( infix "*" "+" "-" "/" ",")
( infix "=" "#" "<" ">" le ge )
( infix and or impl iff )
( infix ";" ":=" "||" "=>" st para cong perp)
( infix "==" ":" )
( prefix "~" all some "-" not)
( prefix pre new) ( infix proc post ) ( infix inv )
( comment postfix not yet implemented "--" postfix "()" )
( openfix "(" ")" "[" "]" if fi do od )
( rightfix "(" ")" )
(S (1 ProcDef) (2 PredDef) (3 FunDef))
(Decl (200 new Assignment))
(Assignment (201 VarID ":=" Term))
(ProcDef (4 ProcDef1 "==" Command))
(ProcDef1 (5 VarList ":" ProcDef2))
(ProcDef2 (6 ProcID "(" VarList ")"))
(PredDef (7 PredDef1 "==" Formula))
(PredDef1 (8 PredID "(" VarList ")"))
(FunDef (9 FunDef1 "==" Formula))
(FunDef1 (10 FunDef2 "=" VarID))
(FunDef2 (11 FunID "(" VarList ")"))
(VarList (12 VarID) (13 VarID "," VarList))
(SimpleCommand (14 if GCList fi) (15 do GCList od) (16 Skip) (17 Abort)
(18 VarList ":=" TermList) (19 VarList st Formula)
(20 VarList ":" Command2) )
(Command (21 SimpleCommand) (22 SimpleCommand ";" Command))
(Command2 (24 ProcID "(" TermList ")" ))
(GCList (25 GC) (26 GC "||" GCList))
(GC (27 Formula "=>" Command) (28 GC1 "=>" Command))
(GC1 (29 VarList ":" Formula))
(SimpleFormula (30 AtomicFormula) (105 not AtomicFormula)
(32 "(" Formula3 ")") (33 "(" Formula ")"))
(Formula4 (23 SimpleFormula) (31 SimpleFormula and Formula4))
(Formula (102 Formula4) (103 Formula4 or Formula))
(Formula2 (34 VarList ":" Formula))
(Formula3 (100 some Formula2))
(35 Term "<" Term)
(36 Term ">" Term)
(37 Term le Term)
(38 Term ge Term)
(39 Term "=" Term)
(40 Term "#" Term)
(41 Term para Term)
(42 Term cong Term)
(43 Term perp Term)
(101 PredID "(" TermList ")"))
(TermList (44 Term) (45 Term "," TermList))
(Term (46 Term5) (47 Term6) (48 "-" TermY))
(Term2 (49 Term "," Term))
(TermX (50 VarID)
(51 FunID "(" TermList ")")
(52 Constant)
(53 "(" Term ")")
(54 "(" Term2 ")")
(55 "[" TermList "]"))
(Term3 (56 TermX) (57 TermX "*" Term3))
(Term4 (58 TermX) (59 TermX "/" TermX))
(TermY (60 Term3) (61 Term4))
(Term5 (62 TermY) (63 TermY "+" Term5))
(Term6 (64 TermY) (65 TermY "-" TermY))
(VarID (66 id))
(ProcID (67 id))
(FunID (68 id))
(PredID (69 id))
(Constant (70 nbr))
(Skip (71 id))
(Abort (72 id))