[SACAlgebraicNumbers/anrd.ea: Algebraic number read.
V is a variable list of length one.
M is the integral minimal polynomial,and J an isolating interval,
for a real algebraic number.]
(1) C=CREADB(); if C~='(' then go to 2;
V=VLREAD(); C=CREADB(); if C~=',' then go to 2;
M=IPSR(V); C=CREADB(); if C~=',' then go to 2;
C=CREADB(); if C~='(' then go to 2;
u=RNSRD(); C=CREADB(); if C~=',' then go to 2;
v=RNSRD(); C=CREADB(); if C~=')' then go to 2;
C=CREADB(); if C~=')' then go to 2; return.
(2) print "ERROR IN ANRD"; stop..