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April 18, 1979 6:56 PM [IVY]<KRL>document>ex-flow
An Example from Danny’s FLOW units
# Command11: A Unit; Which HasFunctional(name, Uses, argument)
self:A ComputerInput
An ActionInitiator with
starter = WhichIs Typing A Letter
with device = A Keyboard
response =
LegalityOf (The starter from an ActionInitiator thatIs My self)
\Illegal ~ @22: A SensoryDescriptor
\Legal ~ A ScreenOutput with
display = SequenceOf (\An EnglishWord)
An Effector with
initiator = WhichIs Typing My typeIn
result = My purpose
name:3 A String
Or(An EnglishWord, WhichIs SequenceOf \An EnglishWord)
3:A RequiredSlot
DoWhenKnown (MakeKey(\WhichIs MeaningOf My name))
Or(A Letter, SequenceOf (\A Letter))
The firstLetter from a String thatIs My name
typeIn:<My abbrevName, My argument>
The inverse from
an Effector with initiator = An EraseCharacter
argument: Or(A String, Nothing)
purpose:4 A ComputerState4: An OptionalSlot