-- December 7, 1982 4:18 pm -- OldJunoParserEtcImpl.mesa -- Last Edited by: Gnelson, October 11, 1983 9:39 pm DIRECTORY Rope, Lexer, Parser, OldUnparser, OldParseWindow, JunoButtons, OldJunoParserEtc, IO, ViewerTools, ViewerClasses, Atom ; OldJunoParserEtcImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS ViewerTools, OldParseWindow, Atom EXPORTS OldJunoParserEtc = BEGIN OPEN OldJunoParserEtc, PW: OldParseWindow; junoA: PUBLIC PW.Handle; Algebra: PUBLIC PROC[fileName:Rope.ROPE] = { junoA ← PW.NewHandle[ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[ [file: fileName, name: fileName, iconic: FALSE, column: right]]]; junoA.WellFormed ← Definition; -- WARNING a closefix operator must be added before the corresponding -- matchfix or subfix operator. (See def. of PW.AddOp.) PW.AddOp[junoA, "fi", NIL, 0, closefix, NIL]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "od", NIL, 0, closefix, NIL]; PW.AddOp[junoA, ")", NIL, 0, closefix, NIL]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "->", "then", 2, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, ":=", "gets", 4, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "(", NIL, 5, subfixMatchfix, ")", 6]; PW.AddOp[junoA, ",", NIL, 5, infix, NIL, 7]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "hor", NIL, 5, prefix, NIL, 5]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "ver", NIL, 5, prefix, NIL, 5]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "cong", NIL, 5, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "para", NIL, 5, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "draw", NIL, 4, prefix, NIL, 5]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "stroke", NIL, 4, prefix, NIL, 5]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "fill", NIL, 4, prefix, NIL, 5]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "paint", NIL, 3, infix, NIL, 8]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "ends", NIL, 3, infix, NIL, 8]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "width", NIL, 3, infix, NIL, 8]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "|", "st", 3, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, ";", NIL, 3, infix, NIL, 7]; PW.AddOp[junoA, ":", NIL, 2, infix, NIL, 7]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "and", NIL, 4, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "if", NIL, 0, matchfix, "fi", 3]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "do", NIL, 0, matchfix, "od", 3]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "==", NIL, 6, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "rel", NIL, 6, infix, NIL, 2]; PW.AddOp[junoA, "-", NIL, 6, prefix, NIL, 5]; }; Parse: PUBLIC PROC = {PW.ParseViewer[junoA]}; Se: TYPE = REF ANY; -- Se = "symbolic expression" Sp: TYPE = PW.SyntacticPredicate; leftPren: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom["("]; colon: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom[":"]; semicolon: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom[";"]; comma: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom[","]; assign: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom[":="]; approx: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom["=="]; minus: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom["-"]; rightarrow: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom["->"]; suchthat: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom["|"]; Definition: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, colon, Application, Command]]}; Application: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, Var, VarList]]}; VarList: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[Var[f], PW.HasForm[f, comma, Var, VarList]]]}; Var: Sp = {IF ISTYPE[NARROW[Car[NARROW[f]], REF ANY], ATOM] THEN RETURN [[Yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[OfCourseNot, f]]}; Command: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[AtomicCommand[f], PW.Or[Alternation[f], PW.Or[Iteration[f], PW.Or[PushState[f], Composition[f]]]]]]}; AtomicCommand: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[Draw[f], PW.Or[Print[f], PW.Or[Call[f], Assignment[f]]]]]}; Draw: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[PW.HasForm[f, $stroke, DrawList, NIL], PW.Or[PW.HasForm[f, $fill, DrawList, NIL], PW.HasForm[f, $draw, DrawList, NIL]]]]}; DrawList: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[DrawListElem[f], PW.HasForm[f, comma, DrawListElem, DrawList]]]}; DrawListElem: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, DLE2, NIL]]}; DLE2: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[TwoVars[f], PW.HasForm[f, comma, Var, ThreeVars]]]}; ThreeVars: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, comma, Var, TwoVars]]}; TwoVars: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, comma, Var, Var]]}; Print: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, PrintAtom, PrintList]]}; PrintAtom: Sp = {IF Car[f] = $print THEN RETURN [[Yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[OfCourseNot, f]]}; PrintList: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, comma, RopeLiteral, PL2]]}; PL2: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, comma, Var, PL3]]}; PL3: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, comma, Var, PL4]]}; PL4: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, comma, IntLiteral, IntLiteral]]}; RopeLiteral: Sp = {IF ISTYPE[NARROW[Car[f], REF ANY], Rope.ROPE] THEN RETURN [[Yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[OfCourseNot, f]]}; IntLiteral: Sp = {IF ISTYPE[NARROW[Car[f], REF ANY], REF INT] THEN RETURN [[Yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[OfCourseNot, f]]}; Call: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, Var, VarList]]}; Assignment: Sp = {aw: PW.VerdictAndCulprit ← PW.HasForm[f, assign, VarList, VarList]; IF aw.verdict = Yes AND InfixLength[Cadr[NARROW[Car[NARROW[f]]]]] # InfixLength[Caddr[NARROW[Car[NARROW[f]]]]] THEN RETURN [[No, f]] ELSE RETURN [aw]}; Alternation: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, $if, Gcl, NIL]]}; Iteration: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, $do, Gcl, NIL]]}; PushState: Sp = {RETURN[PW.Or[PW.HasForm[f, $width, TwoVars, Command], PW.Or[PW.HasForm[f, $width, Num, Command], PW.Or[PW.HasForm[f, $paint, Var, Command], PW.HasForm[f, $ends, Var, Command]]]]]}; Gcl: Sp = GuardedCommand; GuardedCommand: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, rightarrow, Predicate, Command]]}; Predicate: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, suchthat, LocalList, CList]]}; LocalList: Sp = {RETURN[PW.Or[Local[f], PW.HasForm[f, comma, Local, LocalList]]]}; Local: Sp = {RETURN[PW.Or[Var[f], PW.HasForm[f, approx, Var, Rel]]]}; Rel: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, $rel, NumPair, Rellist]]}; NumPair: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, NumPair2, NIL]]}; NumPair2: Sp = {RETURN [PW.HasForm[f, comma, Num, Num]]}; Num: Sp = {RETURN [PW.Or[Num2[f], PW.HasForm[f, minus, Num2, NIL]]]}; Num2: Sp = {IF ISTYPE[Car[f], REF INT] OR ISTYPE[Car[f], REF REAL] THEN RETURN [[Yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[OfCourseNot, f]]}; Rellist: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, Rellist2, NIL]]}; Rellist2: Sp = {RETURN[PW.Or[Var[f], PW.Or[TwoVars[f], ThreeVars[f]]]]}; CList: Sp = {RETURN[PW.Or[Constraint[f], PW.HasForm[f, $and, Constraint, CList]]]}; Constraint: Sp = {RETURN[PW.Or[T[f], PW.Or[Cong[f], PW.Or[Para[f], PW.Or[Hor[f], Ver[f]]]]]]}; T: Sp = {IF Car[NARROW[f]] = $T THEN RETURN [[Yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[OfCourseNot, f]]}; Cong: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, $cong, PrenTwoVars, PrenTwoVars]]}; Para: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, $para, PrenTwoVars, PrenTwoVars]]}; Hor: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, $hor, PrenTwoVars, NIL]]}; Ver: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, $ver, PrenTwoVars, NIL]]}; PrenThreeVars: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, ThreeVars, NIL]]}; PrenTwoVars: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, leftPren, TwoVars, NIL]]}; Composition: Sp = {RETURN[PW.HasForm[f, semicolon, Command, Command]]}; InfixLength: PROC[l: Se] RETURNS [INT] = {IF ISTYPE[NARROW[l, REF ANY], ATOM] THEN RETURN[1] ELSE RETURN[1 + InfixLength[Caddr[NARROW[l]]]]}; WellFormed: PUBLIC PROC [f: Se] RETURNS [PW.VerdictAndCulprit] = {RETURN[Definition[f]]}; Car: PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[NARROW[r, LIST OF REF ANY].first]}; Cdr: PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[NARROW[r, LIST OF REF ANY].rest]}; Cadr: PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Car[Cdr[r]]]}; Caddr: PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Car[Cdr[Cdr[r]]]]}; Cddr: PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Cdr[Cdr[r]]]}; Caar: PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Car[Car[r]]]}; Cadar: PROC [l: Se] RETURNS [Se] = { RETURN[ Car[ Cdr[ Car[ l ] ] ] ] }; Caddar: PROC [l: Se] RETURNS [Se] = { RETURN[ Car[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Car[ l ] ] ] ] ] }; Cadddar: PROC [l: Se] RETURNS [Se] = { RETURN[ Car[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Car[ l ] ] ] ] ] ] }; Cadddr: PROC [l: Se] RETURNS [Se] = { RETURN[ Car[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Cdr[ l ] ] ] ] ] }; Caddddar: PROC [l: Se] RETURNS [Se] = { RETURN[ Car[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Car[ l ] ] ] ] ] ] ] }; Cddar: PROC [l: Se] RETURNS [Se] = { RETURN[ Cdr[ Cdr[ Car[ l ] ] ] ] }; END.