Gargoyle file for scene: ///ipbook/IPBookFig3-41a.gargoyle Produced by version 8708.21 Slope: [T 0.0] [F 30.0] [F 45.0] [F 60.0] [T 90.0] [F 120.0] [F 135.0] [F 150.0] Angle: [F -90.0] [F -60.0] [F -45.0] [F -30.0] [F 0.0] [F 30.0] [F 45.0] [F 60.0] [F 90.0] Radius: [F 4.0] [F 2.0] [F 1.75] [F 1.55] [F 1.5] [F 1.0] [F 0.75] [F 0.6666667] [F 0.5] [F 0.3333333] [F 0.3] [F 0.28] [F 0.25] [F 0.23] [F 0.2] [F 0.15] [F 0.125] [F 0.1111111] [T 5.555556e-2] LineDistance: [F 1.0] [F 0.5] [F 0.25] [F 0.1111111] [F 5.555556e-2] [F 0.0] Midpoints: T Heuristics: F ShowAlignments: T ShowColors: F ScaleUnit: 72.0 DisplayStyle: print Gravity: T GravityExtent: 0.3472222 GravityType: pointsPreferred DefaultFont: xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica-mrr [r1: 0.0 s: [12.0 12.0] r2: 0.0] 1.0 1.0 Defaults: [1 0.5] [1 1.0] 2.0 round round Dashed: F Shadows: []F Anchor: F Entities: [21]: Outline fillColor: [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] Trajectories: [1] Traj (open) [9] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [0.0,0.0] (Line ) [306.0001,0.0] (Line ) [612.0001,0.0] (Line ) [612.0001,396.0001] (Line ) [612.0001,792.0002] (Line ) [306.0001,792.0002] (Line ) [0.0,792.0002] (Line ) [0.0,396.0001] (Line ) [0.0,72.0] (Line ) [0.0,0.0] Text T "Figure 3.41 " xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica-b [8.000004 0.0 240.0555 0.0 8.000004 73.13565][0 0.0 0.0 0.0] F 1.0 props: ( F ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.5 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [143.4219,313.861] (Line ) [143.4219,172.667] (Line ) [220.5439,128.1407] (Line ) [220.5439,269.3348] (Line ) Outline fillColor: [0 1.0 1.0 1.0] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [4] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [397.4448,313.861] (Line 1.5 ) [397.4448,172.667] (Line 1.5 ) [474.5668,128.1407] (Line 1.5 ) [474.5668,269.3348] (Line 1.5 ) [397.4448,313.861] (Line 0.0 ) Text T "Color" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [9.000004 0.0 167.6971 0.0 9.000004 110.3057][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F ) Text T "Mask" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [9.000004 0.0 254.7131 0.0 9.000004 110.3057][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F ) Text T "Clipper" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [9.000004 0.0 334.3395 0.0 9.000004 110.3057][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F ) Text T "Page" xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [9.000004 0.0 423.2592 0.0 9.000004 110.3057][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F ) Outline fillColor: [0 0.5 0.5 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [319.6168,179.611] (Line 0.5 ) [322.5397,181.2985] (Line 1.5 ) [322.5397,236.4989] (Line 0.5 ) [319.6168,238.1864] (Line 0.5 ) Outline fillColor: [0 0.722 0.722 0.722] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [375.769,150.5666] (Line 0.5 ) [375.769,147.1916] (Line 0.5 ) [319.6168,179.611] (Line 0.5 ) [322.5397,181.2985] (Line 1.5 ) Outline fillColor: [0 0.722 0.722 0.722] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [390.8669,271.0223] (Line 0.5 ) [387.944,269.3348] (Line 0.5 ) [310.822,313.861] (Line 1.5 ) [313.7448,315.5485] (Line 1.5 ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [387.944,269.3348] (Line 0.5 ) [390.8669,271.0223] (Line 1.5 ) [390.8669,129.8282] (Line 1.5 ) [387.944,128.1407] (Line 0.5 ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.0] Trajectories: [2] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.5 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [375.769,147.1916] (Line ) [319.6168,179.611] (Line ) [319.6168,238.1864] (Line ) [375.769,205.767] (Line ) Traj (hole) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [310.822,313.861] (Line 1.5 ) [310.822,172.667] (Line 1.5 ) [387.944,128.1407] (Line 0.5 ) [387.944,269.3348] (Line 0.5 ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [2] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F [407.1048,237.6869] (Bezier [404.0227,205.6096] [416.7809,183.4335] ) [438.8449,178.5099] (Bezier [456.292,177.658] [464.4023,194.4917] ) [463.7326,204.993] (Line ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [6] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.5 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F [298.3132,210.3539] (Bezier [298.0104,196.964] [289.9226,180.1197] ) [272.4744,180.9478] (Bezier [250.4038,185.8417] [237.6157,208.0005] ) [238.8439,237.6665] (Bezier [239.1467,251.0564] [247.1617,266.5262] ) [261.3007,265.9208] (Line ) [227.8719,277.861] (Line ) [227.8719,187.111] (Line ) [304.9939,145.111] (Line ) Outline fillColor: [0 0.722 0.722 0.722] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F [298.3132,210.3539] (Bezier 1.5 [298.0104,196.964] [289.9226,180.1197] ) [272.4744,180.9478] (Line 0.0 ) [243.6524,180.4255] (Line 0.0 ) [291.8071,154.2008] (Line 0.0 ) Outline fillColor: [0 0.722 0.722 0.722] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [4] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [227.1219,313.861] (Line 1.5 ) [230.0447,315.5485] (Line 1.5 ) [307.1667,271.0223] (Line 0.5 ) [304.2439,269.3348] (Line 0.5 ) [265.683,291.598] (Line 0.5 ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [304.2439,269.3348] (Line 0.5 ) [307.1667,271.0223] (Line 1.5 ) [307.1667,129.8282] (Line 1.5 ) [304.2439,128.1407] (Line 0.5 ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.0] Trajectories: [2] Traj (fence) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 0.5 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F [235.4618,235.0146] (Bezier [234.2336,205.3485] [247.0217,183.1896] ) [269.0923,178.2958] (Bezier [286.5405,177.4675] [294.6283,194.3121] ) [294.9312,207.7019] (Bezier [296.1593,237.3681] [283.3712,259.5269] ) [261.3007,264.4207] (Bezier [243.8524,265.2491] [235.7646,248.4045] ) Traj (hole) [3] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: -1.0 c: T [0 0.0 0.0 0.0] d: T F [227.1219,313.861] (Line 1.5 ) [227.1219,172.667] (Line 1.5 ) [304.2439,128.1407] (Line 0.5 ) [304.2439,269.3348] (Line 0.5 ) Outline fillColor: [1 0.5] Trajectories: [1] Traj (open) [1] arrows: 0 j: round e: T round w: 1.5 c: T [1 1.0] d: T F [272.4744,180.9478] (Bezier [250.4038,185.8417] [237.6157,208.0005] ) [238.8439,237.6665] Text T "The effect of the clipper." xerox/pressfonts/Helvetica [8.000004 0.0 292.0556 0.0 8.000004 73.13565][1 1.0] F 1.0 props: ( F )