File: [Indigo]<JaM>Cedar>JaM.doc
Last edit by Doug Wyatt, 12-Oct-81 17:11:07

Differences from previous JaM

* Added commands:
  .idiv .sqrt .putarray .sget .sput .scopename .abind .afind
  .lv .lvload .lvknown .lvstore .lvforall .lvlength .lvmaxlength .lvgrow
  .fetch .assign .attachdict .detachdict .attachedforall .detachall 
* Added errors:
  .undefname .deadstream .execovrflw .dictovrflw .dictundflw
  .notattached .attachmentcycle .undeflv .unknownname
* Added Object types: name exec loop scope
* Removed Object type: longinteger (integer is now LONG)
* Removed commands: .keystream
* Names
* Array literals
* Local variables
* Comments
* Re-entrant Execute
* Multiple Frames
* Robustness
* Better error handling

Array commands

.array		i => a		% a is a new array of length i
.acopy		a => b		% b is a copy of a
.aput		a i v =>	% a[i] ← v
.aget		a i => v	% v = a[i]
.astore		v1 v2 .. vn a => a	% stores into all elements of a
.aload		a => v1 v2 .. vn a	% loads all elements of a
.putarray	a i b => a	% a[i..i+n) ← b[0..n)  where n = b.length
.subarray	a i j => b	% b is a name for a[i..i+j)
.arrayforall	a x =>		% for each element v of a, push v on stack and execute x
.afind		a v => i .true	% if v matches a[i]
                    => .false	% if v does not match any element of a
.abind		a d =>		% 

Dictionary commands

% the 'current dictionary' is the dictionary on top of the dictionary stack
% the 'current context' is a stack of dictionaries, searched from the top down

.dict		n => dict	% dict is a new dictionary, with initial maxlength n
.maxlength	dict => n	% n is the current maxlength of dict
.known		dict key => .true	% if key is defined in dict
		         => .false	% if key is not defined in dict
.where		key => dict .true	% if key is defined in the current context (in dict)
		    => .false		% if key is not defined in the current context
.put		dict key val =>	% enter [key,val] in dict
.get		dict key => val	% get the definition of key in dict
.def		key val =>	% enter [key,val] in the current dictionary
.store		key val =>	% if key is known in current context, replace its definition with val
				% otherwise, do a .def 
.load		key => val	% get the definition of key in the current context
.del		dict key => 	% delete the definition of key in dict
.clrdict	dict => 	% delete all definitions in dict
.begin		dict => 	% push dict onto the dictionary stack
.end		=> 		% pop the dictionary stack
.dictforall	dict x => 	% for each tuple in dict, push key and val and execute x
.curdict	=> dict		% dict is the top of the dictionary stack

Local variable commands

.lv		key val => 	% push [key,val] on the locals stack
.lvload		key => val	% get the local definition of key
.lvknown	key => .true	% if key has a local definition
		    => .false	% if key does not have a local definition
.lvstore	key val => 	% if key has a local definition, replace it with val
				% otherwise, do a .lv
.lvforall	x => 		% for each local variable, push key and val and execute x
.lvlength	=> n		% n is the current number of local variables
.lvmaxlength	=> n		% n is the current maximum number of local variables
.lvgrow		n => 		% increase local maxlength by n
.fetch		key => val	% if key is a local name then  .lvload   else  .load
.assign		key val => 	% if key is a local name then  .lvstore  else  .store

Execution commands

.exec		x => 		% execute x
.if		bool x => 	% if bool is .true then execute x
.ifelse		bool x y => 	% if bool is .true then execute x else execute y
.rept		n x => 		% execute x n times
.for		i j k x => 	% mumble
.loop		x => 		% execute x 'forever' (until a .exit or .stop occurs)
.exit		=> 		% exit the smallest enclosing loop
.stop		=> 		% clear the execution stack

Math commands

.add		a b => (a+b)
.sub		a b => (a-b)
.mul		a b => (a*b)
.div		a b => (a/b)	% 7 3 .div  => 2.333333   result always real
.idiv		a b => (a/b)	% 7 3 .idiv => 2   arguments must be integer!
.neg		a => (-a)
.sin		a => sin(a)
.cos		a => cos(a)
.atan		a b => arctan(a/b)
.exp		a => exp(a)
.log		a => log(a)
.sqrt		a => sqrt(a)
% numeric or string arguments, boolean result:
.eq		a b => (a=b)
.lt		a b => (a<b)
.gt		a b => (a>b)
% boolean argument(s) and result:
.not		a => (NOT a)
.and		a b => (a AND b)
.or		a b => (a OR b)
.xor		a b => (a XOR b)
% integer argument(s) and result (32 bits):
.bitnot		a => BITNOT[a]
.bitand		a b => BITAND[a,b]
.bitor		a b => BITOR[a,b]
.bitxor		a b => BITXOR[a,b]
.bitshift	a b => BITSHIFT[a,b]	% shift left if b>0, right if b<0


.token		src => rem tok .true
		    => .false

Stack commands

.pop		x => 		% remove the top object
.dup		x => x x	% duplicate the top object
.exch		x y => y x	% exchange the top two objects
.copy		xm .. x1 x0 n => xm .. x1 x0 xm .. x1 x0
				% copy the top n objects
.roll		y xm .. x1 x0 k n => y x[k-1 MOD n] .. x1 x0 xm .. xk
				% roll the top n objects by k
				% if k>0, rolls the kth item 'up' to the top
				% if k<0, rolls the top item 'down' to the kth
.index		.. xi .. x1 x0 i => .. xi .. x1 x0 xi
				% push the ith item from the top
.cntstk		| x1 x2 .. xn => | x1 x2 .. xn n
				% count the items on the stack
.clrstk		| x1 x2 .. xn => |
				% clear the stack
.cnttomrk	mark x1 x2 .. xn => mark x1 x2 .. xn n
				% count the items above the topmost mark
.clrtomrk	mark x1 x2 .. xn => mark
				% clear the stack down to the topmost mark
.mark		=> mark		% push a mark onto the stack
.execstk	=> array	% mumble
.dictstk	=> array	% mumble

Stream commands

.run		string => 		% mumble
.bytestream	string => stream	% mumble
.wordstream	string => stream	% mumble
.readitem	stream => item		% mumble
.writeitem	stream item => 		% mumble
.readline	stream => string	% mumble
.writebytes	stream string => 	% mumble
.killstream	stream => 		% mumble

String commands








