Doug Wyatt, May 31, 1985 10:34:50 am PDT
Michael Plass, October 29, 1985 9:20:57 am PST
Nickell, September 18, 1985 11:11:14 am PDT
Tim Diebert: September 18, 1985 4:29:18 pm PDT
Interpress Tools
Cedar tools for manipulating Interpress masters
Doug Wyatt, Michael Plass
© Copyright 1985 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: InterpressTools provides a collection of tools for manipulating Interpress masters. We expect the collection to grow over time; the operations currently implemented are conversions between various print file formats.
Created by: Doug Wyatt
Maintained by: Doug Wyatt <>
Keywords: Interpress, Imager, printing
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
note: in the following, angle brackets surround parameter names, square brackets denote optional syntax, curly brackets denote repetition zero or more times, and underlines denote things that you actually type.
IPWrittenFromXerox [<output> ] <input>
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the Xerox encoding
<output> will be in a written encoding, suitable for hand-editing
IPXeroxFromWritten [<output> ] <input> [<version>]
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the written encoding
<output> will be in the Xerox encoding, suitable for machine processing
<version> is an optional version number (i.e., 2.1) that will be placed verbatim in the header.
PressToInterpress [<output> ] <input> [<version>]
<input> is the file name of a Press file
<output> will be an Interpress master in the Xerox encoding
<version> is an optional version number (i.e., 1.0) that will be placed in the header; if supplied, an attempt will be made to translate the pressfonts to Xerox corporate standard fonts.
AISToInterpress [<output> ] <input>
A simple way to get an Interpress master from a gray-scale AIS file.
The AIS image is scaled to fit a standard 8.5 by 11 inch page, with a small margin.
The command line is printed as a caption at the bottom.
ColorAISToInterpress [<output> ] <inputRoot>
The corresponding command for color AIS files.
The inputRoot parameter specifies the root for the names of three color AIS files; the actual file names are derived by appending -red.ais, -green.ais, and -blue.ais to inputRoot (other popular naming conventions will work as well).
The AIS image is scaled to fit a standard 8.5 by 11 inch page, with a small margin.
The command line is printed as a caption at the bottom.
InterpressToPD [<output> ] <input> <deviceType> {black | cyan | magenta | yellow} [of (3 | 4)] [<pixelsPerHalftoneDot> ppd] [<tx> in <ty> in translate] [<scale> scale] [<skip> skipPages] [<n> nPages]
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the Xerox encoding
<output> will be a PD file
<deviceType>: raven300 | raven384 | plateMaker | puffin |
  colorVersatec | versatec | color400 | c150
black | cyan | magenta | yellow
 denotes which color passes are desired (do not use for versatec or colorVersatec).
of <number> specifies how many inks the press has
<pixelsPerHalftoneDot> ppd specifies how many pixels per halftone dot
<tx> and <ty> are translations of the whole page, in inches
<scale> is a scale factor for the whole page
<skip> is the number of pages to skip at the beginning of the file (default 0)
<n> is the number of pages to print (default is to print to end)
InterpressToPress [<output> ] <input>
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the Xerox encoding
<output> will be a Press file; note that all Interpress semantics are not supported by Press
InterpressToJaM [<output> ] <input>
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master in the Xerox encoding
<output> will be a JaM text file
] <input> {[(<key>: <real><unit>)|(scale: <s>)|(page: <p>)|(clip: <clip>)}{,|;}}
foo.ip page: 1, topMargin: 1 in, leftMargin: 1 in, height: 9 in, depth: 0 in, width: 6.5 in, scale: 1, clip: FALSE, topSpace: 4 bp, bottomSpace: 8 bp
Creates a document with the designated portion of the page as a tioga "Artwork Interpress" node; this node may contain arbitrary graphics, and may be selected, copied, moved, and deleted just like tioga node. It will be displayed on the screen if ArtworkInterpress is enabled (see below). If ArtworkInterpress is not enabled, you will see a comment describing where the Interpress came from. The keyword parameters need be specified only if they differ from the default values shown above. <unit> is in, pt, cm, mm, or bp.
<output> is the name of an output file; if not provided. a viewer will be created to hold the new document
<input> is the file name of an Interpress master
<s> is a magnification factor to apply to the page image
<clip> is TRUE or FALSE, and says whether to clip the image to the designated rectangle (Research Interpress only)
the remaining parameters describe the portion of the page to be included:
<key>: topMargin | leftMargin | height | depth | width | topSpace | bottomSpace
The preferred way to specify the area is with the height parameter, leaving the depth to default to zero. The selection feedback will be more pleasant this way.
ArtworkInterpress on | off
Enables or disables ArtworkInterpress
This provides compatibility (sort of) for Xerox Character Code fonts like you will find in Interpress masters coming from other parts of the corporation. Run automatically with any of the above.
InterpressOverlay <output> ← <input1> <input2> {translate <x> <y> | rotate <angle> | scale <scale> | scale2 <sx> <sy>}
Overlays two interpress masters on each other, page by page. <output> will have the same number of pages as <input1>; <input2> will be cycled through as necessary. Good for adding platemaker corner marks, private data seals, etc. Any transformations specified will be applied only to <input2>. <x> <y> <sx> <sy> are all specified in meters, and <angle> in degrees.
Client interfaces
For creating Tioga Artwork with the Imager.
Implemented by ImagerArtworkImpl.