-- September 4, 1982 4:12 pm -- UnparserBuffer.df -- Last Edited by: Gnelson, December 6, 1983 1:18 am Exports [indigo]<juno>parser> UnparserBuffer.bcd!9 29-Dec-83 20:56:59 PST UnparserBufferImpl.bcd!7 29-Dec-83 20:57:26 PST UnparserBuffer.mesa!3 06-Dec-83 02:03:36 PST UnparserBuffer.df 29-Dec-83 20:58:55 PST Directory [indigo]<juno>parser> UnparserBufferImpl.mesa!2 06-Dec-83 02:06:05 PST oldunparserbufferimpl.mesa!1 29-Dec-82 11:33:13 PST oldunparserbuffer.mesa!1 21-Nov-83 16:41:46 PST -- the old versions provide the output line by line instead of char by char, and -- allow the client to supply a proc to be called on each line. Unfortunately, this -- is inconsistent with flushing partially completed lines.