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October 12, 1977 4:50 PM[IVY]<KRL>document>ex-crypt-new
Some examples from Cryptarithmetic for testing KRL1
This is intended for use as a benchmark test program. It is not a full-fledged program, but a set of sample units and test examples.
# Blank
self: A Letter with value = 0
# Column↑1
1: TriggerOnAny
({topLetter, bottomLetter, sumLetter}, WhenFilled, ’(ColumnLetterFilled))
({sum, carryIn, carryOut}, WhenFilled, ’(ProcessColumn INSTANCE))
leftNeighbor: A Column with rightNeighbor = My self
rightNeighbor: A Column with leftNeighbor = My self
topLetter: A Letter with appearances = {My self, ...}
bottomLetter: A Letter with appearances = {My self, ...}
sumLetter: A Letter with appearances = {My self, ...}
sum:↑2 An Integer2: Trigger (WhenFilled, ’(ColumnSumFilled))
carryIn:↑3 An Integer3: Trigger (WhenFilled, ’(ColumnCarryFilled NIL))
carryOut:↑4 An Integer4: Trigger (WhenFilled, ’(ColumnCarryFilled T))
# EvenInteger↑1
1: Trigger(ToMatch, ’(EQ(IREMAINDER (SeekMy Pointer self) 2)0))
self: An Integer
# Letter
self:↑11: Trigger(WhenIdentified,
\A Letter with possibleValues = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,89}/
(MatchTable SimpleDescribe)))
value:↑2 An Integer
2: Trigger(WhenDescribed,
’(OR (IsPostDesccriptor NEWDESCRIPTOR)
\A Letter with
possibleValues =
@Do (’(SubstituteElement
Trigger(WhenFilled, ’(LetterValueFilled))
possibleValues:↑3 SetOf(An Integer)
3: Trigger(WhenEnumerationChanged, ’(PossibleValuesChanged))
appearances: SetOf(A Column)
# MagnitudeOrder↑11: HasFunctional(higher, AtLeast, lower)
HasFunctional(lower, AtMost, higher)
higher:↑2 An Integer2: Trigger(ToMatch, ’(MatchMagnitude NIL))
lower:↑3 An Integer3: Trigger(ToMatch, ’(MatchMagnitude T))
# OddInteger↑1
1: Trigger(ToMatch, ’(EQ(IREMAINDER (SeekMy Pointer self) 2)1))
self: An Integer
# OneBlank↑1
1: Trigger (ToMatch,
\Or (A Column with
topLetter = @Do(’(Bind x Primary))
@Do(’(Describe \A Letter with
value = Not(0)/))
bottomLetter = Blank,
A Column with
topLetter = Blank
bottomLetter =@Do(’(Bind x Primary))
@Do(’(Describe \A Letter with
value = Not(0)/)))
\A OneBlank with
letter = !Coref (ValueOf x)
A Column with
carryOut = 0
carryIn = !Post (if (EQH (SeekMy Primary sumLetter)
(ValueOf x))
then 0 else 1)/))/)
self: A Column
letter: A Letter
# Problem↑1
1: TriggerOnAny ({topWord, bottomWord, sumWord},
\A Column with
topWord = @Do (’(Bind top Pointer))
bottomWord = @Do (’(Bind bottom Pointer))
sumWord = @Do (’(Bind sum Pointer))/
(MatchTable SeekOneBindingSet StructuralMatch))))
topWord: A String
bottomWord: A String
sumWord: A String
columns: SetOf(A Column)
lettersUsed: SetOf(A Letter)
# SumEqualsAddend↑1
1: Trigger (ToMatch,
\Or (A Column with
topLetter = @Do(’(Bind x Primary))
bottomLetter = @Do(’(Bind other Primary))
sumLetter = @Do(’(Bind x Primary)),
A Column with
topLetter = @Do(’(Bind other Primary))
bottomLetter = @Do(’(Bind x Primary))
sumLetter =@Do(’(Bind x Primary)))
\A SumEqualsAddend with
loneLetter = !Coref (ValueOf ’other)/))
\Trap(WhenDescribed, ’(TrySEAStrategy)/)/))
self: Or(A Column with
topLetter = My loneLetter
bottomLetter = The sumLetter from My self,
A Column with
topLetter = The sumLetter from My self
bottomLetter = My loneLetter)
loneLetter: A Letter↑2
2: Trigger (WhenFilled,
’(Align FILLER \A Letter with value = MemberOf{0,9}/))
# TwinAddend↑1
1: Trigger (ToMatch,
\A Column with
topLetter = @Do(’(Bind x Primary))
bottomLetter = @Do(’(Bind x Primary))
\A TwinAddend with
letter = !Coref (ValueOf x)/))
\Trap(WhenDescribed, ’(TryTwinStrategy)/)/))
self: A Column with
topLetter = My letter
bottomLetter = My letter
letter: A Letter
doubleValue: An Integer
# TwoBlanks↑1
1: Trigger (ToMatch,
\A Column with
topLetter = Blank
bottomLetter =Blank
@Do(’(Describe \A Column with
sum = 1
carryIn = 1
A TwoBlanks/))/)
self: A Column with
topLetter = Blank
bottomLetter = Blank
[ColumnCarryFilled ((carryOut BOOL (* tells whether this is carry out as opposed to in))
(RETURNS Irrelevant))
(DPROG((neighbor (if carryOut
then (SeekMy Primary leftNeighbor)
else (SeekMy Primary rightNeighbor))
(ONEOF SlotAnchor NIL)))
(if (NOT neighbor)
then NIL
elseif carryOut
then (Align neighbor
\A Column with carryIn = !Pointer (IQUOTIENT FILLER 10)/
(MatchTable DescribeMT))
else (Align neighbor
\A Column with carryOut = !Pointer (ITIMES 10 FILLER)/
(MatchTable DescribeMT))]
[ColumnLetterFilled ((RETURNS Irrelevant))
\A Problem with lettersUsed = @Do (’(AddElement \!Coref FILLER/))/)
\A Letter with appearances = @Do(’(AddElement \!Coref INSTANCE/))/))
\A Column with
topLetter = @Do (’(Bind NIL Primary))
bottomLetter = @Do (’(Bind NIL Primary))
sumLetter = @Do (’(Bind NIL Primary))/)
(Align INSTANCE \A TwoBlanks/ (MatchTable DoTriggers))
(Align INSTANCE \A OneBlank/ (MatchTable DoTriggers))
(Align INSTANCE \A TwinAddend/ (MatchTable DoTriggers))
(Align INSTANCE \A SumEqualsAddend/ (MatchTable DoTriggers)))]
[ColumnSumFilled ((RETURNS Irrelevant))
\A Column with
carryOut = !Post (if (GREATERP FILLER 9) then 10 else 0)
sumLetter = A Letter with
value = !Post (IREMAINDER FILLER 10)/
(MatchTable SimpleTriggeringDescribe)]
[MatchMagnitude ((higherPat BOOL)(RETURNS Irrelevant))
(DPROG((datumValue (Align DATUM
\@Do(’(Bind x Pointer))/
(MatchTable SimpleSeek))
(if datumValue
then (RETURN
((lower (if higherPat
\A MagnitudeOrder with
lower = @Do(’(Bind x Pointer))/
(MatchTable SimpleSeek))
else datumValue)
(higher (if higherPath then datumValue
\A MagnitudeOrder with
higher = @Do(’(Bind x Pointer))/
(MatchTable SimpleSeek)))
(RETURN (if (NOT (AND higher lower))
then ’SKIP
elseif (GREATERP lower higher)
then ’FAIL
else ’ALLOK]
[PossibleValuesChanged ((RETURNS Irrelevant))
(0 (NoPossibleValue))
(1 (DPROG((value
\{@Do(’(Bind x Pointer))}/
(MatchTable SimpleSeek))
\A Letter with value = !Pointer value/
(MatchTable SimpleDescribe))))
[Test1 ((RETURNS Irrelevant))
(DPROGN ((CURRENTPROBLEM SlotHandle (BOUNDIN global environment)))
(* evaluating the nexus for the self slot should create the unit)
(CURRENTPROBLEM ← (Align \!Name (GENSYM ’Problem)/
\@Do (’(Bind x Primary))/))
\A Problem with
topWord = "DONALD"
bottomWord = "GERALD"
sumWord = "ROBERT"/
(MatchTable SimpleDescribe))
(Align \$D:self \A Letter with value = 5/ (MatchTable SimpleDescribe]
[GetLetters ((string STRINGP) (pad BOOL)(RETURNS (LISTP OF SlotAnchor)))
(* used in setting up the problem, to get a sequence of
letter units corresponding to the words in the problem
statement. Returns list in right to left order.
The extra blanks are in case the sum is longer than one or
both of the addends)
(DPROG ((charList (for character in (UNPACK string)
collect (GetSlot character ’self))
(LISTP OF SlotAnchor)))
(RETURN (REVERSE (if pad then charList
else <(GetSlot ’Blank ’self) ! charList>]
[ProblemDone ((RETURNS Irrelevant))
\A Problem with
lettersAppearing =
{..., @Do(’(LispApply ’PrintValueForLetter))}/
(MatchTable DoMultiples StructuralMatch))]
[LAMBDA (column)
(CallIfNeeded 2 ’ProcessSummation <\(the sum from (a Column whichIs @column))>)
(CallIfNeeded 2 ’ProcessSummation column)
(TryRepeatableStrategies column])
[LetterValueFilled ((RETURNS Irrelevant))
\A Problem with
lettersAppearing =
SetOf(A Letter with value = @Do(’(Bind NIL Pointer)))/)
then (ProblemDone)(RETURN))
\A Letter with
appearances = {..., @Do(’(LispApply ’ProcessColumn ME))}/
(MatchTable DoMultiples SimpleStructuralMatch))
\A Problem with
lettersAppearing =
Or(!Primary INSTANCE,
A Letter with
possibleValues =
@Do(’(SubstituteElement NIL \!Pointer FILLER/)))}/
(MatchTable DoMultiples SimpleStructuralMatch))
\A Letter with
possibleValues = @Do(’(Substitute \{}/))/
(MatchTable SimpleStructuralMatch)))
[LAMBDA (column)
(PROG (loneLetter loneValue carryIn carryOut)
(loneLetter ← (Item (the loneLetter from
(a SumEqualsAddend whichIs @column))))
(loneValue ← (Item (the value from (a Letter whichIs @loneLetter))))
(carryIn ← (Item (the carryIn from (a Column whichIs @column))))
(carryOut ← (Item (the carryOut from (a Column whichIs @column))))
(if (AND carryIn carryOut loneValue) then NIL
elseif (OR (EQ carryIn 1) (EQ carryOut 10) (EQ loneValue 9))
then (Describe column \(a Column with carryIn = 1 carryOut = 10))
(Describe loneLetter \(a Letter with value = 9))
elseif (OR (EQ carryIn 0) (EQ carryOut 0) (EQ loneValue 0))
then (Describe column \(a Column with carryIn = 0 carryOut = 0))
(Describe loneLetter \(a Letter with value = 0])
[LAMBDA (componentDescs sumDesc)
(PROG ((sumItem ($ \SeekPointer(!D sumDesc))
(knownSum 0) unknowns number)
(for descr in componentDescs
do (if number ← ($ \SeekPointer(!D descr))
then (knownSum ← knownSum+number)
else (push unknowns descr))
(if (NOT unknowns)
then (if (NOT sumItem)
then ($ InvertDesc(!H sumDesc, !R knownSum))
elseif (NOT (sumItem = knownSum))
then ($ \Event(An Impossible
A ColumnSumContradiction))
elseif (AND sumItem (NOT unknowns:2)))
then ($ InvertDesc(!H (unknowns:1), !R (sumItem - knownSum))
elseif ($ \CheckResources(...???...))
then (ProcessForBounds sumDesc sumItem unknowns knownSum)
(ProcessForLinear sumDesc sumItem unknowns knownSum)]
[LAMBDA (sumDesc sumItem unknowns knownSum)
(if (AND sumItem (NOT unknowns:3))
then (ProcessLinear unknowns:1 unknowns:2
(sumItem - knownSum) ’x>>))
(ProcessLinear unknowns:2 unknowns:1
(sumItem - knownSum) ’x>>))
elseif (AND (NOT sumItem)(NOT unknowns:2))
then (ProcessLinear unknowns:1 sumDescr
<’LAMBDA ’(x) <’PLUS knownSum ’x>>))
(ProcessLinear sumDescr unknowns:1
<’LAMBDA ’(x) <’DIFFERENCE knownSum ’x>>))])
[LAMBDA (sumDesc sumItem unknowns knownSum)
(PROG (minSum maxSum newMin newMax mins maxes minsTotal maxesTotal)
(mins ← (for descr in unknowns
collect (GetMinimumValue descr)))))
(maxesTotal ← (APPLY (FUNCTION PLUS)
(maxes ← (for descr in unknowns
collect (GetMaximumValue descr)))))
(if sumItem then minSum ← maxSum ← sumItem
else (maxSum ← (GetMaximumValue sumDesc T))
(newMax ← (knownSum + maxesTotal)
(if newMax LT maxSum
then maxSum ← newMax
($ \InvertDesc(!H sumDesc, AtMost !R newMax)))
(minSum ← (GetMinimumValue sumDesc T))
(newMin ← (knownSum + minsTotal)
(if newMin GT minSum
then minSum ← newMin
($ \InvertDesc(!H sumDesc, AtLeast !R newMin))))
(for descr in unknowns
as myMax in maxes
as myMin in mins
do (newMin ← (minSum - (knownSum + (maxTotal - myMax))))
(if newMin LT myMin
then minTotal ← minTotal + newMin - myMin
($ \InvertDesc(!H descr, AtLeast !R newMin))))
(newMax ← (maxSum - (knownSum + (minTotal - myMin))))
(if newMax GT myMax
then maxTotal ← maxTotal + newMax - myMax
($ \InvertDesc(!H descr, AtMost !R newMax))))
[LAMBDA (first second formula)
(PROG (firstPossibilities secondPossibilities)
(firstPossibilities ← (GetPossibilities first))
(secondPossibilities ← (GetPossibilities second))
newPossibilities ← (collect x in firstPossibilities
when (FMEMB (Apply formula x) secondPossibilities))
(if (NOT (EQUAL firstPossibilities newPossibilities))
then (Describe first \(In @(MakeKrlSequence newPossibilities))))])
[LAMBDA (componentDescs sumDesc)
(PROG ((sumParity (GetParity sumDesc))
(knownParity 0) unknowns parity)
(for descr in componentDescs
do (if parity ← (GetParity descr)
then knownParity ← (IREMAINDER(parity+knownParity 2))
else (push unknowns descr))
(if (NOT unknowns)
then (if (NOT sumParity)
then ($ \InvertDesc(!H sumDesc, !D (ParityDescriptor knownParity)))
elseif (NOT (sumParity = knownParity))
then ($ \Event(An Impossible; A ParityContradiction))
elseif (AND sumParity (NOT unknowns:2)))
then ($ InvertDesc(!H (unknowns:1),
!D (ParityDescriptor (sumParity - knownParity)]
[LAMBDA NIL (* Called whenever
conflicting assignments
are made in the real
world as opposed to in
hypothetical worlds.)
(printout NIL (PPU currentProblem)
T "This problem is not well-formed." T)
[SetUpProblem ((bindings (LST OF Binding)))
(* if bindings are NIL, not all three words have been filled in)
(DPROG((columns NIL (LISTP OF SlotAnchor)))
(if (OR (NOT bindings)
\A Problem with columns = {...}/
(MatchTable StructuralMatch))
then (* problem is not ready or already set up) (RETURN))
(for total in (GetLetters (ValueOf ’sum bindings))
as top in (GetLetters (ValueOf ’top bindings) T)
as bottom in (GetLetters (ValueOf ’bottom bindings) T)
do (PUSH columns (SlotFor (GENSYM "C") ’self))
\A Problem with
columns = @Do (’(AddElement \!Coref columns:1/))/)
(Align columns:1
\(a Column with
topLetter = !Coref top
bottomLetter = !Coref bottom
sumLetter =!Coref total/
(MatchTable DescribeMT))
(if columns::1
then (Align columns:1
\A Column with rightNeighbor = !Coref columns:2/
(MatchTable DescribeMT))
(Align columns:2
\A Column with leftNeighbor = !Coref columns:1/
(MatchTable DescribeMT))
else (Align columns:1 \A Column with carryIn = 0/
(MatchTable DescribeMT)))
finally (Align columns:1 \A Column with carryOut = 0/
(MatchTable DescribeMT))]
[LAMBDA (unit descriptionList)
(* for each description in descriptionList, a hypothetical
world is created, and the description is added to unit as a
contingency. This is done with a limit on the priority level
of calls which propagate from it, so it goes on for a short
time finding implications. It is also done with a signal
catcher which converts all contradictions into a top level
rejection of the hypothesis. If all but the last one are
rejected, it is returned as the value.
If more than one is asserted without contradiction,
TestCases returns NIL.)
(bind (world possibilities)
for desc in descriptionList
do (if (AND (NOT possibilities)(EQ desc descriptionList:-1))
then (RETURN desc))
(world←(NewUnit (GENSYM "H")))
(Describe world \(a Hypothesis with base = @unit assumption = @desc)))
(SetWorld world (Call 2 ’Describe <unit desc \(Contingent @world)>))
(RescheduleMe 3)
(* this causes the Current call to be suspended and its
continuation put at Level 3 on the agenda, so it will not be
called until all of the level 1 and 2 propagation is
(if (NOT (EQUAL "Impossible"
(Item (the status from (a Hypothesis whichIs @world)))))
then possibilities← <desc ! possibilities>)
(if possibilities:2 then (RETURN NIL)))
finally (RETURN possibilities:1])
[LAMBDA (number)
(* used when there are only two or three alternatives for a letter.
sets up alternative worlds in which the letters have the
given values and looks for contradictions.)
(PROG (letter cases goodGuy)
(if letter ← (exists letter
in (ItemSequence (the freeLetters from
(a Problem whichIs @currentProblem)))
when (AND (cases ← (GetPossibilities \(the value from
(a Letter whichIs @letter))))
(NOT (LESSP number (LENGTH cases)))
(goodGuy ←(TestCases letter
(for case in cases
collect \(a Letter with value = @case)))
then (Describe letter goodGuy])
(PROG ((column (Item (this instance))
(columnType (Item (this template))
(matchDescription (Item (the matchDesc from
(a ColumnDescription whichIs (this template)))))
(strategy (Item (the strategy from
(a ColumnDescription whichIs (this template))))))
(if matchDescription
then (Match matchDescription column \(an AddBindings)))
(if strategy
then (Call 4 strategy <column>)])
NewUnit takes only one arg which is the name
Need MakeKrlSequence -- takes LISP list of individuals, produces sequence description
ItSequence is like It, but returns list of individuals
AddBindings is a description of a match
Elimination set -- innitial,filter
EnumerateAndTest \\ a seek which expects an IN in its description -- returns a sequence
use variable to process possible values for sum?/?
[LAMBDA (column)
(* if both addends are known but the neither the sum nor the
carryin is known. First checks whether the need for this
still exists since it is scheduled very low priority.
Then makes a few vagues assertions about the sumletter and
hopes that TryElimination has some luck.)
(PROG (column carryIn topDigit bottomDigit carryOut sumDigit minimumSum sum)
(topDigit←(Item (the topDigit from (a Column whichIs @column)))))
(bottomDigit←(Item (the bottomDigit from (a Column whichIs @column)))))
(minimumSum←(KPlus topDigit bottomDigit)
(if carryIn
then (DescribeColumn column ’sum (KPlus minimumSum carryIn))
(* This should fire off
ProcessColumn to spread
the goodies)
elseif (AND carryOut (KEqual minimumSum 9))
then (if carryOut=0
then (DescribeColumn column ’sum 9)
else (DescribeColumn column ’sum 10))
(Item (the sumLetter from (a Column whichIs @column)))
\(a Letter with value =
(Or \@(GetDigit (KTensDigit minimumSum))
\@(GetDigit (KTensDigit (KPlus minimumSum 1)])
when described, if letter not known, then do this processing
...this is stuff from before which I haven’t worked in yet...
Hypotheticals (NewSignalPath
’SIGNALS <’AddingConflictingIndividual
<’MarkImpossible world>>
’(AddingIndividual OK)
’(AddingDescriptor NOTOK)
’(AddingNewPerspective NOTOK)
’(AddingNewNormalPerspective NOTOK)
’(AddingNewPerspectiveForFeatures NOTOK)
’[AddingCallToAgenda (COND
((GREATERP (fetch priority
of call)
(T (QUOTE OK]>)))
(CryptSignalTable (ACTIONTABLE SIGNALS (GoFillNotFound NOTOK)
(TrapAlreadyExists OK)
(TriggerAlreadyExists OK)
(CantRemoveTrap OK)
(CantRemoveTrigger OK)
(Contradiction (ReportImpossibleProblem))
(TryingElimination OK)
(FollowingSpecificationIntoPrototype OK)
(FollowingSpecificationDeeper OK)))
(CannotFindIndividual OK)))
(ReplaceOldUnitsSignalTable (ACTIONTABLE SIGNALS (UnitNameConflict OK)))
(InhibitCryptEliminationTable (ACTIONTABLE SIGNALS (TryingElimination NOTOK)))
(PushSignalPath CryptSignalTable T)
(ADDTOVAR NLAML MarkImpossible DoWhenKnown Compute)