Gargoyle file for scene: []<>ipbook>IPBookFig8-14.gargoyle
Produced by version 8706.25

Slope: [T 0.0] [F 15.0] [F 30.0] [F 38.44058] [F 45.0] [F 60.0] [T 90.0] [F 120.0] [F 135.0] [F 150.0]
Angle: [F -90.0] [F -60.0] [F -45.0] [F -30.0] [F 0.0] [F 30.0] [F 45.0] [F 60.0] [F 90.0]
Radius: [F 6.5] [F 4.0] [F 3.5] [F 3.0] [F 2.361783] [F 2.0] [F 1.75] [F 1.5] [F 1.0] [F 0.8] [F 0.75] [F 0.6666667] [F 0.5] [F 0.3333333] [F 0.3] [F 0.28] [F 0.25] [F 0.23] [F 0.2] [F 0.1574802] [F 0.15] [F 0.125] [F 0.1111111] [F 0.0625] [F 5.555556e-2]
LineDistance: [F 1.0] [F 0.5] [F 0.25] [F 0.2] [F 0.15] [F 0.1111111] [F 5.555556e-2] [F 0.0]
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Heuristics: T
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Dashed: F
Anchor: F

Entities: [38]:

fillColor: [0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [9] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F 
[0.0,0.0] (Line  ) [306.0001,0.0] (Line  ) [612.0001,0.0] (Line  ) [612.0001,396.0001] (Line  ) [612.0001,792.0002] (Line  ) [306.0001,792.0002] (Line  ) [0.0,792.0002] (Line  ) [0.0,396.0001] (Line  ) [0.0,72.0] (Line  ) [0.0,0.0]

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fillColor: [0 1.0 1.0 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [7] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F 
[258.0001,471.0] (Line  ) [301.273,471.0] (Line  ) [344.5456,471.0] (Line  ) [344.5456,526.9999] (Line  ) [344.5456,583.0] (Line  ) [301.273,583.0] (Line  ) [258.0001,583.0] (Line  ) [258.0001,524.7508] (Line  )

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fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T square w: 2.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[276.0001,601.0] (Line  ) [276.0001,453.0]

fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T square w: 2.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[241.4401,471.0] (Line  ) [369.5456,471.0]

T "y" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 264.0988 0.0 12.0 608.2418][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

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fillColor: [0 1.0 1.0 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [7] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F 
[369.0,223.0] (Line  ) [412.2729,223.0] (Line  ) [455.5455,223.0] (Line  ) [455.5455,278.9999] (Line  ) [455.5455,335.0] (Line  ) [412.2729,335.0] (Line  ) [369.0,335.0] (Line  ) [369.0,276.7508] (Line  )

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fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T square w: 2.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[352.0,353.0] (Line  ) [352.0,205.0]

fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T square w: 2.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[335.44,223.0] (Line  ) [469.1055,223.0]

T "y" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 340.0987 0.0 12.0 360.2418][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T " x" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 468.828 0.0 12.0 219.2713][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T "ICS" xerox/pressfonts/helvetica [8.0 0.0 478.188 0.0 8.0 217.0][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T "ICS" xerox/pressfonts/helvetica [8.0 0.0 346.0987 0.0 8.0 357.9705][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

fillColor: [0 1.0 1.0 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [7] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F 
[153.0,223.0] (Line  ) [196.2729,223.0] (Line  ) [239.5455,223.0] (Line  ) [239.5455,278.9999] (Line  ) [239.5455,335.0] (Line  ) [196.2729,335.0] (Line  ) [153.0,335.0] (Line  ) [153.0,276.7508] (Line  )

T "1" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [16.0 0.0 223.0 0.0 16.0 314.0][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T square w: 2.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[171.0,353.0] (Line  ) [171.0,205.0]

fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T square w: 2.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[136.44,223.0] (Line  ) [264.5455,223.0]

T "y" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 159.0987 0.0 12.0 360.2418][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T " x" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 266.768 0.0 12.0 219.2713][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T "ICS" xerox/pressfonts/helvetica [8.0 0.0 276.128 0.0 8.0 217.0][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T "ICS" xerox/pressfonts/helvetica [8.0 0.0 165.0987 0.0 8.0 357.9705][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T "xImageShift (simplex)" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [16.0 0.0 226.2661 0.0 16.0 406.4574][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[223.2661,412.0] (Bezier [212.132,442.0264] [270.1341,420.9736] ) [267.0,452.0]

fillColor: [1 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[256.8398,469.8994] (Bezier [257.1766,459.5086] [264.6965,469.8548] Tools ) [266.0,463.2518] (Bezier [267.3035,469.8548] [274.8233,459.5091] Tools ) [275.1602,469.8994] (Bezier [274.8233,461.45] [267.3035,471.0554] Tools ) [266.0,463.9719] (Bezier [264.6965,471.0554] [257.1766,461.45] Tools )

fillColor: [1 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[267.0,464.1156] (Line  ) [270.3104,450.4197] (Line  ) [267.0,452.0] (Line  ) [263.6896,450.4197] (Line  )

T "The xImageShift instruction shifts the position of the ICS on the page" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 165.5 0.0 12.0 72.0][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

T "to provide a binding offset." xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [12.0 0.0 165.5 0.0 12.0 57.6][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )

fillColor: [1 0.5]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (open) [2] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[161.9999,204.0] (Bezier [162.0032,180.8161] [209.8659,200.0264] ) [228.0,162.0] (Bezier [209.8659,200.0264] [374.134,165.9736] ) [360.9999,204.0]

fillColor: [1 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[151.8397,221.8994] (Bezier [152.1765,211.5086] [159.6964,221.8548] Tools ) [160.9999,215.2518] (Bezier [162.3034,221.8548] [169.8232,211.5091] Tools ) [170.1601,221.8994] (Bezier [169.8232,213.45] [162.3034,223.0554] Tools ) [160.9999,215.9719] (Bezier [159.6964,223.0554] [152.1765,213.45] Tools )

fillColor: [1 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[350.8396,221.8994] (Bezier [351.1765,211.5086] [358.6964,221.8548] Tools ) [359.9999,215.2518] (Bezier [361.3034,221.8548] [368.8232,211.5091] Tools ) [369.1601,221.8994] (Bezier [368.8232,213.45] [361.3034,223.0554] Tools ) [359.9999,215.9719] (Bezier [358.6964,223.0554] [351.1765,213.45] Tools )

fillColor: [1 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[161.9999,216.1157] (Line  ) [165.3103,202.4197] (Line  ) [161.9999,204.0] (Line  ) [158.6895,202.4197] (Line  )

fillColor: [1 1.0]
Trajectories: [1]
Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F 
[360.9999,216.1157] (Line  ) [364.3103,202.4197] (Line  ) [360.9999,204.0] (Line  ) [357.6895,202.4197] (Line  )