(!CONCEPTQ UNIT                    LEHNERT  "23-JUN-76 10:26:23"
   (!DEMONQ UNIT                      LEHNERT  "23-JUN-76 10:28:25"
   (!HOLDACTIONS UNIT                 LEHNERT  "22-JUN-76 10:45:25"
   (!HOLDTOKENS UNIT                  LEHNERT  "22-JUN-76 10:35:00"
   (!TOKENS UNIT                      LEHNERT  "17-JUN-76 14:48:51"
        !TOKENS maintains a history of all object tokens created)]
   (#SPELLUNITS Variable              KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 15:03:03"
        Size of the temporary section of the units spelling list, 
   (# Keyword                         KAPLAN  "29-DEC-75 21:48:46"
        Type-in abbreviation for DESCRIPTION. "(# ...)" is equivalent 
	to "(DESCRIPTION ...)")]
   ($ Keyword                         KAPLAN  "29-DEC-75 21:48:06"
        Type-in abbreviation for SLOT. "($ ...)" is equivalent to 
	"(SLOT ...)")]
   (; Keyword                         HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:27"
        "(; ...)" bounds a set of FEATURES)]
   (= Keyword                         HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:37"
        in LINKAGE)]
   (@* Keyword                        HTHOMPSON  " 1-FEB-76 21:56:46"
        for MakeKrl, like @ except causes its value to be treated as 
	already internal form i.e. \ (a foo with bar (#))
	is same as \ (a foo with bar (@* (create DESCRIPTION))))]
   (\ CLISPCHAR                       HTHOMPSON  " 2-JAN-76 17:32:03"
        Prefix operator which translates to MakeKrlQ. For use in 
	debugging. \someUnitName:slots and so forth. USE ONLY IN 
   ($DO UNIT                          LEHNERT  "24-JUN-76 11:04:10"
   ($LightSwitch UNIT                 LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 12:14:10"
   ($PrepareFood UNIT                 LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 16:12:25"
   ($RadioSwitch UNIT                 LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 11:35:39"
   ($Read UNIT                        LEHNERT  "10-JUL-76 17:50:49"
   ($Walk UNIT                        LEHNERT  " 8-JUL-76 13:27:18"
   (2SAMFNS File                      LEVY  "28-MAY-76 18:08:15"
   (?INDETSETTING? UNIT               LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 09:34:59"
   (?INDETSOURCE? UNIT                LEHNERT  " 9-JUL-76 10:13:37"
   (a Keyword                         HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:38"
        in PERSPECTIVE)]
   (Abstract Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:38"
        in UNIT)]
   (ACCESSFNS File                    LEVY  "16-DEC-75 15:36:01"
        Contains functions which manipulate the various pieces of a 
	unit: descriptions, descriptors, slots, etc)]
   (ACTION (TYPERECORD ACTION (probeSymbol . actionForms))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:09"
   (ACTIOND (RECORD ACTIOND (probeSymbolD . actionFormsD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:01"
        for action descriptions)]
   (actionForms Field                 KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 12:07:05"
        in record ACTION)]
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 13:38:19"
        TableType is one of TRIGGERS TRAPS SIGNALS, and actions is an 
	association list)]
   (AddAction [LAMBDA (table action]  BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:07:26"
        Adds an action at the end of the current action for action 
	symbol, or creates a new action if none there)]
   (AddActionEntry [LAMBDA (entry table]
                                      BOBROW  "19-DEC-75 14:38:54"
        Adds an action at the end of the current action for entry 
	symbol, or creates a new action if none there)]
   (AddDefSets [LAMBDA (descriptor worlds]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "29-MAR-76 22:53:02"
        Includes descriptor in the defSets)]
   (AddDescriptor [LAMBDA (description descriptor features]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:48:54"
        Adds descriptor with features to description and returns 
	descriptor. If descriptor is not of type "DESCRIPTOR" , then 
	signals NotDescriptorType)]
   (AddFeatures [LAMBDA (description descriptor features]
                                      LEVY  " 3-JAN-76 10:33:34"
        Adds features (a list of features)
	to features associated with descriptor in description.)]
   (AddFnlTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName trigger]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "15-MAR-76 16:58:15"
        Like AddTrigger for functionals)]
   (AddModal [LAMBDA (descr f w d]    HTHOMPSON  "30-MAR-76 11:59:23"
        Adds a new modal to the modals of a descirptor)]
   (ADDNAME [LAMBDA (NAME TYPE]       KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 22:26:13"
        Replaces NEWNAME as a way of adding NAME to the names data-base 
	with a type TYPE. This sits on top of NEWNAME--valuable because 
	it interviews you for a comment as opposed to expecting one as 
	an argument.)]
   (AddSeekCall [NLAMBDA (function argList]
                                      PMARTIN  "14-JAN-76 21:09:59"
        * creates call but does not put it on agenda..called only by 
   (AddToAgenda [LAMBDA (call priority]
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 14:20:07"
        Adds 1 call to back of queue on level given by priority, or 
	call:priority if priority is NIL)]
   (AddTrap [LAMBDA (unit slotName trap]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:48:59"
        Adds the action of trap to the end of the actionEntry in the 
	traps of slotName in unit whose probeSymbol = probeSymbol of 
	trap. Creates a new actionEntry if none is there.)]
   (AddTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName trigger]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:49:03"
        Add the action of trigger to the end of the actionEntry in the 
	triggers of slotName in unit whose probeSymbol = probeSymbol of 
	trigger. Creates a new actionEntry if none is there.)]
   (AddWorlds [LAMBDA (descriptor worlds]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "29-MAR-76 22:48:35"
        Adds the non-duplicate worlds into the list of worlds which 
	descriptor is contingent on)]
   (AGENDA Variable                   BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 23:38:21"
        An Array of size AGENDASIZE with 1 as highest priority queue)]
   (AgendaLevel [LAMBDA (N]           BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 14:07:44"
        Checks bounds and returns queue at agenda level n. 1 is highest 
	level, that is will be processed first)]
   (AGENDASIZE Variable               BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 23:37:40"
        TopLevelVariable which is size of AGENDA array)]
   (Alias [LAMBDA (newName oldU]      HTHOMPSON  " 6-MAY-76 16:45:51"
        Makes newName an alias for the unit oldU
	(either a unit or a unit name))]
   (AllItems Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:38"
        in SET SPECIFIER)]
   (AlsoDescribe [LAMBDA (feature]    HTHOMPSON  "30-JAN-76 15:22:25"
   (an Keyword                        HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:38"
        in PERSPECTIVE)]
   (apoDesc Field                     HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:39:34"
        in record CASEPAIR)]
   (argumentSlotsD Field              HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:12:40"
        in record FUNCTIONALDEFD)]
   (AsA Keyword                       HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:39"
        introduces meta description in SLOT)]
   (ATTEND UNIT                       LEHNERT  "23-JUN-76 11:59:01"
   (AugmentDescribe [LAMBDA (newDescr newFeats]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "30-JAN-76 16:21:32"
        For use inside trap, trigger, and signal handlers for same 
	generated by Describe. Causes whatever is being described by 
	whatever caused the action to also be described with newDescr 
	with newFeats)]
   (Basic Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:39"
        in UNIT)]
   (BasicCategory [LAMBDA (desc]      BOBROW  "15-MAR-76 12:37:57"
        Finds the unit which is the basic category of desc. Returns NIL 
	if none can be found)]
   (BestKeyStart [LAMBDA (keyList]    BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:09"
        Will look for best key to start retrieval process. Right now 
	uses first Key)]
   (BOOLEAN (TYPERECORD BOOLEAN (connective . booleanArgs))
                                      KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:34:53"
   (BOOLEAND (RECORD BOOLEAND (connectiveD . booleanArgsD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:02"
        for boolean descriptions)]
   (BTEST File                        HTHOMPSON  "17-FEB-76 22:15:27"
   (BuildDescriptionDescr [LAMBDA (description]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 09:30:52"
        build a description of a description)]
   (BuildDescriptorDescr [LAMBDA (descriptor]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 10:22:31"
        builds a description of a descriptor)]
   (BuildFeaturesDescr [LAMBDA (fl]   HTHOMPSON  " 8-APR-76 14:02:26"
   (BuildFillerPairsDescr [LAMBDA (fillerPairs]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 10:24:00"
        builds a description of a set of filler pairs)]
   (BuildFunctionalDescr [LAMBDA (fn] HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 16:26:42"
        builds a type in version of a functional definition)]
   (BuildKrlDescr [LAMBDA (item type] HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 17:52:30"
        constructs the type in form of a KRL item of type type.)]
   (BuildMetaDescriptionDescr [LAMBDA (meta]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 09:17:23"
        builds a description of a set of meta dscriptors)]
   (BuildMetaDescriptorDescr [LAMBDA (meta]
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 17:47:44"
        construct the typein form of a meta descriptor)]
   (BuildSignalDescr [LAMBDA (s]      HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:26:26"
        Builds a type in version of a signal declaration)]
   (BuildSlotDescr [LAMBDA (slot]     HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 08:56:41"
        build a description of a slot from the slot)]
   (BuildUnitDescr [LAMBDA (unit]     HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 08:44:23"
        builds a description of a unit from the unit)]
   (butWith Keyword                   HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:39"
        in PERSPECTIVE)]
   (CALL (TYPERECORD CALL (priority (lispFunction lispArguments resumePointer)
				    callDescription signalPath resources))
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 13:49:08"
        This has a level of nesting for resources to allow sharing of 
	resources See the record declaration for RESOURCES)
   (Call [LAMBDA (priority lispFunction lispArgs description signalPath resources]
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 14:13:36"
        creates a call and puts it on the agenda at level=priority and 
	assumes resources is appropriate resources record)]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 00:27:35"
        Signals whenever a call returns with any value. Value bound to 
	CALLVALUE. Call which just returned is CURRENTCALL and the 
	resources it had left are CURRENTRESOURCES)]
   (CALLVALUE Variable                BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 00:25:11"
        Variable set by scheduler when a caller returns a value)]
   (CASE (TYPERECORD CASE (keyDescription defaultDesc . casePairs))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:37:11"
        for Case statement)]
   (CASEPAIR (RECORD CASEPAIR (proDesc . apoDesc))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:39:22"
        used in Case statement)]
   (casePairs Field                   HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:37:19"
        in record CASE)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:48"
   (CASES Field                       KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:36:50"
        in meta description part of record UNIT)
   (Cases Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:48"
        in Cases.)]
   (CASESD (RECORD CASESD (caseD . caseUnitsD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:02"
        for cases descriptions)]
   (categoryType Field                KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:37:26"
        in record UNIT)]
   (CHANGEDUNITS Variable             KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 15:05:15"
        The list of changed or newly defined units that the file 
	package is notified of. Files containing units on this list 
	will be marked as needing dumping; FILES? and CLEANUP will ask 
	the user what to do with units on this list not contained in 
	any files.)]
   (CheckKey [LAMBDA (context tail flg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:39"
        Causes an error using context:ERRORMSG if tail:1 cannot be 
	interpreted as one of context:KEYLIST. If it can, the correct 
	spelling is smashed into tail:1, and the keytype for that 
	keyword is returned as the value of CheckKey. If flg is NIL no 
	message will be printed asking for confirmation before making a 
   (CheckKeyList [LAMBDA (unit keyList exactFlag]
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:10"
        Makes sure all terms on keyList are on Unit. If exactFlag is T 
	makes sure lenghts are same)]
   (CheckLit [LAMBDA (f]              HTHOMPSON  " 1-FEB-76 20:37:28"
        used to check for and validate $$@$$ forms in Validate family)]
   (CheckResources [LAMBDA (charge]   BOBROW  "18-DEC-75 00:34:44"
        If out of total resources, signals OutOfResources. If out of 
	quantum reschedules process at the end of current priority 
   (CheckWorlds [LAMBDA (d pflg]      HTHOMPSON  "11-JUL-76 20:02:15"
        Makes d contingent on currentcall:world and if pflg then propagates)]
   (ChooseA/An [LAMBDA (name]         HTHOMPSON  "22-DEC-75 17:31:10"
        Attempts to return the appropriate form of the indirect article 
	to use with name)]
                                      KAPLAN  "18-JUL-76 16:19:50"
        Copies only the currently valid names from INFILE to OUTFILE. Thus, 
	produces a new name file with old garbage eliminated.)]
   (COMMENT Field                     KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:00:21"
        in record NAMESUBENTRY)]
   (COMMENTFILE [LAMBDA (FILE]        KAY  "17-DEC-75 17:19:38"
        Calls COMMENTFNS on all the functions in FILE.)]
   (COMMENTFNS [LAMBDA (FNS]          KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:40"
        Used for adding entries to the names data-base for previously 
	undocumented functions. FNS is a list of functions
	(if atomic, <FNS> is used))]
        Adds comments for a list of previously defined but possibly 
	uncommented record declarations. RECNAMES is a list of record 
	names (if atomic, <RECNAMES> is used.))]
   (ContainsIndividual [LAMBDA (description individual]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 12:05:55"
        A predicate indicating whether description explicitly contains 
	individual as one of its descriptors (using EQUAL.)
	Returns individual or NIL.)]
   (CONTINGENCY (TYPERECORD CONTINGENCY (timeSpecification contingentDescription))
                                      KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:34:54"
			 (duringD timeSpecificationD thenD contingentDescriptionD)
			 duringD←'during thenD←'then)
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:03"
        for contingency descriptions)]
   (CopyUnit [LAMBDA (u]              HTHOMPSON  "29-APR-76 08:44:06"
        Returns an unnamed unit which is a copy of u
	(either a unit or a name))]
   (CORRESPONDENCE (TYPERECORD CORRESPONDENCE (correspondingUnit connection . 
                                      KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:34:54"
   (CORRESPONDENCE Field              KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:37:03"
        in meta description part of record UNIT)]
   (Corresponds Keyword               HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:40"
   (CreateDescription [LAMBDA (descrnD]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:50"
        creates a DESCRIPTION from a description of one)]
   (CreateDescriptor [LAMBDA (descrrD]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:50"
        creates a DESCRIPTOR from a description of a descriptor body. 
	No features)]
   (CreateDescriptors [LAMBDA (dl]    HTHOMPSON  " 5-APR-76 15:21:17"
        maps thru a list of descriptor feature list pairs and builds 
	the right thing; using cWorld and defFlg and defSet freely)]
   (CreateFeatures [LAMBDA (fl]       HTHOMPSON  " 8-APR-76 13:55:04"
   (CreateFillerPair [LAMBDA NIL]     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:54"
        used in creating a PERSPECTIVE)]
   (CreateKrl [LAMBDA (form type unit]
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 17:19:03"
        Creates a KRL object from its type in version. type tells the 
	type. unit is there only for CreateUnit q.v.)]
   (CreateMetaDescription [LAMBDA (metaD]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 17:54:30"
        creates a list of meta descriptors from their descriptions)]
   (CreateMetaDescriptor (NIL (metaD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 17:38:32"
        Makes a MetaDescripto)]
   (CreateSlot [LAMBDA (slotD]        HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 20:11:12"
        cretes a slot from a description)]
   (CreateUnit [LAMBDA (unitDescription unit]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 20:31:26"
        Fills in the categoryType, slots, and metaDescription fields of 
	unit from their descriptions in unitDescription)]
   (Cryptarithmetic [LAMBDA NIL]      PMARTIN  "16-JAN-76 13:50:00"
        Private..I blew it..Paul)]
   (CRYPTFNS File                     LEVY  "29-DEC-75 14:41:58"
        Contains lisp code for cryptarithmetic)]
   (CURRENTCALL Variable              BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 23:39:28"
        A top level variable which is always set to the call which is 
	running. Through this variable the program has access to all 
	its status information.)]
   (CURRENTRESOURCES Variable         BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 23:43:01"
        This variable contains an integer which specifies how much 
	resources are currently available to the process which is 
	currently running. It is decremented by CheckResources.)]
   (CVARS File                        LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 09:52:26"
   (CVOCAB File                       LEHNERT  " 4-JUL-76 13:19:40"
   (DATABASE File                     BOBROW  "10-FEB-76 11:04:50"
   (DATE Field                        KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:00:20"
        in record NAMESUBENTRY)]
   (dDTestTable Variable              LEVY  "17-DEC-75 12:59:48"
        List of patterns and tests to be applied in LocateDescriptor.)]
                                      LEVY  "17-DEC-75 12:06:34"
        Entries in global table DDTestTable)]
   (defaultDesc Field                 HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:37:18"
        in record CASE)]
   (DEFAULTSIGNALTABLE Variable       BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 23:41:36"
        Contains actions for the standard actions, mostly OK which 
	allows them to continue.)]
        for loading functional definitions from a file)]
   (DEFINESIGNALS [NLAMBDA args]      HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:27:19"
        for loading signal declarations from a file)]
   (definingSlotD Field               HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:12:38"
        in record FUNCTIONALDEFD)]
   (definingUnitD Field               HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:12:37"
        in record FUNCTIONALDEFD)]
   (DefiniteNounPhrase UNIT           LEVY  " 9-FEB-76 12:39:49"
                                      KAPLAN  "10-JAN-76 14:34:23"
        Deletes the name entry indexed by NORMALNAME at position POS in 
	the name data-base on FILE. An internal function of NAMEBLOCK)]
   (DELNAME [LAMBDA (NAME]            KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 22:27:38"
        The preferred way of removing a name from the names data-base. 
	Equivalent to the old "NEWNAME(NAME T).")]
   (DeModal [LAMBDA (d ml]            HTHOMPSON  "17-JUN-76 16:42:49"
        Makes a copy of d with all modals whose mBody is on ml 
	removed from it and all embedded descriptors. may return NIL 
	if no modals left)]
   (DeModalDescn [LAMBDA (dn ml]      HTHOMPSON  "17-JUN-76 16:48:00"
        makes a copy of the description dn having DeModaled all its 
	constituent descriptors, eleminating the ones which go to NIL)
   (DeModalDescnList [LAMBDA (dnl ml] HTHOMPSON  "17-JUN-76 16:50:13"
        maps DeModaldescn over a list of descriptions)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "19-JAN-76 14:09:51"
        Folds NEWDESCRIPTOR and NEWFEATURES into DESCRIPTION, doing the 
	right trapping and triggering as determined by ENVIRONMENT, 
   (Describe2d [LAMBDA (origDescn newDescn newFeat sn env]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "30-JAN-76 16:18:05"
        Used in Describe)]
   (DESCRIBEFNS File                  BOBROW  "12-MAR-76 17:41:54"
   (DescribeWithIndividual [LAMBDA NIL]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "19-JAN-76 14:11:40"
        Used in Describe2 when NEWDESCRIPTOR is an individual)]
   (DESCRIPTION (TYPERECORD DESCRIPTION (descriptors . features))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:53"
   (DESCRIPTION Keyword               HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:53"
        in type-in notation, marks the beginning of a description. 
	"(DESCRIPTION ...)" is equivalent to "(# ...)")]
   (DESCRIPTIOND (RECORD DESCRIPTIOND (descriptionD . descriptorsD)
			 descriptionD ← (QUOTE #))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:02"
        for description descriptions)]
   (descriptor (RECORD descriptor (descriptor . featureSet))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 7-JAN-76 13:44:45"
   (Descriptor? [LAMBDA (d]           HTHOMPSON  " 5-APR-76 14:28:50"
        If arg is a (could be)
	the internal form of a descriptor, returns it, else NIL)]
   (descriptors (TYPERECORD DESCRIPTION (descriptors . features))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 7-JAN-76 13:50:57"
   (descriptorTypes Variable          LEVY  "16-DEC-75 20:38:24"
        Global list of all descriptor types -- PERSPECTIVE, BOOLEAN, 
   (DK [NLAMBDA ARGS]                 KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 11:53:10"
        Used for entering KRL keywords. ARGS:1 is the name to be 
	entered in the data-base, ARGS::1, if present, is a comment. If 
	ARGS::1=NIL, you will be interviewed for a comment.)]
   (DL [NLAMBDA X]                    KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:24:25"
        For Defining Lambda functions. X:1 is the function name, X:2 
	its arguments, and X::2 the rest of its definition. Asks for a 
	comment, which will be added to the current names data-base, 
	and also will be inserted as the leading comment in the 
   (DN [NLAMBDA X]                    KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:24:53"
        Like DL, except that it Defines Nlambdas.)]
   (DO UNIT                           LEHNERT  " 8-JUL-76 16:05:24"
   (DoAction [LAMBDA (actionList stkptr]
                                      BOBROW  "20-DEC-75 13:24:05"
        Does the actions on the actionList in an ActionTable)]
   (DoActions [LAMBDA (actionList stkptr]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:01:08"
        Does the actions on the actionList in an ActionTable)]
   (DoCall [LAMBDA NIL]               BOBROW  "18-DEC-75 16:01:16"
        Starts up one call)]
   (DR [NLAMBDA ARGS]                 KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 11:55:45"
        Used for declaring records. ARGS is a record declaration as you 
	would type it to EVAL. E.g. "DR(RECORD FOO (A B))." It asks you 
	for a comment about the record as a whole, and also makes 
	data-base entries for all the field names.)]
   (DS [NLAMBDA (signal args freeVars]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:15:06"
        For entering signal declarations.)]
   (during Keyword                    HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:41"
        in CONTINGENCY)]
   (DV [NLAMBDA ARGS]                 KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:41"
        Used for declaring a new non-local variable. E.g. 
	"DV(MyVar Is a new var)" Cdr of the arg-list is a possible 
   (Ears UNIT                         LEHNERT  "12-JUL-76 15:47:47"
   (EDITFND [NLAMBDA ARGS]            HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 16:23:32"
        for editing functional definitions)]
   (EDITSIG [NLAMBDA args]            HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:30:57"
        for editing signal declarations)]
   (EDITUNIT [NLAMBDA ARGS]           KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:36:27"
        The basic editor for units. ARGS:1 is a unit name, and the 
	standard editor is called on the type-in format for the named 
	unit. The unit name is spelling corrected if necessary. ARGS::1 
	can be a list of editor commands ala EDITV and EDITF. If the 
	edited unit description is valid, it is stored back into 
	internal form. If not valid, you will be thrown back in the 
	editor to fix it up.)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:35:06"
        For Element Specificaation)]
   (EN [NLAMBDA (NAME . COMS]         KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:41"
        An editor for the name data-base. E.g. "EN(Foo)" enables you to edit the 
	information about Foo. ARGS:COMS can be edit commands.)]
   (EqualD [LAMBDA (d1 d2]            HTHOMPSON  " 1-JUL-76 14:57:20"
        T if d1 and d2 are same type and have EQUAL dBodies)]
   (eu function                       HTHOMPSON  "18-DEC-75 18:45:43"
        Alias for EDITUNIT)
   (EU function                       HTHOMPSON  "18-DEC-75 18:46:17"
        Alias for EDITUNIT)]
   (Eyes UNIT                         LEHNERT  " 9-JUL-76 09:39:37"
   (FAIRLY FUNCTIONAL                 HTHOMPSON  "15-MAR-76 16:45:36"
   (FEATURE (RECORD FEATURE (descriptor . featureSet))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 7-JAN-76 13:43:49"
   (FEATURES Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:41"
        "(FEATURES ...)" is equivalent to "(; ...)")
   (features (TYPERECORD DESCRIPTION (features . features))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 7-JAN-76 13:51:14"
   (FEATURESD (RECORD FEATURESD (featD . featuresListD)
		      featD←';)       HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:04"
        for features description)]
   (featureSet (RECORD featureSet (descriptor . featureSet))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 7-JAN-76 13:45:16"
   (FILEA File                        LEHNERT  " 3-JUL-76 09:41:47"
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:59"
			feqD←'=)      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:04"
        for filler pair description)]
   (Find1FromFiller [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag 
					 descriptorType typeArg]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 14:00:44"
        The "Find" analog of Get1FromFiller.)]
   (FindDescriptor [LAMBDA (description descriptorType typeArg]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 13:37:59"
        The "Find" analog of GetDescriptor. N.B: If FindDescriptor 
	signals MultipleDescriptors and returns a list, it is NOT 
	GUARANTEED that this will be a COMPLETE list of all descriptors 
	satisfying descriptorType and typeArg!!)]
   (FindDescriptors [LAMBDA (description descriptorType typeArg]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 13:29:43"
        The "Find" analog of GetDescriptors -- i.e. searches all 
	descriptions linked, etc. to description.)]
   (FindFiller [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag]
                                      LEVY  "13-JAN-76 11:41:37"
        The Find analog of GetFiller. Like GetFiller, returns a SINGLE 
   (FindFillers [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 13:43:17"
        Returns a list of descriptions, each found by calling
	(GetFiller desc viewName slotName pairListFlag)
	, where desc is one of the descriptions linked to description. 
	Signals NoSuchFiller. all)]
   (FindIndividual [LAMBDA (description]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 14:02:55"
        The "Find" analog of GetIndividual.)]
   (FindItem [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 14:04:21"
        The "Find" analog of GetItem.)]
   (FindNextCall [LAMBDA NIL]         BOBROW  "18-DEC-75 00:09:44"
        This fn maps through the agenda looking for highest priority 
	call. Returns the call if it found one and NIL otherwise)]
   (FindnFromFiller [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag 
					 descriptorType typeArg]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 13:56:09"
        The "Find" analog of GetnFromFiller. N.B. If it signals 
	MultipleDescriptors and returns a list, it is NOT GUARANTEED 
	that this will be a COMPLETE list of all descriptors in 
   (FindStandardTerm [LAMBDA (term]   BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:10"
        Finds a unique list for list term used as index key)]
   (FINDUNIT [LAMBDA (u]              KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 19:05:44"
        Used in the Create family when an atom is encountered in a unit 
	context. If the atom is the name of a unit, returns that unit. 
	Otherwise, creates a new unit of category type UNDEFINED, which 
	can later be defined)]
   (FNDDEF [NLAMBDA ARGS]             HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 16:10:21"
        user fn for defining a functional, note that no extra parens 
	aree needed)]
   (FoldPerspectives [LAMBDA (d]      HTHOMPSON  " 8-APR-76 17:37:15"
        Massages a description to collapse all perspectives of a given 
	prototype into one with the appropriate modalities in the right 
   (FOO File                          WINOGRAD  "24-JAN-76 17:05:31"
   (fromSome Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:42"
        in SPECIFICATION)]
   (fromThe Keyword                   HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:42"
        in SPECIFICATION)]
   (FUNCTIONAL (TYPERECORD FUNCTIONAL (functionalType functionalName . 
                                      KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:35:48"
   (FUNCTIONALD (RECORD FUNCTIONALD (specD relatioNameD . functionalArgsD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:03"
        for functional descriptions)]
			      (functionalName definingUnit definingSlot . 
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:51"
   (FUNCTIONALDEF Field               KAPLAN  "29-DEC-75 15:58:50"
        in record FUNCTIONALTABLE)]
			   (functionalNameSpecD functionalKeyD definingUnitD 
						definingSlotD . argumentSlotsD)
                                      HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:12:13"
        for external and type in forms of functional definitions)]
   (functionalKeyD Field              HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:12:36"
        in record FUNCTIONALDEFD)]
   (functionalNameD Field             HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:12:35"
        in record FUNCTIONALD)]
   (functionalNameSpecD Field         HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:46:12"
        in record FUNCTIONALDEFD)]
   (FUNCTIONALS: PrettyDefMacro       HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 17:03:32"
        This PrettyDefMacro takes either a list of functional names or 
	the name of such a list and dumps out the appropriate thing 
	e.g. (FUNCTIONALS: (FatherOf SonOf))
	(FUNCTIONALS: familyFunctList))]
                                      KAPLAN  "29-DEC-75 15:58:36"
        Implements the mapping between functional names and functional 
   (FunctionalTypeDescr [LAMBDA (type]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "22-DEC-75 17:15:13"
        Returns the right keyword to describe type as a functional type 
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:08"
        for further specified description)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:52"
   (FURTHERSPECIFIED Field            KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:37:11"
        in meta description part of record UNIT)
   (FurtherSpecified Keyword          HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 12:50:03"
   (Get1FromFiller [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag 
					descriptorTyoe typeArg]
                                      LEVY  " 8-JAN-76 19:35:27"
        Returns one or no descriptor by calling GetnFromFiller. If it 
	finds move than one (which are not EQUAL)
	signals MultipleDescriptorsInFiller. If OK, returns them all.)]
   (GetAction [LAMBDA (table symbol]  BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:09:38"
        Gets an action from an action table)]
   (GetActionEntry [LAMBDA (symbol table]
                                      BOBROW  "19-DEC-75 14:20:10"
        Gets an entry from an action table)]
                                      KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:29:13"
        If COMMENT is non-NIL, it is simply returned. Otherwise, this 
	function conducts the comment-getting interview with the user. 
	It prompts with PROMPTNAME if given, or with 
	"Do you want to enter a comment?" Any user-provided comment is 
   (GetDescription [LAMBDA (unit slotName]
                                      LEVY  "17-DEC-75 09:51:06"
        Returns description from slot. Signals NoSuchSlot if HasSlot
	(unit slotName)
	= NIL)]
   (GetDescriptor [LAMBDA (description position]
                                      LEVY  "16-DEC-75 15:36:12"
        Returns the descriptor with sequence number position. Signals 
	NoDescriptorAtPosition if not there, or 
	InvalidDescriptorPosition if position not a number or < 1)]
   (GetDescriptors [LAMBDA (description descriptorType typeArg]
                                      LEVY  " 8-JAN-76 17:17:16"
        Returns a list of the descriptors in description satisfying 
	descriptorType and typeArg. If none then signals 
	NoSuchDescriptor, and if value of signal = OK then returns NIL, 
	else bombs out.)]
   (GetDigit [LAMBDA (INT]            PMARTIN  "24-JAN-76 02:11:52"
   (GetFeatures [LAMBDA (description descriptor]
                                      LEVY  "16-DEC-75 15:36:14"
        Returns the features if any associated with the given 
	descriptor in the given description. Signals 
	NoDescriptorInDescription if description does not contain 
   (GetFiller [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag]
                                      LEVY  "13-JAN-76 11:16:28"
        Returns the pairFiller (a description)
	appearing in the fillerPair with pairName = slotName in the 
	perspective with prototype = viewName in description
	(or in the SELF slot of description if description is a unit.)
	If there is more than one such perspective it only looks at
	(or creates)
	the NORMAL perspective which is guaranteed to contain the union 
	of the descriptors in all perspectives with that prototypeName. 
	Signals NoSuchFiller if there is none. If pairListFlag =
	then searches additions of perspectives, if =
	then searches exceptions, if = NIL then returns list, each 
	element of form (addition . exception)
   (GetFillerPair [LAMBDA (pairName perspective flag]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 11:57:54"
        Returns filler pair with pairName = pairName from additions of 
	perspective if flag = 'ADDITIONS, from exceptions if flag = 
	'EXCEPTIONS, or a list combining the two if flag is NIL. 
	Signals NoSuchFillerPairList if flag is other than 'ADDITIONS, 
   (GetFnlTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName triggerName]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "15-MAR-76 17:03:23"
   (GetFnlTriggers [LAMBDA (unit slotName createFlag]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "15-MAR-76 17:06:04"
   (GetFunctional [LAMBDA (atom]      HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 15:09:04"
        Gets the definition of a functional given its name)]
   (GetIndividual [LAMBDA (description]
                                      LEVY  "29-DEC-75 12:27:12"
        Returns the unique individual (or LispEntity)
	in description, If moe than one found, signals 
	MultipleDescriptors. (See GetDescriptors.))]
   (GetItem [LAMBDA (unit viewName slotName pairListFlag]
                                      LEVY  "29-DEC-75 12:28:11"
        Equivalent to (Get1FromFiller unit viewName slotName 
				      pairListFlag (QUOTE Individual)))]
   (GetItemList [LAMBDA (description flag]
                                      LEVY  "13-JAN-76 09:28:15"
        If description contains an AllItems or Sequence descriptor, 
	then returns its items as a list, else if description contains 
	any Item descriptors, then returns a list of lists, each list 
	being the items from one descriptor, else Signals 
   (GetLit [LAMBDA (f]                HTHOMPSON  " 1-FEB-76 20:55:10"
        used to check for and extract contents of $$@$$ sort of form in 
	Create family)]
   (GetModals [LAMBDA (d flg]         HTHOMPSON  "14-JUL-76 22:44:06"
        Gets the local (if flg = T)
	or else all the modals associated with the descriptor d)]
   (GetnFromFiller [LAMBDA (description viewName slotName pairListFlag 
					descriptorType typeArg]
                                      LEVY  " 8-JAN-76 18:59:11"
        Returns a list of all descriptors satisfying descriptorType and 
	typeArg in the fillerPairs with pairName = slotName in the 
	perspectives with prototypeName = viewName in description.)]
   (GetSelf [LAMBDA (unit]            BOBROW  " 4-MAR-76 23:07:38"
        Gets the description from the self slot)]
   (GetSignal [LAMBDA (atom]          HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:34:51"
        gets the declaration of a signal given its name)]
   (GetTrap [LAMBDA (unit slotName trapName]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 11:47:12"
        Gets trap whose probeSymbol = trapName from set of triggers in 
	slotName in unit. Signals NoSuchTrap if not there.)]
   (GetTraps [LAMBDA (unit slotName]  LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:49:07"
        Returns traps from the slot with slotName in unit.
	(Creates an empty traps if there is none.)
	Signals NoSuchSlot if no slot with name slotName.)]
   (GetTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName triggerName]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 11:45:06"
        Gets trigger whose probeSymbol = triggerName from set of 
	triggers in slotName in unit. Signals NoSuchTrigger if not 
   (GetTriggers [LAMBDA (unit slotName]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:49:11"
        Returns triggers from the slot with slotName in unit.
	(Creates an empty triggers if there is none there.)
	Signals NoSuchSlot if no slot with name slotName.)]
   (GETUNIT [LAMBDA (ATM]             KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:47:14"
        Gets the unit associated with the LITATOM ATM, performing 
	spelling correction if necessary. Not intended to be used for 
	internal unit processing.)]
   (GetWorld [LAMBDA (call]           LEVY  "13-JAN-76 09:00:44"
        If call = NIL then returns the world from the CURRENTCALL, else 
	returns the world from call. Signals NotACall if call is not.)]
   (GG File                           LEHNERT  "11-JUN-76 15:58:11"
   (GLOBALSIGNALPATH Variable         BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 22:56:28"
        This top-level variable is used by the signal mechanism as a 
	path to trap signals if it is not given any other one
	(which is the usual case))]
   (GOO File                          LEHNERT  "11-JUN-76 15:38:36"
   (GRASP UNIT                        LEHNERT  "10-JUL-76 18:19:32"
   (Hall UNIT                         LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 16:15:37"
   (HARRY UNIT                        HTHOMPSON  "26-MAR-76 16:26:34"
   (HasSlot [LAMBDA (unit slotName]   LEVY  "17-DEC-75 09:48:40"
        Returns NIL if no slot with slotName in unit, else returns the 
   (HTMATCHCACHE File                 HTHOMPSON  " 9-FEB-76 18:26:30"
   (Human UNIT                        LEHNERT  "16-JUL-76 13:02:12"
   (IDIV [LAMBDA (X Y]                PMARTIN  "24-JAN-76 01:57:06"
        Patch for cryptarithmetic.)]
   (Implication Keyword               HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:42"
        in UNIT)]
   (in Keyword                        HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:42"
        in LINKAGE)]
   (Index [LAMBDA (unit keyList]      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:10"
        Indexes unit with every term on keyList, and adds terms to 
	IndexTerm field in metaDescription of unit)]
   (Index1 [LAMBDA (unit term]        BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:35:55"
        This function puts an entry in UnitIndexTable so that unit can 
	be retrieved using term. Terms which are lists are normalized 
	to a standard EQ form so hash lookup will work.)]
   (IndexedUnits (HASHLINK IndexedUnits (IndexedUnits UnitIndex 250))
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:12"
   (INDEXFNS File                     BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:12"
        This file contains the indexing and retrieval functions)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:52"
   (INDEXTERMS Field                  KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:36:30"
        in meta description part of record UNIT)
   (IndexTerms Keyword                HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 12:53:12"
        in INDEX TERMS)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 17:55:52"
        for index term descriptions)]
   (Individual Keyword                HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:42"
        in UNIT)]
   (InitializeAgenda [LAMBDA (N]      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 14:03:54"
        Sets agendaSize to N (O0r 10 if not given)
	and creates agenda= (ARRAY N)
	Also sets up free variable SCHEDULER to be a stackpointer)]
   (inSomeOne Keyword                 HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:42"
        in FUNCTIONAL)]
   (inThe Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:43"
        in SPECIFICATIOM)]
   (inTheOne Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:43"
        in FUNCTIONAL)]
   (IntializeDigits [LAMBDA NIL]      PMARTIN  "26-JAN-76 16:26:55"
   (Items Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:43"
        in SET SPECIFIER)]
   (JOE FUNCTIONAL                    HTHOMPSON  "17-MAR-76 10:57:43"
   (keyDescription Field              HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:37:16"
        in record CASE)]
   (Kitchen UNIT                      LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 16:11:02"
   (KRL [LAMBDA (size]                BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 23:48:37"
        This is the main loop for KRL. It cyycles through the agenda, 
	and if it find nothing it calls a user exec. You can only get 
	out of it with control-D Initializes agenda, unless size=T. If 
	nothing on the agenda, it will state this and go into a listen 
	loop which can be exited with OK)]
   (KRL1 [LAMBDA NIL]                 HTHOMPSON  "24-MAR-76 11:31:50"
        Loops thru the Agenda)]
   (KRLFILEOWNERS Variable            KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 11:25:20"
        An A-list that records the owners {and permitted re-writers} of 
	files loaded into the basic KRL sysout. When a file is added to 
	KRLFILES, and enty should also be made on KRLFILEOWNERS of the 
	form "(filename . ownerlist)." E.g., the entry for NAMEFNS is 
	"(NAMEFNS KAPLAN KAY)." This means that only KAPLAN and KAY may 
	make a new version of NAMEFNS in the <KRL> directory.)]
   (KRLFILES Variable                 KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:43"
        Top-level binding is a list of files loaded by LOADKRL.)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:43"
        accesses spelling and other syntax information about keywords 
	from the table KRLFORMTABLE (q.v.))]
   (KRLFORMTABLE Variable             HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:44"
        an alist containing all the keywords and such used by the 
	syntax checker. Indexed by the upper case version of the word, 
	CDR of each entry is of the form
	(good-spelling keylist-for-CheckKey errormessage-for-CheckKey . 
	see also KRLFORM.)]
   (KrlFormType [LAMBDA (form]        HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 15:49:33"
        form is the type in version of some KRL structure. Returns one 
	out what form is, otherwise
	(Signal <'CantIdentifyKrlForm fomr>))]
   (KRLRECORDS File                   HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 17:32:59"
        Contains all the records of presumed global interest.)]
   (KrlType [LAMBDA (pointer]         LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:49:14"
        Returns the type of the structure indicated by pointer. Signals 
	TypeNotKnown if structure is of unknown type.)]
   (KrlTypeForBuild [LAMBDA (item]    HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 18:01:43"
        trys to determine the type of a KRL item for building)]
   (LASTCOMMENT Variable              KAPLAN  "18-DEC-75 10:21:13"
        LASTCOMMENT:TOPVAL contains the last comment the user typed in 
	for the name data-base.)]
   (LASTUNIT Variable                 HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 08:31:09"
        Contains the name of the last unit printed, edited, defined, 
	etc. Will be used if you say EDITUNIT NIL or PPU NIL)]
   (LEXICON File                      LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 15:25:46"
   (light UNIT                        LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 10:25:11"
   (Light2 UNIT                       LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 15:22:06"
   (LightSwitch UNIT                  LEHNERT  " 8-JUL-76 10:15:46"
   (LINKAGE (TYPERECORD LINKAGE (linkageSlot sourceUnit))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:51"
   (LINKAGED (RECORD LINKAGE (eqD linkageSlotD inD sourceUnitD)
		     eqD←= inD←in)    HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:03"
        for linkage descriptions)]
   (LispDesc [LAMBDA (l]              HTHOMPSON  "15-JUL-76 16:07:08"
        wraps l in a LispDesc)]
   (LOADKRL [LAMBDA (DIR SYMFLAG]     KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:44"
        This function is for loading up a new KRL on top of USYS. It 
	loads all files on the list KRLFILES. DIR can be a directory 
	name if the files are not in the connected directory. 
	SYMFLAG=NIL means that it will try for .COM files, T implies 
   (LocatedMultipleSlots (signal NIL (unit description matchtable slots))
                                      BOBROW  "20-DEC-75 23:31:22"
        This appears in LocateSlot)]
   (LocateSlot [LAMBDA (unit description matchTable]
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 23:25:02"
        Returns the slotName of unit which contains a filler which 
	matches description. Signals CannotFindSlot and 
   (MakeCall [LAMBDA (priority lispFunction lispArgs description signalPath 
                                      BOBROW  " 7-JAN-76 16:50:41"
        Creates a call and returns it. It is used by Call which creates 
	the call and puts it on the agenda)]
   (MakeKrl [LAMBDA (form]            HTHOMPSON  "18-DEC-75 14:12:25"
        Creates the KRL data structure corresponding to form, which 
	must be given in standard typein format, except that any 
	subexpression of the form (@ foonly)
	will be effectively replaced with the result of (EVAL foonly)
	%. form must be a slot (form:1='$ or 'SLOT)
	, a description (form:1='# or 'DESCRIPTION)
	or a descriptor, which must begin with one of the permissible 
   (MakeKrl1 [LAMBDA (form]           HTHOMPSON  "18-DEC-75 14:30:47"
        Used by MakeKrl. Makes a copy of form with all experessions of 
	the form (@ foonly)
	replaced with the value of (EVAL foonly))]
   (MakeKrlQ [NLAMBDA (form]          HTHOMPSON  " 2-JAN-76 15:26:15"
        Quoted version of MakeKrl, used as translation of \.)]
   (MakeModals [LAMBDA (ml]           HTHOMPSON  "17-JUN-76 12:30:51"
        Massages a list of modals unmarking all T-marked ones
	(in a copy))]
   (MAKEUNITS [LAMBDA NIL]            KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:48:21"
        Evaluated when UNITFNS is loaded, it sets up the UNITRDTBL and 
	fixes PRETTYPRINTYPEMACROS and DEFPRINT so that units print 
   (Male UNIT                         LEHNERT  "17-JUN-76 13:55:43"
   (Manifestation Keyword             HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:45"
        in UNIT)]
   (MATCH File                        WINOGRAD  " 4-JAN-76 12:40:33"
        This file contains all of the stuff for MATCH, FIND, and 
	DESCRIBE as well as some TABLES for various flavors of each of 
   (Match [LAMBDA (pattern datum matchTable]
                                      BOBROW  " 2-MAR-76 11:46:38"
        pattern can be a descriptor or a description. datum can be a 
	unit or a description. All information defining the behavior of 
	the match is specified by the matchTable which is pushed on the 
	front of the signalPath)]
   (Match1 [LAMBDA (Pat Dat]          BOBROW  " 2-MAR-76 12:08:38"
        This function selects by KrlType, and switches to the 
	appropriate Function, and returns its value. Expected Values 
	(meaning match cannot bedetermined. On such a value a signl 
		 UnknownMatch is called whose value will then be 
   (MatchBasics [LAMBDA NIL]          BOBROW  " 9-MAR-76 16:29:27"
        Finds the basic perspectives of pat and dat if they exist, and 
	returns DIFFERENT if they have different prototypes, NIL if one 
	doesn't exist, and SAME if they check all the way down. Uses 
	MatchPerspectives which signals UnknownFillerMatch and 
	determines if it is in a CanMatch or KnownToMatch Situation 
	from the response)]
   (MatchDescription [LAMBDA NIL]     BOBROW  " 9-MAR-76 21:14:25"
        pat is assumed to be a description. The neccesaryy descriptors 
	in pat are matched (criterial, and normal perspectives 
	using Match1 recursively)]
   (MatchFillers [LAMBDA (pf df]      BOBROW  " 9-MAR-76 22:29:30"
        pf and df are filler pairs and are to be compared one at a time)
   (MatchNotDat [LAMBDA (mchFn]       BOBROW  "11-MAR-76 09:21:16"
        Used to look for a NOT boolean in the data and match using the 
	matchfunction given as arg mchFn)]
   (MATCHFNS File                     BOBROW  " 3-MAR-76 17:47:54"
        This file contains the real match functions)]
   (MatchFunctional [LAMBDA (cases]   BOBROW  "12-MAR-76 16:50:06"
   (MatchInd [LAMBDA (cases]          BOBROW  " 2-MAR-76 12:34:04"
        expects the free variable pat to be a unit)]
   (MatchIndirectPerspective [LAMBDA (DatPerspectives]
                                      BOBROW  "24-MAY-76 21:44:39"
        Goes a level of indirection into the datum, and finds anyy 
	perspective which could be reexpressed as the desired 
	perspective for pat)]
   (MatchIndividual [LAMBDA (cases]   BOBROW  " 4-MAR-76 22:03:32"
        Matches a pattern which is an individual. cases is a list of 
	names of strategies to try in order)]
   (MatchList [LAMBDA NIL]            BOBROW  "24-MAY-76 17:07:19"
        matches a list of descriptors all of which must match. Used 
	by MatchDescription and Criterial Definition strategy of 
   (MatchManifestation [LAMBDA NIL]   BOBROW  "12-MAR-76 16:33:36"
        pat is known to be a Manifestation)]
   (MatchNot [LAMBDA NIL]             BOBROW  "11-MAR-76 16:54:27"
        matches booleanpattern headed by NOT)]
   (MatchPerspective [LAMBDA (cases]  BOBROW  " 9-MAR-76 21:34:11"
        Matches a perspective against a pattern)]
   (MatchSpecification [LAMBDA NIL]   BOBROW  "12-MAR-76 16:36:50"
   (MatchUnit [LAMBDA NIL]            BOBROW  "24-MAY-76 22:52:15"
        pat is known to be a unit)]
   (MatchXor [LAMBDA NIL]             BOBROW  "11-MAR-76 16:51:40"
        Matches a pattern which is an XOR)]
   (MatchXorDat [LAMBDA (mchFn]       BOBROW  "11-MAR-76 09:25:39"
        used to match either an XOR or an OR. The case is determined by 
	the value of the free variable $$CASE. Uses mchFn to match)]
   (MATPAT File                       LEHNERT  "13-JUL-76 22:44:30"
   (MEM File                          LEHNERT  "22-JUN-76 17:02:55"
   (MenPhen UNIT                      LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 11:39:25"
   (MergeModal [LAMBDA (m d]          HTHOMPSON  "12-JUL-76 22:17:12"
        Adds m to d:dModals unless it's already there (EQUAL))]
   (MergeModals [LAMBDA (ml d]        HTHOMPSON  "16-JUN-76 17:09:59"
        Adds the non-duplicate (EQUAL)
	modals on ml to d:dModals)]
   (metaDescription Field             KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:38:14"
        in record UNIT)]
   (MkRsc [LAMBDA (Tot Quant]         BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 00:18:07"
        Makes a resource record with tot =resourceAmount and 
	quan=resourceQuantum. Stricly a typing saver)]
   (MLMUNITS File                     WINOGRAD  "18-APR-76 23:53:32"
   (MMOREFNS File                     LEHNERT  " 6-JUL-76 10:47:41"
   (Mobj UNIT                         LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 11:38:04"
   (MOREFNS File                      LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 11:56:08"
   (MOREUNITS File                    LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 15:28:20"
   (MOVE UNIT                         LEHNERT  " 8-JUL-76 13:28:48"
   (MoveUnitDef [LAMBDA (fromU toUName]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "29-APR-76 08:51:42"
        Makes a copy of fromU (either a unit or a name)
	and gives it the name toUName. Affects LASTUNIT.)]
   (MTRANS UNIT                       LEHNERT  "10-JUL-76 18:24:43"
   (MUCK File                         LEHNERT  " 6-JUL-76 17:10:51"
   (MunchDrModals [LAMBDA (dl]        HTHOMPSON  " 1-JUL-76 14:09:38"
        Does the inhereting and perspective folding for MunchModals (q.v.))]
   (MunchModals [LAMBDA (d1 inher1 d2 inher2]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-JUN-76 17:05:26"
        Causes d1 to inheret the modalities in inher1 all the way 
	down, ditto for d2. Moves non-duplicates from d2 to d1, 
	folding perspectives with common prototypes)]
   (MunchModalsList [LAMBDA (dl inher]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-JUN-76 17:19:06"
        iterates MunchModals over descriptions in dl, should be a 
   (Music UNIT                        LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 11:37:37"
   (MYNAMES [LAMBDA (NAME USER]       KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:34:45"
        Given the NAME data base in the form of a core A-list, it 
	delivers the selection for which USER is responsible. If no 
	USER is given, it gives you your names!)]
   (N? [NLAMBDA NAMES]                KAPLAN  " 8-JAN-76 14:37:56"
        Used to interrogate the name data-base. E.g. ←N? A B C will 
	print out the information about A, B, and C on the user's 
   (NAME Field                        KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:00:16"
        in record NAMESUBENTRY)]
                                      KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:35:55"
        Format of an entry in the NAMES data base. See also 
   (NAMEFILE Variable                 KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:45"
        It's TOPVAL is the version-less filename of the names 
   (NAMEFNS File                      KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:45"
        Contains the functions for maintaining the NAMES data-base.)]
   (NAMEFNSFNS Variable               KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:45"
        The list of functions on NAMEFNS)]
                                      KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:00:14"
        Format of a subentry in the names data-base. See also NAMEENTRY)
   (NewDescription [LAMBDA NIL]       KAPLAN  "26-DEC-75 14:59:15"
        Creates a new (empty)
   (NewActionTable [LAMBDA (tableType actionForms]
                                      BOBROW  " 9-FEB-76 21:26:54"
        Creates a new action Table with Action forms a list of actions 
	each of which is a list starting with a key and followed byy a 
	set of forms to be evaluated)]
   (NEWFNS File                       LEHNERT  "28-JUL-76 16:28:02"
   (NEWFUNCTION [LAMBDA (TYPE BODY]   KAY  "17-DEC-75 12:30:03"
        Used for commenting and defining functions. Called by DL and 
   (NewManifestation [LAMBDA (unit manifestationName]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 13:17:37"
        Returns a new unit of categoryType Manifestation and name 
	manifestationName whoe only contents is the appearance of unit 
	as a descriptor in the SELF slot.)]
                                      KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:45"
        Used for declaring NAME to other programmers. If TYPE=T, the 
	old description of NAME is deleted and replaced by a non-NIL 
	value of COMMENT, a list of subentries. Otherwise, COMMENT is a 
	text list of information about this use of NAME.)]
   (NewPerspective [LAMBDA (prototype]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:50:07"
        Creates a perspective. Prototype maybe either a pointer to a 
	prototype or a prototypeName)]
   (NewSignalPath [LAMBDA (newActionTable oldSignalPath]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:10:36"
        Puts a new action Table on the front of an old signal path 
	OldSignals. Returns the new Path)]
   (NewSlot [LAMBDA (unit slotName description triggers traps]
                                      LEVY  "17-DEC-75 10:11:17"
        Creates a new slot in unit initialized with slotName 
	description triggers and traps. Returns unit. Signals 
	SlotNameAlreadyUsed if)]
   (Newspaper UNIT                    LEHNERT  "10-JUL-76 17:48:15"
   (NEWSTUFF File                     LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 11:15:29"
   (NewUnit [LAMBDA (categoryType unitName]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "18-DEC-75 17:12:22"
        Creates and returns a new UNIT with categoryType and unitName. 
	If unitName is non-NIL, points it at the new unit. Signals 
	UnitNameConflict if unitName already points to a unit. If 
	response to signal is OK, smashes it, else (HELP))]
   (Nihil UNIT                        LEHNERT  " 4-JUL-76 08:11:36"
   (NIL UNIT                          WINOGRAD  "19-APR-76 00:18:04"
   (NORMALNAME [LAMBDA (NAME]         KAPLAN  "16-DEC-75 15:34:53"
        Maps NAME into the normalized form under which it is indexed in 
	the name data-base.)]
   (NormalPerspective [LAMBDA (description prototype]
                                      LEVY  "13-JAN-76 11:06:18"
        Returns the normal perspective in description
	(creating it if necessary)
	with prototype, or NIL if there is none.)]
   (NOT Keyword                       HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:46"
        in BOOLEAN)]
   (NotItems Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:46"
        in SET SPECIFIER)]
   (NVAtom [LAMBDA (x]                HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:46"
        Predicate is true if x is not a non-NIL litatom)]
   (NVAtomCheck [LAMBDA (x y emsg]    HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:46"
        if x is not a non-NIL atom generates an error with y and emsg 
	concatenated with " must be a non-NIL atom")]
   (Object UNIT                       LEHNERT  " 8-JUL-76 10:16:46"
   (ObjectPrimitive UNIT              LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 11:14:03"
   (OnSignalReply [NLAMBDA (sig OKAction]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-JAN-76 14:38:30"
        Macro and function for ordinary responce to a signal: OK -> 
	evaluate OKAction, NOTOK -> RETURN NIL, DONE -> RETURN T, 
	anything else -> (BadSignal))]
   (OR Keyword                        HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:46"
        in BOOLEAN)]
   (OrderDescr [LAMBDA (x y]          HTHOMPSON  "18-JUN-76 10:26:26"
        Sorting predicate for descriptors: no contingency or def sets 
	< one of the two < both)]
   (ParallelOrCall [LAMBDA (calls priority resources]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 00:33:38"
        calls is a list of calls, priority their common priority and 
	resources their common resource pool)]
   (PATCH File                        LEHNERT  " 3-JUL-76 10:41:27"
   (PATMAT File                       LEHNERT  "13-JUL-76 22:43:43"
   (PAULS [LAMBDA (FI FO USER]        PMARTIN  "15-AUG-76 19:02:53"
        Test hack for namefns..remove later)]
   (PERSPECTIVE (TYPERECORD PERSPECTIVE (prototype additions . exceptions))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:51"
   (PERSPECTIVED (RECORD PERSPECTIVED (artD prototypeD . fillerSpecD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:02"
        for perspective descriptions)]
   (PhysPhen UNIT                     LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 15:23:34"
   (pmartins [LAMBDA (K L M]          PMARTIN  "15-AUG-76 19:27:20"
        Fake comment)]
   (PopSignalPath [LAMBDA NIL]        BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:11:48"
        Returns previous signal path)]
                                      KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 14:55:01"
        Pretty-prints a DESCRIPTION on the primary output file. Called 
	by PPSLOTS--might be made internal to the PPU block.)]
   (PPDESCRIPTOR [LAMBDA (d p]        HTHOMPSON  "22-JUN-76 17:13:39"
        Pretty-prints a descriptor on the primary output file)]
   (PPFND [LAMBDA (atomList file]     HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:35:34"
        for printing functional definitions to a file. atomList is 
	either an atom or a list, either functional names or the 
	definitions themselves are ok)]
   (PPSIG [LAMBDA (atomList file]     HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:44:36"
        for printing signal declarations to a file. atomList is either 
	an atom or a list. either signal names or the declarations 
	themselves are OK.)]
   (PPSLOTS [LAMBDA (UN POS]          KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 14:32:46"
        Pretty-prints the slots of a unit UN on the primary output 
	file, lining them up at position POS. Called by PPU1--might be 
	made internal to the PPU block.)]
   (PPU [LAMBDA (ATLIST FILE]         KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:50:47"
        The user-level entry to the unit pretty-printer. ATLIST is 
	either a single unit name or unit, or a list of them. It makes 
	file be the primary output file and calls PPU1 on each unit.)]
   (PPU1 [LAMBDA (UN]                 KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:58:36"
        Pretty-prints a single unit on the primary output file. UN may 
	be a unit itself or a unitname, in which case GETUNIT maps it 
	into a unit. UN is printed starting at the current POSITION on 
	the output file.)]
   (PrimitiveAct UNIT                 LEHNERT  "23-JUN-76 11:57:37"
                                      KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:57:29"
        Prints the NAME data base on OUTPUTFILE. ENTRIES is either an 
	in-core A-list as read by READNAMES, or a filename from which 
	an a-list will be obtained by "(SORT (READNAMES ENTRIES) T)." 
	Note that ENTRIES=NIL causes the current data-base file on 
	NAMEFILE to be read. If OUTPUTFILE=NIL, then NAMEFILE is used 
	with extension .PRINTNAMES. In the simplest case, 
	"PRINTNAMES()" will read and print the current data-base.)]
   (PRINUNIT [LAMBDA (UNIT]           KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:52:36"
        Declared to DEFPRINT as the function to create the PRIN1 and 
	PRIN2 pnames of units.)]
   (Probe [LAMBDA (table symbol noActionSignal]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:11:08"
        Probes table for an action corresponding to symbol and singnals 
	noActionSignal if given or returns NIL)]
   (probeSymbol Field                 KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 12:06:57"
        in record ACTION)]
   (ProbeTrap [LAMBDA (unit slotName probeSymbol signalFlag]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:50:12"
        Executes the action associated with probeSymbol in the traps in 
	slotName of unit. If signalFlag is non-NIL, then the signal 
	CantProbeTrap is invoked if there is no entry in traps whose 
	probe symbol = probeSymbol.)]
   (ProbeTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName probeSymbol signalFlag]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:50:16"
        Executes the action associated with probeSymbol in the triggers 
	of slotName in unit. If signalFlag is non-NIL, then the signal 
	CantProbeTrigger is invoked if there is no entry in triggers 
	whose probe symbol = probeSymbol.)]
   (proDesc Field                     HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:39:32"
        in record CASEPAIR)]
   (ProduceDescriptions [LAMBDA (description originalDescFlag descArray]
                                      LEVY  "10-JAN-76 11:32:32"
        A generator producing all descriptions which can be reached 
	from description by following linkages, contingencies, etc. If 
	originalDescFlag is non-NIL, then description is the first 
	description produced; otherwise description is not produced. 
	descArray should be NIL when ProduceDescriptions is called at 
	the top level.)]
   (ProperNounPhrase UNIT             LEVY  " 8-FEB-76 16:22:24"
   (PTRANS UNIT                       LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 10:04:16"
   (PushCall [LAMBDA (priority lispFunction lispArgs description signalPath 
                                      BOBROW  " 9-FEB-76 21:00:16"
        Pushes a call on the front of the queue at level priority)]
   (PushCryptSignalTable [LAMBDA NIL] PMARTIN  "22-JAN-76 17:22:51"
   (PushGlobalSignalPath [LAMBDA (NewSignalTable]
                                      PMARTIN  "26-JAN-76 14:14:14"
   (PushSignalPath [LAMBDA (newActionTable]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:12:54"
        Puts a new action Table on the front of an old signal path 
	OldSignals. Returns the new Path)]
   (PutAction [LAMBDA (table action conflictSignal]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:13:18"
        Puts an action in an action table, and if conflictSignal is 
	given, PutAction signals. If the signal returns OK then it 
	overwrites old action)]
   (PutActionEntry [LAMBDA (entry table conflictSignal]
                                      BOBROW  "19-DEC-75 14:27:37"
        Puts an entry in an action table, and if conflictSignal is 
	given, PutAction signals. If the signal returns OK then it 
	overwrites old action)]
   (PutAddition [LAMBDA (perspective slotName descriptor features]
                                      LEVY  "16-DEC-75 19:52:57"
        If additions of perspective already contains a fillerPair with 
	pairName = slotName, then adds descriptor to current filler. 
	Otherwise creates a new fillerPair and adds it to Additions.)]
   (PutDescription [LAMBDA (unit slotName description]
                                      LEVY  "17-DEC-75 10:39:13"
        Replaces description currently in slot specified by slotName in 
	unit with description. Signals NoSuchSlot if slot not found.)]
   (PutException [LAMBDA (perspective slotName descriptor features]
                                      LEVY  "16-DEC-75 19:55:56"
        Same as PutAddition, except works on exceptions of perspective.)
   (PutTrap [LAMBDA (unit slotName trap conflictFlag]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:50:19"
        Puts trap into the traps of slotName in unit. If conflictFlag 
	is non-NIL, then the signal TrapAlreadyExists will be invoked 
	if traps already contains an entry whose probeSymbol = the 
	probeSymbol of trap.)]
   (PutFiller [LAMBDA (pairFlag]      HTHOMPSON  "19-JAN-76 12:48:33"
        Shared by PutAdditions and PutExceptions, q.v.)]
   (PutFnlTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName trigger conflictFlag]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "15-MAR-76 17:03:53"
        like MOVD (RemoveTrigger RemoveFnlTrigger T))]
   (PutNewFillerPair [LAMBDA (perspective slotName pairFlag]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "19-JAN-76 12:39:58"
        Adds a new filler pair to perspective with pair name slotName 
	and pair filler an empty description. If pairFlag is T then 
	goes on additions, else exceptions. Returns the new, empty 
   (PutTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName trigger conflictFlag]
                                      LEVY  "19-DEC-75 17:50:26"
        Puts trigger into the triggers of slotName in unit. IF 
	conflictFlag is non-NIL, then the signal TriggerAlreadyExists 
	will be invoked if triggers already contains an entry whose 
	probeSymbol = the probeSymbol of trigger.)]
   (QUOTE Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        in LISP ENTITY)]
   (Radio UNIT                        LEHNERT  " 5-JUL-76 11:32:04"
   (RadioSwitch UNIT                  LEHNERT  " 8-JUL-76 10:21:40"
   (READDESCR [LAMBDA (FILE RDTBL]    KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:53:21"
        The read macro function for reading descriptions. Called by the 
	character "{" in the UNITRDTBL.)]
   (READNAMES [LAMBDA (FILE]          KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        Reads the NAME data base as an A-list. If FILE is nil 
   (READSLOT [LAMBDA (FILE RDTBL]     KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:53:45"
        The read macro function for reading a slot. Called by the 
	character "<" in the UNITRDTBL.)]
   (READUNITS [LAMBDA (FILE]          KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 15:58:26"
        This function reads units in a pretty format and stores them in 
	core. It will keep reading through FILE until it encounters a 
	top-level non-list, usually the atom ENDUNITS. All units are 
	stored as they are read. The UNITS: prettydefmacro sets up a 
	call to READUNITS.)]
   (Relation Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        in UNIT)]
   (REM File                          LEHNERT  "15-JUN-76 14:08:27"
   (RemoveAction [LAMBDA (table symbol noActionSignal]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:13:41"
        Removes one action, and returns that action, and signals if 
	none found if noActionSignal is given)]
   (RemoveActionEntry [LAMBDA (symbol table noEntrySignal]
                                      BOBROW  "19-DEC-75 15:13:30"
        Removes one entry, and returns that entry, and signals if none 
	found if noEntrySignal is given)]
   (RemoveFnlTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName triggerName]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "15-MAR-76 17:05:07"
   (RemoveFromAgenda [LAMBDA (call]   BOBROW  "18-DEC-75 00:28:15"
        Removes call from agenda. Signals CallNotOnAgenda or returns 
	level where it was)]
   (RemoveTrap [LAMBDA (unit slotName trapName]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 11:36:30"
        Removes trap with probeSymbol = trapName from set of traps 
	associated with slotName in unit.)]
   (RemoveTrigger [LAMBDA (unit slotName triggerName]
                                      LEVY  "22-DEC-75 11:41:32"
        Removes trap with probeSymbol = triggerName from set of 
	triggers associated with slotName in unit.)]
                                      KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 12:17:46"
        This is the basic updating function for the names data-base. 
	ENTRY is a list-structure of the kind you get by reading in a 
	single name entry. ITEM is eq to an element in the subentries 
	field of ENTRY, or NIL. NAME ... COMMENT are new information 
	which is to replace the current information in ITEM. If ITEM is 
	NIL, then the new information is appended to the end of the old 
	items. If TYPE=NIL, then ITEM is effectively deleted. As a 
	consequence, if ITEM=TYPE=NIL, ENTRY is written out without any 
   (RescheduleMe [LAMBDA (priority]   BOBROW  "18-DEC-75 00:20:19"
        puts current call on agenda at end of queue at priority level)]
   (RESOURCES (TYPERECORD RESOURCES (resourceType resourceTotal resourceQuantum)
			  (RECORD resourceTotal (resourceAmount)))
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 13:59:59"
        resourceType can be SHARED implying that this set of resources 
	appears in a number of calls, UNITARY meaning that it will run 
	till it is out of resources,or
	(equivalent to having resourceQuantum = resourceTotal)
	or SCHEDULED meaning it will be rescheduled as long as 
	totalResources holds out. Default is Scheduled. Default for 
	resourceQuantum is 1)]
   (RESTUNITS File                    LEVY  "14-MAR-76 22:14:37"
   (Retrieve [LAMBDA (keyList filterDescription matchTable]
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:10"
        Retrieves a list of units which contain keyList among their 
	indexTerms, and which match filterDescription)]
   (RetrieveExactly [LAMBDA (keyList filterDescription matchTable]
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:11"
        Retrieves a list of units whose indexTerms are EXACTLY those in 
	keList, and which match filterDescription)]
   (rg UNIT                           LEHNERT  " 6-JUL-76 18:08:48"
   (SameIndividual [LAMBDA NIL]       BOBROW  " 4-MAR-76 22:50:04"
        PAT IS KNOWN TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL and dat is now checked out as 
	an individual. Returns NIL if it can't get it)]
   (SameWorld [LAMBDA (world1 world2] LEVY  "13-JAN-76 08:48:16"
        A predicate which returns T if world1 and world2 are the same 
	(i.e. are individuals which are EQ or are descriptions which 
	      contain EQ individuals.))]
   (SAMUNITS.OLD File                 LEVY  "15-JUL-76 17:17:27"
   (SCHEDULEFNS File                  BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 17:21:54"
   (SCHEDULER Variable                BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 23:36:51"
        A top level variable bound to a stack pointer and used to hold 
	the status of the scheduler (RETTO SCHEDULER T T)
	resumes the scheduler)]
   (SCHEDULERFNS File                 BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 17:27:23"
        File containing all the functions for the scheduler)]
   (SCRAP File                        LEHNERT  "20-JUL-76 15:39:01"
   (Script UNIT                       LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 12:01:55"
   (SDO UNIT                          LEHNERT  " 4-JUL-76 08:12:56"
   (SeekIndFromCont [LAMBDA (contingency substitutionList]
                                      PMARTIN  "14-JAN-76 21:30:05"
        * follows a contingency looking for and individual)]
   (SeekIndFromFunc [LAMBDA (functional substitutionList]
                                      PMARTIN  "14-JAN-76 21:31:48"
        * follows a functional looking for an individual)]
   (SeekIndFromMan [LAMBDA (manifestation substitutionList]
                                      PMARTIN  "14-JAN-76 21:33:16"
        * follows a manifestation looking for an individual)]
   (SeekIndFromSpec [LAMBDA (specification substitutionList]
                                      PMARTIN  "14-JAN-76 21:34:51"
        * follows a specification looking for an individual)]
   (SeekIndividual [LAMBDA (description findTable substitutions]
                                      PMARTIN  "14-JAN-76 21:12:19"
        * this can be resource limited. should be called by functions 
	like (Find)
	SeekSlotFiller which can pull down the thing if known)
   (SeekIndividual [LAMBDA (descr findTable substitutions]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "21-JAN-76 09:25:03"
        preliminary very stupid version)]
   (SelectFromList [LAMBDA (description list matchTable]
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:11"
        Selects those units in a list which match description)]
   (SelectFromUnit [LAMBDA (description unit matchTable]
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:11"
        Selects those units found in the top level of slotDescriptions 
	in unit which match description)]
   (Sequence Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        in SET SPECIFIER)]
   (setDescription Field              HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:35:13"
        in record ELEMENTSPEC)]
   (SetOf Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        in SET SPECIFIER)]
   (SETSPECIFIER (TYPERECORD SETSPECIFIER (setSpecifierType . setElements))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:09"
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:03"
        for set specifier descriptions)]
   (SETTING UNIT                      LEHNERT  " 7-JUL-76 09:29:18"
   (SetWorld [LAMBDA (call]           LEVY  "13-JAN-76 09:04:11"
        If call = NIL then sets world of CURRENTCALL to world, else 
	sets world of call. Signals NotACall if call is not.)]
   (SHORTFORMSPEC [LAMBDA (descriptor unit]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "22-DEC-75 17:11:24"
        Returns T iff descriptor in the context of unit can be 
	expressed using the short form i.e. (the foo))]
   (ShowAgenda [LAMBDA (level dontPrintEmpty]
                                      LEVY  "30-DEC-75 07:49:33"
        Prints calls on the agenda. If level is an integer,)]
   (SIGDEF [NLAMBDA args]             HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:33:17"
        user fn for declaring a signal. Note that no extra parens are 
   (Signal [LAMBDA (signal]           BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:14:06"
        This does a quick check for the fast case and gets out if it 
	can, otherwise calls Signal!. Assumes path is GLOBALSIGNALPATH 
	and no catcher)]
   (Signal! [LAMBDA (signal signalPath catcher signalEnvironment]
                                      BOBROW  "22-DEC-75 16:14:28"
        This function invokes a signal anywhere along a signal path 
	which it is given. If signalPath is NIL, then it uses 
	GlobalSignalPath. If it finds no signal, it evaluates catcher, 
	if given, or calls HELP)]
   (signalArgs Field                  HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:23:48"
        in record SIGNALDECLARATION)]
   (signalArgsD Field                 HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:20:36"
        in record SIGNALDEFD)]
   (signalDeclaration (HASHLINK signalDeclaration
				(signalDeclaration signalIndex 100))
                                      BOBROW  "19-DEC-75 12:41:42"
        Contains args and freevars associated with signal)
   (signalDeclaration Field           BOBROW  "19-DEC-75 12:44:17"
        in record signalDeclaration)
				  (signalName signalArgs signalVars))
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:23:42"
        for signal declarations)]
   (signalDeclarationTable Variable   BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 22:58:53"
        This variable is bound to a hash array containing all the 
	signal declarations which have been declared using DS)
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:37:00"
        associates a signal name with its declaration)]
   (SIGNALDEF Field                   HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:37:08"
   (SIGNALDEFD (RECORD SIGNALDEFD (signalNameD signalKeyD signalArgsD signalVarsD)
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:20:28"
        for the external form of signal declarations)]
   (SIGNALFNS File                    BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 10:48:19"
        Contains all the functions for handling signals and action 
   (signalKeyD Field                  HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:20:35"
        in record SIGNALDEFD)]
   (SIGNALMESSAGE Variable            BOBROW  " 6-JAN-76 11:04:12"
        This toplevel varaible is set to the CDR of a nonatomic signal, 
	and tyhe signal set to CAR. It is the way of passing arguments 
	to a signal handler)]
   (signalName Field                  HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:23:47"
        in record SIGNALDECLARATION)]
   (signalNameD Field                 HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:20:34"
        in record SIGNALDEFD)]
   (SignalPath (RECORD SignalPath (Cache ATable . OldPath))
                                      BOBROW  "17-DEC-75 09:42:52"
        A signal path has a cache which contains any signal which has 
	ever been used at this level. This should speed access to 
	signals at the end of the path.)]
   (signalVars Field                  HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:23:50"
        in record SIGNALDECLARATION)]
   (signalVarsD Field                 HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:20:58"
        in record SIGNALDEFD)]
   (SLOT (TYPERECORD SLOT (slotName slotFiller triggers . traps))
                                      KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:27:57"
   (SLOT Keyword                      KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:29:26"
        "(SLOT ...)" is equivalent to "($ ...)")]
				   (correspondingUnit connection links))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:52"
				(corrD connectionD correspondingUnitD . linksD)
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:08"
        for slot correspondence descriptions)]
   (SLOTD (RECORD SLOTD (slotD slotNameD slotFillerD . trSetD)
		  slotD←'$)           HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:09"
        for slot descriptions)]
   (slotFiller Field                  KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:27:59"
        in record SLOT)]
   (slotName Field                    KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:27:58"
        in record SLOT)]
   (slots Field                       KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 13:38:44"
        in record UNIT)]
   (someOne Keyword                   HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        in FUNCTIONAL)]
   (Source UNIT                       LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 10:34:30"
   (Specialization Keyword            HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:47"
        in UNIT)]
			      (specificationType slotSpecifier view 
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:52"
			   (defD slotSpecifierD whenceD viewD targetDescriptionD))
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:02"
        for specification descriptions)]
   (SPELLUNITS Variable               KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 15:03:20"
        The units spelling list.)]
   (ST2FILE File                      LEHNERT  "27-JUL-76 17:16:26"
   (StandardDescriptors [LAMBDA (descrip]
                                      BOBROW  " 9-MAR-76 21:24:21"
        Will first tryy for CRITERIAL and then returns all descriptors. 
	Should screen for normal perspectives)]
   (StandardTerm (ACCESSFNS StandardTerm (FindStandardTerm))
                                      BOBROW  "16-DEC-75 15:36:12"
        This accessnf record finds the standard form for a list 
	descriptor so that a hashlink will retrieve indexed units)]
   (StandardTermList [LAMBDA (tm]     HTHOMPSON  "29-APR-76 14:38:35"
        Standardizes index terms to nby replacing units by their 
   (STOREFUNCTIONAL [LAMBDA (fnD]     HTHOMPSON  "31-DEC-75 14:55:09"
        associates the definition of a functional with its name given 
	as argument the type-in form of the definition)]
   (STORESIGNAL [LAMBDA (sD]          HTHOMPSON  " 6-JAN-76 09:47:44"
        associates the declaration of a signal with its name given as 
	argument the type in form of the declaration)]
   (STOREUNIT [LAMBDA (unitDescription oldUnit]
                                      KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 15:00:26"
        ValidatesunitDescription and converts it into a real unit. 
	OldUnit will be reused if provided and there is no name 
	conflict. If OldUnit is not given, a new unit is created. The 
	spelling corrector is notified of the unit's name.)]
   (STORYMEMORY File                  LEHNERT  "27-JUL-76 18:34:40"
   (Substance UNIT                    LEHNERT  "15-JUN-76 14:01:43"
   (SubWorld [LAMBDA (world1 world2]  LEVY  "12-JAN-76 11:22:46"
        Returns T if World1 is a subworld of World2. World1 and World2 
	must each be either a unit or a description.)]
   (SuspendMe [LAMBDA NIL]            BOBROW  "21-DEC-75 01:00:33"
        Suspends a call so it can be continued but does NOT put it on 
	the agenda)]
   (TEMPUNITS File                    LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 12:29:51"
   (TEST [LAMBDA (atomList file]      LEVY  " 9-FEB-76 13:21:25"
   (TestAndMergeModals [LAMBDA (ml d] HTHOMPSON  " 1-JUL-76 14:55:30"
        adds non-duplicate modals from ml to d:dModals AND propagates)]
   (the Keyword                       HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:48"
        in SPECIFICATION)]
   (then Keyword                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:48"
        in CONTINGENCY)]
   (theOne Keyword                    HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:48"
        in FUNCTIONAL)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:53"
   (TimeBound Keyword                 HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:53"
        in TIMEBOUND)]
   (TIMEBOUNDD (RECORD TIMEBOUNDD (timeBooundD timeDescriptionD)
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:04"
        for timebound descriptions)]
   (TMEM File                         LEHNERT  " 4-JUL-76 11:43:53"
   (TMPUNITS File                     LEHNERT  "14-JUN-76 15:34:30"
   (TRANSMATCH File                   BOBROW  "12-MAR-76 19:54:24"
   (TRAPS Keyword                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:48"
        introduces a trap set in a SLOT)
   (traps Field                       KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:28:18"
        in record SLOT)]
   (TRIGGERS Keyword                  HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:48"
        introduces a trigger set in a SLOT)
   (triggers Field                    KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:28:10"
        in record SLOT)]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:09"
        for trap and treigger set descriptions)]
   (TSAV File                         LEHNERT  "11-JUL-76 21:15:01"
   (TSTCRYPT File                     PMARTIN  " 5-JUN-76 18:22:29"
        Loads cryptarithmetic system to test a new Krl)]
   (turn2 UNIT                        LEHNERT  "24-JUN-76 10:00:28"
   (TYPE Field                        KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:00:17"
        in record NAMESUBENTRY)]
   (UDEF [NLAMBDA ARGS]               KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:38:50"
        The user-level function for defining a single named unit. ARGS 
	is a unit description in type-in notation. E.g. 
	"UDEF(FOO UNIT Basic...)." Note that only one set of outer 
	parens is needed. UDEF notifies the file package of the new 
	unit's name.)]
   (UNAME Field                       KAPLAN  "18-JUL-76 16:04:29"
        in record UNIT)]
   (UNDEFINEDUNITS Variable           HTHOMPSON  "12-JAN-76 23:09:39"
        A list which attempts to contain all unresolved forward 
	references. All unresolved forward references should be on the 
	list, but I don't guarentee that all entries on the list are 
   (UnFold [LAMBDA (dn]               HTHOMPSON  "16-JUN-76 18:13:10"
        Splits the descriptors in the description dn as necessary to 
	reflect their seperate modalities)]
   (UNIT [DATATYPE UNIT (UNAME categoryType metaDescription slots)
		   categoryType ← (QUOTE UNDEFINEDUNIT)
		   (ASSOCRECORD metaDescription
		     (unitName [PROG (ATM (D DATUM))
				     (RETURN (OR (fetch UNAME of D)
						 (PROGN (SETQ
							  (GENSYM (QUOTE U)))
							(replace UNAME of D with 
							(replace UNIT of ATM with 
			       (PROG ((D DATUM)
				      (NV NEWVALUE))
				     (RETURN (COND ((fetch UNAME of D)
						      "Attempt to rename unit" D))
						   (T (replace UNAME of D with NV)
						      (replace UNIT of NV with D)
                                      KAPLAN  "18-JUL-76 16:03:41"
        This is the basic declaration of the UNIT datatype. The only interesting 
	finesse is that the field UNAME is not really public. The proper way to 
	access the name of a unit is through the field unitName. This is an access 
	function that creates a name for previously un-named units. Note that if a 
	unit doesn't already have a name in its UNAME field, it will be created. 
	Also note the error checking for storing a unitName of a previously named 
   (UNIT Keyword                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 16:10:39"
        in UNIT)
   (UNIT Field                        KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 11:44:25"
        in record UNITTABLE)]
   (UNITBUILD File                    HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 09:33:55"
        Contains the functions etc for building type in forms of units)]
   (unitBuildFns Variable             HTHOMPSON  "17-DEC-75 09:36:47"
        list of the functions for building descriptions (type in)
	of data types. Lives on UNITBUILD)]
   (unitCreateFns Variable        HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:49"
        a list of the unit creating functions. lives on UNITFORM)]
   (UNITD (RECORD UNITD (unitNameD unitD categoryTypeD . unitRestD)
		  unitD←'UNIT)        HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:36:09"
        for unit descriptions)]
   (UnitDesc [LAMBDA (u]              HTHOMPSON  "15-JUL-76 16:05:02"
        For u a unit or unitname returns a UnitDesc with it as dBody)]
   (UNITFNS File                      KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:32:00"
        Contains the functions and variables for printing and reading 
	UNITS on files, for editing UNITS, defining UNITS, and 
	spelling-correcting unit names)
   (UNITFNS Variable                  KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 15:00:55"
        List of functions on the file UNITFNS)]
   (UNITFORM File                     HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:48"
        contains stuff validating, building, units)]
   (unitName Field                    KAPLAN  "18-JUL-76 16:03:46"
        in record UNIT)]
   (UnitNameP [LAMBDA (ATOM]          HTHOMPSON  "18-DEC-75 18:55:47"
        True if ATOM has a unit)]
   (Unitp [LAMBDA (unit]              BOBROW  "20-DEC-75 23:45:05"
        this function returns unit if it is one, NIL otherwise)
   (UnitP [LAMBDA (PTR]               KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:56:07"
        Returns unit if it is a unit, NIL otherwise.)]
   (UNITS: Prettydefmacro             KAPLAN  "19-DEC-75 16:03:34"
        To dump units on a LOADable file, put "(UNITS: unitnamelist)" 
	or "(UNITS: (unitname1 unitname2 ...))" in the file's commands. 
	In the first case, the atom unitnamelist is evaluated to get 
	the list of unitnames to use. In the second case, the units 
	explicitly mentioned in the command are dumped. This is the 
	standard USYS way of interpreting arguments to pretty commands.)
                                      KAPLAN  "22-DEC-75 11:43:40"
        Uses the LISP atom table to map unitname atoms into their 
   (UNITS? [LAMBDA (FILES]            KAPLAN  "27-DEC-75 14:44:40"
        Returns a list of the names of all "known" units--units that belong to the 
	files on FILES {or FILELST} or are found on CHANGEDUNITS.)]
   (unitValidateFns Variable          HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:35:49"
        a list of the unit syntax checking functions. lives on UNITFORM)
   (USER Field                        KAPLAN  "20-DEC-75 12:00:18"
        in record NAMESUBENTRY)]
   (UnWrap [LAMBDA (description world]
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 9-FEB-76 21:01:10"
        returns the description contained in a contingency in 
	description whose time spec is a subworld of world)]
                                      KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:45:08"
        Interrogates the name data-base on FILE or NAMEFILE:TOPVAL. If 
	PRINTFLAG and VALUEFLAG are both NIL, then USE? returns T if it 
	can find an entry for NAME, otherwise NIL. If PRINTFLAG is T, 
	it will display the current information on NAME before 
	returning. If VALUEFLAG is T, then it will read and return the 
	current information as a list structure. If VALUEFLAG=1, then 
	it will return a single sub-entry; the user will be interviewed 
	if NAME has multiple meanings. E.g. "USE?(NEWNAME T)" will 
	return the current description of NEWNAME, regardless of the 
	letter cases.)]
   (ValidateActionTableDescr [LAMBDA (actionTableD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:49"
        checks the description of an action table for validity. See 
   (ValidateDescriptionDescr [LAMBDA (descrD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:49"
        checks a description description for validity. See 
   (ValidateDescriptorDescr [LAMBDA (descrrD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:49"
        checks a descriptor description for validity. See 
   (ValidateDFpairs [LAMBDA (dl]      HTHOMPSON  "28-MAR-76 12:42:41"
        validates a list of descriptors and (possibly)
	features. used by vdescription and vdescriptor:definite)]
   (ValidateFeaturesDescr [LAMBDA (featuresD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:50"
        checks the validity of a features list. See ValidateUnitDescr.)]
   (ValidateKrlForm [LAMBDA (form type sflg pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 16:54:24"
        Determines whether form is a valid type in version of some KRL 
	structure of type type. Spelling corrects and canonicalizes 
	keywords. Causes an error if any syntactic errors are found. 
	See KrlFormTYpe for list of types. If sflg is non-NIL, checks 
	slot names in perspectives for existence, signals 
	<'BadSlotInPerspective perspective-description> if one occurs 
	which shouldn't. if pflg is non-NIL, willl ask about spelling 
   (ValidateMetaDescriptionDescr [LAMBDA (metaD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:50"
        checks a MetaDescription for validity. See ValidateUnitDescr)]
   (ValidateMetaDescriptorDescr [LAMBDA (metaD]
                                      HTHOMPSON  " 4-JAN-76 17:33:49"
        Validates the type in formof a meta descriptor)]
   (ValidateSlotDescr [LAMBDA (slotD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:51"
        checks a slot description for validity. See ValidateUnitDescr)]
   (ValidateTrSetDescr [LAMBDA NIL]   HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:51"
        checks the description of a trap or trigger set for validity. 
	See ValidateUnitDescr.)]
   (ValidateUnitDescr [LAMBDA (unitD pflg]
                                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:51"
        if unitD is a valid UNIT description all the way down it is 
   (with Keyword                      HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:52"
        in PERSPECTIVE)]
   (WMTCH File                        LEHNERT  " 6-JUL-76 15:19:43"
   (WorldWrap [LAMBDA (descriptor]    LEVY  "13-JAN-76 10:00:34"
        If (GetWorld call)
	is non-NIL, then wraps descriptor in a CONTINGENCY and returns 
	it, else returns descriptor.)]
   (WRITENAMES [LAMBDA (NAMES FILE]   KAY  "16-DEC-75 15:34:52"
        Makes a new NAME data base using the A-list provided. FILE is 
	defaulted to the value of NAMEFILE:TOPVAL, but with a new 
	version number. "(WRITENAMES (SORT (READNAMES) T))" is all that 
	is necessary to cleanup the data base.)]
   (XOR Keyword                       HTHOMPSON  "16-DEC-75 15:34:52"
        in BOOLEAN)]
   (INIT.LISP File                    MODEL  "19-AUG-76 00:15:06"
   (PairIndividualElements [LAMBDA NIL]
                                      PMARTIN  "19-AUG-76 13:29:51"
        Pairs up elements which are the same individual in patelements 
	and datelements)]
   (MatchOr [LAMBDA (cases]           PMARTIN  "19-AUG-76 14:40:49"
   (M UNIT                            WINOGRAD  "19-AUG-76 17:57:27"
   (Set UNIT                          LEVY  "20-AUG-76 19:50:43"
   (WordSequence UNIT                 LEVY  "20-AUG-76 19:53:58"
   (PatternHypothesis UNIT            LEVY  "20-AUG-76 19:55:47"
   (EQCONTROL.OLD File                LEVY  "20-AUG-76 21:46:00"
   (MARGIE UNIT                       LEVY  "20-AUG-76 21:53:08"
   (Person UNIT                       LEVY  "20-AUG-76 21:55:13"
   (FemalePerson UNIT                 LEVY  "20-AUG-76 21:55:41"
   (ProperNoun UNIT                   LEVY  "20-AUG-76 21:58:05"
   (NounPhrase UNIT                   LEVY  "20-AUG-76 21:58:53"
   (HypothesizePattern [LAMBDA (pattern data]
                                      LEVY  "21-AUG-76 11:31:05"
   (Blob UNIT                         LEVY  "21-AUG-76 11:38:33"
   (ProperNounPhrasePattern UNIT      LEVY  "21-AUG-76 11:57:54"
   (SubjectVerbPattern UNIT           LEVY  "22-AUG-76 20:57:29"
   (NominalPattern UNIT               LEVY  "22-AUG-76 21:21:26"
   (WordPattern UNIT                  LEVY  "22-AUG-76 23:58:08"
   (EQPARSE.OLD File                  LEVY  "23-AUG-76 00:17:15"
   (Pattern UNIT                      LEVY  "23-AUG-76 00:50:01"
   (Hypothesis UNIT                   LEVY  "23-AUG-76 00:57:42"
   (AbstractionRelation UNIT          LEVY  "23-AUG-76 20:38:57"
   (PartWholeRelation UNIT            LEVY  "23-AUG-76 20:41:31"
   (RelationHypothesis UNIT           LEVY  "23-AUG-76 20:43:21"
   (AppendToSet [LAMBDA (unit view slotName descr descrType]
                                      LEVY  "24-AUG-76 21:12:22"
   (FurtherAbstractionRelation UNIT   LEVY  "24-AUG-76 21:52:05"
   (Parser UNIT                       LEVY  "24-AUG-76 21:59:55"
   (SubpartRelation UNIT              LEVY  "24-AUG-76 22:36:57"
   (FollowDataSpecifications [LAMBDA (cases]
                                      PMARTIN  "26-AUG-76 11:15:13"
   (MatchOrDat [LAMBDA (mchFn]        PMARTIN  "26-AUG-76 21:16:35"
   (MatchXorDat [LAMBDA (cases]       PMARTIN  "26-AUG-76 22:24:04"
   (PairLastTwoElements [LAMBDA NIL]  PMARTIN  "26-AUG-76 22:46:56"
   (PairLastFewElements [LAMBDA NIL]  PMARTIN  "26-AUG-76 23:04:52"
   (MatchAllItems [LAMBDA (cases]     PMARTIN  "27-AUG-76 00:22:51"
   (MatchBasic [LAMBDA (cases]        PMARTIN  "27-AUG-76 11:33:25"
   (MatchSpecialization [LAMBDA (cases]
                                      PMARTIN  "27-AUG-76 11:34:19"
   (MatchNotItems [LAMBDA (cases]     PMARTIN  "27-AUG-76 11:49:41"
   (EQUTILITY File                    LEVY  "29-AUG-76 13:52:50"
   (EQLANGUAGEUNITS File              LEVY  "29-AUG-76 13:59:34"
   (EQLANGUAGE File                   LEVY  "29-AUG-76 14:06:10"
   (LexicalItem UNIT                  LEVY  "29-AUG-76 17:33:53"
   (FurtherSpecify [LAMBDA (hypRecord]
                                      LEVY  "30-AUG-76 20:36:27"
   (FillNextSubpattern [LAMBDA (hypRecord]
                                      LEVY  "31-AUG-76 01:25:16"
   (FillNextSubpattern1 [LAMBDA NIL]  LEVY  "31-AUG-76 01:32:13"
   (GetContinuationStatus [LAMBDA (patDescr]
                                      LEVY  "31-AUG-76 02:21:24"
   (NounPhrasePattern UNIT            LEVY  "31-AUG-76 06:57:27"
   (TakeFirstWinDat [LAMBDA (descrs matchFn]
                                      PMARTIN  "31-AUG-76 17:55:51"
   (LOADPARSER File                   LEVY  "31-AUG-76 21:11:59"
   (MatchPat [LAMBDA (p d]            PMARTIN  " 7-SEP-76 12:27:10"
   (MatchDat [LAMBDA (newPat]         PMARTIN  " 7-SEP-76 12:40:52"
   (NEWSAMTABLES.OLD File             LEVY  " 9-SEP-76 21:38:01"
   (DL [NLAMBDA X]                    KAPLAN  "16-DEC-76 15:15:21"
        For Defining Lambda functions. NAME is the function name, ARGS its 
	arguments, and BODY the rest of its definition. Asks for a comment, which 
	will be added to the current names data-base, and also will be inserted as 
	the leading comment in the function.)]
   (DL [NLAMBDA (NAME ARGS . BODY]    KAPLAN  "16-DEC-76 17:14:02"
        For Defining Lambda functions. NAME is the function name, ARGS its 
	arguments, and BODY the rest of its definition. Asks for a comment, which 
	will be added to the current names data-base, and also will be inserted as 
	the leading comment in the function.)]
   (DN [NLAMBDA (NAME ARGS . BODY]    KAPLAN  "16-DEC-76 17:15:51"
        Like DL, except that it Defines Nlambdas.)]
   (FOO [LAMBDA FUM]                  KAPLAN  "16-DEC-76 17:34:14"
        A TEST)]
   (FOO [LAMBDA (A . B]               KAPLAN  "16-DEC-76 17:35:10"
        ANOTHER TEST)]
                                      KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:57:29"
        Prints the NAME data base on OUTPUTFILE. NAMEINDEX is either an 
	in-core name-index as read by READNAMES, or a filename from 
	which an a-list will be obtained by SORT. Note that 
	NAMEINDEX=NIL causes the current data-base file on NAMEFILES:1 
	to be read. If OUTPUTFILE=NIL, then NAMEFILES:1 is used with 
	extension .PRINTNAMES. In the simplest case, "PRINTNAMES()" 
	will read and print the current data-base. The third argument 
	TITLE is optional. If given, it will be printed across the top 
	of the first page in a bold font, and the file will be 
	terminated by ↑L. This allows multiple files to be appended 
                                      KAPLAN  "12-JAN-76 23:57:29"
        Prints the NAME data base on OUTPUTFILE. NAMEINDEX is either an 
	in-core name-index as read by READNAMES, or a filename from 
	which a name-index will be obtained by READNAMES. Note that 
	NAMEINDEX=NIL causes the current data-base file on NAMEFILES:1 
	to be read. If OUTPUTFILE=NIL, then NAMEFILES:1 is used with 
	extension .PRINTNAMES. In the simplest case, "PRINTNAMES()" 
	will read and print the current data-base. The third argument 
	TITLE is optional. If given, it will be printed across the top 
	of the first page in a bold font, and the file will be 
	terminated by ↑L. This allows multiple files to be appended 
                                      KAPLAN  "28-DEC-76 17:46:27"
        If COMMENT is non-NIL, it is simply returned. Otherwise, this 
	function conducts the comment-getting interview with the user. 
	It prompts with PROMPTNAME if given, or with 
	"Do you want to enter a comment?" Any user-provided comment is 