Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Plass, June 26, 1985 6:09:55 pm PDT
Doug Wyatt, March 7, 1986 2:45:31 pm PST
Imager USING [Color, Context],
ImagerTransformation USING [Transformation],
ImagerSample USING [SampleMap],
Terminal USING [Virtual];
~ BEGIN OPEN Imager;
Kind: TYPE ~ ATOM;
The specific kind of raster context.
KindOf: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [Kind];
KnownKinds: PROC RETURNS [LIST OF Kind];
The current list of known kinds of raster contexts.
SurfaceToDevice: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [ImagerTransformation.Transformation];
TerminalFromContext: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [vt: Terminal.Virtual, color: BOOL];
vt=NIL if no context is known to be associated with the context.
SampleMapsFromContext: PROC [context: Context]
[LIST OF ImagerSample.SampleMap];
Returns NIL if no SampleMaps are known to be associated with the context.
DoWithBuffer: PROC [context: Context, action: PROC, x, y, w, h: INTEGER,
backgroundColor: Color ← NIL];
Equivalent to clipping to the given rectangle [x, y, w, h] and then calling action, all under a DoSaveAll. Will buffer the output where possible. If backgroundColor#NIL, the rectangle will be filled with the color before action is called.