          (* this method sets every instance in the class that is in the super/sub relation (or whatever is currently the 
	  default link as set in StructuredInstanceMeta) to a root in the current browser. If instance is already in the 
	  browser, it will not be added.)

    (PROG (superLink subLink linkPair browsingClass allInstances startingList supersObjectList)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ browsingClass (GetValue self (QUOTE BrowsingClass)))
	    ((EQUAL linkPair (SEND browsingClass FetchDefaultLinks))
	      (PROMPTPRINT "InitializeWithAll is not to be used from the default relation.")
          (SETQ allInstances (SEND browsingClass FetchInstanceNames))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (for oneInstance in (REMOVE (SEND browsingClass FetchRoot)
	     bind (oneObject objectsToAddToStartingList)
	     do [COND
		  ((NULL (GetValue (SETQ oneObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
							  (LIST oneInstance)))
		    (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND oneObject LinkUp linkPair oneSuper))
		    (SETQ objectsToAddToStartingList (CONS oneInstance objectsToAddToStartingList]
	     finally (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			       (APPEND objectsToAddToStartingList startingList)))
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "27-JUL-83 12:56")

          (* this method allows special use of the left and middle mouse buttons. The action taken depends on the value of 
	  the IV SpecialButtonActionMode. If NIL, then normal mouse functions are in operation. If equal to 
	  GatherBoxedNodeList, then opertions is: left button = add item to list maintained in IV GatheredBoxedNodeList, 
	  middle button = delete item from that list.)

    (PROG ((window (GetValue self (QUOTE window)))
	   (operationMode (GetValue self (QUOTE SpecialButtonActionMode)))
	    ((NULL operationMode)
	      (SENDSUPER self LeftSelection))
	    [(EQ operationMode (QUOTE GatherBoxedNodeList))
	      (SETQ object (FindSelectedNode window))
		([NOT (MEMBER object (GetValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList]
		  (SEND self FlipNode object)
		  (PutValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList)
			    (CONS object (GetValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList]
	    (T (printout NIL T "Something has gone wrong!!!" T 

" The middle select function is being invoked from InstanceBrowser to supers but the problem is that some unexpected value is found in SpecialButtonActionMode."
			 T " Please check this out." T T)
	       (SENDSUPER self LeftSelection])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 15:36")
                                                             (* links the current object to a list of interactively 
							     determined other instances along the current subsLink.)
    (PROG (superLink subLink linkPair subsFromUser supersObjectList startingList)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ subsFromUser (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes "Box the instances you want for subs. "))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
	    ((NULL subsFromUser)
	      (PROMPTPRINT "You didn't choose any instances to link up.")
	    ((INTERSECTION subsFromUser (SEND object FetchSupers! linkPair))
		"LinkDown on your list of subs would make a circularity in the instance lattice.")
          [for oneSub in subsFromUser
	     do (SEND object LinkDown linkPair oneSub)
		  ((MEMBER oneSub startingList)
		    (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			      (REMOVE oneSub startingList))
		    (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND (APPLY (QUOTE $)
								      (LIST oneSub))
							       UnLinkUp linkPair oneSuper]
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 15:39")
                                                             (* links object to the current boxed node along the 
							     current supersLink)
    (PROG (superLink subLink linkPair supersFromUser startingList supersObjectList)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ supersFromUser (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes 
				     "Button the instances you want to link up to."))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
	    ((NULL supersFromUser)
	      (PROMPTPRINT "You didn't choose any instance to link up.")
	    ((INTERSECTION supersFromUser (SEND object FetchSubs! linkPair))
		"LinkUp on your list of supers would cause a circularity in the browser lattice.")
          (for oneSuper in supersFromUser do (SEND object LinkUp linkPair oneSuper))
	    ((MEMBER objectName startingList)
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(REMOVE objectName startingList))
	      (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND object UnLinkUp linkPair oneSuper]
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "27-JUL-83 16:17")

          (* this method allows special use of the left and middle mouse buttons. The action taken depends on the value of 
	  the IV SpecialButtonActionMode. If NIL, then normal mouse functions are in operation. If equal to 
	  GatherBoxedNodeList, then opertions is: left button = add item to list maintained in IV GatheredBoxedNodeList, 
	  middle button = delete item from that list.)

    (PROG ((window (GetValue self (QUOTE window)))
	   (operationMode (GetValue self (QUOTE SpecialButtonActionMode)))
	    ((NULL operationMode)
	      (SENDSUPER self MiddleSelection))
	    [(EQ operationMode (QUOTE GatherBoxedNodeList))
	      (SETQ object (FindSelectedNode window))
		((MEMBER object (GetValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList)))
		  (SEND self FlipNode object)
		  (PutValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList)
			    (REMOVE object (GetValue self (QUOTE GatheredBoxedNodeList]
	    (T (printout NIL T "Something has gone wrong!!!" T 

" The middle select function is being invoked from InstanceBrowser to supers but the problem is that some unexpected value is found in SpecialButtonActionMode."
			 T " Please check this out." T T)
	       (SENDSUPER self MiddleSelection])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 17:18")

          (* method to move an instance from one place in the lattice to another. After removing from one location, the old 
	  supers and subs are spliced together. The new splice in location is found by interactively boxing two nodes that 
	  are currently dirrectly linked. If no node is boxed for the super, the old instance becomes a new root.
	  If no node is boxed for the sub, the old instance becomes a simple subinstance of the boxed super.)

    (PROG (superLink subLink linkPair startingList supersObjectList supersFromUser subsFromUser 
		     oldSuperLinks oldSubLinks allSupersOfSupersFromUser)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ supersFromUser (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes "Box a super. "))
          (SETQ subsFromUser (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes "Box a sub. "))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          [SETQ allSupersOfSupersFromUser (APPLY (QUOTE UNION)
						 (for oneSuper in supersFromUser
						    collect (SEND (APPLY (QUOTE $)
									 (LIST oneSuper))
								  FetchSupers! linkPair]
	    ((OR (INTERSECTION supersFromUser subsFromUser)
		 (INTERSECTION subsFromUser allSupersOfSupersFromUser))
"The supers and subs lists as you entered them would cause a circularity in the instance lattice.")
	    ((AND (NULL supersFromUser)
		  (MEMBER objectName startingList))
	      (SETQ supersFromUser supersObjectList))
	    ((MEMBER objectName startingList)
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(REMOVE objectName startingList)))
	    ((NULL supersFromUser)
	      (SETQ supersFromUser supersObjectList)
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(CONS objectName startingList]
          (SETQ oldSuperLinks (GetValue object superLink))
          (SETQ oldSubLinks (GetValue object subLink))
          (for oneOldSuper in oldSuperLinks do (SEND object UnLinkUp linkPair oneOldSuper))
          (for oneOldSub in oldSubLinks do (SEND object UnLinkDown linkPair oneOldSub))
          [for oneOldSuper in oldSuperLinks do (for oneOldSub in oldSubLinks
						  do (COND
						       ((OR (NOT (MEMBER oneOldSub subsFromUser))
							    (NOT (MEMBER oneOldSuper supersFromUser)))
							 (SEND (APPLY (QUOTE $)
								      (LIST oneOldSub))
							       LinkUp linkPair oneOldSuper]
          (for oneNewSuper in supersFromUser do (SEND object LinkUp linkPair oneNewSuper))
          (for oneNewSub in subsFromUser do (SEND object LinkDown linkPair oneNewSub))
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 02:18")
                                                             (* method which moves an entire subtree to a new 
							     location in the lattice.)
    (PROG (superLink subLink linkPair startingList supersObjectList newSuperObjectList)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ newSuperObjectList (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes "Box a super. "))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
	    ((AND (NULL newSuperObjectList)
		  (MEMBER objectName startingList))
	      (PROMPTPRINT "Your move would not change anything.")
	    ((NULL newSuperObjectList)
	      (SETQ newSuperObjectList supersObjectList)
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(CONS objectName startingList)))
	    ((MEMBER objectName startingList)
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(REMOVE objectName startingList]
          (for oneSuper in (GetValue object superLink) do (SEND object UnLinkUp linkPair oneSuper))
          (for oneSuper in newSuperObjectList do (SEND object LinkUp linkPair oneSuper))
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "31-JUL-83 12:41")
                                                             (* inherits Recompute from Super if there is a non-null 
							     starting list.)
      ((GetValue self (QUOTE startingList))
	  self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 14:14")
                                                             (* method to kill an instance.
							     The instance is destroyed only in relation to the 
							     displayed link, it is still alive in the class.)
    (PROG (superLink subLink linkPair startingList supersObjectList currentSupers currentSubs)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ superObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SETQ currentSupers (GetValue object superLink))
          (SETQ currentSubs (GetValue object subLink))
	    ((EQUAL linkPair (SEND (Class object)
	      (PROMPTPRINT "You cannot remove an instance from the default relation.")
          (for oneSuper in currentSupers do (SEND object UnLinkUp linkPair oneSuper))
          (for oneSub in currentSubs do (SEND object UnLinkDown linkPair oneSub))
          (for oneSuper in currentSupers do (for oneSub in currentSubs
					       do (SEND (APPLY (QUOTE $)
							       (LIST oneSub))
							LinkUp linkPair oneSuper)))
	    ((MEMBER objectName startingList)
	      (for oneSub in currentSubs
		 do (SETQ startingList (CONS oneSub startingList))
		    (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND (APPLY (QUOTE $)
								      (LIST oneSuper))
							       LinkDown linkPair oneSub)))
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(REMOVE objectName startingList]
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "26-JUL-83 22:49")

          (* method to rename an instance. The instance name is interactively entered, and once changed, is altered for use 
	  no matter where in the class.)

    (PROG (newName (startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
		   (allNames (SEND object FetchInstanceNames)))
          (SEND self FlipNode object)
          (SETQ newName (PromptRead "What is the name you want the instance to have?"))
          (SEND self FlipNode object)
	    ((MEMBER newName allNames)
	      (PROMPTPRINT "The name you choose is already used in the class."))
	    (T [COND
		 ((MEMBER newName startingList)
		   (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			     (CONS newName (REMOVE objectName startingList]
	       (SEND object Rename newName)
	       [PROG [(currentStartingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList]
		       ((MEMBER objectName currentStartingList)
			 (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
				   (CONS newName (REMOVE objectName currentStartingList]
	       (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "25-JUL-83 23:48")
                                                             (* sets an IV in the selected instance that is the IV 
							     named in IVofInterest.)
    (PROG ((IVofInterest (GetValue self (QUOTE IVofInterest)))
	   newVal oldVal)
	    ((NULL IVofInterest)
		  "You must first set the IVofInterest by using the title function of that name."))
	    (T (SEND self FlipNode object)
	       (SETQ oldVal (GetValue object IVofInterest))
	       (printout NIL T T "Old value for " IVofInterest " in " objectName " is " oldVal "." T 
	       (SETQ newVal (PromptRead (CONCAT "What is the new value for " IVofInterest "?")))
	       (SEND self FlipNode object)
	       (PutValue object IVofInterest newVal)
	       (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "OK. The change is made for " objectName "."])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "25-JUL-83 23:38")
                                                             (* title function to set the InstanceBrowser IV, 
							     IVofInterest. It is used in the left button methods 
							     SetIV and GetIV.)
    (PROG [(newIVofInterest (PromptRead "What IV do you want to make 'ofInterest?"))
	   (browsingClass (GetValue self (QUOTE BrowsingClass]
	    ((SEND browsingClass HasIV newIVofInterest)
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE IVofInterest)
	    (T (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Sorry, but " browsingClass " has no IV named " newIVofInterest 

  [LAMBDA (self browseList windowOrTitle goodList)           (* js: "21-JUL-83 22:06")

          (* * Show the items and their subs on a browse window.)

          (* * If windowOrTitle is not a window it will be used as a title for a window which will be created.)

    (PROG (NODELST roots window FollowLink)
          (SETQ FollowLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (PutValue self (QUOTE title)
		    (CONCAT "Instance Browser Along Link " (MKSTRING FollowLink)))
	    startingList browseList)
	    ((AND windowOrTitle (NOT (WINDOWP windowOrTitle)))
		title windowOrTitle)))
	    ((NOT (LISTP browseList))
	      (SETQ browseList (LIST browseList]
          (SETQ NODELST (← self GetNodeList browseList goodList))
						 (@ browseFont))
				  (OR windowOrTitle (@ title))
				  NIL NIL (@ topAlign)))
		      (QUOTE WindowButtonEventFn))
          (WINDOWPROP window (QUOTE LoopsWindow)
	    window window)
          (RETURN window])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 03:40")
                                                             (* creates a new browser with the current object as its 
							     root. User determines the relation followed in the new 
    (PROG (objectClass allLinks subSelectionMenu followLink reverseFollowLink newLinkPair)
          (SETQ objectClass (GetValue self (QUOTE BrowsingClass)))
          (SETQ allLinks (SEND objectClass FetchLinks))
          [SETQ subSelectionMenu (create MENU
					 ITEMS ←(for onePair in allLinks collect (CADR onePair]
          (PROMPTPRINT (CONCAT "Choose the chase sub you want. Current default is "
			       (CADR (SEND objectClass FetchDefaultLinks))
          (SETQ followLink (MENU subSelectionMenu))
          (SETQ reverseFollowLink (for onePair in allLinks bind (answer) do (SETQ answer
									      (CAR onePair))
				     when (EQ (CADR onePair)
				     finally (RETURN answer)))
          (SETQ newLinkPair (LIST reverseFollowLink followLink))
          (SEND objectClass BrowseInstances (CONS objectName)

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "13-JUL-83 13:30")
                                                             (* New method template)

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "23-JUL-83 19:41")

          (* method to LinkUp some instance to the instance that has been buttoned along the FollowLink.
	  If the name of the LinkUp instance is not known, a new instance is created.)

    (PROG ([superLink (SEND object GetSuperLinkFromSubLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink]
	   (specializationName (PromptRead "enter the name of the specialization instance")))
	    ((MEMBER specializationName (GetValue object (QUOTE InstanceNames)))
	      (SEND (APPLY (QUOTE $)
			   (LIST specializationName))
		    LinkUp superLink objectName)
	      (SEND self Recompute))
	    (T (PROG ((newObject (SEND (GetValue self (QUOTE BrowsingClass))
				       New specializationName)))
		     (SEND newObject LinkUp superLink objectName)
		     (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self)                                             (* js: "25-JUL-83 15:20")
                                                             (* method to create a new instance and splice it into 
							     the exsiting lattice)
    (PROG ((superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
	   (subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
	   (object (SEND (GetValue self (QUOTE BrowsingClass))
			 (PromptRead "What is the name of your new instance?")))
	   superObjectList subObjectList)
          (SEND object LinkUp superLink)
          (SEND self Recompute)
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ superObjectList (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes "Box a super. "))
          (SETQ subObjectList (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes "Box a sub. "))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SEND object SpliceInOld superObjectList subObjectList superLink subLink)
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: "27-JUL-83 22:39")
                                                             (* method to kill an instance.
							     The instance is destroyed only in relation to the 
							     displayed link, it is still alive in the class.)
    (PROG [(allInstanceBrowsers (GetClassValue (Class object)
					       (QUOTE CurrentBrowsers]
          [for oneOtherInstanceBrowser in allInstanceBrowsers bind (browser currentBrowserSuperLink)
	     do (SETQ browser (CADR oneOtherInstanceBrowser))
		(SETQ currentBrowserSuperLink (CAAR oneOtherInstanceBrowser))
		  ([AND (NOT (NULL (GetValue object currentBrowserSuperLink)))
			(ACTIVEWP (GetValue browser (QUOTE window]
		    (SEND browser RemoveInstanceFromRelation object objectName]
          (SEND object Destroy])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 01:56")
                                                             (* unlinks the current object to a list of interactively
							     determined other instances along the current subsLink.)
    (PROG (subLink superLink linkPair subsFromUser startingList supersObjectList oneSubObject)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ subsFromUser (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes 
				   "Box the instances you want to delete as subs. "))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
	    ((NULL subsFromUser)
	      (PROMPTPRINT "You didn't choose any instances to unlink from.")
          [for oneSub in subsFromUser
	     do (SEND object UnLinkDown linkPair oneSub)
		(SETQ oneSubObject (APPLY (QUOTE $)
					  (LIST oneSub)))
		  ((NULL (GetValue oneSubObject superLink))
		    (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			      (CONS oneSub startingList))
		    (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND oneSubObject LinkUp linkPair oneSuper]
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objectName)                           (* js: " 2-AUG-83 01:55")
                                                             (* unlinks the current object to a list of interactively
							     determined other instances along the current supersLink)
    (PROG (subLink superLink linkPair supersFromUser startingList supersObjectList)
          (SETQ superLink (GetValue self (QUOTE ReverseFollowLink)))
          (SETQ subLink (GetValue self (QUOTE FollowLink)))
          (SETQ linkPair (LIST superLink subLink))
          (SETQ startingList (GetValue self (QUOTE startingList)))
          (SETQ supersObjectList (GetValue self (QUOTE SupersObjectList)))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
          (SETQ supersFromUser (SEND self GatherBoxedNodes 
				     "Box the instances you want to delete as supers. "))
          (SEND self BoxNode object)
	    ((NULL supersFromUser)
	      (PROMPTPRINT "You didn't choose any instances to unlink from.")
          (for oneSuper in supersFromUser do (SEND object UnLinkUp linkPair oneSuper))
	    ((NULL (GetValue object superLink))
	      (PutValue self (QUOTE startingList)
			(CONS objectName startingList))
	      (for oneSuper in supersObjectList do (SEND object LinkUp linkPair oneSuper]
          (SEND self Recompute])

  [LAMBDA (self object objName)                              (* js: "24-JUL-83 17:17")
                                                             (* Unread name into system buffer)
    (BKSYSBUF (CONCAT "$" objName])

  [LAMBDA (promptString)                                     (* js: "23-JUL-83 21:23")
                                                             (* Printout promptString in promptwindow and return 
							     value of expression read there)
		    (printout T promptString T "> ")
		    (CLEARBUF T T)                           (* clear tty buffer because it sometimes has stuff 
          (RETURN NEWVALUE])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* js: "24-JUL-83 23:58")
                                                             (* Turn Window inverted, dismiss for 200, and return it 
							     to normal)
    (for from 1 to 2
       do (DISMISS 100)
	  (DISMISS 100)

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* js: "27-JUL-83 16:50")
      $StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser Show (QUOTE (StructuredInstanceObject])

(RPAQQ *NoBrowserUpdates* NIL)
  (FILEMAP (NIL (34445 101409 (ShowStructuredInstanceObjects 34455 . 34674) (
StructuredInstanceMeta.AddInstanceName 34676 . 35092) (StructuredInstanceMeta.AddLink 35094 . 35908) (
StructuredInstanceMeta.AddLocalIV 35910 . 36297) (StructuredInstanceMeta.BrowseInstances 36299 . 40122
) (StructuredInstanceMeta.CalculateBrowserStartingList 40124 . 40865) (
StructuredInstanceMeta.CloseInstanceBrowser 40867 . 41278) (StructuredInstanceMeta.DeleteInstanceName 
41280 . 41643) (StructuredInstanceMeta.Destroy 41645 . 42411) (StructuredInstanceMeta.DestroyRelation 
42413 . 42973) (StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchDefaultLinks 42975 . 43322) (
StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceBrowser 43324 . 43820) (StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchInstanceNames 
43822 . 44119) (StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchLinks 44121 . 44392) (StructuredInstanceMeta.FetchRoot 
44394 . 44672) (StructuredInstanceMeta.New 44674 . 45708) (StructuredInstanceMeta.Specialize 45710 . 
47174) (StructuredInstanceMeta.UpDateAppropriateBrowser 47176 . 47644) (
StructuredInstanceMeta.UpDateBrowserList 47646 . 49862) (StructuredInstanceObject.Destroy 49864 . 
50548) (StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs 50550 . 50944) (StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSubs! 50946
 . 52045) (StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers 52047 . 52492) (StructuredInstanceObject.FetchSupers! 
52494 . 53707) (StructuredInstanceObject.LinkDown 53709 . 55235) (StructuredInstanceObject.LinkUp 
55237 . 56877) (StructuredInstanceObject.Rename 56879 . 58509) (StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkDown 
58511 . 59898) (StructuredInstanceObject.UnLinkUp 59900 . 61361) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.AddInstanceLink 61363 . 62321) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.BrowseInstances 62323 . 63323) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.CreateNewInstance 63325 . 64693) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassAndInstances 64695 . 65360) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassAndInstances! 65362 . 66047) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassOnly 66049 . 66689) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveClassOnly! 66691 . 67353) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveInstancesOnly 67355 . 68011) (
StructuredInstanceObjectClassBrowser.SaveInstancesOnly! 68013 . 68690) (InstanceBrowser.AddRoot 68692
 . 70469) (InstanceBrowser.DefineSubclass 70471 . 70953) (InstanceBrowser.DestroyThisRelation 70955 . 
71270) (InstanceBrowser.GatherBoxedNodes 71272 . 72334) (InstanceBrowser.GetIV 72336 . 73023) (
InstanceBrowser.GetSubs 73025 . 73562) (InstanceBrowser.InitializeWithAll 73564 . 75347) (
InstanceBrowser.LeftSelection 75349 . 76722) (InstanceBrowser.LinkDown 76724 . 78375) (
InstanceBrowser.LinkUp 78377 . 79968) (InstanceBrowser.MiddleSelection 79970 . 81348) (
InstanceBrowser.MoveInstance 81350 . 84440) (InstanceBrowser.MoveSubTree 84442 . 85999) (
InstanceBrowser.Recompute 86001 . 86359) (InstanceBrowser.RemoveInstanceFromRelation 86361 . 88266) (
InstanceBrowser.Rename 88268 . 89434) (InstanceBrowser.SetIV 89436 . 90430) (
InstanceBrowser.SetIVofInterest 90432 . 91159) (InstanceBrowser.Show 91161 . 92391) (
InstanceBrowser.Spawn 92393 . 93694) (InstanceBrowser.Specialize 93696 . 93918) (
InstanceBrowser.SpecializeInstance 93920 . 94837) (InstanceBrowser.SpliceNewInstance 94839 . 95819) (
InstanceBrowser.TotallyDestroyInstance 95821 . 96735) (InstanceBrowser.UnLinkDown 96737 . 98237) (
InstanceBrowser.UnLinkUp 98239 . 99670) (InstanceBrowser.Unread 99672 . 99926) (PromptRead 99928 . 
100663) (PromptWindowBlink 100665 . 101212) (ssi 101214 . 101407)))))