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April 28, 1979 11:27 AM[IVY]krl>document>outline-matchspecs
Part 1. The conceptual background
1.1 The underlying semantics of KRL-1
Descriptions, entities, and representation
Concept systems and inference
Reasoning as a process of inference and activation
Primary descriptions
1.2 The basic processes
A definition of finding
Simple examples of comparing
A definition of the comparision processes
Modifying description structures
Simple examples of adding description
1.3 Reasoning as done by the interpreter
Search in a loosely coupled monotonic problem space
The structure of the interpreter
Data structures
The reasoning process
System events and responses
The basic classes of event descriptions
The invocation of servants and demons
Part 2. A user’s-eye specification of the system
2.1 LISP forms for invoking basic description operations
Expressions for basic description operations
Process descriptions
Inference and access limitations
Scheduling and resources
Shared contexts
Result descriptions for Seek
* Standard triggers and traps
* Fancier forms of answers and process control
* View-As
* Partial results and resource scheduling
* Comparative matches
* Bindings and closures
* Complications introduced by multiple worlds and changing worlds
* The notion of a world
* The semantics of changing worlds
* Current world stamps
* Syntax for ReDescribe, Update, UnDescribe
* Filters and TLWCDO
* Complications introduced by sets and sequences
* The semantics of changing sets and sequences
* Syntax for Augment, Remove
* Complications introduced by further specification hierarchies, clusters, etc.
* Interfacing with LISP variables
* Signal paths, etc. (no overriding), user generated signals
* Summary of the available forms
Part 3. An implementation specification of the system
* Compilation, and the handling of simple cases
* Generate and Test in Seek
* Discrimination nets and multiple response sets
* Implementation issues
* The structure of the compiler
* Surface/deep tradeoff for Describe
* Factoring of worlds in internal form
* Saving (caching) of active forms
* standard descriptions for agenda items added by responses