(IPBookFigure-Log.tioga) 0.6666667 pt-ipbook.gargoyle pt-ipbookFrame.gargoyle pt-ipbookChapterHeading.gargoyle Chapter 1 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter1/ _ IPBookFig1-*b.gargoyle Figure 1.1 Laser printers can print high-quality typography, synthetic graphics, and scanned images. Interpress A document description language IPBookFig1-1.gargoyle IPBookFig1-1.ip IPBookFig1-1b Figure 1.2 A page description language can express the image on a page. Workstation Page description language Printer Imaged pages IPBookFig1-2.gargoyle IPBookFig1-2.ip IPBookFig1-2b Figure 1.3 A document description language describes an entire document. Workstation Document description language Printer Document IPBookFig1-3.gargoyle IPBookFig1-3.ip IPBookFig1-3b Figure 1.4 The interface between creator and printer. Document creation computer Interface controls the printer Printer IPBookFig1-4.gargoyle IPBookFig1-4.ip IPBookFig1-4b Figure 1.5 Raster printers produce the image from an array of tiny dots. The raster image is composed of tiny dots IPBookFig1-5.gargoyle IPBookFig1-5.ip IPBookFig1-5b Figure 1.6 The image is limited by what the interface can describe. Interface describes the image Raster image processor generates the dot pattern Imaging hardware transfers the patern to the output medium IPBookFig1-6.gargoyle IPBookFig1-6.ip IPBookFig1-6b Figure 1.7 Interpress is a program which is run on a computer to generate the dot pattern of the image. Interpress program Computer and raster image processor Pattern of dots IPBookFig1-7.gargoyle IPBookFig1-7.ip IPBookFig1-7b Figure 1.8 Interpress can express text, line graphics and scanned images. {{document1-8.gargoyle document1-8-gg.ip}} Column1-8.tioga Column2-8.tioga Column3-8.tioga Column1-8.interpress Column2-8.interpress Column3-8.interpress IPBookFig1-8.gargoyle IPBookFig1-8.ip IPBookFig1-8b Figure 1.9 Interpress documents are printable on a variety of output devices. Interpress program IPBookFig1-9.gargoyle IPBookFig1-9.ip IPBookFig1-9b Figure 1.10 Interpress not only describes what pages look like, but also how they form a document. Interpress program Page images Printing instructions IPBookFig1-10.gargoyle IPBookFig1-10.ip IPBookFig1-10b Figure 1.11 Page independence makes it easy to perform page-level operations such as selecting and merging entire pages. 1 2 3 4 4 1 IPBookFig1-11.gargoyle IPBookFig1-11.ip IPBookFig1-11b Figure 1.12 Interpress software is used at both the creator and the printer. Creation Interpress generation Interpress form of document Printing Interpress interpretation IPBookFig1-12.gargoyle IPBookFig1-12.ip IPBookFig1-12b Figure 1.13 Interpress sets. Professional Graphics Set Publication Set Commercial Set IPBookFig1-13.gargoyle IPBookFig1-13.ip IPBookFig1-13b Chapter 2 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter2/ _ IPBookFig2-*B.gargoyle Figure 2.1 Operands are popped from the stack. Results are pushed onto the stack. Operator removes its operands Stack before top Result is computed ADD Stack after IPBookFig2-1.gargoyle IPBookFig2-1.ip IPBookFig2-1b Figure 2.2 Data objects are pushed onto the stack, and operators are executed. Input 2 5 ADD Stack 2 5 2 7 IPBookFig2-2.gargoyle IPBookFig2-2.ip IPBookFig2-2b Figure 2.3 Examples of the ROLL operator. 104 103 102 101 100 4 4 ROLL 4 3 ROLL 4 1 ROLL 3 2 ROLL 2 1 ROLL IPBookFig2-3.gargoyle IPBookFig2-3.ip IPBookFig2-3b Figure 2.4 Examples of the STACK operator 2 3 1 0 101 102 3 2 1 0 101 102 EXCH ROLL DUP COPY POP IPBookFig2-4.gargoyle IPBookFig2-4.ip IPBookFig2-4b Figure 2.5 Moving items from and to the frame. 0 1 2 48 49 FGET FSET top Frame Stack IPBookFig2-5.gargoyle IPBookFig2-5.ip IPBookFig2-5b Figure 2.6 A sequence of vector operations. Input stream 3 MAKEVEC DUP 0 GET 5 7 MAKEVECLU DUP SHAPE POP POP 6 GET SHAPE Stack 5 4 3 2 1 [3,4,5] 2 1 [2,[3,4,5],3] IPBookFig2-6.gargoyle IPBookFig2-6.ip IPBookFig2-6b Figure 2.7 Accessing a property vector with GETP. Input stream Stack 2 1 3 2 5 3 7 4 11 5 10 MAKEVEC DUP 5 GETP POP DUP 3 GETP POP DUP 11 GETP [2,1,3,2,5,3,7,4,11,5] 3 2 5 IPBookFig2-7.gargoyle IPBookFig2-7.ip IPBookFig2-7b Figure 2.8 Accessing a property vector with GETPROP. Input stream Stack 2 1 3 2 5 3 7 4 11 5 10 MAKEVEC DUP 4 GETPROP POP DUP 3 GETPROP 0 1 2 IPBookFig2-8.gargoyle IPBookFig2-8.ip IPBookFig2-8b Figure 2.9 Merging of property vectors with identical property names. Input stream Stack Identifier "red" 1 Identifier "red" 2 4 MAKEVEC Identifier "red" 3 Identifier "red" 4 4 MAKEVEC MERGEPROP Identifier "red" GETP IPBookFig2-9.gargoyle IPBookFig2-9.ip IPBookFig2-9b Figure 2.10 Accessing imager variables. Imager variables Stack DCScpx DCScpy correctMx correctMy IGET ISET top clipper 0 1 2 3 4 24 · · · IPBookFig2-10.gargoyle IPBookFig2-10.ip IPBookFig2-10b Figure 2.11 Composed operators contain a body of instructions and an initial frame. Composed operator {body of instructions} Initial frame 0 1 2 3 48 49 IPBookFig2-11.gargoyle IPBookFig2-11.ip IPBookFig2-11b Figure 2.12 Execution of a composed operator by DO. Input Stack Frame DO . . . Next token {operator body} operand Initial value 0 Initial value 1 Initial value 2 Frame [0] Frame [1] Frame [2] Just before executing DO, there is a composed operator on the stack. · · · Input DO . . . Next token {operator body} operand operand Initial value 0 Initial value 1 Initial value 2 · · · DO removes the operator from the stack, installs it initial frame, and executes its body of instructions. · · · Input DO . . . Next token result Frame [0] Frame [1] Frame [2] When the operator completes, the frame is restored and tokens are taken from the input stream. IPBookFig2-12.gargoyle IPBookFig2-12.ip IPBookFig2-12b Figure 2.13 Saving the imager variables depends on the version of DO used to execute the operator. Frame Imager variables 0 1 2 3 4 4 DO (copies the frame) DOSAVE (copies the frame and nonpersistent imager variables) DOSAVEALL (copies the frame and all imager variables) IPBookFig2-13.gargoyle IPBookFig2-13.ip IPBookFig2-13b Figure 2.14 Mark recovery. Input Stack Frame Imager variables 6 12 0 MARK 3 5 8 0 FSET DOSAVESIMPLEBODY { 4 0 FSET 7 0 DIV 3 ADD } ADD 0 FSET UNMARK 0 2 1 Error discovered After mark recovery, execution resumes here The stack is cleared through the mark Frame and imager variables are reset to the context of the mark 12 6 8 0 7 5 3 Mark 12 6 IPBookFig2-14.gargoyle IPBookFig2-14.ip IPBookFig2-14b Figure 2.15 The virtual Interpress machine. Interpress interpreter 1 2 ADD Input token stream 0 1 49 Frame Stack Imager variables Printer environment Error log Page images IPBookFig2-15.gargoyle IPBookFig2-15.ip IPBookFig2-15b Figure 2.16 Constructing Vectors. vector vector vector MERGEPROP elements lower bound upper bound MAKEVECLU elements number of elements MAKEVEC IPBookFig2-16.gargoyle IPBookFig2-16.ip IPBookFig2-16b Figure 2.17 Using bodies and composed operators. Number IF body number IFLSE body boolean expression composed operator DO composed operator DOSAVE composed operator DOSAVEALL DOSAVESIMPLEBODY body MAKESIMPLECO body { tokens } IPBookFig2-17.gargoyle IPBookFig2-17.ip IPBookFig2-17b Chapter 3 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter3/ _ IPBookFig3-*B.gargoyle Figure 3.1 A mask. IPBookFig3-1.gargoyle IPBookFig3-1.ip IPBookFig3-1a IPBookFig3-1b Figure 3.2 Classes of masks. Geometric Raster Character IPBookFig3-2.gargoyle IPBookFig3-2.ip IPBookFig3-2a IPBookFig3-2b Figure 3.3 The Interpress imaging model. Color Mask Clipper Page IPBookFig3-3.gargoyle IPBookFig3-3.ip IPBookFig3-3a IPBookFig3-3b Figure 3.4 The noImage variable can prevent the page from being altered. Color Mask Clipper noImage barrier Page IPBookFig3-4.gargoyle IPBookFig3-4.ip IPBookFig3-4a IPBookFig3-4b Figure 3.5 The Interpress coordinate system. meters meters x y 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 IPBookFig3-5.gargoyle IPBookFig3-5.ip IPBookFig3-5a IPBookFig3-5b Figure 3.6 The result of example 3.1. IPBookFig3-6.gargoyle IPBookFig3-6.ip IPBookFig3-6a Figure 3.7 Changing coordinate systems. inches meters spots 3 2 1 1 2 3 0.2 MCS ICS DCS 0.2 0.1 TMI TID IPBookFig3-7.gargoyle IPBookFig3-7.ip IPBookFig3-7a IPBookFig3-7b Figure 3.8 A possible master coordinate system arising from a change of scale. 3 2 1 1 2 3 0 inches inches x y IPBookFig3-8.gargoyle IPBookFig3-8.ip IPBookFig3-8a IPBookFig3-8b Figure 3.9 The result of example 3.2. IPBookFig3-9.gargoyle IPBookFig3-9.ip IPBookFig3-9a Figure 3.10 A possible master coordinate system arising from a translation of position. meters meters y x 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 IPBookFig3-10.gargoyle IPBookFig3-10.ip IPBookFig3-10a IPBookFig3-10b Figure 3.11 The result of example 3.3. IPBookFig3-11.gargoyle IPBookFig3-11.ip IPBookFig3-11a Figure 3.12 A master coordinate system with reversed y direction. 3 2 1 1 2 3 0 inches inches x y IPBookFig3-12.gargoyle IPBookFig3-12.ip IPBookFig3-12a IPBookFig3-12b Figure 3.13 Building a transformation to reverse the y direction and move the origin. Original coordinates Scale to reverse the y direction Move the origin to the upper left corner x y 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0.3 0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 IPBookFig3-13.gargoyle IPBookFig3-13.ip IPBookFig3-13a IPBookFig3-13b Figure 3.14 The result of example 3.4 IPBookFig3-14.gargoyle IPBookFig3-14.ip IPBookFig3-14a Figure 3.15 Landscape coordinates. x y 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 IPBookFig3-15.gargoyle IPBookFig3-15.ip IPBookFig3-15a IPBookFig3-15b Figure 3.16 A positive angle rotates the new (x , y ) coordinates. yfrom yto xfrom xto a IPBookFig3-16.gargoyle IPBookFig3-16.ip IPBookFig3-16a IPBookFig3-16b Figure 3.17 The page in master coordinates. yMCS xMCS IPBookFig3-17.gargoyle IPBookFig3-17.ip IPBookFig3-17a IPBookFig3-17b Figure 3.18 The page in Interpress coordinates. yMCS xMCS yICS xICS IPBookFig3-18.gargoyle IPBookFig3-18.ip IPBookFig3-18a IPBookFig3-18b Figure 3.19 The rotated (RCS) and master (MCS) coordinate systems. yMCS xMCS yRCS xRCS IPBookFig3-19.gargoyle IPBookFig3-19.ip IPBookFig3-19a IPBookFig3-19b Figure 3.20 The rotated (RCS) and Interpress (ICS) coordinate systems. yICS xICS yRCS xRCS IPBookFig3-20.gargoyle IPBookFig3-20.ip IPBookFig3-20a IPBookFig3-20b Figure 3.21 The result of Example 3.6 IPBookFig3-21.gargoyle IPBookFig3-21.ip IPBookFig3-21a Figure 3.22 The result of Example 3.7 IPBookFig3-22.gargoyle IPBookFig3-22.ip IPBookFig3-22a Figure 3.23 The result of Example 3.8 IPBookFig3-23.gargoyle IPBookFig3-23.ip IPBookFig3-23a Figure 3.24 The result of Example 3.9 IPBookFig3-24.gargoyle IPBookFig3-24.ip IPBookFig3-24a Figure 3.25 The result of Example 3.10 IPBookFig3-25.gargoyle IPBookFig3-25.ip IPBookFig3-25a Figure 3.26 Coordinate transformations on a character from design to image. units body size inches meters spots 100 0 1 10/72 0.00 35 41 FDCS CCS MCS ICS DCS IPBookFig3-26.gargoyle IPBookFig3-26.ip IPBookFig3-26a IPBookFig3-26b Figure 3.27 Scanning order in the pixel-array coordinate system. fast scan y x slow scan 3 2 1 0 1 2 IPBookFig3-27.gargoyle IPBookFig3-27.ip IPBookFig3-27a IPBookFig3-27b Figure 3.28 Transformations applied to pixel arrays. pixels pixels inches meters spots Original image in the PCS Oriented image in the PCS MCS ICS DCS 4 2 0 IPBookFig3-28.gargoyle IPBookFig3-28.ip IPBookFig3-28a IPBookFig3-28b Figure 3.29 The pixel-array coordinates and normalized pixel-array coordinates. yMCS yobject xMCS xobject Translate IPBookFig3-29.gargoyle IPBookFig3-29.ip IPBookFig3-29a IPBookFig3-29b Figure 3.30 Using translation to position an object. PCS NPCS pixels 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 IPBookFig3-30.gargoyle IPBookFig3-30.ip IPBookFig3-30a IPBookFig3-30b Figure 3.31 Operators can make persistent changes to the current position if executed with DOSAVE. · Current position at the start of the arrow-drawing operator Second execution of the operator will draw at the new current position and shift it again Current position is shifted by the operator IPBookFig3-31.gargoyle IPBookFig3-31.ip IPBookFig3-31a IPBookFig3-31b Figure 3.32 The result of Example 3.11. IPBookFig3-32.gargoyle IPBookFig3-32.ip IPBookFig3-32a Figure 3.33 The color may be defined for only part of the page. Color Mask Clipper Page IPBookFig3-33.gargoyle IPBookFig3-33.ip IPBookFig3-33a IPBookFig3-33b Figure 3.34 The color pattern is extended by tiling until it covers the mask. IPBookFig3-34.gargoyle IPBookFig3-34.ip IPBookFig3-34a IPBookFig3-34b Figure 3.35 The result of example 3.12. IPBookFig3-35.gargoyle IPBookFig3-35.ip IPBookFig3-35a Figure 3.36 The result of example 3.13. IPBookFig3-36.gargoyle IPBookFig3-36.ip IPBookFig3-36a Figure 3.37 The result of example 3.14. IPBookFig3-37.gargoyle IPBookFig3-37.ip IPBookFig3-37a Figure 3.38 The result of example 3.15. IPBookFig3-38.gargoyle IPBookFig3-38.ip IPBookFig3-38a Figure 3.39 The effect of priority. IPBookFig3-39.gargoyle IPBookFig3-39.ip IPBookFig3-39a Figure 3.40 Medium size and field size. medium ysize medium xsize field xmax field ymin field xmin field ymax medium field IPBookFig3-40.gargoyle IPBookFig3-40.ip IPBookFig3-40a IPBookFig3-40b Figure 3.41 The effect of the clipper. IPBookFig3-41.gargoyle IPBookFig3-41.ip IPBookFig3-41a IPBookFig3-41b Figure 3.42 Changing the clipper. Current clipper Change to clipper Resulting clipper IPBookFig3-42.gargoyle IPBookFig3-42.ip IPBookFig3-42a IPBookFig3-42b Figure 3.43 Operators that produce transformations. transformation Transformation Transformation CONCAT scale factor SCALE x scale factor y scale factor SCALE2 angle ROTATE x offset y offset TRANSLATE a,b,c,d,e,f MAKET IPBookFig3-43.gargoyle IPBookFig3-43.ip IPBookFig3-43a IPBookFig3-43b Chapter 4 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter4/ _ IPBookFig4-3*b.gargoyle Figure 4.1 Letterforms. IPBookFig4-1.gargoyle IPBookFig4-1.ip IPBookFig4-1b Figure 4.2 Letterform definitions include positioning and width information. IPBook4-2.IP IPBookFig4-2.gargoyle IPBookFig4-2.ip IPBookFig4-2b Figure 4.3 Transformations scale and orient letterforms. IPBookFig4-3.gargoyle IPBookFig4-3.ip IPBookFig4-3b Figure 4.4 Steps in imaging characters. IPBookFig4-4.gargoyle IPBookFig4-4.ip IPBookFig4-4b Figure 4.5 The result of Example 4.1. IPBookFig4-5.gargoyle IPBookFig4-5.ip IPBookFig4-5b Figure 4.6 Spacing charater masks. IPBookFig4-6.gargoyle IPBookFig4-6.ip IPBookFig4-6b Figure 4.7 The result of Example 4.3. IPBookFig4-7.gargoyle IPBookFig4-7.ip IPBookFig4-7b Figure 4.8 A Ligature. IPBookFig4-8.gargoyle IPBookFig4-8.ip IPBookFig4-8b Figure 4.9 The result of example 4.4. IPBookFig4-9.gargoyle IPBookFig4-9.ip IPBookFig4-9b Figure 4.10 Rough structure of a fontDescription. IPBookFig4-10.gargoyle IPBookFig4-10.ip IPBookFig4-10b Figure 4.11 Character metrics for characters with different spacing directions. ***IPBookFig4-11.gargoyle IPBookFig4-11.ip ***IPBookFig4-11b Figure 4.12 A metric master conveys information about the printer's fonts to the creator. IPBookFig4-12.gargoyle IPBookFig4-12.ip IPBookFig4-12b Figure 4.13 Information required to generate an Interpress master. IPBookFig4-13.gargoyle IPBookFig4-13.ip IPBookFig4-13b Figure 4.14 Converting the metric master to an internal form. IPBookFig4-14.gargoyle IPBookFig4-14.ip IPBookFig4-14b Figure 4.15 The effects of font approximation. samplestring4-15.ip IPBookFig4-15.gargoyle IPBookFig4-15.ip IPBookFig4-15b Figure 4.16 Space-correcting and mast-correcting characters. IPBookFig4-16.gargoyle IPBookFig4-16.ip IPBookFig4-16b Figure 4.17 The limit on space correction. IPBookFig4-17.gargoyle IPBookFig4-17.ip IPBookFig4-17b Figure 4.18 Correction parameters. IPBookFig4-18.gargoyle IPBookFig4-18.ip IPBookFig4-18b Figure 4.19 Outline of the correction process. IPBookFig4-19.gargoyle IPBookFig4-19.ip IPBookFig4-19b Figure 4.20 Definition of an underline. IPBookFig4-20.gargoyle IPBookFig4-20.ip IPBookFig4-20b Figure 4.21 The result of Example 4.10. IPBookFig4-21.gargoyle IPBookFig4-21.ip IPBookFig4-21b Figure 4.22 The result of Example 4.11. IPBookFig4-22.gargoyle IPBookFig4-22.ip IPBookFig4-22b Figure 4.23 The result of Example 4.12. IPBookFig4-23.gargoyle IPBookFig4-23.ip IPBookFig4-23b Figure 4.24 The path of the current position when imaging two scripts. IPBookFig4-24.gargoyle IPBookFig4-24.ip IPBookFig4-24b Figure 4.25 Disabling correction when imaging two scripts. IPBookFig4-25.gargoyle IPBookFig4-25.ip IPBookFig4-25b Figure 4.26 Techniques for line centering. IPBookFig4-26.gargoyle IPBookFig4-26.ip IPBookFig4-26b Figure 4.27 Adjusting the space surrounding the text. IPBookFig4-27.gargoyle IPBookFig4-27.ip IPBookFig4-27b Figure 4.28 Justified text. IPBookFig4-28.tioga IPBookFig4-28.interpress IPBookFig4-28.gargoyle IPBookFig4-28.ip IPBookFig4-28b Figure 4.29 An outline of SHOW. IPBookFig4-29.gargoyle IPBookFig4-29.ip IPBookFig4-29b Figure 4.30 Flush left, ragged right. IPBookFig4-30.tioga IPBookFig4-30.interpress IPBookFig4-30.gargoyle IPBookFig4-30.ip Figure 4.31 Flush right, ragged left. IPBookFig4-31.tioga IPBookFig4-31.interpress IPBookFig4-31.gargoyle IPBookFig4-31.ip IPBookFig4-31b Figure 4.32 Kerning used to improve the placement of "A" and "V". IPBookFig4-32.gargoyle IPBookFig4-32.ip IPBookFig4-32b Figure 4.33 SHOWANDXREL interprets odd elements as character indices and even elements ans apacing ajustments. IPBookFig4-33.gargoyle IPBookFig4-33.ip IPBookFig4-33b Figure 4.34 Definition of the dash. IPBookFig4-34.gargoyle IPBookFig4-34.ip IPBookFig4-34b Figure 4.35 Definition of the "o". IPBookFig4-35.gargoyle IPBookFig4-35.ip IPBookFig4-35b Figure 4.36 The "o" with accent. IPBookFig4-36.gargoyle IPBookFig4-36.ip IPBookFig4-36b Figure 4.37 Creating fonts and character masks. IPBookFig4-37.gargoyle IPBookFig4-37.ip IPBookFig4-37b Chapter 5 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter5/ _ IPBookFig5-*b.gargoyle Figure 5.1 The shape created by MASKRETANGLE. IPBookFig5-1.gargoyle IPBookFig5-1.ip Figure 5.2 The shape defined MASKVECTOR. IPBookFig5-2.gargoyle IPBookFig5-2.ip Figure 5.3 The strokeWidth parameter. IPBookFig5-3.gargoyle IPBookFig5-3.ip Figure 5.4 The result of Example 5.1. IPBookFig5-4.gargoyle IPBookFig5-4.ip Figure 5.5 Square ends. IPBookFig5-5.gargoyle IPBookFig5-5.ip Figure 5.6 Butt ends. IPBookFig5-6.gargoyle IPBookFig5-6.ip Figure 5.7 Round ends. IPBookFig5-7.gargoyle IPBookFig5-7.ip Figure 5.8 The result of Example 5.2. IPBookFig5-8.gargoyle IPBookFig5-8.ip Figure 5.9 A trapezoid can be drawn by filling scan-line segments between two lines. IPBookFig5-9.gargoyle IPBookFig5-9.ip Figure 5.10 A polygon can be decomposed into trapezoids. IPBookFig5-10.gargoyle IPBookFig5-10.ip Figure 5.11 The shape created by MASKTRAPEZOIDX. IPBookFig5-11.gargoyle IPBookFig5-11.ip Figure 5.12 The shape created by MASKTRAPEZOIDY. IPBookFig5-12.gargoyle IPBookFig5-12.ip Figure 5.13 The result of Example 5.3. IPBookFig5-13.gargoyle IPBookFig5-13.ip Figure 5.14 Trajectories. IPBookFig5-14.gargoyle IPBookFig5-14.ip Figure 5.15 A square trajectory. IPBookFig5-15.gargoyle IPBookFig5-15.ip Figure 5.16 The result of Example 5.5. IPBookFig5-16.gargoyle IPBookFig5-16.ip Figure 5.17 The result of Example 5.6. IPBookFig5-17.gargoyle IPBookFig5-17.ip Figure 5.18 A mitered joint. IPBookFig5-18.gargoyle IPBookFig5-18.ip Figure 5.19 A beveled joint. IPBookFig5-19.gargoyle IPBookFig5-19.ip Figure 5.20 A round joint. IPBookFig5-20.gargoyle IPBookFig5-20.ip Figure 5.21 Stroke joint and end combinations. StrokeJointFig5-21.ip IPBookFig5-21.gargoyle IPBookFig5-21.ip Figure 5.22 Corners where stroke ends meet. IPBookFig5-22.gargoyle IPBookFig5-22.ip Figure 5.23 Examples of MASKSTROKECLOSED. IPBookFig5-23.gargoyle IPBookFig5-23.ip Figure 5.24 A dashed trejectory with points. IPBookFig5-24.gargoyle IPBookFig5-24.ip Figure 5.25 The dashed pattern [0.005, 0.01]. [ 25 50 ] 0 -1 IPBookFig5-25.gargoyle IPBookFig5-25.ip Figure 5.26 The dashed pattern [0.01]. [ 50 50 ] 0 -1 IPBookFig5-26.gargoyle IPBookFig5-26.ip Figure 5.27 The dashed pattern [0.01, 0.005, 0.002]. [ 50 25 10 50 25 10 50 25 10 ] 0 -1 IPBookFig5-27.gargoyle IPBookFig5-27.ip Figure 5.28 End caps on dashes. [ 25 ] 0 -1 IPBookFig5-28.gargoyle IPBookFig5-28.ip Figure 5.29 The effect of the offset oprand. [ 50 ] 0 -1 [ 50 ] 25 -1 [ 50 ] 50 -1 [ 50 ] 75 -1 IPBookFig5-29.gargoyle IPBookFig5-29.ip Figure 5.30 The effect of the length oprand. [ 20 ] 0 -1 [ 20 ] 6 -1 IPBookFig5-30.gargoyle IPBookFig5-30.ip Figure 5.31 The length adjustment process. [ 20 ] 0 -1 [ 20 20 ] 0 470 IPBookFig5-31.gargoyle IPBookFig5-31.ip Figure 5.32 The effect of the length oprand. [ 0 10 0 10 0 40 ] 0 -1 [ 20 40 ] 30 -1 IPBookFig5-32.gargoyle IPBookFig5-32.ip Figure 5.33 The result of Example 5.7. [ 25 15 0 15 ] 0 -1 IPBookFig5-33.gargoyle IPBookFig5-33.ip Figure 5.34 An ARCTO trajectory segment. An trajectory segment. IPBookFig5-34.gargoyle IPBookFig5-34.ip Figure 5.35 The result of Example 5.8. IPBookFig5-35.gargoyle IPBookFig5-35.ip Figure 5.36 Special cases for ARCTO. IPBookFig5-36.gargoyle IPBookFig5-36.ip Figure 5.37 Instabilities when two points are closer together. IPBookFig5-37.gargoyle IPBookFig5-37.ip Figure 5.38 Instabilities when points are almost colinear. IPBookFig5-38.gargoyle IPBookFig5-38.ip Figure 5.39 The result of Example 5.9. IPBookFig5-39.gargoyle IPBookFig5-39.ip Figure 5.40 The definition of a conic segment. IPBookFig5-40.gargoyle IPBookFig5-40.ip Figure 5.41 Examples of conic curve segments. IPBookFig5-X.ip IPBookFig5-41.gargoyle IPBookFig5-41.ip Figure 5.42 Conic segments in a trajectory can be constructed so that their slopes match at the joints. IPBookFig5-42.gargoyle IPBookFig5-42.ip Figure 5.43 A circle constructed from four conics. IPBookFig5-43.gargoyle IPBookFig5-43.ip Figure 5.44 The result of Example 5.10. IPBookFig5-44.gargoyle IPBookFig5-44.ip Figure 5.45 The definition of a Bezier cubic curve. IPBookFig5-45.gargoyle IPBookFig5-45.ip Figure 5.46 Examples of cubic curves. IPBookFig5-X.ip IPBookFig5-46.gargoyle IPBookFig5-46.ip Figure 5.47 The result of Example 5.11. IPBookFig5-47.gargoyle IPBookFig5-47.ip Figure 5.48 Objects with holes are defined by multiple trajectories. IPBookFig5-48.gargoyle IPBookFig5-48.ip Figure 5.49 These trajectories can be made into single outline using MAKEOUTLINE. IPBookFig5-49.gargoyle IPBookFig5-49.ip Figure 5.50 Winding numbers for several points. IPBookFig5-50.gargoyle IPBookFig5-50.ip Figure 5.51 Winding number conventions. IPBookFig5-Y.ip IPBookFig5-51.gargoyle IPBookFig5-51.ip Figure 5.52 The result of Example 5.12. IPBookFig5-52.gargoyle IPBookFig5-52.ip Figure 5.53 The result of Example 5.13. IPBookFig5-53.gargoyle IPBookFig5-53.ip Figure 5.54 The result of Example 5.14. IPBookFig5-54.gargoyle IPBookFig5-54.ip Figure 5.55 The result of Example 5.15. IPBookFig5-55.gargoyle IPBookFig5-55.ip Figure 5.56 A summary of mask operators for line graphics. IPBookFig5-56.gargoyle IPBookFig5-56.ip Chapter 6 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter6/ _ IPBookFig6-*b.gargoyle Figure 6.1 Image scanning model. IPBookFig6-1.gargoyle IPBookFig6-1.ip Figure 6.2 Scanning an image to obtain a sample sequence and a sample array. IPBookFig6-2.gargoyle IPBookFig6-2.ip Figure 6.3 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-3.gargoyle IPBookFig6-3.ip IPBookFig6-3B.gargoyle IPBookFig6-3B.ip Figure 6.4 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-4.gargoyle IPBookFig6-4.ip Figure 6.5 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-5.gargoyle IPBookFig6-5.ip Figure 6.6 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-6.gargoyle IPBookFig6-6.ip Figure 6.7 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-7.gargoyle IPBookFig6-7.ip Figure 6.8 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-8.gargoyle IPBookFig6-8.ip Figure 6.9 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-9.gargoyle IPBookFig6-9.ip Figure 6.10 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-10.gargoyle IPBookFig6-10.ip Figure 6.11 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-11.gargoyle IPBookFig6-11.ip Figure 6.12 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-12.gargoyle IPBookFig6-12.ip Figure 6.13 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-13.gargoyle IPBookFig6-13.ip Figure 6.14 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-14.gargoyle IPBookFig6-14.ip Figure 6.15 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-15.gargoyle IPBookFig6-15.ip Figure 6.16 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-16.gargoyle IPBookFig6-16.ip Figure 6.17 Building a pixel array. IPBookFig6-17.gargoyle IPBookFig6-17.ip Chapter 7 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter7/ _ IPBookFig7-*b.gargoyle Figure 7 Chapter 8 Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/Chapter8/ _ IPBookFig8-*b.gargoyle Figure 8.1 Pages printed by Example 8.7. IPBookFig8-1.gargoyle IPBookFig8-1.ip Figure 8.2 The result of Example 8.8. IPBookFig8-2.gargoyle IPBookFig8-2.ip Figure 8.3 The result of Example 8.9. IPBookFig8-3.gargoyle IPBookFig8-3.ip Figure 8.4 The result of Example 8.10. IPBookFig8-4.gargoyle IPBookFig8-4.ip Figure 8.5 The run encoding of copySelect values in Example 8.13. IPBookFig8-5.gargoyle IPBookFig8-5.ip Figure 8.6 Assigning names to copies. IPBookFig8-6.gargoyle IPBookFig8-6.ip Figure 8.7 Copies named and selected in Example 8.14. IPBookFig8-7.gargoyle IPBookFig8-7.ip Figure 8.8 The result of Example 8.15. IPBookFig8-8.gargoyle IPBookFig8-8.ip Figure 8.9 The result of Example 8.16. IPBookFig8-9.gargoyle IPBookFig8-9.ip Figure 8.10 The result of Example 8.18. Using page select to print 5 full documents and summary pages. IPBookFig8-10.gargoyle IPBookFig8-10.ip Figure 8.11 Simplex and duplex printing. IPBookFig8-11.gargoyle IPBookFig8-11.ip Figure 8.12 The onSimplex instruction lets you skip pages when printing simplex. IPBookFig8-12.gargoyle IPBookFig8-12.ip Figure 8.13 The media and mediaSelect instruction lets you select thes medium used on each page of each copy. IPBookFig8-13.gargoyle IPBookFig8-13.ip Figure 8.14 The xImageShift instruction shifts the position of the ICS on the page to provide a binding offset. IPBookFig8-14.gargoyle IPBookFig8-14.ip Figure 8.15 Page selection. IPBookFig8-15.gargoyle IPBookFig8-15.ip Figure 8.16 Merging documents. IPBookFig8-16.gargoyle IPBookFig8-16.ip Figure 8.17 Transforming pages head-to-toe printing. IPBookFig8-17.gargoyle IPBookFig8-17.ip Figure 8.18 Transformations to print a portrait image in landscape orientation. IPBookFig8-18.gargoyle IPBookFig8-18.ip Figure 8.19 A page overlay to combine text with image. IPBookFig8-19.gargoyle IPBookFig8-19.ip Figure 8.20 Arranging several images on a piece to form a simple signature. IPBookFig8-20.gargoyle IPBookFig8-20.ip Figure 8.21 SquenceInsertFile lets you insert images (such as pictures and forms) into a page body of an Interpress master. IPBookFig8-21.gargoyle IPBookFig8-21.ip Figure 8.22 InsertFileMapping can map the file named in the master to the appropriate real file for the particular printer. IPBookFig8-22.gargoyle IPBookFig8-22.ip Figure 8.23 A document built using squenceInsertMaster. IPBookFig8-23.gargoyle IPBookFig8-23.ip Figure 8.24 The result of Example 8.46. IPBookFig8-24.gargoyle IPBookFig8-24.ip Figure 8.25 File-name mapping to avoid collisions and to accommodate printer dependencies. IPBookFig8-25.gargoyle IPBookFig8-25.ip Plate Figures copy /indigo/InterpressDoc/IPBook/colorPlates/ _ IPBookPlate-*b.gargoyle Plate-01-02 Colored Business Graphic from Xerox Annual Report. IPBookPlate-01-02.gargoyle IPBookPlate-01-02.ip Plate-03-04 RGB Color Solid Fig 7.4 with color added. YES Color Solid Fig. 7.6 with color added IPBookPlate-03-04.gargoyle IPBookPlate-03-04.ip Plate-05 RGB Graphic Design 5"x7" (color seps availaible) IPBookPlate-05.gargoyle IPBookPlate-05.ip Plate-06 RGB Scanned Image 5"x7" RGB Scanned Image 4"x5" IPBookPlate-06.gargoyle IPBookPlate-06.ip Tools interpressbreakup /indigo/platemaker/wallgren/InterpressBookCh1.ip interpressconcat InterpressBookChapter1.ip _ InterpressBookChapter1-1.ip InterpressBookChapter1-2.ip InterpressBookChapter1-3.ip InterpressBookChapter1-4.ip InterpressBookChapter1-5.ip InterpressBookChapter1-6.ip InterpressBookChapter1-7.ip InterpressBookChapter1-8.ip InterpressBookChapter1-9.ip InterpressBookChapter1-10.ip InterpressBookChapter1-11.ip InterpressBookChapter1-12.ip InterpressBookChapter1-13.ip InterpressBookChapter1-14.ip InterpressBookChapter1-15.ip interpressbreakup InterpressBookCh2.ip interpressconcat InterpressBookChapter2.ip _ InterpressBookChapter2-1.ip InterpressBookChapter2-2.ip InterpressBookChapter2-3.ip InterpressBookChapter2-4.ip InterpressBookChapter2-5.ip InterpressBookChapter2-6.ip InterpressBookChapter2-7.ip InterpressBookChapter2-8.ip InterpressBookChapter2-9.ip InterpressBookChapter2-10.ip InterpressBookChapter2-11.ip InterpressBookChapter2-12.ip InterpressBookChapter2-13.ip InterpressBookChapter2-14.ip InterpressBookChapter2-15.ip InterpressBookChapter2-16.ip InterpressBookChapter2-17.ip InterpressBookChapter2-18.ip InterpressBookChapter2-19.ip InterpressBookChapter2-20.ip InterpressBookChapter2-21.ip InterpressBookChapter2-22.ip InterpressBookChapter2-23.ip InterpressBookChapter2-24.ip InterpressBookChapter2-25.ip InterpressBookChapter2-26.ip InterpressBookChapter2-27.ip InterpressBookChapter2-28.ip InterpressBookChapter2-29.ip InterpressBookChapter2-30.ip InterpressBookChapter2-31.ip InterpressBookChapter2-32.ip InterpressBookChapter2-33.ip InterpressBookChapter2-34.ip InterpressBookChapter2-35.ip InterpressBookChapter2-36.ip InterpressBookChapter2-37.ip InterpressBookChapter2-38.ip InterpressBookChapter2-39.ip InterpressBookChapter2-40.ip InterpressBookChapter2-41.ip ʨ˜Jšœs˜sJšÐblœJÏb œÄž œ¹ž œºž œ­ž œ¦ž œ…ž œåž œšž œ”ž œÐž œºž œãž œŽ˜þJš%œDž œÝž œŸž œ¤ž œ—ž œŠž œâž œèž œÇž œ”ž œËž œÒž œÝž œÈž œž œçž œÍž œ§˜­$Jš`œDœœGœœeœ)œbœIœsœ,œœ9œ(œœœHœkœ_œNœ œpœcœBœnœNœœîœ&œ<œ#œeœMœbœ,œŠœ¨œ¬œ¯œêœ«œœªœÒœœºœòœ¸œþ˜¤6JšPœcœˆœ‚œcœaœ^œaœRœaœmœŽœžœœ|œmœœiœaœlœeœfœfœfœ…œyœjœtœZœœdœ-œTœ-œ€œ­œbœaœ_œnœ@˜"Jš¬œxœ+œ)œSœ+œ'œ+œœ+œœ+œœ+œ'œ+œVœ+œ:œ-œ2œ-œ2œ-œ(œ-œœ-œ"œ-œ(œ-œ(œ-œœ-œœ-œœ,œ/œqœYœ-œ-œ+œ.œeœsœsœgœ’œuœœ[œ)œUœœWœ#œUœSœmœTœœUœ]œ]œœ–œaœVœbœTœœVœsœ€œ^œVœœVœVœVœVœiœ+˜þ+Jš˜Jš$œkœxœNœxœNœNœNœNœNœOœQœQœQœQœQœQœQœ3˜› JšœV˜gJšBœtœSœRœTœoœSœbœTœTœUœ>œXœ€œœŸœKœNœdœœfœ{œ«œ«œgœWœŠœ0 œŽœ—œpœkœ2œœ˜œ)—…—zú¨